Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 7

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Decorator. 'foin 5. a P? it ards, 'untry rmU ~door South lCe- Whitby lutiend n cavons, couaiI land - 4 s g e worldg grot,,t ~d reinarliabîs Ds.. cf nature. Ill.. ical featurois of u»s 'racterietlcs of tis birds, insectgte et tion of tise AtIà. Lceans, snd cf the .rs of thse De% plante, 5ingUli le wprld ef wate, ut$, etc.' logthr rNA O.P TrIBr RI, SYSTEMS hjiuaimop, D.D., 0O fine engravinge. àHlNG 00. TOKÃ"NTO, ONT. Hlarper, Esq., tvarioîy of Sewlug .0 the conclusion ýe old byL. Fair- mnade, as u my et Wihlnet 0484i Isat inuolilonger re han, been taken h as possible. I ýit te parties vaut.. ring machine. 'l Lessomo mentàm rifaction. hoWhite Sewing can fully endors. -an f uliy reoesa a fauily seWig repairuýthan a»Y 41an eh lm; te do peut, ua ethse BAÂNKS, Ir thîa District. ,SON tJITS, SUITS, .HEN -SUIT 11l, end se, Ives. NSUN ~SO A FIRBT M8, New York, f'or 8dVertsse-, ICEAi stolon items. 0 ls gfe iii ont 85 million test Noder, cf Wanbmasabeue, 006 WfOtd bliers have BlinS down OïW'W hae251 votera, and 25 lWY j~aIli.i8 exportiiig preseod bay iu elrRDnki;arce ltuost a rarity, yot gtfldS l u rlDing. V.seoDcf Oobertton, playod ~,bl.lewiil not do so &gain. Wb@ plow'ng, Mr. Ed. Birch, of P uueai!thod the opmplote ekeleton jobi 11oCItain of Barrie, Was de. ,e0ied 1t $250 worth cf jewelry wh ils& The Dandalk Heraid bousfa c ýud9 ouI1C's pot.agc hsving boon Wg t t hir office. 1; s peach-eatiiig content in &ylr.er e. other day lb. winner &te 87 -peaoh- 00 and the 1ooner 81. IdQue of theées happy evenla that lime nnt-obliterate," je tho way tihe Elora E?.rpýress refera te s marriage. * borniQng biroh stuusp foi! upon a til! 800 of Rob. Johnson, Mlanobon ushiflg hie head in a horrible mannor ad breakiflg Oes ig. Uoath -ensuod. Churchill Preobyteriana gave J. (0. XcKeggie s card recoivor and an addreton hie noving iywardg. 2M5 Ibs. wae the wéiRht cf the caressa dg~ 14 weeks caîf cfferod for Bale by a NEWSPAM IUMX CAU DO IF ME TRES.' The "booma" opirit hbu taken such possession 0! thse West thst people Whbo are looking for locations have become sooustoxned te higis ezggerstion. "«Do you wsnî b o eil your farm 2" waa ami.'!of au old f(show. "Weuidn't min'! il." "Land rich ?" "*Oreama's pore oompared witb it." "Rolaitbfui neighborbood V" "Ain't uobo'!y ever died bore yit. Cal. Grudor'e son dids'!mre lime age in Terse an' tbey fotcb bim home te bury bim, an' dinged if ho didn'î gel voîl befoeo hey gelt thrcugh with the-funeral sermon." 114 muet be healthful.", "Tbal's'ahut il jes. Se Ibal felear goin' 'long y ander P" !'Walke pretty wol), dont 'le "Fuel rate." -,Wall, I kuov aomelhing abouthirn in conuection with ibis hors climat. tisaI viii soun'! sorter strauge." "1Wbaî'a that 2" ",Watt, when that fellar coeehore ho b.d eniy one leg." "1Yen don't Mean il 2" "lYe, I de." "I1 have board se mucli couoorning Ibis part cf lb. country that I ain now prepar.d for almoos anything, but I muet cenfeese hat yen astouisb me," '<IL'. a tact, &Il the same. Only had ene leg 'aben ho coma bers, but putty' accu anoîher ene commence'! te grev li.Forest buloer. ont!, Typhoid foyer je prevalent ai Byng 1"Grew right ounlbhesnrnp of lb.eci'! miet DanohLrch, Parry Sound! and "'l eh ?" gbrvillages in that district. 4"No, air; nover ha'! a slump. WaS ' oîb ntheosesinofWn bcrned vith eniy one log. -DO yon A.bet of Moin thposse i o Wrn.now Ihal Ibar' aiu't a man in Ibie Coroît cfMos, as ive bitb eacountry Ibal drasa pension (rom the igwith Ivo bodies, eight foot snd ene Goverument 2", bes'!. "No, ie Ibal a fsot ?", Striy sheepwerrying doge are oeat- "A flat-footed facis. Their arme an' ing Whitohurcb tp. ocusiderable money. loge bave grove'! outi litheb.Goeru- W. Osi08er ha'! oleven kiiled in Oone mont bas refuse'! te givoeam pensions." ighit. . "Good fruit country ?"' 1 doz. potatoos veighing 16 peunde "1Woll, lolerably, but il amin very vere lfti witb the Standard Man, good fur apples, ter the trees grow se Markdale, lasi weok by one N. MoFar- bigb that thal lbe youanq appt.. die cf Iane, cf Gienelg. the cci'!. Ses tIsaI long row cf big Iresa Vandale broko the windows cf tise over yonder 2 Meaford Proabylerian Cburcb last-Bat- . e. urday. The Mîr-ror sayd Ibis isneîb. "66Whoui I came boresIsey b.'! just in g unusual. boom set out. Tbey were telegraph Eeigclasses in boi-keepina, pole@ at firet, but shonîiy after lbey vas Evning dai ei i oncinput ont, sithougb they vers des'! vheu wiling vîldearih nt con c1nfort 25 tley vere put eut, they commsucedl vth Oèkuihe Mes. li.cs 8 o 5growin' an' îisey jesi had t lte-he b two hur baons, ires off of em' an' let am' rip. R. I. Prîigle, ef Brampton, express. Wenderfnl country, ain'l il 2" ed s dog Io-Gaolpb aud the affotion- "Yee; by lise vay, visat vili yen mte animal trotte'! bock te hie old home take for jour place ?" in a fev daym. "l'il Bell il te yeooap, ceuiderin' A ihree iegged colt is Lb. joy and! the f acis thal lbey are about to iay cff a pride cf J05. Hagernan cf Arnarantb. tevu on it. Yen may have my 50 aceres The equiue tripe'! is four menthe eld fer $100." and lively. "Tbal'e cerlaiuly cheap." princi:pal Williams, B.&., of the1. li "Ilcison il les. Whet do yen 0ev 2 iugwood 111gb Scbeol announce'! in bis "I1t i.s uspiciouely cisap. Why àre papor, tho Bulletin: "Stight shover Yen aurions te sell ?" of sgnovfaii on Tuesday. -Wall, &@ I 1e11 yen, tbey are gem' Wt For a Iheit of catile cemmille'! eight l d a on br u 'io I ao t me.Wba years &go in Mono, John Preot bas heennossu dui &utm.Wa sentence'! at Orangevilli W six menthe do yen Bay P'" Central diet. "Dont boieve I vaut le buy," "Bay, taise il for $50. I kan't stand Because se wculd wear a bustle a noise, recillecis." Saivation saber cf Dunville vas erpol. -No, I don'l car. te invesl." ed frein the ranke. The effteoreseay "'H'ov oul'! 825 strike yen 2 they viii ait on thse busfle. "1Net very voit." -Mr. Douai'! MeKereber, cf Puelinch, &"Wbaî wonld yen Bay Wo $15 ? lasi weeis, tille'! on bis fartna amud O"No, I'S obliRe'! te yen." turtle vhich ha'! in itS1O eggs. The "Wal. Rit outen bers, uow-git!1 egge range in size fromb a beu'e egg te, a Yen voul'! paralize any boom the pea. country ever eav. Bil," calling Le bis Aurors is sinking a tank 30 feet by sol'. "fetoh MY gun Ont bore, au' if 15 for fine protection purpeses. pipes Ibis fllar'e ln sigbt Ibres minutes from viii be laid froua it tbneugh the tovu nov l'i take a crack- aI him. Gitl ' and the tank will be f.'! by a living stream. Good Health. Eroitern uascause'! aI Rocklyu fair by Younug lady,. sîtempting te Geod healtb comnee (rom a proper ehoot ber seducer. She faile'! but Pays amount cf exorcise jand! ealing goo' se is datermins'! te do it ne mnalter healthful food. WV are nol surpris.'! what the consoquences. lImaI me mauy people sufer from dyspep- An o stadingsixfeetfourinche ia,' hen there-jseOmahadulleratien An , e saning Ix t 4foui rtheso! overy Ihiug ueoessary for food, but iL, hig, masning1.1ft.4 l. l gitbdoon us good le knov I lthobra e . oe 3 fI. 4 in. beveen tho hp points, 18 ft. fr btaemku aigPv from tip le tip and! weigbiug 4,200 1bm, der thal is pure sud eau bo ro- bas been bougbl by Forepaugh, the lis'! upon. W. refer te E. W. Gilet, cirons mais, for #10,000 qab. 'Toronto. Canada, su'! Chicago, U. Dundalk Hei'ald: On. cfoenvyonth- ful buntens, vi. on btrick cf ami!! ganse,snaa pigeon lu a Iree, as'! wbili u be act of fling, tbe pigeon aiighte'! on bis sisoulder an'! frigistena'! bim 60 ba'!ly tisAI b.droppe'!hibis gus. SJoseph N. Booth bock finit prize aI Barrie for besl three-year.old rotter sud iumsedistoly sel' lbte oJ. W. Middleteu, proprieor cf the Barrie botel fer $800 casuad v. learn the punchaser refuse'! an offer cf $400 from s Toronto gentleman luside cf six heurs aflor bis purcbase. Aunie Watson, of Elora higi scseool vrote at iho didmutumer nou'profes- sional exsnsinabiens and failed. aisa appeals'!ansu swaas'dea tshird clN. crtificate. Liter bhe department ex- amaine'! ber papouers.tird Uties-and! grante'!, ber a second. Tisa Roereaa gnrowm Warta aI 'the Inabilty or cire- lesmnescof tise provincial examin-oe." Oas. cflarrisone bhopefal yonbhs on- leaving homw e àesrn bis ,ovu iving a fev jean ago til4-bis -fia a long otory h*boy ie asgeing tri coe bsek a ricb man. thse boy .LIBYe4 ' a "Ytil s fev dlayo sgo 'hen bis (ailier reeeiv. e'! the folrivinsg . MM'ae father-Meet mesSt Prnblh shusisaftar dans. Bng meas pair of p-#Mst& ma shirt I havesa bat. Tbe Geongetou*as Jàratdbas no* a son au'! helr,sasd Upen for itmqmblt- iens and! donations of Parnon. Weerfordmw hbearty qoi iIslots but oun oon"écle *la àI ' the i parogorie dons ý,' 44Ud*si Mýé the olo to on Obr oldinsto Baking Pov'!er an'! la adverie'! lu lhe colmue of ibis papa s very issue. t la m='!e frorn pure eam -tartàr. If yen" bave net use'! $bis bran'!,- &Ai your grocer for lb aI once and wvo inow if you once try il you viiinuse no other. Bée aise thiuadvt. of Povdered Lye lu Ibis paper. A.Cure for D.at&a.a. Tiser. bave been mmyresnarkable eure c! deefnesi made by tbsa seo!fayr" Yelov 01, tise great'houeood rmed y for nain ninflammation an'! sorenee. YelIow il cures Bheusnaâm, 8*. ThroMt and' aIly for &U pains and t njuries.'. ÃŽ 0. T. 116TDEE"TABJau. oorxd W'nT. Dust DeiaI - Witby. Toronito. No. 4 Expres 6.47 sm - - 8 amu 8 Loo -8.41."m - 6 Express (dos net s top at <'16 Mixe'! 4.25 p.m. - 6.0pm "il 2 Expres'- ,4su -10.10 s Ne. 1 Express #4 5 If yen bave Sour Stomsaoh, HeRotbuvn, .Sivk Hesadache, rlging and sourhng cf food wind in the stoanacli, a cheking or knawing sensation in thse pit cf the stomacis, thon yen have isure indications of dysees which Burdoôk Blood *Bitters -yl erl cure. Il lias cured thse worst cases on re- cord. The ceunI cf Paris gave a banquet st Dardpechî on Sunday, thse naines cf tise gueste being kept secret. The hotels are crowded with royaliet partisans. Muailm In Parve. There is- muchin i a litlî, as regards Burtiock Blood Bittera. Yen do not have Wo lake quarts anui gallons te gêt eut th., medicine it contains. Every drop iW every dose has medi 'cal virtue as a blood purify- ing, system regulaling tonic. The report that Mr. Chamkerlaln intends te withdraw from thse Fieheriescommaeaon is prononnoed fals. Perry Davis' Pain-Killor as a diarrhoea and Dysentery remedy seldom ever faila. Mr. Gladstone was well enougis W attend cliurch on Sunday. ris. meet deligbt.ful handkerchief oder le "Lente cf the INile. Sir Henry Gordon, brother cf bth. late Gen. Gordon, ie dead. Negleeted colde, Pain in the chient, aud- aIl diseases ef the Lunge, are cure'! by asing Allensa Lung Balsam. Rideau hall narrowly escaped being burn- e'! dowu. Prof. Lcow'a Magie BSulphur Scap is higlahjrecomm.ndad for aul husnors ansd akin diseae. The atttement that Rngland in returi for Frances asspnt Wo the New Hebrides convention would agree torecognizsPrenoh sovereignty over the Li-eward islande and the Haytian Archipelago was incorrect. CONSUMPTION CURRD. An old physiclan, retired from practice, having had placed inhie banda by unEBut Indis misînary the formula of aàuimple vegetable remedy for thesgpeedy and perm- anent cure cf Consumption, Bronchitie, Catarrh. Âsthma and ail throat and Lung Affections, &ac a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and a&U Nerveus Com- plaints, aiter havîng tested its wonderful curative powers in thonsands of cases, lba felt it hie duty Wo make il known W Ie suffering fellows. Aotuated by this motive and a desire to rellove human sufeérig, I will send free of charge, te aIl whodesÙre it, thie recipe, in (3erman, French or Englieli. with full directionsa for preparinz and uaing, Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Novas, 149 Pow.- W#a Blek, RocMSLO. N. Y. Faim and Village Pîopetyfi Sale§ The foliewing farm and village lots ýwill be offered, for sale by Public Anction at Broughamn on THURSDAY, lUth NOVEM- BER next. FIRST.-The south hall cf lot 22, &th Con. cf Pickering, conlaining 100 acres. 90 acres cleared, well walertwith living streain. SECOND.-Village lots in Brougbm, numbers 12 and 20, containing one acre on which there je a frime store and clweingý and other other ' nildings. Lots 18 and 19, ccntaining half an acre There is a commodio<is dwelling on tis land. Lot 10, quarter acre, with dwvellig For terme and further nacuars use posters or apply Wo John SIeih, white- vals, W. H. Biilingu, Sdilcîtor, Whîtby,or toi THOMAS POUCHER, 45--2in. jDated l9th OeL~, 1687 Anctioneer, Broughsam. No tice to' Croditor8 I Puranant to Section, 84, of Ohapter 107, 'cof the Revised Statutes of Ontario. Notice is heoby given that a&P Croditors and others having dlaims against the estate cf DAVID L. RERD, lite of the Town ef Wiyin -tho County cf Ontario, gonte- maideceased, h died on or about the 27th day of September, A. D., 1887, are re- qUired W ond bytp paid and regiser- edWG Y.8bffTH1ef:resatd T0ewnof Whitby, Soliciter, on or bof ors the tlrot day, cf Deoember, .1887, a statemeut of their mnames snd addresseand thse fuIt artieu- lar of their* daims sud securities (I7aa) blsd by thsm. And that af 1er the asid Fiit day o e oembor, 1887, the undersignied exeyouao the Bstale cf the nid DafdlM. Red '.111 prooeed te digtribute the mautso f the ud Tetto mong the par"iè entitlod thors- te, ha'ving regard te -those daims only of whlehthey sh9U havé, reoeived nouie as Dated st «Wtby ibis I2th dey o! Oc. tober, A..D., 1887. EIJIZABBTU A. GOLD1 ýW'ILLIAM . GorlD w 's TH-E TIME TO BEOUBE A: 0000D TWEE'D SUIT AT ]RIRS N"VER BBIOfflMREHD IN TEX TIRÂDE. A Good Suit made to Order for $ 12,00. A large 'stock of Scotch, English and (Jenadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. ,A Special lie of HEAVY TWEEDS'from 50 to 75 cents per yard, imitable for Business Suits or Bmy' wear. A FUJLL STOCIK 0F GROCERIEFS ALWAYS ON HÂND. .-Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. Ro C W.I?*, # BROOK.LIN, ONT. FURNI.TURE Cottage or Castie, -AT- PR/CES Wl/CH W/LL ASTON/Sil YOU, OALL ON WM. IIAUILT, I3ROOKILIN. -000- EIZ20 "Funerals Fully Supplied." -n Wh-iIby Woollen m lilis, Miidway between Broolin and Columbu.8, on th&e 7th Concession. We are now prepared to make 'ail kinde of* Wooilen Goods, suoh as Tweeds,, FU Cloth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirti.ugs, Ail-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankeils, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of K.nitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons.1 Dyeing in ail colors doue to order. Highest price paid for any quantity of Wool. ki orders promptly fled W#Ai D. BOWEIiMAN d M _______________________________________________ M-ANHOOD Il HOW Lost t How "etored t Justrpnbliehed, a nov odition o! on th. radical cure cf SvansRoMuToIReâ,or lncapacityiduce'!by oxcess or early indie- crreto;aeCousum'Tiom Epnxz.ups ud FSTs, iuduce by self.indulgenco,or sexual Tise olebrateda &Iser, lu thie adxanIr- able eseav, cloazly demoastrates <frim bblrly years sucoeseulpreotlco,' thaltise alarminsi cor sequences a rl y. eeXrmafy b. ra llcaly ouxsd ; poiuting out a moède o! Cure ai onpsmpe1craisu ffectuai, by means o! viisev=rysufeter, no iat-. ter vsat hie condition msy b., auay. cure himsel! oa«ply, privately su" radicazlij. carTis slectur eshould ho in th. 'hands cf every youlis sud every man lu the land. Sent under geaI, in a plain esuvoopete auy address, pcst.paid, on zeofpt o! four conta, or Ivo postago abamps. 4addreàsi The CUL VER WEW M E6IPAL >--00- 41AuatNeYok Pboat Omoe Box,450. 80N,I DR. DRNEV ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thorugbly Equipped for Buiness Trining.f BOOK-KEEPING,, -.rljINMÂNSHLIP, BUSINESS COBIfESPONDBNOE,- Busum~8Bas IMBTIO, OMRILLW SHOTH~NDANDTYIE-RITNGPR&OTIOALLY 1TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMB IN GAýN-ADAU"ý Sudfor Circu a Âdress. x T. C.'- O'DEÂ, B B-~tguçu. Im&go om~o4 ~ouae t utudy lin your9CoUi -4--4 8.25 a.m. Whic muet

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