Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1887, p. 6

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xýOvI *bMld poor=i MY my kaowll oufbeü,t tk. i adlnt know ai 1 loved her TM t he vild dart nlghî ah. dled And Shat uew-boin o'llby ber s$Me. "The IittIlme, âa h. basgrown, uMr. Lait -Jton ah. vas elhl years oki, And vh bÀt b ha$ beuito me, air, eau neyer on earth b. 1014d.. "When a kid, there vas no on. te mina her But a vomanai llved next dor; And she being Siveutodrink, too, Lot ber fitU on. day on the flopr. *A.nd ever aince, the poor oretu*' Hai been lbae wih a orooked kue; So I'd often lift her up in my aruma To ake ber about wth me. "For 1reafly loved the poor mite, air, Ând-ber uveet utie ceye of blite Wone ai bine and as brlght ai hot mother's vwere, And they looked me through udi through. "'One nlht I vau off 101th.epbi' ]Pd beedinlgalredy- 'tvailaté, And I took Uttile Kry0o mry lber, daaay, ooud sa r qit.staiht " O h, 4 4 , 4 a' a 'ýae w l p r d 9U wau brutisir-I know t; Butthe deil wu iu me then, And wheu ho gel. huld of ne wlth the driuk W. are only-bru-not mon. "And th.e11111. laus, ah. vor quiet, And 1 fait a hot tear fall; Andi I .emed to hum rlght int my hâad, Though ah. wiped t off with her ahail. !'BtraAghi Itto my sou!l t entere- It màelW raiy, hardeued heat; so isaad, 'ru go home, iaaae,' That aight I made a uew atart. «1Nov, every morzing and evenlug, I kneel, and witlx heari aincere I bleu my God for svi soul By 1he touch of a Utile one'stear. BiII Nye us a Hotel Ouest. A Pcv Remarku on ouT Hostciry System as ht nov Prevalis. WUfY à MAS n àIX A BOFAT 18 Noir ALWAY8 WELCOOE-TIE HOTEL OLEK AND R=8 FRIGIDMTTAP- PAUATUS. Amorios bas made mauy gigantie bslnd.., ara .fenthose mmah lbth baitlle. ef Bull Bon. sud ber people speud mach of Ibeir lime poîitig vilb prude a lber remaukabla progrese,-but vo are proue Se dvell 10e mueh upon oui advanulas ua summer rebori sud out wdltmeth oda e dolMngthé Pnà4ui4euW7betore vo are a.keds vbibe vo forgemm@soi f oui moue Important lmÉmovemensls, ih. lb. .levated rail. Wa$ nd lb. Aauiiean bol.. us, f4 or a moumulo ok aI h "M Menues "baavp eemi vmoub otbdurin lthe putl ceury. H«e mmrkhm ba be l.Improvement sisd boywoneru lb.té ýdv*coeSect& Everylbig basboom eb»igý.Eè lbe tovels bave béon oehsug.d Elcetioebelle, donusing of. a long sud.abrI vire vithn overoast button eou Oudsrmaiaoî tboy_ at lb. l ow.bioved rien.l to fMil dovu a dark, uarrov stairoase cov *vo os go dovu tbe elevAler or, vaudor dovulAe rugstiva' u Where on0e ve vers m"âeiftsd bAe, lng oompelled b u rse- aIstable'. r.aoh vith osas fàik, meUlme vpln tb maI 7 pout qf.a àrge 0elo W v[ vllhourieoat.talaBo v veau" â -hall mIe gentleman lu a fou!diesu it botobu anseh0 gd.OcSe bebar. lender vaLed 111 is uslom«. rum SU hm«, senmajk li.o- ue long, hoaje.*mi ho. hIIi U;ibeoai,ý.d hv Nov th. beiteuder grdnafly is.o theb.o pc tinks 3Ub1qts1mqla ti.%saoui, ajd vàl.h.bas gon. te lb.ié~dngro~ la.boir, oa" or nIque>' lAie henaislmQves lhbu a somevbere oe.,sud wv heb.guesl hoîurniI LO shs eopwbro Ou. r q4Ë , Ou lbefAZR sl p l u t o u d q e r ne a y h . u sutha oomus vold aul no g. o m"o I Ihon go miothrbote! and- 8» 1 baoient bot.IsiÃ"l 'Wlvcf ag * aO'ed ftreàJjess e lattlong -lo, loVerai day.sud-paid' my bill when. vlays bonu mmul ever 1 bave 149n ssked 10 doo, sud P mere gl lien 4f a=ring the ohm OhownIIt &I d'ai not estmuonÙh an a &t beà u a a w us villing 10 carry up M w ' U~ S a o. whpaou th. proprle9prrebeziteand put, e o l aoed.TeeDûcrt rooni thal là below limbir line, aud vIoîntîy -lve -ývil Ihoughi es botter rom,1felit U the , o. lime as tough I b.d dzweu ontIhe lb. ad ff nlght-val.bm, for the b.d As alIbi *uo A1'a L«er" veanud knowlng Ibat ho miust b. i'«"r,'»the*M sleeping ontin utbeoold hall ail zaghl »thbve- " n au h. pallently valehes th. botel, I1,- oauuoîsloop. anti! tAire. or -four o'ook l inaag he oor e4 in the moraiug sudtbenl1bave t o b ý >a .ou u <orý up vbub e lamber dAtesoy Isa, e srsmat b.d, for t l>eday.o - -m bI,_ -, 1- tm bard w hi a n T anI 'a hW,4 1 -- Ih -b.d ourl is mv'Iuaumu visaMe. 14 Cu wr14gtalvksgaule and a sa au ho go 0 rma on lStes wkuie snbyâa5Os- u IojeîoO vilbhéi mloue, ttlng h. chaes vila I Oolerk, Ihan 0d eu 31k. a pélin Auipon tegun ctiznsdho epeel bsb ovd; lb. gradIhý»al h v!Poy hi.foa'à. fort mib e. a ovauosect for is. foin' aselind,.meSr. byà vbs l mes e namad re lansbvi b.bi esntmla. Wbe us pland. adne opr ogyi mn- sth o s Who pea modWear an vilb mon.>' B ,hveo ree hotvear o ahwiiiDeno, have hoon tep undb. UniontDepo elo1.ni o lb. ro and fth"tIe lh Terl soiup oae b ao bat. f systen cf regelai reports âfon hable. sud rooru ,"v W" report are epitomis. ed ai thé office aMdin.efhngesble vilb othor b"le, on lh. pri"cple cf B. G. Dan Oommoroia Agon.>. The guest la required ho aigu bia eider ah thé habl, or give lb. number of bis rocm, etr vhelholbbol.!laà inon hei Europeau plan or net, sud Ibese eiders lu the sggisgate, owlng from hesU vaiter., portersobamberm&Wosid bell.boys malté up a mau's standing on ooxraeOUTayruNEmTIEp.. l'ori nce», vo vi mY & #ô peu day boua.eauu siford 50 food a inu for adollar a, md. Te gue.t ordoie #2 vorlbi, s sbis mustab o to uijuil eOURb o~t ho @poil Lt for a 11ev or gibUt poupes.., sud "hepugos.h is vasbLugsud haugln Il cuo upo t3 shrou ols, puie imet àoa the plflov. Glass,"' 'vkll e Ais aab -ladqig. Whou that insugo.. va>shbaes a rmord ut the bhell blc onronta hlm ales". "ihotel ver o .goss. As soeua b. viles bitsvuna ineIbsobeil, thst b. l verysorrybut ta th Ie boa- i. ftu!sud peopie are sleping ounota LulhébàEbal, th P L.or buans.l< .oald oft ilicflot..e b.. L uiW J e OPgay whlh ntered 1h.h -VMirovu-lMESfrotitio vwée Q7i INufelg frm 1h.effeofe net I early eV,, hats, thresuit eofignoru j rofy ho find ihemuelves wreak, nervous, b.lzdýeihauBted; alec itibDLE ÂAs> and Or,» W u1Iu~ho am brokenÏdown frem 11e efecîs of boo wMbe ut eâèd o Lo taeByron, W tbyP. ., eipI t two 8S, auns. &ddresglgvyo u 47 Wýeillgton St. iXToronto. ' . [âRY AVIS' ~ RA=TS, LOW 1 4mKILL.ER-' AJUTM LEOOM EN1~D ElCompanls a, Pf Fa«c*orhciia, Wc OTkhIrp, aiJ~roeL Hofai 12a L BOo 4 IT WILL 131CFOUlr» v. I o! MeuYTi~e i Bm- I addreauon r.. gari bit *-ne PIS WINEGL 4w mg . ve D un q»op , g5i*BW oulof A tragi. story10of aforgthen veddlng ol i ald Lu lb. "Liv.. etM» iii Id. of 'Boom « ,i~y un o i breakfat i* ë-Mae.« at»jIng bi v b * v1,x su un d d * > PI> - 1 '~ sx vas i*a l , ,f- AIm ia Ie . h."UI. o.brhu Ibngo the ring ; àaed pisset gave hlm ed i On lb.br ud4ela i à. A fetie eduAt-ha h.d monher rig.fi L. faInled a vay, sud lbe om en mah sà.h u f0" pressin o-mber t*"t0'ip resovftlga. deolard Ibaleh* vuffl & bc db ab!y broUgbt&bout II Wtý~ m.t for Lu a fev menthes sruwqs ool vaavhoe-NvYokJsoZn old upon the' lunga, utlaevas ie dok B wod Bil s, a t r h hs e b am y#I 0nd19riyda& ci *6oluns Fren bie Io dootonuh ba tl. o re. Bay, Ont. The Fr"re ma for T h e 'm u d e llg b tful n d e j4 g d o s D)ayithosuai dfor AmerIia 5u5th* ý obéi** a -on . i i m l Mt e C ai ? m ld a luIlyum Fer Dyu$nyrm"Mo evq talla. Om&mpb.ie alleOhaio ompound ser tmg *oPo md proeitW. CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILIS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAIN& IN ThRE STOMACH1, SITM- MER AND> BOWEI, COMPLAIN, SORE THIROAT,&c. APPLIED IEXTBENÂLLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PEOVEII IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE Alf» I3EST L.IIET ON BARTH IN REMOVINfQTE-PA>IN ARISING PROM SPRAINS ' BRUISES, REEUMA. TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHIE, BURNS, PROST BITES, &c., &c. 26c& per BottI& of Get~Ian OCAPITAL, ,00Ob M &MAKEP ,~ rpprty a HOUSe s Selaty. yerylc>v rat teri M o," paymeut. Simple poli v1azou c~dtiou.Prompt a rc" ithout dieount. Be au not iùsu,. unlil yon know ourt conditionu. Enquir. Of E. B. WÂBD, Our Getneral Agent for8 tarie. Office in Whithy-Pirt of1 ton'a Law-Office. Ail letters adi DB" ~Deward of Iinilatio~g. ~ CAMPBELLOS 1à,lepetr&iý Lou of l- sitimu.1 r ilibe ila 1 1 do on tbfr uau.14, vin! gel bao. mug on"e Lu lb catso e t ulaky, stopp dup ho Ihe eouutuiý bobok I RANC-E! ENTS LIBERAL 1 SES PAED PROMPTLYI 00 4AiNER, -ZrLSOMINER, *ioooo.-ND,-- Dvellng General flIouse De ses. easy Mr you do ternis sud B. RAY. s6uth on- D. Ormis. lressed 10 in receive and upward8, Orders from thoe ounîr po attended to. P,, Mr. G. Y. Smaith, law Oeâce, Whitby.; Whilby, May 121h, 1887. OL, LONON )0, andi Ledal private funda lu sume te suit at lo#esl rates. W. B, PRJNGLE, NOTAEY PUBLIC, Whitby. GLOBE, BEWESTERN BANK, 0F THMANAD, WbIN t]4Y, 2 -MON EY To LOAN! 0100.Ofo ]FOR IWVESTIENT. ON BEÂL ESTATE SEOCUBIY. Mioney secured vithin l10 days cf lSP. Apply t létin JOHN pARQUHABS-O) 50#0*TO LOAN. ' C aa es ar- znly 1 c hin ave ever had m ., h At 6P«rcnt eal.Terniuofrepay, ll. AQ3HAP WMOJin#maeon eâd,$ it r ownA' eà h h#ë4ýaa' morh0gge S and g t Â8. soltoe".athe 1 e .>1, und la purhae ~rî.Nocoaam cumnred lu-L.FAMRANS maklng appieaC#tioi,îo me for 1meney;no SlsAgntfrs DsU a~on'a tes;no delS7.1 Parlueà 4Payig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ meaIoes lavr-aie-m------né. lmmedahel forparcuay. e.AL à.--.-EB.NO tS, T ly2 g0 AdoWde Srt Rs, en..JO JN U () EADY-Ou, new book, ~~and~y o, Marve f r scritionof al th t is wond f n elu continent oet h. Globe, ilu.the wodd;" waters and the Starry Reavens, ot thrilling adventnres on land ain e& nevwned discoveries eft1h. wordsge explorer, in al ages, sud remarkable " nemeé lu 'vry reimf-naure braoin'g the sghaeîeu~j earth,, thé ecuircaatzs~c human ce, O! aimais birds, iase 0 eàlq iào1udi- avivid descdpinoj8tha li P; i sud' Indiaù Oceas n Polr Sease 6 of a 1d t i l4eautiful easheils and plante deq Ilssuad dwdilers lu the wvend et w é-e remarkable -Ocean currents, etc., tOge~ vith the AMAZMG 6tPH-EN0MN-O.P 2'H, HramRy DAvzsNPOuTNOMEPDD, Bmbellishcd with ovor 800 f[ne nrva Liberal terme te, Agent. OXFORD, - PUBLISHING0. 5 JoIW.&i ST.,) TORONTO, ONT, Certifate of Major Hlarper,Ze. of Whitby. To whom it may cone'm. This ia te certify Ibal havig eauue, repaïred sud used a greaî variety 0t Sewlb< Machines'. I have ome e t h e conclu"j thal the White Machine sold by L.. Pu, banka in one et the béai made, as in'My opinion iluin a machine Ihat viii not eu4 gel ent et order, and viiilut muck Iong Ibmn Most machInes, ucurean een taki ho prevent vear au mmcli as possible, I eau honestly reeornmend i1110iprtes van lng a gooed xd laeting aelg machine. - 1 pnrcbased onèeoftheb.White'm morne amcn, ugo, dLgie erlifton. Alter Ilve yeurs nueoe the White S"-4 TOAGENTS CoDEU nt ffrlStret- Biot,, Torontawghit tbeNateamostoernîetemd eing hi eoeeip SIW< org [Y roui hc 1 pIn. gogiàené-e-""I-, )Ots Whitby. LI MAU y ibick ,W,&LUIJN U WHITBT, manaffl. - ly-47 ti Whitby. ]?Obm"7116th. im.

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