And Items Stolon frein our Exciaugma PORT Bora Mn. E. A. Powens, Hope, ls the happy posseusor cf a young rooster viiith t pair cf voil devcloped winge. Tic ex. trsý pair are.attached .te the chiekens hmd loe, sud are perfect. This lsa stiiae fresk et dame nature. Thos. Paden, lot No. 26, flnst con.,, Hope, lake shore road, iad two milci oows killod oun the G. T. B. lnaok yosterday. The fence badl beau burni, aud tic caille strayed on -th. lraek. Tiey vote vaiued si $75. H. intends te maske tic company psy for tisai. Sorne lime ago Alfred Pevereit, Port Hope, vws oharged viii vagrancy but laid low. On Satnrday nigit i. caen eut cf is covcrt and vas nsbbed by P. 0. Gamble sud arraigued before tic P. M., ohargcd viti vagrauey sud em- b.zzling is employer, W. Hall, baker, ont cf 81.25. The vsgrancy charge vas witidrawn sud on the embezzle- meut charge ho vas seulttc ecntral prison for cigitecu montis. OOEOUEG. On Tiunsday lest vile Hamn. Broyn, a youug minuemployed*ai Aloel. Prali's wupssing bohidia herse lu th.e a- bl*téanimal ktokd hlm"oulbthe lp, Injaning hfin ooaslerably. Ou Sunday vhile Joie MeNamars, of the township cf Haldimunjd, waa diviug wlth othero te attend St. Mary s' Ohurci, Grafton. thc ioam beesme figb*encd sud rau sway, throwiug out lic occupants, and breeking Mn. Me- Namans's iog st tie thigi. On Sattardy ovcnlng nomc beys re- #r-ed an aid triait by piaeing a bat, cou- iainiug a large esie, ou the sidewalk, sund then iid bebid ti. feue. te vai for soen uneuspsoting podeutrian te corne &long and see iov hord he eau kick tic innceont piece of hosd gear. Th.y did net wait long, for s in soon came tli asy sud hoJielcked ah. bai wiii se mach force liai the baya thougil io owed it au aid grudge. It relained ils position thongh, sud 1he kioker had te lump te oiurch on Sun. day. Ou Saturday Mn. R. ký Holdevori lofttsoine apples at liai vere greva on a trco planted in 1798,, by emre of 1h. Heriefsmiy, 1h.eid home- sead beiug uow part of ieitarin. Thc family r.forned te came from, Vermont iu ah. aboce year, sud seted si tic abov" place, sud tisa yca planted five apple inee, but oniy oeeof 1h. nuai'ber nov remains. Befereoe le made- lu Uns. Moody's book, "Boughlug it lu th. Bush," te the piautinq of lie.. Irees, sud v. doubt if tioe.arc suoy eider et preseut iu Outario. The ap.~ pies have io rosy chooke, butalnre soar s au oid ad,-no doubi ago hsving soeneiing te do wit iiL. A&mnu amed John Harlcy, vho work-ed allihe Car Wrrks hero for ivo Leans, but ho loftI te wonk iu Grand Aspida Chair Co'& establishment Grand Rapide, Miels., luti .png, dleeppoar.d talion my ienisy about four menthe *ge. Euiry vas made in every quar- ter bul ne trsce cf hlm oeutl b.foued. Laut veek smre partie iu going tinougi a bush about four miles frein liai eiiy, touud lb. ikeleton cf s man, vilci by tie lothing sud olier articles vau ldeulified se lie missing mn. H. vas A ariner compiud ai lbe Poilie ouort.on Sslundsy liaI vile h. vas driving lute lownansotier mmsuha oabretldy rue hiev"biais, teeclose sd osaacoollision vIlcis broke hie bugg. A fannerusmod L"., cO po wva nit. e-id »Aen te . polos! court, but au liseomplwlusat dml dn' ppeareaaift hswaulestgo. Il sUm, -~Le 8tory liai lhe t» out alu lu tise comd' about tht. ulstru ou probsà bly, lioy Wvose bohl bila At l,.Toroto poli ooou4od. d~à vUeu'yPaxthi ebsrbor. blwa. 4 thettia. I l i îoug 0outnmI wblle *aIktug one ùicr~k. :IW loavB On Tzà bday gveulngsi Gyyh dnvoena pohoüm.und! à tfeul U2ifrnt _o! th. Âlbi>, sud wva deigit Ã"raelliy, vhen K~. 8. to~tld hlm 1â Aesiot. A young minuaise îhnoal.uod ttirasui tie fellov nuleaeIlcie .ufotaa beout gel Up qi anysd, gë le lih stable. The Gpy ùot>deoiinug My et bis ovu usedielue admiuletened te, imlncf, pnomptly bome as u. oeiul la hiebeauts a amercitul insu eld bave becu. A tclegram wuassent te al stttioni agents ou tb. Noniiern rsilvay on Satarday, warulug thei te ilook oui for bogue iwo dollar bille, as several had been laken by agents during lie wcek. Tic Huntsville agent bad taken oue ou lb. day efthle Ailiston Orange exear. sian ihene, frein on. cf lie excu-rsion- ies who veni norti on tie sftertioon of Commen.. bille lu circulation. Tic numenone trains wvicibloek lh. Passage te the visant are a source et oensiderable trouble te lies. baving to Pmasl in," dimoolln. On Monday eue unforinual.teauseltervie. ni va-o o iewlss u*e og vus ,bis herse vn »*tif-eofbhtoing, gp, bortst"aarsrai! bisway, snd ho of course, ihinWinj liai lite staleofe tlhinge coula nn lait -long, vaiied. Ve do not knov ho, long ho waited, viawhn car reporter lues vhlm, h.e eil stood lier, holding hie herse sud looking prctly bIna viii lie oeld. On. gentleman n.marked liaI i. id notie- ed hlm standing liera for neaniy ivo bours. -Bob- Burdette's Advice. "My mon. vien yoa hear a min grovliug sud scoidlng beouse Moody gels 8200 a vcek fon pnesoing Christi. anity, yba viii perceiveliat ho neyer vornie a bit because Ingorsoll goes$200 s nigil for pneachlng aticianu. Yoa vili observe liat ihennan vbinuautten- ably sboeked becanse F. Murphy gels $860 a veok for. lompensunceo vok, seeme a le ilk hil à igil vian the bankeeper takes livice as mach meuey in a single day. Tie laborer la vortiy et is ut, my boy, sud hi ajust as vorthy oet t iu 1h. pulpit asieo le ou lie stump. I. thecmnu vieis ionestlty iy te eav. your seul vorti les. nthule mn vie lu trylng bis lev.l beau le go to cou. greos? Ien't Moody.doing as good vork as Ingersol ? Isn'i John B. Goug nas ranch tic friend ef bummniy astie bartouder ? De you vaut le gel ail lie good linte wvend tornuolig, se fiat yen rnay be able to psy a ig prie. for 'tic bad. Remember, my boy, lie good thinge lu tichenrd ar e oceapost. Sprng vater ooti lois lian sorn vhekey; s box cf cigare ill bay iveonruisroc Bibles; s gallon -of old brandy oeils marc tissuà sbarret o! fleur ; *sa"fuil baud'et fpoker ofis uoaanumore lu lvesty minutes lieu his ciarei subseniptlonamoants ta u inos jeansm; suinte cleollon acolamore lieu s revival of religion; yen eau sleptina ounels euony 8unday mninng forseig, if jeu are mesu eaough te dead beat youn lodglug, baiuta»P lu sPullmen car' cuol 82 cfvery limue. Fifty cents for the suonus sud s penny for. lie Uttle eusne@ a put lutise mimsflrjbox; oe dollar for lie aisater, sud s pair cf troumere frayod asueliesbaggystllie ke sund utterly bursied as te lie dom. forthe poor; the daneng lady goes#«0 a jean ; tho rs.race soMOtu #2,OO0 the fini day, sud ursitain lets.a vcck,erkn tvonty-five or lirly et the bol v»mon iu Amerlos naly te deali, sud oin.. oui 840 lu dolai. Why. my boyJ if à u suer find yoan- self anoeeng er aomuig bocaU8o once lus ille Ion hearofta proier gottlug s lvina, or even s tuxury selary, or -s lempoanovonr makg mociy, go eutlu the dark sud foot 'aoed cf »salsd if yoa dou't fuel aboeo kingmoras"mm, kick your«et Preics Iti. ciirei a cd ealy seat Ise vogld, 1oy, sud vsn imoe lu do«agPUe:sqnuoi saélk bons ai sdothle dsrl ~buf ed by th*egiftlsà d thonocevenauo aun snal ed « W o11net b.gnatiie Origlu of «bdéd '~uoi mark tisai 1>, 1~ i Manager J. W, 8oesn~., Upt.55, ho oltien d*y, as ~11*ki0 10 b. seul t. pnonay Vp> toiL fuM U _kepa ~ s Pr ïeat abl ,ÀAm ecoinMéput down on the i whcn h. calà othat breatlag aU Mr$. Mary Thonepaon, offTo0 't'as Cited sith Tape Wm8' 6f oil .oas removd- by ou bo of Dr LoWe Worm Bgru.. S11il l net se very strangethiat ce f"~ feele11golng on -the v"r pOWtI. ha i ives. 1fer Billion. Diabrders and Acl&BlSoma) Campbll's Catharte oompoÃœnd l e* affective. A man may o. theoretically a thund" advoeate of moral suasion and et the time keep a good ïhot gun te6 protect certa ncure. A. cure for choiera morbas. A pouitv cure for tis dangerocomplit nf a&H acute or ot forma o!bowlc plaint incident te smmer sud Uf a t l ' in D)r. Favle's EBtrciofWi1davbr te be procur.d froin anydrgl. 9"TUs 15 a oaa and bitter world." ruma*. cd a gentleman of Irisi extraction, -UWe acier strow Ilovesne ouA m54s Bve unil after he isaded. tLO èuu yedMe.» John IL. iare Bn., 1Tar%,Ont.Fralblis lobsue B. B. B. My dear frlcnd: I am upepanIng té Cein make y on a long visit. May drop n y day, though I oean't 11elleotly Whe Tours truly. John Front. la fflec A" a eThsePinflt Dysppsi p rcaful.Dierdeed l*eor lsmlnsery. indigestion le a foe togoo0a nature. The huxns digestive appeatus je Que 0f tie mont oomplicatcd and vonderful thiagu in existence, t leeasil put eut of oirder. Greasy f ood, teugi food, loppy food$bad caokery, mental vorry, laie heurs, irrogiu habita, and mrany other thinga vhich ouglit not ta be. have made lie Amenicen pooe a nation of dysppies. But Greme n'sAguet loyer hms doe a wondcrf ni vork in reforming thie nid business snd making tic American people no he-altby liai they cen enjoy ticir m"al and b. happy. Bà emember :-No bappinesu vithoUt heaith. But Green'& A@ loer bilug healli and hpieste liedyspeptie. LAI your drugget for a bottie. Seventy-live cents. '<Tva mach absorbcd in -hie buuineur vas the comment cf a Western De= pe on tie death cf a brever found ovs in a tank cf hie ovn beer. Grand Lesulta. For several yearu R. H. Brown, cf Etn- cardine, suflened frein Dysppi, ho séyn he tnled severalphysce.and a bouticf remdie vihou rlief. MHlm uglt rOC- ommended B.-B. B. wbieh hodeiere qre. dueed "grand resulte,- for vhieh h.og#me it hie higheet recommendation. The home etretch-Pixlng up a story te tell your vif. at . . Do Dot lake pille or povders eontalplug calomel, for 4ailit lme cf tho yeor, 6 resat!may bo serions. Ia Yenreut dose ef phM'sictaesDr. Caroar. Bomaci and Conaîipation Bittersa; iltst$tly on tie bowels, purifies lie» blood, grmproves lie circulatone stImulais. th. liver anad kidneye, sud opeediy curesbu eue. headache, dyppi, indigestion. 8ae the dro.g stores frei n ee nd of Canada te ah. olier, sud yau cannot find aà reaedy equalia it. Tryi sud usefi la your familles. Sold everyvher. tu large botèles si 60conta. Even thboubtsplayensometimes g& efi --on bases. U~ OPIEOvr aieoaY Mo.~ ~ for, Infante and 0-hldren. ~~ ~astoýe cQolle, (3o»epation, LTcommnifif2l4tee-epiS1oetenpriptlon Saur Btomach, Dlarrhoe. Eructation,. kDW Io à ==% MucsaIL., KMUIsWorms, gives leep, and promotes di- me. Ozard, BookynN.Y. Wisbo lnureus medication Tan OENTà uu Coxpix,,7Murray street, N. y. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOIR TAXES. -o ey oia f a Warrant finder the. hand of the W(arden and the Seal of the Corportion .1> ofthe0(onnty cf Ontaio, dated the Ffth Da\fSpebr 1887, oommauding me te levy upon the lande nréntioned in the foflowing liai for arrears cf taxes thereon, and oats, as herain set forth - I hereby give notice that unle suai arrears and coats are soonerpnaidl, I ahail in compliance with the Asseasment Act, proceed to seil by PUBLIC AUOtLN, the saiti lands, or se mach thereof as may b. neoessary for the taxes, et the Cour ons. in the Town of WHITBY, on WEDNESDAY, the PO«URTEENTH day of DECUMBER, A.D., 1887, at the haur cf TtN o'olock in tie forenoon. TOWNSHIP 0F THORÂH. Part. Seu B. Slmco atreel part Part souti liai PArt N. E. quarter 7 PartS. B. quater 7 West hall Part Centre part Fairpant block E lot No. 2- Fairpont vater lot No. 4 Pan S.128 B. F. vater lat No. 3 W 10of N. B. 51 a of N. j Pari Soti hall 1 Part soath hall Broken Part South hall 1 Part nati hall 8 Part norti heif 8 Part noti hall 8 North hall Part nati hall 2 South hallt 2 North hall North hait Part Paut Part Part Part Amouni Casite sud Lot. Cou. Acres af Taxes. Co-mms'n. 6 1 2 87 2 17 9 au 5 27 2 24 TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. 14 82 374 14 10 1055 Total Psieuied or Amount Unpateuted.1 5 04 7 51 2 95 38669 2 37 12 92 TOWNSHIP 0F SCUGOG. 710 100 43 22 8 18 46410 TOW14811IP 0F SCOTT. 85l 2 17 2 96 2 18 85 7 23f 729 2 28 TOWNSIIIP 0F PICKERING. 5 14 9 57 8 827 2 18 5 45 2 240 2 16 4 46 1 2 40 2 16 TOWNSHIP 0F MÂRA. 4 254 4 79 5 92 10 14 5 8 99 e 195 23 44 9 4 808 10 * 4 06 10 * 23802 il Il1106 12 100 86 72 12 6 76 12 100 16 67 8 100 1885) L8 200 40 19 3s 100 12 68 TOWNSHIP 0F front front B F K m 16 7 100 100 100 .. 0 - '100 100 100 15 60 40 1(10 100 CouatyTrsar'Ofce 7 86 4 24 24 13 22 48 2308 11,78 2 48 19 48 4 96 6 17 25 49 17 00 21 55 14 00 2 22 2386 2 18 2 69 2 80 2 21 2 68 238 3802 à 12 2 52 2657 3 il 2 42 RAMA. 2 29 2 21 2 71 2 66 268 289 2 66 2 69 2 23 2 26 2 74 2 53 2 64 2 45 4 56 7 01- 12 50 3 12 26 13' 10 38 6 27 25 70 13 44 39 74 2 88 19 19 21 42 43880 15 10 9 65 6 45 26 84 25 14 25 78 25 14 22 02 7 19 843 28 28 19 58 2419 16 46 Patented Patentcd Patented Patented Pateuted Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patcnted Petented Patented Pae.nted Patented tlnpatented- Petenteil UPatented Patounted Unpatented Patented Patented Patented Patcnted uznp4tee Unpal'nted 'Unpatcnted Ulnpatented Patcnted Patented Patented Patented Unpeteuted tTnpatented J. B. LAING, Ca. Tzea. Outarie. NOENGLISH STABLE 18 CONSDERE» AEiYAh f OOIPMTE WITHOUT BRQOC, L fe, Iflallranco AT COST.ý iftuai ReserveyPund Life A ance of New York. Canadian GOverumneni deposit *5,0 .Aooumulated reenve fund (aven) 816 OnM Deti caims pald during 1884 49 lqew business, lot 8 mos., 1885, 15,000,000 Twnt-five per cent. of ail asss8met. are dcostcd with the Central Trust Cou,. pany of ew York, as trustees of the Be. serve F'und. Lie Insurancoe t lIss tien une-hait tice ordinary rates, and seourilLy perfect. O)ny 10 assesemente made iu 1881, 1882, 18e and 1884, and lun n case cau tbey be mo;d trequent lieu cvery alternats inonth. Annuel expenses cf management, &o., limited to 82 per 61,000. An active agent wanted in every unre. presented Iocality, ta wiom a liberai dom. mission will ble allowed. Application. solicitod and full particrilars furnished by tie undersigned. H3. GORDON, Agent for tic County of Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estato Mortgagce t Low Rat& Interest. Appraiser for tie Canada Loan and Saving. Co., and» agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFIOB-Over Gerrie>e Block, Whitby. Saitable for wrapping purposes, layig under carpets, etc.> 25 cents per hundred. If- Apply ta THIS OFFICE. BELL" ORGANS, Unapproached for - Tone a nd Quality. CATALOGUES FREE, BELL &Gol, Gilpl, OnL GOOD HORSES. NEW RIGS. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEVERELL. FIRZT - CLAUB TURN-013T8 lfuruishcd ou Shonteet Notice. COmmerial , lj4ïL-. PaIn PRICES. HONEST DRAMIG. ~ .;RTHESSIMITATIONS Astlere are many Inferior cre with jute. a Jrallno by somo un- ~niniplcmercanttrad-- Our igenu"à onUe sabipston by rw ,ing tbiretenti te i là ,BtaMpe on innersido ofaiioorainegoods, VIthEn hknoeaeeuie 818ER} iE111 IPY r r~u uu~ rr~ 081 impnlsoued the AUl itonsPit; court. TI lite .lpheue cases, lie ,.i (11e t.Louis tnt 3Ir case) sud -thO lio aoies i T h~je--apitol je beiugc nsuovac<a pnepanatory i et Congreso, and the adi cieny by lie .keepei Puucssnc-cl-andtï .io- güf bolth cheSens -A '*,irrgarto tie ergaz 11euse, the opinion wa ë r~sed lu lus, eity liai nnauenrilchange. oouceded liai Mn. Canl tiktme-If as speaker, and uiaiMn. Mille, of Texas chirinlof lie commil Tic flehenios ceni Seeretary Bayard an ei vcek, sud while no pi ýpolicy vas agreed upon. cumbeni on lie co"m cassed iu a general wl lie -body adjoaruod, vi lion o! meeting tic CaOS sienlu i te Capital 8s .Tic -faci liai posi Vils. ba joined tic Pr ulon at Milwaukee for tic tour, le regardedI mc'v 1 cf thai geutiomiu lions for the Vice-PniE are efthle opinion liai gilvin by lie Preouidonil shows a romankable acUmen iu Mn. Clev' been credited viii -se tact sud adraltcess, à p uisa aeligil upoi i e «cf bie Cabinet, 10 Bay danger of! sienatinsr otln rc5ýndid*temtor i Nothlig dauuied,,b; spiritinlu viciies Ë" servicerefotin ws ri tissu. o! lic parti inlu sionet, Oberîy fdolvs1 ulierauce, l in ihi self, o ppsed té"th,&e active poliiciaiiiou examiniug 'boards. I basgues being sbonti , ley s-at cf thc sentii»Oflî5 expuci lis question. In uthe seveià l Fede 1h. leaink bureau very base, prepsnlug portsacf lie psums ing estimaies èf the- pn»ilis for-'tise -con lu morneet isedepsnl cId oeleai force viii ýmeet iienovisgdei ofo-lirkieillSdoubi lofSrae'to vriw xia MU, W~UAJ f ltlogaW, as Ma1 lien livluj~. On Pnislay Gslwsy, wa stable Sianle &-4 bailq1U Pr' hi sMd