Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1887, p. 3

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pt 8ete lai m Yotk, vse truteew ci aoe ai loue ie ient wanled uovr iîyb toWhoinefes be mtod Aplâ d. owd lite Connty e1 Oniarlo. Port Peny#Oi Y To LOA? Z£Ortgage-ai Le, f Interegt. le cantda Losu sdBi forth ti.Wesltm Âuwr ver Gerrie'. Block,1 wrapping puirposes, Islus L., X cents per iuudred. TIIIS OFXIOX, 'BELL» DQUE8 FRM. GOGelph, UOnL SALE STABLES, -TWHITBY. H & DEVERELL. s ýTURN-Otrra n -Shorteut Notice.. velera iib"a-oey deai with. _SS IMlTATîiolis thero are mny uel M.p etc., offord sud a Coraiue by sorae Un. outhe roput-ation of thanLe kdeeaua 1l'"tIon bydr- ýthoid attention 10 iii CORSET CL00 noene areu ie g an impnoved ~cpby sole Aet éjctorofgaùwWof Aor lu je a .pir1Wdý P îiai Webster, -ùev* b h by a levet charater txadyini g1Âd!vof MneteOl1ie ds B. G. Wio m ieUno bK.»flou eeeObo"l e~ uùisiinhisorescyiopdi seu1ano an d eol-one~ U_. Obeissu ue g.resi iw;nd Ieir o uraett mb e the "ad[Di l OD i't cf pion, ti akistlto ftat uariutheorltyanfdsd: the bagwifei ofatchfo r. as ».m.drews bhu been punmded te, ideO Up hie Pen aud 4.tll.'theimper.ý t,1 conrovesed Points. Amoouher ex. oeptionaibîy able snd eoqosaet cle le by B5év.Phlip Basf, D. tD., tép. ot hesd of Union Theologiosi Bemi. ÏM7, on the "lBelaticnship of Church and SIA iu Amuri"s;" James sebon- ,or, iii. bistoriane nlga gsal thpon «istorioal GOrpUPlu ;» Elfoo dvaral . 9u4",«-y oon- wtetwo interostilug Istere ot Hon #goe Greenough; Judge William A.. Wood telle the stirrng îtony of the "New meltioo Insurrection of 1846," pubît a sketch sud portrait of General Sterling Price ; Ohitnes D. Baker has a paper on thee Finsi Duich- Oub rinl Brookin ; Professer Oliver P. Hubbard oritiiee"An E4Pdraordinary Indian town; sund Colonel'Carles 0. Joues, Jr.,LL. D., the <leorgia hstorish, cou- tribuLse hies valuable original docu- mente. The ediion contribuise a clear vigoroualy written, and lnforrniug se- oonnt of "The Origin of New York," il. lustrated with antique Dutch pictures. Tbene are sorne brigt and readable sghort papens in miner topios, notes, sud social jottinge, and nevera ale book revewe. This popular magzine loadg in every important branob of bisteny. Puice, 85.00 pen yean. New York City; 743 Broadway. "&The Savagery of Boyhood" is the. etriking titi. cf au instructive article by JohnJoheomn, jr., to b. publihhed lu the ipopular science Mouthly" for Oc- tober, in wbich the anthor -points out tual eiuce a boy'e developmeut le an epitrome cf the developmnt of the human race, ho natur&IIY Pau"s hhnough a stage wben cnuelty le s0 ohanseoistie that a, tender hearted boy muet b. doemed disesed. Washington Letter. <prom Our regular orreupondent) WasmeToN, Sept. 2Srd 1887.-Not- withutbt#ing the -faci that the his- torie -Potomac wass the seutheru streets of Wailngton snd u8ually furnishes the. cily a full .upply of vater about on. Uhird cf lth. denizens cf the. National Capital vire oonmlled to, realize this weekpnet once, but tiie, the force oî the saying !"vatet, vater everywheno, sud not a drop se drink." Twiee diii uhegreat 86 inch waten main plans le gir. fitblug expsiosf le great gratitude sud admiainfrthe, man Who W"glBego vr.I is pro'ïa~ eii.~.o*nii grand populan recepticu auÎ4 have the. civie sud miliaryogaImatleu-oethle city parade lu bis houer. The. gemnra intereet feii.n thie matter, imunies liai early neat m*nu, vii b etamet lui. posing sud muemorable ebaracior, worthy oaelfih !l .1ansd oft.'eu vho migit b. tert» e museond feude. I&îigdeelgp* pcesbl@4, $0 ma0b.,le occasionOa puerai holiday lla theoil sud district. Tie Metrepoliluu M. B. ohur0bohbo Gen. Grant attended duing luisPieu. dencyo, ha.bbautbbmougbily éveab of hie fronde plue tIbis-talilel le his memqry. BRO. ;abc P. I<is4uU.G Gr' Old Pfe*rv hum amond the wotld,. gu ï11 « toe i. Mitu $4 00ifuO$ ' uýPl 'W ' ' BayWeïý nemly a day tisW814" liouas are lip6. thst somei 1itn le on e ment cf lthe United troubles vitit te. tabo. b u*,*thte i deusible coudibon aglit Üpossble Tbikhssty atlýn et he Trèesury lu Pm 0 snglebuy foiotnienmillion@ cf fotr sud four sud a hall par -cent bondle tele mre ermly udelôquntnly tion word14 ofthle fins cial siraltae in wih the, coiutry luia vcl'ved, by is pgeseut fal ppIey, anbut ~note of1var. nlu thoeic.lupower ivculd d weil, te hoeed beforo it le toc "if theyw"uid prevent a genenal orauh, lu lieco- merodai vend a.Tii. rpeoedrqme le oaly'-tomporau but a d h orer~~ liii Cureiee.ite- baïve eu theïr Westrn sund Bout se tour neat neit Fiudsày$, te u"asot tbree veehu, going Us far West as Neêbr"kasinsd se, ltu cutisAlabama. An OcM Ti ue Laùent BasebaUin luthidays cf Ye.. WHEN TEE PROFISSONALS WEEE MORE "IThinge are nwtt vhat thepnued to lue," remnarked a bail man viti a gnlzzl- ed MURieh, pciutlug a bicon luger Ma' nov -ef carniages tiai pasd ai tiat moment. Tii. carniage ooutained a dozen men lu kpee breecies aud peak- ed caps, and lie men voie baieballise. The occupante cf ithe carries flgazed contemptunaly out on cemuipu every- day mntale vievere net meimbens et tie mout noble et ail, th. meut boncred of a&U professions. &II uod gobeloug Be those fellovu," laidthi. Maunetthe gnizzled tmusaan sd the.nonteulions remark. <'That is te aymy ad lplay bail professionalky, but liai vm asmny a long pear ago. W. didn't Dut ounsMy luge l intoe.days, silier. We didn'l ride lu carriages-er horse carsfor tiai malter. .Ad panrlcare-jut thini cf 'il 1 Wall. I should esap vM dudn't travel -lu ýparlr cars. -If lie viole nine cf à ansd direohees sud. managers and ail got a long haul ou a flat car, wvo"06clded hiai ve ,dduit' knev aur luck' A bbox cur vas a sn that almeut made us feel lii. aristocrate. t was play bailor valk lu lice.days.. Even à '<Oiarloy herse"wva. nemark cf nobility tho. and a man vieovuwed onevas v.ery lisble ta gel lb, oa"; W. didn'i get eny bonus for net drink- ing iu -dayiU cf yore. Â.ba ployer viio could catch ente à hitle boom, vas con- sldered lucky, sud geneially the. more a msu drauk the ýe&ter be oould play. I gueu tbe luthivasbettersbflliethoni i. nov. I remember;iune ltte eve beeked for s tovu lu Miohigau, Mud the. otier teamàpu& up ayobito geo$uslft- Tiyseutupaà k.g of wviseyfer us Mud a heg cf tes-asvafe vad dliseovened-ontimselves. Tie'ydrsu tie tes sud va drauk lie jlg.vatet. Our score lit ganue vas 60 te 8 for thie opposition players. Msuy is tbi lime '. sem vien tie hete-keepere - lu a bail tovu vculd tireaten te jail oui viioleunine becus eie ttendanoe at lie game did nobuetsucughie ,psy car hote b*ul. Nov adffysabat ployer VIIItaie a 41,000 ebeci frous. lhis Manager Uas a proeet sud bilai lb cf "c luiacoou*i.th" ad llaaph -te, crumble itl up iàbis hPcb'6ketd o""revas fmw orglte»Y< niYw" 44ut le baillaye ta tdy udwt - -ite-li-e..p 1 brbaee -llme maie fa io u t u d d e Ià iI M4ave cpi, MI oa fer, ,, mi, -whethý -er -eWU ébd, or Dot o1 f i e was how" big thbe*môot wa& The- Italins sftud to appu -&«ut ithe they wPM11 tû o ever" oi ot Mora 0-~ àMd am maoné maigiht ek a ftbey went tb nuy m p n ~ snal frorn malettlba ne M.Kelog sudbeepai MtIdiseaa » metighe l i warkwothato don M"derhe upe.fthEu Q4v Farmews'Imuste,prononnced treng. Kanmy o! hes ïOé* sts6l -ef Cholerm morbu, crape, ds ander1, ucecorne suduylu l iit ute moit speely aud prompt mA umust be uued'to combait thefr dire edfotu. Dr. Fowier'. Ex" t .aic Wîld Stzswberry [à the remedyo Km It st band fer emergeucles. Il neyer o cure or relieve. The New York- Herd'a London ottes- podant sye Iere l e nov.from Btanle P&M to the effeel that the Arabe thersvi not submit 10 Tippoo Tib's ie. Vbon Baby vu &mlk. vo gave ber Cauterua, When ahe wu a sCbfid, ahe cried for Caasin, Whcu th. beca»Me s, sho cinuglo Catrta, WbM the hM Chiktmsn, am.gave them Castorla. The Gteat Reguator mf lhe Stoumb. Liver, levais au me.d, Our se K e.cm4 s-ud Euitp Me esws. Bedam iefolovlg- ÎL'sE jEuud --X MdU m sudtoui B. J. GUILT oonteOuila. DB.L RCDDUR13S OeUGh AND LUNG TBE UMNION DICINE o ,pROaiE ETR8 TBOT0eOT Dom-à'. n fRoalM ~Saaula............... .d k FLL'SUITS. JONN F E R0USO-N. 18 8HOGING A BUPBIOR STOCK OP scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Mad talle fine Unmes of Clotho, for 8prn~g mits. Ail garments -mamdi UP iM, latest style on uhorteut notice. Redj',r»made Men'a a nd Boye'8ulto, O7enta' Furnlehlng98 end Underalothlngofi ait Kia.8 IU»E8Twu, T luVEÂLS 4HATSI Lateut styles lu IATS 1 HATS! Hard and"Boft PE is.wh4 baye f Mmeâihbco thei lene. ll usi1h. machine for the Publie, Doe« al Kind.o! sîvlng AI in uorar._ Simple sund Lue a Lifetimne. -fiIa la~ochi là The Dominion Organ; and Pianos Are Belt te aÂnAy Otler. The But Judges say Its Toue in lie Boit. XI la built viti a vlew ta Durability audn ]Beauiy. 1 Tne Dent I nstrment to Buy. - 0al and Seo Our Godu. L ondon and Lanoashiro Life Coi»Ipafly0, Tble Comaylee v deulbeform )!0it pcy sd asdeobd viii lbo B~ovnGênerali l n oe Onai secuilleoven 5100.00 for oaci *iOQo->t llabllity, tins affonding ABSOLUTE se- Prglcs deairous of aaueunlng bisir tiyss vil find it toteir sadrtage ta oonsuliý the uudereignrid before aarlng ollèvioe.- JOBS FAýBQUH&RBOGN, Wbitby,'May 18,'86. y General Agent E PATEýN" JOHN,.P3FRGUBON> BIR&ZILIAN ý-WA1 ýbrate the'venlv byý a comýplete Y T: DR.HODDER*S Pompj 'Impui VA iome COMPOUND ikin 'Dis 000 RES rer >Wntý% mnee% Xe imooct )Pei% =t

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