Purity- OU(A RANITrED I hlello bore, Paris Green, Insect Powder, 1SIug - Shot. IL d8RIS T/NE. Owinig to great demand we have been compelled to order a fresh stook whioh has just arrived. G. E. GIRBARD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ON!.? St o. PER ANNUM. Wldtby, F'rldy, Amgust 26e 1887. Ooxseravcv, tlieu at a jevol, but a jewel et sncb rarily t"a thon art sel. dem fouad la lb.e ditor nalsîetoo »of et' ur co-tema. Ocr ostemed o-tem the Wbitby Gazett, lils elait veà 's Isschargsu s vUith asking the Concil $75 or $100 for pitlng th. ly.laws sud yet iu 1h.esame article il quoi.. troua the Port Perry Obsmere a Muvre repwiznd on us for living offeted tepriai %bu by.lmvaýs a t fPrice "et eeab pals" «ais lià ed. O"e bretiren, b. eousistent evea if yon have tô b. IrttbtuL. Tm If ywîle inquest vas reop.ned ou Flrlday leansd att., lklng le evOducofeet b.diver oethI. est.dboud train.a&".Of a V0048gmmaWvos ivox0 lb. l Oodo 1014 hl, tht h. (1h. Coeductor) wvasomlesp sud eould mot tuerefree aoomul tfor Ils aceidentl, the evidence vasloftila tue baudseofthle Jury viere il y.t remas, sbey haviag %PleeD ot $0 gr..Aft leln bound ever to appear aItil.eassisesou lie 121h SepI. lie jury wve odised. Its ont caadid opinion, il veuld have boeu just ai veil to have dismiss.d 1th. cse sud the jury aI eue sud lie samf PoT urý[ioitaMd Biugisare about tg ulse .the depoulté oM naturaegal bir lly fo fel 1sud lighý t.I JaroM4sud absmfl% hy nobtwblhby. Thffl tePu«" Witou ho havi 'givea lmeisquestion considable study and 11,fr um * ' osopino "Uosma b. la fayûot h. liery Ihatasura 98 ausnbe gotfOprthe laorîng rigli, ln his ae.ghborhood. 1110k.. raoney 10 buy lai aud I tlabos money le bore for ges.We are notgolngto boy lad but. vs vouldn' mmnd luniag th. orank of a- borlug miobin. for a few minutes if Bornaone *li heIp us cl 1h. pinions. A f.w dollars voold enable a thorouglitt ste b. mado and sslth. question et ever 10 test. If tIers là a super-abuadance of ga ilying &round Ioile under titlowa xl may siplode some day ifsa proper-veul be nol suppli. ad thon where vould eut dollarsb.- Oome gentleman clip lnand help to, settlo 1hà question. Tans by-lav question lias beau dis. ussed et usarly av.ry fire.ldo, and at overy street oomr.r ithin the lovnand wa presuame .very poréon *utitled t0 et.e bas made up lie mimd a 10 hal e wlll do on. Saturdéy. W., do nos îiend, ai tus lai. hour, addizig any. hing* to vIal v. hava already advano. d on Ibis question, but would à lply ' emmd the tew,who hi,. the franchise1 ýt 10 forgest1h. interests et the many rho are nos Bo fortunate. APars from prise th. question is rnewey a malter, c sccurity iIloviding 1h. sme provE tailures. The riek May ba considered great, when viewed in oaa vey, bul vhen considered on a&H aides do.. ne appear greator than lIaI which every buinessm mn assumes *ho relies ex the public for patronage sud support. Thst thc towa needes otuething le braci il up, and "ht manfactisareo an moins te Ibat evil ail ssem vilng tk sdmit, but ho, 10 figure the faatter down uc> as te deoide just ho, fat il in esf. to ge iu th. vayof assistance, no. on. appearu te kaov. «"Nthing van. tuted nothing won" js a ttuism thai applies Ie corporations as volt as te inditiduats iLmd ne doubt a majority of th. ratepayers ae inolin.d te folio, it. N<o amaunt of argument vil treoe th. ,if" from th. question. Il is s rnuue pure Md simple sud van .riling te hiea utre etofit. b il re nut The Whitby club infliited a-,'Water. tee detoat" upon the Pickering club, opon lIeit evu grounds, lait menUsay. Tiers vas a large attendane, il baing the Vilhbg.'s civio holiday. Noue of thé home eam gel doublehffusex.- eept Eddy, sud the bowling et Gold, Greeaood sud Campbell wuvasvry effective, (iold getling il viokets for 89 rans, Campbell 5 lot 26, sud Green, vood 8 fkS 4. Whuîby vas viotoreu SboeIiine d s anse10 pire. 8- I 't I p. Icres:- Finsti alag Osmeoa, b Gold 0 Eddy,o0 b Cazupbell6 Hortop, b Goid 4 O'L"ory 0 b" 4 4 G»ego b " 4 Audisyso b"48 8 Gowmly. b du Broad b OauxbeU 1 Oorm Gol d W. W 46 ",O F. %iormley. n6't ouIS 42 Broad bowled à a utadesumd a vide Rous 0 Gregg b Eddy GreeuuoodoeLremg b Omoon Palhamo0G Um Second maing8.. b Qrowood b Goidj bOCampbell m bGold I b Gold 5 xittas O Ir tier s i. ot a rebelon iu th. Northi Lawlezr b OsMsMM 14 Weut befote 1h. year closée. il yul >.Blow b Eddy -6 BYUflo GoZlUlybBddy2 through Borne of 1 he parties la that F. (ioujd ot out 1 regionwho me.doiug considerable ~te blustricg juil now. t&king back va ter vlth remarkab. auddeass. The Mâni. A ten from UIsvern appeard on gobas-<loveraiment la dotormid to the gtouad ready te play, but -au tliy build alisie of railway froua Winuap.g 14d lot aOtify Piekerlag mmillaut to tb. bomad«ansd th. O.'P. B. reîyi gBaturdaî, too lât. 10w osucuiaton, the on~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a il oescnrrdb l ultWhltby club h"led hprefer.no. living from the Dominion Go.nt imj»m-ut ca.pted 1h. provions -Wedmwday. as determnaiad htno Mcli ln.eLl be bu"li.With auVi.v 10 brlngig aebJ auatters to a.peedy issu.à Manager Vin Blorne liasbagu b osroluo. Oat yslkorp140w pou Port Paury spurhUne bénm O. Ã";P.i. lai vil! lust prdarfv maytn.Ugte have, a iuteroepî lis 1h4 River Toiley roadon bard tle 1 to la ntliitrepustlon ,te vay 1to, be-bomdar en W ho»h.on 1dm diasaond aaaitiierah latter Arrîvet saithé «point of juimtoc of the aorh. -Laing, 1. lglae -the omrtai wl*M . v ,lIeUM Uwl.,pliobrof lie hoin. tMain a ual dely ad , wM hltretetoî aiii!. $0o toPort and ii wu itucOwnsiaur- oraWb" ule Naforeboding ovarv atg at.a eh*,'i be We cua t1ye:po..-t he. tba 1ei. boys dI-.duto ta aI, ______ éfoee the awo ining lad bea ossd, hov..w lb l.ra..î., T" hM oeieub ii «W te *,O q1uhi bee paiOnlà lfrppar.. mabyat. bol"t Issue srio e d : i - t.'bu in u the 20 i 16 8 le 6swaIt ud by 1uhamal, 'Tefea Pry boys difff.rd onlyà uera4o Pëbrrl 1 bi l, bll Theii r oi, vu.s avenvor. if Possbl"0 a"We *byks. Tà i.Wltby bslaj aap bell md a. 8mev, d1 good vorki,ý& lnag oi 8&ad eutting off several otli.s a'u aang bu ase nsd th. outaiedlu .q J. Brysu, as veiMasthb.play Of. Haicl a i iirt vws wortbof the tearn's lest record, but the- ramaiader Plsyed in "arybad forni., Puluin, irying 10 siMulai. thé Play of cmorn f th.e thars stood ou bis lieadand -made *va eo to atoiafà iy ball wlhh bis fe..H. failed sund Port Perry scored a anu. The pitolier of th. Port Peryteamgavo, out At 1h. and of iii. 711 lnaugs sund' a .)ommuereia traveler teckis plage but. th. l.aither buutlng veW nto just lb, "Mi' and 1h. boys sdded 12 rusanslI the lait Ivo inninga. The catcher did good Vork but lie oould flot Win the gmJohuny Browna uupired fm bis Msu s, iImpartial aud deelifive manD er sud gave euîfre satIsfaction. Bav t he, mindsef a te, olirenio kioear. Tiihoe Mattb. close ef lb. ga stocdI 8010o14 in fayot of Whitby. WjisBY 0. sue, W-. OCrpbel Y. Bryau A.. Deverelj Toa ...... Mura B Oa f Educatioi. & scpeýoil meseing e' lb. Board et duionvas beld on Friday eveuing lait, t0 ail the vaoancy in the staff cf the model sohool oaused by the retir. ment Of missRoers, and Also t eon. gage a teacher 10as&Mt 1h. prIncipal Mr* Broya, during -thé mode! iorm. Mlembets present, Mr. Povol oehmmau sud Mosan. Barolay, Dow, F«Mgso, FOX, MOIellen, Oruaiton, Pott, But- ledge aid Smith. Mr. DOW prosenlod the follo wiug report et thoeOouamitt.eon sohool PORT PniRy; W. Shaw W. Dm ou. A. MODouÃŽMe» T. 0 Tot-ai ....... mathnardfent aino j«Tmo To h b.do d4too h ou ThWOmmtbgn eh. methe g ommitt.&o ocl aae meutb.g te21reporitoswr fl in rOtht 21 8ppthatinsver. recai,. for a rsep o ete iaerths.et floe anoo astaunt 10h Prinpl e th Mdu sohool duing 1th.esuin 'lerua 7su iang ezasi e hma apliations you& .r commile repoad 1 thatr Vostion aa s lry et $180 for lie terin. 2nd, tbal 12 applications»»er recev. e4 for th , poston remmty ec uped by " asRo e rsin la l. od .l oeo vhioh havea aIs been examlm. by 7eu" co0miti..mil it eoomm.nd. eds4 tu i m sJani, Bhirrabe plut par aÙcemui" t ss1 te .sedla Preseib.d by île Board, lier dalles te commum c uhé 29th imcl. ou motion Oet .-Dov eooaddby Bir. Smith lhe report vas adopted. 0 O mointhe Boawd adjomtnad. Thi.etesive meut et aba.p liel i m o l d b y M .e r v d m se vei ku o 611te a v visit le tm htroug EHoOa. -Mr. DrydmuPZOUe,,*<>. Dau dn expert in the rnuag.uIat Mda M ef eteek. The whole lot urwved i od' 4P mnd testiliel te lhe good cmrs ven bm duing th. voyage. They are a val"ae lot au wMbe un hm the fow c,. Ing m ite lbeadng pier ubuiie S3hrojuhurs Englsud. .0Oua e 7*1t. at, largo m prtaîst eîe 1 1b e"us Slip raMma eue sr hip ad at Liv MIpar lhe Oxanolm, erK John. MP. P., Canada, vho peu. so2ýnlly octee vole oetheh. sh.p unie b.pioteasonsl mdvlc et Meurs. Lytbal, ManuelkCe., t e hi vas au- trusew the shlppip eorth1e iame. -,Tii. ee-velti m Suéslect lOt-iuelud. edno of 3 a ret u*no"i sud thotam Sý»iorlsuMd WeitMl 4< Showl ilWrexlmam.'eOOrPnsylng thes se lKw.Peter Ball'1%Pmu of mateblme wb," Ibl.iVeoffrithelistenant c,;iýea..ai 11.8liwpi ansd West idIsud Show;isebalf, Ward's Ieauttja Pms~ he aloi. ev n ver e ai w Iuerlr olu ié vrer th r. !iz se 1h an tel ta .2-- / SPECIAL DUJRING BÂRUAINS THIS Printed Mus1ins only 7ets. per yard. Pur yarai victoria Lawns and Allover Embroideries, special value, oîu aa Lsi Glve t !pve&Àpu M(nl Bla-ck Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at -low prices, iiiai~ ati Meveieux#UnV, 7 pjr A choice range of colors just received at $1 per yard. -B l a k S a i n M r v ei e u x . o n l v 7 .5 p - 1 -'a. Piirnts, Giughams, Pangeand ZwephyPric ÇTA ÉYE G-LA I Of snogh t11m- carE hSefglisses.E . s. :BA ~ & BROOK BT., 1.0 Cloth8~y -th ieu 10W 18 TtME TO SECURaE 8a;flG4i1 IN ALL KINDS 0F DRY GOODS, IC)s Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-MenIURSCOMN B1?.8um auytm-Ggeuanarott o use Fùid t tnthcd~ ~ i-Jr ROODEfL's "a wk ~ LARDINE Guaane KÂno HIo um nd ülOILS.a Guaanted ot o gMachndwill rftwe aow ry ur - MacrOi. han fs.n qu (flCp Try orClne i.I a oeul Applyto IWX RiBRYAIror :ià =,BO1N- Royl Mll teamers. lf&Ywhr:OU PainLIVERP0O04 ùm PMÈYIXLQNDONQERRY; "P.a r KI LER"GLAS5GOW. 20E0tA4,U OtieWAN. qsummer Arnent DATESOp Bo!W. &Uu oîtner ÂOcoRDniG o urc For sale i1n ow sel9ngummerL 8SUMMEIR --LAUGHITE11 customa we are ânes at PRICES ~ds trto SLaUTEB ol Pairisisu.Pt.8. Sarmalian . Tiurda,Set if FOR_ SALE. la AldbiTb~ LOCAL L'W UNAT 18 901118 ON IN AlU "A tideis amang ye, t A'f aith he'll pcent Tatown sdhoolâ rte WoNEzD--Foit teday by'sOivi< boliday, fi"s vjith the thermomeler -1 imuaediate aeighborhoe Leox .ont for the, Povetty ih ont sure-prol window faiunge. WHITBy base baU-clu match *iti'the GComma 10h. played ontie-hol nedistant 'date. Ma. Bmm .Es liiisek îhep.-futures leo Mi.D« ern wolas temoved ý.that village. Mw. Bars ON Monday -the 22nd wu as lin ly- Whutly ToDY (Fuiday) i. o sdne doubt many o wiUdrive 10Oshsvam MR."D&m >Wu.so 'I pays us bitter 1 o ibis Ibm ca itenoer1 etuner in-,dis sos Drives' Dries u hilie'stan dg bots1 .(No bett~er weaig F 1, Pongees and Zephyr 1 Cricket. os. , y st«X ifète& -11 -.LiL -- Dui- MONTRO uce- yarae 1; 26.0 WK "BONS*$