Fluma ioe aa, rp-,-M.W x. Gordon. PlmLombua-O, Mia.W. AdOmi, J. K.Gordon Plumo, Washlngto-2, 3. . GOrdon. Plumb, yelIow .gg-2, 3. K. Gordon, G. y. Smith. PlUMa, Pond's Seedllng- 4, J. K. Gordons Pluma Brasbaw2, J. K. Gordon. Plum;a mith',s Olas$, .Smith# je' ILGordon. Pluma, M"L"ugli-2, J. K. Gordon. Plume, Reine Ol.de-J K. Gordon. Plumei, Vailh Sftdling-2, J. K. Gordoni, - OEB APPLES. Large-lo, Miss, P. Smth, J. 3. Fother- gai. Smll-6, ;.B. Burke, Win. MoGlllvraY Grapes, Wor&en-6, 3J. K. Gordon, J. P. Burke. Lady-8, Jo.. Pollard, J. K. Gordon. Brlghton--4, J. K. Gordon, Dr. CJarson. Salem-46, :. K. Gordon, G. Y. Smith. Conoord-8,.j. K. Gordon, J. B. Durk. Delewre-6 J. Liek, G. Y. Smith. Nigrs-O, j. F. Burk. Dr. CJarson. Hartford pronUi-jas. Boreham. Ohau!ýpon-2, J. K. Gordon. Llnday-8, Dr. Carson,».J. LGardon. Wilder-2, J. K.- Gordon. Roers» No.44-8OJ.K. Gordon. Ca«g--%J. Ã. Gordon, R. J. Hut- du î38 XI Caulftyei8,Chas. Ro, W.W.Wood. Oabbaga (winter ,4tir. WM 0. oî Cabhage (red)- ,C0. Hoît, W. Wood. Squshe-iO3.x. Gordon, Wm. MoGil- llvray. pumpklns-lO), Jno. RaflaIt., W. .Davoî. Table carrot-9, (bec. StenniCkan, JM. Crswforth. Table luruiP", J. Boreham. paraipaý-4, J. Boreham, J. J. Fothor.e Beta-4, Dr. Eastwood, Geo. Stenioker. Tcmatoeu.-S W. W. Wood, (J. Hoit. Fig temtoes'-S. W. Wood, J. B.. Bnrk. Wat.r melon-7, J. J. Pothergil J. B. Burke. Muuk melon, greon-8, w. Wood, j. j. Fothargill. Musk melon, alet-S, J. B3. Burke, 3.3.. Fothergill. (itron-6, W. ,Wood, 3. Bruels. Oucubera*-7. W. Woda, J. Morrison. Celery-4, W. Wood. Yeflow onion-Sb, J. B. Burko, George Strecker. Red ouiona-6, W. Wocd, Geo. Stenboker. Pickhing onions-, J. B. Burke,W.Woed- Potato onions--4,Mrs. Jno. Duaf , A.. lllis. à lbo. hop-8, Jue. Hegarthi, W. Wood. (Jhlokoy-C. Holt* Collection vegeables-2, C. HRol W. Wood. OLÂSS XXII. DOKESTIC MÂNtTIAOTtKE8. wlnter tweed-2, W. D. Bewenman Son, Mns. 3. Bruels Summer tweed-Bewerman & Son. Plannel, home-ma"e colton Wsrp-8o Mun. Win. Major, Mn. à . Rogers. plaid flannl-2, Mm. Julius Bruel. Woollen oapt-Mms J. Bruels, C. hom cotlon wrp-4, R*« ouP~ home-made, woolen warp--2, Woollec bsaukets, home-maà de--4&, Mn. Young. Woollen blakets, factory made-Bowsn- -m & hson. Hrs. Mbbkt-80 Mn. Young. Kim. De. long. Co-venltbOavy-16, Mn. J. BrueliBower- Mm n& son. ovuelt light-8, Bowerman & SoZ, Mn. Br". '. WoUen stocklag-6, Mn. Royal Bunk, Mma J. B. Burk. Wooflen mocka-6, Mm B . Burk, Mn. J. B. Burk. CoUen mocka-Mm .Delo1g. Woollen mit#"-, Mmn. LeM Brue"a. Planvoollen yarn-4, Mm ra. ins, Mn. Wm. Mjdr. -?Pla,, double aud twisted yar-..6, Mn W;hnnrug4ii rs. Huis, Miss C. John- sten. Raà grug-.Un. A. M aokle, MMs e4- Conadian slrw bat-Mis. J. Diii. dLASS xKi. LADrs' wex-uoUSE L. Chihd'a dre, musln-Un. J. C. Brown Ladi&eaa profeasional -Mrs. Brown, Miss Machie. LAadis drassa, amateur-Mrs. Wm= Major# Un. Uniab Yon". - UuBres * Gentleman's - sblt-:Mire.JluaBea Mian De Long.L , ottn-ns Bew Quit, pateh 4StuM&Bon UmssDe ]aong.1-M ils Quiptchwork, woofenMs.Bul QuÙ4 atchwrk, zk-Miss Nellie Or- mistoz, IMm Boeman. - Counterpane, Imitteà -4, Mns. Drà Adama Mièss Cledeian. Counteran, orechet-f, Miss NeOM Collectilde~ udrltlgB Mrs, J. C. Brewu, MXz. -Bruelm. Buttonholes onduferent mainlals@-Mru T. Ã". Browne, Mn. J. B. Burke. RuitimaAiewool igieYO-.EMrt Lil ci atocklnga-(, Mi ou. 4 soûl-Mia. $tu.l Emb»kldoy o- cm d- - iu John- badon o ok-, -uWgn mu Me.g tr oss-,MssEm A.rrasene-iik-8 Musa Johton Mis xisà M. Wilson., Kexican or drawn work-7,Mlss B. Olen- dennan MisaB. Richardson. Plat terlin wool work-7, Misé- Olenden- nan, Misseasutwood. Drawi1g room sored-i4, Misa Wilson, Honiton lace-Miss O. Jolinaton. Point lace-S, Miss O. 3ohnsbon, Mns. 3. Brown. 1 Kensingbn embroidery-2, &Misse3. (lendennan, Mins 0. Johnston. Embroidery onnet-2, Miss C. 3ohnston,- Bmbroidety on muslin dooottou-Mgua C. Johnston. Sofa pillow-5, Misa Georgie Darlington, Mms.J . Brown. Toilei aet cotton-2, Mis M. Wilson,# Mm.. Jls.Pollard. Toilet set, satn-Mina M. Môruia<>n. Toiletoet, painted.with botidaa-2 MUs. 3. (ibaon, Miss Â. Ram. Carriage or asfaà 4han-4, Misa K. Eibehado, miss E. Smith. Worked camnp stool-mma Thon. 8mitil. Te,% Oosy-5, i usalM."Wiloonà in M., W bu.k.14ÃŽIgu5JennieMonil,3 P&M esterwork-2, Miss A. Ander- son. Panais painted-8, Misa M. Hayes, Mnm T. H . Oneenwoed. Panals worked-Miss S.3J. Debanl. Table or Ip<ano sosr-5, Miss M. Wilson, Mià ssB. Clendennan. Whlsk holder-Mius Ram. Fancy bnaokel, upholstred-4d, Mis. J. Mackintosh- Miss Clendannan.- Darnlng on net-lO, Mm. Jas. Polard, Misa G. Darlingten. Fancy tldy-6, Mns. Dr. Adam%, Misa lain. Sachet bs«-8, Miss Howard, Miss E. Smith. Painting on puh-8B, Miss Editb Smith, Mns. Y. Gibson. Pain~ting on .ilk or ain-8, Miess P. Smith, MISa E. Smith. Painting on china or pottery-8, MissB. Richaraca Misa, M. E. MoGiivra. Painting on white velvet-4, Mm. Jno. Bray, Mms Y. Gibson. KLensington paining-Mrs. Y. Gibeon. Poonah pantipg-MisaC. Johuston. Plaque- 7i, Mis B«aie Hslch, Mms. T. EL Greenwoud Repoussa on brasa work-2. Miss M. Me- Lennan, MissE. Smith. Braiding on alk-8, Mra. Royal Burke, un.. Young, Braiding on coton-5, Miss J. MoIn. tomh, Mm.Young. Ladies'hood, woolln-Mlsa I. Clenden- nan. (Jhild'm hood wooleu&2, Misa MoBnien, Un.. Gao. 'Hickingbothsa. Ladies' .arf, wollen.--Mnu J. Bruels. Fanc- tus r&W-8, issBesuis blevetia. (rew)-M iss . JobastonMisa la. Smith. Dressd'doll-Mru Wm. Tanner. Painted panl- Mis meà Lennan.6 Putt.y vork highiy eeemmnde-Misa ERam. :ffovelty, san kind-Mlu M. Watson.- GLASS XXV. Colecio Vinins in o n.M colos-Mse MGiivray. AX&T3US. OÙl painting, origina-Mn. J. L. Smith. ii. painting, landacpe ormale4 Mias. M MLennan. 011 painting, anmaIs-SMiss B. Ratb, Mm. J.5z;uth. a Waler colone, orginal-4, Mm . 3. vith. Water colon, orlainal foyers or fruit-" Mmlia Blanard, Mmn. J. LU Soith Water cloe, laradeoape or maanin-ô, Mm.. arnards Miss bei Ketceo. Pencildrawing ligbtà and.d -8, is Ne1ié Ketcen, 'e'. Imeit. Sepiadrwlg- ee Iarmtt. Cry nawzg-,Misa Patty Smaith, Orayon drawln , olred-8,Go.Ia Ora tlp-onmanaip-j. BWmrmr. Model ma d bjeet drwzng-à Mnu.Wm. Collection dravingmplaW. il. Freeanddrainî-prîoisJobnabon. GLASS XVI. Set beavy bainess-Go. ic. Single hùrnes-ýe. Rie.. Heavy hone Coilata-Ge. Rie.. 4Uppen beather oowhl6e-C. Ring. tTppen Isather gandO ig lather =af-. Klt Bab.ather-C. KIIIj. ienouaomb, 1W lbs-8I, IaOins%, Js 1. M Honey 80 Ib-4, Jas. KoGiegor, Ia9u a- I& Thora Wi4eJ th. groud.1 waagrestly s ngabora. w] ltnlom r wi their *eIl fiu tock ti éyys in theheiL . the CogatIntue modal atè ocroutO U but net for competitienia for t.bem.ý The:FIMeÂArt départm tâte oxhti bis fOInéi;r petition ws onflned to majonityof -4wbom are Âltbougb thore wuaa a secnddayi therea few from-thscif Moat à f l.viirc. The whb&Wbarw "Uî me are at oi qind Sthe meUt other-fira, bott IM SzWawoýUl4 ce saved le the aoci.ty.- he live stock wu consiýdrudin ad#ânee cf forum e yunsla u l~.We, bav4, et saate mnention sni*Itnewlyiqported stok aongwhicb Mr. Jue. Dry»zrden'a Shropsbire dsdow erve1L!paôialmention as doas aise Mr. Thos. .. in'a importa maree. Mr. J. D, HowenMid other* had semae fine newly importad stock. It1 uno mark cf aither -Inteligenc or a c "n eosheart te ho seen wszgmpnay; l iu painful b hou what a lmnfsm people ean sing aven a tr..W.ear sevreral pple r.amark tI dii0e e enough forteir quartera. Il tnukn t neyer saw as much in-,their lirasbafé o*er thatamount. And wbenone stnikesan ioà ivid- nal of this tamp lini ngie . tas1Wý how littla they wouid like te va» a qur.'wortb when they are giving il ouI. What Whitby fuir wâà ta lu lthe naw grounds, but tleb. cnot msib. ýkpt 4own. When oea ompares bue coolof, groun 3s re- par * pnzes offied by Port Per~ and Lindsay wlh t nambars i tn d ce it is obvions Ibal a fair grcun4 oatlrg 6t,000 or $20.000 will net pay eihW lu, i dends or in banefit te Ihe comui 4 . Theso Ony lasts acouple of days in t yWear and it in not wortlbwhile toeink the whle coin- ml ' * a big debIte ra. higslook ,,,%t.It wantsagota-k, a1 ain grand stand and dacant -buidig. htby abould be able tte b the pse4ne4w g.2ounda for 86,000 or ae tb tbn won't Pay. ne grest; peu-_1alt"se"of the "Ml, of lb. COU=eiat alugs~w.'oea lmim Iplicthe.pupil. are oir abIý tc performn theïr nwroeuvresitbéqV any dis. fplay of nervousnaso, miiitheir o"fomn iu really entntu ig, -so mucé- e, Indead, that many la tb. andimne.bae ,, noezoit ~oe soo o~pe9 i.Young l&dWcpmpUtiv.4e U. btweei two ortiM 1ed bêforôe.m or -a.à 1 Senator MMà ater av , bout PO0 to -goMate jUnvetôitys underw*hloh'rame TO»Uto 'Baipt4at Conaegean Woedatock, n*enited. by 0an Aot a saitii4 lait -A Ru.u'Os Wnormu BornZuoM nnuÂT &i, Là m ix's Plarida Wsater mlzed with th. wtoftebath miofgrat use b invaia andai dlioteornervous peuons, as it reviea ndbacauj 1h. fata1 troiigths M&d sootlioa the ii rritable .nervous Judgmnt as been given in the col- c,,haulr election cas declarlng the seat vacant, but holding the Postm»stWtGenera guiles -of- pirsonai bribery. ,brek p b.most troublesome oough in an. Incedtaleshort.ti*». There la no reeythat meashow more evidence'cf em ment thtisBalsam for ouzing con- Ustaton, coughscolda, Aslhma,# croup, The finIt passenger train on the.-Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic railwaynreached th. The swutIs Xiue o. ýGentlemsn,-I bave vS urach pleasure, in. -9W to the eméacy Ã"f Dr. smilhs4 ïmtt - worm ltezmedy. 1 foiind l0 te operate imooesfoIIy allen only two aeo. Rave ;étrled ïother emedies with the. m ebli viboutuoese.Tours truly, 'W. T. Hart. 28 Amerst si., Montroa. Newouadina kely tobb. tprosented, ,%:lhouî votifig power, on the Flsherwes Croup and Tbroal and Lung Troubles axe traat.d s~enomullny with Allen's Lung The diamissai cf officers in highocommamid ham oaused axcitement in Premch military cireis. certa ncue A. cure o -1ooier mrm. A porv ail mute ojr ohronio forma of bowel com- plaint incident to aummer and fali, j, found in Dr. Fowler's 1Xx&rat of Wild Strawberry; to b. prooured from any drugUt. Fiiaucaland Commerci&L OffIce of Whutby CHTPoNIcLx, WVhitby, Sept. 80, 1887. WRITBY MARET PRIOES i"uI1~ ~ ~~ i Wi,.......4J75 -$0 80 spin* Wne . ............. U76 .080 GôoeWeat.......065 ~070 PI<ur, per eNt......2 25 C250 Barey...........050 066 Rie.............040 @045 PeOU..;..0..62 O0O55 Pb",blâck-eyed.......... 000O 065 BinePoe........... 060 800 0.18...............080 O084 HaY.............10 50 O l 0 Alalke lovea eed .......8 50 @OW60 BM Oloyezubed.........* ea e450 O500 Âppl.a,,pu bble......... aa1 50 O200 Tôoatoeedi ..........100@1 90 potgto.,par bag ......... 075 @ 090 Isu...........012 @ 15 Butter...............018 @ 22 Oh.............. 014.0 016 Woo............400 @ 550 ~........040 O 050 ... 10 O015 EId.u pèrlb.......006 a 007 ~ 600 O 20, CWL deros......080 0 040 OhIoes Pr lb........010 O 010 .12 @ 018 Dncapilb........IO 018 G.e>.lb.......007 O 008 land,- rowd- ulackPUR RUA» the. INaw 8101 gra withb1 w.. wNait mie. Biel I W111T8Y Ne«w Goods are ooming to hand and big preparai8 A GIGANTIC FALL TIRAD] , Wb are preparing to give Our oustomers some of the fmg Uines of Goods 1.1 the markets inmOur new stock, latom styles and low îprices. Wehave taken -partiula pains in pirhasing and can show the beet styles and lines of Toronto and Montreal, goods. _We have now to hand. Ne-w Dress Gonds, Silks, Velvets, vel; veteens and plushes,. as well, as, buttons,ý braids, twists,:sls etc., to - match.. New Mantle and -Ulster Clot'hs eai1 Colos, ades, 'Weights and PrIces. Tailor-made Mantles, and Jacketes to order. New Wools, Flannels, Blankets Yarns, etc. B/G1 LINE 0F.NE W TWEED8 Nobby patterns,, worMted and over'._ coating. New hats, caps-aud-gents' Furnishings Goods. &j Our Millinery Opening, showingl New Paris, and New York Fa&'kon# iii Hats and Bonnets, Rib bons, Flowera and Feathers and Tri mmngs, will be no SATURDAY, MONDAY &TUESDAY,, 24Y,26, 27 inst., -and following days; We will be pleased to -show you our Show Booms. POWE LL Co&l00. fr1TO ~~ PROHIITIONPRIGES GOODS MARKED ' DOWN, TrO SELL NOT 1-O ,KEER, Theundersigned hegs 10 cail the ttention of lj» nwmerou patrons-* Mastà is now com1plete for, the Fal Tr'aae, I>nd ht rio havé kept the1wetpsabemargin, forWcshkies.Frs-l Suppli9, Fie,- Stock of Statioi#ey,(NtêPapet from 6,4.per quir Novelties; Baby ( ,aflangs, and 'Wal Rpejrà ;,ýQea*y discount on côoi he u m eaaon, paper ,from 5c. a roll ùUpý.>- 40a. he M fl bsU-dbiio Muac for, Be.7 *"'UBazzr atJà (oiéFer2,q0OO in stocà k.) r Pper anm'um .11 jr»ýSurbsoriptnon Ote, 0apble cf B.rk fomhelag 4>tmo cazibllpeabl o x«.U, with its cen - ylinderp rasuad, - nees. Bvery oraier uiattention. - -TERjms OY --- Final insertionp aubsequanitinate Dioplayed Advn iy a soale of solid Adierbiserents instructionis insert ehargedl for full tira Orders for diseo muet ba in writing, enswiilnot-bers A liberal discon mente bi the Y.ar. èoutract savarts in not later than 1 -of anyinteùà ded h belorn Tuesdayzn meutsreceivea ULpI Busineiss notices if -rive cents per ln ipar lina weekly. Correspondece ~ of theOo0 yor possible,JONSATO JONE FA»q Bln, Cout HVs AM 8 Ooî»u-in 1h. officesa în fl Wbitby. B mraa-S of Brook St., WU k.in - -- 1 1 1 Abo: ý i 1-