Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1887, p. 7

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~d from à. pwa rds; 1QQUntry pronrtJ ced to. F'rst door South < w oflice, Whitby.i ,1887. lur new bcook, nAr Cr, Mareisco fuland5 lt as worderfu5l d y Heavenis7 oetalane on land andssr Ithe venld'.a t. sud reinarkable ite. Ihra ofterîtc fLt crîption oflieta~ in Oceans, snd !I. naters ofet i ., rrutts, etc., tegothr )MENA o.p TH2 NeuIMOP, D.D,* a100 ,ine engravîugtm .ISHING CO.- TORONTO,OUT. r Harper,.Imm., tby. A tl vasleîy cf sevisg ote isconclusli le sli by L. Pfr- i nade, as' lu ' Aua viinot emaî - Mes has boauts lo as upoése.,I tI to parties vu. vsug machine. iless môme mentit. -,te WhieSOvIag Ieau fauilenom v- famiy-eis irepaire Iao n danythin * 4do 'petit, and laite ~r this Distriot. ITS, [1.1ITS, - SUITSý LHEN SUITS 11,,anci.e- ERGI 1O t) 'Duyd,loý a.mu. to 12 uk .lo tu Items.I Onbelford Ma~u .bipped ' 27 01l frogs loes to New Yok lIii fiaQkville Star is about te heat,' jjt iioffice, sbud drive lb. presses by à Miftchell merohaul Offers te give a lobtub te the firit young lady thal unliq atrimony before Chrielmao. Wî-cash, a Hnrou Constable, va. ,A $ 25 at the Godericb asuize@ for ilîowing a prisouer te escape. The AlgofLua Oosuip mourus thati a b9ar broke milsi pig peu the cîber sigb& sud carried off its wint.er supply Aotoil boys on Hlallow8'en placed a besvy gate &croses the G. T. R. rak. À triSi passed over il vithout injusy. A Charivari et Menklaud Mille iu Larafraîs is in its second veek, snd growe more rîgeroeeery day. Brickityers arc getting 88-00 a day sud board et- Grereuburet juel nOv. This i; à horrible country for thse p9or 01 vorkiogmstl. Markbsoe stands to loe 5,000 bonne given to woollen mille, bbroughbâbd g.curity, not realizable naov the mille Ore inoperative. Ten condflOborsand porters' on tihe okadisn Pacifia Railwày bave reociv- ed DotiOes of dismisal for whet la knoovuas "knôcking down." à youg lady lesoher cf lthe village of Norwich b.d a, large qunnity cf vitriol Ikrown on ber bv an unknown Micreant ou Friday uighl. Jolin Fuller, of Bracobridge, s lad 10 y ears, lately lii trw a bey Mcv on s 7 fork, and one cf tho fines passed through eue oa bis legs. Norfolk baés a female contracter, sccording te the Simcoe Reformer. Rler name is Mrs. George Watson, aud she bas builti tbe Univorsahiet charcis a t Nixon. At lbe C )borsrg central fair a 8500 inenrance polioy was ofbored as a -pre- miumn for the most perfoct harre. Neit year Lbey wiii probâbly offer the tovu au a premiuml. i3nrglaris relieved aui Oraugevile barber of bis razors. ' la the same towu Mr. Whahty coutributed $28, s watcb and sorne clotbes. Mr. Creasy loeiog only flîteen cents. Ira Mlulhollaiid, a eeveuty jear old Oaisvilliau, contraated te cuit' 100 corde of Wood last vintor. Siokuess proront- ing completion ha worked at iL lu lb. summer until flnished. A WinuipeRger, who bas seen eigb- taen winters in thàt city says that Ibis je the firet joar that ho hau knewn the B.d River 10 treeze ovrsasd 11mev ont belore being finally clossi. An Oakvil-le tailoresas rnning a sew- ing mnachine put lier finger wbere tihe oth seuld bave been and ran the ueedle trbrugb ber digit. For a few 4.minUtes skie was a genuine singer. A~ widow woman wbo rune a farm in Umbridge townshiîp brought a load of hay te &bat fown the other day and un- loaded it herseif. That's tb. kind of a woman to have. Wonder @iha. noti been married long ago. A guet ot wind blew open tb. barn door of Mr. J. B Oonboy, cf Galodoa, knocking over a lantern tibat wasatand- ing on tbe fleor and emasbed il bo frag- mente. The reâlt vau that the barn and contente were totally destroyed by ,fire. Ber. H. S. math. vs attended ameet- ing cf tb.e5speci ommuwite. of the To- ronto conferonco, at, Orillia, week be. fore last, and was obosen seeretary cf thbe committee. The basis laid down by the general board, reepeoing salaries vas adopted-married men, $750 ; single orained mien, 8400 ; and single mon, $350. Hliraoe Smith, cf Waverley, I!ieh., hae had hieshare oi accidensé.. Re.put out on. oye, feU into a well fifty feet desp, fell forby fest eut of a tueo, foul imt aà cistere sud wan nearly drowned, &ad a short time ago vitile engarad in bhastlng stumps'ho vas blowu ton toot iute the ar, fraotnringoeue f hie feet. Nehson, N. B. has a eurioaitylu inte. shape cf.a ecit, ewnedl by Mr. Uonry Fbotti. lb i. Dow six nionthe old sud ha.bien blind siqoe bÉth. The eye -bi~ane o a edish or fi..by -polor. It P moest srele vitihead eléea .,i thée ait, sa when lot ont lu the psas tare, adjoiuing the . table eau fini. ite way bae4 vîthout trouble. Il - Wîfliafu Olham lires lu 8t. Patriek'o ward, ýnot far roo tii. lino..cf ýthe, Guetlkb 1 unuo rallvay. -Thoecéther day bh. va. bauking hMe oellar ou thi icâu. mil alter digging down about jeet. Il vwas a gün. ,He, p ut-, tbe :vweapeli incoal oh sand -,owv t isIn tJoo 1 Mak out;* iow lt qme t be., usod "l the "àié ol te FenI*tti.-"tl oil kana fly" Ti NWew prob seen àebod y es Iitt b. ago ef a ceai r is the tonnage. 8cm. folks think ta is tthobite or thinge i taI fret weirry ne,"sys joeh Bulhinga; "ve dodge au cbephanji but vo kan'î a [e birds, mcli fer 20 cents a dozen lu rgis. The amaues sporbaman dovu e cau bave pretby 8geai luok for $1. Ittle Girl-Ma ws Adam -tihe firet ka bemg ? 4otber-Yes, my doar BI1, vbo ebuved bim lu tbe baby îageP 2" icro is a. story goiug arouni o1 a vYork dog vbich ceale tacie. Il àably arome from hie baviug been àte bite hie naile. cent o!, l*e pople . m eets, csn e.illy ai-r wM viiu in hie ata"ueut;,b"itb"titIs ag, hlit niakes suait dràts uponlte working ~eis of lte gpeterput o! men inls nese p4rursi4fc! bu egos, bas de. mal Ix.àWib sud robpst constitution. Ntr, in ti ti.Saec rasin anot be ree- storei cf itsel!, but requireaseme stimulaI. ing tomeo, tlestrengtben ankieep thespystem lu regular order,and ini Nortitzep & Lyrmiùns QuinineWiue we -have the exact remedy. required. Thse peculiar operation o! titi. medicine, lu cases o! general dsbiliby anai nervous prostration, lias undergone .lonýg sud cloe observation, antd itCis Bliersi it will nover faU, il propes-ly sud judieioùslyI adminisees. Prepared by Northrop& Ly- man, Toronto, sud aoId b~y ail drnggihts. at Inuishoffin, Iroland, ene womau being mortally wounded. genorally wears a emilo on bis face. It naînral. Gelt tee- to yeur druggiel for a ie &ac curreutly reporsi that be cacas- bouile et Tamn5rac Elixir. Lt nover fails te sioually takoeein hie monîki. cure lioarseness, Cou ils., Colas, ate. Ae (before lbe vedding)-",You -re George Bupeel, formerly ef Paisley, Scot sue yon Mvon't be nervous beforo bbc land, banged himself in No. 2.- Police Sta aitar ?" The (fous limes à vidow>-"L lieu o ay'suryr. *ros&Rkid neves have been ye."0olaYtouCrdsiryalknd ofcorna ana verts, root and braucit. Who "'Good-by îe a simple little phrasie," thon veu endure them witit mcl s ohoap, Baye a writcr, "but ahi1 bow muoki Ihore and effectuai remedy vithin reech. is in il 1" Yes, espeoially whon il la- ete Wright ef Jeffersen. Tex' vas -atculatod by yen see, se be de- sh,) by unituowu parties ou Saturdanasu parts fer Amorican fihe. '. killed. * Thte shot vas fired tisrenghte ""My son," saiold Precept "îcu'ti vîndow imb hie lieuse. taitetic wrilting roetry. Whou, 1I-vaa Allen'. Lung Baisain ie warranWtaiti young like yeu, I vas getten vibh a cure th. =cesldistsesmng Congis. boautiful erealure sud vrote ber apo. la lter.euyn g oeeny ia I nover saw ber again." having your corn stepped upon? la tere, A cussent paragraph $;tates Ibat "Ms.- Gladstone iu sltting for a- bost."- Well he muet be baving a rery quiet lime. Lu Ibis country thoueands of people are standing up et counters for a boat. "'I vaut to be ibn augel," sang s female voies in a aide room, sud lbcre- upon a beartîes wrolch iu an adjoining apartment broke forth vith:-. Jekinnie. gel your gun, gel yens gan, gun, guis." IlReul aud change are goed for people, the pbyicians aver," ssid lbe vite as skie roae at iigbt to rifle ber hnsband's pookets. "'y. b.hd a seul, and nov I'm gsing tbrough tiboso pockets for a litIle change." 1< fi g, e gei en It iceent tait. a northeru iuvalid very sg le gel vol1 un Florida. When the ut výek's Lotl bill la presenled ho ýnerelly Isj: "I guoss L'm vol1 ougb ho etarl for home thie afternoon" Gold Near Orillia. A goli dieoovery bas been maie un thie dietrictr. The precions motel bas beeu flund iu coeiierablo quanlitica and lô an altucet pure clate. Lu the townuebip cf Dalton-about ten miles nortb.east of here-the presonce cf gold sud ulver su psyiug quantiticu bau long beensuspectod, and inany a proprielor bas epent veeke huntiug fer il, but net nlil lstely havo their efforts been se- vardei vlth succes. Cerlanly, once about Ibirtcen jesse ago smm good sizsi obunke cf almoat pure gold. ver. tound by a lest hunIer in lte bed cf lb. ecek. This gentleman lu tume lonni hie vay eut cf lte wiiderueu,' had- the mebal asae, mW&duehhlug sudreluru- oi for several consecutiviesutumere iu Lb. hope cf mlrikiug lb. mame @pot. Dnnlngbte pusraimes on. of the ser- osai proapectors made a atrike, epeci- menu vere tested sud yioiied, a satisac tory amount of firat-else goli. The probabilities are Ibat next jour lte im- mens esmes.o f the townsilps viii b. dcveloped and s boom more or leu equal in extent te the Cilifornit gold oraze cf 48, yuli'shako Ibis part of lte country. Orillia le lbe nesseet place of auj aceount t te .gel4 filds, sud shouxid tb. expeoci dboom t.k. place, wll be materlly belpsi by il. Se- brigit tee, vill erge frm lte oh- sourity whieb intho pus bas attended il sud blesaom lulo an important com- mercial centr». But, vie muIet su« bicipate, a&l bhst te kion ai t presont la thst geid sud milver esethere in snob ahspe ltaI te mine for'lthe= i vil6b profitablo. Iron iz. alec jasundant Property ba aken a amidon ris.and Msr. Keho. refuai 84,00 for bis faru tbe chrdy much, as $100 p.i bcreou basieen cffese4',for rooky laib ;ltaI ny.e tonh g a idered almeet verhblem.. W. hope 1h golden expeetations of eus > Daitoi frouds vili b. rslized.' r I ofr d oîwa'? nCureviUwilt. Try iL sud be oonvinced.. Â dynamite bomb vas found in a !rcught car on the Chîcago aud Atlantic Rafirosd on Sunday. Worms cause fe-verishuesa, moaniug aud reailesmuesa during sleep., Motter Grave. Worm Exterininator in pleasant, sure, and effectuai. If your iraggist lias nous in stok, gel bis Le procure iltesoryou. Kas., vas destroyed by fire on Sanday niglit.a If you wish to p«ea8e yonr family, flevoi yonr P'uddings, pies, Jellies, &C., vilth t "Royal" Extracts. Dec 1. Prof. Low's Magic Snlphur Soa)9- Healrng, aoothmng and ctean-sing fo' ail eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet use. found deai on Sundsy in a little room iE hie secluded home near O'Brienvîll, .C Thse value of bis e,-Iate àa 1#50,00. )r )r Mt n lu CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyuioxan, retired frein priotilce, hsving had'placd in bis hoands by an But India mi&sîiary tb. formula ofàa simple veg6table remedy for the apeedy an.d petni muent cure of Cousaraption, Broitf#,W Catarrb, Âstbma aud ail throat and Lung Ajfetons, aca a positive %nd radical cure for Nervous Def'lity sud a&H Nervous Cen- plaints,.-alter having tested its wonderful curative powers in iliousands of cases, hbs felt it hie duty to make it known to bis sufferiug fellowai. Actated by this motive and a deaire to rel-ieve human suftering, I wil iend fIre.e oharge, te a&U whe desin îi4 tebis r in GermanFehorKglb us.#io> for prepaluh auéusht sent bymïail by addresasg with stamp, naming thte paper, W. A. NormJ, 1it Pc.- ces-' Bloch.RBochese. N. Y. DUNlN!ýS B3AKIN POWD or bs. (i L&T PHIEss "niaER EHY C IMREOHDIN THE TRÂDE. A ood, Sui mad to Order for $12.OO0 A lage sttok oif Scotch, Engli8h sud Ca.nsadian Tweeds, Blaok Worsteds, etc., to select-from. ASpeo!aI 1lige of UEÂYVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 centsý per yard, siable for Busness, Seis or Boys' wear. A ~1LLST OCK 0F GROCEIRIES Bighestý market p-rioe paid for Butter and Eggs. BBOOKLI, ONT. Midwa betWom Broolin and Columbus, on the 7t&(onCe8nton. We are n ow pepared to .make ail kinds of Wooilent Goodig, suoh as Tweeds, Full Cloth, UnionFIn1s Sheing, 8iti . I-wo .bdBlànkets, -Horse Blankets, tîd Yarns i afilvarieties andailu kitids of Knitted .Gts kept in stock for the accommodation of Dyeing ini ail colorn dolle to order. Highest price paid for ainy quantity of Wool. Ail orders, promptly frlled. w I' SBO WEIMA N SONI ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training-. BOOK-KEEPING, ]?ENMANSH:IP, tUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSNES B1HMTIC, COMMERCIAL LÂW, SHO~THNDAND TYPE-WBITING PRACTICÂLLYTTUGHT. 'FI.NEST- ROOMS -IN CtAA O ODE , Seçret aiy Jêiss -~ at, q., ouostant, Toronto. stuoh%4,aayêportIties cfprvg both a& a te"hezaÎud as W McMi vmi* sin 'e Our istructiou ma-i experience asau Aoount. mPfl ntltp mèuug il gtc the parnaèf n vt may ,41iier ýô> bulmnses pue or fotr unditaklug. he. charg of tl D« eut uoi' beiug organàdnýânisi i oay i t.he 'i1h ohols sud pi an& 30iRwthry of Board cf xammîlN 71L3T2 .WITOUT y vU~ XIE, -x #~ .a~,L,. un OTÀJ~by - oat!et nghLt-7wC'Çserby bieandnetÈ,uI5Ve,9I~ *4 PBthe 'ItClËlg "& Mcdlix9,,t hal g ulcerattefl i nd& lu ý 0" iétny cas s 5lent~9<, b- mal lo > '5 How Lot! Ho*, Restored! -J nst pubisaho ,a nov sdltin'cf ou tise radical cure e! 8PÉRiAToEýBAoeAOr incapacity inucsd'by excesa or early indis- oretion. The celsbratea auIbesôlu intis " amir- able easa, clcarlY iemouutrateB fIrons lhirty years suoceseful practice, tthé alarmiug cor soqtln(es of, carly ,egrr may lie ralicallY curedi; POtigofemde! cure aI once simple, certsn ainadeffectiw by means o! viicitevesy isufferoS, ne ma'-làt- ter vbat bis condition May lie,. may cure itimalc itcply, privalely suand icall. - gà Titis lecture'should, lie luths aunds o! every jout sud very -man in lte land, Seul undes sai, lua pýlaie ovelope, te auj &adis, post-paiclon ecepb o!ftour cents, or Ivo Posiagsstalss. Airs The CUL VER WELL NMIAL Do.,S 4i Aln St.tNew York.. Pet ffce Box 450. DR.- 0o19 i Use "-mani8&-Condition Powdo5sfor loua pi appetite in jou r om md antall. Dr.,KUtau vs'lecin lu aldimani ou Satury by&,aijrbyo 6 w3udgoeuela asdeddaqntlt Maulloba t la mùt i the oum ujunci.u as ; ont bul'Lotmsola. Ff~e G~a~~5~e blngmaie lpu tO'Brie b si & amthmaa ;mark. Wit md Rmr Fowl r. BROOKLIN, ONT. 1 m 1 1 m for CirouW. Addrem. m '= K'i ALWAY S' ON HANDé

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