Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1887, p. 7

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ATEIÉ?, PAPE ~M eral I1OUse S/U-rnished Prom c.a f and UP Wrds - sfrom thé country attended to. - by, gay l.th, 1887 NTÏ si AS El j7 REAI'y-Ouinew book t]At a andT Sky; r Mr0l5o e" bing a fuit aiid -d pf 411 that i, Woude f .I t'of the Globe, inrfuhe ~nd the Starry Ueavens, o , adventures on land aud 'Incoverj88 Of the worls gtuma1 lual ae,9, and reoeaSab. pbl 1i1 every realzi c ntu»oi he striki2g physi.a.eau.s0 b e Peeular characteiti, t t~ 4cemO otaine, brds, inae, aiidescription o!1 the an sd Itudx1a oQeIl as, tlie mosters Oan4 o! l1p. ()Çtolïâi errs t w rld egethoir NG F! NOjpN4OP 2VHB AND)Sî1h1 YTM Nî oliM,,DJj -d~ ~ wit 0 Ir & o fl '100 tAe finenga1g O. P(JBL/SHI/NG Co. -TORONTOO T ~ cfIi~aor arper, q. of Whîtby. eerîify that haviug exanitaci iused a great vaiety of Sevig 'lu"crn to the conclusion hile Machine aold by L. Pair of- the best mandepUi i a machine that 'tiltia u ler, aud-will last mueir langer achines, as care lias been lakeas ear As munch as Possibe..1- i'neormèud it to partie.s I.. Jd iSting sewing Machin,, r oe f the White,$ sanie MeOUr Ltes evr satiaction.>1 'ars use oi the white Sewing ryfannily 1 eau fully endors hifcate aud eau f uIly'eSey. Ichmnè as a faxnily Pevwing 3 lems f or r»p&ýrg th"am Vs 'ver h ad anytbînr te-dg as the cheàPest, asudinta t L.FAIRBANKS ~ole,,Ageut for this District. L T, - 'Ns ON I/'sBocI< for gour ROoî.j SLITS,' IQOM S UITS, IDROM SuITS, >KIICHEN SUlTS -Orne ail, andi see !OUrsel ves OHNSON. SG, ALSCYAPI À ra 'roma &.m. le li»A p.ru eaidea......<« ÎATE., Newspap - Ate nt, 41 *PMPe ding), Pew YrJsk1 i Smaie t- for advemgae. LTO Wâ, mnd aaa, eyle veut ~ qa1nl.a4lodgs à» Rêbe %tOtd jlu at while Mr. 0»1 10 r a&rioh. m ~ài ~1j~~oughthis vilage,l.hos iii kt a thrhing macie #00 Mi. Fegsn nt Mr. Robp. Bharad Il Io esprainibg hie foot just b.. 080 Mra aa ar lb. upstanbu a 0,npîu ed before hagenet A MeIntyte. The buggy wau or. a shafl broken, and b.hrDe5m requit.8 some repair. wawpiflg mmad wailiug and isigOf teeth among the, membere CO hurch choir on Monday , o1g. 50e-eorne h.artless wreteh <~o epreeflme, had -beon attracted' * eoburch by th. exoellent in5- ju fte choir) had fastnd lb. door t, be outojde, thue preventing the ai;ebÇ of the choir getting out, and thonl plaoed hisecif behind 1h. f..o the f l. un-or the ingiug. Tsthe b. onorous voie. Of "Pa," Bikw'beard te rcmnark that il vau .ttO go home and ini another econd be pm uDwre all ettingush.d, Md doive" 5rcigncd SuPrerne. i m v~ ~8weflwas the firet te reaoh hdoor, but tec hie surpris. h. kouDd the door would net move a peg. TbOfl Willie îurned pale, trid tm mii., mad wbîsperod 1cr on. of lhe Young ladies bouide humn, that Bomeone jjsd j00ked thein iu. Afler discussing tbe situation for orne mninUtes OesOf belady nierben e ugg.stled that Will Wbetcrshouid crawl up inte lhe lover mcd hout for heip; but theSTug. gtion wu8 îmrnedteiy over.ralcdt &na one frorn Mr. Geo. E. lomne ae- cepled, which was tOte e ffOt that tbe pastor sbould go down imb 1he celIar, crawl out of one of th. windows and tben no aroand and open the door. The pas1 r complied and in a fow momefli8 t e door was open and tbe Victimel5 vo xeaudering home- wtàrd.-Gleaner. EXAVIETON. Toeedayvas eur Ci"i0 holiday. There was a village pionia andone froin St. Audrovui Chureh, bath in Barbera grove. A yacht race vas beld anci was won by J. White. A double fenil race was won by W. White and W. Barber. The. baud wus in attend- ance .- G Laer. Wblst Mr. Jini MoNab vau attend- ing the animale in flamitton'astmables Thnrsdaày, Aug. 18, one of tbe brutes gave bimn Ivo gr three vicions kicks, Ibe first one breaking tiat.. ribe mnd knocking hioe down, and the second one breaking au atmn. He nanagcd, àovever, te get imb Hmmtiibc's boume, wvbere h. wam attended by Dr. Galle- way, under whomc care h. i. doiug mily. ffow ie it tirat Beaverton bas 6-0 iuny sochemes brougbt forva»rd and noue et theurm aopted ? There bas; been about one soheme eaoh ummer and winter for everal yeare baok, and the la--b *-- winters tire amrne mome Current Literature. The leadutg paper in tire always -velcome Magasin-e of American Hî.- tory for Soptember i tire biograpoisi sketch of 1he distiogiised revointion- ary officer, General James M. Vareum, tram thi.graceful peu of Judge-Advo- oéso As& Bird Gardiner,1SA, L.L.D. Tire haesomne portrait efthlie Gane"a forms the froctispiece to lb. number, mmd iris historie bome ne Rhode La- land, acd tir. fine portrait of iris brother, almo a man of distinction in miitary mcd politicai lite, are among the suporb illustrtions. The -second article, "Boy Omitormia W&& Secmrd," by tire renovced Hubertl Hove Ban- eroft, vil command univetsal attention; it is lar out, concis, and lnfermmg le evomy Amerioau. Thonornes "Ont R.voiutioctyThundert"b b .theon»- cent James D. Buller, of ýWsimsn, le short but admirable inlitIe ecpe. Noth- mng l in " umber, irovever vii lait more gemumo appreciation th" t h.- fourbir palper, entilled ti"Uno, Bec. sien, Abolition, as illustrmled iu tire sreera of Wsbeler, Omhouft, BunM##" 'y W. M. Diokon,of imolumpasi; il le - redable ptod"isolo êIbisafoUoetiý "The 'Uniled t " 1m.andti he ho Revoltion" an prhb MOeofati#«PWlbai Meit ; by kb-n;chmr1ei e Twkorman 'Tire 198"8'; tiroir Ouslome Lave and BRelig tile " srhir thlce y Mm. Aices D. Le Piemm),vho ira ]Patriote patsolmigmila sketch le Bet. Dr. Ltànu. Md nt-, ons vil belerbairisi viii'"RBçu-- iug Aàle 'pe . Au ý 1 1 *ilit novel methoti of The shorter papotsaréo üotpt, ancel,1"B. 09,i 1an Tresure," lcnu Documente ounaià of Rente puremd byoçiqel Oamzpbal iu 1779, ftoin8e Georgîsa,"an»amd$ls O.Joues, jr.,, an var"job OWr,..S aud odualm n- tente fottir Chiidr7-7g/ebt The., «Beresarîli, P enhof the day,"I whehi.jusatatcins vide atten- tion. De. Tafl sugdani14Y. Hony Ward -B*ochers were duecumeeti in fere niumbers, virile Dr. Phnipa" Brooks ta lire subject of lb. ourrent critieiam. The artie i mucir longer than tire former cnes, but is marked by lb. smre fairneus and discrimination, mnd rare power of analymis uas hraol.rlzed tire prenions cnes. It viii b. read vihin l- teeme interest by Dr. Brook'. friende andi by tire public. Dr. Baton, of Louisville, Ky., bas mn able mnd men- 'sible article on the Labor Problein. Prof, Winchell on recent ucientifie dis- coveries cf speciai interost b colergy- men. White Dr. Stackenberg, cf Berlin, mot only fille vell iisnuil ide- parîmnont, "Outrent Religions Thougbt cf Ocetinenlal Europe," but in thre review section furnisires a very instruc- tive article on the " University of Berlin." Qlber ehor rt iolefvitir a good array of interesling1 sermons, "H13omileticu," "Pastoral Theelogy,' ",Study Table," mcd a vasl amoant of editorial and miscellaneous malter combine to make a number of bigh merît, notvithsts.nding lire tropical beat cf summer. Pnblished by Fuck & Wagnalls;, 18 and 20 Astor Place, New York. #8.00 per yer; 80 cents a single cumber. How Indians Poison their Ar- rows. I explained W ui viral I wimired te kuov, mmd, vitrent tir. aligirteat hbota. latioc, ire sud te tire vccermble mrow maker :1 "Tcll my brother aIl about tir, poison- ed atrows." ",Weil," aidth ie old man, 1"first vo take à bloated yellov ralîlemcake ic Augusi, Whou hiri.Mont poisoeous,acd lie him with a fork stick la a stake; thon vo tos.e bim until hirinjea great rage. Thie is done by pmsiug a svitoh over iris body [rom iis iad te iris tail. Whoeu hae liramrea tire ground vith ie r body mnd iris ey.s grow _btighl mcd spamkle like diamonds we kil a deer, antelope cr moine otirer mmlianimal, mnd teming eut the liver, threv ilte the sake, virile il i. varmmnd tire blood is stil .cuteingIb rougir it. Tire reptile yl tike it &ain and again, and pretly soon il viii tume black. Wirecire tires thre seake is ttosed again, and h. iu induced le eink iris fange anto tir. SofAfir suntil m&Utire poisonirasl beem extracteed from hui, and tire liver in r.ekîng vilh it. Re te' thon kiilcd and the liver lilttd with a sharp pole, for no daugemous in it ne one dateste touc i i. Tire liver mu; let lie for about an heur, viren i ill iib.jet black and omit a meut amehi. Arroyo are thon brougirt mnd their item beada pnshed into tire liver up te tire siaft. Thsy are left stioking tire for about an iorn and a balf, vire. tioy arp vlirhdravn and dmied in thi.e ue. A trie, glisten- ing ysllow .cum adirerea te lire arrow and if il sranch as touchees rw flesh it in certain te poison ilt todeatir." I aaked if Ledians smliiused poisoned areva. 'Ne," ho replied, -no man, Indien or vitie man, fer years put bias beau shot vitb Ibese armews, and îbey are ne longer m ade." A Very Matter-of-fact suitor.1 Jonathran Puist, of Norvicir, Com., is a faut man, a sbarp man, a mmc cf business tact. And viron Pilla go.. mbt a store te trade ire alva1ya goethie loweest cash price ; se iresays: "Well, Il look about and if 1 doe't fi anythimg tIsuite me botter lil lake t.is." Pilla, like ail fast mec, is partial le lire [a#rer, and quite iately birewsad t irimseif : "I arn gelticg ratirer along in ycars, and gnoe L'VU gel rnaried." Btisbusiness quailies woui't vait; se off ire Iraveis, mnd cmllimg upen a lady friend opece th ie .converationby remarkieg tiraI ie would 1k. te kcev viral si.he ougirt .about bis gettiug "tOh, Mr. Pille, ths aluan mfair in wbiih I aranmot ao - ery greatly inter- eated, sud I prefer ho»" bavei vlbyour- sef." « " 4Btt" Ys Pille, "yen are iclerealeti and, my dear girl, will yen nMrr me?" Tire yomng lady blushet very,,t ed, ireuilted, md finaly. me Pila vai very veou le (Io in1h.evori, andti OWa179 fiencialy, and-" peliially of gooti stading -lun Oeey, eh. eplçd hlm; virer<jth*b mttor.of-fmct Pilla r.- 6"Wel I l ook mioût, sud if 1 dol yu amyboU ^80t ete ebte~ onGo Babies m%00 oGoal hati a gelngo-e, .TbyMr ouliiil of ïïtht i as reoloed t b ad 4bI.é~ 1h.eidee là Wiok and tIkei ipohare ith um.Th*e ectuplea of te tomier mmnd the. fficge w ew Ibm. reinrov.d. The parly relurxwd tbBugby bad arie tire. et midmigirt. Neit mornng -tire vomon aàppear t. -have been aganbMo'ghti before theMagie. trates, and tire ptoblom whbat-lo doWth lire babies vas atlacked aDow* The gipsies er. uked t. allov tb. ohild*en te b. ment 10 lire wotkhouse, but they refumed te give tiroir sanction. Finall y thre mothers vote liberiale4 on tiroir own bail, and tirey and their babies are mtli hiejymenl ef liberty. -lagow A Narrow Escape. An ancient looking darksy, Who irat been told that thb. prie. of -admission le, tire race-ground vas ociy tee cents, appemred tire yesterday in cempmuyý vilir bis young wife, vWhe vas evîdently hie Second. Wiren informed tiraI il would takm a 82 bill to admit they fell back arostire road mnd looked st emoir cIrer for a long minute bofore ho mid: "lDat setles us." ",W. migirt papjiol once," sho plead. ed. Il's ompossibie. Dat's ont meut for for irait a mentir." "But il's gwinc te b. mvful excitin', Mdoges." "lMebby so, bt v e sian't uee de in- aide of dat air feno.." "1Won'l yen please go in b pieu. me ?" gh. sid as ah. patted him on tire back. "ILucinda, look yere t" bire mpied, as irefaoed ber. "In the firet place I aint gaI but six bits. Iu tire ceit place msbbe we'd gel killsd. Iu tire tirird place boss racin' ainl ce account dose days anyhow, sud de fo'tir place it's miRhty vicked, an' de Lavd migirl siret us ont e' Héeaben." "But you vers gwin-iu for ten oent.." "Wall, rnebbe 1 vaï,, but do you knov what I vas gym ta do, Lucinda? I vas gym te kcep eue eye abet and epeat de LavcVs pray'r ail de limne 1 We'll haàve some lernade au' peanuts au' go back hum." Do ualt tke pilla or povders containing calomel, for at thia lime of the year, the euit may he serions. If you require a dose of physie take Dr. (Jaron'm Stomach and Constipation Bilets ; il acts qenly on the bovels, purifies th. blood, umprovea 1h. circulation, stimulatea lb. liver and kidusys, and peediiy cures bilouamesa, headache, dyspepsiia, indigestion. Search lh. drug stores frein one eud of Canada to the Chrer, aud you cannot find a remcdy equalto il. Try tl and use il in your lamilicu . Sold everybere in large botlles et 60 cents. Ceumumplion can be onr.d by proper, healîbfll oeroise, and tue judiolous use oi Scott'a Emnision of Ced Liver Oil and Hyrophosphitis, wirich containu the hoal- ing and atrenglh.giving virtues of lires. Ivo vaînable specifica n their tuallet orm. Dr. D. D. Mcl)onald, Pelitoodia., N. B., aya:- 'II have beeu prescribing Soot'a Emulson vith good resulta. It iespecily usetul in persona. with congmptive lendencleaY" Put upin 60c and81 mai.. Mr. Gladstone vill addros tire National Liberai Federalion League aI Nottinghram in Octobeur. ',Ielst ilMy duty le My,"l wileeohnir Borton, of Deseri, P.Q.., "that Bpirdock Blood Billets cared my vUe et fliver cern- plaint, froni whicb he i ebeau ma choice uferer. lier distressimg, painfu toms soon gave W&-a mc Iommaiu recomuiend theo medicame ta aU suflering as the did." Il is reported on th. Londen Stock Exchange thât a mev Rusaien lban of £6,- 000,000 hia beeu noUtdid n Paris. Qluits orrcT. III ha-ve usodl Dr. Powler's Extract of Wild Stravberry, mnd fouadil tirhe boat remedy I ci-er uaed fom dysebry end a&U summer complainte among obilien, mmd I lhmnk no houuehold sheuld - be vit t i.» Mrs. A. Barker, Ingoldady, Ont. The SocialistsetfBerlin bave- boom for- bidden te celebralee db. docf For&dlm Lessalo on pain of fine andipzamnl Mr. John R. Wright »rproemtlngMesar Evans, Sens & Mason. vliolesal. druggt.s,, Montreai, siayam-Naal Baim curea rme of a long stanaing case ef Catari. af lot maiy otirer romedios failing.- Tire pope birseoiv.d toaepoint tempesta commission la conuider.tire zte tstwadeby Mgr. Pericoo f biisssOion em "Fo lbe.noutb* I1. bO u4ta &*aU" moülor do aday'ework.1bougitaàbotte of BDEdOCk Blood Blosbeqan, ubig it and in lhreedaya. nymppetite zelurneti la a veoblll lie -a nov mn., XIvawu vondorful hal Ibal euebotlie dMior me1" wrilesArtb.ur e fofet Hu*4wr1Q*,Mûs-. koka, viro sute»OdM Dydpbpd&a Au Qo, brekof tnlchmnouia la mn GOODNTWEED SUIT A Good4 uitn ôdèto ',rduo$2. Âag tock of Scotchl, iliBh ,,sud :(Jaadiau Tweed&lc ogê A Specwa line of HEAVY; TWEEDS 'from '50 4o 75 cents per 3,M4, suitable for Buinessa Suits or Boys' 9~1 AFIJLL STOÇK 0F GROCERIES ALW&YS ON HAND.- Hlighest market price peid for Butter andEgs BBOOKLIN, ONT. FURNITURE -AT- PRICES WHICH WILL, A$TONISH YOUs OALL ON WM. HAIJLT, BBOOKLIN. ro Funorals Fully Supplied." -ý illWhiiby Woollcn Milis, Mfidway between BrookZinlt and ColuLmbus, on the 7t1& Concession. We are now prepared to make ail kinds of Wooileu Goode, suoh as Tweeds,- Fuil Oloth, Uniion Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtinigs, AIl-wool, bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Yarns ini ail variéties and ail, ki.uds of! Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing imal oolors done to order. Highest price paid for any quantity of Woàl. Ail orders promptly filled. W':'D. BO WEIMA N d 80N, ARCADE, TORONTO$ A Bohool Thoouglly Equipped. forBuanjwMepTaii BOOK-KEEPINGe EMNBP BU SHORTI Sena BUSINESS CORReSPONDNGI Iam AN»D lÈPEWBITING PR&ÇTIJÂLY TAUGUT.ë FI NESTI ,ROOMS,,i1N 0OANADA. for -Circuar. Ades. ( L1 1~ I p.'-' owed to continue Wumovs formwhle flean edmd ulcerate, becoingetyî 6SWAY-NE'S OINTMENT Stops ime tbnz andbeln, 4>heasla niceraion, and in~ p~~.man u re rmovs 0,1 A Great Cause of Boroan Miéy IS TEM S<OSS Q MNIHOOD A LzcTuPn mN i"»U, MTRIHNT and radical ou"~ of Somiai Weakneus, or Spratrboa,tndnced by .-bueI- voutr missionu, ImpoleIpcy, Nervous D bility;uad'Impedîmentis t10Marriago erl Consumptiont i - cIpsy aàd ëiientle mete an PysicaI ThIn aotyI . m -by1ROBENT J. ULVEWLIMD ew ridrnowned author, ini Ibis ad- mfrable Leclare ol.arly provis friom iis own expein.-=e Uî t4e a~cneune of, Soli-Abus", may be. ctotaUl y r.mbove without. dangerons ricl*9lOIs bougis, l ilruenl01 rings or cerdiahs; ,boilget amoets, r ioneo.ti mm ffeouàby 'wich every gafemer, n- malter what bis&osidii. này qb., ýma cmzebimfelf s.ply, privately "d riadical- 'ly. m-This Lecture witom e 0 boom te thousanàa and *houaaud sent amd é uai in aain<. vnlopo, t10 any'addreson eeitt-f u tor ýtWe postage stampi. Addreu The.CUL VER WELL MEUt Ox)iLOc,., 41lAnnS t.,Neow I&k. oafce Box 4 M.4 DR. DORENWE#EYS Jau~a R.DagBaq. AoosuU*t, 1'-ando .rnw'u. * -Tire eote Tir tria ,TieY, [ IRO., 0.

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