Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1887, p. 1

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Prlnted -wordw, gt îbheks msd ntlrlog réuate.ioe7ï ros, xnowladg., Brothorhood. XXXIe WHITBY, ONTAIRIO. F Y,-- SEPTEM BEJý16,- -1887.1 No. 40O IReducti: over Sun1,1 ..riug i-es. Big ces Of lie original f co.t 1 broideries, [en' S wear ,a big as.. 01ean whîAat, ,Y Cleaning. S of cost. a room for Co* r ýcedaltitf jointe LLuIt6ey arc~.> Q IOf tho Corportio 1,# -Coramudjng me' taxOs thoreon. 'sud IrrearB asud 55a re- ta sel01 by PUELIO ýor the taxeg, t4b. URTRENTH day.et ýn. 1 Patental or It unpaeted.e patéemw.d Patented Pslented Patentd P5aczted ?atexiiod Patente* pAtnteîd Pateueji Paente& Patinled ýPasmted pu tVbtbu QJIrouickt Esitablished 1856. fh eadiog WeekIl In Ontario Couoty, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. gper annum inadvance.:-US.50 other. vise. unbsoripi n r alvays payable ai êIIO officeoofpublication. atearse. pment sud best furnlsh.d éock suderpbl tlng plant tinRestera qutarlo, capable cf executlng ail classes cf vork fom the large poster to lb. emallest budbil. SpodllMentionisu made cf lb. unsaued pieu f acMlties cf Tirs Canes- lff, with is celbrated N. Y. Cottrel *ylinde ress sud, c$ber Modern conveni- enceu.llVry oider recelves prompt, car.. TERMS 0F &DVERTISING. Fini iînsertion, per Une, 10 cents; eool uubsequent4.flsOitZcfl, 6cents. DisplaYOd Âdvertisenients are masured by àacsose of -oUd Noupareil, sud charged sooordinçly. Advertisemeflts sent without written instructions inserted nutil forbidden, and abared for-fuil lime. Orders for discontinuung advertlsements mnust be in wrting, olherwise the publish- ers will not ho responsible. A liberal discount for contrsot adverbe- monts by the yoar. Copy for changes of sontreot advortisoments should b., handod in not later than W.duesday ; and notice of any intended- changes sbould be given beforo Tuosday uoon. Other adverie- monts received up 10, Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news columns Pive cents per line weekly. Locals, 10 clu. per lino weokly. Correspondence ooioited from aIlp arts od the (Jounty or neighborig townships. Oorrespondents are requested 10 oud i Iheir communications as promptly as possible, Sup't Meohsaical Dep't. JOHN B. FA.REWELL, LL.D., B ARMSTBR, (Jounty Orovu Attorney, an onySoioitor. Office,- Soutb wlng, Court House, Whîtby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, BÂBRISTER, &o. Office formcrly ce. oupled by Fareweil& Rutledge, next o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOBRILN .MOhanoery, Convoyancer, &o. Ormpos-lu th. Ofice sonili of the Pont Offce, in Momill a.Bllock, Brock Street, Whitby. ly-1O Gr. YOUNG SMITH?, L L. B., B ARURISlTE, "c, &.-Mcuel tb Loan lusuer of arriage Licenses. Omoui-Smlth'a Block, .outb cf Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. ENDERSON & GRAIE A Propieonr (tf-5 JOHN DALL DOW, Officé-DeveU'a Block, Brook Stret Wbitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvate Fund- n amais p $o ", stai alow rate of k- teresi. (ly« LYMAN ECNGILiBOR L L. la, B AaM'I TIWSUIORI oeStreet, Oshaa. B~ . ILLDRUMff, ILB. (TORON"-O burgh)', &o. Oe0 houmi, 8 te 10 a.m, %o 4and 7to 9 pU' No.- 8, THE o, TZR8ÂE,Bs ON-ST., Y. WARRBN9, KD.., .K (MoGiILl) W. OUTHBBRT8.NUKB. (Toronto$) OYFtIO: BROKLIN. 38* . cEA w &OERTU V13TERMNART mML--TIrsTI-a RIGGS & IVORYr . ILe. .King sd Tonge Bts., Toronto. DST TEEBTH, 48 on rnbber. ffflLBBOelluloid 810. Gold, $80 Have ieutrae te& lb.1.01h urm Thu lna of ~romabmoley pilu by thene cffit=âxe Ar. 4 «JÈ. &.ý POST me ýwith Lange% U Langle6y Burke, ARCHITRCT.b Deuigus for Olburches, Villon and Cot- tages a qpecalty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Omnicu-Piretilfat over Howse's Drug More. P.O0. Box 202.,Wumr. SEBERTBROSOI Lt VERY and SALE STABLES, BROCE STREET, WHITBY. Good Rigeansd souable. 19 Gaod. Horses. Terme rea- SRMBERT BROS. Ar» plemant ta take. Conte.n their ova lUr atae &desamaie reand efrtta *aU'*Yer of woea in Obldren or Ad"i DUNN'S BAKINO TRE-COOK'S BEST FREU w q o (n q o (D CD This exc*eet piopwaaion -ba been u.cd mer. exlcnsively han vcî bi mummer, inluése of DEBLIITY, PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION -AND- PROST RAT ION, Causod by the excessive hesl, lbas yd ilseif -0lerb,\a ei iIb it tnourkisbi-gdie Ibt au enb "okn by convalescents,. or by lie.. vbo are sueung he b.above cern. FARM. FOR SA-LEè. B XG TEE 'N U AZP OF LOT 17, in ofBseoi eonsyuidng 100 ammesMore cr liesabmot Î ÎMI» ý:- ih. ebaabue»ê stablos huvlgyoung orchard sud tue. Ws"i e! wmte. A vinÇ xtieamdues e lot.li otzvnifyoaid t7a, gcoda SOAP w'i.l CHEMi8T end DRUBBIST Has just reeeived a large as- sortment of TOILE T SOA4Pa Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES, SAVONA) THE GRRJ T MBo for sBàle by W, . R.OWSE, OHEMIST AND DRUGGIBTO NEW 'GOOD8 !1 W. R. HOWSE, v OEMIBT AND DRUGGIBT, HRu on baud a Veyhlrgo ni slect stock of Cbristmas goodu, ompig LadieY' Work Boxeis, Whisk Holders, Odor O08888, MirroM iPlush, Toilet Ca'ses, donan godmpreswns P~ ndEAMùwO.'SokBf INEWS. LETTRSi, tore TmincfTonawanda N. t*ie nthei. O.P. R. agent i eemoved Mud a Mr. Sot bus eplïaad qt a hal oui j,aso U '0.hMiby oupied -ithe pualpît ber.: abs_ , maL ýïDt sud pcacb.d 'a v.r »MTýuday rnornlug, heCO. P. -P. tbIothe tut wusi wao e onis lat. w l i raçbed hhle statioâ th. bw coàtee ere drevu by Ivo poýSrful ngînea sud lb. cars vrew c eroij8.dtheIî a-nurber cf the paeen.o "gel*-ine Oi alotgo te Toronto uui% th. 10.9 train came âalong. ifti. Na y 1crand daughtoî spent a Port"ofcLt eek in Lindmay. Mime Diekeon la ebaying lu Toronto for a number of day. during lb. Ife. George BartaIt bas bein inoving hie" b'ouse, ferrnrly looated in the village, baok te hie -faim. The.anuivcrsary anueunc.d for 8audgwy sd Wedneday of lamt vcck passed -off veîy euecesefnlly. The ce os uBunday 'bylb. -Rave. W *4e a4 Wshington ver. ex- c.pdlnglygood eues sud ve bave ne "t î -t bl saIa Çgrean sy ver. picïted by hem. On Weduced " afler o! ou. of thofe exocîleut te"s ub h 4 dle. cf mmnehet e aeos *a# zoted for, btuaudience ré *aiied t4a U" uda vee *,%ir"aIuey S#m e bm lbe smrnego SUOm.n tt"- preacbed ou Buuday, and ase by ile-goe4music furimi dby th. Gre. . -b. oir. Mies Lillie Mitchell a- grl odtame elghI ycais gave a- isetationà W4 du il vTM nioell indecd. The nef' pSceà mu o & bout lbity dollars. ~r libert -Oamrnaek oofDeiroi .vIbcfâiÏs fatherlu est ek. (fr.nvood ment ils undalkauz or f visiter. te TorontoIbsvek Mis. Brou, Whbu asbecu <juil. iU for Morne lieisimpioving. 'mi"Meagge MoGir. ie elewly id- oovering from bher receuil eevero illnée. A heu sleal u ae vas réported lui oui nUage laut weckt, Mr. Boddy vas the moffrer. Laérgé quanltis0f vhoui il -beiug beughi at lb. Gricuvood mille Dov. GaTsinvood bas a replation foi geod The Misaee Gibon, danguen -eOif E!r. 3aiu es ibseon, ebt Sodus X-.' 'Y., bav kin cf-P.t., trhsel, Toronto, mi&b"î ef Mr. P. Luarbin, f *peoed, mc bur 4eahh hy f-Iiz$ownuà a im~iay. spared tb mako tb. entertainment fuperior. They- yul b. pr.par.d tb serv aIl ormnrswuth £Mfiie -.moale. The. proceedo .111 go bothe Organ Pond. Ail ibome wbo vent from Whiiby le the Central Pair at Port 'Ferry last yea spoke in tbe highest prais. of th. attss». lion reoeived at the Methodisi Dining HaL. They viii know viiee teo na ili beenof needed omorne ae ra.i .a mes Lond-,Vice- Pie n It Mis. Abo t, i.W nitwi Mis HRnù, ST oà neud, i MeBride, Re.-Sccl., Miss McArthur, oorrcpnding Secê., Mies Willoughby BA. <'ýBut tliou, ai leasi min. own ospecialv m, Once laid aide but now assumed again." BYRON. lb je with regret thet we announce the departure froým oui midel .of Mr. Braltbwai*e, wbo for bhe paut few menthebau b..n acting au pambor of lb. congregational cburch cf iisplace. Il bas flot yel heen defiil.ly deoidcd- who wilmuoced h1dm. Mauter Dan DeLnry left , est Monday for Bowrnanvill, high obool, wbcîe ho purpoes preparing for lb. -Maliclaiiou 'exarinaleon. H.carT-, rie with hirn lbe bout vishea, -Dot only cf bis yong f riends, but aime cf aIl, th. oldi People Ifa Manlm Tii.ons auin Lindsay laui veekeaU. .4 forth 'its regular c' onlipgent frorn Mfanilla. Ttiose who voe*iber. r. ,Port an, enjoyable lime, nsar.ly a en- io.yable autle.pie>-nie luaprinÈ. Tour outreependent iwouldhavé sene dovu but vas afrald Ibakif etce tho" vould b. kepi. PFlnowing thi.ezample cf hope spoqenofefre auie ' umb«ar-cf forl Teof nTuéeday laut. W.haive yeb;to Isseho, thby vil anjoy t.n onsec omaiillubéat kn IO>WDu inImon for a wcmk vsbu i rte ôe 1'The MissesWesleY sud Miss Obert cf Brantford, are vising in lowns the gu«4t of Mme.ScoIt. Mms. Jas. LauÉlo c Morris, Manitoba, = ngsdaebler cf 1Mr. ýThos. DescrUl, Iss Mocaun, formorly with O. Y. Stew-, aft l utlai eek for -Otiava, Whe», eh. bsoblaned aw good Situation. Mr. W. Es junders. aunai Wbithy u. .Mo iss Hi"Winopaled by lier noice, Miss Ada Brysu, bas relurned humonta viei te ber brother James, vie basa la:rge faim in the Winooskl Volley, Vermoat. She. wua degbed with thc sccnery c f thet beautiful mountainous country sud-reiunu from b er few week'isilW there vrymuch improved tin bealti. '0f a deairable residence suad., ouds, bousebold furnilur,,etc. Mr. Paurans bas received instructions fromtMr.,Aoi Alexander le MRliby public auction et, bis promises, noar Osbawa, a ý-vory oom- fortable two story Brik ous. con- laining nine roomis viii pýAeéeasu daois; 'Complote verandali 8-,round. - Fi,. acres bost land. ExcellenL orobard ; boat of fruit, emal sud large,- gardez and lawus. Oui buildiugt-,weodshedl, Cool bouse, carnage boueliera. stilba and heu bous.. The. boat Uoý*"valiard and i3mooceflar under lie vbol huse WaretiYu c -1eonaT.maY 91 Sepbembor 1887. Aise aïl- hb,ie housb*fu.' nittsreoud i eetswithoutzrcor.'.For nr ilculare8secposters, Taermulibeual. ai 1 p.M. sharp.; l. Faibanks AucI There -arc Mmn ougÈ>MixburcEbu ouly où nee Ë;M LongBal.em'.- Z-xz.ovemr ~ IeLks P. Blakbusu, of Ken - tnoky in dead. Tbe wonder!a Of suetDr. Smluls Germen Worm Bmeyhas inaéa lhe introductinc uea vile-litbifous. mark, la s itq=Mlnon esol4 cake, vithout wbio nou ~ ~ Use no cuber The ittendane aibcexhibition Wrdi uýesday vasoser slxly thousaird. largebleok bai, doubtIeeè >drilve ô*t ~ Ioe bytbelpeh -frié uort f -un., The uam voibby ,g«tlëm&n, ggembeiiug tisaI-, Âyoub Khais he bed an engageucin t b. viflsge wiau'ni ubepo just eboul liaI Upe,,didu ot remain for Tic '- llM ar "urdber interieéw -witb %big bearelip, torsous tho rn 'but bu hîrridly eaed bies ubpu3. -In a of s "nguWhaINe la Mia, avare of he-b.facirecoie- ba. Oqulilio befors, bub epot eisîa té Ie 4*iéT srounding villages . - Tii.exclm vas »egréai -tUst aI . eburebes vie D1 n.aUly a a esprtcd, smdino"ead cf h irprayei.beok vsmanl.»u. - iS tst, M" ever, obbing ,more vas sien oh ti sud IabelaAnd bMjrcnosemabave gene me fer , as te nontho., ,"ate lb',aiheb.onorable - gentlemanu W vOuld netiknova beu' should be mae us JRoei one, te-prove ltisaSbe dets kn*v oe,,- eu rns,, a .dI9~ ie stbsdfor ýTonto lAI uorint , ~ls n lie si eraduaIs cf bithe On 1legs,' ordors by tuai' e aticuded to. Office ai r.sd.eo Dr. Bgr',ud H.- VANZ - 1 lvym. 1 i anld sases "'I i 1~ ýVOL. Wltb alm J ;'Ir 00sy

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