Ad Itemes 81@l uom-ouà r Ezç=agSéý One day 1a0, *eek alamner lin lngtdrleavry arM load of ha>' ,hio ugi the aie>' W réach 1h. DAl> oseYarde 1b. lo 4ek faet betw..u the. brick 'valluof the buildinge, sud for *là ime lia.,. wuaSmuch pnfliug sud bà haug, qlihod ith rlch sud exl- eratlng languag before tii. lond oould b. extracted. Twenty-live mon u staiwork push- ing along the emotion of the- big engins 'bouse Sa he.GrMadTrunk rsil'ay 'vorks as Lindsay. The immense1 Irusses for th. roof are ou the «roand sud r.sdy for hoiuhingig luI place sM won à au th. walle are Up. An ides ofJ th. eGtent of the building oun b. had whsu il is statsd that over 8»0O{)pansu of glass, 12x14, 'viii b. ue.d.d W 1il the. 66 large windows ln the aides of th. building.,, Jal1fhe~t bla ir01, oe percent. lutereo4 w've sdisposed of -a sligh.arauceonaraI. fiehng la Lske Beogf.. ihay Mke with good espot, aud optursd soû very fine Ma.akinonge-one weigiin 25 por ~ohe ose v esugh t on th. hcok, -but it 'vas 1to cunuing for aseilsnte. '2h. nefËL6 swam ndir the boat, upsetticg il, asu the oooùmaua'ers «lys anu nempeol *d bath. The North Oularlo Agricultuai U cishy have deHIdd W, hold thair fair 'cm AlaNOUgu a &aextaoramnar>' large -'e fla -13, as 'renu2911eu. LWo aa quantiîy cf buidiug i. «ding ou ibis .e.,- ougilt t b. s0ugi. Rememnbar th, ton neit year promies.te exoaed th. data-Oct, 11 sud 12. sbowlug made. Work lu prospect Mr. Chas. Mer## c;ught s eqnappinl pointu ho tho lacttstt 01that 1sonas rsIitil-thie Millrace at Udora oc ieuou'bpene contracte for over 890,000 FriSa>'. Tii. Itre vas about 2 fe! iu'i bogn baud. Owlug ho the -soare-t*87long &ud s. a rgom* al. abush of bauds andS lis large amount -bo*:Um=#in.~ - Ilà »i put 5fumie.- A lb,. under commetc people 'areuuvilling te *ôornere&d lumber -pile for safet>' bui commence 'iti th. posuibilis>'thatvin- esasped b>' climbiug cut, lie marks 01 ter weather ina>' orne on befoîs milS. ils clava being plainly sean on the ings esu b. covered lu. boards. Other tuylea have beau osughl Mr. Win. Duffua hbu been appointod lun liat naighabourhood but noneoea by lhe board of educationu au arhiteot large au tuse one.. aud te have general supervision of' tii Conduator Fred. Haakifi, of Toronto, Deow collet"al.institut, building. vho runs a vay fieigbt ou lii made on Under lh.direction the.woîk cf gettiug Mouds>' vas oupllng easieait i the out lhe neasasar>' atone toi thes founda- tien iere vien thie firet sud ouR>' i. tic-n viiib.c omned at once at Bob- maluing fluger on is left banddvwu asygeon, sud lie brick requfred vil i. badi> ci-maiS sund haiS tq b. partly prepareit, The board are not yet de- taken off. Mr- Haukili, ve are 1*15 oidedau Io bavlug thi.-building erected wuas in over some yeais ago sud had Ibis fail but in casa the.ides la given up hie arm permanti>' injureS ai 'vla maberi ilbs placed on lb. greunSthres fla&ars taken off.- tW Sllov of au efrlY commencement be.- WhÃœea'W. Hamilton. eon cf Mi. Geo. iug made nexI year. Hamilton, vas driving s thiri na . Notvitihstanding lie extension cf chine into Mi. Bounîees bain on sal. premîses mado duriug tAie lait tire. urdin upieparallon for tiresiing, lb. yesi, snd a part of viiel is la u just top cf Lie machina asugit some soaffold- complsted, the Sylvester Brouj,, 1fvg. ing overiead liaI iiad been laid to Co'>' finS liai é futisi exbonsion je Place grain on and bronghtit il umbling neoosary. Tih. pissent offie.sudd ove. Ths boy escaà ped into lis grain- siow-rooms luminte main baulinare or>' but Mi. Bouames, vho sîsmieS for required te afford accommnodation forthie door vas kcked iensolss ya additional machainer>' sud bols. Theiipieof lie falng imber sud bail an fini propose-vlbthe consent of thei. 1 ug>gab cul acroa hie forebead. 1He nmumîipal sathorltes-to ue a paut of i.around agalu but feeling prinfuli> town prepeity asoi-ouathe.avenue sud sensibleof ef actsellithere sinsaine- east of lts hopete ereci a ,"adeomie ting lie matoe i vth hie bsad- tvo ýabre brck bidng, the ffret Jçturno. floor of vilb vill b Uai! for ooie.MUVEETONq anudsutore room, sud the. soud floor asjas. 0. Edgar ha. beau rs-appciuled a readm»g reom sud librar>' for acilector foi 1887. sud racrealaou of the employes of the Donald Bous buaspurcbassd s valu- vorke. Our people vill h. giBlifiOS 51 able lot on lie -crner cf Main sud tiie progroeumad. b>' lie eompany sud -Dandu a trosto, freinjas. M. Gordon. the groving importance cf ths bneineeî, H. luleudu buildings large brick remi_ aMS $hat furtiier extension is neceser>', 'Jnce, vhib i ii ddo. or e ville ils prootaW Oprovide the read- several baudeomeprivam.residentha li popfatrs iO0te w à «OS"t uin . p ii... riae eidne Magistn"Ralomo, Inspecor Fiank- 15aiebody'e boy le going te Iou a lui, Barisrla Chapple sud Conutable 11mb or oomething more serious. Tii. KePhe. iad tie honor. of paylug Oui bande aIthe. sation oompliin 1hb1tliS>' village a vieil Monday atl. The>' bave tb b. e ssauly -onlihe'val o te ~soliaiting subsarljtions tpovade cia. bos foMnoff thse carstsud abouât aasig, clt,.Te"os us coasher. Tii. bepractice of usankey. lieuon.sOnuletl 1* asuictiea:-H,. Ing about lie tramas yl sooonor or lMuagrove$50, A. Hamilton $100, both laler brio« somebod>' into trouble; cf; anS T. Bosch, $10- I wuva. ted Ah the cannnilmeetingG&ttie 8100,6botc f Breobin. Emhof the liaI tome re-organisatio ffie 0 M-gentlemen uInâeS bandeS over ith& pau>'wuasneosesar>' lu thse 'ay of di..spoudulix 1k. 11.itemn. trlbuting lb.emruemplayed- et a ire W Mr- Jamos Wite, jr. eue of oui moot oftset tie best services sud prolacî tie iasp**e youug mmn, lakai te himseif houe. If counoillors complaining vonld îi ak<uea~ cdltosah take a hand tiiomilves il ot ho te ori uhi e perumdy)a o c . l iai. theu ir linuneste carry out sdvizcaso coin an pe (n oo> reflet Of 1s former good' aulent cf Il veulS emsin laI progreuuivemn in uBveiton... M. Wn. Jo>'.our 14a5.aY Ihave full f"lii n the.priedio el., Lq-fluding bushasu. go ruahing ias lion OaiO' Mou «aletisi exeedingl>' a6"tta èke aIlpartuer lut. bis line, sud fne vealier viii PÃŽevailuutÃŽI#Novem. .15 te, be rua i-ulan sd thorougbly bef noît0 for despte tlis n»roa o ho boked- on" tomorrov (WeduuSY). lie euS of lie "Maon «round liasbeen Both the bojyu(Md'Jgrk)e> bethel>e. bioken fer mm new svoum sebs e&k. vii.of Beaverton in perai. Mr* &. D. Thoxton ilest voik ats e n&e&> s oDowr' ag pa houa. at-thlia crer of, 0olboçtrue aan na «v supjs4Se V«n7tloare o n> William sîreeta, lis hiS nov ounduS. of the globe. or mapU ,of leS o -Mi.W..Ski.i as .1 ie cu-use luur ulslo oie!.,but itl'. got, tract sud vork -h kegun oua tenaee 1. bs attor thb. Ls ~swouri- acicie oifly Svollaà ge 10 b. builh ou Wilam club 515 up Orliia U - rif aaeoiaio etreel, nortl of 1Peel shoot. -e1e-vii - l ace vaii «iv.a round sp&« cf 1m rAff, ne d-ousl>swsoon aslb. nov tet"'al'le a fint-gasmnm i ohurcbi s.beisg p Ut o.The bidn«oméetvotwoqOrcu a e. A 141iolecf lvrk-Mi. casfl .,ë lu"._ Moueootrotr-anud vill add té' _P;,sl~.a~ lie lusapparane o hi ohnob iu4~laou Slura>'laah Por -f ai~ aB-ondlm k ,e-slK .~ b u . *-as c m .s~ su ,a atr c )n et l Se ut of aelu the 'Iuglish eharoh lu thi e - io one ft 1odest. insud ,cout reopïifi- d the day meutioned MriJO.& Jsp Elflüoo4t w ent ontU i e usfaim ue aiThom psou' 0>1ru» »ateo verstes som ê -rpira liaI wore hing made .e, hia'buindîidga lier,ý ansd fell fron a oaffold-tè, tii. ron., Theeha.k of hie head strikibg anto)ne ho jre.emved snob iniurie. froni whieh hi. B nver ralid, but apfred in bout -ton Bminute.s ftsrvsrds. NRe vas ah once. laken tô lie reeldenos of bis, Ion, IM r. fa" yEllicotti asu da is vfseul-for rWt tiii. v lage. Th., sh c a m o ÃŽ pr s traite é ladlady, vho, a-dma iqd. The Dawasau ed a profonui - o alao * ism ilreaoisdtii.O a s ta héI de- WO oeryous as an uprigl4 hrhti"n gentleman, sud w. are sure 1h. vidow sdfiands hav te esympatby cf MI on "aii adoccason. Mr. W. ]ELField hbs diapDuosecfth. stock and- goodwiil of bis drng st;ore businesborse W Dr. Baà texua, whao teck posssaon on Tns*say morniugz Inat. Mr. Bain Margah. wiii st asj manager, sud he vfiiibe assisted by the1 doctor's brother. Mri. Field, together witi Mr. John Bnnîing, hay, purchas- oa dig busineuu iu Toronto-Nuw. Membrinio Chief, the properi>' f Mr. A. Watuon, hock fini place lu the atal. lieu race At Grille aI 1 he receut îsciug tiare sud won as ho pl.ased. W . reg ret ve >'m u ai tie d opai-lu is fr.O ar mde cf Mr. Hawkinte vbo haiS decided4teremove tb Ganuingion. Thougi but a short lime heré Mr. Hawkins hau made. man>' van finde for hhief. EHoevr, w. mutI on- @ oe ourselvea ith fieerefletion that oui loue le Canninglon'. gain. A friendi>' Ramne of base bailvau plsY.d bora on Fa-aday between th, Ulbrldge club an the juniors pf tliii place, resulting in a viator>' for lias p ý 0 0 ý ; , ortb Givo Thon A ChaneelPt That in te s»y, your lunga. Aiswa ~South breAthing machiner>'. Ver>' 'ondeuful ns.I 0"rl eiin.rfi in. Net culy thl rr puf Norh "9% utte tiousand 0! lilli tubes suit cavitilelading rm thon. Whou liais ae clogged anS coekd 'it1h natter whlh ought nt te b. tire. your Putl lun",mnothat o heu 'von. AnS what F53,1 the d the ctid e anL calarnh, consumption or an> o?' cf lir an sd naseande anSoSsd lungob atzucions, aSU ara baS. AUl ougli ta b. «cI lii of. Tiare lejusl one surew"y te jeot ci f te. Tht h<tglae Bfouhes' Germ nSyrup, wviiolaan>' iSigglss 'Wi separ yent At 75 cents a botte. Evn il enlvem Pr. ling ele aiS fildyn, y u =&y> deped Par upon tii. for cerla n. C3ieag pic-nlakers, on Saturda>', lu ahoo t à a smark, aboIsa WOW0a4 wbo vas cueracuscollé, z Cupmtoon, ISour 8tomach, Dlarroea rtation, LiRaWcrns, AveseleP, u romotes di. I tOOhiklrenthai Vireeoenmend Itas ssperlorteanyPreacription F hnovakme" H.Â. A5IrEE~JL»N Y. Tin OKXiTÂUR COEPA5~, 77 MUiay8trcet ~i Y. -TREASUJfi'iS'SALEO0F LANDS F0!? TAXES. IDY vi4ue fa Warant, under the hand Of thc Wa ren ana tic Ses] of the Corprtion -u of) cf bonnty f Ontauio, daed hec Ffth Day o! Sepember,_ 1887, commsandingm tlO las>' th leanda mntiond lu thc fOllowing lit for arrears f ta±es' thereon, and *oasIs, as herein met forth: I hcreby gi-su notice thiat nlcs s cli a=eausandcot e sooner pai, Iheagiin s comace with the. AssoSament Ady proceed ho oeil by PUBLIC AUCT 01~ hiesai lands, Or 1s0 mch thereof as m ay ho necesary for the taxes, at the. Cour Hoe.,l 188e7Tn f WthebouonrDY.the foURT1nvo .., - Part. Sonth S. Slmcoe -Street part West hall Part Fuirpout blockE f let No. 2 Fairpoit Water ltNo. 4 Part 8. j 23 B. F. of N. Souh hall soahihall ken aouth hall norti hell norlihaitf ,north.ialt nerili half 1 halt pl Part part Puth Part >ami De nM ta"ekpilla or powdor n tan calomel, foetah ti Ino! tie year, tha recut!ns>' bi' srions. if yo u qure a dSie ai pi' take Du. CarwsenuSomaci sud CostpinBittera;itacÀtz t«cat> n hebo'vels, purifime.t.blood, luprye Ci. ircu atinutminlte. lb. Iver sud kiduyu, sud i-peodl'curas b0ll9muue beaace, dyspepsi, indËigasio. Seauci the. ding ioasliom on. end cetCanada Wo thie other sud yen canol f£nd a reieS>' equal toA: Tu>' it anS une il lu youZ fakiles. SalS everyviee l l bolisw Trin 1 m tempted tW rob a tanlu Torisam, ou nii"Main A .vt.Tra b -eblnbutlin Tii. Paaigu. w. consid r oe i on -ne oeAln Lnm'rj TbeoomoonivstfaÃŽ~1~,ft -,T.s -u i TOWNSIP 0F TMOBAH. Amouiit Costis and Total Lot. Con. Acres cf Taxes. Comnis'n. Aniount TOWN-sHW 0OF BROOK. 14 32 33 74 2 95 3 6 69 14 10 10 55 2 87 12 92 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 35 2 17 2 96 2 18 35 7 23î 7 29 2 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING. il 21 2 is 5 45 PatenteS 2 240 2 16 4 56 Patentcd 2 240 2 16 4 56 pahented 25J 92 8 195 4 100 100 14 14 19 si s9 81 1 È1 22 7 44 frn 44 fronjt 16 A 14 B 12 C 10 L 2'.G 5 H 2 L ife Iu Mnceof.New Yr Osa"ion cvermmentde a Acoumnulatedires.r,.fud(v. Death clalus PSUaaid urg 188. Nqew business, isi 3 mou., 188, __ TIwent4vper cent. Ofal a:p yeîA wtii the Central Trus or an cfNew'York, as trusteas of thé . serve Fund. Lite Insuranoe aI lesi han uneh f Ordinary rates, and secuo y efctdn a184 assemnts made ini 1881, 1882, 1 and 1884, ndin ne cacn îhey be u~ frequent than every alternate montli. Annnua1 expenses of manageme1ant, An active agent wanted i every uie. presented Iocalbty, to whom a liberal c0j.ý mission 'vii be allowed. Appiaon solicited and full particulars furnished by the nndersigned. fÃihà b H. GORDON. Agent for the County of Ontarjo. Angust 5th,- 1887. Pr erOL MONEY TO LOAN' IJV.q£JL Y On oiEth otgg tLwRt Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. 00.' and agent for ths Western Assuranice Patented or Co..1 Unpatented.l OFFICBOver Gerrie's Block, Wbitby Patented Patcnted PmAP M3-1 Suitablo for wrapping purposas, Iayiza Patenteil under carpets, etc., 25 Cents peu hundred. Patented Appiy ho If- T.HISOFFIE. Pateuted ANSi 2 22 2 36 23 221 28 2218 3202 28W 2 52 2 57 3 il 100SII 18P8 16 7 100' 100 100 100 -100- 100 15 60 40 100 4 79 10 14 99 23 44 808 4 06 23 02 il 06 86 72 76 16 67 7 36 4 24 24 13 22 48 il 78 2248 1943 4 96 6 17 2549 '17 00 Botmbr rd, 21 55 100 ]40d 245 1646 Uzipalenled Unpahented J. B. LAING, - Ce. Trea.. Ontaulo. ~ (ENGLISH STAELE 18 CONSIDEERD i NO OQKPLETE WITHOUT ItAELLIMA "'Pi * 1!r~...-re 1,- __ 229 9 65 2 21- 6 45 2 71 2684 2.ý66 26514 289 1417' 2 66 2511 2 59 2202 223 7 19 226 843 2-74 28 23 253 19 53 2 64 24-19 7 01 12 50 3812 26 13 10 8 6 27 25 70 13 44 89 74 2 88 19 19 21 42 PatenteS PatenteS Patented patenteS Patented Patented PatenteS Unpatentod PatenteS Ulnpatented PatenteS -Patented Upatented Patented - patenteS UlPatenteS -- Pnateuted UzPatented UPatented. patenteS1 uPatenteS uPatenteS ]FOI% ANs GURU, Ai - PLINT5-'u Hum, aAPPen meswm a s 8 L à -onTansd Qualit>'. CATALOGUES FRE LIVERY 'and- SALE STABLES, DUrNDAS-ST., WHITBy. L FRST- LASSTU -O S- Fnrnisicd on Shorleet Notice. J .~0THLES IMTATIONS 4b to e, ordd it ue -F mxiL ' voj iévs -beoveru lation wi wuasorig bis rez hg h» i -Thaepu - aroused 1 nos, am ~iatver 1h. city,j -knowa ne papers lb Anolif bis ni nefanib -the ysul "Imu can a 1 1 0 1 Part N.oEthqhartr Part N. E. quarter 7 7 10 100 43 22 ý 8 18 46! 40 5 14 9 57 NSHIP OF MARA. TOWI fw GOOD ROBSBEI« NEW RIGS. 1 1 4