EN INDSTa.WATIg-WOEKBsozmm à pluA- nu SON&. To Rit Woesbp the ayor and csrqer tion cf th. town of Whitby. Gumimm w-Pnxsuant with inatrucionz from yen l Îe t he leval frein Pberila Mill pond on tho nort.h end of lot number 26 lu 1he 4th concession of Whltbp_ township, &long what inknown as Lynde e creek ma His oMill and th. Patly Mill pond, th o me point on D1andns street, in the towu wihh a View of obtaining a suppi * of waher, I have the. hunor ho report tiaI 1 h ave taken the levas as above montioned, and also from Pherifl's pond alomig the GravalRoad (Brook street) ho Dundas stroot, and likewise froin the. south end cf King treot eastward along Dundaa treet, te th. railroad on Hickory streot and uow givo you the resuita. l. Fa» frem surfaSmof water in Pherilltis pond te that ah 1h. dam on Hi»'.q pond, 19.98 foot. 2 FaUl frein surface cf wator in Phorril's pend te that in Pahly mWi pond ah dam, 82.25 foot. 3. Fa', frein Surface cf vater in Pherrufi'. pond ho seuth end et Kont St. on Dundaa St . 12204 foot, distante 22,77n feet or 4j mile. and 111 y&as 4. Fa» froin Hi»; pond to soulli end cf Kent St., 102.06 foot. b. Eal f rom Patiy miii pond te south end of Kent St. 89.79 ft. UNEl VIA GRAVRL ROA>. 6. Pull frein Phcrril's pond te height land northicf Jno. Ricée. orchard, 18., f10.. 7. Pa» frein height cf land noîihh of Jn Bic.' orchard te point on DunduSst8.i Dominion bank 119.39 feet. 8. Pau fre i;a>hnuls pond to Dundas 8 nI Dominion bauk 13825 feot, distance 20 000 foot or &.79 miles. 9. FaU fram Kent St. oet mieng Dund, Bt. te hoe railroad on Hickery St., 47.é foot distance 2224 foot. X'o'vwull observe that the. 111 cf 39.79 fec frein the Patly Miiipond t10th.euh on nf KenSt. isanohsufficient te b. used fû firo protection as tho pressure in mopniel vould 'Det b. Lonvy enougli ho efore th watr te the required heihta ; but for manu facluring purposes it oould b. utilized an( takon te an y part cf tbe tcwn. But if HiU 's pond is used as a resorvoir the present fa» cof 102.06 foot can b. increna od to 112 fotby addinç5 feet toîlthep oJ the dam and thon leading the iUeatr ini pipei &long tho bank cf Rice'. bill, and me eon t< tho towu to the soutb end of Kent St., bui if taken along Brook St. to Dundas near thb Dominion bank a falcf 128.17 oab. ob. tained-quito sufficient te force the wate over any building in lhe town. The formation of the mrond ut BiU'8 dam is vory favorable for an increasod height a wohl as for adding ho ils strengtb and thi8 wîthout incurrng mach exnense, and the present miii sigbt in fol likely ho b. requir- od muob longer for milling purposes, as il is no* only occasienly used to cul a few loge at odd limes, besi les being in a ver'y dilapi- datlqstato. No doubt existe wbatever that'the fa» of 122.04 foot frein Phorrili'a pond ho the soutb end of Kent St. is quilo sufficient fa»l for ail purpéisos, sud cooild if nocesoary b. some- wbat increased by adding le the height cf the prosont dam5ý or 6 foot, but if the wahor is brougbî around the hill side and so on down Bok St.. ho Dunds.s near tho Do- minion bank a flu cf 13.25 foot =a thereby b. ebtaned and consoquently ma~re effec- tive. It migiit be wise, bowever, ho make or use Pberrill'a pend as a storago resrvoir. The dam is a g-ccd co with tho exception cf that part used as à hrimbling dam, wbicb viii nord nome repairs asil Irlaks consider- Wilh reforence ho 1he question cf sites for reservoirs f rein the exista ýg ponds, there are soveral places aIong tle. reek whore they could b. forrnod, the banks being high on es.eh aide cf the valley, and th. digtanqes be- tween Ihein quile short a.nd well suited for dams. One. w juat above the Patly muii dewn where a high point cf land runs in frein 1h.e ouhh-west. Two or lire.e ther placos bélow the Patly iile could b. used as sueh if reqnired and by construaching a dam 10 cilS foot higb acrosa the ceka litho fnorth and 8eut cf 1h. bridg, on Tweedies sBideroad. a godd resorvoir coulci be foer iand a larg u ctt f .vaher tins uocured, »ahes ti. dowù tde4 b.strenm yd.n orthie moeoater ruas in troin tho sjaScountry, whicb ohherwio rune off, and th. noarer tho town toes pipe vil b. r.- quired, vhich à a ver-y importaUtquestion te b. considered but liee1lat nain place vould not answer for fixe protection &e there ie net fa»I enougb. I thinlk frein hoe abovo observations and sgonsti tum ,mn neoîion vithlhe lp an and profile,. brewithisubuutoed, yen viiib. able te forma a 'rery goodl pinion as te the posi- bility cf bringing vaer te your howa frein soins of the.placementioned. As.te .coul cf lhe uadertnking, I will p uye the bout informatic la thie malter za mY POver, oeimatiag for a 6 inch and 10 inch cash mron coatod and subjected te n test .f 300 lb. t9 tiie mgpnre înch-12 feel Ion«. The. omt dependa on tho distance cf the source of lie vater frein the lova. i h4've selected four points sud give imates -for Pcr manufacluring purpcse* you rmod net, I tbink, ro f urtier north than Patly nil». The. distance frein Dundae St. ho the~ mines, su noar as oa b.detrmined. frein vhat vould b. lb. probable route i. 13800 fet, vich would require 205 tonsof06, ich pipe at $40 per ton of 2000lb.. 8200&bout 75 cents per-linemd footinelu oxosvmting and findinsjmateril *10,275ý. (0«W. etabulaI. M.auM6d'a estimate hero.) DuwnDaS ST.%%no aTLYmILL8 maatlin ac*ory mau » frelmireare ooerned, fi More d.etÎuled survy vi» h*ve to be before sU esa ho oomploetd I roain gntemeyou r< port Perry Nov. 5Ui, 187. Whitby Township Counci athb Mme I B ceuoncil met on Mondmy luet as per Ad. joi:nment. AMl the member., pressaI, It . intechair. minutes of 1lat meet- ing vere»read and approved. A number of accoants vere ad sud laid on the table. A cortiat from the Clerk efthle Peace re seleetion ef jurors for 1888vasalo lad on the table.' ()n motion John Fltzgomld, Georg Thomp80on, sud WmR. Brash, were osehà lowed SI rebate- on dog tai, and ]Eduin Hlodge $la John )MaYne Wuva iowed i for putting Up and repalring feoce at the gravel plt OkQouite lot 84, 4»j con. Wnt. Cousins wu uowd 467being tvo-third value for one sheep kii by doge. The. pétition Of 1fr. John Tweedl. -aud others a»king for aid for Mr. Ooffey was laid onthe table untilhenoal meeting of 1h. CouneiL. Mr. Wilson, seçondod by 1Mr. Calder, move that the Reeve and S. IMedland b. commlssonrtO cover an& repair bridge over the raue on gravel rend near pherril's: pond.* on Imotion of 1Mr. Wills, seoondod by 1fr. Caider 'the Beeve vas uthorlsed te grant hlm Prer1ou ttheauer -inu vor et &u=- ber of acoumts 'a4unag to I.7 on motion, Mr. Luke îBobinonva lowred *0fi.7G for 68 trees 1lated la aceor- dance vithe tlie lnig"by-lnw. The scount of . Outteil for prinhinig two forins M0 blan.k rs rts for 1h. board of health, Ji -;mndH.MYeen"for ca»eof the gravol pit, $15 ; vere laid on the table un. til the nert meeting f 1h. Counoil. Counil mdjourned %Ilmeet the Srst Mon- day ln December ait10 ololeck n. m. It Iis goe.rlly adzitted that tiers cannot pofmigF~hnkrh, iaMrab anythin > more ozqulsiteiy dallent. for ILà Îaamn's blrida Water; but ils grent sud jdistinctive property lu its adaptabllity te, the nues eftb. bath. Il i. theo nly perfume that vo kmev of especinlly sud particulanly suited te use la thum way. The power 1h bau ofilp ug thie Waters cf thi.bath gzreat soohig, refreshlng, sud invigorntiag effects, ln pecullar ho tt.U.f -Kingston plection trial je teo ommenc on December 6. For Cou g hansd Colds, use Alloul's Lun, BJaa. BReef s vmrranted or mone, refunded. The Czar and hisfamily leave Friedens berg for Berlia te-day. Neo ould or grown porion cau enjoy per foot healti if troubled vith wenis. Dr Brith's German VWoram Reredy iathie mosi effective worm destroytr in the wvend pleasant hothietu1man d sale. Ask yeni aruggist for it, and take neohiber. The Canadien Club la Nov York vil banquet,1fr Chamberlin. ALLzri's LuNe Bu.sax-I thie great mod. ern remedy for Coughs, Colds,Consuamption, Astbma, (roup and Breciti. It às W commended by Phyuicians evryvier., whc are ucquu±bled vît itilsgreat usefulmos. Sir Charles Tuper-s Majority in Cum-. berland ovor 1Mr. Bulux-en. Prohibition can- didate, vas about 1,400. TIs PAIN Kua.au --We have long knova tie high ,Characten of thisMmedicine, sud tit t i *!usd whth gret succme and sati- faction la our ver-v beet famiiies. It is the favorite Medicine of or misuionaries in bealien lands, vhor, they ue Il mors thau &HIls1. together for the diseuses tint âabound inu hie. arm limates. 1h shoqld b. kept uM evry houge.,and ho in readinees for uuddea attackt cf sicknus.-Chr.,to Freus Pinucaland Oommerciai. Offce of Whitby Cirp-Ntorao. *Whitbyt Nov. 11, 1887. WHITBY M.&RKE T PRUwss. -ai"&i a.......80 74* Sprng Wheat ............. 72* B'le...................g.2204* Balff ................. 06O Peas, blao.........5,260 C060* Blul>es........080* O.&u ......su........ 80* <EW over M .. 5 Tomlate..fi.... Petatoesperbag....,*,07 'ugs............. 012 Buter..........., 018* Wood..,.....400 * .040 1 Hldesp.nl.......... 010 ork",;'pewto,a...****00 4 010 c 0078 0 77 068 0 70 0562 065 05 0184 n600 800 5 016 860 050 0 15 007 60 040 0 18 018 008 vrRfc~ CREAN *AKiNG ~GWBEIt Ilesuperor exoellence proveq1n mgiioo homes for more thoa a<uarter of a Cetury. It is used by the United States Qoverment. Endorsed by1h. h Mis of th. great;Udemj ties as 1he BronesiPwrtanà d ment haat. fui. Dr. lIrIcos a e onlv Bnklngpowder aba do., not contain AmmoninuLie or Alum. Bold only ln Cana. PmOH .a ZING POWDER 00. uquw vouA. mL ~ e' os lFIstCIassJ:t f r rSale il )EING PART 0F LOT 26, IN< THE f> ront of 1h. 8rd Concession, contain.. ing 190 acres, with splendid dweUing hote, good outballdings, good orchard, well feno-, ed, and in a splendid state of cultivation. This property being sitnated juet outside th. corporation and vithin a mile and a quarter of the town, possemes mnny advan. Isees for the purchaser. Will b. -sold MUS. RIORDA Ni Propnletor, Wiitby, ýr te L. Fairbanks, Anc., Wlitby. Vhitby, Nov. 9th, 1887. n (rance Examina t/on, Tho Bntranco Examnaftion for admis. on ta thi.Wiitb) Collégiale Inatitut. viii Dheld on WEDNSSDAY, THURSDAY -d FRIDAY, ecember 2lst, 22nd and 23rd, Dmmencing each day et 9 o'cleck a. m. be regulations require tint intending can. [ates sheuid notify the Head Master ef a Institut. fnot later than Nevember 801. L. B. BMIBRER, 1.A.9 Head TMuter. De ly b. It r Th~ did ithe mai afol WILiLIAM'CRO Who reeided at Newton la th. Pariaiou Kirkptrick-Fleming; sud others, have? presented a Petition te 1h. Colut of sesui vn Sootland (2ad Division Mr. Martin,, Olerkj) praymg 1th. Court for lbave teoveli Subscription and attestation. of a Î=111cilto th. said Trtt Disposiion amd Bettliment, V ated by th.esaidWilliam Crgan d 'Miv.- Elizabeth Hunter or Cron hie vif., and tint on said Petition the Lords of the sud Division have pronouJiOed the b owing Izterlocutor:- IIEdinburgh, 151h October, 1887. Thé "Lnrds appoint the Petition te ho intimaI- "ated on the valis and in th. minute "Bc" in ommen form snd by adverti. "ment oce and aller an Interval of 8 "days, in the Toronto Globe and'Whitby newmperu.Furthernsolut anc t b ervd h e Partiés ijamed in hepraerof héPetition, sud ordan "aul tooernd tlb .lodge anuvers iti "lire. veeks aller such service and alle t1h. ltndate oft1h. «Mnladverummt l'if so advised. (Sign.d) bMoncief IL P.»D"- John Pairman, a. B. O., 50 Gew,. m e .tM Edinhurg, Petitionew AgeutL INTXÂTON, hr-ehy gven tGereRBhol ster, forerly aI Kirkptrick-îui>g w nI Wamphray, Bcotlsud, as sol rs. tig nder th. Trust Disposition sute. 1.0000 YOU_-NG -MENI -PLENTYOf 0F R0I uUUn IIR iu l £Wuous are cooring iofl&nd and -big preparati, * ELEVA;r£&TOIRS. A GIGAN TIC FALL TIRAJI Bee~ ~ ~ ~~ W -a ie i7ar o A. re preparing o give ont custorners Borne of th, 1__y___8-________2_B_"9________LM_. iesofGod i te akes n u new stock,.1 45-41n.styles and low prices. We have taken partieUi 8STRA Y 8STEEI?. pains in purchasing and can show the best Oam.te epromsesstyl9s and lines of Toronto and Montreal Came Sud Conpemseson h ubcie goods. We have now to hand. eti o Whiîby, abouât tb. firis day of Au- Su% ,a 2yen oldBSteer. The owner à lu - 1New Dress Gonds, Silks, velvets, b.ay seldwb as lie veteens and plushes, as well' WM.GOOWM. buttons, braids, twists, silks, HROUSES TO ILETI etc., to match. s«.ew on Befor. t?.. Boom con., New Mantle and Ulister Cl iahs fiL? S TRUC WIIITBy STOREY AND ÀA HALP BRICK, S. W. corner Dunduan sd la" y ts., 10 morne. grata la parier sud eue b.d roin, cellar, ve»l, cistera, stable, henhouse, j acre land, lavu, choie fruit. War.m, coinfortable honse la best localily sud very convenient te Public Behools, Institut, sud Chn.rciou. Roui r. or upwards according ta imprsvo. mente do.ired by tenant. ALSO THRÉEROOMED BOUSE, snug sud Cosy, vili cetiar good v1her and largo gardonohandy tb market. 0 F. HOWAD ANNES. Whitby, Nov. 4th, '87. Ten room lieuse, Pin. St., nar Plann wni. Âpply ah lie Milii or S. GROý1SE' reuidence. 46-sin. -JUST TO HAND- JEWELLERY, Neveu do in aLadies' BROOCES, IPINSsud.SM04 e(IHAINS. CLOCKS.- 1 and 8 Day.^ 'a14 VER WA RE. lu sS oewovGeo, ais KNvRss ?ORE, sudSPouNs. Tea Sps fr om *1.È<) per doz. Eiflhaoiay -Ville# Nail-and Sce Tbeuii Jewellery made to order. ~0flg f~. IeI latest iar ;t Vel.. as Colos,-Sades Wegh.t andPrie il Tailor-made Manties and Jackets New Wools, YaIGs LIet.NW- EES Flannels, Blankets, Nobby p atterns, worsted- and ove coating. New hats, caps and gents'- Our Millinery Opening, showin-g New' Paris, and New York Fashions, in Hals a nd Bonnets, Rib bons, Flow er8 and Feathers and Tirnmings, will be no. SATURDAY,- MONDAY & TUESDAY, 24,"26, 27 inst., and following days. We will be pleased Io show you -our Show Rooms. POWELL& 00. Lr - IVwO ~O GOODS MARKED,-DOWN, ýTOSELNTT EP The ùnd ersîgned begs te Cali the attention of bis ur0tnrus patrons that hisestock îe now complote for the FaU 'ý Trade, an&, that pr ,icshavebee.n kept tothe lêvest possibleým#xrginfora cash business. FrtoaeShe Supplies, Fine'Stock of Stationery, (l&ote Paper fra equre up, Nýoveltiea; Baby Carnages, a4d Wall Ppllersi, heAvydsouî uths Close eut'the Besson, ppa2± fom 5ç. a roliUp 40.-, heet ýM-eofrlê haif-dime Musia for 8c. In Baztr Pà ttensi 4oVer 2'o00 li 'stouk.) Fash- ion ,Sheetsand Cata1oue-gatis, 'corn ngoneý1 . fOTo dH and. Woolsï,&c. O Our Miss Ollajole will be ipleaeed te show thé 'large ne*w Anhyzzpaper, - Magazie, or 'Book, lin1the wonl screi Periodio st a 11e pufbliehers olosèjt prIses, payable stictly il wees ntic fb reewas o Enlis Peiodcas, anùd-2 weeksf IR.S. DEV~Lt merican. HIIBY. OL.(El q EgstablL*he BUJBSCRIPTIO' i per anriflm mn mdl vise. Subscri npffle teofficeO of publicaton. j;teaM eqtipmoiit am 'Bcok su'd Job prnihi f rom the large POE .»ubf.Speciol.mni uùurps55Odpros. f mcii *yiu es>oand oth CneSor lvery order rec eniaentOn p'rst insertion, per il tubeq11Oflh insertion, 5 DisplayOd Advortiseii by a soale ot solid Non swcordimiglY.' &dvettisements sonl lnistniiotioni inserled l chai'geil for fun lime. Ordors, for discontini muet ho ia wnitingot ors wl net ho respone A liboral dis51ouut 1te mente by the Year. ( contraet adverhiseielil in not laher than We oftsainteiided Chang before Tuesday noos * mente received Up te '1 1Business notices li Pive cents per liao vs per, lino vekly. 0orropondiiic0 sOU eit he-Courkty or nel Corrospoiidoiitsare i them communication, possible, HENDEBI JOH]EN STANTON, Bup't M.ohanicnl JORN* .FPAR] IBAMSTB7,Cou nCouHnte, 'OU JAMES- I B ARMSTE~R, -&o. e o çyal Hotel, Broo] DAVID Ozu1 ~TTORNE'Y-T,ý oinam-Tu nhe O mesficelaMcM WIn Whitby. G. YOIJ" -fi Brobkft. Whitby. n sumw ed. "vii, 1 1 feu ILYK Or TOWN8HIP OF WHIT8Y. 1 FROHIBITION PR .X-