noêjuabhs, nor do &0 c t sI~T" e. ?~ #t.fhu. amy iOieoiInu tion ch.UaUkay aie fothé.. Uj GIBBARD'S ý W"lqau.s am hau4ld;bui'11 je hlaAIai .1<rofh fut thât abc *nlutus ou oAte leBs at neI dof hespetjo jebt civlusi te pr'su"out 1mai, n- bing of lm 6idr i g«lb. day vsit nag a sint e 1h. ooeuîy ing t he tacwhioh s wethiug am a thdi rb u h to 6v. h geil i.mrigti blr nrh is but aras 6.pesu u splo e irdr i Tnlo (roui iIra ?rononoedby Gnoiseurs groane fo1lakng atio> Whaen-tertraide ur quarteer; (rom Vhs car teay b.a sait lntehe ontraorts-aborto k 10 lb.u.shand; le sud finatet<,xi b b th mot e- ' errev ry f, tev of thei t wh at l s k ib sir repao t oftionhs bytekdthin quarters 0th. -caidmr. 0 e, lightful erfume~ad'fl inlaesk case fer lb, lainetfToronivil or both, Trooilet e r Cin h ecin,. foreti <rom m ory . aa Mr tainagethor Hii azd on, soboothé in mady e aid acae the arnhpain-*bout >u te ia fdge in l gronut tif as arektrrded udgm n tever- s umarnlng totheeAd»rlng useatirl Maret.die& in civil cases is always for tbe de. performance, and thronghout the day fendant, sud in criminal caser "nol performed every posgible. aot of kîna. nesesud eonrtesy. Hedeftrveo every gOily' ___________Oort of timake rom lieho Whitbjy party. Wed"' Bo- Th _ MDALS Ai» Pmins. fflc 25cens. eddig BUs.TheOntario Ladie,' -o01eg, catur- Prio - - 2 Qets.g -ed the silver medal on Ils aut dis PIar, -- kto witnessthe interating ceromon sudeg had bve mça 1er 0 er that deprived him of his eldst daughter, Colg oi aeppured the gold Hukid&,r and madie Mr. W. ]EL French tthe modim rm the seol~Of rt te", fhr * applest mari in two towmship.Prcisely' lak.o 0oholivaiy as ne, au6h stair o'colobkte 1h Wodd*ng M= ch" POSIOCI work at the exhibition.- Th. vork eoe- forth from the large piano- andi put the guests braced productions of b$gh artt a-. usu 1 r nthe tip-toe of ex tation. The sweetne s D ar, tans hati ecarcely iedZa, h . he :med oarri.d offs Inspa & ~ ire &Hwit confidence in bis abiity t 8 rs for 1h. combieti faney dru; Oheist Drugis, 1uccssfilthrughth rdel. aUermedal for lbt buh ev"las manfulf ncuragzng d a modal le bY ounplaesfo Mr. Charles French, whose few e uaIgdiilad su alt e opte o WHITB Y - *3NT. words, wbmserein hi@ ear at the riglt Mo- Yesriy wua arded. th. boys. ment bracehim up wonderfulyrfor the P«88~ COMMENT. taak >fore hini. At no groat distance be- The Toronto £Vws :-Then fellowed hind the groom and leaning on the si-m of drU!b h adtcrsofteWib her fathor, camne the happy bride, ber beaut b b aetcrsc teWib fui countenance, madle more beautiful by the 00<JOiSeLul ntitute, andi vsnd sud la- sweot maidenly blush t.hat rmtiet ber dian club exerie. by the yonng =M cbeeks and drew a veiover the battie grounti Ladies' Club of lb. gagne sohool. The wbere soi-eue joy and cslm reà ignation were ides of having lhe boys sud girls dru! ______________________ truglrng for thbe mastery. Dreésed in dark ther wu va rather a nove! one, and blue silk triinmed with white lace, aud wkt a wreath of white fiowers encuiding her, madee the exhibition al Ithe more in.- 0rw she looked vory pretty indeeti and teresling. The. effeci va. heightended ZI"I'V Pangs of regret to trouble the bearta by th.e(t ai both sexes vere in ofmany of tbe Youn men present for bav- nniform, tie boys vearngwvite Lick and Miss HAll1 tb. former J.ressed in a pmnkanth latter i white, ably gupot v ore suite of bine sudwvite. Under ONLY ai ce PEcR ANNUMi. lb. bride during the. sbort but pleasug cere- commifand of thoir drW inâtructer, A.. mony. Directl1r over the h"ad of the bride G. Hlenderscnon he Whitby CaMONC, andpmi durtng the ceremody was eue- they vent ihrongh a numuber, of , iat-. Whftby, FrldaY, S&Pt 16, 1887.1 perdeti a large wedding bell, arthstically de- cale irtil mOeeent very creditably. flowers, sinybollic of IlexPetd(D ftems n Rider Prosser of lhe I3ble Ca'teresting displîi .i 1mIsetdoab TRICosevalveGoerme t ians asuisted by lbe R.ev.ý Mr. Manning, of lie WhiSby Coiegiate Institute, cou- Ingîstiti manageil te squeeze tîîo>g the Mehodiota, diti what b. couldti tecon.- sisiiug oîeY Of draing%, valetcolon lb. euuon uilcbosd vîh prllytribut. th the happinees Of the Young couple, andi cilpainflugs. th " 0 t 1»duid resyan e boier. air united efforts were &ad. majerity, netvlthslanding the. succosefuL Afterte6h.kuot bieeu securely The Globe :-Th, Collective euhibit f&Otth"it rOOaim th Irsh andtied ana every one pi-sent hati kissedthe ef th. WhiibY Collegial, Instituts ià tac Ihl i poclimei 1. ris Latibride andi coug niuatedthelb.groo, the very fin. ail tirongh. 1I tae League sud arretet a number of I"is wedding fesat was ainounceti ana the Young severalcoe.fatiu hassd agltr. A n sîtemupl i te be matie coupla led lthe way tte the dining hall, wherc e s, rcop sies spiqetIv e d - shoodt ti-elong tatles groauM-g beneati lie V" rwnei ofoiead'im during the recasa te restâre erder in woigbt of delicacies provmded for the enter- hauti objeet drawînga. Their diusp!al Irelanti, ant iIf the offert suaocootis it i. tainmeut of the large gathering oor j f higaoial arebiiecîrldeims u quit. e= &ys 7.5frein nov May leshati beau able to sample tegi-et vaielty Original desigus fer mosaicosare Win- pasbill giving the people of Irelant d %drun the. severaLcourses teYougcoupl ng coliderable attention (roin Comm. Jer oeulre-ov.r ihoi* ffaim.Wm orcedt tewithdraw te catch train MU» more ---s for 3ý hie we«LtA hIuge loieh mouuheti on the ii5l5 ~ ~ * Belote top of a hwelve-fôot -vole hhree fts e~~ete aiemp.e hl ifx h vwe vant tice in lua as. vwe over the witie lawn --d as the Wexereise.the youug laies' club Oç» shond endeavor te have -te lried belotesei e terag mietachle f aetcrsc ti bly Clèlt ri aniot lippers2iîe senewsfaitylakre nulatut* In h.jit h igbeta ýa jutige, but if we fanciedpot-luck sud lu the e«traîne- One bundreti anti Sveuhy b _G Xhd'âotern bu preudoewe h - d pef fv. invitations hati been issueti and £ai- by G. eraderson, their instructor, prejuice ohult rfr a jury. In majority of those inviteti wereon hand sachi mounlee ervîeable lookumg hon.,i the assise court Ibis veok, hevever, with nmre valuable token of reprd for- th.e and the T.nh1C reairbn bot juge nd uryfird csesontYoung lady who was te jomn thc gi-cat l ugth tishcralGrenadierbaud hou utie sd jry frat caes ui mjorily. W. undertook te tabulate lie lady errieti&aPair ef Indian clubs lu until the"e W"s otlang 'O'f'. Net a iet but feund the lsak teo gi-est. Gold asdd0eue baud and a long tIm stick with a Mugi ess goo theMkot In ustie à üer van., Scrockery aud glasmware. Sa1 muge cs. tooi 1. aokl. u jstie adicotten fabriein gi-et variety . r emali Union à Jac Md antimkot oet nb. it muest b. aduilîtet meut cf the casem pet n nbeuinryt estf bons astaced 1lu hieoler Te adt but heyail ell wdlb. arn roai oi ldy betf r my tfr e gti Mr s ta elde oe ce m clrt hrs juil bliken bmfantiaemudenas b-nlorI ahâ fem nueo 5 - __ __ - b W to-tmiwuyÉ- xoero. veraeIl. lhd» vei b lke mue . vlues greatest triumh= Ouvs»& lg rm ey bati clti mm vie lu as Idei i l g b unet !i uas a sohool. Pive c arsbd bêea brouit antdvpwumable té gite hii eommdg U theesae kdof a .Niher law, te he -tovu station tecarry il- ie neo ste lie IIstnoly hauê, motii. uer gospel, cer truth, uer persaon vshwil g, udleyve filetéd iqlii usiataeIm om eau moe. a màs ie la sps'ejlti. Tise ours vere dehuehe dit the- Tsnk IadieauMdadottsaM dis't -'tmi- Beisliethm ue urle m esi ismine i station, laken teTonele<o 0nlrs" I5leasMd their imeIraeteL tloflvrbody ff they eau. andi #iensont-on tethe grountis. l' Th rd -he d impetltiosi - ride vas a vers pleasaI ohm.. Whmrou rOud»dto b. tory ket-Si as t Wu h ave0 e'e mor ugsins~ .anvth *orn e t oovas qguu.. D",ii0ht aes ienatioos'wsete l - week ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e homi bu ats îl et tn, e uarar 0 iaover fprbunitft e whitb olog AI"~g av> il le eohat but...viedova havimg a <e vs tlqIwoWer lroved t .-dip.o< ltI 6"27y muasi eoép t I iMigus sud <rounds. ïRluhëïiï6bb. *eers psy bbsWay il1k. a zmcandi By halêp% Ast ee ear1twe ,'ff *Omý bet aSU psy theit eva bote, bU-ic _ ou ,Pl 4 Pts6imhau4à . oP.I SF11 IAL Pri.nted Muslins. only 7ets. per yard. BARGN - ~ .ae.'. pur yarc Victoria Lawnsad Allover Embroideries, sp'6cial value. ~îu~ami isie Glovs 1Or' 1 'lu ]Black Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at low prices, A choice range of colors just received at $1 per yard, Ptints, Gxin ghams, Pngee andoe NOW/8THE T/ME TO SECURE BRAf1 IN ALL KINDS 0F DRY GOODS. ugh 10 ery LB. B~ WÂT~1IM~ BROOK B' bilk nd Lsle Goves10I. Blac Satn Meveilux, nlv .5e-'e. th iegi ossb'Dr 8Emorim U'armers, Threshers, and Mill-Mei Find it to thoir advantage and profit to use M'CQLL'S Guarantoed not to gum, and* wii outwear ail other Machine Qils. (OcIZY-TrY our (ylinder 011. Ithlas no equal., For sale lu VHIBYTL and BRICK YqD, TT-a- for und Te Dd taken in exohange for rc r iea WM-GI .LM-ORE BURNS" OOLUMNé SUMMER $LAUGITER. &COORDZNG teo c ustom lYSa"te now a elsumme.r hies a BLAUGERTER RIE to les, t-hem ont. carry ýit temoe enext sxmr Drives nlde'sos ýDrivés i~ais lpes I ETB E SETJ] WIA 8BOING 09 I SUDOEI 0f LIY Tram eei' aa Au' fth h eeu. -Tii. firet daà y, lhe'be et Ibie yei orcvd in attend 'bu iMoaay l I blliank ooti MKAURALLI foi s'(armer near tl o n Mouday i ~~~~o lmrio wed If Whitby Dry ýlQgh to Pongees an'd ,"ýephyr ciolh&3 Prices. oe s s -Goods 72tCmi & SONS, Dundas Street. quantîty of ýwell,-bum lsmoôt . li Sala ý sny roc BARGA-IN IIIS jet 1: PO.. f W-- BRVAN