Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1887, p. 6

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l had onse mors MI a tucrsay Wlnmtlq anyf* erbu; Lo«g Unes t'.atood Ibrougli en -raina, And bravM lUte's tesrful hurricanes While strenger ones have teli); The reaspu wby, vo canziot ses, But what to ns seeomu mystery The Builder knoev full well. But nov 'tii Veatherveru and aiC, ,The SnLmmer's heat and Winher'sco Pierces through the valle nd roc 'Tia like a garment go veru ont To inend there seemne Dowhereabeut 80 gono la warp and voot. Tihe tottering pillre all Sare&ea, The poor aidArsty binge. creak, Tho windows, tee, are dim. Those eliglit dîacoomferts vo wili pase For looking darkly through a glass,' We Catch a bopoful glearu. Nature and reaon tell ns al, This ahattored frame ore Ion; muet fai Where, viien or how, unknewn. We'lil bave that te the Arehiteot, And trust hie wisdem te direct The taking of it dewn. A.nd when yen ses it prestratoilie Let net a tear bedîm the oye, The tenant is net here, But ' it beyond Time'. littie aac She lftds some quiet roatin place, No more te date ber year . An huhYenU eo lier here ne more Th w il.ii mevo jui s iebefere; 'Tis meet it should b. ne. Lot eaclihisie use in erder set, That hoe méy lbave witheut regret Wbo4over alpd ta o "'AU's WeUl that Ends WeUl. Conclz&dd. "MY narne je Merois Carliesi,"i Young giel ausvered. "ro think yeu&n vu e in, flot even kuowi Mny narne !-vbat good peoplId mut be1 I wieh I oould recoli thînge. Why, the Iset thing ' 'Dau member je going te sleep, 1 think ; b il wae in mry owa roorn-a bars liti place enugh-ueîhing 1k. Ibis. thiuk I muet bave beec irauapoi cornewbere in m? sleop, Uke oeeoftsi beroiues of a -tairy tals. Where aMrn -on the other aide ot the Iooking-glai vhsre Alic, vent ? I am a bewilde sd s absvas, only thiq ngaaeDot R. aide dovu. Toi) me ?" "&h, Yen fergot tb. dootor'e osi tien!1 And you wre tbe agod g and not ask questions just yet a whil Wben you're botter, Ilil take you -ei An the garden, s wil ha streastot poor ou7y clip like yen, I knov. I' viager yen neyer saw aueh. Spitocniâ in your lits. I alvaya bas good luc VU b'eut ; Au tact, uiy bush ià luok3 they @&Y. lMra. Petîitee> aivays ael sez abs, 'You'rs a Ilock; vouzan, 8i yen tire!1 1'11 take it kiudly if yen'l set eut my salivas for me ; for your) voesaa eowo iast fat!, masje goaDel trot] -tand'a op in puffiok raukm il in red like Silertary, yen nover see. Ang there'a look in yeur band,'aez ab-1 "IIIam catch a glimpse et yoQs gardon from theb. itidow,~" aaid Maria pobiteiy,"sud I1arn surs it leok@ p)eae sut. There je a rose just sbigb si the lover paris, snd je seernu as if i voespespiug ln." 46IIt h. pneies tbt ioekmeut--t- Hlad ah.boad a fit of inanDity, ah, wondered, sud beau put under a phyiiaus care for saat-keeping ? 8h. oould remembr ber old lite perfeeîly, se htougt-ihe drudgery, tl ltplî- ne, thé meueîouy oe t A; surreuuded by strangere, vifheut tb. pleasures of yeuth-had at liseonquered ber rea- son, and mad. ber melauoholy mad? She bearcoiy dsrodte ask auy,.ques- tions, but she grewv suent snd Moody. Dr. Aloi notieed the change. There va s onetbing Anu the vay ot bis patioet'areoovery, snd ho grewv-miser. ab1. over t. Ha wautsd to ses a obeer. fut light iu those violot eyee, sud the flàsb etofbealth upon those eotly round- .d üheeke. H. fouud b. had no bosrt An bis work'-4n anythiug-while ébat white face sud tbose oaçpealing sye vwer.eoverbefore hAlu. AtAIsat, ou. day, Morco!&ftartlod hlm vwithb Ique.. tien: "Wontld you ensider-mp of uquud mAnd M prinsnt, doctor ?" I Dr.Alx baed imeif at once- the moment badarived. ."As aoûndoas uyseIf," b.au.wered, "Thon tel me-for I must kuno- boy I cesm Au ito your, bande. Tue effort> te, reiembsr msddens me." "Uov m*ch-do yenreeober, rMY sleep,aho Raid, iytng te becau aomee *hiCï. «I bad.bwU workug very bard, aud eat dov frra moment te reet, 1 kraev iothln'q more ili I oee a eyon ou Iis plioe." pe y "AInotbtjug ùul Ibad oecurred, orwat*bout t<> occur# ou that aveu-, bralb wers. th"~ pas ba) 'lpp4.ssy re .'he wbèi ý -thi. Youug girl msuit weslilpe h a îý iov aud omethlng. eiep "I vill expIn," sait) the, doo$qi14 h..y vith a dosièt. eid buafforts.ùTheré.ý 'lng" -0 vas a fie ; our bons. vas burned ; *tery ee 1#e1 ye moo. had lb.8eroke auffocated îou, and von for oeebrefeh> h e, ,11*dross,- ver s broug t ont Ase i bleý ' ' o b M .I Int~ o l t e Msroia brigbte.d Up visible. A hAut atrattpIy1 îid o io ferelief came uto ber fac.e.. oat My. s ikA~ * "Ah, boy glad I asut! I vas afrait) valk An thlb. de thas I -muet have gene mat) sauddouly, the sonu'htnS,6h.lookot) v.ry, ta t, nsd that I had beon ba'ongbt e soute -sad helpieas. Sie . on a retrat for cré." aru t teban updý , and , of oua 'eel "T ere vae, bevever, ue single. phygioasn u W b otand té '. v ,- '. circumetance &bout the affair," esaid the tte ber,. doctor, tbiuking il lime te ceear up "soute One bae bs.u aM&king uqÏ malteraabout thst vetlt)ng.drss Ten 'Aud vhat vas that ?"' Mfarcia ask. utaber thei, WBI'Sa me#>ofecourgg ed, villi novae nxioty. " h e . M s B r r. f s * "en e a dridal dree-a v.ry lin.Barber, a girl wib brigu t i bi, rioh sud bandeerne aflair, tee.-." eyes sud ropy cbesks. What ias] A Ray langh iutsrrnpted bina. do- P" "Oh, nov I ose. I It a&H omes baok Jeu tiwAtt 'nothing. 1 sah let te me pertocîly. I amn enly a drear.tber b droe, -vtlja-noteof, expli maker, yen ses ; and-I had been sev- tien su a 11teooétver dam4e' ing ail day on that dreup, thinkiug &Dy rate,, ah. wîl nDot *&nît nov, soutotimes rather sadly cf uap ovu "Wbny aket) heàriA, An Wonder lonelinesesud the-brighter ho p os sud "Beosua h as o elg love that avaited Ibis-othor gir. When marrled "asvrdi.dot, wh I aetouied k uotae f o yers Au t thlt for t ) , ale "So th.lie I il w i *vêning I ôould Îlot reuiât tbe fancy pou about il."9 that took possesion ef me te ses boy I The note of explanatou VUs asfl wonld look lu sncb attire. I have ai. lovae: wsys adto te ar lbe piaineot sert, you "l)uu ia Es unnM: Naving heard V kuiow ; ge I put il on, and for a mo intontienally ta-day a piece of jour mi, ment fanciot) myseif se t-ber ginls are, snd reselvmng that yen aheuld net de ri IauJ net the drndge Iwu. Then I lonce te y'our sifootions sud îbnov 'pa iNed ' over frmy sake, 1nov Wrte vaesosedeadtired, that I at dow u a yen frosL-fre. tn m 1ehlm hi py. 8, .0 MOM nt beofre taking it off. Andt tht savig yn rin tahe iseryhappy. 1 41 in boy il al happend-I must bave mnrriage, sud pou ought tote Uia i, goens aleep on the instant." Your wedding..dren resCuet) froin thb. nr A etrauge relief seemedt) lebave corne lis, mffered somewht : but I bhink t 0& to th dooor, loo.b retred. At ail vent, I enclose the te 16, e oraise.He gave a cheery chieck fer that purpase. Tratlug ni of 1 g , s bes id .happy witl tbs M a 0t yur 9 oYe -à rig 4Wel, vs ave been lokinR for the ;m, our, 2ocS oug disceusolate lover, and vouderd snd ALUL Mo£Doxàuxa>y vet onderd over bis non.appearancoé AU toit) Marcia ai) about t oe ei r:- An ey u certeinolpgeî yourselt np li n te vaoweks lator. The yeung gil haý but'styl fortbatfire"net gene back te ber vork-abe va 41 Marcja b8gàt le look asuxiont sgsîu. net Srong enougb, se the doctor s"id 1 "'But the dresa I-it magtb. quite. at,.eofcourso, ahe mu@t oboy ber phy, ma sPoiled 1 Oh, vbî ha i btl I do? I VieLThn, old lMn@. MDDuli -hoDa nver py on il. I ave lst evsy. foîud ber inaluble ; ne eue ppreot. îtiug f tbe bouse la bunnot, sud in. edth l. ees 5w-vl, sud the ad 1&4y de.d ail I bsd would net bave beec lvas gotting souasybat teebla. e sough te psy tor it VI Marcia sood near tbe brave raukg Ci 2. A red spot begante ao ppoar on1"salvas,"eailb.oIlady Oslled Ibata, ~5elîben cbeek, sud the gleving soanlet blooma utade a bu- "Corne, corne I on bal! net ecite 9gorgeons bacigrount) for the lini,, zgyouself. W.undertandthelb.mater girlî>h figureiAuthb.wvte drsas. Tbe le an sd viii net talk auy More skan t sun aborne devuon lte reugb bronz lt il at presnt. W hn yn are botter, anU culeand lbe gnte -trnîbful oyea; vill bearrnued. Ton bave eny t sud A ifelt that ber. v s a ntr ,Sheep quie-eat, sleop, sud amie -for vblch sanman'e bo eariaDsr the ucît veek." dt ATheMaciael r on vgt sho v*k. 1[e bd some lait verdi te say Chat eh ea4Thodecor ad viil e mkudit) fot relate le PoIly. altbough tbhy 'y thbuex day. poily bad eome home rsferret)tsvd)îgdes ,-indee aebat) homedngdrse od0ah. been ho e ra - "I n lfot *&nt t ;usî lihe Ibis ii couple et daja, but ho bat) net feh ibat ee vi eut o0kdvi ms no oveast. teiles!, bis paient. ""Bu t'aIk I mugi hbaveome difeérenee., th e rode a!onrogh vat bisreauts fer '«T>J.bride vAl! be dlffaront, uvr il &ouay br havth Chat %vas eouir4Mai, itha lygan. id golden on either aide vith ttieroupu, Tlan aflan or iat '« utar a u t ) t a r r o t ) u t b d a l s@ i e . N Ci n g 6 e T o r , k t r e f onàl a k g v u arceuit) homore sweeîly rural Ibsu the utehe nt.Wt rfun hnnvn llitte brev, tiuetae. eîaA -eottage iniu bis-ert " bich bit viid rose bloomot).()Id and) 'Plain sa ilbat) beentAme bat) znilov The Sheppard Case. ed et inlubea ny u d varmtb t clo, fN0 WTyq o O RT A B? sud nature hat) drapei t) Atvlh " v»FOine,,TOFCOR-Àm n3ne beut o saut ie vs mat)e of shvoucu Warrant Amouat.d ly. t meiney;Thbutn ole Akathat sort of PP 18ise uade suothers*8t-,en i h i g. T h e m i i a s f g e o o ff it b i l v set&a s oi l e . - i b a t ' s i h m a i i e r 1 "O v n g t b l b . P r o s e c u t i o n . T i t u s u e , N o P o l y M iaà r - . b. v a s S O o t r e t ) b y m> n y p a ti le, "O h , d ry u p 1 I k u v v b s t a n ed su b sîn t aîî y h. t u h , s donha takiug about. The bou O s. l u no) hOo ûouad ia bn eesl yrîs î L M dov ; ut b~Ia net sayÎD' ah didt c ver, ho va pst ait) a dmihsion~ i $ a g o t ) c h a n c e , o . e ! D r a ttâ r ne u j r i i n ) o nés, I ead h bt <ot) ra$s t , Rai""a eh 0a,; e1Ith o u g h î I'd ssb ve s on e t e Ortan e b 0a0lb a ti e n ,t e o f t h e m o u e y , s d < v o r ~ m r e s d a t a 4 ê , t h e. p l B n jn & p rting - p praent. vI,)dise hAutnt ilutet"ing for Chovugblt pu1>bl ication ed p er fello st ) I or br* gbX hm o eCh.on .Im ýý lies 1-by 1 eveobrugiu tpe giv. hurt up for hai 1pelsui kMj Do stQ.4 kno, onsy aiu't esierythiug. oiàr hp N et) u a f ls eo i 1~S t ~ WhPo'sta put 4he- ecroýO 10' t ueedful foras vsdd Aý .eu--1s.at - ue tej ',77. You've iRot tegel u bI oçqg the mtcth isofyoi uakinI)ot 5 -gem' te 60< ofb umý--uti- ,&Osà«»tý utyseif. JBnt f 1fit u rve on, e mo bdatit55PlO2santand sure cure. Ur zvye d jj why do ycl lot iA .û vben areInedy àaoeeavitîhd? id -The -ra4te rajtw"n, th. Grad ,d sud the truuk Uinepool continues. VU 3-le ufferlng fratethe e1 L el UhAbits, tho result ef lut f etoly Ubd thenieiosàa, -n and exhanebed; aeMIDDLE Âer. a, 3ES -MWho are =rken dewn froua the el aueuzOver.work, aud in advanced i y2neso outhfui excemses Md *flà - 1ubo6n'a Treatise on'JD of eflIe. The4 ok wifl le sent soaled lidea onreetoif two assamps. 'A KV Uos. 41 Welngton si. ID, Tor, Mlanagerso EkictoriesWork4sMp PlnMioNursges i'a loPia -in Mhort, everybod1, everywhere lho lAsueMr,'gitvn it a triaL rAKN INTERNiALLY 'MIXED WITIF Wry LÀ88 OF ROT 3M1LK A ND 8UGÂR, iT WILL nu FoUND) - ANlEVER FÂJLING CURE FoR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS CO G'ESTION OR STOPlPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPE, PAINS IN TRJE STOMACLI, SU-M MEI AND BOWEL COMPLAL-r. SOTIE TIIRO.&T &c APPLIED EXTERNÂLLT, . 'EXI'ERIENCE HAS PROVEzq IT TUE MogS EFFECTIVE AND BES? LINIMENT ON LARTH IN LEMOVINO TUE PAIN SRI ARISINO FROM SPEIN' BRL'1SES, RIIEUMA« TISM, NETJRALGIA, SWELILED FACE, TOOTH.ARJ, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25ets. per .Bottle. »Or Beware of IIntations. ff CAMPDELL'S EIIR itoum . epelly 4l oi relief aUcndah i tapon a o orreduced "alte bytaieorWeaknes udI>lp et be imat.Prompt resul.vi fallow Its use inu aes of '-udde.r, ir. hautiou snisiiwgfrein ]Asa of iod -Acute or Chi'r,îîî l>sess, aitl heIb werakuestirat ilivariably Sclîa~~ tMie recovery fr-oia WIting yev tm. I}o remedy wiil giVe more speedy relief ln l>yapepsia or indigestion, ita action on tlhe stoanach beiug that cf a geliale tand) Nainesa tomde, excitinrns oo,;ý0f digestion 10 actiou n us ahug 7 immediate and peninîat relief Tic carmnative propertieseofthe dhfuérent amalit-ca which the Elixir contains render Itmusefnj lu Flatulent Dyspepm" -It is a. valuable remet)y for Atoque Dyspepsîa, which ie apt toocoeur lu ,irsana of a gouty character. Iý FiIpveris et) llood, LAofo Pelrte,D poudency, and jj fi case v rge arr effectve ud certauiiumuI4 nt 1 n retquiiot), the Elizir wl be fount)ld bhs In' Foyers otf aaiaal 'Yeaut) tie ýiq 4nlo l resultg elbowng~p, sure » thes coid or wet, westlaer, it vilS ~i\avauable restorativo, as the cemUbiustion Of Culru a n du Se~trsare Uriverslm reoms Dreselu TnledW Comu l 8oW kL~mon Wood Worne t WÈITEY. __ G 1A 9MAaUu. PAINTE]R, u a e t h l g T E ES I G N j ates are %LononInhuranüceo*0. GLAZIER,)T~ ~. 4ofGr~!taii.PAPE.R A If yq A~A~ ~ ~ JLLSOMIN\EI? t suffifer --ÂE 850100 ND- Prol»rtY ad we gGeneral Hbuse Decr ator. ten fPapuact. Simple pelloies. NO VO"iu3conditions. Prompt settÀement Pape,'funhd[om c.a1>1 Tects e01e os099"ithout discount. Be jsure yen do rihdf0 hanenet inmure until yen know ouir ternis snd and upwards, hd 'vo conditions. Enquire et B. B. B. RAY- Odr rmtecut Tfects et WARD, our Ge&'eral Agent for South Ou--conr omt it. téee tarie. Office in Whtby-Part et D. Ormis attended to. JL ien fr onoLa-Ofic. lllettons sddressed ta KýeSHOP-Fir8t door South 'lass. Look-Box 78, Whitby P. O., will recelve o te y prompt attention. neidenceHm Cot- Mr. G. Y. Smiths 1ev OfrloO, Whitby. ente, tage, Byron street, Whitby. 2 hty a 2h 87 N SU RA NCE! AGENT SiAGENTS! RATES,-LOWI TLOW RADY-Our new book, "E iat1 i~Ses sud Sky; or, Marvels of tjý1 RADJU8TMENTS LIBERÂL 1 Univense",; being a fuil aud graphie de. LORSPADPOsTY cription af ail that la wonderful in every LOSS S P ID P OMP LYI continent oet h. Globe, lun<lie woria of ,,ComPanies sxueng the beut lu the venda, waters sud the Starry Heavens, contamnin, iesnch as thrllling adveutures on land aud Ses ré. novuet)liscovenies et the worid's greatest The LIVERPOOL, LONVDON & GLOBE, explorera i mi ages, sud nemsrkabîe phe. The L4NCIABHIRR, norueus, luevery realm of nature. Bra. bracing the etriking physicai teatures of <ho Thme WATERLOO, and sartli, the peculiar Cbsractenjstjcî o1 the Thme 2ORWICH UNI-ON, hnnan race, of animal,, birds, insecte, etc0 lucluding s vivid description cif'the Atlaý. M 0MT E r- . tic, Pacifi0 sud Indlan Oceans, sud -of the Polar Seas, the Monstens of the Deep, Lecal private funda lun sumos te suit at beantifai seashella snd plantssni~ q lowest ratsa. fishes sud dweliens lu the world oe naters, ~. B.PIRIGLE, rernarkable Ocean curreuts, etc., togethér NOTAUy PUBLIC, AMAZING PHENOMENA OF THE~ Whitby. SOLAB AND STABRjSYSTEMs B? lEeNaT DAvENPOBT NeRMxmpDb)., Embellished wlth ever 800 fiue egaigi T ~ 44 Y 8I~ IU 4~ . Libers termIsoteAgents. agsjg OXFORD PUBLISHING CO. TBE W ESTERS BANK 0F 5 JORDAN ST., TORONTO, ONT, W I B , - O N T A R I O . o t l a e o - X a o a p r s . THOMAS DOW, - - .ctoof MaorLrer Eq. Manager. 0 hty 9 Whitby, NOV. 11h, 1882.- ly-47 -1882- To who&m it may coer. Tis lu .te csrtify that hsving exau:dned, MO N Ei r O LOA N ! repamred snd used a greavaiety o Sqwb *lO0OooFORINVSTMNT. thal the White Machine seld by L. Fair- 0100000 FOR INV STR NT. batiks la oe te i. bet made, as lui ry REÂL opinion t ila a-machine liaI will flot eaelly ON M LEBTÂTE ISjUMaTY. gel ont oft erdor, sud viilest much longer At lovees ivng raies cf interest. than m:st machines as cars lias been laken te pr ven ear a i rahspossible.I Mo0ney securot) ithiur 10ays et &p- ?an hoflestly recommen tt ate at ing a ood an lastig se wig machine.I Appi te pucionAupurehaset)oeefet h. White' s sane mouthe Apply to a~~go, sud i igives e Moin JOUX FARQUHBISOP iY BARER Whitb7, Febmry 101h, 1880. -9- -1887- After five years us.et-of-lte Wldtd Sewlng Machin» in nifamUiy Ican tnily endorse $500.000 TO, LOANE hhe abc.e èenvcate sud -eau f ully rc medthe machine &aa famijy ewing At fi por. cent. eToemcoatis '~leu -fôirepair ain any ment te omit pbo-m.iitn*suithboHro-wen PAret sud? seconid mentgages bongit. A£:av- i AO APB vanees madae ou second mcrtgge sd te soit) cheap as-tecapsndith pnikin<SPpinJSljO]Ne cents- irrot) inbeote. h.hepsuda i- makin appl cati n i e for m oney ; D .neRB N S ag nttei e ; ne delay. P a ties P s i g S l A IA N KSf , i hheî raies on mntgrige shon iVt) oe wn fr4,aDstit KIoCH MoSiS t.., ~ ~ BL XNJA L.42 T » U- A riâlâ 1.ai.f....ua.. One Cone iland se. for Yusjvs J-JOaNSON thlb. well kuoi «.POOIP W60bo tp in1 rtégonîs lia jhs "$Zoo," paid a C 4 'aiel atreet1the oa où -bheamimal king! a st nsv Ihing," su àieeiAmug oet 1e tenu -biave justgole off, ai pigef1ine, ten aack cf1 5 oi f Nesitle's milk- horreayseif." et ro for t6e rabbi sons -are for <ho tenreti a onphe 750 pigeonsa on1 wZ ovaland. Tbey Wý li --8n, tho biscuits sud <ho J iave-asnt sackt; upon se watke headiug for Ihe fertel of e IndienT, ýcern ta feed op Ityen quit. a miRit-four two wole ialwa'y trupksi %, itb Ibis consigumeut. cceïnapamied the ferreta, a vcrk t hey have lookiDge sud -the Pigeons. But tbè theutheIb furîher lhey goi l'it) the fewer pigeobe the 'iAut) what are lb. Ï4 àsThey are a cansigereli velfarmen in New Z ¶rbbit pool,' as pou kne broken ont very bail lhore tràlian@, I mec, are seekinf rabbil pest confereuce ; bi Zesan) wooi merchaul ba) botter sent laMr. Cr Cross As golug te moud hlm They won'l uteke ulucir b -Bay, againel lie rebblti thep breet) se fast, sud, if -are les3t ou the voyage, ina lime my client ought toi 700 of them at least. 'Do exp-ense,' b. sait teme. are eallug up ail l te pýs!I bis shoep engin te o e ée) lese ie eau geltitern udAe runed man. -By tire nexi goiug le send tie saute eu siameut ofef sta a wg~ are weuderfnlly teugh cu stales; they wili. bicodt) deeli unenolime.- "O0uriousiy euougt '," st) iaI thc vony saute tùmelib these eiders for means 1he rabblts lu Nov ZesîN aise a largo ort)er for ru am n nw hardt) t-wonk ge 2000 cf thein as quichi Tirey are going tse BrAIt %Vhero they bave a~gi ol I amn seut)iug 2000 eft iel eut) -500 books. This is 2 butsiness aiso. They vill dre) sacks of et st aIleng voyage, beslt)es pleniy ol and savt)ust.- "'Nov, bow mueh eboü saket) Mr. Creso, 111 au these rabhit&?"'Our roi ",Five ehiilmgs apQ Cross, "Aiswhat I bave li buyiug them, trom a lsngï fan frornLivor,-pool, vho, priie eing tOte lma mon ho ini flu i neesam an orden le catch thern..ý sixty mon, be maya# te cou rabbite for me in, tinte NIVI HUNDRE» DOLLAR A goot) hy le begfounh)assoclls sience. A close atudent Of rursly wiiringte pisA musCAu 1e bade of heuseen Ihe une- W Hs loche for the-tics]l tire boneal, frank msuly forutsud ta tractive- ira utOUrHEU pe ptis vith sallow tealures, lbhe vidient nature.1H.8tess a "T.tme haive mou ai

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