Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1887, p. 2

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Toh sooporu ,~ ~o laa& marks w. Bý uigslalau fo nv Udmors modem looing Ssci of lb,.oegiae instituts, amcua psuld by Mr. J. Milburn wvouS b Bob- *mygoa sud rang.d for geilig ont the sien, *nsouay for the fonundalon 'oe Dow nostiiuie. This vook vo find mort ai vwk r.. placiag th. stopasumd platferm at thé Mai outrance b th. ceurthouse. Tis ia rlght sud propor. The stops tojuailo siiould ho broad and ample,-ae they vU be.-viih pl.nîy of room - at the top. After a brief intorval au epidomio ut voddlngm soeeate have flot inansd th. mortalty amoug the b bcerof 1th. à*Ihborhood ifs weporled 10 b. very g= ûttlemml wn ho wve. uppomed lob ivuluerable. vho had by Yom sof tudiff.monoe hardoa.d Iir tisan 1gi~ . lrshln..1l . i doosa netinclutde tle. lof - Lindsay, sand as for 1h. psrlod commoucing oc 19th Ray aud ouded 1MSeBpismbew, 1887. Borne lime &go aotive agents aold in Ibis vicluiy s largo number eofiband grnades,sid le b. fill.d vîitb smm pntaimai d14hai vould aunihilai. a rew v he h.grenade vas broken oru th. dlams. lu looal fac"oria msy ol these articlesanar huag about ready -for nauoneeof fre. Il would b. vel lii trysafovw s he ba»kyard sud tost 1ho valuseoft1h. article. A trial vau madesaiocrnwall luit w.sk and the grenades, sithàr lbwough age or vaut of elreugnthe l.solution prove le b. praotioaily vortlol.s. On Tuesday, the l8th l., tbé death took placesofetRobert James Smith, son et Mr. Bamuel Omtth doeaed vau » youag insula.th. prime of lite, sud is tb. noeud con Ihat d.alhbuha rner- ad vithin th. lai twIo jears froua the family c"rlo. eJas ueneoft hselem- bers of "oi oimnDy volunlesus *ho arlioc&i n e ezpidition le the Notkvet, sud shared in th. aitack on Batoe.Thsetunez*4, wluie ok pâss on Thuradayafemnoon, vas large- latt.udsd by membera of the. loca companlea Linulforua, wiih the 0111. asns baud, sud by Esokel Tru. Blne lodge, of vhieh deSaed lbaibeaa uaember. laleament loolu place ai Rivermde csaetery. The. bareavod aiy have thseympatby etflb.esute .oumualty sunlboiw Md affltion. Wbou Mw. B. Sylvester osel about sonui s avolt ou hle property ou avenuhs upposed thalthe IsUl oun b"lee'a *çwrage dqPth woud b opmed vaerfiov lu sud 16 long but round ofifte"sOnedUP lu -1h. nouaI manuor. Mr. Bylvusierbai ex- e»eddà"isexpectation. Lu lhe vay ef fndung a supply of ater. O00alur-. day lut aftsr tb. vel bad beun exoa. vatsd for about tv.nty feet a sprung vOa srnek vhilbgave pretly strong evideuce of supplyiag I"alparilmulr weon vith ailt hs vatsr u.sded for 16. Laltsud vialer nase. of-1887.8. Tho water cmain somefutl Ibal tb. mem came ouI of the veil 1lb. yhesbould get very vol, îndeod. . K. ylveeter di.termiued te, malte sanrauoe doubly, sure sud bad s 2 iueb pipe diveu down for soeo distance when suddenly the pipe dropped about Ivo tbel wfti Iho usuel dtu bud. A stresuof vet. vas forço.d out of the pipe sud for èmie distance aboes4 iadt wva aIon". r.alized tiai th. prudent' hiuT?1te do vas te stand boin under.. Te pipe disobargos a Boiusapply et ,Vato aMd aisa trong preure, as jar. Towpb. boume reliad vh.u ho atlempWodte hold baok the valer wilh a pi.eto plank. -Tvo eltiseus et à matheua1l- cal ttuu eofmd sel aboutoauai the volume eof oi ansd tound hril. time taken b JI Iup go' gallons hUai 8,1 1â111.over 48,000 gallons :or >valet acf penred forth ersry h 1-"s. ,Tui - ales 5very oloar, net cold, ude poonlimottase. m . ylveaierpurpos e o mm sere bisboums vulba valsr - ply fbon h.épie as 1h.éPresure Is stroenov*jtoae"d ItAlothe ppiw sbry uh napeuatlon lu indul. inas ielbhesourbe of supply whiceli th grde luin . the ilyaloplni *euom tu 4froin lvudtq bé. arpt'il nii n l Wblu abtllie seo s ~aniatin eofalna 4k o'elooMr.w. Polloek pf w&aiposa bsd va N s tor . s t ooàum tn le s gave the linos a couple -of turne aond a' poit in front a e t 1h cor sd he--O*dt 10 hi. 11101. boy 10 .hokL fw ube after Mw. Plook entmaodth.re ýiïh bue catiealoag, ouausg the borses le becomo frlghee, s»d Wreakta 'w 1h57 dsah.d eusivard long Camomon Street. At Peauo. mrset hey turne lut* th. diich ovowtiuwnnthe wagon and fldod theovaggopolo in 1h. groucdaoverali ncos. Strange 10 say th. ouiy damýeo s ta broken nook. yoke sud "reaob," sud a few mu-ora11i oniholUind log 0f oun. of lhe horééé. où* e fOur-youcumon vhlle u'eoonly, r.lurulag fiwom Beavorleaou su »inky blaok- uight, »Wll-dforthl opu vilu adoulelooku of saumte msd 14' lb.ot *eorer.d bonevéole to10th. hem *omioil bfl &'$ 22illor 0r f tb. red.bairod ÀAmao t he place sd à blood-thiwsly looking canine vas con csal'ed, sud hiesfriendly appeau being mimonstred. h.ovwu promptly «sel upon" sud "rau" by the oombiued peversoetdeg sud Amason. He nov vears s look cf mmelanobely on bis fae sud a porous plaitsr ovor bis right oye. H. solemnly rove nover le undertako a lie quest *gain. A fumbier e1 persaous ha e ad Ibetr grapetino. almomi gtilpsd duuiog th. put vebk. The m maily.aren blamed lhe question ie, vhs thsy aue nes blain. sd fort The village appear. le b.el suppli. ed vitb fruit, tb. stores displayîng aàpples, pesa, peaches, grape, melons, sud siasinge of pumpklus, bologua; ad lomalooa. Aitnih; moi w"lnsad for =May a a lng eywu heappeataneonuthe Street a vomsu under the iskaluec ef lquor,. a disgru.e lb.hevillage. It ls e otshoped th. viii b. lakea in ime, sMd plsced ont of reaeb of tho deuaaud. Il les &grl tmialako le suppose thl Béosygoou bai ne gardons. 1Mr. Orab- Ires off s bit of a a con esit ail, bas »a1»n800 hlepumpklus, 2M0fine citrons, and valer zmelons viticut numbet «Y"mal eighlug hefles. fafesu sud ulueteen pcunds. The veru"an cnceil ha follovd lh. exampîsof eu Village sud offered $200 revard for th. appréensiaon sud coariotion of the prty or parties irbo set Mr.. Junkin'. h onouire. Tbis viii be Wbeesthlb.8100 off«" dfSr tbes dwsesvo theb.outrageetof n". Terrible, tbe Pott scribe teck th. Belle Ache, sud bad l stay home fromn the o., îsud O16econstable had le asY home su, vWtoh hm, am Irasu &aid ho bâse intluente tovardasoins *»!mal whioh vaeif le to mhlm ent eof fice. Fuit paruuar. villb. gim nifsa murdswsdcaîfl l undmi thse ueigbborhood et a certain houas. Mast"rLouis French Who ml-Idbi latlaitm weeù,mthe mmii, lamaki go"d progris.The mv-inaa diag out cltrou lb. elbov tlethe vulat. The amputation vas akilftlly mWd..nome thleels vtpp.d veRU axound t'h.mtumpsuMd stcd nlo.ly le phac. Ther. la sufficlent loftIbdby the eIber for fasmintgs aims nu. Tire remi4euc e ofMr. Ohm Posooke çai lis (Wvy road, vus dlroysd by fIre, ou%*ady aigui.Ulm .Peceeke, rhe wu mihns9gelup .borty 8A"!e unldaigiil, Md put on a Iyasens» et tb. obhd»uu ras L Abmo ue6'cloo îh.e heard & a okllu, sud te, bur dl my disoovend lith e celllu f -tlb. up.slalrq- roin *aiq Lue.Un. housemi by tb. lMeolb. ulaho ver. ~ ~ ifré Wvknd1h r Ad1o00 c edaypb.e opud. Tbé ç eeaeoybsa agood dmn etb uness bi maosuof Î mile.-The ,prie. ýhua ruuled 1gb- Iwuhntise les as b@4 made at ~1 Titi Inc e a lo uubo« tht. aoondelssu n Pdy.lvo pipils are no*W le at *e. Righ Bobool sud& .WIilýbe inraidin aO in mismr. Indigestion las* Tle 4ta iestilie appal th. moil oomplioa duW=o in existence. Il in e~aieput Ohemy food, toqgh ,aledo oook.ry, mental wewry, late bd Iahitg4,anumny eothhingo net te b% have made 'hie Aïqg iim Tab s u happl euut e Thrft ars mgo a houasu'vas"1i~ o aPetrolea ivmry m&n namel 0iiaal Bkh. Ment. Satuirday Ibtherse vas IoeiMaiub imlon ot Alex O pslas. Wo'hmaber vtig -tbe&It CONSUMPTION CUR D-- Au oud pii-aI*suretire&. freiOM a~m 4aViniýýI>tO.d in bis bndhbm" a vegetable remody for tlb. y a suet cure Of Oouamvî Catarrb. Amhhina sud aul Ibroal êMd Affctinstlv* sud rs&I ë - for Nerrus Dejtiiy sud ail Neu-Pm~ plaint., after bavlng ele l v48 curative poveru in 1houasud7of moss -,u fsithi.duty 'le mû. it knowaIoýh4 sulimrlng feUeos. laoteMd by hsuv sud a dimire to zolevo huma. aafJ144I viii sed free cf charge, te ail who4Uê Ibist l ennauforeborEul. Set.codnaei d lq=orlels.d*h isser Hos ae, W.lan, 1m» a destraed, aioIr S. so Oy. da)»ast. Thevh. silqurv eauedal $250, lnciudlng beities,»814q$te. DblguulkgCswm. Agentleman fr=ou olivll . Ir ~r.Ilcase s vore .Fo bad, ectinual disoharge lute m lrýàt, sMd veun a sa bMath. By a usé of WM Ivas complet*.ly j Tii. vaw in he b.Ottava River aslPrèeanî in tour inehes lever thon aie lowelst rperd sud the record extmed ovor a te=r4-in Tiierean :s»M who dg utIl -à*tai attentionute aquh or ourl, u aylot nature ta" iscourse. Tit ljut ti lime nature aboula baveasiaaÎ. -Ue bnp an ireat.u& A" slthon wi" %lima st tixfrw burn.au" laûeudy result Pmay h. eieg& Ifye equit. a domo of pyie tako Dr. oW# artoemi1 and O patiu Bitters -i *os ny on h«d»h dyq-PaÏ seach quel te .TrylIsua s t*aj tfmies. Sl vrsuel ylrs1oWés a5 60 Oeubh -Theotolmeof tb* SauPran inov put dosnat m e ,bve. ra 8milept h. 4ls «I as a w ou.bled lbo Ivo ua dI bve vMd s 411»t mai dthe sud b» o c b iom pd" ~~swsÎmuw.zidape~a.II~M.m*. desIe 0, cColle QsmIpt0 u émal510mes" aà. AaiaaaIL D., -mRs Worms gvivtg.Iep, and promoka dl* iu8..oMMi ., C. àI , m7dLaura.Street, N. y. TREASUIIER'S SA LE 0OF LA NDS FOR? TA XES.9 1EYvirtus eof a Warrant Under tho hand of the Warden and the Boai of the (Jorportion IJofte ont f naro dtd h Ft Day of Septomber, 1887, comrnanding me 0oata, as& herein met forth: I hereby gv notice that unles u h arrears and costs are bon« rp'dua 1 noplao with teAusesamont Acti, procéed to mcli by PUBLIC &uOTIQ, ii mthe$t -landi4 oroc mnoh thereof as mm e neessary for thé taxes, ai the- toul abýim, luthe . Tuvu cf WTY nY1.O~ BETH day of TOWNSHIP 0F THOBAH. ParT. Lot. Prt N.Rpuater17 Part N. R. quarter 7 1West halu Âmounî (Codasand -Total P.alenfod or CJon. Acres of Taxes. CommsWn. Amount Unpat.nted.1 2 ~ 87 2 17 9 80 5 27 2 24 TOWNSHIIP 0F BRO)OK. 14 82 33 74 TOWNSH'IP 0F SCUGOG. 7 10 MO > 43 22 8318 46,40 5 04 7 61 2 95 36869 ]Paré,t 35 2 17 296 2 18 6 14 Centrepart 85 7 23t 7 29 2 28 9 57 FMpsfr bk R, ParI .J 28B. F. vale lot No. 8 Wjof N. R. SIa ctN. i Part seutb hall Part meth haou Broken Part SoutbhallV ParI north bail Part nertbhafl Part north bai ,North hall Part nouhh hait Set hait Nertihall North hbaU 4 -14 19 81 14 21 22 8 7 10 part TOWNSH IP 0F PICKERING. ik c827 2 18 5 45 1 2 40 2 16 4 56 à 240 TOWNSHIP 0F 4 25à 4 79 ô 92 Io014 5 8 99 e 195 23 41 9 4 808 10 k 4 06 10 k 28 02 il j 1106 12 100 86872 12 6 76 L2 100 16 67 3s 100 18 86 .3 200 -40 19 3 100 12 68 TOWNSHIP. 0F front front A B B part Part OonnI7b~ mmber, Std, 7 86 4 24 24 18 2248- 28 os Il178 1948 496 e 17 2549 17 00 21 55 14009 2 16 4 56 222 2836 2 13 969 2 80 2 21 2 68 28 8 02 912 2 52 2657 8 il 2 42 RAM4. 229 2 21, 2 71 266 268 289 2 66 2569 228, 2,26 2 74 258 264 2 45 7 01 12 50 8 12 26 13 10 38 6 27 25 70 18 44 39 74 2 88 19 19 21 42 48 80 15 10 9 65 64dB 26 84 25 14 25 76 14 17 25-14 2202 7 19 848 2828 19 58 2419 3.B. LAING, Co. Treas. Ontario. Patented Patentedl Patented Patented Patented Patented patcnted Patented Paiented Patented Patented Patented ýPalenled Patented Patenled Patented Patented Pàtenwe Unpagented UnPatented nPatented Patented npatented Patented Pateuled Palente4 Patented- Upted Unpatentled Unpateuted Palnted Patentedl Upatenteid Unpatented 1887. Oauda" Gô*nmndeDil kt Dêauh oIaimspaid during1884 1iew ýbusiness' lot 8 mos., 18,1, Twenty-ffve pM cet. of ail are depouited wt teCentral Trust - pa.ny of New York, as trustesciflte serve Fid Lite Insuran eaou thau'un.4 and18, andin ne cage cen Zeye frequent than every altornate month. Amwal expenees of Managpment* ý limited t0 82 per 81,000. An active agent wanted iesr n, presentod loeality, 10 whom a liberai pil mission will hoallowedi. &pplicatiùn solicitedi ana fn particulars funiah& b, the nndorsigned. H. GORDON, Agent for the. Oounty of Ontarlo. Port Perry, ont. Augnat 5ah, 1887. MONEY TO LOAN. On Real Ritate Mortgage aI Low Rate Interest. &. A:POST, APPraiser for th.e(JanadaLoaâ and Bay4,' CJo.,, and agent for the. Western Asunrane CJo. OFFIOX-Ovor Gbrrie>s Block, Whjî7 Buitabis for wrapphxig purposos, Iaying under carpets, etc., 25 centà per hundjred. »Apply te ti TRIS OFFIO]s. L j NS VtluapPProached for Toue and Quaity.' CATALOGUES FREMI LIVERY and SALE STABLES, D)UNDAS-ST., WHITBW. CRA WF'ORTH & DEVERELL. FWRT - GLASS TURN-OUT8 Plurnished on Shortosî Notice. Oommrrcal, Traveilera iberaUY de. .F lVfnRTHLÉ ss ýIMITATIONS 000. ,To aie propoiesIb sa 4wilbdwsi tion -sud tIb emjrloyeed tI troâ u min Iroive hure Thon. snggel vortby etfsm eplesd, tl NO EN~LI8H ST dose] COSDEEE COMPj~ETx W1THOUT mAcEsa, cHArnu uums, mu-L -- GOOD BORSBB* NEW RIGS. 1887.

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