Ce-Or Ni*~4 "raument deposit ~emerve fTni (ovet) i paid duning i8% oper cent. çf ail di with the Central TtqÀM,- M wYorkatasteusCf x~ cne at lois than s, and gonÈclrtf.îu Uts, made in 1Si lin no case eaU tyb ua every altertigte mout1h.i npuoe i _Mngi per ýlOO0. agent wanted iu evo7 ality, tO whora a liberaleo L be aiowed. &ppjauoug. ,ful particulare fturabshei h> ned. . LGORDON, for the <ounty ai Ontanlo, Port ?.rry, ont. EY TO LOAN te Mortgsgc at Low Rate,ý the Canada Lom nd uV4 va ut for the. Western A& um» Over Q-err*ios IBlock, WIl~ r wrappiug purposes, layf ,et ,2-cetnper haudrod. Appi>' ta BELL ORgGANS - tnapproach ed for Toue and Qualit>'. ;co y0,,GuelpbO1 ýs. NEW 11GS* Id SALE STABLES, 14S-ST., WHIITBY.. RTH & DEVERELL, ýASS TURN-OUTS ,a on Shorteit Notice. raee.liberall, SONEST DECALUrG [L.ESS IMITATIONS lhew, etc., oflesed and! aold wlaws cr alno by smoe nU- J riuciPred inerchants irad Pîg OU the reptation ct eo warn the ladies agaistw iuch limpooition by draw. Ing their attention bo the iloLCO8e.*t Of boeing tht tb. UN CORSET tJSI âr Sillp of lI Co.raine goode, eh non& ane gen&e I ian.an Impraved Mils MAGNIN'El eheapb, LflIBANKSY iioi. *sale Agent. celebrated ÀArct -OVA,- SCOTUIA. 1 à MEST Op E BM lis TEE ind EVEHVUz lb. laiglat deurses in RB OP? AYAU AI masnuatuefrom 1 ýbe" prIfo. and auy ç LPPEWORK O riN IST.. W un rLSu Th" W Ta Samples and dr 13-Ã"t unode h=bm %txl't BNNT - - --- -. (BW4L ,Mlc* or foe Sle. waahJxgtOflLtt2r r l Ofai ur reguIarOisa~e> ï,gl4TN D. C-, Aug. 12, 1887.- 1oeaIl nd deoided change in the ~ rd'oLtd b y the Signal offce' p ace flSund&-y. arrived on ,.b.dl'I* st condition; awd _Wlababita1nL8 01 Washington are once je à &&state of mind Ihat eneblus on11 to declare 11f. worth the living, *é 1- htime toueo longer wlsh for î mins;j for,-iinoesthe thermome. bufalietl train the ninet4se t e . il.aî.ep je possible in this @un- Wed tawfl- The etrain hase been toc olbfor the President, howsvcr, and » finde Ibat ho cannot wail for Octobor sud bis western trip until he leaves woobngtn and bis ezeoutive duties . 0ho bas made an engagement ,ih Snator Benna of West Virgfinia to go Vitb bili on a fishing excursion Omo t*me ibis znonth, te soute cf the Misfy b,&utifal fishiug stréamje iu West . . It î&je sud that on -bisvelur fycm tb expedition, the Preident will F«.ssd to Marion, Mass., ta enjay fer & feg deys the sea. brosses off Bnzsard'a Bsy and t0 bring bis wife home, who WMti ber nother and aurit j i. li the cf Q 1 eneral andi Mrs. Greele>' ut mao.Whatevor bisl eneanies May o,yof gr. Cleveland, lhey must nulle, ,gi -bu friende in declarinq him the but of .on-IIWo Hie dovotion andi ý08sderaUafl for Mr@. Folsout, the Moiber of Mrs. Cleveland, je mas exoep. W&vJ as it ie admirable, and will win for him lbe esteetu of ail wooeen, aI ,out, thongli tbe mon oonlrolled b>' 1h. oulsit prejudice aginsi mothersîin- jsv, Mnay laook upon hie conduit as a ,anesi. The Preeident'a jeurne>' lu otober, will extenti ne further west âm an Lu City', andi no further soutb tjan tllants, Georgia, but ho will in. dudo Mobile, AIa., in the route. 8ev- oral meinbere of lt.eZabinet will b. cf the party. The Uniteti States Minuster to France, er.Governor Robert MoLane cf Mary- land, je in Wushington, On a 16ave cf absence frem is ieposl cf dut>' at Paris. Hoe calbed upon the Presidont and at the state Departineut on Wednegd>y.It la ssid that Minieter McLane's re*tu*ru ta the. Una iteti States jis b look after his privais interesae, Which bave euffered ty bis absence. Senator Evarts, of New York, has recetitly becarne the purchasror f e large tract cf 300 acres of landi near Washington, on tbe Ma !yland aide af the Potomac River. Tih. landi adjoins a Government reservatic'c, about twelve miles fram the Capital, known as Fort Wahington. It commande a fine view c f the City and surronnding country. Iti 1e h. New York Senator and Rgnou juriele intention to increase hie praper- ty by the purobase cf several hundred atiditional acores, andti bouedt a baud. some country houses noir th.eeat o Govorumeut- Hlie eldesl son wilI be j, charge of tbe puopeuty. A campiste repart of the anethode o, conducllug wark in the Tessur>' De partment bas been prc-pareti for ti Bso"Commitse who are nvetiqab ing tb. mctho.-e cf the aevèral Depurt. menua. Becretar>' Fairchild will pie sent bis report to Senator Cockrill, tîh chairman cf tb. cojnoittes, immodiate ly upon tb. ue-assexnbliug of Congresi or before, if th.e hairman »0 deoirsa. Secretar>' Endicoîl bas Ieftî tori Ssecetar>' Whitney absolutll> refusm to SHlOW théexepeudiufle of an> mei moue>' te repair tb. old ship "Mon, crac>." The Secretary evitienîl> b lievos lu a aow Davy, as veil as otronger uavy. A fuil-bbooeete Omaha Indian is clouk ia the Intericu Deparîmeul. 1 bas' receutl>' been prooeoted frein salai>' of $1000 av yoar ta eone ai $12 a ysar. Hie sor'tices have been effiole anti ho hae menWthe bpromotit Bfis namee s Francis La-Flesche, a ho ofion acte s utorproter tor t Goverumeut. The dîosbnung offieers of 1h. dif ent departmixeto fSud lbemeelvos fi quetly st variance with tbe Smc Cotole f tb. TreauwM' intho soti meut of their aceounts.1 At ihe 'W Departmenîs the recent plarehame- o pair*of herses for tb. use 'ofthl.e sé tary ef Wir, bas .aued a liqrejy duaa sien beiwoëu the two anithoullle. <-'I officers of 1he War Depauiment bu that the- eiderscf.t. 1h.Beoretar>'m the.rPeuuimust b.o boyeti other hondi, thesecoud ontiollere 1 Butler,sy h tod f~P that are in direct -ootrdi otlt statut., - eannot jus*ti>à adisburi officer in makiug a vrug dbbqmma cf publié- mens'. --Theê horissi ji s vere paiti for outioif i wrvoug appmo tien. RHes t h.eomtroVouq. looketi00Wup front he wor ~asiged.Thoimoonllgbî vas pouxl9agbaie .hurable rooot, filliig l ile -glr>.,and shone upoa the- fair hai of ber utile boy Benube playing on the ,r Bouice Cu-UeIgh lba. oied wliile a youug gtirl a bluf-hearceti sailor, *ho likedtet have hie own way, anti vue ver>' pronti ef hi. uittle boy Beunie. She was thl 'nkin g to-uight of ltIeir parllug three Forugo, m ad -blamoti bersoî for havlng sent hlm ava>' lu angon. She haîf feure t at he would neyer corne baok, On tbe morning he vent away Beronice vue buey Mparing bisent- fit, whon he came te I1Wrand asked ber for a pupor cf importioe, a promissu" note ho bai glven ber ta take cure et. Aller a hast>' seauch eh.e decloired oh. coulaimnetflud il. "But I gave il ta yen,' suid the bus- baud. IIslwaye give yen thinge I vaut tubsu care ot." "Aà -fôelieh habit, te," retoîteti Berenie e pitefully. "«Wby not tuke cars of theux yourself , Anti yen May hereater ; I veu't have my> desk crowded witb an>' snob rubbbsb." Andi muking gooti heu voidu, e.tossed the C sporte h boesu overlookiag on th. " 4Why9 Be, he began but fiuding bis veto. uusteèay, ho stoppeti short andi turuotiaa>. ltii vif. mwin luau instant vha tshe hati dons, but wilb, the p«erêril>' eta cuti,1 wulesad ettrying to make repara - tion, as ber vomuns h-eart yearnedtit do, oh. matie matters worse. -J sban't loak anothor bit eh. mid petulauti>' pusbing lb. papous asido wilh ber pueti>' foot. "I've vasted baîf tlb. miug elreatiy. Yen bother me go I vieli you voue gene."' "linm going uow, *Borenioe. Gooti- by 1"l Re titiDotet sen turite look at ber, but strode frota the roota anti outi jte, the yard. Boumie wu playing befous lbe doorvu>', anti Berenice standing brouiblosal>, hourd birn ss hies bohild anti mu>' "Good-by, littlseue 1 Be a gooti boy te mother ; dont forgot 1" Tis waï the luot. - Vheu, sft.-r a maoment cf eaunnswa bevildeument, she barred lu the doar, he wue genei. Moulb followed month, year 'iriftod after yeau, and Boreulce lived, and Bennie grew up to a sturaey lati,* nevp.r forgetting bis f qthera p'tting commandi. He vue a good bay to his inoibi ; but &Il bis simple and unaffeoted devation, se like bis falbpr"a, ceuld md drive the unspeakable s',rro-w froin ber ever., au tbe etinginir roua rme froin ber heurt. Thst nigbt a#; Beronice Cudleigh st at ber little boyst bedbille, thiluking cf that partiug abree yeare ugo, Bennie entideul>' awoke sud, siti: "Oh, melbeu, wbat is it ; wbat le il ? I cent tell, but 1 feel sooeetbing. Wbst le it, Tritton ?" as the dng pricketi np The dog listeneti' &ain, thon be bonute te the door anti began te scratch anti aniff henesLil. ",,Oh, mothor i moher 1 cllt Benae in a maa" ed .wh#"b Sho arome vitb a laernbling handi sud a deatb.vhite face. "Why, ni>'boy,ni>' turling V' oe vbispered ; then she vent te the docu anti Opened il. Tuitton utoti an instant vithbhie ours oede, anti bis noce tec the grounu, tben h. shet off, making gral, fiying loups, anti ut.ring short exultanit cries. Impoe ib>' somnethiug stronger than herself ou ber ovu will, Berenice fol- loved izl, anti poor, atrbghled litde Ben vau loti Moue. i Out tbreugh tb. vIlti dark ulghî &o vent, dovu to, the blesk, le y 115, anti i here, standing. upon tu e desolate Fsentis, bis'black, burly figure obaupi>' >tiefined againet the pale, vinter shy, she »iv the ftenta ano, vilb Triton leaping and barking &round bita, anti neveu patising, nover stopplue tc, ques. tien or vonder, but impellet by a vild instinct oh. flev ou mut on, until she t tellbreutbleso and senelemi tbis f..t. Whou ah. avoke te lii. aigain ohe 8 as in theoottago, lying ou Bonuie's alittie bot i vi h glbgîmeet .f e- -light before ber, end Doui. hÃŽnisef wu vas bng over 'bor, patilug heu obceeha vith hie ohubby bandesud ktwnsbughe vgrlua>, bis bineeoye. a Wxknin, vtharlje ltb,,' batnoer huovu before. Thon a vilt, vienS Shoe.thîile t roiagh ber, and sU atarw etitaber feol vitba or>'$tatrang t above the diano eotrta. Tms. Iere b.osotde bronsed »du i w:uuand cbaffled, 'but wblh lb. samu le bnee, kidlyeyes, Bon Ohudlelgbber ew ovhuebant. HeRe ltiont bis arme4 but ahe veuttdo-sn prostumai ethie ". r- 6Oh, Bon ILt Oh, ta>' bilbauti1I my R-iarling forgiveme 11I buowrtatGod td lu, bocanso buasgiven y«, bacb ta ugubhrt ber p otuoug aur Al "4Tbsrees uotbtug ta forgivoe, Berry à 10 h. soli, allait, ireu ho bati ounn-"a& [s 0 fbisvobee,*OlwMui05 t teblanoé ;1 id hould'tbaVeo#pueoff inDa pot. Bu =»n I '-M, raat1*sibocikbut o>vu I. ffledto pin , *aIan>' cf tlb. port us' mua, irbon Bbe ieok f.ire1 just sp 1a iih ta>'l. Aforilga vouet 129 meoupand took ýme te o Ioil* Otliel *hakGodl 1 wuhà t, býM*'7 '1Béenouie tid-t s-Èlo% spk, . b ê1m to b hitut W$bue1 ianl o yos fi edupun41ýý Anti bit father,j bresý* t l f h1I'exýei andi eîtbrace'1p, alt"the les-t éf 3fôir" hngim toh is Id. "nd -both, .,-', 4evingfor e,0 if faîher eau bittelV t' Lving ge:-The numnbers et The Living Age for AugusIt. ôSîh anti 131h contain Louis XIY anti bi coeurt,. an<d Biahop Fraêtr,Leundon Quai1euy ; Cbaracter anti abilit>' Au Politise, an>' Alsac-Lorraine andthelb.Enropemu situation, National ; The Reviseti Studd' et BerhIpy,'anti Montr4e, Macmillan"; The Royal Duko.Doctor, Gooti Words ; "Olti Book anti Orook," andi the Pal. vate Journal ata Freob Mariner in 1749, English Illustratoti; The Charra of P5ouip, The Plouenres of Tuavol, sud Persian Pîmyo anti Players, Spoctator ; La Comenie du Jour, Salurtia>' e-nov; At bureh lu 1h. Woodis, Pull Mail; Joomanut Peanis, Nature ; vith instal- mout@ cf "Major Lawrenco," "'Richard Cable," "À Secret Iuheritatce," anti ",,Monsieur Silvaiu'seoet" anti poeti'. Fer fifty-two numubers et sirty-four large papee each (or more thm' 8,80 pages a year) the subooriplion prie. ($8)à low1e; vbile for 810.50 the pub- liebers offer tle senti au>' oh.eto the Ausuisan $4.00 monthîbes or weekhies vith The Living Age for a year, botb posipuiti. Littell & Oc., Boston, are the puhîhsaer. Whez uabyvws Mlk. va gaoeher O..t.,b%, Whou she wua aChild. she cried fer Camboisl When ah. became Minda, ah. clung to CatSis, Wb ho "d. tChil»Irma6ah.gave Ihein CasSerAs The wbest hsrvest lu in fui] swing in Man- itoba. Without lEqu&L Wilson Miontrose, af Vieuna, Ont., havuig used Dr. Fowler's Extaaot ai Wild Straw- berry in hie fmmily for ummer complainte, sas'II cannaI speali taa higy af il, for children as well as aged people traubleti with diarrhoea i A.uno equal.' Teemer defeated Hanian on Toronto bey on Batnrday. A Valuable DtUOvOTy. P. P. Tanner, Ont., -says he hbs not only found B. B. B. a sure cure for dyspepsia, but he has aýso found it to b. the bit medicine for regulating a.nd invigorating the system tbat ho lias ever taken. B. B. B. is the great systein regulatar. A fatal gtabhing e aocnrred near Pres- cott on Friday. DR. LCTI" PLEABANT WORM BYR UFià a safé and reliable worm remedy for all worm* a9hctig cIild. ren or aduUs. Train wmeking seernu to have become epidoînso. 'il was seerely troubied wfth diarrhoea and havîng uzed orne, ai the wouderful Dr. Fowlee~s WÇI trawberry, I was lu a short time oempletely cima. iL eau recomrnd it sa splendid medicine." Wm. A. Staflord, Sheddeu, Ont. New wheat has been msrketed In Bran- don, min. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyuian, rettie from praotee, having ha" placed in bis hands b y un Hat India ngMionary the formulaof a "ie vegetable remai>'for the speedy amiperm- anent sureof O s'pIor uioi8 Oatarrh, Asthma an llthroat maiLung Affectons, almo a psSvoand radinaicmr for KM-Vous Dbli$ a lUNervoas Com- pliMnte, aft rhav%8tIe" its oideuful -ura --e-over ouanis of cmes, bu leltiti ut t>' ta ake 't knocwuto bis ufengfeliows.Aeuý dby t"lamotive and a duieta releve humanu magodungI wisU idr fm choarge, ta a&UwhodeureAt tam4b ý, W. A...Novas, la 7021. des B"9.007m olN . rY. Plans for th.en»w Oit>' Hal l Hin to have beensadopsi b>' thée:Oity'Cudl Dox's PEAcTCas.W «momy by buyug comanon FIavcrsng Extru Aak for th. <'Rloyal," noue other cm esapaithora. The fir &Iarm s"%"m ila mm tn s b"9 agentirel>' ecostxuoted Pà mAiN-KLEZbau red case of Blieuma if à and NeuralglaafteearB stn ding.1 Mur. Sudiord FtembWgs sable obome has Malion tbrougb. ne aafe, a ra .sd wd s- rnsr I I SPRI-NG SUITS. --000--- JOHN 18 SHOWING A BUPEBIOB ST0OCK 0F Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds And other fine lUnos of Cliotho, for £pring suite. Ail garments made up in latest stylo on shorte8t notice. Ready-made Fwenis and Boys' 8u1t8, Cents' Furni8hings and 1Underclothing of ai/ Kinds.1 INDSTRCTIBLE OVERÂALs! ~LÀ~T S I T4~Â~'T~i- - Lateust ylesin Hard ana Boft Poi Hais vEIIY OHÂP. JOHN FiRGU SON, --pundaus t., Whiiby THE QUEEN-'S ý-JUBI,-,"L-EE. TE BRAZILIAN WAREHOU SE Will celebrate the event by a coinpl te revolu tion in the, CR0 CKERY FOR THE N'EXT. 30 DAYSO Colored Dirner Esets, -coloreci Teae sern andcolredChabersets, actusily gwven aWaya 'arge stock of entire New Pattorns and styles to select from. Rm ber this We lêad the rai Groceù%ies. no Iht4mbug-. trade i TEkÀS and COTFFRES, We caM - a large stock and seli 9Hibest prioe=paicu-or anyquantity of eho - las afl and soe-lus, no trouble to show g s1.tbo» the Grcat*Ebitins IThose whe have t eormmoend t te their frends. Il id juet the Machlino farithe Punblic. DaisU&HKinde cf Sswing, Always iu Order. fi ~~1 i o Cooi The Domin'ion Oîgaos and Piano: .o Bout judgeo su>' île Tans As th. Beet. Et la bufit with a vicw ta Durability and Beant>'. Thre Beet Instrument ta Bu>'. Cm& udna ee Our Goodi. H.- W, FOX, AG ENT. WHiTB London and Lancashire Life Company, ais Copoo>',sueha. tepuclted walth re ofcier oueryad lu apraved anadunth secues rGne Iave 0.0 o eoh 110.00 c seiiiyes es0000ordga.BSO100.00o- "birit'. u afrin BOLT e Piatie efas faerngtore Pries fid A eir fassvAnge e ciniv the undereigued beforo euwhg elsowhe. Wb.itby, May 18t '86. -ly JOHN Gener-al Ant PATENTS CANADIANS ansorpatent in the Uniti pa" tent rilthe Siaisthtsi z1arspatent ;otherwisetire v o e.Tbtal cont" of t Paiet 6O oi>' #gbob mùdn1 the balance oly',when riez Total ouost Oanmèidsta ' for l15 y.uoe,687 - -onree1 dalgwithdvuOip«tio o WWoeaâ &j remce ami Ple"eieio wseyen CIT%6 V - nd ,g atbol Proui the ol fù thvoughg Up on e knowh baud FEROUSON TRAD-E, General 4gent 1 . il - - ". 1 1 1 1 cOvereti whl;o w permanenLt cure cfiishitherta incurable dW ,l botey effected ln 7exm cmto thm &P Tieiedy.ni sitt free on roceii of atamp il , TOUONT#O, ANAA b IROCK ST. rhi Bi 1 1 1 ,ýl > 1 1 1 Bhnple and Luts a. Lifetime.