Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1887, p. 7

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frorn & aRo, 'ward8, -' (OZtypromip~ 'd to. ,- 9 irst door siouth à office, Wl3> 887. sa £'JNA OPf THR 'Ri YTE~f ;O0txnop,D. )o fine engreglugi. '5HiNG Co. TORONTO, ON~T. Harper, Zsq.,- lavlng oxanined, Vuriety a1 Sewting 0a the concluson- escld by L. Faïr. mnade, asi n>'. bit 'uilifDot esefty kast niuch longer 0-t bas; becu lake a as possible. * it ta Parties waut. uing Macinte. I 'aS saie montAis OR lt"ÀJPBII. LëeWhîe Sewiug -can fully efl4lr, (an funly reçom. ifanuil> sewig '>pairs than mxi Ianthleg0 o., Pest, and in the ANKS, r this District, for your IRE! J ITS, SU ITS, ýHEN SITS Lil, ànd 806 'es' qSON 'E, 9 iRi. to ýt 41 Pei reveil T o Younig Ks el,W U & .p u s ~ I q~ U O 0 Deo Pv. givon up brèaiduganal geOnethua je a brieL,$Y1OPs8 Of a 9«- to bagoea o24 10h be othe youn metn of Âsburi w tlob s 10héu6çôý s e.ev 1m. MccCle'w!",sda;, h lPte s s s h eae u , k t m arie s aa l ea foSi hat doth g easily beset us,'thmmu abspoebà PraheiD1st defirued wihat wue meathî's i .u sin'~ . It is a gin that we hSv0, Ousomer .(to baker'.i boy)-"Isi yoir t 0 by b.0@6t or, something to which bres?' nicas and lig4A ?" Baker's boy tàiP iily addictod,the reaqo ,% w c>ifdntml)-Ys ea;it oni>' î -thS inIs Îmlyb6086u1e we are Milniers weighs teon ennees te the Pound." phy bah-i nl ne hrase of the Original d t ecist n bumn ne- This i. a glortous seson oet tAe y.mr wei ,oihaebesetting Bina, to den>' wheit yen wear.au overcoat *esdayFLe aWh( c1s1 , tV o hman tim ceat tbe sec ond, a porous p f's4er d t96iit anifest great iignoranc f b PCai ni) tonefl615goperlect em to ho free.'th. third and e doctor's bill the fourtbl. d.e frorn 8tich N thke 4e.The fir t ing Tapoets who ci Âutun i Sin uentioled by tespeaker was intemper- In stratus as Sad asmday¶,h auueodrkells. uc Ie The baby Anlumu, lisplng, says; 14wine is A muker," "Lc-ok flot upon thie «Ltpadumw1 mwlh e wjewhon ti red" etc., were quoted The "e p n ui WItmwt e onj sfepltfrmfor every youuxg man to "Ma,"-'said Bobby, "6yen bld me te 'T oaon ini rezard to tho question was total oounI on. hundred every ime I gel Biu abstifllOuco. Boware of the first glass, re- angry." lîeBby"WlIetm Intuehoiy(u are tarnpering wjth that which ob "t sxYean' lmoblbyh." W .ll, K. id Wl i e a d8lly and remorselesis foe if itgtU 0st> an'd' l h ie" E Wet t h e up er h and, ts qrap je iron, its ad- 1'Mable, 1 have scmetbino tb Bay Bal et0arestathy and isjdoue, only the ths.t I tbiuk will aetonish yen, "What ararc o a eeaeanwaoe h-is it, lEarry?" III am gcing away." "0., J coule, ~ utn.Tedukr oe UHarry 1 yen arte always gettingup soule A esreet, ho loses hie manhood and hbe e urrie1e m. (0n105 an arrant coward. ln regard to legis- Tecletwnsaetoeta lati, dutie ouly proper way to d eal with thîs Teclee id reAoeAa ues;tioul %vas to malte prohibition the law of herald spriuug, the derkest heur i. that 'F 1 n. oine say the Scott Act is a before tbe dawn, the greateet orooks frOc filr, but this je not true. The Act if, * r1 boeAbtnye wng h.fnetll righlt bult the ouf orcemeut of it ie a f ailure in waîch is tbat we bave in pawn.rS Soule places. The preacher nrged lus bearer"4 to amx et prohibition. Another Lr Oeîrfed bin ien 1 l Stting sin of yu>ùug mon was profanity or undersîand huaI he w6uld die by inches, i swearlflg this Ï4 a breach of the third coin- very philosophiCallY Ùiplied :-l'If t uuaieft. No gentlemnan will swea', to liaI be the case, I amn beppy that 1 S cal! a nan a brute who would ewear before ar nont go tlu as 8w Thorn»s Bobineon." ailitron le e glander on the brutes. If yen Thc followtug îlu 1he repi>' whlch a wl wirdo it where n one wilI hear yl on and thon remenîber CGod heare ou and t at man sent to a bu!illerm bis bookseller- ha "for every idie word men speakl God will 141 never crdred tbe bock; if 1 did yen m bring tieu, to account. ' To stop eweariflg didn'l send il ; if you sont il I neyer vol rive vour lieart to Gýod in Christ an'il he will gaI il; if I gel il 1 paid for il ; if I. an' teir -you to stop the bad habit, seek constant dn'IwnI."os' supiSf rou a th.ro-ne .of beavenly grace, oiewoateddarc aid 18ave swearing companions Do matter Who Anvc wb tnddaresidfa' they inay bel a profane Young minis not lfit 110 did't sec wiY lb. rUnnets shoiild Pl cinpatiy for any respectable Young lady, .to b. 6o particular about a quarter ef a cUI rnerry such an onue ie a crime, Young ladies second et the end of i l, Whoben h> tel youi eau do good by urginq your brother and kp h public wailing half an heur Su tred ogve up poauy Another b e- kenili settin sin s Sabbath -breakinf Reiember forthle beinning. w the sau~ath day to keep uboY. wf' W tbogiyulepinm young men koop the Sabbetlu as it ought to colorsa friend ?" said a well-known wi be kept, it us not a day for pleasîure and piianthropbislte a negro. "Twro eon- 1 nerrinent in loitering round 3treet corners stables, eah." "Yes, yes ; but I mean n& sud lzetheringun groupe bel ore nstes and aineprc nyig. dwtho shops, making jokes and inaulging. in loud hcmneprneaylig1 owt laughter aud iusing in soule cases ins1ultiug it?»I e eb, de>' waa bof. drunk." lauguage to passers-b)y. This is loaferism. When a mlin cornes eut in a orowd n1 The life of the Sabbath-bru>akiflg Young nman snd says he witl ual mn fer office,U is soinethiug like tbis, bie rises about n'onf, be remimds on. ver>' muci Of Ihal pute ou his best clothes, gets ready hie niceothrPol b indaTmeac horseo if ho bas onue drives down at a rattUingoiepole bopndeTeprne Pace to the neareet bote! anud thon takes a pledge On bis co9À s0 th"e mre 0on. e general satinter round, taiks and walks and weuld àak him to -rink under lte mts- ni Iaugh about the utost trifling things, the tatcen impression tiat he would refuse. eveniniz finds him driviug te sauce distance &s soon as w. get ever th.érush we ou bus-ness ouly knowu te hiniâseif. Mid- . cvn abgDVYgMt uin rughmhoXOthus ho spends his holy ere goiug stuvn bgnvy~n th day, nua prayere, uo Bible.readiuig, no en iltrwdai> a tvstt i of grace of any kiud. RiecOos ta mid-lile enerny's vessels. Two grand resulte & aud aid aga sud the habit becomes confirm- will be a.comrpliubed : Thé enemy M ed. At lesgt he dies a uisereble death and in Mji be annibilald in e particulaml'Y bell lie lifte up lis oeos eiug in termont adbl'mne and w hi e i feee ha e radul Mietake ho lies made ml roemenibe youna monod will cal you to cf the car stoves. account for everY Sabbath day you mis- Hesn lhvor spend, esk bim tou give yau a new heart and He sang il esci day, a riqht spirit, begin te-niglut. The next bel II would ual live alwa>'s setting sun the speaker touchud ou w"s a ton I ask nat la stay ;" great fouduess for pîcasure. pleasure is ail But wheu wilh e lever very good in its place but if it shut ont And chilis laken dcwu serions and earue8t thought about 'C'd and He quiokli>bait inail Ileaven il wa oul.murderiflg. Severel The doctora lu *ticwn. allier besetting ins were mrentiotied sucb Ias Tbe minister wus dininig witb Ah. thoughtlessneu and inconidleration, con- teunpt of religion thie is the hi gh road te in3- farnil>', and Bebi>' tins spolie eût fidelity, young men nover laugh et religion, "Me, wbal's an adjective 2" Ilis rnth- nover makiesaest i sacrOd tbings, nover or )zplained lie m.antug cf tie word mnocit those wrho are 00ritus and in earnest and lien toclisbly -esked hlm vby ho about their soul, the> f ar aofuMsn's opinion waaI heardow wes another besetting iun, the tbought,what wn. eko will my friend say or tbink of me nlpe Many pta e' hst tie sermon lis . Mornmg agood resolution in the n d. Tero r a dayviliuh poor oe#eand Wheu I yonn men Who would profees Christ but aaeked biru to tell me wbat "dayvilisi' are freid uf whet others will say about w&s be said i& w&S Snan mdive." te-. Trie.speakrrthon iii conclusion jc of the crown that is -"incorruPtible,uudefiled bave given in ta the bosses. and tiaI f edêtet uawy." Profi Low'a Magia 8rnêphtr 8oap. Heale*ug, aothiug and oi.ansing for Bight Bayings. az dijcun 'f the ski*- -- Deltg1«ftai for, toilot us.. A. rici Old, Mau-King Ceai. mII'sfait Auinbaeebal-BVeu e foui. Q<> 3*4Ueeth This gxitgsit eUt Ou ert-afl ele. - phet. bcd bealth cernes frein a proper Ig je nottbAe cola snmp miesbut th.e- Mount, of ezeroise iâd'.ttlig 0m ceai snap liaI biles. ;.bealitfl .food,.,W. are net surprised Thé ÎI>' le generailly oknowledged teliat se may peeple sufer froin dys»pep b. a0 spëitalifor 1he ctewfl. aiewhsu liè,e.i. sem uich àduâlteration, To makke e long slory shot-efd t et ev.ry tlting nieeesty for food, butil telb dio e.nespae. _ doese Ugood te know tbt t6ir io-oe The finger that peints wîth, pril.1s emiioled b>' adclmcnd ing. -The nuan Who dose nothlng but, leugb ln his eleeves '*iUsoon be out'et the el- Thyievegetble l» slow Au Âue- ,oai.Thoese ispice le laugh and "AU*i ets$ oeel& the opera 'mngr, 'lis notes for notes ; laàrge notes for bigh notes.' The womot lWho eauoontrel ber own touguis legreatq ' h . vho * ruletbi a Oit>'. She A is tïos' arét. The>' pult tuks -ina OwXpOt $0 boit!il dowu, but ih.y putýt a. tobamee t ep tc 99 s ita o , 1 '>' gtr" maI hi ÇJeam * am ai ofp8or i Bieo e ho London Anarchite openi>' Ibrealen. mrcae 1e ual on LordMayor's day. t às sad ta contemplaI. lb.eamount ef ruloal Etufferlug Au thevworld. Hew Mmn> ary,,broken clown invallds there: are-la jon lie tà burdeusome 1 The nervous ility saud general wemkuest -où those licted wilb ltugeriug dismeeàAsbest rem-. ied b>' the iwtijgoratug powers of B. B. B. rreigbl ratas 'belweeu MinueSPel u ed' àicaga have been advanoedl2i cents. - The modus Operandi. Thbe mode of opermtiug oi Burdook Bleod ilers is Ihat il acte aI ouce sud tli ame ne upon the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, [nevs sud lie Bleed, tu clemusie regulale Ad streugtben. Hence ils almckt univer- I. velue iAu0Chrona (Jomplaitt. Et le uow slmted liaI the eUimnoe belveen sîtrme, German>' sud Italy was secretl>' ncluded lust spriug. R1ellable Rentedy for temasm Procure a bottle aifESagyard's YeUow Oil im your meicine demier, sud use accord.. tg to directions. Il aured IdA Johnson, of orneil, Ont., of liaI complait nî,sd she eommeuds il as a-sure cure. For 25 >'ear hia neyer iailed-ta givesatisfaohlou. ews bas been received irom Heur> M. tanley under date Septeunber B. CONSUMPTION CURED. 119:9gad placed in hie bande by auBail a nùmisioar t heformula of a simple agetable remedy for the speedy and perm- Lent cure of Gonsumption, Broochitis, ýterxh Asthme and mau Ibroit Mmd Lung 2eotions, mIBOa a stve and radical cure )r Nervous Debility and aU Nervous Oom- lints, miter having l.sted its wonderiul arativ~ powers in thausand3 of cases, bas Itit ;is duty tb mû. Ait known to, bis Lfferlng fellovuÂActuated b>' this motive nd a deu"reta Ilieve human suflerng, I rlII send free of oharge, to ai] whodesi t, bis recipe, in-German, French Or Unl4s. 1th. fulil directions for preparlng a.ndung Sent b>' mail b>' addresaing with tamp, ianina tia paper, W. A. Nom , 149Porn. et LOk, Boch W.N. Y. )ISSOLOJION 0F PAR TNERSHIP IlI1' Notioe is hereby given that the partuer- ihp heretofore exiestxng between us, th. indersigned, ai Physiciens and Swrpous, rmctising àt th. Village of Brooklin, mn the IoUnty of Ontaia under the firm name f WARREN & OUTHBRRT8ON, bas eus day been dlssolved by mutiial consent. Dmted et Whitby, tbis lot day of October, A. D., 1887. itness: F. WARRZN. W. Hl. FOLECT. WM. CUTHBRSRT8ON. 45--4in TE K'SBEST-FRIENO FEDERAI LIFE ASSORANCE CO'II Gouernment beposit. Comerment Inspection. JOHN C. JAMESON, SOFIQEU-Ovor Jameson'o Gz'ocery Store. 44-1 mu. utu ant. wsa j?7isr i W, secuies th Àouel,50 MA e nuuus lidhu Wb" 805 ,, u, l TO MaU.RB E GOOD TWEEDSUIT ÂT PMIg ""a BYEROMRAE ÂMHEDIN TH TDE. À. Good Suit made to Order for $12.000 A large stockof Scotch, Engliei ana (Janadfian Tweedsl, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. A S3pecia lino of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Bsines Suite or Boys' Wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCERIES ÂLWÂYS ON RAND., Hlighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT. MidZway betwee BrookZin and CÇoIumbs,_ on-the We are now Prepared to mnake al kinds of Wooilen. Goods, such as Tweeds, Fuil Cloth, Union Flàanls, Sheetiug, Shirtings, AIl-wool boa Blankets, Horse Blankets, anld Yarns in ail varieties and -ail kiuds of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in ail colora, done to order. Highest price paid for ainy quantity of Wool. Ail orders promptly fifled. De BO WEIIMA N 80Nl ARCADE, TORONTO. A Ichool Thoroughly Zeqppod. for Buoînesa Training. BOOK-KEEPING, -PENMÂNSHIPq BUSINESS CORRESPONDENOE, BUSlINESS Â B1THFMETI(J, COMMERCIAL LAW$ SHRORTHÂND ANDI TYPE-WMITIG PBÂCTICALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA- C.O'DEÂ,; Secret iii. .Tamu B . Day, Eaq., Àocowtani Toronto. Sm,-Haylng moomelme amgo omploted e course cf study An ypur Gollege, and hmvi sAceO had uiieycpportuuties of provmg¶,bothma teacher and asa member cf the Boa~ ed Ezaminers ci public sohool tebc or-th oanty cf Durham, the greel benefit nd. velue derived iront nsuctono auê 'emperienoe au an Accounitant, I hâoe MUch- vl"M pa w7ytém lngtote .superior'edvn$agesofered b>' your Business Dufsud lanr.oommendlng ilt. 1 he patronage cf- ny wbomydsreaosei 'tiflsiber for business purpooect oz for undr-iu (.)hrg 1 ti.Omm.rcla ",etnov being orgenized lanmen>' et t ïHAh8ole idpuleseéla W. i. TXIILEY, Kmlbem anlsd omm.rei i Mater, Port Hope HIgh Scool, and 3eretary of Board ci BimnrO.fubm xo xeNGLS SWA= E18 CONBWEESD ïOPL -'WI-OI3 i p t -~ I ~~8W disre in. Iv aenbleed and ulcerate, becomlng very E BW AYNE'S OI9TMEI4T' * tops tellg sua bleedumg,1 u1oeratton, aud in .4 maur ases reinoves How Lost 1 How Re ood Jie published, a newedtioà c on the radica cue of srzniwrýonêoeor' inoapacity, in<Iuced by e 2ie r ary mdl., PýtiTs, inedb>' self.-indulgeuoes,rsxà TherI>' earacesiful rac*in th am alarming osqecscfsr> re be atAAcUy cu red ; Épclnjing c1u l, e -m ô cure et oncesimple4 etisds0 b>' iesus ci wbicb ever>' sfeBrer,no ter *hat bis condition myba bmefobeapi>',privately sud rad"e ca Thie lectureshold hé Ai l et every youh sud everyin"fin tAiel Sent ude emlua linevoa su>' mddress> po8tpio sepo cents, or Ivopostas1mjus: Âddreu The OULYERWELL- MEDICA-1 Peut Office BOX 4MO, Dý)R. ,DORENWENI1 U1~ S. A. il lu Baklg Powd.r a eolui ofl-sJI groosr for it saloi =m ýril ýou w Ibis Ipppt KSe g - 7th Concell8n'on. -,y Sena, tor * Circular. -Adébress. Preiniume. 151

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