Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1887, p. 3

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- r~or rei1uIar corregpofldeft6) soit te Uit .'da ta.lo 8u 'Cut(,.iVaneOS ùulew1oh, i-Wtii i'~,%gelîy e dook t.L hère béing ~i.bW111.le cames shu fan h WdM-dng1t iod et lu st ySar,-i n lout ~ ~5a tLousand'det hem- Borne bo osto e bo euar & Oet u &l imnportance,. snobi th. t fteProéident to 10gaJIY igua at the adjoufDmnt of Congrus, Sb o Virg'nga -Ooup0fl crusher" case, bihi' an apPoal was taken fitem the. dSion of United States Judge Bond, ,ebo îmPrisoned the Attorney Qenoral stwo CommnOfwealth Atorneys for 00t0]pt of court. Thon, tioe are the telephone cases, the. casie of Mx ,,îi1 (the St. Louis trunk sensational merer case) and the. long standing IÎUgion of the estate et the famoue Clark (aines with lb. city ef New Oleanse. The Icapfitol ije belng overbstuled ana ,,,cvateti preparatory tote m eeting 01 ongresp, and lthe advent oetîhe na- douail solone je anxiously awaitledes. pbisly by the.keepers of boarding bolsadbetels, and the. pçvdiem em. ploys of both the Sonate and Rouse. In regard te ithe erganizalien et the ElousS, the opinion i. gonerally ei. pregsed in this ity thaI lier. will bi ,o material change. Il là generail;b c00coded that Mr. Carlisle will succeee bimsp1f as speaker, and il l blete tbet )tr. Millte, et Texas, will be rnadi charm au ef the committee et ways an meaIs. The fishêries cemrnissinnes paii seretary lBayard an officiai viil 1hi week, and wile ne parlicular lino polic~y was agreed upon, the dulies in curnbent on the commission were diE cussed in a general way, after wii the body adjouriied, with the. eipects tin of meeting t e Canadian commi ion in tie Capital some Urne nei Mouth. The fact that peelimester Generi vil&8 lxe ;joined the Presidental exortv oion atMilwaukee for tiie balancea the tour, in regs.rded ae an emphi move of that gentemnan iu bigseaPir, tions for tiie Vice-Prenidency. Mar are o et heopinion liaI lhe prorniuieni given by the Prident te Mr. Vil shows a remarkable lack ef politic acumen in Mr. Cleveland, who h been credited withisernuch partie tact and edroiîneses, asil apparent - pute a Rligiit upori lbe other memie of hi@ Cabinet, te say notiug oeti danger of aJienatinir lhe support othor candidates for tiie second plat Nohiing aunhed by the combati spirit ln which hie Mecent l.11ev on ci service refovm wus recelvdby pi tissus etof the party in power. Coins sioner Ob.rly fellowsiti up witii anotl utterafice, in wiib be anneunices hi self opposed te l te appc.inlrent active peliticiafli. on tie civil uerv ezamininir boards. Mr. Oberly's leagues being absent, it je et pros Marely a malter cf eIl1.cture a(q wh.hhertor not they 1wil oncuh lm the sentiments expreonpa lbm Ibis question. In the.iieveisl Federmi DApartme the. leadiný bureau officiais arer very iusy. preparig their annuel portse!f te paît fiscal year and m, ing etjuite o et li ncessearyapl aànd giaetly relio ever plaeed on1 Uic exhibiion-& necklaoe et hu flugere, ovoe the prend lrcpiy Sion, Indisu Medicine man ; it rare maoseic-each fingelr standing grim repýreo<@ntative eoftth. gavage sician'a confiding viclims. Tis cf uneiviizd art je a& skilfully w baud etf boodu, Item ebici bangl mumified fingers the tips being .d withb ight 7y.ollcoeire.- Ourrut Literature. The "ticeeOu Phypical Treluing$ vhieh Dr. Sargent viii contribule le ,Soribnet5 ton Noveuibet, viiib. vorY tully illustraIod tem ïluelalnboo Photographe et exporta lu lie.varions tatofsprinters, tieplayaese I~>DgdSISI1 runn ns, rotlere, foot- bal sdbase-.ball'pleyere vie ieVe vwon onvibe =rerd b.tHarvard sud Yale lunrment yosrs. Tii. opounug irnoo uthe November nu re5ilI b.upon eue Of lie ohrM- iugeecas cf Southeru Calitonla le Wvilci invalie o or-ntlabrs The etier, Eldatdi Bobeasea oi dent of Ïtiettovu. 13H o e anra live foex bthe-at1t10510 êf lthe "AkmenloannNie," .as lad âl*il. Tire Italie&- beaum'*5f thé -Sata Barba eelrpinges -d frits, an osatow tainîï, set forth. "Tie old FmaiilOa tbou h e apîida iy, par .form i . e eiflous font 0o4 gi, 'breugi the whwïlpool ruophdeIn i 'boat of his own coonstrâêtiou,' nevutien foot, long aBd four sud a foot boam. The bot bu af ci soh Mu dir4lght oompFa'nmouiabout Md a-hallfoot t lb'gt, sadPry in ho paaaod tiirough -the. èhIrlpiî! A, wau inside oue et thoeocompat- ne. Hie trip ended lul b. WhIrl- is aflerunon, shorlly afler lwo ok, accompanîed' by is brotber, 1Poey, and William A. DiMtinoe ased lhe bridge and logetiier tiiey ded theïr way loilthe place on the re et the. whirlpool where the boat for seme ltime peet beon lyiug. ne aligit repaire were uecesfsrY, 1allen making them, Perey jumped ) te boat, and with himmeif ai the a, and on.eofthei.othenesSitting Ou top et each etftthe comparts lthe boat 8pulled alewly alonig thie Can bre te near lie point et the -norli 8. se tie walor wu o nt iigh enougi hum te psuaeately over the. enter ýer o! the. iode in os.. ho did net e ut mbs the mîres far er nongi, re aud hie Moude docided te wonk 3boat acrese il &nd ataiztOn lii.ttip Mo the. eddy below. At 4:50 Poney ipped into he boat, and aIl were lu pee liaI h. was about tletgat, but jumped aShore again and bnsied uef wili seversi uhings until 5-09 )leok, whený ho again entolred the. boal i crawled loto lhe rean air charnier here be remeined fixm*ng thinge unti 15. AI 5.12 o'cleck anotiier mas itered the. boat wili a bag o! ballas eighing about 100 pound@, wioh wal ,ced in lie forward air charnier. A 18 Peroy's COMpanien enterad li ar air charnier, and il was apparen a il liaI tth. navigator wae te hav )mpbny on hie trip., àAs tie watci pointed twenty minute utl 5 o'ceck Perey shoved lie boa [ffrern the sioe, an', rapîdly fastene le bell, liaI is secured leie st b vO suap-iiooks, around bis weiut, an niekly grabbed hie cars, 5*22 e'clOCI ,estnuck eut boldly and strongly iut he carrent. For juet a mement a ho were watebing hier ield thél reetb, and tien like eue person sad My God 1 he i@ going on le etid, od net in '.Jbe air chrnier v" For tI ipmce of perbape a couple et miuuti e as ieid ietweeo tii. quiet weiteri Seddy an8 the. fast ruuniug vate n he ifull length of the.'cum]e 3augil the boat and il vas rapidly e ried down Stream. JusI tii.théouîl f lhe -pool",'lier. is a Sancy pie.. waler wiere lie v,..demi higi au h. whirls mun deep. He wus puUli bard sebard eould be at tie cas, ai1 atein did thie aves das i igh aie tbe bew of tii. boat sud over bis ba and isa, and round aud round dld t' boat wiirl, butl ahi! firml'y h. est'a' ,uiled tlie .trsty esu.. Abler pl ivg Ibis rougi spot hoseîrck tho me quiel watar belveen lier. sDFi ter's Fiels. Rlis courne vs.a 11111. tie Canaenaide oethle streem, ai a@ if hi' tieugil lie vater vould z osarr île faut enongi, i. pulled vi ail hie f.roe utraigit towerd lie tear 21-id 1-e-l - lime tiey-ietrnck lie finit big wv Heo letunyearsOld sud ou, Oum fusaI Yongmen. Upeoù SMI iero ho went si once te b.d, vire Courlor corrospondent fbnadhlmu cnt metlioningz hie trip te suyb But tew wltnessed the daung ftst dlay, sud Perey's nidinui ole one of tie Most porions testa Oor4 st iuasr. Graham heu beaun.1 lien oudono, ln speaking et tb4* Percy agie.. lihaIï te lover rspids fer vers thtlie uppor one&. A enpuleen!ioulln lthle Meb oouiem aèrmd by'Dsqlt by usim l u g oto pâTiiS a" Diaovnyo gcai ledpf*s5 Peu aate omwV hmiedd - apui ad feesn* t 14the ue the. real gchange wh il -tproduffl aYp dmilted -the Tex"a #eitcrt rsoioel-îar. TiraI large lia M-1 ouit abet ton fottem tgrood' Whyiqfts tram,,w.k noms, vi appe te, and erùldebililly ? lotU mto m ayM19 9 pl àtý.1 heateuinoSUpded 1 "'esfl tenaof thr edol ci D klud.ila u -~ ~~dum téiA*i il a çêi -met es -,d iictuepè Iteto, r lit ~d~rn ~ rethc boat Tiaa their,ïancien." Lady tnlend, on en>lýt tnîp. Servs them rght 1I t heu boon bang- ing over tie aide ail day long." Tien. is noe asee isease among Herses and Cattie 'whiee «"MendS."' Powders ar nol caeihd for. and by Ibeir lirnely adminis- Iratlon viii sève the lives of many valuabie animais. "Mde flziogy uay yen. dat de humain body am lmposed 0etlhree tourthe valai.", &"Waa yo' bettah mouy off te ucheol, an gi oulcu âat bot sun, ur tus tlug je' know je b. vaporatin'."$ NvationaZ PaUa are a ilt'd urgative, acting on the tomach, £Mt~r andl BoweLa, rffnoving caob8tructiom.. A litlo bey who had been used te, reoei'v- lug hiseidler brothen's aid te yasuandclothesl, re,tiy eked ; Ma, abail I bave te marr hie wldow wien ho dlies ?" Be P»reo * IIny e! lie vort a aeks etchoiera merlins, erampa, dyseulery, aad coeoo0e uudd.niy lu th.eulgit, andthie mesi pee= aua prompt means.mnuet lie used le combat their dire effeots. Dr. Fowler's Extraot e! Wlld-Strawberny lu lie remedy-. Xsep il mt baud fer emergeucies. It neyer talle le eure or nelieve, Theeon.see lbiug in favon of lb. saud bank ; You eau aiways draw onl vilal 'be. longs te yeu if you present your checkinl the shape of à uhovel and tva-ions. wagon. wbea Ilaby wuma sci, we gavs ber Ca.tSorm Wbsn ah. wsa a ChLitd abs cnsd for Camota, Wben ahe became Mite, abse lUng te Cealerta, Wbm &h.obhm Chimâre&ho egave tbem cmetht Oomji Skin Dis ýmý REE ;rer 4ainti mnm Xe Blm )PSÙ4 Lney ?laint seri3e I. e. The Great Regulator t" liatmaeb. Liver, Bot u A Eloed.Cures]Mead&"*. conuI- pathon, Tomams Cmpwnta a" IEnlduup lie Bymtee. 'Fryan ~t he mzhrd Ite dys ##Fo.ym pu 1 hve nguetm dr pepda ad I wu ecommededtound Ilr a pdeteel cure. .Idi oan oùd a. . URTSToenOumuI Bodeevi.-JRTIa., T75e. nt DR. ODDEB'S COUGH AM] LUNG CURE. Neyr fais Guananteed. Puice, Mo. and THE MNON EDICINE CO., PROP Ri ETORS, TORONTO, ONT. Dominion Une G? Royal Mu SAILINO DATES. Prom Monreel Venouver Wednesdyp Seft.i4th. Sani.... Thr"ay 'Z Snd *Oregon ..........TUosM , " it211h. Toronto ....- ... Tburay, Oct. 61h. IMontea. ....Thurda, " ith. ....uve...... Tneuay," lti. Pfrom Quebeo. eVaucouver .. ThuruAy 87 t5h. 0SAXsIMM... a..... Fuday laM OCregon... . Tmray <'2th Toronto............. .0............ idonle............... 6............ Vaaceuven.T*,hurday, Oct. 901 Bristol Service ton Avonmouti Dock. Weskiy sallings tromuaitreal. U&vus or PÂSÂE.-Oab-Sa. m- écordn to steamr sud bertb. âe "b, ,sterege st oiesaI »0. 'Pamaugns e imifaI tonlealif Tbo.Wemmnsbave Saone, Bato i I.. I 4 buinessi. Dencziptilve pamplb ont fre. on recept of stamp bjy TOSON0TOI OANASA'.' , FALL SUITS. &-, JOHN Scotch, FERCUSON 18 SHO3NG ASUPIOR STOCK 0F English and Canadian Tweeds,ý A Ând other fIne linos of Clotlis, lor Spring suitz. AUl grments made up, in lalest style on shortest notice. Roady-made Afen'as and Boy8' Suita, BGents' Furna8hinga and Underolothlng of ail Kinda.1 ,=neS9TIRUOTICB 0OERLS OMM -VVAMr C2 I lA virc t Làab'el aiosl Had sSoit Feit Hala. VEBY OHEÂP. Diundss St., Wbitby THE .QENSJUI1ýLE'Eé THEBJAZILIAN WAEHUE Wili.celébrate the event by a, complete revo1uiton in the ORO 0KERY TRÂDE, FOR THE NEXT 3 DYS (Jolored Dinuer sets, eolored Tetets, ~ an sud cooe h er sets, sctually g vaay, alarg ktof entireNewPattens àud styesf to 5 sjelect from. Rem-nomber this W. lIad the trae lu TEkS and OOFXF'EE ,si àd gene- rai (IoresiWe Carryjuage sock aad ellst bc>lotom ' Tue an isus veye'if e! itepoiey ed has deposited with tbe ReceverGeneri napproved cana&,e seourities over $100.00 for eaoh $100.Mof liability, thusa afording ABSOLUTE se- curlty. Parties desiroTis of assining their lives wil id ilte otheir advantage te conmût the nndersignbd beore assurizig elsewhere. JOHN FÂIIQUHÂRSON, General Agent Whitby, May 18,1'88. -ly PATENT.S CANADIANS, ti sau<Le th sasitien.. -Iki.ec lic yer.-Total i t 1inillie PatutllOOitY#90 onMtain gapï thoboOiIY!!ien p atent le TotalCoïlt 1 - an ô flyewr RÉti tonr1 ens 7.O t'ieiptlof A Ç-esCA. SOWIk 0~~~ell; iS. }selicitors of lisent. 8ITIN8 -0FTHE r. ~aper le ci o - ~ e 'e * A. g., ~~'~b-'.. g...: IL For  etrei 1 1 1- thSBbOOldl 1 - 1 si ble tleflit&PPIO t W. J. THOMPTOONI M ONAIAI ACIFIC 0T1 COMPANYS Tdlegraph Office,: NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS The Comimercial Qable Co. The Baltimore & Ohio Tel Co. The Postal Telegraph do. And ali other Telegrcaph Lino.. To secure prompt dlBpatch, use the .P.By. Go. Telegrapli. OFFIGE in Riohardson's Block, near Market Square. Orders taken for Goal, Salt, Gypsnm, Waterlime, &o.$ for The Rathb= n 0.-  lrge quantity ef Land Piauler and Salt on hnLi epol ad ana dian iiii ]Baela and bagu,«a o of1he beat quslity âa4 lowest priée., Don't forget toi eall sud fin tings a reipresented. London and Lancashire riL.M. 1 i-J 1 kIA'I"ýý 1 HATS 1 001UNTY OP -, - caïewpm* -,*& la --dd STRAMSHM.

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