I. LAi wniy sbould Dot b. able Le, maintain du. or two institutions wbolly depeud- ingupon becevolout poreons fer sapport. Nor is there auy reasen te douht thaL the. weslthy people cf Whitby woutd take a great deligbt in ce-operating te estsblish and maintain, these institut- ions. lu Teronto every person who esa siford Lo do se goe ini sud whole-heart- edly supporte thoso thingo, and vers tha flot se tth. city would b. swsmped in a week in mnaintainiug them. Any oity or ovwu cughtteoho able te rais. equally s eh eacb Joar for philan- thropie purposes as is raised in taxes. TEgreat trouble with Whitby towu St thtei.preseut ime je the vauit et publie spirit. Instead eofunaking the futuro wrelfareof e t ii te& aontinuaI study, v. taks tbingo juet as thsy come. Mon, Who have large proportios and other unteisoets in tue tewn koep free fremin is goverumeut sud spend aIl their ime attendlng te their ovn affaira. Ita eouueilors werk fer nothiug, and in BDJ town tWs always hie a bad tendsey-iu tact ina any munioipality W-her, public service is given for uoth. ing there alvaye is a lendency te drift jute the bandeofe mon vho love office, and heaven ibslp s tewn vben it gets inte the hande ot sncb legietators. This is quitéesumeloint lu eutr estiation te Becount fer the tact tbat for years pà lolio spirit bas beeu dying out in Whitby. Tiiere ie another cause which leads te Ibis reenit, aud iL fi that vo have a tew oid togies around towu wbe are always sayiug Whitby bas net as good mn naov se it use o have un the good old days vhon municipal gladiators took the. arena at 0,7 ppertouity and Jacerate4 oaoh other fr.ely with the vileot abuse, moraly because tii.7 differ- ed in opinion on some porhaps unian. portant <natter in which both parties.Le the fight wves roug. - Wmrr usjuL as god meusud tar botter, than it @ver hsd, if thoy would u ozn oinet and gAve a hsud ln iii affaire. Whitby ha. botter SobMola than it @er bad, botter churoli arrange. mente, botter busines eno, botter tacllities for doing 'businoe, (botter noepapers.),)Tho Itown lhe u ely setro«r.ssd iu the.materet smorn fe Ãl loie evns Tii. old, ides et ysrntliq odîmne Le9 0t ake0 ltb 0p 1la t 1abuseadvillify good insu ha, driven almusl&ailoetthe-latter stawp fmmu havm*g any aspiration to besoin. oonclors. And w. have almnuavay witii the ideasUit our headi thal 'the, vholofuctionis et a ceuncillor Us te Jeep bis sye en lbe tax rate. W. noVer expeot a a nu L e e h.imuno. o hia pubie io lul tsun n ui obeetas tiiet saggest.4 lunkbls letter by Whiby P' t."- Il-le entirely- lest Sight M liaI more aud botter oublie, iiattuttiO'us eo*M ,b. ,miuineod1 through à generens -gifle aad onîribu. lIens- Ihau through taxes gloaaae4 but of twillllug ratêlayers. W. Ail l hîek. Ihoe are no gouerous wealthy peoe lin 1 tie loofetWhitby bocans. vs have n8eto Pu% thein to thé lest.- W.- knov the, writer ofthbe letter aboie rfiprredI to ér ver'olAl ad re avané thâS TACLES AND--- lASSES Uuaranteed Sai (or money Funded. hUIBARDJ 1L HAL PER ANNUM. Dec. 2 ,S18 7. er parnse caruifully other oolucnu frein alere i a letter rit of philaatbropy, me which we are eueily practicable if ifully endowed witb rtake an inte-rest. in the worid wby T A A y Ti Ai Ti AI Th .Bel Az T>.uKu o. -wa Y u 01 ans enares, Anct taught wlaen Young to sy thoir payera Wlth reverend adoration. BOeMmbering eur Patron Salutý, And kindly feelings te cernent, W. caebrate St. Andre*'a Day; IL testeraseciality, IL strsugtheus nltouallýtt Wbsn frein:Our native ttnd so tar awsY. Our Sottisb idahue wee dispta&y, And oeto that vs oe er. e-da We li#d aside'our businlecae Harmonîoualy vei» get alek Wth nov sud lbhonBe*tgI Ongs And pipera plbyïngou autv, %r. ýpou *Suidays the Gospel t-e epouud no nMr K eyl . --eva wa.1 'e setlers they went thero, u ton ofteMra.t tis e re o U b 0 jolu with hu inl prayor, uors &gm biOre-nta lad te judge il is doctrine wau sonnd. Treasrr iu faor ef -t.es"voe~ pawti4 he cot st ' r m lemneud by . t ndi &n g cmmitteesI hoSes tlme sd Scots abroad 1 Ou nMotion et Mr. à maeky the Sucl eliève in ene s1.seing Geoa, adjourued tLUI Monday the. lgth day of De- id lu Bibls inspiration; Cember next Bt 10 a n 0f happy dayà vo oton bink, Wheuweis u a& Logiter Ii And Slng o'w fvorite -hAul4 i W.é'll Dot torget eut #-$cota wha God cav e bQuêen we>Il oigt Olauxalh 81 oti ve are smd te li Thba ' iparagemaent as w. Desire to lyèin Au uity ; Butl hon«'eal ouw. a&à reupeet, Wtthônt regard te irue or seel, In-thUcOur uu*ixoognmlev. Lu I -e styleè to chc r Fruit 6 SPEC EYE-OI Every Pair ( isfactory Ie} ""au hDgeS -thé The.,.eootqwor ' tbe- by tbeit ivote@ wht t4$ 4bë>- liosusea granted At Iliï 4 > in to bu Iseenued. p o b mng aude to-e1et a païeyr J~~~ ~~ oonolad prohb1oIîÈo.;. APTER B 7011 Sind aà half $pont Inlai I. com.-r oitsUwre '0 , Ration, ini whieh Mr* . . .sbeppa*d V Ycol44>Xâ i o et roil4 oËpSttt of the Toronto N4ealest bis ail. h. uComniaioradb settled with the 65th, egimeut e im- BaO4at i1b Frenoh-OBnadjBn volunters ýby payua S. , t boo.éunta .,rmu. e all coate before March lot next. The mient ansueet 4.to i -'Oôtec judgment obtajua againet him lin*b. roittees. _ 12ý- ý- . case of $100Ã" is go ho allowedoff if hé, '0"m Ofio Mr- lIP.rM .I. -ci Bttios the bill of const. As theame peiiter i*,a had're bit cdim fce -w6* wasoneariin moe o len ut f rft sideline batweenIlot16 and 1 in 5th ~f a on.ansn~ mre r le. ot etT8~ On mOdon ci M.r. Palmer, -Mr. Uiehai I prejudc e.in whicb it ij etiMr. Shop. was heard re appoinmet nai bitrai pard ibad B poor show Bt justice, muoh i inplace ot Mr. Maonab to adjust difforme~ Bymapatby i. feit for him. beweu8 8,No&. 4 B aud'U No. 1. Mr. Parker sooondd by Mr. 1>*tmer mc ed he rd «diOf bly-laiw toe stabliah. Tnrs w:s not many yeara ago whea oeayoalty veet a'portion et oriinalu t alowanee fý Toronto dare not express any syoepatby rosé!i n Timothy We1h-Ocaned.i witb the temperBace people, orbhe would Mr. M ckey-pres..us,.d $he oo'gi b. left at horne by a hopelesa majority. Portfrom Staniig committe. OUi conti In tb. present 1instance things bave gencies The standing eomiUto.ou ceà 1 tngecié bff 9 rpor ad re' omteuda obaugeci te euch an oxtent that an followg :-pâyment te Toronto 4enori oaudidate, te have B gboet of a chance Hospital care et B. pat mingham froua Jru of élection, bas te déclare bîm8eof a 18th to 2Otb lt'86, $0.80 Caro ot M. Leppu prehibitionist from the word "go." l r -m-Auut 25th to Qotobe -lth li88 PThe. whisky intêreet dare nect tllthe #1920. te L . -lkemaza, printing -au Damne et th. candidate il iavoru leet it notices of coiýei) reetangs,anid IEODoolJgc tor'u relêeipte, dvt. jqdgu O ourt of Re might kilt him .in the élection. vision, and Welsh* roa by-iawo ou 6 010- L. Mackey, tre. ixispector' serviceis.te date Ihe mi ridet et its glory, while Ger. 812-0J; Jue Short, bury1îng doad se.. SU.60; L. S. Ackerman, princing for Boarý many is formng ite alliances and ferl-o-fO Homlth, 38 OJ'; Geo. PhiIip, membor d ing ite foes ail away freux iLs borders, Board oft Eealth andi inspector, $12.50; Jeu, Moukhonse, member off Board otfliealth, compe the wail that part of iLs impérial 87. 50; Geo. Gerow, mexuber ef Iloard al farnily hae ene foot in the grave through HBealth aud Inspecter, $27.60; W. V. Rich. âge, and the other part tbrougb dif ease. ardson, metrmber off Board ot Elealth and In. spect.or. 822 50; D. H. Beaton, member of AoebiLÃŽtiomsm&t bear a fatality witb Board of Ht,,dch. 87-.50; D. B. Beaton, it. Bismarck and Wilbelin wouid couveyancing. #6.00. Report was adept. tsoarcely b. satiidd with the dictator. ed. ahip of Lb. world, and their pride i. Mr. Mackey iutruduced a by-law, whicb boundles, but there ia a power wbich W&A edtht., several tixnes aud psesed, hent the baà ek of Belehazzar, and Julius appoiriting a place for holding noination, and place for holding electi:>u and Deputy Caosar, and Napoleon 1, and this Power Returnîng officers to preside lhereat. 1 en beud proud Germauy tee. Mr. P>erey presentëd the tollowing report froin th. standing committee ojl ruada sud WVs don't pre tend te know r.nuob bridges,; The standing cormluee on rewa and bridges beg toeeport aud recominend s about ban king, meney beiug a little eut fOliowa :-îet thktt the foliowiug accoante o ut hnr ins, but iL le eai;y enunh for b. paid Adatu Whitson, drawing ma.teriul sud puittiug in culv,.rt between lots 28 even ne to ses that there ie souxethiug aund 2;. 7tb con. $7.u0; Roi,:. Whitson, te- wroug about our baukîog séystein. The moving gravAl fromitl. 1R. crossqing, 8th cou. Ceutral barik cloied iLs idoors at ten cession and puttiug sarne on road, 8600; o'clocoee Iorniag, and up te that W. R. Bartou, turuaohiug and repairiug moment ils bis were a légal tender bot. for Green River bridge, 85 0; G. H. forcl uen eope bystaut. Ba asLaw, spikes for Clark', bridge 4th cen- forci lponpeope b ettute bu sacession, $1.60; Hay King, travelling on toeeusas on mac, Allen, took iL into bis west townîinp, 'Markbain paying a like head te close the ranch. the Central amouut, 881.92 ; Hay Kiug, gradiug 60 r.d8 notes were ne longer gooci. This look@ 6th cou. opposite lot 23, $21 0; 0. HL. like a eno-man uxoney business, net Doten ew top ou Green Rivèr bridge, backd b Govrnuentbutforod ite urnisbiug usailsansd materlal, $17 55 ; Ja. backd b Gaeruentbutfored ntoMoCerrnà ck, drawiug plank and putting peo 1e'~ banda by Govern ment. The saine on bridge ou Kingston road opposite Iaw eafd the bille were good a long s lot 5, 88.00 ; Fred Wood, drawing pesta sud Allen was wulliun Le say &0. It seeoes lamber for rallinR 7th con. at, railway, go us the Geverument ouebt te always St 50; ftobt. Crutumer, building 2 culvertq opposite iota 3 sud 4, Sth con. 410.00; Wnt. know wbether a ban k's bille were good Taylor, building waf or guards at railway or Dot, that Government sbould alw&Y. 2ud con. $8.50; C. Stotta, balance ou b. responsible, and that a bank's deere eupjletnentary grant, resci toharbor tUe, sbould boe losied by Governuxent and C-. -Otts. cemmission on barber read, $10.. net by on. officiai of a bank. Or if '00; James Whate, on accolant et contract betweeu iota 24 and 25, 2nd non. $2 000 J. thie isn nt to b. the case bill» et snob Harîbat, for 27 yards of gravel, 81»89;Y. bankushoulci net be foroed upon people Wilson, cedar, $676; L Palmner, matèraI sas legal tender. for culvert sud ralling, 89.20U; Jas. Gîb&ea, coutmat on Waddella ehili 9th con. 04.75; C. S. Patlner, for gravel, $19.11 ; Jas. Maire., St Andrews' Day, 188. fer gravel and damages on aorth townlîee, 81.00; Gee. Gerow for superinteudug ODZ E A E.A ST . ÂNDREW'Us OCIBTY CO g ravellîng mn Cliremone., 6j day. #18,00; . ON WEDN5SDÂY EVERNIU<e87 Oo. MGL-c . aesupplies for road $2 85 ;?P.R. aoovere, LIVRÂT, uBAR> OF T133SOCTTTfor plank snd sawing tiber, $8 87; eL B. Garponter, fur werk ou aide lino etweeui It is ver sixtyyvears lots16 andki7 Ath _o< an.-$2.0!- -z~ Gedits' FSr CaS. CasMuifs. ad Fur TriP-, Caps, ~~~ Lades'S.S. ea Muifs . fz'tb 1- sianLamb Caps,,Ladies' Persian Lamnb Mu.ffs, Ladies' Astracan Caps, Ladies' Astracan Muifs, Ladies' Mink Caps, Ladies' Mink Muifs, Mens' S.1 S. Seal Caps, Children's Grey Lamnb Caps, Boys' Fur Caps, Ladies' Astra- can Jackets, Special Prices, Mens' Coon Skin Coats, UHEAP, Mens' Black Wolf Coats, Don't wait un t!IEverybo-dy THE Bright,. and Fresh and the Prices eI8e have had the cholce, WÙONDEFFLLY anid sec for yourselves. 71'Cal *~'Whivby Dry Go-Eod Farmers, Threshers, and, Mill-Meni BURNS' 001 IM NEW4 WATCK HT.) BROOK ST., UI1jitBE QH LOCAL LACC WI4AT IS GOINII ON IN AND BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL il BY CHRONIOLE REPU " hie1's amaug ye, tsà An, f aith hell prent i There i. good skaà ting Oshawa is grantiug - bonus te.have tue. Hall. operatien. -TICKETS for the tobog9 winter wil ceet $5 fer al fer a gentlèmemJ, $1 sac W. J. Gibeon, et Chine -an advertiSOlflent of Ch' but tee lte fer this issue, TAI Collecter Pringle i that coesawi111 be added1 paid thus week at his shei eunt at once~ Mr. Wm. B. Madili, Ic *COU. Piokèiukg.one*'~ ot stiaing "iber by U negsy, Dec. 7th. It. is amall lote. The anniversary810 Metho dist Sunday asehos ed on Christeasasy by Morris. The entertaii Tuesday -the 27th i Particulara latex. - TEE Hoo&-Smith Wil inutho court orohaucer] iîriaylst an& postpoe .Deemzbor. Tlieyai ý-_j»MEsng Îînk has been fi sy,9 the -rniuing tiuk evidjeuce. MiR. W. H. HusToý beon 1M11with diphthit' a nia-te pupils cf bi lui la ef floyers <on Mi understaud.Ia coûditi rota are ntted -lu Dr. 12 aft lut week. For -insl where I *tUd ae' Wbesïlî oetour Som ryB &evjV-haad i. rosi wheols.si ,Mistiakes W CHEAP Emorim Find it to th Guaranteed not to Ul"TyouC z -0 heir advantage and profit to use Strike for ail You're Worth a.nd 0 0 Ili nos sfesJw lyn.- ~~.ar ]Eo IlaI ]NbiEs way -i lte; Ail bis forces iu bis strife. Strigtahead and nover etraying, CH IN OTT Ailbis treugoh bis purposein, LC RINE 0ELS6Then I cheer hlm oiwards saying, iguru, and wiIl outwear ail other Strike for ail yeu're worth and win. Courage, coinrade, koep ber-goiug, Machine Oils. Reep Lb. mil arolling on; *Wbetber hostile wiuds arc blowing, ndrOi.I hs o qual. F rsaei Darkness mut give way to dawu. Lqever mimd the adverse hooting, Throv your spuuky challenge in, Md. IBRYAN & BONS", Dundas Street. Hold yeur ground and keep ber scoootiug, Strike for ail you're worth and vin. Wboop ber up sud nover tlter, Neyer turu you troin Lb. strAte, -Bura your offeriuga on the alter Of. à tru. sud blamolese lie. ém3Keep yonr head my coinrade, level,- Nov'. the ime to. try. begin 1 B'earing noither mnu ur devil, StrAks for all you're werth i2d min 1 1- sbot t Içts. Llnduy a«d BowmWnville Hotot are s4sl te&,"rshrt UP lehebot 1lut tncaffse-in wmd A,-v,*i., s revoiitoni, alnigli, ladurai F-To Ibis spirlted advico vo might add "1Suying,-Pay as'You Go.si Msuy th ii-dme sud my iii. Quarter resnbete beleve lbey sel ly Lhsu-ered.ig stores. --k ngthe cagh stos IBOO TS AND, S Nou hvewoumere. ta lmore ~ ohe.p. s, fid Sterlingo ~ uan ,d Jelly Sh( Butter Knives, SpooXis au~ Nzew and Eleg.nt De oý SiLVER-PLATEI j8-BABRA Are showing specéial value in Ladies'and1 mings of ail kinds. Ladies' S. S. Seal MEDICA ONLY Si oc I~aitby, Frida3 LET every resde the letter ini ano -'W.hitby Firet." written in a true epil advecating? a saote: hound te believe ise people wbo are plenti wealtb would only There i. nreasoni Gents' Fur Coats, Caps, Muffs à nd Fur Trim. 1 Caps, er- Caps, Mens' Persian Lamb Caps, Mens' Beaver Caps, MenS' OttAr ului VERY LOW. is ý are 1::;ýo os. 7 OCK lx