Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1887, p. 7

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- - v. -r -~--~ . A~ rai UseDecort [W'flisdfrr5oaR andi ,upwapde, rfroni die country attended tb, in SUOP,...FjiStdoor Borai -Smith'BA. lavoEce, Wb73, t Y, May 121h, 1887. VREA1Y.,.Our uboc sud SkY; or, à&r. te~ e berng a full andgrs t~ of al thAt ilr. woudece of the Globe, ilu lb v nd the Starry Blae, bav rd gAdvesturoa on 0a8,dOtaWt igeoveriet et the Vonateu &Uiiai agtes, àsd rernaîk&l,) .: every realm c let Zatre.e Ve ltriking.pîyaiod fïîtUrs.ýJ peuiiar characterji0 ti r e t zlale, bird., i4sects, e navuvid deecriptieotlà .ÂDftài& ' aud, pn.0OeS, aià e0,a le s, he ouseers of the . il aeeh na sdplimts, uDgn4 suin dw lhe l.wrld cf vaI.u ib concul-rt ne, etc., log.q GPHENOAJeNA O' THz IR ÀND àýT.4RRI, SygTj ohéd wit h cver 809âeO ngcii Ù -et tu lAgents. eeaaIs b pu1BLISHI NO 0 T., TORONTO, om at -cf Major Harper1 Paq., t certity fiat baving exaunjtd, -kt ( used a great variety ei Sevl - have Corne teO the conclu m 4e- M~achine @bld by LI.PaI& ~n o ehet ma., a na i ai Ps1ohat vii lot ehl der sd viii lasI MUc og J 2achineo, ascare has been takàa t Wear Râ mlcies 88possible. Il t] rfsconend it te parties »Uat. f of u tLe White' eama Sa- -vrvetisfaction. e yere use«te White soir*ýg M uy faruily eau uIlly .n4«m 0rtificate.azd can fully reecx. machine ss a fari:aiy- sevin s ste lesfor repaire lthana ~ s ,thEhapept, t'a « lut6 L. AIRI3ANKS, * 5 le Agent for thie District. re/z /c/ orgu TOOy"a ST- St0- av le, Coi-re al, and- rYourselves. JOHNSO01 VER ~ EG3 te 6, P.. Rdenej* * BÂÎ~.jçN.ws 5ýu Aem, 41 Co rct 9r Bd 1ALT?. CAMi Seoroiary othe. Waw la&reuligue t et fthe Tr oublès Wh 'go ,i~ 4e.à1~e Tewt gj tt" Cng Kalakftua. b ÎIII Ï I, 87an& thé affais of the tg acoes __ ktgdom caf. iu the hart4 f Mr. 0o IDU Ag wF-AIJL SNTO Sprftk3lf*h,»4@ iýW t ~5W~TIT 18 B&BséD ON- _The-pofryethom RVS t cS SNOTY TO AN UN- brought forth better fruit. .For a9whie FORTUNAKTE MON- the. Royal Fretter did hls dnty sud ARCE- worried ton heurs a day, saoeordiug te contrsoti,but aftor a *hile grew csre- *eagm"t nation pashing lt«@, and ,Ocoion. alShftd miner sio asy* I bave watohed troubles baok on th. shoaldere of tbe *gv' t nî esth inexorable forcing Ringr. The. kegs aise gave o2t, sud thc wib 1#8d mnStop by omop, freinhbu maturèd notes, 'artlesàeyginèn dtdng 010 ad banting grounde, froni the royal tour, Went.-to #rûtest .and iS¶Pl, ploasuros sud scalpe, bis; voie sccretly purchascit low rates by bo. sud his ir-water, taking Mr. Spreckles, wio now bas a lien on W.I 10wiihum1 but bis grand, Earnest everything exc-ept th. Riiig'sa ndershirt a b18b,eoh.eont ane.d a fcw faith- sud four sets of poker chips. The in- I do. b ave sen hum orowvded teest on Mr. Spreekles morîgage bas ebl mil~~~e (rorui effet. civilization, net-been paid for nineteen menthe, to ifoot 11,ipost traders, and slowly Kapiolain hae gene te try èn.d mortgago .6 cshileil1Y cornpelied towarde the the twe sand bars which gre stillin uthe selff un; anId as 1 gazed wtth wet coutrol ef the resum. They are ree.lly ~0Sk pnbis paslng, 1 bave theught ef excellent @and, and wortb qraite ès b l , bow pathetio1lIy true, waa msucb as any sand bar in 'Eugl.and. #bd syrnpstb etio remark once made The other eand bar bas toc 11111e waterJ w as mighty reugb on the. setting on it for purpoeseaof navigation, sud te mua.that tbe King wiil dling te the lutI. And D00wecie another blow. An The standing army has been recruited amy cf insurgente, numberiug over up te ils fulstrongth sud il in armed osa buladre ad f oity effective troc'ps, witb the. latelt improved -ocave jselndiflg gwo pack-moles sud a quarter- ground raser, but the insurgents are muter are preparlug te dethrone our more han double ini number, sudit is loyal snd iiwtrioute brother, Kalakaula, feared that au engagement vili be fatal jng cf th@ S5,udwich Islands; as a te .kingdom. i i e bis forcs conosul of only sixty-four Mr. Sprecklee, îhough fin u isde gneral5î Dne~ colonels, t-vo privates mnd fer payment of the mortgage nov ga rotary druma-major, it is feared due, je net ungenerous te the unfortun- lie oust f(h. Kalaksa a a n o et Icmonareh. E. baseven offered te great splrfl. Fie bas beon famous for aUlow hum le take away boti sand bars is sprit evor inct% ho was old enugi suad the.volcano if ho Rose into exile, to draw oorke fer bis lather, 'Ring or, ifhb.prefers etaying a borne, wil gm^mekameba I., from which he in- supply hum with mouoy euough to herltOd his teste sud hie brunette colu- draw bis sorrove in his usual boys. pIeu011. Consideriug that Mr. Spr.cklee ha@ The Sandwich Islande ne longer paid ai leset a song fur the entire prdI andwicbp. The meut un. Hawaiian Kiugdom, Ibis mýagnanimity portant etaples are cane, sugar and to a king in orne w aud in liquor ehould 1oprosy. ()f lies., the cane sug&r.ri go upon record. GvCRTN entireliy contnolled lq Mr. ClHE1 NE!Gy ALT Spreoâles, of Sau Franoei K ing - --1 Ks1akacta contrele the reeit, aud i8siflSihsIY allowed a salary of $22,000 a, Year. uflS.xhsIy Se aecenuded tiethbrone 1876. Ile began drawiug his vageosesvenal ycars Bro. Gardner Calîs Himn Down. bfore Ihat, sud paid a XÎilt e t United Sates. wbere, afît 5 long tour, AN ORIGINAL POEM EXCITES THE BuSTB- lis geL a deuign for a luron. which suit- REN AT THE LIME KILN-RLDER sd him, broughl il baok, mouated il, HUCKLé.BERRY BANKS, 0F TORONTO, aud giving il ont liaI hencforti hie CÂNNOT JOlIN TRE CLUB-'-SAGE demnain should b. called the. Hiebvino &DVICE FROM TUE CH&Iti- Kingdom, ruled witb more spirit thasa ever. (Detroit Free Pr.:..) as MoUNTED TEE THRONE. The wisdom eft h. club in deciding 'r) PrOpe ly unaerstand thé. uphseval net te permit sny lecture te enter tho of turbulant o«notions in lie Sandwich hall until h. had pset neainto Islands, il ie uecesls&rY te cIndy, the before a oomnuualtee va apparent wheu causes which led UP to il. Hon. Plumbage Josylin, Oet Hunteville, Hlis firet act vas te redue. thc stand- AU., walked int Detroit ta deliver hua ing army, thoughlfully a&Ming the. .5'- lecture On 610nW. I ker be Perfooly ing te lhé maintenance ef lbe royal H[appy ?" The oommIttes subrnitted barkeepers. 1Es ightfully eonsidcred him te 1h. following oxaminatien. that four induetnieus brigadier generale 'Wbeu aud vbere vas Plate hem 2?" at $7 a menti could ceutrel tbe oee "Whst brougbt tb. dovufal et tie pr(vse.who ýâd d àores about the plseè Roanu Empirer?" vien net ôperetuin tuel.field, sud re.- What nation 5rs1 Made use et the tired the reet on a pension ef 65 conte soup-bone'sa a substtute for Turkey ?" a week for gallaut snd meriterieus -'Who iutrodueid 1he Lameiset policy service. Thie drm-major was ah once iute Ibis country ?" abolisbed ae a menace te the realm, Who vas De Boto sud vby ffdt h and hig uniforin vas eonfiscated sud discever tbe Missisaippi 'river ?t usod by the Ring On 81.1. occasions. --If I have 1,000,000,00 ocoanutE FIauiug vrought tics. vital ch&nges and give a etranjge darky 265,J92 ol 'essale, wilb tie. exception ot Ivo "di-. The seorelsary thon îesd 1h. tollovi. bars jast oulside tie port cf Honolulu, eommuniealiau fromïohs"tis l, . whioh emliirètained 111.1- vau.. The. BaoTama GÂuDx-We take lb salai-y cf $22,O00nnUally paià1 the o>poricnitt of zrl ec yen vith ri- Ring vas $21,840 lu excees cf lie i-ev- lnk on s blue o» shePper tSe est l enne, and le rais. this balance Imd Givesdam Jn.vi oedovu bi ,provîde the 5#4400 Dneedilfor 1h. ImuP- ndýeslsbiea besci>cf ite U port et thc standing army, il be0e8,01 Club. J. B. MitéMellb. thé er, hi necessary for lie Governeuit 10mort- off.red us 1h. fetise of tb. room -off gags itq lande. Tii. moterflgese iii utmfor eo» yasr, and î18oooz tlaken by Mn. Clans Spreckles at 1h e nnre» oi ready to e t.uor lu-in rate et 17 cents aac refoi-. ov lIMot. rt I>oen . We beleve' Ihai sud 87 centi; sàsquare m"0.foi othe'r bMeî gl SU ca50 anembers hm-I. lansde. Iu 1872 Kam.ae adiet »>a , , M .ipot>y put &sto ot wieoxamiuig a remaikabla eil..01w- pewaaeof iokens»d-u tien of green mie.land.sinplt>spiders-m Itlwu k& sent hlm sa Ohduustuipiosn l ld~-"ew Toots a ou barrel by M p-ote, uUt sui eeiauimes .u ogaa iug th.e pure Kalkau fond sst ailite sme *"00 : Ho lare Stdie. o*~vlsu,(r w*~ eaas~u Mn.S k pres hë o Sg h bt-wami a e&whoi5nolunub.le yard'e1hof 8e.udî1i4Ime1tu wl- agi1 ., int.~ amoug Eselt= b*OO5Vi.W ,at1mn ain.w[Ig tue li unacqualueit wt d 40 "1ily Ris firlrs'bot QP dontansd soalijuvifl aummon him PlqvyCoU oeulig icspous venbory 6f thé- wa met4P ti, eubos. 0 e.thlnolIitgbadl thgon 1 i tite. teýgiven O tie=i or mbt thee hand( o i#Mowl 4S Wiio voald do sau te AMI, athenit 10the W iers . *t î4 bahe u iaImm, ti vork âkeninaa t e.tm=4hu .~ me Who iie bllerto m.IutsiAed Uw t ual silence during club; meetings, a euddeuly are.sud off.red 1h. fol- 16wink. idyl ,lu competitinà for 'the animmer poetry pri'te offerid, by the, Sealedl proposis are invited by. The 3oard of Education for Whatever furuiture fuel, Printing and other articles that May b. requirca. By the beard1 for th. ensuing year, Samples and speoifications eau Be seen at the oiffice of the Board, Hligh Sohool buildings, At any lime. He was about ta read the third, verse when Broîbsar Gardner brought hie gaval down witb a resaeunding whaek and ezelaîmed: IlBrudder Smith, @top 1" "Yes, teah." "1What, i. yen sadin'to dis mectin' 2" ,II calis it q4D idyl, @ab." "Oh, yen does 1 Sot rigbt down on your eheer, sabI Ar' de commitce on lunatie asylums present?2 Dey ar', eh ? -De eornmittee will take immediate charge of Brndder Smeith and remove hum to, de aunty-room. Arter gittin' dar de gem'len will exercise deir own judgment as te treatment. I would, howevar, augge@it plenty of ice on de back of bis neck, en' plenty of boot. leather a few foot lower down. lu addition te dat Brudder Suuith i' ber. by suspeuded from maembersbip fur de, space of îbree menthe. A ptisaon who boldly and maliciously secks'\to palm off on dis club s original an idyletolen bodily frein de works of Shakespeare mue' be mnade te feel the weight ef our rebuke." Colonel SîrabairenZollicoffer, Chair- inufethle Cemmiltee on foreigu roIa- lions, submitted- isi quartonly report,. frein wbîch vas ecurod tho folloving peintsetfgeneral intereel : "1W. are ail rugit vitb France, ou hoîcrable good terna isvbi Germany ansd deaire ne quarrel viti Engaut. The aunerabion et Canada May corne in auy lime, but deu't bel ou il. Since il became geusraily knevu liaI oui irouelat could Capture lie *iole At- lantiecCoast lin. aI ber pleainre thi& viiole country bas beeu mighty oiil te aIl povena baving ireuclade, and vill probably. continue that vay. Civility i. ciespor tise war" The oommitlee ou applications ne- portet nufavoms1biy on th. candidates named : Judge Exchauge Johnson, et C*nteni Ohio, for bavinR been seulte ojail for slealing Ivo sbeep. Be sougit I. ez. plein lb.: ho tiiought the ave sheep vero simply oeepig, but 'the vool veuld't waah. Eider Bnckleberry Banks, et Toron. to, Ontario, for tala. preteuceas, i. hsv- ing a vooden leg eut being de'it in lie right car. Iu hunting up lie elden'u record il vas aise discoveredthlaI ha hid 21 birdahot iu the caf oet thoeoCher leg, sud h. netusedtoteexplain boy hhey Professer Autimeny Jackson, ef Gis- nade, Misa., for several suspicions inci- dents couuected witi-bis carcer durn th. paut ean. On.etoflies. incidents vas beiug fouud in lb. peut-office aI nigbt, wbene he claiiied te bave callcd te inquire for a leIter. Anoîber vas in iaving Ive raser-basked hoge penuet up antan bis cabin, sud vien lie ovuer ef the&aimalescae aroundtheb professter cainied 1Ibal ho teok lien for erove. There beîug <ge further routine busi- nos. et a perishrable nature on the table Brother Gardner sait: "lu gwiue to oui homos let us i-e- meruber dat dé e nuwvie aîku lu de middle et de îoad eant hobe lugged vit a sandbag fi-cm de slley. While w. parI se fricus, su' wviii.each moniber shoult carry homue s fratorual fteoln', de pusson who valkla off id my bah vwii1 b. made te viii b.o bat uebbeî bin bo'nI1 W. vill nov sbduct.!" Mr. W. J. Lang B.thauy, Ont., vrites: I vawu e et the greatatsufeérers for about itteen meuth. vith a diseaseet01myea simijar t elra ouiuetre domines. I lrîed overhmbxuç týcouit be doue Ibrouglaben alskUbut wilhon à e1eL As alasl yemrhIl ti SDr. Te Tc'Ri.- trie OU, sud iu heu minutes found »relf I ooagutiu uiug il, sué m -4absort izéïte my emi vas cuisi d h nç omplte1 restrei. 1, have. uwelIi eilrT hoea ucceassullyin of et i41pa tioUcf0 meOT thrpat, a"U Haniugsinulueffiù y h u it thé, sase eee asftrugfetithern ah -him ah a e Pt 10 l I. ri ri *d I,~1 GOOD TWEDSUI 6~PIOEIýs "Ma BEFOBE ýRAOED IN TUE ,TBA.DB. A Good Suit made to Order fr~2O large sto ck of1 Scotch, English md anadafian Tweeds,1Black Wboteds, tct select froun. Speciai uine ef HEÂVI TCWEEDS frem 50 te 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Beys' wear. i AFULL STOCK 0F GIROCERIES, ALWAYS ON HA.ND. flighest market price- paid for Butter and Eggs. I?:; C1 WR.E1% BROORLIN, ONT. FUR NITUR FOR- Cottage or Castieë, -AT- PR/CES. WHIGHý WILL ASTONISH YOU. .CALL ON WM. HâAILT, BBOOKLIN. -000 J "Funerals Fully Supplied." [ lVbi(oby eWoollcn Melis, Midway bdtween Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7t7& Concession.. I We are now prepared to make alinuds of -Wooilen Goods, such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AJl-wool bed Blankéts;, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and al kinds of Knittedl Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of' patrons, Dyeing ini ail colors done to order. .,,4;hest price paid for &ny quantityfWoI Aiorders promptIy fllled., w.l Dit. BO WEftMA N 4 80W ý MA ARCADE, TORONTrO, A Bohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business irfrinig- BOOK-KBEEINGQN ANHP BUSINESS. CORREBPONDENC, SHOBTHA&XID "D])TYPE-WBITING PBÂOTIOÂLLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOM8 ýI-N CANADA.- send for Circular. Âddressý. 8,-Haing gme lie agoeznfltMa. ýnroe t ntdy in your ùol1ëg#i ndý'havl i 3~P, ~&u.*aa tf imwiw un>, rn aIaahêcand aa £membu é .ih A 1 1 ( mnt at nlght-w0rie y erathlfg-very distreassng. I1~ ,a lowed te coutintie tnm- -- rrn whlch eften bieud and ulcerate, beco.n ing very BrO. SWAYNE9S6 NrTN .0 tosie iteblînr and )dfg, 4 heale uleeratioti, and in ~ o<~ many cases remotes e ~ the tumr.Sfl z 4 508# > 1 m 1 MA NHOOD! l Bow, Lost, Bow Restorêdl1 Just pubhished, a nwdto U~tDis. CULVABWE=clttL'5Uz- BRÂTZ.D ESéÂT onlthe rcdica- CU0SZXToBpmoe or Seminal Weaknees, Involunitary Seminal Losses, IxPorENcT, Biental and PylalIncapaeity, Impedi- mentg to Martae c.alzo, OonsUMPTion., zPILEpsT and 1IT6,in Auced by sem-indul- gecor sexual extravagance Mc. glTe oelebratedautbor, in luis amirbl ess3ay.,olearly demonstratei froun &athUitY ye~r' sceeufulpr&ùtice,that the alrun consequences, of sl-buemyb.'r'dca oured;, deïnting ou"- mode o'f curéetaIonice uimple, eertai11,-ýmndeffectuat,'by ' ense1 ,which every suf[erer, -ne malter what. his condition m&y b., may -cure himaieif oheap. ly, privýleIy and radwcaly. W-11islecture should l1cm the'hanùdw cf vey yut aitievery man ithe uni. Senlt under se i, in a plain envelope# le auj address, poat-pal n ript-'bf four: cents or two postage .stamps. ddress,ý The CULVLÈRW&L MEDICAL .>7Co, l4 St An j tA 4 l' ork. Peut Offce Bo*x M. j DR. "~t4 EDis E77 11 TUE -CLOSE.

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