Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1887, p. 3

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m ozs il very unij. alibualj ota., , Oi ..OAN Loy it ra8v.~ ed for hi -Ont WIES, ?ELL.- 13e. decora. e, anti Stisat 00 00- l 0( year. >cip- un. for g, wiIll y ex- regit ofor le for id,on Pot. Ose. ~idp-r - HÂ- N~ ~ ea&Popslar Moa*h4f1 fqt F0st rance u at"al-YO 006Q A ofd 0intrign"~, antthe- rocant even>t 1bh hakO ti)., preseaL Govurnrent, forwvatr G norat lbouanger, #0the4y we. jheming ~te suppreits. fbhkeîcb by v. El. G1eadAèl, in Franàk Lse"pqUPlîarMonthly for DoembBi, $110. Ot needful information of thiq *,,lDng Men." W. H. Ballou pictures* étientris1 Lake Superior," whioh, ~e leigfor two centuries in-, the sto bre French pioneexe fouud il, bae DOW aWakefled like a giant, 'and srred ijo ethe fuit dey ef Amorican botyt. An article on "Edwin Ferrest, bio Art and Manhoed," will revive recel. lectionso of aén acter who one. excited the grestes4 intere8t in $hi% conutry,and make bim knowfl te yonger goDera- jionS. in -The Evelution of Gamin," Chartes Bacon givos the term a wider 80etljan tnl. "al. l.1Hunting on the :oset ?f labrador" is fuil ef interest t0 those who weair the fur and those wbo do not. The gostRspy traveler, Bslthvefl, takes us through "Paris in Iliiatur" that je Brusete; wbile the ,,Oorpished Dr. A. Hl Gosrnmey telle the tale of "Obarlos V., Emperar of GerxP5DY- and King cf Spain." There is, algo, a moientifin account of the ".MaLie Mirror of Japan," witb a heet of clever @tories by D. Ker, Rachal Cars w, W. SeLon, Fanny Âymar Mathewts, aud other woltknown writATSe -aIl bright, drarnatie, tonehing. The nnubor gleame with fine picturce. from te oolored plate te the ta8t page. Etta W. PiercesB wonderfut stery, "Prince T 't inraampa nDweran sd efletiveineet Thea illustrions witer reprosentoti' in tise Christmas INumber of Harper 8 Magazine are T. B. Aldrich,. W. D. He0wetls,ý Amelie Biveg, Elizabeth Stuart PiselpA, Charles Lgbert Cradédock Franoes Courtenay lisvIor, C aptan Chartes Rine, George F. Kuuz. F. W. Bordidge, Will Carleton, larriet Lewis Bradley, Andrew Lang, William B3laok, George" William Curtis, Gitanes Dudley Warnen, Mark Twain, aud Edward Everett Elale. The chiet artiste are E. A. Abbey, Alfred i arson, Fredenick Dielman, O. S. Resnbart. A. B. Frost, Gilbert Gan], R. F. Zolzisum, anud Frederick Barnard. Besides Lbe multi- tude oet mal illustrations' Ihere are tweh2ty-five tul page, ounetftiseusbeinit tram Murillo, sud oue a lithographie masterpîeca cf gemin utwenty color. Att et tise articles. @tories, sud poee are complote, sud ail (oxoept twe bniol poeom) are elegautly illustrated. Wasbington Letter <rom our regtlar correspondent.) WÂBmN&TON, Nov. 26tis 1897. On Tneeday tast, aitishe cabinet meeting, ail tbe membens vere preeent, for the finît lime iu a month-Sseretary Whit. ney tbe eick man efthtie President' officiai famity, haviug rstunned le dut: -afler a menth'5 absence le endeavoruzj to racuperate 1.1. heattis, vils ratba iudiffereiit eutcess. Thbere are man) civil service rreformere sud Re pubticaèns vhoe iigiificantly amili very hrosdly, wvit hey note iL asa remankaitie oatncidonce, tisat tise Sean. tari's ilinees" hnrried hlm off to Nem York City dning the most exOiting day et tise political camnpaigu in that State Il is; said tisat the principal subjeci dsicussea t Ithe late Cabinet imeetini where thse forlhcoming annuat Prosi dential message te Congrees, and ti international negotiatioiis now in pro grees oven tise fleberies ountrevers: witis ofr neigihors oft tis Nortis. Ti diplomatie duel between te repreqe1 laiives of twe efthtie greatest nations te vend, vil pnobahly continue sev 4erat veeke, aud nsay or may nol b productive of important nesutte. Whai aven action is takeon, wit1, ot coursie, b subje o te .approval of Congreees. The openiug oethtie FittietisCCe grese vil ho attended witis a far gres er numben et -changes Iban usual i lb. personnel eft tat body-filte.n ne senaters sund eue haudred nov rapr s entativos isaving been alecteti. Seoma[ changes yull ceenainly b. inficeullal fg good or evil as regardselise vorkir capacity et the varions Congressier Zqom tuittees, sud a critioal public ný dcn disceven tho rosi effect, for il w b. apparent lu tise melt ot conur lug tise business of theo session. Fro aIl I dau ilearn, the preaont Hou officiais are iuda8tnionlty bostirrii tbeinselves le Lnake a combine agair lise "outà" sud tisere le a fair prospf tisatItise obomo vil ho uccesefll.I Ihere la ne doubt that tise "cuti"a causiug tiseluns"',cônsiderablo appi housion. Speaker Caliie's n-eleeti le concoddby menonfetailparties- Ibeing *frlaîn -tisatno e o rat oppose lins. .Tise Civil Servicte Commission1 .disoovered that iL bas been badly ii r eo 0ponby a nunsber cf District Oounla, people, secuning deparlia 1r4 sud theDo 0G U0M. ,Il iPuaune atiL !b. luilý of 11h.6,8 ment in t odroppi. icg fhm the Ilpousi on reilis ,ihe witto*e cf pc'tdiers wbn ihe'y mar'yb « al fraitfut sourem of ioemo-iity, sud 'liat, in thi, paitic;ir,atea, efrul ueoestary. f The nàwspaper oorreagoûdents, have se neaily suooooded in effranginq Mosans Canlioe and hLadall, by cir- culating bighty eelored reportsetfwbat eaoh cf theso gentlemen says and, thinks cf the other, that the former :tatesmen le now positively decliaing te submijt tointerviewe witb the re- porters. I hoar the report usually oir- culated before the, meeting et Ceagrees, but neyer verifiet-nor is it likely te bo nêw-thst Mr. Bandaliito e t de- peeed frem the chaircatnebip cf the Appropriations Committee as a moatie cf disiptniug bim on 1he tariff question. Water For a Thirsty Ghost. TRE sTenT 0F A YOUNG ÂRT[ST WHO WA8 LOST IN LAKE MIORLIGÂN. Clifford Byron Baningrase, thb. euh. jetote b fetlowing thrilling incident narrateti by a Sauit Ste. Marie paper, wae the sou of Prof. P. and Mary Baumgrassi, the welI.kuewn Chicago artiste. He was born la Wauhington,, b. C., and came te Chicago twe y.are ago to e .with bis parenite. He vas aà yeung main cf utnanel promise aud bigla gifts. Conlrasting strong principlos ot virtue with marked gentieflesofie obaracter. lie wae admired by &HI and heteved by those wbo knew - bim wetl. Rie vend couic] be relied upea. Ho was rapidly progreesiug lu bis studies in the hope ef becoming a i-culpter. Young BaningrasIoft Chicago in Auguet for thew Sault Ste-. Marie, wbae heoent a part of lait summer. H. lingereti longer than vas expeeot, knowing tbat there was ne necesity for bis imurediate returu. Hie parente had, however, looked i ualyt for humn mauy dye, wben aI las:tbey reeeivsd word that ho was to, bave on the ill. faled steamer Vernon. L8ttera% and, dispatcesefaited ld'reobhim te stay hum frein bis purpoe, andthe îb. eiug hearle et parents andi tiende bave only this cod f act te eling to-tisat fathome deep bonoatis the vavos <4 Lako Miohi- gan lies Lise beloveti foroe lu tbe oold arme et deatis. The slory told by the Sanît Ste. Marie paper le ibis: "A startling stery, fully authentical eti, comes te as fren tise Middle Nos- bis ud vicinity wbich iu ils dolaits sud reatistie incidents weuld furniisab chapter fer a volumne ou speeko sud goblins. As@tbe story is tbld se it is given, but white vo eau veuoh for tbe reliability efthlie report esois resder le lotI to draèw bis owu onutuion as to the causes. " 1A yonnug sculpter froin Chicago, t- Clifferd Byron B.aumgr&asiby naine, bau fbeen @peuding the summer iu tbe yvicinity efthlie Sailen' Enoampoeent, maklgbihme.witb a family on Bt. r Joseopb'sIsland. B, #ponde hie lime oril hunting andi flehiug,ftrying to, egals s- test bealtis and strengtb. About len das u ho vas huutinuou Middle stss.d, wb:outhe1od Cadettle bome. P- seadwheron i theolti dilapidated, w long since des#-rted begbouse l in wiol old Jean Baptiste Cadette died savera Syears ago. It bas been uuocupied tei tevears and je nearly a mile distant trom Reauy oIson bouse on the island sud prao lenear thse but he vas almosl paralysel 0-witb toar by bearntggreans issuini trous the ciamnber or garret et tb. build Ys iug. ffie iret inclination te fly heinj 0.overceme .sud supposing tisat oem et sufferiug filierman or hunIer haîtlakei v- refuLge thoro, h. enlereti the bouse an be sakotiwhe vas thons aud whist b bi- wanled. 'eFor God'e sake gel me a drink. Iri dying, for a drink," rapliedth ie veine « a parson in tise greateet apparent agoni 64'6What vili I gel il ln P' luquire in Baum.iraes, atter au ineffectUAll soST< ewfor a drnikg uteusil. e- 1"Tisere je a pal1 j ust oulde lb. dix uy lu tbe entry ; gel it lu that,'«ome frei for above; 'ai lfa Heaveu's naine bure ug F'in choking." taI cdTh young Nimred quickly produi Vl tbe vater from 1he river noar lb ,iî rebuned telthe isovel, weul upitairs ai et- leeketi for lise dyiug man. He .oq tie0 6"'Whoreearc yenP' b. ,.eked. ng IlRîbt hI bre in lte neit recul,' ne tisea word. LIDINPACIFIC isT CUMPAIYS. TeegrapA ffce, ed fremihtb Sta5Ulhsottet 1- chelce lalmatoag wio> loves ,Quinine 4tis bitt&Itat n, <e impair luth. e, 1"4dàgre*le efloaoy ,Ot action upo4 1th. patilet; %*uisemaml do riieeted, lstireuhtel3he PU musoular toroie, mad invigeorate te tons thse teou systera, and tlzué, by general vigor which it impaitei croates à6pmetite, whicli gi s othse szômtemL-g an nmand tortilles h tï a&U infections dseoses. Âsk or Norti & Lyman's Quinine Wine, sold by druggsts. zeo on Suuday night. Norihern Pacifie people say tisai if 1h.ý present Boit conirsot je net oarried out Winnipeg need nover look for help la iheir direction aain. Russa continues to move iroops towards the German trontier. TO REMOV)e DÂ&DRUPP- Oleanso the scalp v.ith Prof.. LW#o Magie Su4phur Boap. A Delightft medicated .oap for the toilati, A ntSupply of petroleuni ha been tfoundn uBeloochistan. NUi 1p.rauMI. "Nover deapairIl sm a geed mette par aul. membor "while there s i-àte Îther" je hope."9 Neyer despair et relief until yen have tisla I3audock BI" B itters. It cures diseases ot théestomaoh, liver and* blood when aIl.- ether medicines tail. Beach deteated Hlanlan by tue boat 'lengthe on Saturday. Jabeah Snow, Guuuing Ceve, N. B., writeL - 'Iwau completely prostrated with th. astis, but hsring of Dr. Thonsa' Eclcctric OUI, 1 prooured a bottie, and -it done ume se -mach good that I get another, and before il was used, I wau well. My son was cured et a bai cold by the use ef hait a botte. LIt gees tike wild-fire, and makes cuire&wisereever ih la used. Lord and Lady Dalhousie dled ai Havres ou Fridlay. A OBRYING B VIL.- Children are of ten fretiftl and ill when toorm are7 the catu.- Dr. Lowo4a Woriw Byrtêp aafo4i epets ail W ormu. Suuday tiser. wau ne disturbauce ln London. VI= Baby waa alk. we Mam er«Castels Whsn the vu a(h.ah. 8 ried forc4enis When alhecaome MM s. he 0u=g t.cnatmis. Wb=sn h hbiI.irosa mse gave ibsan Catels, NOTICE.À Vounty oflOtail l UY0.E Generla Sessons o. thse .a.osud *0i Connty Court, inana té ,b COU NTY 0F ONTARIOl Win b. held in the COURT HOUSE, in the TOWN 0OF WHITBY, --ON- TUJESDA Y, DEC. the l8th, 1887. At the houx etfi1e'clock, p.m. of whicb aul juatices of the Peso., Coro- ners Constableii, and others cencernea wiII take -notice and gevera themselves ae<oringly. iJ. F. PAXTON, Bherif's Offce, &MEIYF, Ce. ONT. Whitby, Nev. 1», 1887. Entranco Examina tion. The Entrmuo. Exa nination for admis- sion te th. Wbitb3iColegiate Instiuewiil b. held on WEDNBSDÂY, THURSD&Y sud PRID&Y, Duce aer218t 22ud and23d Commeoinlg eaoh day st 9ooloSk, a., m. T e re uat nsrequire th t i tendi g an. ddaite'shr.d notity the Head sKaster ef the J.natltnte net Inter limaNoveniboi 801h. di8- ysudreonotintorferewfth, -business, escriptivo pamphiet d.ent free on recept oi. stamp by JHN Scotch, FEROUSON Canadian English and Tweed, 'se A.nd other fine Unes of Oloblis, for Bpring suite. ÂAU garmente made up ini latest style on shortest notice. Underclothing of ai Klnds. jilSTUOTEM OVERLS Lobtest styles in Hard and soit Feit Hate .VEIRY OHEÂP. WÂNTED,p GOOD CLEANFLEECE WOOL. Miso 100,00 Doz.1-Good Fresh iEggE The highest ma.rket price paid for saine at W. J., GIBBON' Al knds of Fruift bo PefUnd ini eenat the WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE., SSTIRAWBERRIE S to be every day froiii thisto the end of the season. Look forýsp anl-attractionsfoi Dundas St.,. Whi*t, LREOT CONNECTIONS8 e Commercial Cable Co. Cho Baltimore & Ohio TeL. Oo. The Postal Telegraph Co. ÂAnd ail other Telegraph Line.. securo prompt dispatch, use tise C.P.By. Oc. Telegraps. FFICE ix' Richardson'a Block, near )rders taken for Ceai, Sal, Gypisums irlime, &c., for The Ratisiurn C0. !large quantity o! Land 1laster and Iton hand, Liverpool and Canadian ln .rels and B6gs, &ailfethtie best qualiiy a lowosgt priCe. Don't torgot te eoau and A thipgs as ropresented. "P I 1000 1, FALL SU ITSB 1 1 DI T To i Mai Wa A Sai. Bi anc fini i b ,ondon and Lancashire Life Company. tLife hsCopyaB sueas evey osra Chor acie eneralinapreved Canain >urýtios ovor $100.00 folr oach 8100.00 of afbity, thus affording A2BSOLTR se- Prties dosirens of assfuring their lives il ffnd iltet thoir avantage te ceamuit he undersigned befere assuring olsewhore.i JOHN FÂBQUHÀIB8ON, PAT:EN1 T- ihesaUt=Wa. l ctizeua. it 1 bate patente, tu le taestuseuZll i yanpteu; oteietime wibeu~ lu er.Total- cosI cfUnited ,B 8-11 Patai$OOUf $0 o maI"gappicatihul ee-alâogboff lan patent te sUowedi. Tuaicea e! anaian5 ye&rnspatenit, IIM. tor$570r5.7'.On reolipt, ofmoal ei, dravlng-Wïth deàqlptlbois e vntlurv Piese entonwhere Yen mmv bl.&avez, tisemoiit. -.1 No. Y'5 General Agent vmtbys May 18t,86. -ly 18 81UPRRIOB STOCK OP HATS 1 HA me AGENT.

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