Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1887, p. 7

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furiUIllhed from 5 and-UWad rfrozn the 0 attendej b Y. Smith's law ft %wbjlà ,,bY> May lmt, 1lm. ENTS! AGEN 1%Rl~fA)Y-O..r nov bookt ~et and Sky; or, ma--l 6e"; beîng -a fullind Un Of aU that je wondoîrel ut Of the GlobeLuin the -and the StaryeaeM o 9 adventures OU land aud discoveries o et tld&~* n lal fges, snd rm&r In every reairu et natun t'le Striking phygica1léfalurqo ~he peculiaar 4 j__ Xace$ of animais, bird, e~ îg a vivid description oftIbe 0fl and IndinOceaf^ Ud. ~eu-, th3e Meuglerr e (1 dwellers in the world cf beocean cantu»e eo, JNG PILÈNoMpXA 0-P 8Z 4-YD STA1RRI y 82 DA,vEý,poRT Nunc tied with ever 800 ân. ue&r uring toAkgent». RD PUBLISHIJt1O ST., - *TORowro, tte cf Mvajor Lpr of Wlitby. -1882- it Poay1 conce' te cert~.iylie ain *i AAC ed «o var2et~y ofse I aecorne e tthe cone White Machine sold by L. necif the best zmade, a& à la a machine that vii bot , order, and w4i lIsat mueh. lc machines, asCarebas be.» t t. wear as much Uas pcnih t'y rAcemmend it le parUug 1 and lasting sewl!ng al one ot the Whîte'as UMore i gvÜ eve ettsgfaetim.- -1887- - e Yýears use of the Whll.5 ~ertifcate and ean u4 z«yX mbachine a&a &faauy ami ~OFts les. for repairs lhae have ever hadauhig MAJOJIB AP 'tp a"-th 11chespeut, a4. la boat. _L. FAIRBANxS - Sole Agent for."hi Dlbth H.NSOI ~,mOur e i OMSLITS,- ROOM -S UITS, BEDROOM SUIT thba tfBlsy Céoepi e, Corne ail, au r Yourselves. JOHNSO ZING I&LSO A1 Establlshzrnn, Dax ýe heurs fnom 9P a. M> tb 8, p). rm. Reat4.sl Jll1brttre.,- > ,rdy5igt dsWDed lunSt Johni's wMon fund ama umied efS erAgnes.Îl a gftom liquor at lthe befinB 0b.AsrP but broke out a ocouple (01 ud govery full. Wheu th. agted to ak Lan o Lethé à via foulfd tliaIoesof hi. P't- broken in lwO pls. H.e pLfalle tbt ho bail born knok- iîmand robbed by thres mon. Ho onttobi hme oi 18 James à glu DAMed Oco. Elwood wua fin. Idji sod osteor 80 day.s aturday Hie wife, Emma J. Elwood, jrgdwith the arae cifouce. 8WOlsimed that 813e vas meber but s é was trying te get her huisband Several policemen swore ihat ,IWa more intolicated tiahber hus- ban8' Sud the latter, if it had net been ja e>i wife, oeuld have gel slong ail The magistrat. romarked that à,vs bebd example te, set her bu- bad, le get tmore drunk than ho vas, Md dieharged ber. à, WOMàwnamed Beairie M .. ,.,e rosp.otably drossed but loekkg vury ihinim suuioerable, eppeared iu th. dock- Saturd ay merning. 8h. va. éMW dret with being drak aud oag a detcrminod effort to commit suisde. 813e pleaded guilty. Friday uij bhe attempled te coul her tbroat snd faied. Wheou plaeed in the ccii gbs astempted te hang herseIf. "How Mm o ento do snob a thing ?" asked tà@ maâgistrate, 411 wusvery un. happy,"'wasth ol.0113 tply liat eould 1. elicitedl from h er. Her huaband, a ro.peelsble-Iooking, weiU-dreosed man, W. a private ollequy with the. mage- Itae. 813e wua remanded tili the 28rd. Two respectable looking young men, quznag prmit 'aouidcommnlote witb Mi.KoeaLaeedhovi buegladbetodo au î»nbispoweil e ne their viase, vIie aI lb. fmre tlime, "Oeing la àle i érloy eufotoed.ý on B*li4day Ur. WmU. ,Fitsgenald' here, *th vaun=ieohbed, iU avay from ne"assHaiste$. Miiidevu Waten Street t0 Fiusg.ratd 4. stager'. carnage vor*s, viere il cellided wthba he and wagon standing lunfrot of t. he ip vile Ils ovaur. Mi. N.d" Oouroy, vas Inside. Mr. Oenroy's herse, viit. ed &round lie Kennoaly houma crner upon George oed, teck lbhesdewalk at Baleher's varieîy store adNLdad clown Ibrougi the crowds of pedestriane Who thronged lie vay vilieut injurfng ne. u.A Ostromn'o fruit store vboère tier s umao. room fer turne people le Pe belveen Ibe benêbesof! tuit in front otftth. store anid on lb. edg. of lhe aidevalk, Ibis doen ranimal obeened e.curalsly, ouly toueing one basket sud spiling e fev ppes. AI 1h. cor. uer ef Hunter sîreet lie rnnavay "d0r. culald tle .lefto,and vasstoppe8 lin front et Huoiuson's, lie wagon aud haans ocousldenably damffld sud th. herse juel ae tile winded. ,EIveryone admîred lbe clevernees cf the bruis lu ge sucoesotully gaiding ils cearme tirougi the hundrede of people amoug which it passedad scattered nlght sud left. 0u13 oe man vas knocked dovu sud h. vas net injured. "ýCousin Elsien How Sic Came Visiting in Teoronto. AND A VEY UNCOKLFOETÂBLE MISTAKE Sax MÂDS. LWmn. Mitchell sud Frank Obs, su- Some people have a faunuy wsy et gwoyed te 113e charge 8sturday mern- going visiting, sud st Fair lime eue in mng of rebbiug s man narned Wmn. spi te see. lie unieat variety. A great Fletcher of 2i5 cents. Fletcher gave many, vhen thhy reckon ou oomlng t'O bis evideuoe in a rambling, disoonuece- thle Exhibition, study ever lie list et ed way. Re vas short-sigbted sud People liai ticy mev lu Torouto sud croe-eyed, sud wheu h. vas ssked décide vith whom lhey viil ay sii which of113e -mennlie gave lie 25 cents nighto neasre l, too, ithout cuulling to h. poiuted to th.e og Orovu Aller lies. vie are te be visiled, preferniug ney, Mr. Carsen, sudd âeclared LiaI b. 10 drin u uuxpectediy sud meke b. was t13e n. This .liciled rosisf et lOe they caiied oa lie impulse ofthle laughter. Fletcher tien peinted -te moment. Ohase. A policeman l.olifl.d liaI OunetfIbis kind mad" s serions mis- Fletcher had tld him il wau Mitchell. lake by catling on a tnlead et mine lie The magistrale considered liaI Fletcher other dY, sud I would net take e hun- vus so mized np io did net knew dred dollar iblîlsud t,.l as embarreausd viiether or net ho ever iâd a 25-cent a. oh. did before &he gel lirough vili piece. Tic deteuce cI..imed theàt her oxpenleuce. Fletcher had tie delirium tremens. For the story's sake vo viii cai my The. case vas disiised. friend Blackulcne. Hi. tanle &»vy A young ma nsméd John Henry fr001 tie city, sud v we re oui ased- Broomer vas ciarged Saturday viti ing lie evenmng legelier, sud on the. having assulted and vounded hievay home wo dropped inlo hi. office father. TII. father sppeared witi a sud lier. e feuud a note from uis paseter under bisecys. TIIe defeuce cierk, vioi rau semelhing 11k. li": elaimed liaI tie fatien had beeun inn. 'Laàdy vilh Ivo cidren called just ning &round viti à kalfe in hi. baud about six ; oie ssid sie vas a cousin et tnying toetsab bis vif.. The son mm yearo; sîyed bere tli hait peut aigit berne, took say lie kuife sud ilu ry vaing ton yen,, andlotflber lisps ru ing te put bis father le bcd gave iim yoiir nom , said yen vould kmcv ber the vouud. The tather on îesning by lie narne ef t "hais". ebg tuis elatemoni lest coutroL- et himsecf uP te yeur hios." ,h.gn and dcmanded te b. isard. e said My frieud gtanoed allihe pile cf valises that he b.d bis lit, insured for &10(),sud packages, «=nnted, by su arn- and his vite and son vsuted iim d.ad brella, sud gave au emberaued laugi. se tuaI they ceuld .gel Lheie umrance "eacnlycuiIgnus."t money. Thiis brongil eotthonifled aie V "Elsie V" I dou't Ànow &Dy crieset'Oh 41l" (rom lie vite sud îî.î Eli,." Wisi liedichenu i. erocicr v er o e l. et o o nto .o :rg s, d u n e d u sm e ? G en e np t e it h e o ee l twoh shna ort fcatr-hre,'Wel h'have a uic. lime eoeting; who intimaled liaI Lie ftlir did net t e ou herpsifoevamforl appear tole b er yel sud remanded me "Me uhruuofral the. case till lie 201h. tangb-"sud wial'il the nelgibors liink 2" g"Eloie"-I vouden vho il oaa PETEBRObe 1 Lt'sgo ontand'aeeifshbc jaset- The Belleville Intoigmacr "ss liaIing on tlisidevaik lu front., thle .,ater tic five-raile bicycle race on Wed. houea. I Elsle"-Wày 818 ah. need b. nesday, in vilci Mr. W. B. Greainix, 50 mystericus about Il 1P I supposeDy ef Peterbere, von lie handone Corby clanks ail houghit iwuvasanotelie vie (Jnp, th3e vinner offéned te ride any of mine turued up",-4hls vii anlulein- whcelman belveeu, Montreai sud To- ogalony Isagi. -faM id. IsupROSe se." rente for a $50 gotd modal, only ssklug We vaikrndnp lovnansd euamined for three veeko notice, the defealed as.-lhe bouse, but ve 0oold aind Do trace purant tt urnulsh le modal. Oft "laie" vwiti lie Ivo ebildren. I. Saturday atennoon Mr. J. J. Hov. vont lu sud alayed aul ulghit ihm, don lest a valuait. borse lu s etreuge aud carne dovu vlihlm la bis office way. The anmal,ea hlgh-spirlted eue, aeutmoranug. It vau aout bi"peut vas boing drivea ailong noar lie Na.- aine vien vegtonge ien. san Mille, vien il book frigit at e 11111. As ho enlered Ieroom eà ni., brovu- dog whioh nushed ont tnem behind a eyed, oomely litti. vwon eft brly, a. ntbr Pilé, shied violeully tb tb& lefI, pompauied by tva ildrenvie oe tien te the igbteagain. It trlpped sud just ni.oly able oovslk, rose up,torneet feul, sud ils ovu forwand impose, as-us fisléd by lie veighl of & vagou-loa cf The voman biuohed sud looked b.. Meai, drove il ten teelaleong the rond wlidered udt.he k aunou#4 tl"a< on] ils breasi, visa lis head caen u bis vs lie lad y vie vu aswiting ber. contact ih a large atoe. Thre peor lta evsnlng. -- y friad lfledte b. brut, fell over on ils book atone duad, affabte, suan d "on 4al-ugfer vitb its position l inte sa"e reersed. me, aesycu ?" Ite Dockva. bicon. Ur. Hovd.n "Y..; don"& yen rernember "«Ell fuéee lsois uasveroty. Ho valued' li ee H.autered *id uemd le baie le ise ant u$176. give ber lie vont etfi1i nd atemmred At neen Friday a boie boloag oneet: Tbonss Hovden, wvilcivas lied auon es Ireafly doul rermber- bhc mretaquare, ollppe l is bnlüle ýIgie." Iremem*bern __ __ &n'A - - - - .5 1 kn u 'w . '1., 1___ ____ f RE' 3ALT reoûmtuo aI oUd dauiieti ore oi e tp gsbisL Mnr. Ed. Ceancra va. #qipliig , thft street, sud ho dld uWaae . iiiuawy inutilne tavcld hî. 'Hé X*rkmW the rlghl side sud, kockemi doua, -M lexaijinatien attervaulm ivailpg lte tact tuai a couple of ni e ve«e b#eieu The unfontuate mriW aitted laie ther City HOe. sd . IiL sU- nlened, unden vicia eelis lajai.., Ihougi seroions me ieiag, ~reêird The herse cenhuud rpOlagM.a~ le Whfte's liveny oti e bw. t 1 aud vas caugît. Ne tb*s Lore.~ uer buggy vere d.maged. The ocianjo Govbraznm u a pcinted Mnr. P. J. Mïoet-f, î " lllhhey evenr Mrth',Oif eishenièesAcI et 18Mfou -ëeé«W d ]Pelenîpro, the preriloa ]Ranbunion and tliaI O o! Violeî ouho 8he beave4 au 1Mmîes. .gRh lre. 11.1, aud afler g<.iU1R drectiong s t thêotber Q' . BIacokotouels vhproeboutg, gsed1fo ebmeeiénee hend, a package udeor eaob erl' youguber banglaggo ilbr, fac -as red as a gobblors ne<e i inaioyey bervo -fairly llngling ,wlhbemarré m Bb elrly mlumbled,-oui of th. door. I dîda't hear viiether il was-.tlw. cther Mi'. Blackeoueor nol, sud- IeWa awfuly sorny my frlend didnt .ongquir«, viiere oh. speal tbe lime beiven eu.i1- oeIl ait hie house at 9:80 inut'fiemeri. lng, or hew se mausg.d le gaîher- self andcphldren through thenigîî wahh. out Ibesâ littie fem =**De and infaýntieý trapu whieh had beon piled in valises in my friend's office. Il stee atrauge thst people eau b. go sitly as te corne te e ity udor such eircumetance&s. h.evdny "Ousin" BImkt on, as oh. dldnlt kuow the difference baIve.» hlm a an xny friend, even wien ohé met lb. latter. 8h. didn't knov viiere h. lived, aud il vas impossible Ihst she oould bo acqnaint.d viti bis wife snd io*d èl fermera vi iti uMoue y éenough te travel lu aïmuci more elfrespet. ing Wa&y, had corne la levu vitheut makinu any 0o! houeecouvez4ioaa arrangements which Are absootlly uec.osary te haviug a pleasaut lime. Bbc May have otayed &Haiugil wilh some other frieiid ; oh. May have b.d te go te au botlt but it oerleiny oould net have been very pleasaul tor Bbc.. yvoungero hauting sround ai uighl aud ringing the door boita cf atrange houms.. I amaure il viii b. many years befor. oh. viii forael hon ei- penleuce or eny fricnd's blushes.-Té- ronto New#. 'Why suifer from weak nerves, wauî t o appetite, and general debility ? lelling lie Ioas of sieep and xeat in ovedsh th. aystem and tibm the blood, -when snob a realy meritorious r.medy as Northrop à Lyman a Qunie Winems!y b. had at any drüg store. This article a. recommended by ltep bighest members -of tic medicine faou1ty in caes of iu 4aon, geiieral debîlitylo of appetitel and nervous affections of a&l kinds. It saiseospeoiatly beneficlalte children sud delicate femalea, sud le busi nesmn tdents sud tlie. ho have muohbran wrk. W. would sey. Novet b. ulitout il. Il viii atrengien you, kep your systemin regular order, ani ena"l yen le socceafuntygrpple wlthhe w. on yenhav tedo.Xli Faautl lo the tamIs, and ourtains nctblng injurlous t e b pos delicai. constitution. Bemember le sai for the Quinine Wine, pr.pared by Neth- rop & Lymn, Toronto, sud ve ar, sur yen. willb. satisfied that ýyen bave, full ,value for your mnoneyý-1>_Dî*istî seUlil. AI Higheést -market. prîce p&id for Butter and Egp. BBOOKLIN, ONT. Oott1 ge orG ste -AT- PRICE8 Wl/CH WILLC ASTON18H YOU. Premier Norquay i.n eporled to b. on is vsý bomne vithout haviug raiacd Morley iu New York. Mrm J.-M. Phalen, et Sydney Mines, N. S., bau! chroulo rheuunstism feror eaur, sud glneoreliWfunti"0ah. lnied alek BeI àBens. Two botles cured haï~. «I va. De s sioleton," sys ah.,, "bofmi usig B. B. B., no*rlii l ie dlscievewy! ef suci a valuable. remedy 1I arn entrei reslored te hebati"1 Mr. Dillon, i iu lu1eIw g y7<dO scnibed Lbe vinler'a p ruiiaâi Mn. Mary Thom.a, of Toroïdo, wa affliitd 4oiTffWorss, 8 ee Dr. Low', Wov,,t Symup. The jry luthe cafte02et Sphemmn, 0iarged astLndon vith klilngRelpi Shv sOatbam ïolunteer, dlsspio.4. A TausTv Faur-Peny Day!. Pan- Rwer. sfe le keepto u u noveybouse- Righly men are to e b ava fnom "1A1 snd 4#B#, Batteries te fera s ucimas for "on Betst iVictoia,»B. 0. In HAwàz ua.Coxs' &w oCaurpboes Cathrli cCompoundasd vi gsa Mmiiovuers ou lhe Obaudie fre I rom a deo. MMt ome-seo,, sud *ktaI abundaulty the aV Mm@s viiibave Io»koedOvnevlur te 1ev valer. eProf.Lr and skira diesue. >~ Mm cbum lu Mbâtael Mounta"u lon. Fwmuan' Worm Poumbsraaro& miego takl aok.1U ijofl toorus frou 4hi Or d siêi. aI lut eýéÇed le God ui m detoOrderfor 12 00,0 s sqkof BOOI.èhi nls u aait Tweeds, Black Worsteds etc., ta select from.. SpeoW&1 iii. of HEÂVYr TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents peryad suitabte for Business Suite- or Býoys' w-ea. FUJLL ,STOCK 0F GOERE CALL ON WM. IHA1ILT, - EE7 "unerals FulIy Supplied." Mitdway between Brookl&& and Columbu, on th&e 7th Concession. We are now prepared to make all kinde of Woollen Gouda such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, BheeingShirtings, AII-wool bed, Blanketq, lHorse Blakes, ndYarn in aOn varietieis and ail kiuds of lKnitted ud kept in stock for the accommodation of "Dying in ail colprs done to order. Hýigh4est prioe paid for anry quahtity of Wooi. MIl orders promiptly fiiled. D..BOWEIIMAN c ARO 80N, m si nht-. worse ÙL-yN'U scra5chlng-very 'Zte~h aowed te continue ti1mor3 frrrnwhe III 0 f t n beed an d !m cIt , ,' ~ SWAYNIES 0INTMENT ,t5 B t h e Itc h in g a n d ! - c1 e c.D llg . < eals ulceratton, and i 4 o -n any cases removes Sthetumors Sent 44,by mail-for A Great Cause of Human Migeîy I8 TELOBS F -A LueCTIEon T=TEEIlir iu, T -»TME and radcal cur of SeminalWeaknss, or Spermattorhoa, indued by Solf-Âbuse, Iin- voluntaiy Emisons Impotency, Nervoue DebMli an sd ImpeAments to Karriago e Conumption, Epilepsy and Fit., Mental and P &0 I~aft;&0. -b ROBBUT 3. L, L. 'Yew rernowned authïor, lth ad- mirable Lecture learlyprve frmnh. o1wn experience tfat thea'wI4 onoequenoos of Self-Abuse may b. efec aUy remove without dangerous BUrg1ial 1ope ationu, bouges, instrumenta, riigs oz codial; pointing ont a mode of cure at once ertain and, effetuai, by ,whieh every msufferermo matr, what hie condition, my be,,may, ourehlmself bdaply, privately s andio 'y. gaTha Lcture wVR. pmoe a booot b thousand and thousand4.- Sent under ueal,$n ainWeu vopei,t any addrecs, onu recepto f ur e to wo: postge tampa. Addreu The CUL VER WELL M 1fEDIQAoL Q0.9 41 An tNw ok DR-B.,.DQR'ENýWJE.ND--W TOý 0RONTO.- PBNMANSE o- CObmMouI$LAW$ RITWG PRÂOTIALLY TÂUE MS 1N CANADA* 1 --à - ý- 1

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