'ILRIW AI Wilson's Ginger 1~IJE Mercer's Quinine -wi NlsE. FOR SALE AT TUE MELICAL HALL, Gs Is GIDARDI ONLY si oo PER ANNUM. Wbltby, Frlday, Nov. 18, 1887. To our notion, and we have liad that idea for ten years, the g-rowth of bar- ley lias alway8 been a curse to tins country. Not alone in the drinking of beer, for we are flot discussing the tom. perance question, but in its'effect upon the land. We ail remember well that fifteen or twenty years ago immense orops of wheat could be produced, but the price failing a couple of years, bar- loy began to be more extensively grown, and fin&ily got te be regarded as the "backbone of the country," as an old farmer said t~o us the other day. Bà rley was boomed, and barley grow- ing was ail the go, and il, was Raid to ho the best paying crop of ail. How singulax it is that the agricultu- rai prosperity "of the country should have declined ever sinco we began to grow s0 mucb barley, and that nothing else in the lino of ceroals wiil grow- The. faet la, in our opiziion, that nothing wifl grow on land after a few crops of barley have been taken off it. Iu mak- ing this statement we know we shal b. opposod by two-thirds of the farmers, but we have their own experience te, back us. We beheve Ontario farmers would have -bad good crops cf wheat ibis and every past year had they nover sown barley on the land. Wherever the production of barley bas ever cern- menced eitber in Canada or the States, the growing of ail other cereals had to be dispensed with as being unprofitable. Asid now barley is beginuing to fail toc, s"d the price keeps down. Ma. J. B. Dow Secretary cf the. Pro- vincial Association cf Trustees subrnitt- ed a resointion to, that body that cannot but b. of special interest to the. large number-of four and five master Imati- tute8 thro=ughont the'. ounntry. 1Mr. Dow zmoved that "sucb a change b. ask- .4 for as t. slow imch mters as, havé T- air#tvOiosgo: anarchiste suff.rsd deâth 144t- wsok wlthout eldblting the oommted s-otoui *d"411- slthough t. their sots May be sttribute i.desth froua dyusmie *of saven 'poicseenlu May, 1886. The foulesi urderer iu the "brt, if ho shows any repeutanoe, oesy bave the sirongesi-sympathy froua hie fellow meu; but thase wretohesestood \ouit bo elas& bresih snd professed igroasi sfaction ini su sot whioh nmuti. Iat.d uhe-poor policemen. Oousequently the frnterese ansd ssfety of humait 1f. demsuded their destruction snd no r. gret je exprossed by suyone, oxcept their unfortouasatoiastes sud rois* tiveo. Justice vas slow in the matter haviug taken a yosr snd s bslfto rescb them, but à wuassureasd their death may prove the «rester warning te aIl sob o harseters. AoGuN, after two weeks of a luil, the farming oditor of this paper takes up bis qulil to pursue the disodssion of the barley question, for the barley question is the main one at present. We h ave established the fact that- neither wbeat, nor barley nor pease ean bo grown in such quantities as formerly ; that farm img opration on&Ullour rente ,arina ha&vée m noarred on in sucb a mauner as te ronder routed propetalmost valuelessud that only a majority of the farms1new tiiled bY theïr owners are kept in snytbing like a proper state of cultivation. It is a ificuit matter to get anytbing like a decent rent for a farm that bas; been a few turnes under lease.. The applicants for tenancy know the farm bas been ekinned by others who had to scratch for their very lives 'to keep the rent paid, and were prob. ably finally sold out by the landiord. We coiaie now to mnake statements which may lead a good mnany to dispute with us. Another fact lu connection with the bazley question is, that the people of Canada and the United States are be- ginning Wo eat more and drink ls Strong beer used to be drunk in oceans and a great deal of badley was reqnired to malt; but at present the oniy beer tused, is a wishy-washy stuti made out of tuie refuse of stigar refinerios, and other trash. Tis latter beer is sweet- er and less intoxîcating, and conse- quently more palatable. XVhile less barley is required t.han formerly. more dairy produce içi dernanded. Our ex- ports in eggs and butter alone this year Must give our tarmera more profit than from barley. Notwithstanding the talk abcout barley being the backbone of the country, it seems tW us that any other crop pays better than bariey. The con- sumption of every other production seema to anaver a good purpose, while there is nothing good can corne from the consumption of beer. It does not seem that a wise snd pi-udent God ever created this beautiful soil teo urse itself by the growtb cf barley, tio make into intoKicants. Whilst the growth of barle>k bas ai- waye been attended with poor results, great succes and greater accumiulations of wealth have attended the efforts of such of otir farmers ail over the coun- try as launched out into siock-breeding and &kry produce, and who used a propor amonnt of indusiry and akif in growing good fruit and marketabie cern- modîties ,'for iminediate eocsumption. Our idea is that the. backbone of the country is in other things beaides bard creppiug.- Barley growe. np a thin apindley orop sud bringi ail tho f lth in iii. land up with it. The grain is sold, tbe traw amounts te nothing, so there is nothing Wo go back to tah. land ftrm barley in the shape of manuro. It is the deatb cf the land, sud this is the ono fact vo wish to particularly impress upon farmers, sud vo shail gladfly give room te anycue wbo vishes ho dispute or otberwise discuss tue maiter in those colurns. Borne vil ask vint the. fît- mer is to do wheu ho quits bably. Our anever is thai barley bas ruinod tue far. mer and ho can'i bave it off tee quickly. hï anotihor colutun cf Ibis lassue vi ho found a somewbat extonded teport cf tue recent meeting cf the lae L~aso ciaton of Provincial truste.. The formation cf tiisassociation .igtue resuit cf the efforts cf some, merubers of our towu sohool board, their viowsý u hi F F ni the necossary qualifications ho teach luin iv. dlepartrnnh.> Mr. Dow poitted oui ual many cf tb. sinejier Coloeg. bate Institutes ver. conetituted under ci such regulations tuai hock very littie, ~ if any, aocouni cf ithe apecial quali- .< fications cf ihe-teaching staff. tinder 0 tue existilg regulations Institutes orn. ployiug but four or fl-vo masters, would , bu many cases have ho reorganize tueir l whole loachingastaff, sud probably anako .-l a radical é4ange lu lue work cf ýtue - o sohooL. Ho clabmned tuat il vould be hosi the intereui cf certain' conzrunites ho hm devohop specia> departrnents cf theirT sechools ove,> at thb. expeuse c f cher departinents if needi ho -aud lhe tought that tue 4d epartment uhonld ashwof sc ai bleuto.p.option lu tue mather cf & sugaingspeià hots, Mr..,Dov's roluin U0-n vasunsa6luaoasy cr-an d, ,no doubtinudue *ime wus brought tu, the attento f l, t dparinent,. Pour oer., cf course, accorded specia lln ion. mlie .address cf -Pre"ont J. B. arewofll h cf especial interosit. Mr. 'areveil made a strong piea for M'ore >ftue practioal lu out high scool cur.- Lcuu, and hi. suggèalbom aloizgt1iJ ine were moat poinfed and wil n nnhht rece'ive the. careful consideration d the Dejai-tment- By eousulting our, iumusa and thôse -of cUrer oounty, Dui-nls eue -lu nôt long lu dmsoveraig ao fact, that tueze , a ure, a ring ýusinesa Colleges luQutaro, conýduoted ~priahoonte~prs a tiers are 001. or.,'meâ eduoaticîLd bas .uno standrd to be by commercianmsters, as 1Oï,t as a couseq nonce trusteo bave to it baind in tbat purtiular, or tto a specialit inuÎ&e or.oýther of the. fou'r frisai depaytints of a dilg*ate n stitute course, pcssessing- sufficleut hnowledge of commercial subject's i.. carry candidates throngh the depart- mental examin*ations. 8o long aà the commercial form of CollegWt~e Institutés sud bigli sehools is left to tae. is chances stt ho hande of graduatesa Ù4 under graduates of Universities or of first elase teaciiers who may or may not have givon a tbought to commercial subjects, so long wilt that forua b. a mere preparatory sclicol for privat. coliegos, and a very poor one ai that. Reach & Sciigog Plowmng Match PRIZE ma£ AND orrucîns. The ah.,. plowiug match teck place st Mtr. Jas. Graham's far n uasr, Saint- field, on Tuesday of lait week. There vers sixty plovo going sud ithe Most eeitiug omnpetition of the 'kid'oer witusesea in thie oouuty teck place. FIBST-OLÂSS lMiNl m sc.-lsi Jno. Bobb, 2nd Geo. MLarquis. 8rd Gso. Stokes,,4th Wm. Grahamn, 5th M. Costes. SucoNw-CLÂSD Max ni son-lsiWes. Gibson, Sud Jolie Woiherhogg,&rdJos. M"e ïx?.-lotOse. Moore 2ud Wi.Beach Srd J"s. Hekt 4*&If Beach, 5th Jes. rou.g, Sth John oun= 7th Albert Young, 8t# Sâas. Pagé. 9h Frank Hooper. Bora GLAss, UND»n 17--lsi .ndrow Turner. Sud John Birketi, Srd Th»s. W. Joues, 4th Albert Dobson, Sta Thou. Mar- quis. 6h John Jackson, 7h Win Turner, bthitohmau Horne.. EXT8Â-CLASS MRN IN So.-lst Marshafl Stonehouse, Sud Wm. Thompien, 8rd.John Kirton. GBoxzD TEÂMx.-let John Lnes, Sud Dan. McDonaid. BlET GOrNG Tz&a -lit John Holder4w, 2nd John Stokes. JUDOE5. IN Soi.-kndrew Hood, Wni. Miken, John Davîdmon, Win. Foster. IN STUBBLE (MEN) -F. BUIlt, Thos. Wilson, and G3eo. Minty. BoY13 CLÂss8.-John Stokes, Wm. Batoman John Ros sad Wm. Usher. GROOUXâD AND BEBT GOINo TBA.-458. S. Baird, Geo. O'Leary snd Geo. BweiL At a meeting subsequentiy held b y th. direotori, the toilowing offloors were elected for neit year :-President, John Turner, Vice-President, Wm Coatis, S.cretary, jas. Graham, Sr., Treasurer, Robt. Brabà aon; Directors, F. Billot, G. Jackson, D. M"~ M. Rosi, Jas. Grahamn, jr., P. Hoit,e Graham, J. Martin, T. Lamb, G. Brown, Jno. Brown. Votes of thanks versaiso ten.iered the donors for thuir valuable gif ta. Murder by Highwaymen. TBREE£ TRAMP'S WAYL&T AND KU-LL A MANl ON TES FINGÂL 8H"AD. ST. TablAsi, Nov. 14.-Thomai Hatherly, a wagon-maxer, aged 65 years. who reuides about three miles west of St. Thomas, on th. Fingal road, wus robbed b~y highway- men on Saturday uight aud r.oevdsroh rough trestmueni (rom them thai ho died thiâ morulng from bis injuries. Oan 8aturday aft.ruoon atbo4lybeoc:. "onieu ho ooae to theeCiy on bus, s"~d 'o rbbaeprovaleus for r$UnD y. He hoie, tpurohtsesansd vas ou bis vay homie about 6M8 p.mn Whon about hall s mile vest e1t1h. City he pused.tiares' men on tho road, wbo Jumped into ebe wagon sud as itâted by Mr. Hsiherly iu ante.mer. tem exarainstion betore' the Coroner sud Crown Attorney), demauded bisu m.uew which b. refusod to baud ovor.OQueof ib gang thon ck hold ofet .linossumddmo* the horse litu the di"oh hlsthe. ci)>.>, iv commited th. d.od. Haiherly vu as kco seoele, eicber by a kick or a stoue (he coiild uet say vhlch). sud relieysd ot $9.60 f rom hi, ps.ni poket. Jusi ai tla i ma buggy pued &long drivai> 4y Willià m Howard sud Albert Houme, who stoppe4 sud iuiired vitl as wroug. Thuiy ver told by 1h. men ibsi ihey ihemosîves Iad juil arrived a few minutes beoreaudfouud Hlaih.rly Jyiug nccuselous lu lb..- diteli. Howard jamp.d eut of hlirg sudLfoud the bleodiug foi-m ofeltbshy >uaenscOlus by te raide. One of th*_sugwabu#tou- bd is Yeui under preteuco tha" bà .vas a doctor, sud vanfled o seS if suiv o!etbis ('et.rlsy )rie e.broken,. i;ý moctve, hoverern lu nbttonuig ltae sot vau teMme e w allet vhich> vau ith inside veu ipockot aud otaluo4895. Howard then took IaurIylt P a lu aud 8 ocouapane, h r. non" &sudone the gn took the. uuconqeous Mau ie bis hOmo, vhlch vas aboutà a=De A sd a bal distant. 'me oiher twa men iolloved, duiving llaihrley'e evu boem. :Ounrse îng tb. house tho marderrsgad tb.>au selves vtit) spper as iheur c.a requesi. While thuis v"asg on lu i-. RvAd vas drllng ho StiThomast fors, docooza" Mmu th e et oios, ho )>aglng b...>or iui- plelous ihat ailâasiotr4bt. Af her, supperltb.,msonuîjin h~o Hoar. adges u vrslafoms-ot i'bOy i f sitar - £ 1 ý THANK S GI VI NGI Ross Bros. have done as large a trade during the, past - year as they ever did before. 4ND WHY SHOULD'NT THEY BE THANKEUL? And why should'nt they show it by offering the Larg. est and most varied Stock of.* Reliable, Trusty, Serviceable Goods and guarantee that the Qnality and Style cannot be beaten at the Price. TIILANKLIJL that we live* in a live townl. THIANKFIJL that we have homes over our heads. THIANIKF1IL that we have -the means of putting a turkey. on the table. THANKFUL that there are stili some square dealing honest store-keepers to go to like IR088 s _ao-Whitby Dry Goods os Emporium, Farniers, Threshers,-a*nd -Mill-Men BRN' OLUMN. Fiud it to their advantage and, profit to use KÂCHINE O]ILSO Guaranteed not to gum, and wiIl outwear ail other Machine Qils. <~Try -our Cylinder 011. Ih has no equal. For sale i WKL BRYAN &BN. 1Whitby, by z in1 Dundas Street.1 H Q Strike for ail You're Worth and Wîn. Ilike tosea fellô* rying 'Hrd to, makehbis-w&yfile; liko ho smehlm braveilyb1 AUl his fôrces m* bis strifo. Siraighi ahead and nover straying, AU ieisstreuglia bis -purpose lu, Thon 1 oheer bina ouwiards saying,-* Strike for ail you're warrtb sud wIn. Courage, comrado, keep her going, reep thes nill arolling on; Wheter hostle vinds are bloig ]>arkueàs mut ire way ho aw «fever mind the adverse hooiing, Throv ybir spaanky challenge in, Holdv your «round sund keop baroootiuge, Sirike -fer ail you'reworth sud vMn.. Wlioop ber up sud neyer faIter, Nover lui-n yenora iolithes«strite, IBuru your ofeérings ou the sitar 0f a true.sud blamelesa lte. Keep your head ahy cenftrae, level, Now's thtu ime oory. begin t Fearinguneither min odormI, Strike--for alLyourQ vertu suZd in!1 To ibis spiried advice wvo zniýéghhla.d InBu.ying, Pay a8, You Go.,. Mayth> dimean sd mauy the quarter à au&by asprudent plan. Deal principally at cash store; iig onl roasonable ho behuoye-uhey soUl more cheap. jvrFruit ~. SansdJeIy -BuItter ii Spoons >1vand Elegn SILVER--PLÀ1 J.8.BAhf WATCHV BROOK ST.1 - WIjitb~! ~!I NOVEMBER r -LOCAL LU W(HAT 18 GOING ON IN BUDGET 0F LIYEL' LOI Bf GIIRONIOLE AÂ -hiel'B maiA« An, f aith he'il pi Mr. P. Tiy1or, _ jei te bis nov promises, Manchester, Myr sorrOBpQndOIIOO crom laie uufortunaieiy.- Tasm regular niesi U. wiilho lheId iï Free Resding eBo o'cbock. B. B. Blow the R hors ie receiviug laki 6-bcal per siesa bargý <' back-towil5 Petèrbô Ferry etc., etc. JusT beforo going Wood dealing vit se, 0 r'torlv - htover. Very 'mu -Dr. je botter. 'The Central baul maeute on am@oWii ry4e one ly on iea businés luMerc> ways dons a poil splendid'buuinesai lately establiaShd Ferry. sous felbovi fi got -a uIs f Wo ou smon ,g other m vomafl-off the 'v sirrested-,ibeanbu~ K ff On SHOES0 le fa-ver han Y. a I., ý, &il 0 1:;?.,#