Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1887, p. 4

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GIBARD'S' LAYVEND El e ý J "W.AT Prenounoed by te ho ther lightful Perfù Toilot Water Market, Prie Ohemlst & Drug Conoisours most ao- amo and S in the 28 Cents. SWHITB Y dot ONT. Lu ~ ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whlty, Friday, Sept. 30, 1887 South Ontario Exhibition List. GLASS I. BLOOD HORsE. bol»b. r. No prizea avardod.. GLASS IL. SADDLE OR EOAD HfOMES. 81.Ulon-2, Geo- BUNrrioker, Jue. D. Wilsion. Brood Maue foal by slde-1O> Jae& Pringlt4eMar Bros. 8-year otd -Gatireocolt-2, J. B. Wil- son. S.yoar old lily-S-, no. Cowker,, J. D. Wilson. 2.year old entire cot-4, Jas. Tril, A. Brava-. 2-yer od fW-5B. H. Boopheuson, l.Yearold sa"ie00lt-, S. 0. Browa. l-Y.ar aid ftiRy-4, Jo. Robun, G. Perkins. Houe colt 1887-7, Jas. Pringîs. Plly 1887-5 . 8. tepheuson, W. J. OranSkon. Bugle herse la u as 154 hande sud xunder-24, W. Baudyoook,J.. Brooks. siaglehoue lun harne".over1 hand-iS, John K.1î.ts Ors, Grabam. Badeboue-S, j. o.urum# Pair et oarrhgeboues, 151 hauds Mud uao-Jo. Bobinso. Pair cardage houes ovr i154 &d -S8, W. F. Gava.. BOU WlaYrider-Miss Gauld Shetldpony in harasa-S, ÈR. MUier. Joefir>'Bru. Shetland brood mare, foal b>' ade-O, Joffro> Bru., J. D. Howdea.. CLEVELAND "YS. Olevelad bay stalin-89 Major Briod mare, "bal b' sl-9, John Mainl, Thos. MQuay. S.yr old entir oooh-2g John Qoatos, John Grills. S"eua old llly-8, John Lawrouoe Youug Brou. S-ý»r old saIreoel-S, Huh Hov. de.,Win. Kersiak. lyser old tMI-79 Wm. st, lyser aid liY-T, JobaU.ho. *Uft,*L bfIa.,v GLUS X. -Rai WOLM FAT SKDUP. B&S-ýJUO.-orrison, W.B. A llen. Bhearling ramn-W. B. Allen. Ram Iamb-4, W. B* Ail=#en, o Tvo oes»-W. B. Allet. Two ehealing evus-29 lit aud Sud W. B. Alleu. Tweove oIambe-S, ho. Koriz, W. BO.. Bout pair fat elap-8, lut mod Sud hno. Dryden. GLASS xi* Boar si1 Yo.r-B onlrle%,Am« Camer todzgsw orSi ynoSlre, D prises avarded. Baoui, 88-A amr. 8es l,1814 u.Korun . GLASS XI. TOBKBBM NwRIE Boa; ovriiyoa-4,Wm. Kauson. w voft I eaxi-4. W= &M. ans L;h P44 lm7g,1t Md ff E Camer. On. Boy pis» 1887-S, B. Bum&bb7, A.Camer. GLASS XIII BOsU, ov« er ya-8. Tho&. WilsonB. solwps f h w~âzs xiv.. POULTEY. UiTtO' BRD» OÂTTL.j_ Beatbul-S, uo.Dxydon, J.~ Philp. 2-7ma old bull-SWin. Sxuith. Jr Heron. Tearllng .bull-S, J.W. Ph4lpW.' Day- l Bull' oaf-8, Jno. Dryden, J, Cov giving milk or lun aM-4, î and -Sud Jao. Dryden. 9 Yea old cee-S, Jue. Dryde. 2-year old hoiter-.S, Jno. Drydei Yearlng boita-er-,lot sud Sud Jug Dryden. Heifer oalf-6, lot sud Sud Jnc Dryden. Bout bord, include bal mot leu. th& 5 foeablee-89 lot suand clJoo. Dryttu Bout 8 oaires, b>' 1 bull-S, luta Sud Juio. Dryden. Boit bull any age-4, Jue. Drydos GLASS VI. EEEOum»s. Aged bull-'-R. J. kci. 2-yest aid bul-Si., -. J. lmakie. Ysarllngbul-tE.J. Meklej J. 0 Heufi«V21 S . LDearbouz, IL cev glvlng Silk or lua lt-5, B. Maokleq L. G. Drue. t 8yai Od 0ev-S, laotsud Sud B. J 2-year old heifer-2, B. J. Maokl Mr. Heury'. Yearling boiter-2, lut and Sud R. J, Machie. Heite? 089--4, R. J. MackisL. . Drow. Boat bord, inclnde bull, net lesu thar à toýmales-2, B. J. Mackie, L. G. Dr. GLASS VII. GRADE CAI¶'LE. Gev giving ,nilk or in o«V-5, Wm. Smitb, Young Bras. 8-Year Old oew-4. Young Bras., Win. Smith. 2-y.ar aId boiter-S5, Jue. Smitb, Young Brus. Yearling heifor.-6,. Young Bras., Jue. BeIl. Relier oaf-8, John Horo, Wm. Smith. Boit bord, 5 omales-8, Younag Brou., Wm. Smith. Fat ovw or hle-4 No prises swarded. Fat oz or steer-4, No prises avared. GLASS IX. DOWNBSHME". Bam-S, lot and Sud Jua. Dryden. Sbsarling ram-S, lot sud Sud Jno. Dryden. Ram Lamb -4, lot sud Sud Jue. Dryden. Tvo oeust-let sMd Sud Jno. Dryden. -Tee ubearllng oesu-Slaetsud Sud Jno. Dryden. Two eeiamb"-, Ilan d Sud Jno. Dryden. Peu'abropabire dovus, 1 ram, 2 oes« bad Iamabe lu 1887-S,9 let sud Sud Jno. Dryden. GLASS XVI. Potatoos, al oa-e.PekaJ. J. Pothrgii. eauof Hebron-4. -Dr. Rail Potatees Sndls-6, Jas. B«OubauaMsan. dorions. Patatoes, sy ethor variet-6. George Davoy, Dr. Ssstveod. Coiliectn potatoesnsed 6varieles- Dr. Eastwood. Turnip*-12, A. M. Delon&, Jue. Iell yaild Wurtzel, long rd9 J. W. Ph, P, D. Oiniston. M"Pgld Wurtze, &y u m thrvarley-O. Batoman, Pasoos Bras. Garrots, vhil-O , Thon. Wilson. CartayothorkidU J. J. Pother. Ju aaim. Beha 0 UoFielId roobtsS, JisBelWm. Anderson. Turnis, (FsWaed>-Wau. Aude. Cmt,aer«'aseeod>)5, T. B. Smith. GLASS XVII DAZET PRODUOTS. Best 1011M crock battr-iS, -,Je" iy ck, W. ReGreffl. 10 lb. orair buttor-14, MmIs. .Walkor, Mms D. Ormiaton. 20 lb. crack buttor-48, Mms.Jzm,. Mori«- lb. SSck butter-B, EB. Deustr Smith Spears. 10 lb. batter, roUip-Q, Mun. Wma. Major, Miss Ksckie. 0ls.rol butter-, as. D. OrmiS. Mrs. Geo. Fouina. 15 Ibs, rail buttur-4, C. Sten. lOllmU. obutte-S, âMis.T. EILSmth, T. G. GoAlyuOIL.1'1 -e l0 Ibo. butter <eook-42t, W. M.Gugôor Miss L. Ormiston. 20 Iba. butter (orook-4, D. WuIk=e B . 20 Dms cack buttsr-O IlM s. Bu, M. Oravforlh. FarMer.'home.muadochou..M "iib.J Liasnw.ad beo»2ýI Li014, Ms.J. Bruels. J, » IL~ W wple D- BonGImnul~Jê Jao Gao.aoID GolenSvot-, . . Dl%" an XoGiI:àa= B K Hic N Mal G Me( R Jas. G 3tIv&27ýLth, SOUTII-OffT f/ FIr AISJD lot an a. [I zrk any ober Mnd-m4, no i ê GeoaeWlto B1mern-4 wsted. GéeesToudouuso o-1, O»q anyother kind'-8, Wiu. 4Odgson, D oulinen-O. Ga. Wrlgbl,*W.13 Duoku auyothst kMid-$# lai sud Sud Gulusa lewin-S,ne pris.-sa&rffe. OaaMy bldo-zi4s Thou., Devin, B. Vclou denlian. Collect4on plgoo0Tho&. Ries. GLASS 1V. WhitO Whest WXtO-6entgiee7,. sud J. Manderion, Jas. Leask. Bpring vheo st, otch l-4Mad. ions. sPrig vhettSauy otber-2, neo ri .Barleys a rove--8, Jas ua,,mander- sons8. Peao biokey.-8, Juso.»él Mnamz 0& sblack J.- Bcuis,. Le- o.DuâLr. Boit. Corn, 8 rovoed-'-24, L. G. DrSwo J. B. Burke. Corn, 12 rowed-12, ]: Pbilp, ýJno. Bal- alur toe ound-Jno. Bobson. With this announcement we commence'our lOth year of Business in- Whitby. Year by year we have endeavored to keep abreast of the times by adding new attziActions, new linos of Goode not. formeri>' koptini Whitby and greator facilities for the convenience of custoniors until now we stand &iM sud alone in the front ranks, away ahoad of ail compotition and acknowledged by ail to b. The Le dig Dry Goods, Olothing sud Gents' Fumnishing House in South Ontario. We have just irocently introdueded to our Store the Eloctrie Cash Bailway System. This System until now was only to be found in a very few of the largest-stre in the largest cities in the Dominion. 13y its assistance wo expeot to save time, labor and money, and by thât moans prove a benefit to our custoiners. Ail visitors to Whîttbi during the Fair are invited'to step in and see OUR NEW FALL STOCK, which is now complete and ready for inspection consigs of ail the Latest Novelties sud Notions in Staplo sud Fanoy Dry Goode, sud -wil ho found te compare favoura. bly in oxtent, variety sud valus, with many of tho largest bouses in the Dominion. OUR TALLORING DEPARTMENT, under the management of a First-elass Cutter is 10w in complote working order. We are showing su immense range of Scotch Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoat. mga, Tronserings, and Worsted 0.oatinga. Gentlemen can rely on getting a perfect: fit every time, and ail gooda at Book-bottom prices. Kindly cal sud seibis ver>' attractive store. TMQCDss #Cw Whitby Dry Erpo8u*n Goods Emporium. Farmers, Tliresliers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and profit to use LARDJ-N- l Guaranteed not to gum,: ana wiU outwear Machine 011e. C)"TrY Our Cylider 011. It'has no equaL. Whitby, by WM. ERTÂN h BONS, Dundas Street. WM. GILMORiE, aJi -other SON, DndForaeMi WITBY T/L E adBI KYARD andn Tile.l e,. -R ý mitV, W p Wod taken.lu exohange fýor Brick qrTile. tt WmeGILMORE, Sept.~a lsg8T.W iT BURNS' COLUMN.' SUMM.ER S$LAUGHT "A chiera. sano An' fath hemi Tim -pir lanail sobomo t6tap the A blaze vwu mei bo're. -Il provod la barn or stable. LoeK euot feir##y, nudr te asMpices fé ho heid on Frda:, HON BeunatorKeliM thie. quarter. Of a < theBaiptist, oirre -by -soins reltves. 'bequoatbing mone ovridmixmoifflis bx ÂOOORINIG tO- our custom we 8b now siellingaummer Ulnos at- It pays 'us better to, do thi" h oaqtIem oerto nieitsumr Drin-es in laies' slàies1 *Drives ù aiu lpes Drive 1ii hil rè n's t n ooQ, (No botter Luifré,, Pair houes in haussm CLto w.fus, i »8"UGMri a. --ê., NO 1GBCULTuRA i Goods 1 ý a -lu-,,> , agi izj MAC 1-1 r 1 1 lý' 1 Anal Grn ait OCingBa 1 1 1 1 1 ý 1 1 llý 1 "oxhibit a BROOK si -LOCAL. A WHm 1S flOiNS ON IN NUGEr 0F LIVELY t 1 Priai s

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