LA VENDER WATEE,. Proneum te b. lightfi Teili Price iced b>' Conoisser the most de- hl Perfume sud [et -Watcr sunlise Market. - - 25 Cento. Ohemist & Druggist, ONT.1 TYHITB Y ONL.Y Si oo PER ANNUM.' Ibtby, Friday, Sept. 23, 1887. Wu adont like tosettopour ijese in oppositon $o both the. town oouncil andl Board of Uealth, but wo believe both ame taking the. wrong courue in tb. tercets of tlii.toWnin regard tb the tannery nuisance. It in uselees W keep the fuot quiet that the. tanner>' causes thé ernell, for it doëseso. Mr. Ring ineà sensible man andl h. knows tli. He knowu thtbis hetannery ehoujd be situat. ed sinc@Ome other portion of the. town and ws undéretood two monthe &go ho wau wilhlg tW remove lb sMd ereet a mSncilarger nov building in sa more aultable place if thée towu would trest hin as veli ae t 40"eothfr largesS. $poyree If 1Mr. King Wvas villng W do Iwolysmenthe ago h. ie willq ete do no-now. Hoehaebeen elrongly in favor 0 of nouretu other large eanployers 'of workinen aund no doubi h. voulil 11k. W extenil hie own businesiluthe sme way. W. ear t hem almosi wspering arounil the. onnoil chamber lest Mr. Ring bak. umbrage stcerne. tbing wiîci ay b. saMd and leave th. -tWwa. Mr. King wvsare aueured has more seufe than te do anything eoftth. klnd. Wc have net tie opinion et eihber expert or enginoor te bsok as lu aaying se, but v. believetishe drslning scisome whio islebeing foreil upon lie tosen ouneil by lie Board of Health i. a poor one. Tii. malter eftbie drain bias been buigton y.sru sud bthre le me doubl lie ssellom inu p aloug tie rsilvay trsc ok venueother a dog. Thi. Board of Healhsbas etudied the - questions aniticounchiisa ai.fieki. efforts te do usoebiing as u astsled. Our not is le libiaproposed drain WMi oul s ple et money sud viiido ne l aveu îf 1r. RKing ve. W rebuili tanr -sta>' vere ho l.W. hardi>' liink tisr. veulil . h nin vster enoughin the. drain te ke.p it eleareil out smiva have ne valer In tbii tovnt u h seà out viti. Par$ ef Iii. drain le te ho snnk fifteeuor bw.ty feet fuie 0, bll vien il volil oult lundred ofdollartodîÈ lgl p if thse Pipées bonu dbeom topped Up luin o va', Sud wîtb ail thà Ielb. unio vould b. r. dmev -r#à sfuIoug Luthier duIls. ,Auvle t>,etnollj -IP0 e 4ve anl sumuoe boeen à dvoo«t- tutgà 0hôm.s of net bail asmuoh lin. poz4u 1to.bthe, town, but -uobodj' about hisetaà -s7leet-hoe might Idk uQ adle,. Ee 1ed e&@élesfrui.d te speak lest,,h. mig houea thein. W. couidet4à ilnonsepse. if the. autiiorities would throw off this terr*er sud go in a m ly vay teMr. Ring snd mûaksraigit-torward proposai te hlm W ocoept cerneassistance fana go dowvu te .railwy traok where, il would b. Ivice as convenient fer 'hlm, w. believe 1fr. Ring wouldjamp'at the. bargain, and ho voulil change at once snd .mploy twioo or three. times as man>' mon as ho do.. mt prejsent. Ovor býy the.railwa>' track 1Mr. Ring voulil hve a runig streaw cf water near y 1~ the. year and vould s,. cartlng and ould omploy a boss cf mon sand the. town vould save penhaps shonsandu cf dollars in an empensivo draining job. and go$ tth. tovu eundil eut.etoa sorapo wlth thse Board cf eahin i whieh the, laâtter body à s obliged te exeoise arbi- trary 1 wers in erder' te have some- A STOUIT XEEiiNG--A 7KW Row8-WIE FIRBT, WAR LAST, WAE ÂLL THE WAY. TEOUG-A SKIRMISH WIT TE BOA» OF HKALTH-LAMPS TIUT LIVR [N DARKNE8S-TREKsATENKI) EJEOTWENT OF AN ALDSEMA-TR MUSIC HALL REFUSED TO TH£ AGRI. CULTURAL SOCIETY. Regular meetigMonda>' night. -Present the Ma ty r, Reeve, Deput>'- Reeve, and counciliors Noble, Houris, Burns, Hallett, Wicks, Smith, Foy, Robson. Minutes cf lamt regular meeting sud a speois.t meeting road and oonflrmed. Qommunications were resd from thUseon- gineor of 'the Midland rallway re lbe bridge acreasthe said railway sn thitt part of the, tevu vhere th. nuisance l in d teexist. From a firm cf brokers sn Toronto regard. thg ts. ae of corporation debentures for Userecênt bans.- Prom the. local Board of Health oncloging the. following report : Tiie LocalBoarl cf He.lth tated tisaI ils former reports b.d been disregardeil on Use street nuisane, and demanding lie ocuncil le Iay a twelve sncb glazed pipe drain on Green street frum Dunlop te On. harle atreeta s»d tiience along the. norli aide et Ontario Lt te Midlà nd railva>'. Itmybe ex ained Usat tlii.moans liaI paipe drain frein lie norli-est corner of Mr.- King'u lanner> te Mr-. Farewell's vacant pak lot sud turng Le the. cashdig lirougis tei bill sud comie out at lie railway culvert. Mr. W. B. P hingle sentinaà requiSt frons lihe Seniti Ontario Agrieullural Society' ask- ini liaI lie>' hoallowed thse une of Use music hall fori heïr concert next Tu"yd 'eveing Co>un. Burne brougil lun s report frosu lie Pire sud %Wster commnitte. rocommeudmng ps ysent cf *525.4 te Torn bber Ce. for hoesud ether supplie. fr tae ire bri - gade. Aise recommonding tat other Ivo st.ieeî lamupe b. placeil alngChatre atteet scuthicf lie court boume. Ths laet claus brought on a discussion.% Oun. Fox salt Use liglats coul too annel sud h. lookeil with borne on an" propcaai le put up more The>' vere neyer olesueil and ote stocil unliglateil on dar es- sts sud ver. ver>' little use, butsa feartul cïsh o ti. tevu . The Mayor mil h. veuliiave bookeil vili a deal more favor on s proposai, te dismias the present lamplighters befor. an>' cher lamupe arç et up. Tii. way lie lampa are bautiledin lu is tovu insa nuisancé ai veli as aste cf monoy. Se seau>' lap cbimxaeys are broken tisaI there is a pile of glass around eacis pont, sud Use lampa aie alursys din vwili soke. Mais> coms- plaints are mail. te hum liaI 1h... lampeamr net a&H ligitel hall lii. ime sud are put ont au boni tee acum. Deputy-Reeve Rutledgo maYB it seems te b. a mais of tho lamplightea-s Usat people siionlnet go ent on thse street on des-k or stein>' nigila so tb. lampe ane generail'unu. on ieubad nigista (e~to. "e siimaM 8ya ho ie hoff tii. sidevallr twc onIeuenightlael .>, sue latee ooon Brook Street. DeputyReeve Rutledg-'You should net bavebee thtvsy. CeUsD. FOI-I *theugisl "iW» a sScott Act tevu. Ho vent on te ma>' lights vere vwanteil on man>' other back sto.etu as vol! s Centre ashot- Defist>'-Rhve Rntledge-Ma,. Mayor. De Z ude«tm taI (Jeun. Fox 6con th " ia lie shooet on vicis Cuun. Wickmsud my- self reaides (Centre street) in a back utreeti (&ghter.) Onumotion Use lait clause vas lmn tfer furtiier consideration Depuy-ReveRutledg. bronght lu a ns- Por Irm te Cmslttoi on Finmanud ai.* oment au follevs :-That the. total surnoms8- ment o e tis ovn asneri ard *U57,113;- centretas- là 35; eti vant 18,878; noe rulnti 34 ;total *88749; lias or- Csh 81149 24.PgobenutW 81« > 1< W. $mie$. Dog r'ax, oit do 4M3 &sdinsp .307 5001 001 500,1' Goun. Fx moved tliat Mr. KaioJ avi bo abppokntéd'èu ine.r witii a.mar 'o -Peg snuiand te appoiânud, M, lis 'ép <Jou. B~onyu dthingup . about the .,maseh., epected, they, é t ui o d L >l liii. h Hapr n t anyrate a tiofcmo ti arortO2 ý9rsbs anbyMe ead ked ifamau eceeeü that thei. yo .,d7,lreadr sent, M. per anorder for the alokers disobargefRé wiou.l ik.the 1 Mayor te answcr that q4ue* The. Mayor-Produce yeur ordbr. Cmun. Burns-I havenIt gel -il, but Mri Harper said ho W dit and tat lrgr bid carried it te bim - Wby dm o.nt thse Mayor denY the eider if ho didot anud iL.'And if ho did send il,. on Wh athtorty 4id ho do no. ý1 Tiie talk vent on for a tW3~amdthe >or ordsed Coin. Burns te mit do**. Cone Bunss-I won't. I vmtnt kuio* --bout " oreder. The. Mayor-If you don't sà Wt &Ã" I"sfl oyo~, ppt ont by thé~ lé &bout Ibis eider, as tô *h. tà i S mentît or noe.a The. Mayor-I have orderod, you'to i1t down, asr. Coun. Burns-Mr. Mayor, -I am 6 eotei l speak ber. ay vote cf thi eoMple, and that la More than yen can a9".,air. if yen. bai te stand a vote uaI idid yon coutl ne aye got in. Coupn. Robuon asserted liaI Mr., Haaer who bâd Iateo1 been fired out cf bitcuiô by this council. He aise salid Orn* ou*a heenlYrnanwhocould make ts egn inn at Corrnak's fire. He je atafeilthe, ceunoil hau made. a mess cf ti vs"é matter. Ceun. Wioks believes the couneil b.d botter net have mieddlod with the. matter -in the. fint place. A.fter conmidering "deliberatlenn the me- tien disrnsigMr.Eppleîî vas Puasu-t out a vote. Deputy-reeve Rutledge moved liaI -tiie Agrcultural Scciety's=reet te have the free une of tii. m uée h ll b.g ratedprvid. ing the parties whc have 1h engagoildoet use il on M'nday evonngnelt. A discussion teck plceon tb. matIe. sud the. motion vas lest. Themniferf teBoard cf Heaiti aSud their report on the propeseil drain cme, ap nOW. Doputy-roeve Rutlelge, usairà &manet the Boardeof Healti, said liat board dld net wisb te exorcise ail tii.pove ac,1edin l its ba ud b >' lh . s atu te ; b ut thi e - enc aud floule policyof the owu iu tzn. gadte is disagwreme smlieH &m hieu rala'rendered il necossar> for the,&ird te tae. a firm stand aud force $me Action. T , onaun totho dqqggmg e. plý,0 = couple d i t i à l afin de m and 1er dea adoption voulil fore. se " atOn. Ho voulil prefer that the. Board cOf Hoslth b. net recognizein suthe.matter iftlin s an>' ctiervway ont of itBut if thse ecumci will net set, Lte Board muut, sud thâal s tie long andahort of ut. tise council. He said oa smetabe, of - thie Board o et 1h ho bailvisitod, the toeulity .in wiiich tise nuimsace l imeet delly Up nme verni e. b snodethe li. .60 f tise rocent effuirt mail. b> ' ticonnt o cha. out a wator course, but sa certain th. vork ia inmnffloient. lu tacethe malter lever litti. iwpreved b>y liat dig. Thoa m stilis astonch vbicb makes oesick eaIthe atonsaci. If Mr. Klnfr puta in a euipc noar là ai.nrner>' noliug but liquid malte vlU baveoto Pasuthiougih hedrain sud ho thinkt 1h vculd a e it bhve the. ot cM f C teunifurtser Solith aldormen up standing, aud Ocun, Suitia said ho vas docidedi>' epp"sed teze.v the. lruis vde wd. HVsi l. ic .rbiob psid netaxes andd itRnpedl upen peon1. wh? palil too mscla. RAUap R172th9&27th FAI With this announoement we commence our lOth year of Business i Whitby. Year by year we have endeavored to keep abreast of the ti.mes by adding new attractions, new Rines of Gooa not Iormerly kept*i Whitby and greater facilities for the convenience of customers until now we stand firm and, aoenthe front ranka, away ahead of ail competition and acknowledged by al tobeTeLaigDyGos (Jlothing and Gents' Furnishing House in South Ontario. We have just-recently introduced into. our Store the Electrie Cash Raitway Bystem. This System until now was only to be found in a very few of the largest stores . in the largest cities in the Dominion. By its assistance we expeot to save time, labor and money, and by that mean prove a benefit to our eabtorners. Ail visitors to Whitby during the Fair are invited to stop in and see it operating. OUR NEW FALL STOCK, which is 110w complete and-ready for inspection oonsists of à il the Lateat Novelties and Notions in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and will be found to compare -favoura- bly mn extent, variety and value, with m.ny of the largeat bouses mn the Dominion. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT, under the management of a Fir *st-olass Cutter is now in complete working ' order. We are showing an immense range of Scotch Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoat- -gTroueiga n Worsted Coatinga. Gentlemen can rely on getting a perfect fit every time, and ail gooa. ýatN ok -bottopres Kindly caUl and siee thiR very attractive store. E:?,088 g~Whitby Dry Goods Emporium. Farmers, Threshers,- and Mill-Men Fid it te their advantage and profit to use ~ ARDINEu Guaranteed not to gum, and wil outwear ai other Machine Oils, Q-Try our Cylinder 011. It lias no oqual. For sale in Wm;oby, Dy ,WHI TB Y T/L E ând BRICK, YARD WM. BRYAN& OS DuxidasStreet. w5Wood any, quantity bf weil-bamt, :rnqoth, takon in exohange for Brick or Tileat WM. GILMORE; - Sept. lat, ~S87. WHITBY. UVERPOOL-4 LONDOI4OI DTDIAS O OirSAILINGS, FM Emorim 1BURNS' ÙOLUMN., SUMMER SLAUGHTER& 1AT la lOING ON l - BUDGET OF LIYELY LW "A w setsamani] .w' luth hell pz Te' DAT le lie equl Mui.-W. B. ParRG ,ar-s collecter. IH me âÉound her. ..Tmu obntract for I <gïgu Teronto. -Aif e<Uglous -but lis.> hor..-the moe. le %Imm i r, e ti frion lii yeon snleastoeas5 do befo ro- Ioh' is ACOO1IDDNG tb our ustom we. arc, now seling summer linos at SLAtTGHTER 'PTRICES lis LT - 4 to, clear them ont. -It pays u'S better 40 dothii aDie in ladies' lpos Driesinohldeus itan cd bot!(Niovbetter, wearing, D inlugentlémen'o ahoes.1 bietvu lite i.brsn Tin $1000, r #00, wb$h vs tee! d,îmlueedeman4pu t4 buthé . eer" 4 H ea ui ,v e -f upy co t h e B o ue ~ ' aneiervabrlug*g foit more dvan- top to lise bovuu.>If lthnner>' w,, ra o -a e s roper' place tise. woldf b. ne Use foir dh ueta. 77 os Goods Dunclu-StrSt. for-, 8à le -6t h IRO ý.iT - .l