Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1887, p. 6

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ý -"- vd t , à 60»EZOtiTATtiON. It wbs loug ago, us. ever thé M cm u Tial blaze& beovt port BuitebM3Bi"- 04ei thwNortb atus'on& Lng oesthe. vendrona pillas of bttholouii ý$ad lire, 1là Had marked vioeotle unchainsd millions mascied ou tt lis bert'a deain.e. On lie roocta'aud gittering trret * nigit mas the sun vent dovn, The. ne.low giofe t wilght a e ldro ; And, bathed lu the living gbor>', pie iited their oyes, Tii.>'sav tho pride of the uity, tiie St. Miciime's rise. HigI oves the lesser steeples, lipped vith a aolden bail, That hung ike a radiant planet caughl lu ils earthward fail, Firsl gliinpse et home tote sasiles, who made the harbor round, And hast, low fading vision, dear 10 lie oatwsrd boand. The gentl>' gathering shadows sbnt ont lhe wanding lhght, The. chlren prayed sh their bedaides as yen vil pray to-nigbt The noise of lb. bayer and selles fron lie basy marI was gene; And in dreama of a peasefacl morrow, lie city aluinboed on. But anotiier llght than sunrise aroused the. .lepping Street;4 For a1crM was hoard et mldnlght and the. rush et tramoiingtest : Mon stared in oach otiior's facestbrough minglod fire and amoke, Whie the. f rantic belle vent claàhing?4lIam_ orous streke on atroke. By the glare cf her bbauing roof trois, 1he houb3elens mother fled, With the. baba she proased te ber bosom smoikingwith nameloos dresd, While thie Fire Ring'. wild battalions soaled walls and capetones bIqh,1 And p4anted theïr flaring anners agseat an inky sky. Froua tbe doatb that raged behind thoin and the. crash of nxin Ioud, To the. great square etftthe city were driven th. surging orowd ; While yet firua in ail the tumuit, unscathed by the. flery floed, Withii is heavenward pointing finger the churchofet SIMichael'a stood. But e'en as they gazed upon ilt tere rose a sudden waUl, A Mryof horror, blending with roarmng of lhe gale, On whoeselorobed wing. np driven, a sin- gle flaming brand, AlofI on the lowerlng steeple clang 1k. a bloody band. SWill it fade ?" The. whigper trembled troua a thousand whitening lips ; Far out on the lunîd harbor they watched il froua th. slips- - A baleful gleam, liaI brighter and eveit brighter ahene, Like a flickering, tr.mbling wile -o'-bhe-wiap te a stoady beacon growu. "Unconld gold shall be given the man wiose brave right hand, For the. love cf lh. periiod cily, pîneka down àoyon burning brand 1" Socriod the. Mayor of Charlston, and a&U the. people isard; B ut tiey loeked casch une st iiis Jullow ; and ne man spoke a word. Who as itl ans trom the. belfry, witii face up turned tO the shj, Clinge Lot'O l0UMI, and moaures lthe dizzy sjtre withi hi. ye? nnatdla Ihat terrible, siokenlngqiieight ? Or wiii the bot blood cf bis courage freoze iu his veins at the. .giil? But sethbestepped on thierailing ,iie olimbs vith bis ftestand bis hande, And firm on a narrow projection, with the. belfry beneahh hlm, h. stands ; New, once andi once only, tii.7 cheer hlm- a single, tempelctua brsth- And tiioro talla, on tho multitude gaulng, a bsh ke te tiislbineaoetdeth. Blow, stoadil>' mounnlng, unhoedlng aughl save the. goal cf 1h.etire, 51111 higiier and hiieri an &tom, b. noves on t.tas. oflb.sp ire, Ho &tops1Will ho tail ? Lol1tor an an- swor, a gleam 1k. a meteor'a trask, And, iinrIed on th. stoneil of the. avement, the. red braànd lien shaltero« and black. One more the. aboutseoftheb.people have rent liie quivering air; At th. cburcb door M-ayor and Council wit vith thear test on the 1. r And th.emger hhrong behinà thbomproe for a leuoh oftisi band- The unknown saviour,wviose daring could compasa a d.ed se grand. But vii> do. a sadden troncs seize on lhim while they gaze ? And what meanet hii lai tifed marnai of vendesr ia Mas.? Heoitood inlte gatoofte templeoho .d' ponile4 Isa lie te save ; And thefine of a boeowualiesabeoface cf a slave 1 'Wit.h folded arma heovws speaki»nlx toisa thht weroclear, net bond, Aid Isa yes ablaze li thoir seekets, basai mb tii.he yes ofthle csowd- TYou ma>' sep yens gold; I sooru it 1 but If th b. 1h ..dou oeYeu, be net the deedofa&mau?11 Dy MNE. "6Nov, nule, arn I positiiel>' empi. vating ? Pray' de net'tike lie vanil>' out et me b>' saXiug. 1 aihnet.",'- A sofi, vlvel> tymiu hhrowu arana Mni> ckt a vanS eekpe e ae. le ni' vsikled oh on.ue, aiomntu; thon lioee pet duénk eyes glolto 1aou nie.aid dfy Mto Nuet &ba "Y is Nerlgbelee,I bhold blkt ah m',- l.ugub-md i aurve>' woo eaderfual loflip - vlb auarethe lisye uta 4evre. '8~~u doYmy bIii ittseÙveik.d 6ay from ber te tb. hanl 4byond., man ofronted 'Theres.,i tb. ëié ?u i mtdc. The. veman drop. pedl ber oye. iustautly, compos bep tac. ite is expreesion of habituai piossautise, and disappsared. It had been oui>' a avili glane, but the evil look ef maliga anges 'and vin- dictive bitternesa w inte svarthy, 1ev- brov couateuaueeatartled and amazed '14111keop an e>'. on liai veman, ai an> rate," vas my mental refieceion. "Amy sbeok out ber lace haniker. chiot, aid teok a final slnd>' et bersoîf in tie long mirror oves lie mautel. "Yen are veli eneugi le corne to diunes, uncle ?" mie aaked coaxingi>'. Amy has a caressing va>' et doiug aid aying evoryliug. My>'ansvor le a question : ,"Amy, vhere did yen gel yen nev French mai? Amy tasten.d a rsebadinl its place as se. miinlumre surprise: "Iu New York, 'of course ; ,bnt oaie oui>' juilt over ftem Paris. And sncb a Ireasurs t Bo quick-2-inch besatiful 111he bas.a ver>' dlsagseeeo sea- laitance. I dou't truaI ber.", I paused, consocienacethle inustice et a itreng ilike founied en-a inltel>' nohhiag. Amy iangbed casîseal>'. "Oh, peor Tierese 8he. doslook black and cross somelimes ; but il ma>Y- be a broken heart, on unrequit.d affec- lion." ,,Tnt, child 1 I fear ie vil do yen hssm. Sihasuil in ber faoe, and yen knov notbing cf ber, oxcept byb>her se- ferences-all eqnaily sînangers. Yea, se bastho face et a French CommuniaI. She mua>'de yen hart»," 1 teposalsi, holding te my belief viti a perstence sufficienlly unuonal le quit. amaze my prett>' niece. Amy faced mes au instant lu silence, tien iaughingly replisi: -If mie dosa me iiasm, or I am n l danger trom poor Thereso, I'il be sure le, rush te yen, uncolo," "Suppose yen are nol noar me? 8uppose yen aro absent ?" vaa my hall jemting and baif-romonatrant sug- gestion. "O0h, dean 1 lien VUilcorne in spirit. Ill b.eur@ te ceme. Yen muet take warniuig and saab te tbe sescne, or semai Adam ; fer Adam takes lie came dismal viev ef poor Tises.. l'Il eone in spiril-se. if I doW'l-proviied Tiierose doos me basin." "Ver>' goei ; it's an agreement, lieu belveen es. Riau dovu l e .major nov. Posbli~ I na>' bobbie dovi te dinnes, and probabi>' I vii net. Go- I arn titei et yen 1" 1, os anaver Amy strokes my gsi>' beard and kisses me, lfien- suse off, as I veli kuov, te lie iravlug-roorn and Major Bruce. Ised ryesif eomfortablyin lthb sireat leatheru ebair, reuted my haîf. isipss test on li, fonderand pesses- ed myselt eta aecib>' moe.forceset habit. Isulexun piessaut ihing te b. an old bacisior, but itinla lfluitl>' os.. te bc a crippie aid a coufiuued invaui. I arn aIl, les. ; novorleles,aines my 11111, Amy came le brigbten my lite, it bas net seemed a bard fate. Thon, tee, I bave sont. oornpsautions -my fortune vas doublei b>' tesson ef my phyuîcal woaknuma* The inheri- tance oertàiniy bai a fetloring tieudi- tien allaob.d-aUlug boieefet y ovu, il muet go se lb. ohîden eoue or lhe otites ef my Iv. siseurs. voaltii et love I b.d tes tb. molies. Shi lun>'heireas. Il le ai epeul>' avoed tact. My vill îles@ isth mon. safe of lisfamil>' iawyer. The dupli- calee slunMy deak, eoistabaud. Tearu ago my eider ululer hai elep- ed viti Captaiu Dubos, anu upsiueip- led advenlnrr. -Prom liai dey le ible treatimut rniofAtma I ~ ~ ~ ~ l buderài.,wr h ft,- ih io a urt tvoar look upû ,aiâ o4d ftullyaIUrlug t eb maosliuus ee. Lovelleat of aU vas Amy, staadlag behind my chair, pattlug my old 1gniy head with ber shapely white band, ii. Bertie Brn9e vbispsred somaeI thought, ver>' senasies speecheb laiteý ber 1prett>' car. 41- suppose 1 rnay stand bore aU night lalking te yen, and yen, vu neyer venobsatfe me on. glauoe, visa have someliing t te.11yen, 90o.1' Amy beut dcvi aid pot ber ted lips te my cheek as aie spoke. 1. "Wbat ine il? Bore foolieh acheme Of yours my pet?2" I sk. "And Bertie connives aI il, I have ne deubi.", '<W. aIl connive at it," ivo or thsee voices reiterate. "Snob à lovel>' plan 1 " ladersea Laura' Liai,, decidedi>'. "Notig oould b. iveeter," olucide the. Rfosedale girls. <'Yen are net te forbid lu dear- mind lia. Yen muet ay, 'Y..'to everYhingt' ceaxes Amy, flasiing be- fore me 11k, a vision eof fe.cV vl4t robes, bronze hais aud brlght eyes. "Cela depond," I make repi>'. "The" ài.Saàcampont at th. nid lcdge, and tore s a »Sai uibyl, who viii tell out fortune.-" "If you cross ber band viti pleut>' cf siver," I interpose, skeptlc.ally. ',Oh, ef course t" demnrely rotort- .4 Amy. "Wl, vo are going lier. te. nigit, aflor dinner, te hear-*gr fate. by starligis. Thiuk iov mysteo l,. "And wiat colis yon vili bah.," I romonsîrate, i luai n valid'a hersr ef vhat lb.>' dane net do tbems.lvee. Il vili be lie deati of yen, provling about the ceuntry' lii daMp, ool ev.n- ing-Can'à Yen b.eatiefied viii laI'?" I pointed te lie roasing fire, biazing and orackling on thi e orth. Il vas a terrible fir. fer se eariy in lb. s.saou-my usar aboulie, buned Wili lie corohng heat, and the. mois. lureé broke ont oves my face. Sil il b.d alvays been my mul. te have lie dravwg.room fis» lighled on the. lit cf Oetober, regardiese of taim- peralure, 80 cf course it musi bcens. dused. "Il'. confoundedly alifiing lu ber., air," Înterposed Major Bruce, '-and I am quit. sure tb. ladies viii en>oy a breath cf ais, and b. nonselb.e otas tes il." "Yen knov notbiug about it, Bers. -yen as. yonDg-you amre trong.", Mdy disapprobation souold bave been apparent in every amcet, empbazed as %boey vers b>'the tais et My crUtci but1 aht vbi. til, b"austopped me short ; Amy'@ tresi, fragrantfà" mdnden>' prmsed dovu agarnat pfiue. "Nov, dean., jYoUkuov ibhUaà ibyl -eal, live, enre.euougb gffyp>, ocrer cernesbe-you are Dotgoiug te aay 'No.' You bave epold me too mu.h I. be oosnov."eo '"You aill>' euh I11 bave spoiwetyou, liaIs Iru. I Suppose yen mail go and gel your deati b>' il." I ceneii, sas eknev I vuld, (To b. oonhmsued.) Wby salies fron eai nerve, vant et appelito, aid genieral debflyl>? lelting lie mcml cf sleepsud ssii Impovenusitle Oys- tom andt iin the blood, viin onnb a&rallp morlt0ouarensi>' u Neslirop & Lym a 6 WiiaeWle ia>' b. bal, al sy u>'« str.The. article la reoomuoede >the bigliet members cf lie medical tacult>' lu cmmesof indigestion, geausadebihty», boa et a mjilite1 ad nrZou afféctiona of Il kinalmon&Wspeciail>'bouefclaite cuinden and dolicate tonales, and le buti- usas mou, studeuls, mi ies. vm he bave mach ir"invonk. Wo votahtias>',uevMrb. viliont ta. Il vil streagubea yen, kesp yens "ay im l oulan otites, sud m"bl you t 8e soatu&pplé, Wth Ihe von yen have te do. I plemmtsul th&ielte, andi oonlaluanolb.uin 'om io th# e deliet omcolutio%. Bnembrte mi for lie Quinine Wlue, prapareti by Norli- rop à Lymnan, Toronto, and vo ams Mur =osy viiiho aaiisfled liaI yen havefui! abefor yens moue>'. Drnggatsssi»il Ai ]Baveno lb. Crevnfa ia.laiov lumpso1n i. Inflaâmmation ofiulo i do«anol gam. Re vilgo to ervi st tbs end oet lie moiti. ottMtbei. Nehb e ite Ze l Crmu Tastar Bhdug ,pivder miuaie b>' B. W. GiletITorSonto mie t le Tb* leva oet obetil a suchas., Oeutua h«ia habea uetrcoe byflre andiuia(te - nfevm e cause. -Mau>'pou=seus aarfres"&yMpt met Sd Landudo*ie;iaspromlssd te pay a te ~ ~ ~ ~ ,w à no.Glgw&London lnuranoe Co. -W. axe- oonatantly reesvlug testfmony tDr. Oargon's Oatmb c urs te wha*t the naMe lislies a "Catvirli0,.." Your 'rug às ,a >utirsed 10 reft~t themoney ,if il Mâle to glve satisfaction. What can be moreair, and need you suifer any longer ? A club han been tormed st Athens te pro- mole the. confederation of the Builkan YOTING MON sufeérlng from the effects of -Yearly evil habits, th%~ resuit of ,ignorancei *rtofly, Who llnd themeelves weak, nervoue, aud exhaueted; aho MIDLR AGICn asd OL» MEN, who are broken down from the effects of sbuie ur over-work, sand in advancedlite féel the consoquences of youthtul excesa, send for an mxik ILà M.V. Lubon's Troatise on Diseasea of Mon. The book wW lbe sent eealed. to any address on receipt of two 8o atamps. Âddree IL V. LUBON, 47 Wefington St. E., Toronto. Physicians, Ministers, Minsionaria, Managers qf Factories, Wçrkshowp, Plantaton.,.Nrurs iiiHositala, -in M8ort, everybodi, evrywhere tohO has ever given it a triaL TAKEN INTERXÂLLT MIXED WITIR A WINE 0 LASS OF HOT IlILK AND SUGAR. IT WILL BE FOUND) ANEYER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDENx COLDS, CHIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAI'NS IN TITE STOMACH, Sum- MIER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORLE TII ROAT, &c. ÂPPLIED EXTEENALLY, EIPERIENCE RAS PROVEN IT TIM MOST EFFECTIVE AND DEST LINIMENT 0ON EARTE 1IN REMOVINQ THE PAIN ARISING FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA. TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTIIACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cta. per Boule. Mr Deware of Imitation& -et CAMPBELLS TONIOC ELIXIR Tus gre mbl- yl plent , eaa U s.apeciil' dapte,èd fr'erlief und « o frs t.aICs8 ef amsdera suendantupou l v oor rdmced alate et ie ystnisudusuil' aceaaao ""à" P 'o W Ca aud lalitto lite Heurt. Prompt resulte viii foilow its use liti 0580 of Sudder. Ex- lawstit arisi:it frou Louoi of Illood, Acute or Ciroailo i>iseases, wiad in the veakness a livari>ab>' aebutaiies tL-e remvery freiWaasting 1'ee' r8. Ne remcedy wil i gi ve muors speedy rti et in l>yspepsmaeor Indige.stion, its aRd ,ion the uionjacli beimîg that cf a gei ý t leand barmies en tie xciting tic orppus of digestion te action, aud thus a uording imuxediate andi permnîient relief Thie carminative properties et the difféent anomaties wluich lie Elixir centains render 1t usef al lu Flatulent DyspepaL,-. 1L t a a valuable *emnedy for ÀtonM Dyspepsla, wbloh la aplteto oceni ia v~rennscf a genty character. For Impoverlsbed Bleod, Le ofe lait, la rMqnired, lte Elixir vil be ieund Invainable. In Feverm et a Nalarlal Type, and the vaious ovil resuits feovuig«expo. .sureto e icold or vol veather, I it w pi ,--a vainabl& etotrative, às lie comb.na.tton ef CicWosClayýa sud Serpentaiaare nlversally recoguizet M specificsfor lie aboved.ddises'. Soêtby atl)oelmhin Family 1 fedlclsn à 4o*pe'o ,, of G art~i CAPITAL, 02,500,000. ANNUÂL INCOME, $1b,5000. MARKE Farm Property &ad Dweiling Hous *Speclalty. Very low rates. Easy terme of payment. simple policies. ]NO vematious conditions. Prompt settiement of louses wihont discount. Be sure yen do flot ineure until yon know our terme and conditions. Enquire of E. A. B. HAY- WÂBD, car Geteral Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Psrt of D. Ormis- ton'e Law-Office. Ail lettere addreeeed te Look-Box 78. Wbitby P. O., wilI receive prompt attention. Btesidence-Ham Cot. tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 IN.SUR AN CE! RATES, LOW!1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL!1 LOSSES PAID PROMPTLYI Oompanies among the beet in the world, ach as, ThLIVBPOOL, LONDON if GLOBE, TA. lLANOA SHIRE, Th. WA4TÉBLOO, and Th. NORWIOH UNION, M O 1LT :E«Z. Local private funds in snmo to suit at lowest rates. NOTÂBT PUBLIC, Whitby. T BE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Wbitby, Nov. 7th,-188. Manages. ly-47 MON EY TO LOAN! *100.OffO FUIRt INVESTMEIET. ONS~EÂL ESTÂTE SEOtTRITY. At lowesa living rates of interest. Money secured within 10 days of ap- Apply t lesbn JOHN FARQUBABSON Wbitby, Pebmuas>' lGh, 180. 9-1 $500,000 TO LOAN. At 0 per cen.el. Terme o« reps>' mete rincip adot si brevr Piritat dsecond zmortgages blought. Ad- vances made on second morigages and te paroisse tarins. No coats ircnrred li ma -gapplications 10 me for money; ne açn' ees; no delay. Partdes paying higlier rates on mortgages should apply to me at once for lover rates and save money. Write or eaU immedlately fer particulars. E. B. REYNOLDS$ 1Y2 20 Adelside Street Basl, foronto. TieCAmÂDUJ TO AGCENTS NISDLU Co.9 46 and 48 Frontl Street Bmst, Toronto,*t the. Neatest ireat Complète snd Bout lling Needie Packate iluAmerica. Bend M Bcents for Samples of Ny No. 4, ainushd in Fine Plush. Paiticulars sent 'wh.n stampe are enclosadfor' reply. Don't worry Il you are out of empicymeut Wrîlte Mr.- Cowdy, 41 Wefllragin Street HstToronto. 'Bend atampa for sepi'. 'W&LLÂqB TRUE 'T'fBLUL.O.L. No. 18 mess. Inii United ,WoZkDiS ~udgsromyi, .hii thp' Ilock se'y, Wbitby. -I Fs - R4INTER, - GL A ZIER, PAPER HANGER, KALSOMINER, General flouse iDecorator. Paper [urni8hed [rom àc. a RolI and upward8. Orders from the country prornpuly attended te. KIe SHOP-First door South oi Mr. G. Y. Sujith'l'aw office, Whitby. Whitby, May 121h, 1887. 2r AGENTS! AGENIS Urnverse"~; beiug a fu and graphio de. ecription et aU liaI is wonderful ina eveSy contiment of the Gbobe, in tbe world ci waters and lie Stars>' Heavens, containh>ýg lirillmng advenlarea on land and aea, r. nowned diacoveries eft he WOrld's gseaest~ explosera in ail ages, and rernarkabie Ilh. nonaena in every realua cf nature. M. bracing lie striking phyaical featuses of tbe earh, lie pecaliar characleristics o! tb. liaman racc, et animals, bines, insecla, etc., inclnding a vivid description cf the Alan~. lic, Pacifiecand Iiidian Oceans, and of hj» Polar Seas, the Monsters etftthe Deeb. ieantifab seasheile and plants, singuQ, fisiies and dwoiless lu tie vend of aei remarkable Oçean currents, etc., tobe with the AMAZING PHENOMENÂ 0F THB SOLAR AND ETARRY SYSTEMS IBY HEMET DAVENPOET NOnRMaBopPD, Enabellished wili oves 800 fine engravings. Liberai terme te Agents. OXFORD PUBLISHING 5 JORDAN ST., TORONT0,3OOUT, Certificate of Major Hlarper, Esq., of, Weiby. -1882- To whom ii may coneern. This l tocertif>' liaI having exammned, repaired and aaed a greal variety cf Sewing Machines. I have come o e conclusion tiat tie White Machine sold b>' L. Fais. batiks le one ofthle beet made, as in my opinieon iltà a maciine liat vil nol sasil> gel onu t osier, and wilbail mnch longer than moal machines, as case na been laken le, prevent vear as ruchasmupossible. I cmxi hcneelly racommend il t. pares wan lug a good and Iasling sewi!g machine. I parciased one efthle Wiite'a some mentis ago,an mit Ilgives evry stsacin Âfter five yearo use efthle Whiite Sewin Machine In mn>' amil>' I con fail>'endose the abeve cerUcate add can ti>' recon. nend -lie machine as a famil>' seving machine coula lesi for repaira lion an>' mahinue Ihave oves 'bad anything le dé viti. MAJOR HARPER. - Sou .choaPsaM ho'-,cheapesi, sed z, the. Sole Agent for this District. JOHNSUN ln Deoerell'a Block for gour FUiIUE IDRAW1.4G RfOOM SUITS, DNNG ROOM S ýUITS, BDOM 'SUITS, KIICIN SU1Tro CorneOne, Corne ail, and Isoi E.J.JOHNSON ATW~ AT.~fl A WT~fi1 me e mu Dommo Wood Wovrk,, WHITBY. GBO. cèmnaniII. TIM Because se. ould voWsara Salvation 8181er et Dcunî am ed frein the rank is.Teef th>' il ii st cathe JrnaIie. Mr. Donald MoKereber, if lasi veek, killed on, hie- farï Inutlevhich -ha inluil 210 e eggs range lu mise trom à heu Anrr s e inkiug -a tank 8 r 15, for-fise protectiasm purpos viib. laid, frei h hrough. -sudtheié tank .wffi b, foi bom Bxi *ternenh vws causaI a air >'a Yomng, adY'it shoot ber so'editeer. She tale Sab. s a ermÏiid le do il - vat tii. ceusequences. - vtase tàaMy sisagu Inu pevp.aly té tiai bauisome, vlfeimli Ail lis cme lb.>' did seli iadfluable dhksi stbung1 va>', ~i amy I A e'- ~ u -hsohery'. tnthors-have a r -huas251 votera, and or iko are almoat a r Ig a etli munnnmg. Wl o f Ot obertton, li e Iviii net do se in powiflg, Mfr. Ed. Iruàearhed thceoqPmplete Meolain, of Barrie, ed of $250 worth cf jewel v'e DUbdalk Herald be si POU Id. 9 oune petbte haV' Stheir office. At a péaoh.eatilig contest i j,. otr-day the winner aIe 8 08 and lieh looser 81. gione ef these-happy ovents I ,nnot- oblilerate," is the Ekrs Epeas refers te a i 4,burüng birch etump feul ut son-ef Bob. Johneon, Mel ighie head lu a horrible ~d breOkig n ee eg. Deah OhrchrlP&byterians gv M-Kiggie -a card receiver rUes. ou hie moving eltyvar 225,lb. as the veigit oft h~ Ma14 veeke caUi offered for - lji. Forest buteher. 'J2yphoid foyer le prevalent minel, Dancburch, Pars>' 8o otho; vllages i tb&t district. A sew in the possession Ooôrbt, -of Mosa, bas given b plg viii Ive bodies, eight feet L.ad. .StMay eheep-vorrying -doge ing Whiitohuroh tp. coneuderabbe -Wrn. Osier bai eleven killed 1doz. polalees weighing 16 vese Jeft vili the Stadar Mfarkd4ie, 1aI veek b>'-one N. laâe, cf Glcnelg. ,Vindàaebroke- the vindov ieaford Preebyterian Churchi nrday> '-The. Minrr sayo liii mng unumuai. Evening classes lu bock. writing and aritimetie ince wlti Oakville Mecc. Inst. csat two heour leeso. B. H. Pringie, ef Brampton, od a dog te Guciphaid: the' à Mte animal trotted bacid te bis c lu a fev, daye. A tire. legged colt le lie pride cf Jo. Hageman of -A« Tic equlno-ti*pcidle four Mi and lime!>'. Prinecipal, William. B., of~ ingwood Higi Scicol annouace papes, lthe Bulletin:SIBliU ot enowfali on Tueada>'. For à Ihetcf caIlle -eoimWl Sentenced saI Oraavmillet Co. 1

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