Paris Green, -inseot Powder, Slug- Shot. -00 AL à ABAS 3TINEg Owing to great de maud we have been 'corapelled to order a fresh stock which ha&'just arrived. G. E. GIRBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oc PER ANNUM. Whltby, Friday, J1115 29, 1887. Txs probabilitie. are lItii. tEng: lishLand Lifi vill pasthé.Commona vwiihi a weeping oeajrity, notvith- standing the uniled oppoition of thie Home RaIlers and Liber!. ON Saturday aaght Doit Le eventy. four hotel-kese.rsin Toronto vho fai. edeomure liceumes ane 10 b. lo.ed forever. The. tendésey of tbi4 age of wladom, seeins b b. b ejhhter 4 liquïor-uelliug or *lu. have it oonduotr by men of unquoationable oharsoter. ma. ERÂITus Wix is to e doer himself of Ie Commeroial Union speech at Detroit at au early date. Americme tobeblieve la il sud have thom invite ns ho go in vii hehm. Tie argmenta s nsd tW onvino. ni Oasadian. are tht ve saut do without il, Md, es a oonuquenoe, muet go bo Wuhiigion and -bex for a lréaty. If Hou. Geo. Brown vers otill alivelhe oould ie use a pinter about coing tW iWasington. Hce vent tlie r o1 Bay thât ve sould Dot do viuhont roci. proclty. Tii.y told iim bo go home andl soak hie heu. Wheh dii the> ost viiether Canada oould live or not. Tas rotteanneas of moal Toronto orgauizalionu la u gain provec b>' the rmont revelalionu in coneoction viii tho Collge oet-Pharmioy. -For iota. Yomripautst oe lisebeeu a suspicion inthe minda Of ame- of our leadiag druggi tst thlb.eleotione b lthe Goilege of Pisrmsy vwon a put op job, s tory naikely candïdates vwoesofles eleeteal. This. year a strong attemph vas made 10 eélut a cmyority of uew mon te the Coliege. Nov it la aleged. in li, sourIs sud seeme likoly b be.à proves liai lie reglatrar and biss esil. sut, »ule oouetlflxed Utilgi b leethie old ring. Xr. Osier basthe. malter W. fore $. *Ourm. Âmeng hie mus vie, if lies. allegatious are lUesvire un- deubtedi> ly et.d b>'a strong vote vas W-ý a. Hova. e t ,Ibis lova, Evea lhoab spantl7 oetà w s=d ou f hmi Z4 obéik f oth th. momoi" ad, mye he ballootatuffer #ad suwGoir lilagToronto bue o00 hopper or l.twoWen'1lbop from ïa front of ie ralier. The a la à being roUed for its ovn good sud Ifise grasa-hiopper *il' jus klp eut of-ti. rosafor the lime being snd not'etugly lie, 'vii b. safe. Ti. felýo'f 1h. -mater le eEn- glisi Goverumeai je bound -10 kiaow whether the Land Leagne or the Goveranent in going to e buos., Tst -iî tie viole tini inaà iiord. If sny min in Ireland 1.8 wilJ.iag to obsprve the lv lwhi je rl&etly sofe from ooer. oion exoept ah tie hindi of 'outlaws. Tii. present Crimes à .il tint there jes so muoh kioking about ia only heîng pissed 10 proteet thoso Who vaut to observe the. lav but are not permîlted. Tiiue, to nose Grtp'# figure, thie Irish lava muet bs rofled iii au mon hiud, sud thoue vii.get orubled viiioaly have themeîve 1 blâme for flot keep- ing ont of 'rangse of thé. roUler. The., Irish question lia taken lthe ocurse of everything eoinlabecomzng i Party qae.ehon sud our péople ocly look ab il nov se their respctve partie* do. Town Couxtci The. Town Counoil met on Monday Proent-tbe Mlayor, Reeve Smith, Deputy.Beeve Batledige, sud. Counoil' ors, Noble, Hlewie, Baras, Smilth, Foi, Hallett, Maynard. The Mayor uaid the objeot in calling lii special meeting of ooa.neil vue b have noiioes given of &irus by-lavs &0 b. uubmited ohobis ounilil a furtiier meeting, the by.lavm having the objeot in viev of granting assistance bo manufacinrers Dapaly Reeve Ru1lsdge gave no" oof à by-liw 10 be lntroduoed at a meeting on Wedueaday evenlng griantng aid by way of bonmusa b th Paiteron foundry. Beeve Smitli gave notioe of a bylaw to be inlrodueed thesane eveaisg granting aid b the Ag" WOOllOU Deputy Reeve Rofledge gave sotie o( a by.lav 10 grant a loin 10 lie Matlla Saddlery Hardware Company of Wiby. Coun. Fox said heovwa Dot elaotly certain s 10 lb.propriety of bringing .aa tieu by.lavu il a special meeting calleul in luch a hurt', sud espeisîl>' s.. the. regular meeting of oounefl vouid b. held Dort bMonda>' sigbt. R. tho. fore propoaed to taie a vote of the. 6ounoil in the malter. H. moved, aeooaaded b>' Cous. Smith liai no b>'. lavae le grant loane go manutacer b. brongil beote thie conseilnl aite. have ben pioked ountd lie 'se. tuai oeil -of lb... site.suad buildings gs sbi s b.iug 1aken b>' the. ova solisilors, tie Deputy-Reéve sud lim. "0l in Order liaI Do misaike \msybe made.;.L liat ille intended tW do ho. 'dois a Wgiv. format snotie.. aoord.. in«gto lav of the intention go introduie lias. bylîi. Tib[$ Aud otier li8it formatitres lia"s W b.obaervod in pa-. wAg bYlîa la order tluI no mitai,. bu muade.  hsoleo86ing lie ites for lim fiotories, eVeryoue je avare the Pterous intend 10o oeupy their foundry, vii. mille are h toccMupythe. Mudge andYarvood fauter>'. - Tie Martin Sadlery Hard. vare cOMP&CY lseuno pariolar site selected yeî. Cous. FOI s&Y@ if Iliese by-lavs ire cf6 s. mach Importmas e eeeve says tii.>' are, th@ Council ulould bave more &iha two day. b ociider thom before ,.aubmit"gg hem lo ti.hepe. H. do.. notl UuPOOO lier. s counullo st the board eou o s . esto au4 Deputy-Boeevia ionovisnsytliing about thein. Wiat iarm csb. doue b>' Iaying hem over untilthe regau met 1n nxt onda>'? Dpu> etir . B ulldge a "i'. li thor astai s.pouuibl., latil a aveek'î li0n may beus@&ed b>' lising ltheb~ lava pbihdin,"hlsweek'apper., After agood doalof OisOuuuloo=a Polle mootionu vie votsd dova. Yen- Boive put-Beevei Noble, Bunus, tikes aIa4Xi.Yergunu Doti lii be lettela ' d = Oricket- The. home tam e@"rad siiother ci. tory on, Tuesda,<>iae.'Àe r<oppnents being the. Eau routo. lie foures of th. match ivire lihe o: ou-Ient bowl- ing of- qoid dCam blthe -former oblainn la ýb-th. "iniU 1 9'0viekets tfir 22 ruei. Pehbsm Os it fi" of the Toronto, qieu behlsd e viokets, somewhgà i o tieirM' ýmù " h day.' nae fine simd tii. oq in la ood om~er. Roue sud Hatehi, I uth,éi inninge made it for lie eders. One criekot fell for 81 TuaSne ivo for W~. -Subloined je 1h. sqOorOj let Inningu. Hiloh cMaodonnl, bHl....18 Roaab-haudler. ........... 24 CreMmian c Maod nol b ..21 Peuhimoc do-, b d0'angf Fl,>0 Porty r........... Perrydbo..I......... . D'aenOodto........... .... Holand b HfallnU....... .........0 Bye. ................ ......1 Log byeS............ . .... 4 95 2and nigo. Ratoh, runout........... ......... 1 Ros, b Mdnl............ 17 Creelman, b. do............ P.........i1 Pelham, 0 D&Mvil, b Hal............ 14 Campbell, b H&U .................... 0 PeMr, bdo............., -Y'4 Greenwood. b Madne.. ...14 Rolland, b Poloy ...................i1 Ra ,D to t......... .... QoId b acdonel..........2 Lawler, run out .... .............. 8 Byeu............. .1u.. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . BOWLING isLYSI5 lot Inninu. muedonoil-.10 oVers 8 mda». 1rwkt. Hall....b 8 1 "#0 2 o Poley..12 Lt 2 dé 4 d S2ud lumu. Foley.. 9 overs 3 mdiii. 1 vit. 18 rmu Hall...14 il 3 il de" 1 i" Macedonell.14 Il1 Il 4 fi18 s Cihadler.. 2 " 2 (Cheadler bowled a vide.> RA8?T OOSTO. lot inninge. Chsandler, o Pelham, b Camipbe.....10 Dewar, b Gol..........«......... 9 D;;;-4-, o. Pelham, b Go*1.............. 0 poley, 0Pelham, bGold . . .......... 12 'Macioneil, b GoId..................O0 Jordan, c Pelhhm, b Golil............ 6 Gron, b 0*1m.................. 1 asl, b eold................. 9 Golilat T., not oui............7 CollineIL. b Gold......... 48 28 ruae 26 4 26 ci Ohnder Fliz, b Oaznpbe4 . Devar, b Golil.... à ..... ....... . Darvilio Gveawood, b compbbU.. LFFe. Dot o q............... G»00eeu lUa5d, b Campbell. .... Hall, rot out............ Colline 1,e Pohbam, b Golk.... . coUine K. did not bât. Goel ...l4 Ovsm m 9,w kia.2rome Capel.9 1, 5 t 1 18"i 4 7 dnulIs 86 t der baalGolal, the amSpe,kW% eegel Toronto vltekoeper 8pucagw ta invi (2 d~izuceieaoi U aur in the boatrace r SPEOJIAIL DURING Printed Muslins only BAR'GMNS THIS MONTH. 7ets. per yard. White Muslins 10e. 12c. and 15e. per. ya-rd. Victoria Lawns- and Allover Embroideries, special1 value. Silk and Liste Gloves 10c. 15e,. 25e. and 400, Black Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at low prices. Black Satin Merveileûx, only 75c. per ard,' A choice range of colors just received at,$1 -per yard,' Print8, range, and Zephyr AVO0W 18 THE T/MFE TO SECURE BARGAINS, IN ALL KINDS-OF DRY G9ODS. Clothis, the flnest Emporium, Goods Farmers,. Threshers, gnd Mili-Men. Find it to their advantage and profit to use Nor à e A RXNc *MACHINE OILS. Gluarauteed not to guin, and will outwear ail other Machine Oils. ,oc>3mTrùy our Cylinder 011. It lias no equal. For sale in Whitby, by WIM. BRYAN .&BONS., Allen'. Lung Baleam la the stanard cure- for Coughas udIColda in thi e t. Bmin In u va aiNispgara dzmey. Dr. Lloydl, of Obi*$ during the. vr, from exypomur oolraele oo n. a' ta lether -sdilross 1 te éme .-&Co.,proprie. tos ofAlaiLmg autu ave n Au tuçyIng hesihi. AMERTING ofethle mémbers and md-J Atuet oe batby o OOgrgtio"i Alian [,ine Royal Mail Steamers. LONDONDERY, - LASGOW, BU M-M-r Arrangements .Burns' olluni. THLE IMPOSSIBLE. fan nover eau stop thé bilo-ws' mroi Schange he winda tili they b1oli more, Ln eneÉ%. "Ilyê'-4eu-ias juan caLnWt WLIIi <tue fuure *a Whether next year cor= or cotton' ' i Nor whether bis wealth will quioid wing; But min eau save from Poverty's sta Rlis fatherloeu children and lone, vaî By the simple expodients of izimut Andl buying hies footwear from us.1"» B av witIx cash. and save monej «I penny saved inithis easy way', Is a penny saved-for a rainy day." Our iTg e s4 and ni"., How fo iel unot 6D take-our 4di gel witaly Q-Uwsut at à a vry Nov, dont yen think ne yofflelfi LOA WIIAT 601OI ON Il BUDGET 0F LIVELY, "A owel's &amau Ta Oaufinglon os iheir hrack on J Mr. John H. 0 JolirF,. *Iýbîou,1 trip froan Torons day liai, retucrnii IT vas intonde, oouncil on Wedue duoethree boum priepared, but tle ltooi hort sud the on Monday nigit -ON Wednesday rit Armsrongoshg 10 hundi'ed peopleiù Arush vasÛmde liy vho-solie -home"' paperi wva athat vaz Gin tghams, Pongees I~O88 Whitby Dry 21 EYE lgo enougl to foots .ôf sight thal ljli-, use of gla1sseu very m.odaeratoe. BROOK si 1 1 JULY at Lowest Pilces. 0-S Dundas Street. ' FEW POLNT9M. lZo