Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1887, p. 5

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%o tices&na with the me- ~biIconstruction of Spectacls- ~jye.gasseefit them rn lia of these qualàtions andaa 8of SE CTACLESI -AND- c. -per-yard., cial value.-, ~c. and l0c. w prices. ~per yard., -yard, qthè fl\ 8 COLUMNO. ILA UGHTER.e r custom wear r' unies at to do luis thms 4~et summneir. stan colorsd' wearng goodi en's shows some a1ni 0mout pains- 00-i- E Y E GLAÀS SE S Wsge enough to, correct ail the de. ~eof siglit that cau be helped by âii use of glasses. Ilis charges are lery mnoderato. je S. BARNÂRD, WATCIMIfKER & OPTICIAN, BROOK ST., WHITBY. SEPTMBER l6th, 1087. LOCAL LACONICSI CHAI 18 801MB ON In AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDOET OF LUVELY LOCAL NEW8 GLEANEO BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERB "A hlue amang ye, takin notes, An' f ith holl jrent it.. Tia ware several casesof diphtheris in lown Ibis week. Tima. nover ver. sn man>' vent (rom bore to Toronto exhibition su Ibis year. The firsI day at Whitby fait will b. th. beet Ibis year, se Secretary Pringle gays. THEm ais neut much doue at th. aises tbis veek, but Ibere vas a greal crowdi altendance. OsiLaWA set eut wilb electrie light on bIonday,,,las&. The effeot vau brilliant. Gùod for Oshawa. M&ERLL, SOU of Mt'ý Geo. Anderson, a farmer noar Ibis topýs, died suddenly on Monday cf heart diseso. The fumerai on WedInosay irae a ver>' large Mr. E. Clargo ha.s apeach tUeo st the fair groundi vhzcb gr.w lbe fineet peaches we have seen Ibis year. One w6uld b.ardly believe sncb a tbing pes. ible bore. ONE cf the boit basebaîl matches in IbiR viciîy Ibis eseason vas tlayed aI Oshawa on Saturds>' betveen su Oshava club sud Ihe Maplo Lests of Toronto. ScLore 10 to 5 in fayot et To. ronto. MR. W. H. Fox,_ agent for musical instrument& in Ibis lova, vas Ibrovu from a buggy on Saturday laut ami bad hi. wrisî broken, as wel &s a hall. dosen paîches cf skia knao.ked off bis face. He basbis atm inaà sliag. à safflvhioh vas boring for valet at Lindsay ou Moaday struck a eavity in the eartb (nom vhicb valt.e pout- îng Ivont>' feet iloo1h. air Ibrough s twe inch tube. The lova rejoioa in thé hope of prospective valerworks ou a Cboap sud larg. Mali. WHILE Mv. G. Pi. Movbvay tests of Bast Whitby vas drivinu home firom Oshawa on Satueday .veung >a9, hie herse beomme fiibtened staI acovia the romd, shied mbio editeh, tlpped oven 1h. buggy, badl>' bruisiug th. aido of Mn. Movbvayls fac e. esop- ed fortunatél>' vithous famir haum. 'Brion, lb. photographea', -la no* Marrisd sud settled dovu.- Thorefot. tbore is nothin1gw no ét elat bis aI.ý- lenlion (rocthlb. knd>madpraclioe of bis ait.- ne »y&shealvaJYo liasMOM cusbomors vhen v. give hlma 11111e touch-up aow and tb... >Anêh vanta 10 have a buadrsd saleb s ciday of the fair. lv takes 1the patent ao.prnlcorga en Dundu estrlaIl eItÃŽms le mabke people bellee 11h somabody b>' ma*ri- img and biting *t our belSevery veek. W. are "disprt. , Jllans,'" as Oonuy MeAulliffe »sansd nosa a good -doam of taigheuing,Ulbut if th. <mettU man don't boId bfsê is vIl a iU glt$ the ovuaà Pain. Z r mn nbis offic, bas lefi aid oome, o o> urs, oad v. Inmy 10 hâve I hf 10#U4 maihm self setting typ»lr as b.(or long. Rats 1 lx. a humerocs soit of vay ot SUU. day ovenîng last, BsV. Js7. G5lItia fall.d attentlio 4ote 1*01 Ihst 9f. meun ein thée Il of'U00= * thur»b sud:,. rmi1. ' aW j7 a tlme thsexluds ïîï ," O, gMtlinç Up am of th u)N4 tien oi ML Du Boasthe K4lqho assistnteuâteredon hie ulesOn TIM intitite la filling up rspidy sud "M ieua. Ibis qu&rtergvs promise of being larger 1ha, over.> PaRparn is stiiinraen in markiî u,a0inbtis lova. .Bouts sdValues mre ruaing a 1reat ruoeto se$' which ea go up theo asteet. TIMa anUa meeting of 1he W. O. T. U. -*il be held on Friday Sept. 28rd at haif puat thft. in 1he Pro. Besding Boom. Aà full atteadanoe is requeted. TICKETs for the G. T. R. chesp western exoursion 10OChicago, inter- modiste aud other points Sept. 80th sud Oct, let. Tickets good to velur tli Oct. 111h inclusive. Aise&U aIlil excursion tickets là Winuipeg bo go Sept. 201h good tl e tn t1 Nov. 101h, round trip cnly $25. Fortlhrongh ticket.sud furihe,, information apply to E.Stepheueon, "uùp-lovn" telograph snd ticket office Whitby. AT th. Toronto exhibition the herse rsces failed te held logether ie large ctewd drawu 10 th. ring 10 se. 1h. fancy drill by our Colleglate Instiute. Il is reaily worih going to Teronto or any other place to oe.. The directors of 1h. South Ontario fait will flud the saine performance wiil draw a large crowd 10 Whitby o eu l. rsI day of 1he fait se w.)] as the second. à. TRACTION ougmne frczw Oshawa went up 1h. Kingston road 10, Picketing about nine o'clock on Tuesday uigbt sud if il didn'1 trighten ove hoe W!"hi tht.. miles of il, it vas because ail herse. were in their stables, ne horse werth the name would stand sncb a racket at uighl and 1hb 1mw aboula prohibil traction engines travelling the public highwsy after sun, dowu. Se -fer s being an exhibition gees thon. is ne need in th. world 10 prtts up the South Ontarie show, but 1mut year there vaes a ack of lb... special attractionis which tend lsrgely at 1he preseut lime 10 make 1h. show inteiresl. ing. This Jear these are 10 b. added 10, the general show. Speeding, pony rom, athietie sport@, etc., are le be earried ou thronghoul both daye. On Monday, 1h. 261h, 1h. great'apecial fea. ture of the show, 1he faucy drill wil Ishe place. REGAEDING Ibis good old lovu sud our illustrions scribe the Oehava Vindicator amuses hie teaders in 1h. follovmng slram :-We vould suggest that the old sud îuperaauuated nireel lampe, relicle of by-gone day., b. donatod to Whitby, Harmon>' or seme of the other neighboring' backwood hamletm. Il weuld net, probabi>', b. weil tie give. ail tbe lampe at once, as 1h. effeet would be injurions te 1h. optic nerves cf the delighted denizens TeRoyal Hotel Babe apis1h Plac to geS &-hir uko ao es Omr4irnÀiç'sblak M I oloret coash. mer. Itosoin Misséo ý9 aMW Go Walter. Oâdd Pllcwa Blook. Tie Band of Hope wil mceet 'in th. W. 0. T. U. Beadlng Boom oen Mouday Sept.. l9sh, tt 4 o'clook. 1MILLIEET opening, Powell &OCé., Saturd«% Monday sud Tuesday, Sept. 241h 201h 27th sud followmng daysi., Ou. toek a tumble, of toulan bh buokel shope on Wedneeday sud many specuistors arb "expuntified.",. Nxw gooesdaily arriving aI, Dominion Ware.roome in drese goode, plushes, mnt. e lothe, tweeds and overcoat. juga. -11 GRaicT borgaino in watches, olocks, jew.fry, silvervare, spectacles, etc.,: proviens 10 moving 10 nov snd larger promises ut Taylor's the vatohmsker. Taz man who manufactures 1he weatber probabilities muet have been drank yeslerday. He promised fine vsrm vesîbor. Tnx Oounty Judge8, tbe Warden, the Shetiff, the Treasutet sud th. Co. At- torney were* ocoupiedl yestorday in selecting jurons. Ta. Co. Attorney and License Iu.. specler Ferguson go le Port Pair' te- mortov 10 proseoute th. St. Chartes for violation et 1he Scott Act. The bar- tender, Williame,,ha. already pleaded guilty and paid his flue. The remain- ing charge je againet the proprietet, Danoaster. Ta. congregation 'of tb. tabernacle has subsoribed sufficient fuuds 10 i.. duos ils national debî by #5,000. This will place 1h. expeuses o! the chutch essil>' wiîhi ils large revenues. To provide mors room for the large con- gregatien ijus proposed 10 ereet à gai. lery round three eîdes of 1h. cburch. Up til t1h. present lime, ince 1h. Scott Act came in in force the North Ontario Licence district ha. paid in $1500 in flues 101th. ceuni'tretasuret aud the'8outh Ontario district $1650. This ban béeauabout snmfcient 10 meet th. oullay in enfotcing 1h. Act. 0f course there are mauy fine. unpaid. The Cenly Police Magistrale seems to b. coining hi. money. "lI'y. taken 1h. Chroniole thiit> yesis,";ssid Mr. Foie>', J.P.,of l3reehin, le Baudel the barber the othêr night, "and I always liked 1he paper, but sinie. lb... Young felevi hbave gel hold of il, il la th. best>paper of them ail." And to sh ow what advertisiug in oui local elumne i. vertli, Mî. Foie>' regaarked that he had msny limes seen 1h. local about the good vork douseta 1h. Royal barber shop and hsd corne in 10 eee if il wau Irue and found Ibat il el cur wostera bUtglu -,,TwOe rt » >At the Induefl,,, U1r. j3c Dryden, migbt be placed in front of th rnil M.P.P., of Breokila, Ont., hau agIn office te ligilen the gloom of 1he carried off laurels vitb bis vell-kuova edfitonial sgnctut-ansd cheor up th. train of Shroesire shesp. RHoshow. base bail edilor. about tirt>' head altogether, prominoul Tim infant sou ef Mn. Wm. Smith, ameng tbom -being Oive soarling oes,. tanner, who lives on Byron straee had a, winners aI 1h. Royal Agricultural Show nsriov esoape (nom desti b>'dtowning beld st Newcstle -on-Tyne, Bug., Ibis on Monda>'laut. The litte 1.11ev cman 'r, also Oive eves, firsI prize ianr just nieely vali sud in toddling and aI lbe Shropshire sud vait Midland the floor feil head firsI into a tub of tShow beld ai Wroxhsm, Ena.1, bouides valen, vhon taken out il vas insensible "Breon Het.q," a Ivo-shear ram jet sud bub for thetimelyassistUo of Mu. for servie lait yMar fr 80 gwinemansd Hluston sud a loy othor noegbors Iv. shearling rami, vina.. Mofsecond would have temainod se. Dr. Cmarsnsd Il$rd prises ai Wrexham. AI the vas sent for but belotî e. oarived the prssent Exhibition Mr. Dryden bas child ree3veredeoeniclousnesm -sud vaes iepi .verything before him, bsving eut of danger. ?he criotber waý ail but woen six frint pris.. out of sevon classe. tranlie Iril)-<ý f for a lime, but b Pusmolmtbheiego pol vew"over>' o ,f,,cbild tranqnizued ber of Bovmanvills bave been itying le immediale feiâb but loft bor sufeting persade sholrconnu oi .-sn their iad keenI>' (rom ithe nervous shock. The higb sooolbuilding sud te build a »nov leuuo viilnet soon b. forgoltn, sud is on@.. evea thousaud dols ersî oe Ith"may Otheos miglit lesta vith-. required in>m the oo=Un.lbut that body, out undergeiag snob su experisuos. e.uûd not see s ik a>'oearte nnt Szvïw. licu.inspeolors in jutis- '1h. amonaIitdeemada. The question dictionsvbere th. Scott Act la ia force of nov sohool buildinglih saIlaut been hsld a privaI. meeting extsading for set 1bsîadnvuleslsatr lvo days lut veek in, Shmtebury to a&l oanoerned. The 01d buldings Hll, Toron(o. Tbe ojýot 1e rosat- vM er sivd fortetn touumnd -dollar zng vas te arrive astaUme onimon sud about 1 a.m. of lait! unda>..7ra bais to carry eunt1the provisions oflbhelkg they tookito thslr- oad tosettlo Osuada Tsmperaum sAc. It la under- mattera ýb>' saoelicinWg ,thunmselves om stood that mai>', of the members vho tbe altarothl.eurs., ootupanles. vote preseal vDont aI ailesatBond Thsy teok â»M idsit owu ao dm vllb the uPpI;Oà t lis>are 1r Oo.ivingWbhst 4 ho egluesaneto interferevibl (rom the tserance pari 'o arrÈD8 t1 lt panstii.>'ait sea spoll1 pea out ths Proc rof prOsesutions. j Ou. éilllat il refused te wo*k, euhulisl inspecter statei iah. adigule eusacrlfldoiàeg devollon te .cause oM tb. vithîthe Itiétcent iescivedl(tom lie publie good vs ne,* bie$bofore -and' nominal supportersof thisScott Aet. vs hÏave no doubt ,i w llmensof- Bov. H. stateili aller pultng .11 lb.m-1manvis plle Wnsokp.wioejs lb.sas 1.> chiner>'oM the actI laI- force ho va 4- rscticg nev banild as. uuoon us lIiea nouneed behlad hieback nea tya, "M, g Ibte »O000 lumurasis. not by Mone lothe liuor traffie but Yo*o u, 4g1 Uis1tig i0 Ota>ienpsn Pain metonB, oheekmltons, p lin o~uiusteri, -ho ur ltr itigs, ncker facyulisterings, strip- ed" curi ulsterings, vrystylish, and new,- plaid- Jersey clotha, curi Jersey cloth, matalasses,- diagonal Fancies, striped Fancie. Croises,English and German Astrican,Frene .h and Geriman silk faced Sealettes and mantlings. In vriet audvale we invite tlhe eoetîse- tion and comparison of :every buyer., MILLINER Y-Miss'Hunter is now preared 't.# execute early Fali orders for Hats and Bonndts - -- - No. 1, DEVEIRELL'S BLOCK, GL«àSGOW CIj IF BROOK STREET, WHi TBY. R &~JL 0AMPB.ELL, GRÂNDCLJE4RING OULS1JE-! Comnaencing at once and continuing day by day until the' whole stock is disposed of. Parties in want of Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, «Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Tweeds, Ooatings, Cloakings. Ready-made clothing in Men's 'Yonths' and Boy's Tweed'- Suits. Also a large stock -of Mens' «Youths' and Boys' shirts and drawers, gray flanuels., -shirt-; inge. Severai- cases of Men's and boys' wool sox, Womens', Girls' and childrens' marin*a hose at HTALF PRICE. Parties in want of Goods wil find at this sale they'-wiil be able to get gooda at one-third less than the usual price,- as the whole' stock muet- be cleared out by lst Jauuary, 1888.' We offer-this Real Estate by Tender.- PÂRCEL No. I-The Double shop known ag the GLASGOW WIREHÃ"ou'SE; vhere we have done such a large business for maniy years. PARCEL No. 2-Part of Lot 7 and 8 on the Base Line, Pickering, -c naiig244 acres firt..class land, two dwelling honees on the premises, the barns are ali ew, with stone stablirig, weil fenced and watéred. PARCEL No. 3-Part of Lot 23, on 'the second concession, Whit'by,oontaining, 65J acres, choice land. The buildings on the place are ai new, built 6 years, ail well fenceda. PÂRCEL No. 4-Pasture field containing 3j acres weil fenced, directly west ofOn- tario Ladies' Coilege gete. ,PÂRCEL No. 5--Vacant lot between Ontario Banik and Ontario block, on.,Brock - teth,,tm*rglit to use both-walls uorth,&dsuh XEL o. "6-,Va-canu,-t -lot east of the EnglishO-hurch on Dundas street. Tefrdere for the-real estate wii horeceived to lst January, 1888.11 No tender néele sarily ai3cepted. For torms apply, to ÂNDRE W M o f GÃ"O Owing to the- exqtrêmeý warm -weathert of the prices Save Ilted'on-ailoM A."d piirohlasers. 'wiJllfind it to.théir. ac4' through -our stoëk.Be',sure aé,1 -tson of oo DRY. .Omo&, 1

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