Abid Items 8:olon from our Exchanges. à raffie at tihe Altoua bouse on Wed- msday evenlng. it:. W. Haywood baï rented Mr. P Beynoour's farn a t Olaremont. Suooesa to you Walter 1 'Mima P,;ol of Markhama preaohed in the Union oburoh Sunday evening te a large Misses hiaggie sud Mary Lehinan of 8touffvilleb were tue guests ef Mr. A. Leiman on Sunday veek. Lots of plowing te do, yet un this locsflty. "Wake up boys" The esrly bird cetoiieaithe worm. Mr.. sud Mme. IR. Moukiouae bave movedtoTotento. Wo wisi ou: young * fniendeasuccesuin their' new borne. Mr'. Wm. Mioheti on the. 9&i con. sold Iby ¬ion on Saturday last about moyeu aces of bush. Very fair pricas Were Ma'. B. Beothby our woriiy black - ,emithislagetiiug hie youug trotter dovu, teo business. Two wheel riga are allihe «o bore. Moans Hoover and Bypher vie vent bortlut1mi vèk te, look for lanai returu. .4 iii ratier a Omiatompliment fer thé. seny, hghipred regionuof itie norli. Go v erit boys 1 Dr. W. J. Fairchild cf Battle Creek Miciican dslivrd oeeof hie famous lectures enuitteai "Tbe mnu ualm makes" in Daloy's Hall on Fniday even- ing lait. The Cialk Talk vas v.ry higily appneciated by the. large audi- ence. W. voulai advise a gocd man-y of the * young ladies cf this tovu te try the tcllowiug triok:-A. Miohigau girl mur- ' dea a thief in the barn and ehssed hl'm vîithsapitchfork until i. dropped the harneso he had stolon. 8h. i. 11ev necei ring au average of fifteen offens cf inarriage a veek. W. bave smorn f lbb t iievy kiud in this lcalitY.. UXBIRIDGEC Beef willi fot be sold in amati quan- tities by oua' merohauts tuis coming On Mouday evening cf last veek, tiieve. entered the bouse ef Mr. Crosby cf landy Orook, and carried et 615 Worthi cf amati vares. At the. sobool board meeting lait veek au-stiempi vas made te diamias Mr..McGes, hesad master ef the higi scWol, but opposition vas soe trcng the malter wasleti ever. Tbe papers on omtebe slrongty in Ma'. McGe,'s fayot. W. bad ne les tian nias Scott Act cases in tova this veek. viti fair pros-ý pacle cf more, te tollov. Tiiere veto tva convictions, ivo adjourninta, sud five dismaîseals. Mme. Bennett paid $50.00 sud eocets. Robt. Gilpin pleaded "GiLilîy" and vu flned fer firit off.8nce. Jma.Tcdd sud Gao. Armsrong, cf Geod. wood, had their cases adjourued until Mieuday nexi. Ma'. Todaid. . Rîgg- ius sud Meste. John Baseoon F. Webb aud P. Kinby ver. dismxised. Polio. Magisîrate Home exprosseai himmeif sas beng exceediugly scmry tint a coin- plaint had been lid gainet Mme. igg- ins sud sald snob actions voulai injure lie: tempea'ancê cause vsry- muob, a@i h vas. poed in court tual LUr. Higgine bad been s10k- for &bout tire. menti. ansu s tllconfineai toerenroom. One day last veek a strauger came tle Percy's Eotel, Markham.iH. hait * supper, bed and breakfast, tien paid tie propni etor seventy-flve cents, -ne- *markaaag at the same lime ""Tis my jas. nickel,- I gus 'd botter get ont." Tii. proprietor teld bim ho coutl stop aà day or so sud se. if somethig did uog tumnop. H. uitopped until lb. tellowing mornnng aud roomed witi a-boarder usmed Young. Young gel up and veut te vork ai 7 o'ctook, sud "loua' strangen" goï up at 9 oclook, bail Iebreakfast, paid fer bis bed mcd de. parted lu peso.. The, bartender uotic- od ho seemed te have more vealti than ho bad e n the preoediug dey. Youug Dame home lu th. eveuing sudi found liai hi@ trunk had beon brokep epen, sud ashlnrt, 86.00 ie bille sud smie ailver taken, but, tonai ual a pures. ouiainlng 8150.00 ai the bottom ofthle lruuk, had net been toeed. Tiie pro- prietorimmedliely teIegrapied te lie uhe neighboring towus, vili lie rsult tual on Salurday 1mai P. 0. Wrght an- reuleal i nharo. Mr. Young sud M'. l'Oroos-aup ti. 8.80 trai n sd ludutfiletci.inssudailb.sîhirt, 'sud lochin baok te Markhsm. Tii, pris. ou.excite I the synamly fet so e or olitzeus by slaitug -hehati hem a been Oued, 00 inct'Pay he :fine. and eeumly had té' skip., Butel .su".y AoUng 00 ae*,h1 ou itie wook, bulýtidmil r!etuunedby th ii.flter ail: b ba wrngflySeeused a number et bis assoimies. Tiie Fboonomiet' otites the. voollen mille are net et-but munig aI Iuiliio#aoily. Tii. seoy te liIefleol vms&taenufrein- lthe reporte cf.,hhat r iM'. -and Mme, Davidi Roetoet ilver ,Bprîn# tarin. Makham, oelebnated tiroir crytl, or flfteeath vedding 41a iweuk.ýThère vas a largo Party ai their -resdence and unueir auemmeut. -A A tit Mainu ivlng the <lama n lande - Mr'. Wi th. hors«. malte offeiate& ai aisoldesini frein Ladt gaie ags e lsx . 505-ys r average mgo is,84 yoars. VFa,. of 'th, deathi oboured in ehe onthcf .0étober. Tire. of lhe six w.:, m"embera et tthe Orosby family. Ititeosmewbitïemark-' able liat tics. tire. ver. oniy a few dayss.niusly- iii. Th ynugee, est f the six was7V, the. eldesi within a futile, ef 96. Tins eu. bresthe oldest.isad- marks arc being removeai. à . Young man li own omplalus ihai while accom panying a young lady home on Sunday eveanug about 10 o'olecu h. was insulted by severalruffiaus eeugr.ga- ted où tue corne of Ring aud George afreets. This appears te be, a hang-out for a sertalo clama, sud the quieken uhey resorsste omre éther baunt the. botter. One uight laiweek, botweeu i1 sud 12 o'clok, whule Mr. Woods, a farmer living norti eft lii.town, v as walking home on the.base line, ho <daims te hbave been robbed et.over460 by twe fellows vie sprang oe n s' èddËaly frein bo- hind a lamp di baih,.. W. do uot knov viiether' il isam caseoft MaMi. ain or ebuhlam-to hav, et tlet &Mount bioweve - ,,seuuewhere. Tii. vadtse nter, lhe teun hall are beginning toe onmbe sud there isne-aid te be danger eofutheoitapse.cf tue building. Mn. Gao. A.. Museon, of tuis tovu, leaves lun a fev daya for' San Diego, Cafifornia, where h. vifl@pend a tev mentie for the. bnefit cf his healti. On Saturdsy lust, Mn. Wm. Lsuci land met witi the mifortune te injure ene of his legs viet lifting a ,heavy box. It vms eever.ly bruis.d, s"d is VeIy paieful. The man vie burglaniouisly entened Mr., Jas. Lnke's bouse, a 1ev nigita agto jessuqpected ef being the. saminu- dividual wio stole Mr. A.. W. Farevell's horse lait summer. H. vas seen lu Harmouy the. eveniug bffore the horne vas stolea -sud the day afton Mr'. Luke'@ bouse vas breken inte, the saminu- dividual vas seen by Mr'. James Cro- Wells, in a eedar swamp nati of llarmony. No doubt tiijaking ho vas persued ho pr.sented a revolver st Mr'.. Crouelîs, but did net shoot. He is Worth tookiug afte.. CANNINGTON Mir. Elugh Wilson is lyio.g danger. ouely iII at isihome. tirougi the. effecîs of acold. John OChamberit. au aged citizen, vas tîned 81 and ceai. 1mut veek for uig profane and abusive language. The Glecaner sys the vsy a number cf yourig rougis of ubat iown eunduet thewnslvem at Sairation army meetings is disgracefnl, aud says they deserve s dose eithie lau. -If the matter i. net otherwi.e atnended te, that paper lu- tends te gave a full report efthles. parties' eouduct aud their usmes as weftt. Tii. Glean..r isn i«ii. This thing et newopapers putting the. bost face possible on everytig whieh coeurs lu ibeir owu towns, i. iu itiolf an in- ventive te crime. PEEK OX. On Wednesdsy etfiait veek a man lu- tbis town gel drunk snd declded te raffle off the farnily ov te rais, money te speud. Hosning cftli s m ite vent sud teck possesion cf the cou sud dreve il home. lIer husbsnd fellowed snd killed tie ccv viii fa axe'. A. ycuag lad uamed Rovlandi ha berSucaugit bore lu the.motet oftorgiug iei employen's naine in endorstion ef s oheque from Mr a' mo. A. CJoi presont- ed te a bank for paymont. Tii. mmw sud file vonka vhiei have been talked about me muoihboe,,bave coliapseai bofore business vas st"t,ç. Like aU ocher bonue-hunters thre pro- maters expeote tote ais. al l ir cpital by bonuses on subacripticni. Owiug le tie sleknemu aiddeatis lu Mr. John Tveomey'm famiiy-i Enuls- more, hlm neigibbors on Monday, tote numben cf tiirty, turneai eut viii teir teamusaid pleugireai à large portion et is tanin. Suci pilanhhrepio siIons in vibciouEnhmor. townsbip alvays lakes firaI ptae are muet comunoudabe. Saturday afteruoo Arehie 8lteoe, mou et Mn. G.e. Stethein, veut oui siooilng vith smmou,: 1as. Atter loadmng be iflho rhémeted t oi n bie foot, muaI. edcvii. A dioharge amîidt#Ualy foiloved, -sud thre buliet -passeai lirougb hie foot.- Ciè -vounai u paunful but net daugerus,- sud Muter 8iehheï yUl ooba bont.again, Au ýOpas fnneloftI is doj i au BJu veI'. grooery store ône iay lut week. andi il broke80 venrt o reckery tr iug te juzep tbrough the windov. oeial i idssy st proseut ahuges in, pricefrein $6.75 te #7 poirton.&Yy np in the Neruhwest, at Ec&uonuep, wheme vqod a teetocme e ê b. '91 active oupailter, coal melli for., 8.25 per Wu 1 Considemable dhffllêuty ha epl' èid& bytloal eoai1deakermi là prooumIu jus; enouligu-tôeunbèe4 m-iake irtk" Xf. c#i"ýeuîIf sund oalled ont ThÃ"s'. Wite., Gee. and, ge#*y Biarpé, Sud armed thé pariysallied oiûtfor lb. big gj 8h a~pud -Whiteauoeededu in tra the lynx au&-fired four shotsi Su bin once, but did Doe t uidysil hlm. Endicot lien pime Upý brougbg tii. tyrradowmui althe-firost It vas a large, fierce animal, ikeas 5 fi à hu. fron . te tee hu t~ eut. -It had killed asip eog Mr'. John Haty. A tirely fracas cocud ehonboai3 north-bouud train Wdnesday-' nqen jusi as it isad pullcd of,- station for Haliburton. A figit -t meuced anaong smm abantymen, ver, on uder way te thie lumber Ob cf M. Boyd & Co. lu Snod4en, i charge of foreman oCora. «'T bà duoton, Mr'. Pym, vaIly sitemp$. quiet the. turbulent *ow ios1 vhom ver. nier. ortees«9n hei nigu influence of«t& isugie gî,III vithout,,effemit. am uai uekly :,raa station. atkua <' (Jonatables Bell and OQlunau WO.IP the scene,. bouid.d the. traie su>Iït- a lively ronotb and tumble se"Ms~age marched off triumpbanîly wifth ýfourI prisoners, wbe were oonsigned Wte oeile te awaà it the. pieauun,of0 ti magistrate in the morning. Gi,. Thlà à abaae1 That in to say, your lungs. Aim slIyour breathIng maciiinery. Vary wonderful Mna- ohinery it in. Not only the. larg«r.ir.pga- ages, but the thousand of littie ftubs uda cavities leading froin them. When these are ologged aud obokd '!iý matter whuch ougbt not te b.e there, yeiur lungs cannot hait do theirqyen. And.Wh"t tbey do, tiiey cannot do we.. Calil t coid, cough. croup, pneù=ônïý, eatan'b; consumption or any of the famlly of tbroat and nose and head and Iling ob>- structions, ail arm bad. Ail ought te be «et. rid of- There in just one sure way te «et rid of then. Thst in to take Bous.' <}erman Syrup, which any druggist will osil yon st 75 cents a bottie. Even if Vory. thîng aielm lad failed you, you May depenid upon tuis for certain. Three tramps kuild. a man nnaed Feathber ly, near London West, on Satqr-<- day, and teck bis meney amountzug te 175. Beiiig cau.ght in the aet they preteti4W th y lid found bim mnrdered on the, rond, anheiPed to carry him bome. Beceulng oonscious aiter they bad lefu the. m =re man mode an antemortera etatemnent »ud the. t.ire follows were found in a baui sud jailed.- If you wish te please your family, Ilavor your Puddings, Pýies, Jellii.., &o., wath tii. Ottaw'à i. badly afflicted wîtii typbold and Malan&. To aIl who are sufferlug rIm tboe <f and indincretions of youti,1 nervous wpak-ý ne« us, y ~ rdeoay, IJso.cf maIiood,&o., I wlSeaa recipe thut wl ueyou, F1tÈB 0F CHAIRGE: The. greaiedy wua disoovered by a miasslenar in t Amnerlos. Send a self- drseenvelor teo the. Rev. JoaEr T. IMÂS, 8tmkfon Noe Yor-k i, 8trongth Givor. siioffiai t elà niiusoD'aFlliB f IN VALIDSd CONVALESCENTS gan uni by tIakng bedf le Boefib=ï,by - sny euh.: oas Th~ B seNGand WL for Infante end Ohildien. go *I&"Ca o om4a cures oBe eutp.to, t 90COMM=ed it « superior to any presmipac>nISour Btomzach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, "U80m I . iMe M . I MM Wori gvsaee pi ad4 promotOs dL. TIMECRnUTAUE COOpAIiY, 7Murray Street, N. y. o,) zA su - I~TYRjE AGENT, Hundreds of J. F. -WHITBY.- Pease's IlEconomy" Warm-Air Fur- naces are now being used and are giving perfecêt satisfac- tion. The following specification is annexed to every gr- der, and is the guara ntee given with every Furnace: "Economy" Wrought Steel Plate Furnace, Double Cased, furuished with Vapor Pan, Check Damper, our Improved Anti-Clinker Grate, aud ail the latest improvernent8, as described in our catalogue. The -Warm'Air Pipes to be supplied with Dampers, with Patent AttachmentB for regulating the supply of Warr Air -in différent Furnace Dampers to be connected with a regulating board, to be plaoed in the Hall, Diming-Room, or other convenient place, for operating sarne on first floor. Ail Furnace Colars to b oe, to ensure safety and durability. The Wat'm-Air Pipes,' Register Boxes, etc,, to be mnade of the best I. X. Tin Plate. AUl Channels for Upright Pipes in new work or exposed openngs to be thoroughly lined (to ensure safety) with good tin. The 8moke-Pipe to be made of he avy Galvanized Iron. The Reelâters to be the TUTTLE & BÂnIxyl N. Y., manu- factue, o the ltest improved patterns and ffney finjshe&. SAil material 1to be of the best quality, and the work to lie execnted in the most thorougblly workrnanlike manner. The Cold-A ir Duts-one leading from the ontside for introducing freali air, and one from the inside of the building, either of ,whioh ecu be used as deslired-to be built of good, spund, matched lum- ber, dresssed on boili sîles. We guarantee to warm the rooms in which. Begisters are plaoed to 70 degrees when the outaide temperature is 10 degrees be- low zero. The purchaser to furnish good. coal, earefiil attendance and a chirnney with su2fficlent draught. TREASURER'&- SALE 0F LANDS FOIR TAXES# -c- D y virtue cf a Warrant undler the biand of the. Warden and the Seat of the Corportion o1> f the, County cf Ontario, dated the, Fftii Day cf Seplember, 1887, commanding me te lmvyupon the lande Mentloued 1la*the. foliowlng liai- for arrears of! taxes uthereon, sud comts, as bereiu set forth: 1 hereby give notice ubat unleu suoii arrears ana cccii are ocuer paid, 1 I sai, n rin liauce withe ii.Asmesutuent Aot, proceed to seil by PUBLIC AUCTO2K the @saltands, or se muoh uhereof as may b. nec.ssary for the. taxes, at the Court Rous. in the. Towu ef WHITBY, on WEDNESDAY, the. FOtJTTEE1-THday of DEOUMBER, A&D., 188, aitiihe ur of TEN o'olock int he forenoon. TOWNSHIP 0F THORASf. Part. LOI -PArt . B. quarter?7 PartS. B. quater?7 Ainunt Comtae sud t Con. Acres f Taxes. oenuus'u 5 j -287 9 80 627 TOWNSHIP.0F, 14 -8s- 8874 14 1e 105 2 17 224 BROOK. Touai Patentea or Anomal Unpatenied. 504 7561 295 8669 287- 1292 TOWNSHIP 0F 8OUG0G. Weustf 7 1 Io 82 TOWNHP0 Part -5 2 17 29 Pà tepart 85 7 .2q1 7,29- patente&i Patenteai Pateniod 818 440 AT 'COST. Mfutuà l ReserveFuünd Life A ance cýof New York. Canadian Goverument deposit *5,0 Acoumulated reserve fland- (076f) 315,000 Deauli claima paid duiiing 1884 799 New business, lut 8 mos., 1885, 15,00000 Twenty-flve per cent. cf ail alisessm.et,j are deposited with the. Central Trust (]er,. pany of New 'York, as trustees cf the pe serve Fand. é Lif eInsurance ai lesithan. one-hlUthe ordinary rates, and security perfect. OUI~ 1{0 assesamonts made iii 1881, 1882, 18M and 1884, -andin ne case eau they be, zuorý frequeni than every aiternafe month. . Annual expenses of managmn,&' limited te 82 per 81,0W0. aem t,&, An active agent wanted in every uxre- presented looality, to wbom a liberal cera. mission will be allowed. Applications, solicited and full particulars furnished by the undersigned. R. GORDON, Agent fer the. Couaty of Ontario; Auguui 5ta, 1887. MONEY.TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low p.t Interest. A.- A&ý :PST Âppraiser for the. Canada Loan aud Saving. Co., and agent for the Western Assurano, Go. OFFICE-Over Ge.rrie's Block, Whitby Suitable for wrapping purpose-8, layin under oarpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Appiy to tf-THIS OFFICE. BELL"J -Unapproached for - Toue and Quality. CATALOGUES FREEU. BELL, & co0.j GiliplOnlt eeeD nOasEs. LIVERY and SALré STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHIITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEYERELL TPIRST - GLASS TURN-OUTS Fumnished on Shorteut Natice. Commercial Travellera liberally deal 188. FAIE PEICES. HARPER'B WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED. H-aupr.'ii Wuxxav has a well-etiabse place asthe luading illustirated newspaper in Amenica. Tii. tairnes of its editanial commenta on-.curnt politica uas- earned 'fer it iii. respect andi confidence of ail im- p artiat readers, saiaithe rariety and excel- lence of tliierary contents,. wiciolude serisl snd short atonies. by ithe besi andi most popular writera, fit it fer the peruial: of peoplee oftte widest range ef tastesasu. pursuits. Suplements are frequently pro. vided, ani1 nu expeuse la sparel te bring the, highest order e nistie abilitytehear upon uhe illustration of the.changettil phases-cf home sud foreigu histery. Ilu iii itm Meatures Hà nxa'"s Wimmyx ina amirably adapted te b.a welcome gueit in erer houvehola. HARPER'8 PERIODICALS. Per Toar: FÀ&PER'S MAGAZINE .8..400 MrPER'8 WEERLY......... 400 HARPER'8 BAZAR ............ 400, UABRPER'8 YOUNG PEOPLE.. 2 00, PboÈaaà ýe, Ire t taaIl aubsc,-ibers in thew dSae8 anada, or Meieo. _ Tbe volumes of lie W3ma. begin v ith firat number for Janixay et eaeh year., Wbeune nM-tme la - montienea, subsonip- tiens wltl be*éin wi t th numbter currei ai time cf rocelpi of -order. BRenA voniuu i fRi»me um>u uuuv f,, &DE» BL %lly supi (t) the d ,'ci almi, wthat the. -dcv 4'gre-permaireniL d<4vaoepmetiîs à sudi seplini the frequeni is&f. iempratlze. "-Si à mother promineuti ,toty scribes pnenm ce1 s et ozone, ozone bei passage et electi'icity i: Adistinguished Amal jte- gtbe New York Ti preVSlOlOen f pneumni uiversmiy of a uticacl characeistio effts Bôf of eue sort and apother Tho diease, as'M. Je l undoubtedly in the b] 'the- form cof permanci germei, ubese germe mus by thé. uric-acid cenditic Indeed, they. cannot . p- ln 'sihaline blood. U -lnm.fei the waste. system., wbich ýhe hii evideut uhodgh unaus ment, bave not been ab bu"e bood,--tbc filter -1 atopped up in many cf lii. tubes.- -iiTherL-i&fle'a autbo pneumonie, is a seconde expesure aud cold bei: agcny whicb develop t] ready dormant in the a the kiducys have been1 ing their duty. In ah( la but an carly indicatic dieeaeed 'condition. Saction may cexisi fer ybi patient auspecting it, bi will be féltinluthe ki vicinity, ana otten iii Go by ohemical and mii amînations. Nearty *I deatis in-NewTh York Cii in a recent March, saud 781 deauhe, ver. caue ajonc. 1 If eue bas occasional a tendsucy te colda in lunge, nieumatie sudi extremue.-tired teelingi and pleuritie stilohes ù cf appetite, back-aehe, -calding sensationsà colored fluide, huart 1 siomacL, desresssd 1 Sacs, bot sud dry ekin,ý and rirility, >)>usumon stiie hlm dowu any di ccvery will be doubifu. These indcrionu ni toethen, thiy May.,C ansd re-appear, for ea" nealiziug uhey are nata comingoalamty. Tédiseasela v.nyq if lhe acerinpauying ki very fan advaneed*, rea elble, for tue kidueye a and the. patient is lite water. The. only ieard niai is te maintain a -v etf tii. sys&m aud thui by uemng .wbatover W' effectually restoe fui hiducys, sud for- ihia equal te Wares sa kidne are-net souud ual be- pzeveà ted. kuown te -Mmlons, Us bundareda of. tnsat globe, sud com:mendi apeoifl wiierever hua daes net pretenai te À -- NEW RIGS.