Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1887, p. 3

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aid a lot18 =Os, perce-ut. e i Wsith e Central 100 at leis. hau n*. -sud seourtty xf.oh n ne osa3ea flheby betg twery sîtoruate iuoth v or 84,000. gentwatdueve - AY, te whnm a liberi,) be à,Ilowud. pl Ixli partionl a uiesd: H. GORDON# r te Oouuty of Ontarto. Port Perry, out. YTaýLO4N, Mgortgçage aI o E Interest. ie C an*ds Leanuft agivi for the Western kausuiý; orGbrrie'e lBlock, VWitby wrapplng purposse, layiju3 ito., 25 -cents par hundzed. Apply te THIS Op'FIOB. '.BELL. U tna.ppreached- for SToue and Qality.- -OGUES FRES *NEW G. SALE STABLES,. S-TWHTBYr. r& DEVERELL, ~8 TURN-OUT8 on Shorteet Netil6e, averlm lberajiy 4e#g gONILBT DRALMS, ESS m MTATIOfl .,à thers arc manu lufeor ~oods corded writh em etc.,Qfferdd= rictphd mercazts t" li ou the repxta.tlc 09 0, warn the '-A - es tîq theiratt et "coaIf&tY 01 weehag bat tbe nome cheap by soie Au 1886.- âêsid os ofth6, ý'àe üobt t4 he otu mn vlb the e i, h ,I~ ordsoO910 f republioa , #osemoetperfeçt Of USDat sigle strob' c ,ione hbe proved tbe almosto là- ,1dwied om eud pbUtl<llst Of IDe î mein oundera, who bnilded vise 60 » hey knew. As the Oenlt=Wa1of' à# Declaratiofl of IndePendeo.piý #PorPîoopie opnderiug on thé spiril asd teschitng of our Oarcter ibertyo wil the celebration o0ftheb. netituÙ. goal I Onteni&1invemi vith'nov iu.. jWgott and induces hem to etudlonsly 881ly'O the priDeiliesOf be Cotituc ion ci the United State,. Thore is muoh epeOUltion uas te *»Oess of Ex-âssotat Seortary of otiste Poter ; though nothlng le knowu. jj j. oonidered prbable that thé nov 0fficll.se did bi dmobemvil) bail froin the eeuth. hr. Bayard, it le Wsd, laime 1hhe righit toname hie oesjst4Dt, owing te- theïr intimai. oecil and personal relations belng indfulof hiesnmpbewumt eXPerienc Vth hiuIlst aboiwth -v hom ho hsad go friendly parikg.. - The Snrveyor <hera* I of Arizona r.- porte extensive land graute, euglneered by the railhoade iu the interest of uhefr Ow» etookholdere, snd other specula- jors, and iwvolving au ares of 80m100 Mies of land in tiai Territory. Theoe vuluablo lande wMl dobtles e b reolaim- id by the Goverume aitsud opened to @ntry for boa/ZCà settlere. The. ebief of le foretry divisi-g ti th Agrieultural Departmer, ter a sarful eurvey, 05timfate, shat the foregs owned by the ':orntnent represent s a '~ 481280,000,000, sud that th. denia looe Ihereon by fire is 88,000. 000. To &vert their loue, the Burveyor proposes thal the Goveruront make ACClrate surveys of the wooded ares, sud withdraw il from sale or pre-emp- lion and tiaI experienoed foreelpre b e employeed te protool their prcoperty frooe burning, es well as from tie des- tructive inroade cf tituber depredatore. Tii... suggestions eem npractical sud worthy of serioes oepsderation by Con- grogse The. Commimujonors have Dot jet' eoompleted the rovision of the. Civil Service rul.., upon whici hiey have been eugsged quite a ile, lu the effort bo adjuel hhem tho euiuling oircumtauoes ini tb. several departmeule. Il je Dot improbable that thetago lime-a feahure thal bas provoked most oritiim-will b. modifled in euoh s manucer ae to r.- move ill tie objections liai have been urgea againet it. It hbu been arrnuged that -olerkm in th1e depariments vho desire t doio m, eau go home to vote, provlded the "0m then lest je deduoled hem Ibeir annuel lbave, or if none je due them, Mle,. ithout pay, will! bq ranhd s fev deys. Thii. ul. applies le mom- bers of ailparties. Tie ixti veekly opetng ci bide for tb. maie of four su& a hoîf per .eùt. bonde to the Goverumeut, teck place on tie 141h iust. Acting 8.cretary Ticepson officlsling, lie amount offer- sa beiug ive millions, c f which over four millions ver. a.optedl. The. annual report of thc Commie- coota cf nanclui fisca je li.ver of lhe Ameriesu Bevolulion. Ourrent LiterAture A-valuable paper upon lis iygiene of vater vi» ho ono ot tiche.lahurcsocf Harper'î Maatù. w or Oeteber. Dr. Tlitus Muncon Coin, wvie» poa slnd>' lu cmonetlon viii balaoo rank hlmm autboieily, ,uvAles cf "The Culve Uses cf valer"in AUl il mediclualguises. Il le- peenâmry r.- fresiing ho reaifrein a phyiuth"* "et &H curative fipusefflvaInif the readiesl, 104 pt ý sud lhat h h.*al valibs m ~ w I"amoug tl i l- »'nsbls-ite wlalh: the phyiian baist b an 'th.ey ns- preseul, lua& villa lbe.Jd*ian a- fInenoeesofe chhatc, â t4"; m . higbest poteey of t&c 1 iWm c-of valo'r." 'The- ad- Ï tp o lies. b*ttu silyoWepe 41ý.-, eees,ha. etél"#,c4I uusquslled net"iari nhir e. Dr. Oo* ,W the b Îng of dieu,-bas *$d 1 niiii counasel as to te lie MuI beeit- ý- ofe et aler lin bowslldTb$eOdd re, laidlu au adjeizilu -rv4dlm 81m. bve . uy recogalmble by -eu olou'010". The,* lpiuried vr.lov aedn mprovisa mlances t6 lbe neareet bouge. A naumber' offurgeon, ver. apeedily iu s.#tledabbe. Theo veonn)rn bîonlegs, a ome r.qn1ýhlg ampila&. lion. Afvoalvs mb er.- move verstaken 1 a lfwmry «i guard cf- hie excurson ,train bd sa ns'WUrov eseae.A mhie i er babe lu becr armevaio 1 ï bl. b. cbild Msa.-nbr.h nohgfa One È abd bis bead boma Oompl.t*I offsud the body wusfondmaittlng up- righin luh1e carage. ThsextrlatiUUD vas oodueed by mesu cf a&saw ud tb.lunrc 1" umà the lnn. bld 111e exrasu lW,.vbinsshr Clisnos thl.e ;" m e rin, vien 111e driver stokere re sse%"frauhi-ý oslly pullig thie levers; Tihedrlrer, uamed Taylor, i le ncisratc b somPauy. U bas not .xpWaned boy b. raispsu he danger signale. He so vlîèwihiol ieis salemeal. Il le ruao.dlat th. brake, ver. appliet out faled ho sol, The. msorihty cfthie victim e e.residente oet dbe.ld sud Heelorpe. The laheet reporte plaee h number dead ah 26 sud lie iujored at 60. * orne Lurge Btoriei- A Mas u nPiutam couuty, Ga., ha. lunger nais ovor Ivo luche. lu length. Zaciarisi Bielle», vie rouldee lu Runtinglen Contre, Cou».,. and hs 79 jears oh), bausu anltack ot viooping cougi. F. O. Carpeuler, oet Boston, ie said le have climbed tvenlj-seven Mountains iu NseHsheire ilu hurt>' days. Re belongs le tis Young Men's Chieian Martia Doxheimer, et Hilledale, N. Y., bau a pgiaI sti.scmeliing ot a perler. Alliongi net quile 2 years old lie pig lu question veigis .908 Ibm. A raft ia beiug toved dovu LjaI. Huron to Bay City viiai onisUins 8,000,000 feel ef limber, and le valued at nearlj 8190,000. Whou li.y speak: cf s ra f fanylilug up noti lbey mean a job lot. A voman lu Covela count>', Ga., pioked a osbbage cul of ber gardon lie etier day, sud upon sliing il, prerasm-ator> for mokiag tooud a bird'. .gg lu liecoentre of iLS. ere bird bed made a nestin lue lb. bage. The bye oldoahIrees lu lhi vorld are supposed ho b. lthe ue lu Calaeras ceunI>', Cal., lâianleboeved tle ho 2,565 ysarmold, sud lie cypresaof Sommail n rbardy, Italys taliaI 1,911 yeans old or planted tcrty-lvo yeare belorn Obniui. Bston bas a kalte grinder, net ucsdy particularly, but . aelul musoular, se liaI iho la ronovued for bis aslrei. One cf is.performnces, as banded dowu b>' admürer., vampî bln p a amail ourborsai ie Lehe Stret stabli nd ud arngbim bodily ilutea car bonum A San Diego, Cal., citizen vie le abové .uspou a isabi g a pe vins, otoh bhoy: ls eerhupsi frein liai vine. 1 asv lie. papes pr.seedinlo 28U, llous cf in. by a Mon 88ye»Ue01tage, sud lie mccl cf lie prouol vau r.tsled te medisal mm uhors s12,per gallon. Town 0lorbWihtMke. ehlm.Me., baso ayonnggbornrooslr," atbas, *s fine est formuSwo.Wbll*Min; Wbll- loiberîmas the eif lias iasole lmà door or window, fS u pon lie Imna- ,meut, sud, UN«erloobing-at lb sys fer pouu4u out noleshammsonté f d hlm a pet èlapmltitn lu li aujurt laie léot p. Isbal lb. l£esi drppoff* aM left liaboue eïpoecd. ThereupsuIe, -litte feUov -bit cff.,or stp lbOe footM ah ast veud-om"épua .to u vill àlt.lull .*~ q of bw -pu»mbrson.r Ogiviug - ova Dl BuÜco C oQurte8y. lu Ta£OQUNTAT. »e;Dn'l uo aik neMt mun. semoda yteou pamsI =tt4 blgiblsok dcg. !jOu cOmnac te a.beu ,îa"qner kï ve .vthbon" cf Id~he ken oops Ta.ka lb. ffaik Jai-l Mi 4 ehx outhis rigit. Thal ma".à the<i fourleenti. Go sbreigbh abbbd. Il la about Iv opafe -Mm&boe. «o tho topof hbalbilllsnd takesa-,,look. Tien go sa farsas yon «wv; taIs >Much-1 er lok. Whou you gel lièe.yo'l se il. Turca&round lie Utleoh"urotei rigil keep lie ridge on jour lost. Go hait a mile, tbre.-quarters, periape a mile. If yen know lie mon you're after you'll fiud hlm alongthiere.- Tale your second rigil baud road; cross Ivo loft band roade-and lake .your tburd. Dcn't go up lie firet rigil baud but tek. lteesecond. Tis'a a el sveep in thi.- front yard snd a visel- pump iu lh. baruyard. Âfter yen pas.& a raysrd with a r.d wagon sud a vitleUme vith a spavia on bar loft blnd. leg yen'» se a about bouse cf ou. utory villa roof unI lu Thot ain'l lie boume, but if lie dog don'e bite jon oaalad outi lie. The vaterwcrks by-law of Niaara PIF" vau carricd by 16 majorlly. Choler ansd a u MMer cocuplulul. are se qulobin lieir action tual th. cold baud' 01 d in pon-theviotimu befbrchaey ar avare lia" danger lu usr. 111 Îacke do net delsy lun jttIng the Proper medielue Try a dmofe Dr. J. D. Kaogg. D-Ymntu Corial sd yn vI~IIm.daëi S i Il acte vith wondérQrapUity a4 nove fataa to effeot a cure. The OCuste autherlthmhae rdereé lic rebeasecf lhe ,uchooner Prldgowater, selzedsa Sholburne, M. 8.,wvile under- goiug repaira. Serne persona bave perledicalattacla et Osuadian oholers, djmen4.ery or Darea and bave le use grest proaomtio aç ltb.diun. hngwfv&tooEe~ tu uit nsi rn-reMzlog enl i l s ,ec ouwcvouad reoozaid Dr., J. D. Îeigs>setyCr"as en tie beet .41cmluth. *0marbeltforsau summer complaintitIf a tev drops ar taben lunvaler vin lie syiptome mr uotieed no furlier trouble vi» b.e «parrie. beau sent tlethoentral Prison tur di Welghed inh I» Xan.but net foucil vanhlng. Nerhbrp & Lymma a Vgehril Dimeovryý Ond- tpeic. Cur has, been of'ie li a tesUmoeîl#st avor le dslly pourlng -1L. The qai oft Is ieacy o»vlu dyepeiml4i liver corplalalidu4e nl sd--foi The B;o*v 'Prsterybus dismied Pop & illsudnUglate,Codr lplds,. Xwovvete.; ehave unit molday, medIusue lat glives snb uesfallon ticth# onsmer sad.pi eur.te the ad l 84 -Pr. ThomuswBehr 0& .W. osu pr u e numbera laI aveoue 1hfor - diyb»"el vil e lir m ll fac lo an t ohe r n m. thr ldy"oa~ifhid~s FALL SUITS. OH N FEROUSON 10 BHOWING A BUPEBIOB 'STOCK OP ScQtc/t, Englisk and Canadian Tweeds,j And other fia nesof Oloihu, for 8prizigsuit.,,AU garlments mdup in lateet style on ehorteet notice. Rady-made Men' and Boys' 8uita, Sents' Furna8hinga andi Underclothlng of ai KlodÈe, RATS 1 RATe 1 HATSI la" 47stles in a Had SBoft Poli HaieVIta OrBAPO JOHN FERGUSON,- *It zajuR e . Mcbne for, the Publie. - simple andLa s Liftime. The Dominion Organs and Piao: Arefcter Ia= Any Mler. The Boul 3udgeu 84y Il. Toue 1le .Boul., Il i I.n mit aviaew le Duabiliiy aud BeaUly. The. BeeM-ustrument.to Bay L ondan andiLanca Shire Life Company. Tuis Company issues eM' deuiriable foren M ie. policy u a snd emedwbbc Beeve oeral lu spprcved Osuadisu seoiuriles ever #100.00 for e«oi 8100).00 et liability, tins -afeording êBSOLUTR',se-. culrity. Parties dssireus cfikssring udr lives vii lad Il le iheir advantsge, te cenit- bhc underslgn6d before asoruring e06lser, Whilby,'May 18, '86. -IY (huerai Agenl~ PAT -c QUEEN'S VUB BRAZ ILIA N WA celebrate the evont by a complete- L' Oa4 XFiR Y.

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