Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1887, p. 1

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o, mi * j -1 a IN . lie balance, ds at get C.Enmbroiderie$ ebefore the end rints -reduoed to IJCEDI. o0 1Ties this i t (es. ata ontk- quO'* x)ýk -.Streets. t4~e OfP .1 T41 iùiýss as -cne- lesin Fancy' .14isd(ay ie re ýf 6een said Aiec 5>-ni of Ite~ o sealle, .'ol co//eàzlon. sa4(d Riciard .OrMA CK. Wanted thi mdw: are invaluable ý i» and the agod' ET>LONDON, and » thsy ame api e h Ege 0)E. 30 h8 si for,1 HITBY Wlth calm Prlnted wards, great thoughts, and untirlng industryp VOL. XXXI. Wibitbpu Ifrmiickt, Established 1856. heLCUdimR <aekIï ln Ontario Countï1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 51Per aiiuum in advance-0l.50 other. ie.Sabsrptiofle are alwaya payable at the office of Publication. Steamn equipment and best fnrnished Book and Job printing plant in Eastern <ntrlc, capable of exeoutîng ail classes of work frcm the large poster to the smallest hudi1. Special mention is made of the 1nslpased press f acilities of Thx CnaoN- jwith its celebrated N. Y. Gottrel cy'llnder preses ad other modern conveni- *flces. very order receives prompt, care- !,! ttention. TERMS 9F ADVERTISING. First insertion, per line, 10 cetse; each subsequeflt insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisements are nieasured by à scale of solid Nonpareil, and charged ,ccrdingly. .idvertisemeflts sent without written instructionls inserted until f orbidden, and cbarged for full time. orders for discontinuing ad vertiseinents muet be in wrîting, otherwise the publish- ers will not te responsible. A liberal discount for contract advertise- rmente by the year. Copy for changes cf contract advertisements should be handed ;n not later than Wednesday ; aud notice cf snyintended changes sbould be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- mente received up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news columnis Five cents per Uine weekly. Locals, 10 cou. Per lino weekly. Correspondence solicited f rom &Ilp arts cf the Gounty or naeîghborng t4ownships., Correspondents are requested to send iu their communications as promptly as posible, RENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors- JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mechanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B.e B&ALBîSTER, onyCow tony JÂ-MIS RUTLEDGE, j ARRISTER, &o. Office formerly oce- 0cupled by Farewell & Ruiledge, nexi o Royal Hotel, Brocok St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, BA., A TTORNE-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR EN ClOhancery, Oonveyancer, &o. Oriic-In the. Office south cf the Pont Office, in McMllsu's3 Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L.B130 BÂlARRg],&o.,&c-Mony te Lean Ommc-Smiih'a Llock, souili of Market, Brook St., Whitby. lau. 22,1878. (tif.-6 1 JOHN BALL DOW, B ÂR BISTER-AT-LÂW. SOLI01TOR in Ohancemy, Oonveyancer, &o. Office-Deverill'is Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Pmlvate Fund- tnu .muup to $80M, at a 1ow ate of In- LYXÂAN INGLISB,- L L. B,, B ARRISTMR AT LAW, SOLICITOR fni Ohamoer, Gonvoyanoor, &o., &o. Sim- Dos Street, Oshiama. DB. MELDRUM, M.B. (TORONTO DUniverulty ) L.B.O.P. anadL.M.(Bdin- bumgh), &o. Okee hours, 8 te 10 a.m., 2 to 4od 7 to 9p.m. No. 8, THE IlTBERACE," BYRON-ST., WHTBY. W. OtTTHBERTSON, M B. (Toronto,) M.D., .M., (Victoria.) OFFIOE:BROOKLIN. si. c. CRÂWFMOETU, VETEUNARX UEGEON. Grafute fion, Qoi veirioy, 0e! Orders by mulOr telOgrPPIi zO=ýI1Iy attended to. OMeie a st daceeG. A soppoSIt Dr. Boguatubmd S*#Mi Wi BrookInVot.5u8fr tnf H., VANZANI', V.S4 GrMasie %Sà V WIIITBY, ONTARIO, L!:l*TTrI8TrI::y RIGGS & - IVORY, S. E. cor. King and Yonge ts., Toronto. SB EST TEETE, $8 on abr Celluloid, $10. Gold, $80. Have extracted the teeth from T'housands of persona, absolutely painlese by the use of Vitahized Air. 46 ate with Langley, Langley & Burke, Tcoronto,) ARCHITRCT. Designz for Ohnrcbes, Villas aud Cot- tages a specialiy. Drawings prepared for remodellng existiug structures. Oprozu-First flat. over Howse's Drug store. P. 0. Box 202, WEITET. SEBERTBROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCR 8TREETî~WHITBY. G-cd Riga sud sonable. G-ccd Horses . Terme mes- SEBERT BROS. Are'w . n- t k ",ntin tbe.r own Pumget.ýo. 1 . w. !e. -ure, uzwd effectua> DUNN'S THE COQK'SBEST FRIEND N y (J) O (J) q O Loera» patent. wt (D CD A little Fluid Beet' spreid between bmoad sud butter maireusmosi deli- cicuesud onuveuieut SAN DWICHES!1 Xicnics, Fi8hing Parties, E tc.1 They are & ai l g ibs eaon,. TIRY- THEM AN[D PLIASE AIL YOUR GUBSTS. Monday, sAugcat, 29thi, 1887' ors's ïo.pctai l min e u<for matrziouliiflvlii bouor. iu udepami- ment&. non.ita4o.zuit aem SOAPI CHEMIST and DRUGGIST 1Has just received a. large as- sortment of FANC~. TOILE T SOAP. Whieh he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GREAT Mlso for sale by W. R. HIOWSE, CHEMIST AND DRUGOS NEW GOODS!1 W. R. HaOWSE, CHEMIST AND DBUGGISTI Hn ou baud a vomy lansd ect uiok 01ci r m Obitnsgoods, oompisig Ladies' Work Boxes, Whi8k HoIder8, Odor 0ases, Mirror8 ini Plush, Toi/et 'Ca8e8, Large Va8e8, And an assormeat ef other artlelew stabl for pm~te. CaU a" dEzamùi. Our Stock Beffer# Purchaeùtg EUeA«r.. advocats Peace', Proposa, Knowledge, Brothorhood. UIDAY, AJGIJST 19, 1887. LU -L NEWS LETTERSI ONmiOLE orrespondenee. owin il! be of intereet te the y frienda c f Dr. sud. Mn. 01v in Whutby and vicinity.. Dr. 0 ved is ealy education in As publie malice! sud the Whitby1 hig I md prae!iced medicine for e-ai Pot P.uy fies grel acon six C se,' Mit thie1 thel of g opel ciel Oeufi lie d the 'twenty-fifih auniv;enuany marriage day. About one Invited gueste wers present ereut parts cf Canada. The were beaniifully fitted for thie >dation et the party. &bout à a sumptnous' arep ai was the orehard. &fter tea Dm. of Enniskillen, wae called to ,,uad short speeches, suited te ion, were made by a number mnen. The brasa band inter- b.e speeches by a number cf etious. The Dr. was tien en to salut. b is bride, whioh mid roas o f laughter. The f the. aional anihem closed iing's entertainment sud the )partod, Wishing liai the Sun- reprty -and happinesMay ed by .Dr. and bie vif. sud w mauy years te corne, aud s Mue shali end may ibey al oy a lite ef up -endlng happi- bo palace eofa"gels sud Qed. enta veme numeoes, uisable borne, the folloving being the ïs 01v-en, ailver tes service, mg fi"e places) ; Dr. &ad Mum. et o Warkverth, ice-vater wiii goblet ; Dr. and Ms.. 'tes, hidi., silver joeie case ; aglas, Osetieten, iliver fruit )r. Mitchel, nniakilen, silvor ict;. Dr. sud Mis. MoBrion, eeliver picke .dih ; Mr. sud «td, uilvor pick! ailier ; Mr. ýBebIaj Bovuaànvie, ailver' k*t ; Miss Borrwelongli, Wem- sivox, golg ; Mr. sud Mm. WpIenrv, miver mmgir owl; Mr. aud .Mm. Jas. Thompuon, olver eponiodn;Mm..sud Mms John --RI msu1sllver berry disli;,,Mr..udnd rs. Nomia-Otava ilven lniy ; Bey, sud lirm Whitlook, silve nanpkin rings; Mnu. Wm. Beid, oliver sPona; Bey. A,, Leellesilven picklecruel ; lins. Nonmm nBanis, alîver chev cliov cNet; Mu. Sm Joues, sItantsd pepper oié- ions; lira. W. J. joues, cli....ferk sud ppercast rs lm. Qusokeubual, silorbuterhie;Mr. sud Mis. Jas. Bicli, oiver uspkin rings ; Mn..-sud Uin. Kitehen, Brookliu, #Ilver bemry spoon sud pie hit. ; Mr. aud lins. Peuvandon, olver chutney dinh; Mr. sud lins. Barrie, silven nasphmnrings; Mmns. J. Ovena, sdven buttersooler; Min. Pall ioliver uspkin ring; Mis. Jas. Loekiiunt, sfrspooins ; the oliild-ý no. n, lver sud -gis. frit >diel insd flven Vase. Mxie AllisMzsud Cooper,.cf Teon Miss0A14moncf DetroMsd MisaB Pin, tomeinluOrilhisarso, vieilispt ,as10# .kthe Coboou* camp bréo up A ood s»Coul given cf lthe ee.ueey, ii t fOng.ling lhe suaes. Mi. homs, ormerly et tithe Do- uion bauk,ýUibdgo, :but nov -j Underbill, at Atlia farm. During the afJiernou relatives from, different parts were, eontinualy gathering until at 6 p. m. when, between 60 and 70 gueste vers assembled, the bride, dressed in damufrue ecoloredstin, and wearing beautifal fiower-wreathu, vas led in by lier father. Ms E. E. Underhill and Bcbt. Young stood -Up with théi couple te, se. and vituose that it was ail pro. pel do. ey. C0. A. Simpson per. fOrmeýdihe eeremonyy in the short train for Teoreu-nti, vieno. the, intend ring tc, Niagara sud New York, te sped thesweeetie-tizue. Many sud valuablo presents voie given, toc numereus te mention. The roînainder of thie evening vsepent in frieudly chat aided by plenty cf music, vocal sud instrumental sud in the earÈly boums the party breke up, thie greater number c f the friende being formed 10 retumu te their homes-we wisli Mr. and Mns. D. Young,God speed. Mr. J.« J. Moore has mturned to bie soolagain. Mme. T. Amy of Bervie, Huron Ce. vas visiting ai "The Maples" lasi week. Harvesi is stuh going on ini ibis viciniiy sud will net bè compl.ted for seme days yet. Mise SÛihlas again returned te lier duties sud oui ochool -bell sounde quit. natursi once more. Mr. Walten Ceaies neturued from Manitoba dn Batunday last. He is se weil uatisfied vitlithe country liai' le lia puiehased land 'sud intende me- turning in th. spiing. Master Jno. Jackson met with su accdent on PnidayOf lait veoirvbile aiteudiug to a cuiiing.box, hie arm came in contact villi on. of ilie knives sud made a severe en% usai the elbow. MYR]3TLM. NO. 360 -Xiss F. Pmoudfoot is visiing friendz ln Montrea. Miss Annie Nourse -was in iown visitiug friende on Monday lasi. Mr. Samuel Phipps of the O. P. B. shopa. Winnipeg is vislting lu town. The Misses Laing of Bowmauville are the gnus of Mns. (. F. Stewart. Mr. Bon MadiI,of the Bowmaùiville organ, factory speni Sunday ai home. Mrs.-N. M. Thomas and ivo daughters of Pittiburgi are visitipg at gM Rs.itt's. M.-).B" dof Uxbmldge wae lin 6tovu ibsweek, the- gugeof Misi Campel Mr. A0(- Wilson and wife have 10 t taire a vacation amoug ithe es of Muskoka. Mr. Henry Snow, wife and child of Park-, dale wee i own over Sunday and Monday visiting ai home. Mme. aud Miss Windsor of pamkdale (formerly of tbis-iown) speut Monday hoe oalling ou old fionde. Mir. Marshall Wilcox has returued to bis old oit behind the counter cf B. CJormack's utationemy establishment. Mm. Hammy Tomliuson moved hbouse- hold effects to Toronto ou Tuesday lest. He fiuds work mucli brisker thon ilian Mm. John Crane, cf the Ontarioa Bankr, Petemboro, aud Mr. Hammy Lawdem of the. same banir, Toronto, were i town over' Sunday. Mr. O. H. Landon lately in ilie employ of Mr. W. Waltems, merchaut has gone te St. Mamy's te, taire a position in, the service of Mr. Madille Mr. J. D. Howdeu sailed from, Liverpool for home on Saturday iBili inst. bringing wiih hlm iwo shetland poules and two handsome fillies. Mfr. G-oc. Wilson toir passage on the Oamveth teoleveland on Monday. lait. Hd expecis te, visit the more important towns i the vesi befome bis roturu. _ Mr. Henry, Mathematical Master ef tthe (Jolleglate Institut., lias eturned hrm bis vacation and is mapidly eovening trou tii. effeots of lhe injury h.ostainied wbilst awa.y. Bev. Mr. BaflÙiyiie Principal cf the Ottawa Ladies' College and former Pâstoir of the Presbyterilauchurcli of ibis towu was the guesi cf Mr. Geo. Cormacir on Tueéday lust. lire. DeGeer ef Orila i isii**ng ft. ran F ouph l'ait i ai m D Bigg.K. Y. called ai oui Sanciu n-1 Mm. Chlie Bedson ef Tomante vas- on bis way te Georgian Bey., H vithne on Bundau M uavýgnouet fMm. W. B.-Elows'wbilî C. P.B. freinber. abli er Ioloksiiarp ';.iiu 8 ayls if tliey vaut t es caih e mornmng or éliher considers a chag sgoo. eveniug train, criheflnds it difficuIt te dedinel invitaious te 1111 pulpîtà e o reo< We underataud thon. lia been su effort made te get telepliene connoction * Mr. James Brown, Principal c viti tb» jacc hsvIg 1h. offce flair- scîol-vu asien uenoôuilyillw tii . C.P. '. Station. iug -the toachers' Oeven onu Mm .BonbonHuribut let -bore letst w eki. Underlie tmsatmn veek te je in h usband vho lias been e h Ilaô mrath ssufie living noir Owen Sound. Më.. Hum!- jourùey' home on Satuudy, si but vhibýe miseed bylioar idonde liere. are pl.ùed te inowbeza4'toadl aud acpei within eqt.vd&ys ti Mr. LEcîvard Hodgo's-bouse was su- merved frora his, unX!sualyu tered by'tbuiglan a 6v oveinge ffgo rTic foulôwinu ol lêWiib> but oving U lhé promàpt ;Action ef Mn. eoe' c1t Rodge tliey-wene foed te _decimàp as ýjiàthei* old iemes.on-MmOu *mpty hwuded'esg tley caMO. Lv or f iho O0adlsn.OUizes of tbe F oee4and ý eai, Vi Wiiile theii.v.. Iady wvu. conu wue ~2ole ducling the QatnloMetn ervie Chas. leux. V la ai Wbitby Sumbdy veek, b. 11ev. Mi1frà makTillo-et oïweuto ýbb Maddeu cof Prince Albert coupie& the', Brya8ian.-,Bv pul1it lier. 'aud pniie aviry 1ible iinîes and-oiflaW&o éur ~*l disoWse - clii.Ifib- , - m4ring ÙW Att ltlsiregulu MoW ciiMeeting yard, voteorli u i1n1o ofet ile.eliuriiel -agreed to.' ______ daya for 1rïsiàe d i adbis ismily 144 si11 ë - Ã"W ,e-' em 1th. circuit o ou nth as <>ofibukfor z- àý Wâ~ friendo lu TéonulomoÈeR. mend.te miallce TuaBOXlIAOul!mnio iculSlfoci' -se »fvI_ e, ,B i i . ton Seplee or 26 . "ïexpunpnOWp prizes offiro4hiilayq'vi!fÀWàWp~ tii... ri ker y.are.-'.pca a*~ r~ ~ b proi i.. ~~co ~ ~ É tiaI n uoibet T0àhmo Ti.4. r ocheuter -Wednesday 16 wa5_ the, t..Thé.'Dr. a.arosi pare s 1 . 1 1 A. "

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