Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1887, p. 3

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AT- iuice oi. -f.per cent, Of-au rimawlth 1h. Central (mv York, à& trustoet Urance- ut jeus Insu uon be and~ sdseourlîyL mete adelin ,188,, ninnoeuae. eau tliy b auf averY alternate rmolt),. expenses i nag 12 per 81,000. re agent wsnted inu ery ocaliîy, to wbor a liboral 'ill be allow1ed, Appli ~d frlL-parîicsiare5,s 'ur"""e' igned. 8o b H. GORDON.-, >i tfor the OountY of Ontarlo. Port Pmniry, Ont. 4EY -TO LOAN7 itâte Mortgage at Low Iagité- Intereet. A1ý POST, or1tn C ana&da Loan and Savins Zemt -for thm Western Ansuralnce -Over -Gerries Block, WhÀîby or 'wrapping -parposea s, lyigp >4e, etc., U5 Gantes per hundrod. Apply te THIS OIOBIC. "BELL" IORANS' na.&pproached for Tone and Quality. %LOOUES FRIE. ars. NEW ales. nd SALE STABLES, DAS-ST., WHITBY. R/iTH &DEVEIiELL. ASS TURN-OUTi vdon Sete oie i'rcsvdllera ib de* ~.a ITONE8T DHALU<Gh, [LESS IMITAToIMS As thora are a nyfane godcordod with flernIP, etc.,offmrod andOUO1%d rCoralue by orne un- rincipIed merchante trad- ilig on the reputatlen ,et our urniine ('*Iumlli, w,.- war theladies a~s ra sneh î1noItîon by .sa. mZthir a?:tention tetio £R-BANKSý, 1sole Agenut. ,Nya' elsb'tdrai 18 186. t4OVA SCOTIA. re gbst tme to ef 'VE'" 0F 1887. RIENCE TRIn MET- Je TR- AIPESTS M MUST P088355 ard ÉVyEgid8ss tkae hîglo4«4m ia in Ra 0F CANADA ai snusatretrou 1k* - lait ng 0RPS1'IS e who ,, lhs r. jo ue rVMlle ne ou à vieil j.ughb avasal of Vit«ýerl o1ime an abose ov«eigu ovbr % a i', jt boe aiseiof Euglmnd, e Ïbepreideçy f omb*q. À0l Ibe local milita y.or, dueus a d quiS a oOflOursOof citiz8es asembled- lo the Baltimore &Bd Petoma. depot a ailgbi or two ince toexetend & cordialq ,.eption hboe he 1,Washington LlghI Infantry, asnsj their lweeb in OO n the beach et &U&Uitico (it Thi occasion uhowed, s bailoften »O.nt ebucae béfeore, tua bat heyer1 el". might fa s a greait popular attra. tien, a military demonatration even of à tiia ohiaractersets Washington baf.wiîd almost n À4. Où* ,might hava suppoed Ihat thsseholiaysoi. dier who bave nover seen a hôstiûe flag veTo froeh from smre sanguinary field crowned with the laurele of "4grim- ,isaged war," when as a malter of fact, tbe gailazit youthe had enly beau faging war for on. littho week against mution chopa, ood-flh-ba.ls, clame, crabo, Jersey mosquitos and muon- eyiiok maidens. The recent railroad dissasters were perbape bleesinga in diegulse, and may ultimately bear good fruis in Coones, as SenW.tor Butler, of South Carolina, wbo wam in oue of the collisions, bas,1 by persouSi experieuce, beau brought1 to a ,îvîd realizatien of tbe parues of passenfgers and th. necesity of aptcia 1 legilation for thoir protection, and &IBOe to provide that railroad mon shallflot1 bm overworked,-which propoeed legis-1 lation will b. offered s an amru~dment to the Interetate Law. The . BoIr was originally opposad tle Ibis bl, but bis reomut adveuture sud tbe tact that ho ham but oue log auyhew, bas brought hlm te itasuBppoart wxlh a round hurn. Tha politica quid nuncs have beau aroused from tbeir summer languor by the visit et speaker Carlige.te the Capital, but that distinguised gentle- man declares, iu an interview, that h. je simply here au Departmantal bumi- nais, and that ne political significance whatover attaches ho his preseno in the city, sud he further stahes tbat ha knowe nothing of the alleged Demo- cratie conterance &bout which the newe- papers have bad mo much te say. Anethar lesk bas beau disoovered in the United States Treasury-thie lime ou account et tbe paymaeters ef tbe army, maty ef whoee balances have beau found te ho orooked. From a Casuai investigation oet1h. books of the amcuning effier. .01h. resuhry, it ie showu Ihat a number ef these army paymastors have not W -àaful ettie. ment with the Goverumont in tour or fi. Veaus. Borne et tb. bouda et tbe defaulting officiais have expired, sud 1h. outcome wil prol>ably be tbm tosa of seversitbonsand doillars te 1he United States and s number of officors degraded. Tha Suprarne Council eft1he Ameri- oau Legion et Honor bas juet adjouru- ed, alter anu uumually pleasant and iu- tarosting meeting in tins cty. A nsw Meature intreduced jute, their finsumii eoenomy ie the guarantee fond of $500,000, te b. scumulated tromasses- tamilysudCieiglandlady. Presiaent ClevlmnI hauwltbdrawn t e -b. eoluuiof etOak VIew for Bveral veoka vacation sud ilmun=oun bis purpose net te vieil th. White, tgnd le importantpulbusins. With thesingO*X"lm Ç!& S.rr Bayard, ai&eU l.Of udet's offci#i tsmily, includinup privaIs Btauo Lenien, W ar u b*ivcain Waahington t là M% dapuàt ua*î, for, whb e ontaiW tb5dis, ief Magie- trati b. QMtazil Omdomgmesê, b chiof t tatiane as gene. WA5H~1GT1,D. D. 80JA Tin omW »-ua roe et4o lhe cins lu,-I beag miosionser ftenu Ràèl that 40,678a ver. ul adOM and lbiI lbp C4pe lu véU b in u~'i Thne recipts u*#th5$ÙI l50o046 ; leb. cialali, He rnv 1887.- osuxof sdte, a .vtokaire *r0p hm, beau proveided whlh lb. -ve*y- 0f lb. thlrty six .millions et trade dollar'a coluod, enly &bout eig)nt mil. houan bave been presented for redomp- lio2 n, o f tisbeahin.amillion bave benre-celned meatly imb dimos; the peiod for redonspîlen having expiredl on tue thw rd mal., go more eau ha .ro- deoe a. A l&i. statomont prepared by 1he Treaaury shows binaIduring the month of Âugueb therewuaa doreau oft#787,- 870 iunb to tal-circultion suna anin-, murofet$10,216,200 lu the total cash iu 1h. Treaeury. Premeldet ClevoladBboetéry, Pair cbild, aud Ceugmesmen Carlisla,' Mille, sud Scoît are engagedaI toak View in preparlng a tariff reforzbil, wehie a.uigned te command 1the unanimene suportetab.dominant pri, hm Iti madrtodlae-s.kra wi lel inohecity, via net iuvited te tho.consutaliou. Il lebelieved byveli inferm.d persans e bre h the b.Ad' minietmation vii labo ils wbole lu- flueuce upon lb.fate et tbe propesed meamure.z The International Medical Congreu, bas been in sesion &ail cieisweok,, epeniug Menday vitn Presien t 1eve- land aud Seorotary Bayard officiatiug snd making briet addremsee ef % elcome -botn distinZguished gentlemen boinir graated vilin geperous appîsuse. AI night the doctors were honored vitn a ma-et bal sud banquat at tine Pension Office, tollowed ne-rt uight by a rocep- lion hy the Presideut sud hie vife, et whicb Ibey are ssid te bave abaken bande with 6000 peoplo. Eucb day lbe Congres. meailu ections and hlent le lesmued essaya oun.hemoet subtile dieeaees et lb. hurna stem sud theo bail moîbode et tesalmet in u scb diffiqult cases, vinile the eveuinge are generslly devoled te social fesîlvllies, whicb semrn le horougbiy enjoyod sund appre.isted by lbhe ihy'ta gueule, ee of et v be ore upon hie breataI modal and a bine rosette, s a dis. linguiihing mark. Ex-Governor Porter, et Tenu., Furet Assistant Secretary ef BIats, basrosinu- ed bis office uuoxpeot.ly, aesignlug tino failiug bealtb ofet bi vteas ltho cause, but lb. real reaon jes sud te ho lb. seions dispute withSocretary Bsyird in regard te tino Canadiau flehories coulroversy. Mr. Porter. wvin qn.stioued upon tin. subjeet,, did net deny tine supposition statod ahove. The papers bavo boon f6usd by Mn. Tinobe in bis contesl fer Mr. Oarliele's @,stin the fiffleth0ongres&. -aud il ia notedl as a romarkabloe irenmstauce, that -tino Ex-Speakor makes 12e response. - BigMen. Giante cof the Pat sud Preseut Ages. MIEN THIETY FEET HGH-A UVAN 'a SKULL THÂLT HELD A BUSHEL-ING WuiLLL&N'8 BEGmNT OF GIANTS. Ail figures aud fachoconfute lb. inn- pression thiht maukiad bas degeuerated lu mie. The evideno. guis r tet show on the contraiy, Ihat lb.avrgàe pmam cf the nin.beatb century in a lr lii" aery aY Ih» haé lb.mn ef M0 y-Ib ck. The arm=«roet1he' midille as apreoed lu the mquseume et Barope Mu slya veryt t Lt Tho Egyplians cnsderod s'a nudix feel bigh agian. 0 nefi-e- quently oreated -a-SI.U4md*1us$ tould il before modems idea& -i> amabo uays 'sIt aoient Britoasn eien attraoesd the, vouderof et b. oman soldlem te o iodeoondausie ethleu péopleo Dot averago over five foot Smn laies. ThePatagocùmas ve. sppos- e o lb.a'rae of gntio O#pl until Amua xplorer.povoéthéflu tilleul mel vrl~*~maù4ýl foot But suds from ibe uaggsrs*>a5of tavele-5 sud, eêl irsi hèro e a, evidezoes"Ibam mn, iof- grise statue tIÜu amy soon bx peqm.sos ow linaisupon lbeamtlb.,9,kini et Basis, h4'Q»lUtIý ,ue giatsDn dçm1lW- ,Too nsany pirb«la eoSa- ma, ieni ameivoa - tesve rooni ter donx&ll.Plinyt a -unrLor f oots îiâeùtns Gaàwma, au Araian, * vas ton f.1 higbb, aii lw*telo. annmps vs u a IfMzUSI -wat Oee et s4~ ce~i.The sar1"Wcf uman aeele ne four huuadted, lwo huudrod sud oven five hudo fo ,ihi hch begmn wllh the, Polyphmua Iicident, ;élnglethe' saqàeééogSoqf mistakes. ptobing thîl Foi-ague, lb. Tyrant, eait jbyOrlaade, nepé wcf CherleMagne, ý*M a bing. ns,18 'foelbhlh- B*o«tls et Vîvaus, vinose boues ver. touund ou tue bauka et tho Moi-demi river, lu th. mount9neof Vi-neac, ou grave author- iIy-*vas statod te ho 22 foot six luches, Bichand, a ooebiled anatomial, s»w lunlino supvurh. e SIJGermainiu 1614,. tino ekolehon cf a man 20 teM.til. Men sud wemee cf a les temrityiug sttue-- bave alwaye been plentitul. -on.et thorn bogen lite 1a jomUmon .soldier In lb. Roman army~. 1Hiogint foot. fýoue suoesof houe sudd su.w1 bis onoymeue strength aud dauii'ese brav«rmlge hlm ont amoug hi felloiva. But lb.* star cf hie destin did zAot stop home. Ho he0aume an efier, asud wheon 1 h. aseinalion oet1h. reigning unonarci, bis vast bulk va seson towering abovo tb. army >ssembied te chooso a new wearer ofthe imperial pumplo, a hundr6d thousand voicea bob up islename sud preclaÎiod im empaer. Tinis wu Maximin. Ha relgned enly a short tins.. Hie subjecte lired et an empaer romraikabie fer uotblug but bis giutlouy and giganlia stture, sud one evening ho was quietly tabhed te dealh. iFnedorack Wiliam, Ring et Prussia, .lu tbe lutl century romlored theo glaulte setining ot bis former position. Re put a prernium ou hie hoad wheu ho tormed bis farnous giaut rogimeut. There, ware lbree battaliens et thomn, 2,400 mou sn uai. Thne ehorleet wu' moyen teet, sud thes talleût s hravuy Scot, towered nine foot lu the air and looked doubtiese Ibre. toat higiner vith hugeocsp on. Tino old King vas ox- lraordiuamly fond et bis Titantie regi- ment. H. wus eto fnd et îbom ever te expose thern te .fixe o e neemy sud lhey saw ne active service. Fifleen lboueand peunds vas freely paid by tine King fer a gecd heallby giaut. Hie agents ransacked Europe and once kid- napped boldly ovory taili =au they oould Iay their bauds cù. Tino Ring, stimgy lu tb. extreme in ierything lelse, bad tb. portraits et al hie glauts palutod. Ho meuglaI te propagate a race of gias by marmyiag th.m vilh giantosses. The atteznpt tailed. Giante are slwsys th. chiîdreu of ordinary siz.d people.. Iu lime sii more moernutinere are fumerêm sismoVmsle ft la-nuseMdical werba.. Cbarles Berne, an Irluinmu, vas eigint foot tour luches. H. died lu 1788, and bis akeleton, le now lu th. College of Surgeous lu Loudon. 1Parick Cottar, anetiner Colt, vwas oigbt foot emen sd tbre.quat.r luches. Ho died lu 1788, sud hbeu eleten ie now lu lbe Collège eofSurgoons. 8M11 sothor nalivêet ofinheEm.rald lIe, Edward' Malone by Damne, wuvas e ot sèven luches. Millier, a natîve et leipsie, vin died lu Lenden,-vas eighý foot.The brothnr Kuipe, meeufelet lucIhes. scin ; M. Louisi, as reuchm»anaaly enght foot.- Theo Ivo sltarof 4h. latter vere as taui asIuolf Miles Darden, et Tonuesaé. t , I l. lme iet bis doslb, morne years ago, vas s»Ven 1fot sii luces, lu 4'ce r eflus cf -lhe ubre àaeîKuùy n iuasol -_men mauig ury moyen fuetar net uncOmnon.ý Âmes Hesdgz4 Toi-e, Mles: I qIhiaro beoaufemer érn- i1yput or lb. plet tabe Dieoy u ur a knWght[odr uMy ntc.~ouo botdes vili lb. boit ronata$,"dau -omidonco ro me u l . t O afltdlk lu~ie 11k. xiaunera Nouiaauls*is laIe1, ioee u vi -A MWv treatmenthlm r:e hierehérto busnins. ose sent fre. on rm I ~en dis. lV& aphe t Éai=pb *FALL SUITS.L --000 JOHN 15 S~OIGASUPEBIOR STOOR 0P Scotch, E nglish" Tweeds,i And other fine Uines et Clotho, for Spring suits. Aul garmente -made up i lateet style on shorteet -notice. Ready-made Men'a and Boys' Suit8, Gents' Furniahinga and Underciothing of ail Kindâ. i~ 7-ETUCIL OVERALLS! -HATS 1 MA1A.L: -r *Tcs ho bave it 'lemd o dI .the~ bloends. - l-i% jusltino -machin.for th. Public. ÂlvaseInuOrder. The OonilnlnOîgaiî andPIns Are Beter Insan y Other. The Beut Judgas eayIDseTUe in tle. Bout. Il is bulI wilh a 'view le Duxsbilily sud Beauty. The Boit Instrument le Buy. Oeil sud Se. Our Geede. H. W. FOX, AGENT.mî BRýOOK ST. - - - WHITBY. London and L anoa&hiro6 Life Co mpan»y\* This Oo4suny issues every deiirbletorm et Lte oie ansd hie depoiited with lb.e Le ci Gneral in approved Osala& sacilies over 8100.00 for euch. 8100.00« et liabiity, thues feordinig BSLT e- Partai dclsizous eOfaesuug& theizlr iv.. vil fnd il le their advanlge,'le ooniiill the tindersigned bifore aesuxing elsewhero. JORN FARQUHARSýONS*, SWhilbyt'May 18, 186. -ly- Goueral Agonit P Latest styles ini Hardi and Soft Feit Hats VERY(HEP JOHN FERIGUSON, .A,]atn lii b"la Duias St. W IMy os THE QUEIEN'S JUBILEEn TRIEBRAZILIANý WAIRE3OIJSIeu- Winl oeebrate the eveut by a complote revolution in the __ OROOERY TRAD, FQRTHE 'NEXT 80. DAYS. FOy Colored Dinlner stcl anaolre 'mbrsetÉ, aotually gtockQof entire , w Ptqtms9 ,ùo humhug. W. Iead redTaet the trad-ei les. W iroe for Le ?bas FERGU-SON and Canadian ties, mi Iihraryi ThneV rel ' h UhstaI 1 lin, Ozu lu tbp1 Ibast t i

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