Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1887, p. 1

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J~L . ' - Istomerli GQme ôot-Î mu OUT new so, -bave taken- P&r1i can show the bie %on1to ahid Montréal e now ta hand. 68's as well' 1Jister Clothi its andý Prie ties and JOa unnels, Blau ~W TWEÈE )rsted und-- caps and geli Goods. Opening, sMM Y ork Fàu8hi Rlib bons, 1P' nmings, will Y &TUES] -following -daj r Show Rooms. PRIC iD DOWN, TOKEI n of bill numerogs pàù de, a.nd that p 'A. 1 h business. Fuo-olai Paper from bc. per qi ie, I(hesvy discount wou îp.) 40c; Shoot Muaï< i-(over 2,000 iniistock.) à gel one. Fane7 <*ô pleased to shov Ithé-là venrd secureadpromP4 , payable -tictly in-£e çals,and 2 wee fo A- CORM4OI IRLU LBIOC&, >isorders of 1i. kN Àx OWEL otituiens, ud Ar OXFORD 8TREJi11- mt the, Wurld. Ouford tnql, Iosm d res] lame 'at W.J Wth sala Printed word., gm«t thoughta, and uutling indu VOL. XXXIs Egstablished 1856. [bc Leadlng ffeekilln OntauloCuoy SUBSCRIPTION BÂTES. 1peannm i advance-1.50other. 80s. Subscr tone ane alwayu payable at tbQ office of pu lication Stesm equipment and bout furnishod Book and Job printlng plant in Bautorn fttad'o, tap#àble of exoouting an'cia....of vwork fhom 1hhelargo poster te the amallet' badbîll. Speelalmention in made cf th. gnsurpased promu facilitiez cf Tai Ommcu- lg.s, wlth ia celebratod N. Y. Gottre»l cylinderPriSe u d other modern convenu- onces. Rivery'order recelvos prompt, cure- lui attention., TBRMS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. First insertionj:er lino, 10 cents; eaoh subsequent insertion, 6 cent.. Displayed Advertisementsanar measured by a scale of solid Nonpareil, and charged m.ordingly. Advertisomenta sent withont witten îistructions inuerted until forbidden, anid .bargod for full urne. Orders for disoontinuing advortismenta muet ho in writing, otherwise the publÎah- ens wil not ho responsible. A liberal discount for contract advertlse- monts b>' tho year. Cop y for changsc ocntraot advertisoment.should b. handed in not later than Wednesday ; and noti-ce of any intended changes shonld ho gten beforo Tnesday noon. Other advertise- monts reoeived np to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or noe columng Pive. cent. per Une weekly. Locale, 10 cet. per lino weoklY. Correspondence solicited &rom ail parts od the Oounty or nelghboring tovuahpa. (iorrespondonts are requosted to moud in theîr communications sa promptly sa possible, ENDERSON& JOHX STANTON, Sup't Mechaniomi Dept. GARAM, Propfietore. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, Oounty Orovu Attorney, and Couni>' Sollitor. Office,- South vung, Court House, Whiby .48 DARISTBR, &o. Office formerly ce- L>eupled b>' Pareveil & Ratledge, next o Boyal Uotel, Brook St., Whiby. DAVIID ORMKISTON, B.&., A TTORYÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOII IN Omns-'In th. Offie south cf th. Post Olffice, i MMilan'is Blook, Brook Street, Whithy. 17-10 G. YOUWG 8SMITH, L L. B.9, 0 , -onoy 10 Loan Orrîo-Smith's Block, south cf Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. - (tf-o JOHN DALL DOW, B ABRISTB-AT-LAW., SOLICITOR i Chancery, Couvoyanoor, &o. Offlo-Deverill's Block, Brook Sire.t,. Wbltby. MONEY TO LBND-Privste Pundg,- n ms Uap 1t~oOi, at a 1ev rate cf lu- tereet. 1Q9-aB LYXÂAN UNGLlSl, l L. Be,, Ut icai. Da.BmR olarup (aORSM? burghj, &a. (ce heurm. 8 to0 10 a, 2 lie. 8j-THI 61TBRaÂOE," BMIBOT.e' bs-a. Wi.»B5Vte, Y. WÂRRMBN, ILD W. ouTHETO M. C.VIÂ GraduaI. of lbt Ote Ordenu bymaticeri attended le. OOceai reslam e a Dr. Bogat'., Dundas nt H, VANZA te dsat, ario v RIGOS &IVORY, S. K cr ing aMd Ycnge st.., Toronto. BEST TBTH, 08 on rabbor. ~ J> Çefluloid $10. Gold, $W. Have etat1h. teeth from lacfvrons abslutely paines. byth seofVtalzed Air.46 ste with Lang4eLangle>' & Burko$ ARCHITB CT. Designa for Ohurohes, Viflau and Coct- tae a specialty. Drawings prepared for remdeling ezisting structure. OwwZc-lrt fiat over Hovse's Drug Store. P. O. Box 202, WxmBy. SEBERT BROSO, LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Gced Riga and sonable. 19 1 Good Hors... Term rom-" SEBEET BROS. WORM !POWDERS. Are pleasazfto 0te. Contan thetr ovu P.rgatiwe. ls a safe, sure, and efàtteeu amemryes ai wmin hi Olreaor Adu" D .UNN'S THE CoK'BSTFIENO Tus iexellent prapaiton1 used mor. exlenaively ýha summor, l u«eso!f w CD CD bau beau aver "ii DIMiRHffOEA2, DEBILITY, PHYSICA 1EXHAUSTION SMOKE the MUNGO I The grest 5c. Cigar, und the-- UnL JAIWD MA DRE Pois, Popoa, Kowldg~Brotherhood. SEPTEMBER EWS LETTERS, O.stea bqIn ta torm th. iauu ýieAhar, sud b.. XIthad no 1 1" auySiount cf ,good 235- 1887. A large meting of promlusnî fimn met in'th Hall, RaÉ1àu-, onu Priday 101h list. withlr.L.U Ilostar inuthe. chair forâuhe purpos.e, f disouaing-ha bits meana of marketing their barley fer 1h. soason. Tho' meeting va. ýoalled by th. Grange who had mad. lb.e meet- ing 'a publie _od. sud -hsd nvitoe4 a laîge number ioffarsm whé oaa isalt NO. >410 lb. bout, prmehers lu . hePreebyiarin cobthwi» uvery 1ev if any Éüp9eOr» Wethink iow aftor th.elapse of £flem or twenty yeaus that t.he .Dr a o logilliga=y-of! b iod4ima pulpîivigou, but lu a e learleioal sud iümrutil; aU: ha used io b. wlo. old ekah& wailpamydays'o. EHIJ Tiie great 10c.-(igars "ai Sali1, CHEMiST and DRUOOI8T Agent for Whitbyo Procuire s thexn direct from the Manufacturera. Hangling Lamps! h'anging Lamp8;1 W. IR. HOWSE, Chemist sud Drnggst Whitby. Wises to infom t h. Public ual lhis showing the grcatest asuvei a.the BESI and CBEAPES1 Assortinent oet Hanging Lampe ovaU brought luto the Town of Wbutbyt, which ho ainsoflng ai LOW PRIOES. vary NWGOODS! I We R. ]OWSIE, CEMIBT,ÂAND DBUGGI8T, Has On baud s V«7 ktPlargesoum ao t Ladie8y' Work Boxe8, Whi8k HoIdeâr8,' Odor case*88s Mirror8 in -PIu8h, Toilet, Oves, ftair neui vowek i larga gang. a are»und tovu had hhelr ou Saturdway -aigu laot. tbelr opoulug performance not b. expeoted 10 couduot ai béoes..dmnuk, but, for tbay g*ve a prattygsood exhýi. ad thay beau lu soma. ether is quit. likaly thoir efforti- va beou reeegulsed lu sema Iythe authorities lu vay of ~tboir naines 10 appear -lu the )aoorda se cootrlbutors te tb. tovu improvements. iliplamaon eI nounee tii tbé prperrecognition by tb. kE roa Co. cf, the.long mi services perfernnad by Mr. 9bialaolm ,baggaga jsemer mi ouSa bnu loneugo.romd ii -se a.muob te say abOnt the manager of tha rosa, sud -Mdermtsndhaolasohtly le ha foul onuol of tho'wbole ystotu. a.rcla. -of aopoveru as ha poa.a.sed sud hI. rady usurpa-. tb... b. abould bavae baa, ba Jitghly sapprealmtad. The.firsi de- 'wlliumgamn ld, le thai viii troksa d val islute P«»&e wiih, vile othar coin- will inufutur.sbe-oiher haudl- thair ovrior or eh. by carter. raqulrlug luit goode chookad b. prohibied frein traveling on bis goo tat. 'for ma -ho mââk# 0 ,the iaiitadyuÏgdÜde vbo wmitas ;oi. lsigartWces- for taOarr Itethae, amn uhe . roug, bus hope to e .ferpveu vbau I1oxplùlu 1h11 1h. reasoulI »for to it go oftau lu hai. 1m aadmhred il se # muai. And ',lu should b. borna iàMmd t hat ti use. Imai lb.thetalk of the tovu. 1Iam avara liat wvia syonginsu -»la ount the. apouls for hi. liras moustache ha lu a Utile délicas about havlug people rafertiansd of cours. the.Oberver asu . Mi yeug, s h.vas nlyflfty- 0 .gt thr'eYOa go seerdiug l tpoon Of bhm srnelatiripuliha lPou uaatioa viîh a romsnce f'1h1 ima;0- -but .11111 f..l that lt-i. mot suoh alatri- »ai fr.aàlb, of good Itto oýxpraaa-]Dy en't 1h dfrkan wmsul opuJateîoui 1h11 th. lirmer. Mr. Burna of 1h. sain. ompany, va asepromeu-tsud-0do a 1ew ramarks. Â&mopg -lthemauy famrinraproeut Who addremd7,1h.ý meeting, vWu Mr. Smith, M. P.,-,-Mr. Jehu Marlib, 1fr.-SBlenehouse, Mr. M Benau, aimepreseuhq 1Mr. J. IL. Math. eveon, Beeve cf WMÏtby ; Davedl Buruu, Alisu Smuith,, Omo. rnuston, M. -Hod. son, 'Hugh Hovdeu,9 J. Vipoud, W. Batelifé, B. Balth sud many others Whonumes tinue sud spse viilot- permit us te mention. Mr. Harris hmd seoured hhaGovermnut standard camp- les of barley only seleted 1h. aveuing provious sud lef&t the standards with the meeting, wbich will assist tb. farinera vary much lu grsdlug uheir barlay 50 es to e b. luspesitieu teseur. the. just grsdlug for the sine. à. ris- lug vote of thauke va. tenderod 10 -the vmiailg gentleman sud tho meeting sdjouruod t'O meet aIt themarne pîaS on tb. 24th ligt. Mr. Bd. Vernonuwuson thémck lis$ 1mai vok. Th er" service o! Aima, Glspp s gr"u"dug o f Mr. sud Mro. Danial smulnth h le ohuriber. 1h.e, 19&h i. W. uu«edar tbaa ie ogo ha. bougiil a houMan sd-lot'-lu Port-, Perrynd su0lu8gelug8, inovo thora a lit. NormnuVinciau f Bvee sbug athOP. B. étln ae bau bon dovu ick for'-about oua e ek-buat ü Ou Tuesdsy Ithe 201h lut the remnaluscf Miss Evà,But$ ver. ýtakou te Eldad sud bluredô sud bar brothhr' Ahod lu lylg dagerou.ly .14 net ?knowiug that'is ululer lu daad sund burlad. lMr, sud Mrs.'Bull hbave lb.l sympshhy of lue ueighborbood lu uheir greai sSorrow. Our pop ulatléà i ucr.ag, severmi baliarrxaulately. Ira. -Gibs»o-o!fArIla Ouiý..sud laIe of Asbàbum va. vllting hem father.1Mr. Wra. Haron snd ber ôtuer blonuds lasi Kwjon Bomarvllefreio orm O Ur vi ri uu~agii o purhae19fr L 1Hgos pperty-mdi laltaobiug au addition tri b., front of the taller shop for m stre IfLanmrsPemrsoMnahé. sons Professer WIte ef-Lcs -ýAngelea,Ca. âm (d JaMes Whlte, B.A., beit bhees for IJag forumayestordsy. Prof. white hbas beos thon. séeral years nov 'and fouud l. country a ohéiming Oue, snd througb«4 bId seduetive influences bau suoeeded aucary ing tbe cld peoplo -and, bis brothek R fv him The>'ver SUailMuch rec«ted bu..ii anid vo trutthe>' mana futhé. s-4au jýoyment luin lve>'001lr' exlu lb.>' have ge.. wiab" thomàa p4oassu trip. Noxt Lemd'a, dali i Batle pauto. vii yr.sla I8-14 - -gi--or--es;. useu n vii Paris fi largoly ici If I w~ Or I von PROS T RA TIO Nilasra Cauadi >y the exceaeusiaat, it ha. provad i Iklaf -te g> i'tii. motmitable uda mblpw Iourahing <iai t eau b.l Isauin y oouvalaesoioby thou wbosr~auf.ungfrbm t tiaboya coin Qali Med E#asaù ~, K. 3. (Toroabo,~ i. WIIITBY, ONTARIO,

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