Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1887, p. 1

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/< INQ With alm Printed words, gseaî thoughte, and uàting fudumty, ii ItONICLÉ. aAvgrgu, '~uowaoag., umrotherhood. Cost. VOL. XXXI. 319 I1eductions8 rry over Sula.. offering Big. hu-Iies. 1 . pieces Of Yod s, 11bt Prînts, &. f the originlal 5s Of -cost. Embroiderjes, T Menls'weair, &c., a big asme ive ,ucan wlat ainlgcleaing dcss~ of eost. make room for~ &Co. .611s/IICssS.sgcuc. ((caiers in Fancy lias t/ î day 6cen the lf14 lcsaid M'lc la/c firm -.ol tc lic;cof o//Wr- s! lhie saia'firm icsz'Richard COR-4A GK. insWanted. # Im U 8Hld . , S O I 03 , o cr contracted anud tif jointe 'ITRET) O\Do~ anduiot UeLndon, ttwy are ispunliu. 'resh Egs ~J. GIB.SON'S nld in~ thoir TOiRE. to bebý]ýà d, is for 1 euidigF DtijonS for Eostbuhed 1856. fil Leajilog IeekiyIn Ontarlo County1 SUBSORIPTION BATES. "1pr anný nunadvance-S1. *50 other. àeok ofp lication. .Subeori 2 t o n r always Payable at WHITBY, ONTARIO: RIGGS & IVORY, . .Car. Ring and Yonge Stes., Toronto. B S TBH $8 on ruisher. 8ellod 10. Gold, $30. IE[av extmted t el> th from Thousands of persons absolutely painlese by theuse of Vlitalizedh. 46 etuam elnipinent and boul fnrnial>ed J.- Boa- and job printing plant in BEatern ate wlth LneLnly&Bre gutario, capable of axeouting al classes cf Ln~yLu1y&Br vert froznbe large poster to the sunalesl AR CHI TE CT. hssdbill. Special mention isimade of the ,#awpused preas facilities of TaxzCimoN- loi withits ie elebrated N. Y. Gottrell Deisigna for (Jhurches, Villas and Cot- lyllder press and other modern convenu- tages a specialty. Drawlngs prepared for @Ioe. Every order receives prompt, cars- remcxleling existing structures. ts] attention. OIFICI-Firtrs iat over Rlowne's Drug 'IRvcuq OF AtTIio.rTywr(zn Store. IrJ YAJA ÂL AJ.T'.i. fjret insertion, per lin., 10 cents ; each gubsequent insertilon, 5 cents. DiaPlAYed Advertisements are uneasured by & scale of Bolid Nonpareil, and charged wcardmngly. À&Vertisements sent without written Intructions inserted until forbidden, and oharged for ful time. Ordere for dit3continuingz advertisements muet be ini writing, otherwise thse publisi- sro will not b. responBible. À liberal discount for oontract advertise- mente by thse year. Cop y for changes of gontract advertisements should be handed i not later than Wednesday ; a.nd -notine of anyintended chang e sould be given Weore Tuesday noon. Other advertise- Monts received up to Thursday noon. Business notices ini local or news columne Pive cents per lin. weekly. ýLuvals, 10 cia. pur lineweekly, Correspondence solicited from ail parts fthe (Jounty or neighboring townships. orrespondenr.e are requested te send in tlseir communications as prompily as posible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON, Proprietors* Sap't Mechmnical Dep't. ££i~gale P. O. Box 202, Wxx-r SEBERT BROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Good Riga and Good Ilorss. Teruns res. sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. fl WO~ ~W~t>ZRS. Ar, n, t uc "nt&ntheir own Pur5,tac. 's: -!.* tacei, luti eleetmaj dgtFoyeu. ! o rm in ChuIdrn or Adst JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., D.N ARRISBROounty Crown Âttorney, BEId OounyI Solicitor Office,- South JAXI 'S RUTLEDGE, n A9; A.RITE,&o. Office formerly oc- *W W W#D *q C ie byFareell& Rutledgze, feut Tt,~ib.HE COOK'8 BEST FRIEND DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., ATNY-TLASOIOR IN R].LBPateat OFFicEt-ID the Office sonti> of the Pont Office, ii MnMillan'a Bo r1n e t ____ G. YOUJNG SMITH, L L. B., B A.RRISTER, &o, &c-Monoy toan Orris-Smitis Blcckj, souili cf Markol, Broc& St., Wltby. 1Jèas 22,1878. JORN BALL DOW, IJARRISTRER-AT-LAWSOLICITOR '..in 0hancery, Oouveyancer, &c. Office-DeveriU'a Block. Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvate Puna- ta su.ms up te $M00, ai a Iow rate of Liii. terest. (1y492 LYMIAN ENiGLISU, L L. B,, B ARSBRA LW OLICITOR I Unvriy)L.R.O.P. and L.M.(Bdin. busgh), &o. Office hours, 8 te 10 &,m., 2' lo 1 and 7 to 9p.xn. ~ 8, THB "TBBSÂOH,» BTEN-8T., 1.WARREN, M.D., .M.1, (MloGiLi) *W. CUTHBERTSON, I. B. (Toriuo, OFICE: BROOKLIN. lc..CRÂWN'OITH, lege, Toreato., OfIce at reidance "à Q 1 * VANZKNT, a"met. Ontario' o fu" couy6 'usai the late Dr. ~O~ 1ib, foire ta usd1 t-' c (J) o (D CD A little Plaid Beef spread belwaan bread and butter maies the meut dali- meuns sud ocuvenieut SAN DWI CHES,1 -FOR- Picnic8, Fi8hing j Tbey are ail lb. age ibisBesso. TRY THIEM AND PLBASE 'ALL YOU1I GUBTS. ors uon-prôfsssomsl examlmalona sudfor mtriion Il" haulo n lu aldepoat* montu. specii atention gon ta s oem merolal ourseI% bokam banosph Cliso" fer fruîww b. Iormed if t a ,nn~tumw oi tue. pissent thomuelvpulml sar- e ~reggr' mua. mat rvug Th.echal hua iffo W SOAPI CHEMiST an'd DRUGOlST fias just received a large as- sortment of FA~q c~ TOILE T 3SOAPO Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GREA~T I I H L An Ca / Also for sale by W. R.HOWSE, ORE ulft A»NDUUGGi8T, VEW GOOD8 lti W,. R. HO WSE, CEMIST AND DBUGGIST. am ou baud a vM y 1aue and select stock cf Obretnia. good% ompnlslng adie8' Work Boxeis, Whisk loIdéris, Odor CaBe8, rirrol'8 in PIu8h, Toi/ct Ca8se8, Large Vase8, adam auucntmeit of otherarU"asmuitable for prmeut. %U and Erimin. Our StOCkr efera PureAaa"ng ELa.wr. VDAX, AUUTU1I26, 1887. LOCi Tme il Brookil have, h. si "V BoUter 1 Thuridaý ibis WEï as bothe equal soi ow m i ., sua b. '0 go viait 'I service id Borne oai meu don' propriety ing eues1 and mort affair. à modesty,- believe tu of frivolas snredy oui enougliof, sud love ly decaroi meetig. ý allawed t siachnu% lave, l>y' possiletôi Dot being- Parents? of te &, cf ta 1par Wiehsi the luefu tralnfing bw. a igvlng Our obildian sas i o mas etlium modest, respect. fui, thougitifler uthal and kind. If itil-i aighî sud tb. pauent wbose ââ; r » iabove in te o, euvied »4 ar&s. .If le- ànet, thon oui tralingMuMbewrong. Cmsu sujae ana*er lth. queston, boy cau va train Oui abflien se auti mat*, tbem wvit tbeyoghh to be 1 Tisai not. MutY theerle. bave been$vancd. Bevere te- slnaint ont do Il, neiaher vili unlimit. ed ibert>' prduca lie dasred reanît. Wil amimddle ecurse -de ? I "blk il prefarmbl.and smcre likely #0Se . uocosa. fuI.1 wOnder if eaehbpurent hiks ef the inigity 'importance of properly lmlnighuschuldim mseften mse ho ought te. The warld in 611 et des. truetive*siurrnensd démoralig taudancles. re V. e t fcrnauifv megleot t. atmou citildun for the upe sud dowvusof 1f.? W. tri' ite Instil th. B tostnas4hilglato tbeir*mnads but do *w. UUco.d p Do -paratu-stm htaoeamd a atitsd. s abbim l so te pisse lb. question ofPesoamsoto of Bib.eac9sblnges ltt.- tb ma chldren o'oeppb -lls iIhydoe11 bn litai. ame Iîstir rasuts posoubl; if hey Ï1ontw n!it lmpsel.ýq tbmtedo goal*&"s? 1 aà -net finaing f"ulla vitt any.body. -Itbave beau th1nkms on tbis: quotion off and- on fàr t*O veeo. TD. Bey. Mr.Pbflpadeit of Ill a acfhM ad in l uu, nm ,NEWS .oETr1'. There lo to b. found at the Beac N r.WS LLI1L.l~>. ~L Conrney ah returned from eveéry forme-b device that eul M'a VSopondenoe. vitlfng fMndeanmd relatives in Britain. wBy contribute ta the auseinul e --Fourteen irnported boises from 1h. 'iSito 110h s roluer coaisteis, owltth BBOEJINoldsod" arived at the Graharn Brs. baoko, merrygo-rouuds, hoting.- wy mOuthorities bave mud. stable onu Satziray s(f, one wus loft at galierie., bowling and billiard parlors rpairs in onnetiou wih Montreal ta awaiî feovery from illmus. and toboggan Udes. The. latteis a gon. Ila walla sud <Uugjjj Olaremout Joges Ibis week thre. of coul vne odelled aller the tobog. 04l *ominned and a ew jte inhabitante Who go te sanitt, ai. lide that cntributes .se mucli te beau~~~~~~~~~ bil.M ie w h h ho a the wiuer amuse m n. 1 Ieubt il wlU be 'and attratve le -e t -bent. in auy rmny Young people Milan barrachei after nD churohea la over. 1"ld«e and gentie. 4the h.bounde cf aronte af theme afiend. very rnuob grleved ýey wero mware af tb. weman oi cbild eau urshp sud acl lu mu or witboutl loiug sud self-respect. I oess i. aI lb. bottom et nearly sIways ; but &ies kuow atnd bear mvieur tle revenue. aud le met lu a strict. winl any religions Dr if Parents are net Are uo$ eblidren tdiu own way co ieaultlng un fevard. Pdisobadlence, aud 1v. Iîs sarMaxim rue b huidran by sessio. Io il Dot àa tee fax 2 Is Il tee fai by rmny ebuidren not takiug indues. and laity cab i lt. daungerous >von meamurea&&ild ig.i lrareiy-ý unoruslan. .Whmt Th .T.B aCEs e-oigl. thi dtihe..Bbaresige thr tAtion ore. forctieeto lu th. excursion ta Orillia lasi week and returned well satic-fied with their W. are plesoedlte learu that Mr. A. D5. Strickuey is gelting around nioely WiNi)mBenBzlÂme Aug. 201h 87. My Dxtà A. G. We receive your Chremje in camp regalarly, and Meing as we do, mocounis of trips, cruise.and excursions in all direc- tions and bv ail sorts of people w. have looked anxuous1y for sQme referenca le the delightiul. sport at which bei> yen and your by-f ai belter hait sgent several enjoyable weeks tii summer but we have ne f ar look- ed -in vain, W. Osadafiau on this aide cf lb. Une, t.ai l içhted Ihai yen have net iound lime tb guve cur friende ai home some idea of how we are enterlained by our Ameriosu, Cousins when we cross the pond for a holiday season.- W. trust it l mot yet toc lae mand tht, yon wI make the amend honorable at your earlieel conven. tance. Tours- We mekuewledge oureelf deservlng the sulld reprimand ceuveyed luin he above, -sud plW lte piseur. of' Editorial duti. s àlbth sole cause far whsl appeau wilfùl' negleot cf our Osuadiafrienda ai New York 8t*. Windsor Boa.>, Ontario Beaoitsud Boa Breezos araeuitumted, the tva for. mer ou th. sonth uluorocf Lidke Ontaio m&d th. latter ou thte bemutifut -Irou- srelliesici u nev nyork itaist>.h ciy cf Rboheter. Tbey arêmeseseable' duu* ng l . SUM M r 8s osiona I lomal, by rail, and y bhat down lte Geneses, -Ontario lleaoh io fait beearning eue cf te zmet faubionable sud populr vstar g p lasm l-li& a o ntry ,su d le a,ven now a meutformidable -rivai ai NecvYok's Pride, 0cm.> 'mlsd. Itl boue o f a magnificeus hasc, adong *io myeli nsoseu ati maay beut, of tb. day, but mois pstticularly lu tb>. aflerneon sud Jevonlngt thousauds of halliesof bot sée an d ol cWffal e, olad lu ýnest sudattative i lm Iuit., mnd -dluortng thesunelves 11fr. d*lyhIips lulb.esurf "ia' gently bste aantisaboi. Il ha isermlr1 hotela, 'Ih" y--.turnlshad ant'capable buiaeof pgàiasisPrM"s Mn in&froin ýW. prefarxsd lthe quiet reldrnait cd our ton by twenty lt.tidea -J4 severthotiter. ane a numbar. unnounaediamusewne Dt ouly t i bther Who eau muster up courage te ePtruot hhzuseîf to it, but aise le tb. *rowaOf apecîate,, Who fine lb. shores. Ontario Beach hau the proud diatine. tien of iiAving the onîy water toboggan- lide ithe country. The. conception was a happy one and. 1h. fortutiate holder ef the patènt wil soon become a bloaied millionaro. The Pbores for miles ou bot> aides of Ontario Beach aredotled wilh innumerable cottages eocupied si summer residences by navv of Roehester's wes.ltbjeaî citizen. (To 6e LIofliflZlc.') The. Bonus Crase. Editor OHRaoiXOLE:, Sr,-One ef the. stock arguments md- vanced by-the bonus mdvooea lahat, if the foundry does ua re-open2, lb. town winlole. a certain amoénl of taxes lhrough bouse becoming vacant. -The. loas an 'a few arnali bouses wiIlDual bear any comparisan la the loue 1h.e lown will oust"insbould th. by-lawnferlu- umtely carry, for th.er»mission et l. t foundry lai adone, WlU exeed -aIl 1he othor put tegether.- Aneth-er.argument je, thasthle.mon who aown lieuss*in havete aubmil tem-sarifie lidips lugoetthem. Aràtoteeo?ebewilie *l bave temaSke , IlacrM-esif th. by.lws cr~,on aceount of hemvy and elçtra îaxatio. TOé. extrai o My Ilepoef o e uuuch -6f, duttèi t e .samae onsidîratuan, s if L bad peiua,,worked lu inth. fouundry P' De sanedair ueur speg net s a ,werking lu 99tted, tO'se macÉuh1 I chauiily mifundry bi >1. or sympatbeg0 Pu, us star, sd sara a&a 611 ouia few indviduýal liko lisbuckle isclot>' a -oput 'af taxe$,- sud n'a lh@a 'ae firet-bribed, SWorking xeinanifi vil. faiie heaviesil p creasd taxast ubeau tut b. mjorlly-ofi hnlIope youwllcom ynaedoing. Sluon carr, im, ili beno9 p - aria cos HITBY maman e , 1 1 1 1 mmmo) vocale KUOVIOdge, Brotherhood. (ti-à 1 lllr% A NO, 37« Partie, E ta. 1

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