frteCanacda Lean,~ -gent for the Wnei - erGerri&a ls kW t for wral. ping pr&1 ,,etc., 25 cerntjs Il Apply to THus onricit B ELL' Unapproacheà g(or - ~Tone andi QU&%. ~ALOGUES PRtE. aSES.W laies, aod SALE STAeLEs- NDAS-ST., WHIITBY. ORTH &DEVERELLU CLÂSS TURN-OUM iïhol on Shortoat Notios.I rTravelor er crZ 5s 13HONEoT DÊALI)iG,* WAR THLESS IMITA&Tîo- Ar, therre aro atfror fo0<scordedwfti lut%. fciip c.,ôlfresud sold a: t_ rpij0iUnebyaomue<uit. e;PL,( i tc i *erciiauta trgd. IaIg on the reputatien Of Our genutue eaM. 'wO wnrn the ladIesaaia 'uùiPosition by rw. lng thleir attêhntiod to the Decteity o beeiug, TON 'CORSET 0099 whleh note are.gmnuins. til and -âathma, try AUeà i' the bout oough prescriptica ~AIE JH[M I[APUI 'U an Improvea ifor the Holiday Soaben. oe sale cheap by 'A41RBANK,l sole &geut. for, Nye's celebrated rce ;Le il D -%wn d :eVE'ST OP I187. ýP RIEI4CE 7ED fTHE BEST 15 TME IAPEST. VI~ E ML'Sf osszs f iand 'EVENNIl ied -ýn the higbest d(greil m És 0OP ANAI qpeçual manufacture trom 'an obtaîn prices and MI~ ýed'ry addreuing the I ROPEWORK 1 X TON MT WI ne ~veor-toLesaThasa i01 T E rls anudscas-cily ofta d 0e4hr lregulatftloe Vý ÃŽn cof; tf.liestenau I1 etm vheu lut,'c0 rt M,è-i lesebuan yClee by an s ria or nom. suaium eU au b. Preve ùm , Érsitibus bevrafl leh viii: keep theii.ý îoomvenisnt -prepartwý le giter te put a j'oIx le nltte mouth vJul incomas-on,ani W e,0 sr te laie our' Qu1 lid Boa tzté fû llher hot osol mcl ,l lu tees!i au fan &J G lo o eto ie.A Witloss~ APublic Beüion. - ,11,UIDEDRASOALS AND OUTLAWS ~Ui AEAS TEKY 5SE TEE jJSTY OF TES LAW BE- yo0tr. THEN. it in mtheir sane- ume &a b angiflg do,. noit deorease Ioiobrof murdere. Senalora and te ent&vesrise i n thein soats ai agentti01is relies cf barbauiom, and deadthat ail hanginga b. conducted 1in ie ynhave pou do Dlot believe with Siibe o ditors or 'the selon.. The law which eternly demanije a pl$ for a life is the terror of evul min. A public ecution does more te awe ,ad hamble than an2y other sîghat pou Fie hundrbid of u bave been stand. ing abu the toot Of the galloe for an bout. Thore ba&S beau no jostling or poshiuig no curing or jeatiug. The. tap@ dangliflg froin the cr060 beara cf the gallows wbich acoendemned mur. ,dorer je abôOt to mout drives ourses front the Mouth and jest frein the heant. FfrSt ocores the 8berif. He i. follev. ed by the conderaned and a minister of th gospel. Behind thoin are two friande wbo are te stand on the. scaffold to lhe last. The. deatii warrant hbu bean raid te the mnan in hie ceil and gIS ARMO ARE TIED BRuIN» SIX. God sys "Thou shait net kilI." Tha Bible sapa :"Neoinurderen eau îiueit tha kingdoxn of beaven." The lied of the law naine. murder s the highast crime on earth. Then why the o1qgynliu with hie prayere and hymne? I$ je the. base8t hypecrisy te lead the. mnarderor to hope-to throw ever hie horrible crime and terrible death tb. Mantde of religion. Up-up-up!1 It ie a high platfom -eigbt stops to roach the trap. Thers ara 300 thugs, thioves and loaiers in the crowd. Watch them 1 show me one single face ts as i not palod since the man vas led ont. Do Von boit a jeet-à rougb word ? Net ona 1 Thee men are as dornb as etonea. Yestorday bîd any of theinj dieputed over a cigan lte kuife or pistoli would have been used, To-inorrw- 1 next week-for a whole year bence the1 or b to wbig pé per d0-. aflZU o patns à i t bUi as a -DOW tb B, ealt. -Tii.3 Ti.kction» is a-l gr t area- score Kewtî Vorce, Th Oo0wboy. B18 A TOUGE M4N A»D' IIGETT à A" WITH Jus WEAPQN. A. typical border desporado ie flouriali. ing at Deer Treil, 55 miles eafet of hers on the Kansas Pacifie Railroad. Depuby eheiffs frein Denver have gene out te capture hlm, aud caine hack with blanob. ed faces and treanbiing bearts. The. ef the. neighborhood, who enfer daily by bis depredationa, are sienîoualy tiiinking of "aing the. 1mw into their bandef and thiey are loud iu denunciatien of the Arapalie. County autiiorities, wiio they say, are afraid te tackle the man. The fsllo'w ià an escaped ceuviet named Newt Verse. Ho ha. been in» Colorado fer ten or twelve yeare, but nobody kuove vbere h. came frein. For the paut four or five years ho biae wenked for the. ca ttie- mon &round Deer Trail. Elislust employer@ ver. tii. BER Iron Cattle Company, cf tuis Place, Whoe bave a large herse ranch soe distance from Deer Trail. Newt, wiio is aboUi 85, and ratier a geood-loekiug iman, had ne particularly bad habite vien h. firet appeared ln the. counby. H. would gel drunk once lu a ville, aud had a pîmyful way of shootlng at hie fellow înen'e feet when- he vanted to mal. theni dance. Many a cowboy has exebuted a Highiland horupipe to the musWia of Newt'a revolver. Other. vise b. was a nies, pleasant sort cf a companion, good-hearted, agr.eable, and hard-working. He got along very weil until a grass vidow, vie owns a house.and soin.bohes.andsbeep viii. in a hundred yards of the Deer Tral station, won his affections. Thon h. drank ail the more and tnmned bis revolvers loe more freely wien hoe ftIt lajinseif yearning fer a oowbide boot ballet. The womau helped te ke qny orglut Di tiiu galos iwîî ise up te res. twenty-five miles at nlgbt andi get back train their mus-derous banda. Tii. coin- to bis range by iylight Dit morting. demaed advances Lo lte front cf the He becarne a nrnsncp, anti twioe the pîmîform to speak a fev words. No Mill Iron Caitît- Caimoany ditaohargeti need to whisper. "Hnsh 1" You bit». La..î nighr Lie uesrly kfiled an old Daver 5iW 500 people 50 quiet. I cattiemau nîmeti Gîliagber, sumegheti CAN HEAR WATCHES TICK AND HEAP.TS ,hiM nier tbfh@ bed with a bottle in BEÂT. Georize EodiZe'i; rloon. The blow "iMy friends. 1 amn on the brink of felléd Gà liagber, when - Vos-ce began tho grave. I ai yen to ebun the path jumaping tapon hilm, anad afterwmrda wbich brouglit me bore. Lot whisky shooîicg promiscuou81Y around the &long. Let carde alie. Shun li bad 8s,100n. people." The crowd, cf course, brofre for the Print tuat speech andiminu iay door and got outsidc. Qne cf the bo, ome st aiti. Liuten te the vors-deas braver than, poked hie rifle they fali frcun theo upu of a Man that erongh te door, pnshod iL open, andi has loe &hin ton minutes te live and covering ¶lorce matie hlm hhrov up hie the case ie different. Tbey bite. they bandis. They dotarmineteans-est him. bus-n. They@îsinlto tiheîrt te s-e. Ho surreutieseti, but on ieavîugtfle- mae fo TbrLaM. aglins saloon rau omo«ga lot 01, zaliroati no c f lhem. Thon e ite b.xg.- -men, and bega irn.Hi krui man to the left-tbe shes-iff te the rigit. fiocadaancpuo lfi Lot ne min bt enll hi any word of He vas brougbt to Denver and Inieti thatApeech bas beon lest on tb. orowd for an aggravated assant andi con- -Ihat they won't stand out in lelteme victed #,aund aentouccd te nine menthe of fire when mon are lempted te seo nth ulee onîy jaîl. Ho served sveral blood. Anti nov tiey iug. Wiat menthe vien he mde bis osar anti horrible discord! Witat terrible moek- roturnedti t Dees Trail, vw heh as as-p 1 If euoie has doiiberately cbep- been @ver ainCe. He ha.;soeDStnloln peti innocent childrsn to death viti an borues etaked eut, andi almoet daily ai andi thon brubally aosnmuted th breaks open stable looks and kicks lu mttier can reaci Heaven tien eus- me- cabin deors and ddsesdme stealing, ligion je wroug anti wortiiees. If ho Ho ides in the. ravines around Deer oaà n'î, then vhy thin avfnl nuookes-y cf Traili uring the day, the. grauo wvii inging andi prayiug anti beseechlug and hem littho girl carrying ibis i bina te loek toQed. mme. At night ,he usuully sl.e sin Vos-y seen nov!1 Tii. aier s-U .tlu-howidov's boue. H. ha. been ai izig hie aukies, andtihéi condemnet i largo for six -veeke, *anti contines te Mkeng bis Iset, view et sarti. His grov bolder lhe lengèr bis capture is ayes bal.. in the. green trees at the lefI dela*yed. He bua brace cf revolvers -the beautiful huIs ete aie front-lie. and a Winchester, anti bs gis-en oul rneadowe and oeards toe iirglit, lime and *,gain that ho , vill neyes- be 500 pale faces are uptrnedt t bis but taikeu alive. - esees thei nont. The. veman watohes every train lia Look oves- the cs-vd!1 Diti yen es-or stops at Deer Trait andi if a strauger soe thiev-e and thungas e ad anti gels off se jumps on a houe, rides te humbieti? Thoy bave long kuovu thé tevu 1audscertains If heotà an tat h lb. mvpuniseot nurder. Tbey offices- cf 148 1ev, or ifbeh. t ies-Neut.i bave remd and hoard et. exeoutione. A feu veeks Mgo CapI. BurnousaMd The lav vua asort cf hheory ; tue ex- aurohes- senxf's depuly Wou. bDeJ s ecutiene tliey reat'idcf ver, in a dis- Trait, anti *iii'mid'NevI lu in he tant place. Hors itii. brouglil lime vidwbovhues. Tiiey oes-erd hlm viti te tent an il conît ha luneoother uap. revolvers, but inistead cf thoinugup Hèel i8 themajeaty cf the law exempli- lits bhaisea.onereti, h. openet i re fied. on hein anti gel away. They îsine le NOW THE SHEVPP ADJU TH TE N0083. Deuver emply-hmudedati' ne fus-thon Did you feel liat'abudder go Sirougli altempt han been madti caepluret hlm.1 lte crewd?2 Il vas like a mpple 'oves- The cewhcys semelume s-ndeos-e a hili thc boe ocfa placiti lake, andti Ivete bê alarmfed by a tlnrssentng Win-' Aso cf faces as-e turned away frein clienters-andthle os-y, "Bands up,"" but ltse ecaffolti. Net oee hiapes- u inl&U Èwt lovesebiesw"Peu ven lie sepe this gmeat csowd 1 If haugiug doos Who hhey as-e, andti bey pau daong and 1 net lessen the, crime of 'murder vty letse hi= in bis' ahitesing ravin.. auentîtho vilains anti scennds-ela jeouI- Dye<J (ek.hoBok M nt ing? PNov tiere leis pjýer. Mos-e dpteetts-e, usi#500 le efeot ul'ealu mockery 1 Moe-. yp)ocs-uy1Ps-aying ds'ape hl I vl!ot g06 e*%' nrune~ 4o Qed te recels-e hlm as libe,,s-eesed1 hs w s-1, hie chfidisivietima IRhif a thoné9anti10ki! Cm men vi» go ont 01f buis inolosuà re__nocif- ~r hêNw seaiat îng aI thiirligion vhieh eau tic tht. Gao.lfagie a enI'aqte~I thing. butIliey viii tremble before theo.~8e ue-tl q~ina 1mw vwi btliey liaveemen vindoad " ids-8tiolaef i. "'Nov the blaok c4 t" .îýTvl-emh avebetklldMm ra ha.leket bs litou a$. Hm ie tbohre tsa't i=y part fIw bes are nuzbeSet. Do.. i"Y om afl UI lx b mal i b.t."tiin gane2" .~s- ~ pumua, bullet bo. one 1If ho, vagedtiand- wve .y 'veulti not reproauli m. 'i wul-'be w»,aflerwïudq uliot Poitreen, slupiae& witShdwhik, Wh> otoie a~h bin @iiyW Wteh 1 Tue lha~mu o i r*hihi o 01mhei b-p <i~ ]y ong ii, j#s-k-. fhorow astebô rûÈ'p ih1 tol , 1- Jiuw f. ýrmu nes ô~ . déhgA*rOow Point,. CséAFsqtain" Y M I Mtber,_ Emi~ ier4lis usof î jenra charm # of thé bmous N.'ýV yo *lake. A.V. Âbbbt4 à ihis JÀR~ Ro~ ail- manufictu rersknd ceost the. nagui cent oars which make Âmerican travel. ing snobà a eemfort and deliglit. J. H. Lee Holoombe, U. S. N., Rives a pleà s. U aut accouuit of Kng.wa, a Coreau tb!wn I hoe visitedt wbie Anna L. Ward carnes us to an island very near us, pet littie known te moat people-,"prine B wartl Island." -?on snd Pencil a ketches of Shadeland," by Mrs~. J. C. !ngensoli Gara, is an extremoly iuterest. mng account of a Penusylvama institu- tion wortb.y a visit. An expert, <J. L. Morton, initiates us into thie mysteries of Polo.playing ; and if sport allures ne, voeamm discuns Rocky Mountain Gaine birds" with F. M. Endiioli. "Ourlons.Stories of world fainou Dia. monda, 111totries by Mrs. General Lew Wallace, Amanda M. Douglas, Etta W. Pierce, F. B. Hallowel1, snd others, make this a apecially attractive Summer mumber. ,Biahop fluret funishe. oue cf the. attractive. papesin the Anguet Harpr'. uplon "A~ Native Pnbllshing Hougelu India." Thia is a reenît of a Bishop's meent visit te, Inda, and givea a surpris. iug revelation if th. Mobammedan enery of a certain typical publieher cf Lucknow named Riehore. This native, aithougi a Moaleni, issues lidudreda of Hindu books, as vell as apologies in be. haîf of Islam, frein hie encrmnous ès- tablisiment of 1ev buildings, where Ivoire hnndre-cdmen piub frein litho. graphe and type, and i iustrate by baud books iu Sanscrit, Pornian, Arabie, En. gliai, anti many Iuadian dialecte. A daily nevapapes- aud numerons pamu. pblebs are added te tho producte, and ail te passable matorial,even type aud paper, are madie under Kisbore's charge. The immense editione of hie litera. tus-e are aeld by colpcltenrs, vie cir onlate throngh tbe eountry very indu.. trioualy and ebtain a gigantie patron- mgo, frein Cairo andi Constantinople te the. Nosteru Himalays. A Delawareen movedtoteOhio, syud vms tlected te the Legislaà ttre there. A btill relative &o ibe Penitentiary being betore lte House, he took occasion te compare lte penal systein cf hie formes- tIaIteliaI t fhi@ mdopted one, givlug preference te 'the orties-et thinge te which ho Lad formes-ly been sacustoni- cd. Among hie argumenta lu tas-es-of, lie vhipning-pomî, ho aj tIaIt the amne culprits were -eeldom iipe. second lime, the tiiegrae oeti. punisli- meut-0 -, .le Iflblee lieStatu anligin lite auevelseuber,Asjhf voice frein lie opposite aide cf- the Charnier omleti out4"I.L taI lthe reason why w. have lie gentleman frein Delmvar-e' meng ne ?"-In Editor'o Dravar, Harpon'a Magazine fi>r Wbhvsuffer freinweak nerves, vaut et appetie and general debility by lelti4g lthe loufai" sejandti-etimpovarlithlie sp- tam and tht» bue blood, viien buci a zeally meritorleuâ remsdy as Northrop & Ly- man's Quinine Wlue may b. haal atny dngsore. This as-iole in recommendoti Cby tiehigst memberu o et ite etical tacully inumse of indigeelon, general de- bîlity, Ion et appetite anti nes-voneaffe>.' liens e of l kinde. It uise apeBeMlly hanéfahll o ehllren anti delleate fesi.., anti-te business mmu, students, and lieue vie bas-s muc usmn vork. W. oulti uay, nos-or bewithut il. Ibis-l strengthen =oueep pour epatein u egular ories, andi snu oiesafullp grapple vitit li wok eu bav-eto do. It ise maautothe lte, anti centai n ieli i Im»un ste Mest tdlicabo eomtlutiea. Bmeb te asi for the Quinim ine 1.,prwaed by Northrop & L=anToron;;, a aa- Mur pou vIii beafieet It yen bave full s-ue foerx our ny, Druggutsen s Another uts-ike et longuhosren aintbrea*. ouedti N ew York. H. . MLau~aldNorlanti, sle. ffar solde nt e of, r,& ynn' ee table dlsos-rpand Oeeli uremI Mule veiand, I1fandi la es-s-r .uta"o i tbtlebotpnar-,enla ie-an" . bat" l uses lypeasabWiouatom, ati 10:llly t li"Uh , dne a1 o,%n i i aisé""esan* . gfs-oiImpuire bleoti fonale lcinplalats, etc. Tiià re s amfo v - Ja lie vCh*>- *bion lie vitl_ uirrent. itiwtram la 52 v I A tWreà ttu.nt h mibeen di oovored wherel) a permanent. cure cf luis ietOicube dseetabeoluitely Çffected' la frmi on. e otlbree, Ê a~lcto yar rf rtyeg..Tid sre etY, da ad notintofoe.ýwift b iess.D osiptive pampii sent fiee on receipt of stam byý IftovroN, CANAR SPRING SUITS. JOHN 15 BHOWING A SUPEBIctB STOCK OP And other fine liues of C3loths, for, Spring guita.kil garmenîs made up in lateet style on eihortegil notice. Ready-rnade Men'8 and 80Y8' 8U1t8, Gent8' Furnishings and Llnderclothing of ail Kind8. aht a611 the Great ExhibIto. 'Jnoe Who have it -recommend Ilte thskw friends. 4b a juqt the. MacÈine for ii. Public. Dosebll KinÃde ofSwig AlwaYs ln Order. Simple Sud Lasuà Lifetime. The Dominion Orgafts and Piano::. Are Botter bu» Any Other. The. Besb JuadgeesBay Its Tone la the, Besb.. Ib ia bkilt with a vie-w bo I)uzbility and- Beauty. The. Bout Insitrument to Buy, H.W. FOX, AGENT~ WÂI~EROOMS: London and Lancashire Life Company,' Tfe CePanY eunes very desirîble tom eofit PoocY,a h us dposlbcd wath the Receiver General lu Approved Canadian securibles ovor 8100.00 for eà cb 01:00,00 of llmbilty, tuu iiording ABSOLTJT se- c=Ples douirou ot asudrng bueir livos wiI find ilte buteir advaxftmga te cousuit bue undor un, before auuing elmaeviere, Wb.iby, May 18,,'86. -jy General Agent 't * L UFIATS-A P 1HATS]. JOHIN FERGU SON, Dundas St,, Whitby THIE QUEEN'S 'JUBJli4E.E, TilEBIRAZILIAN -.WAREHOIJSE. Will celobrate the event by a complete revolution ithe' 'FOKR TRÂ'N'X ,D , Colored.Diner sets, cooôred Tea sois, and olQed Cambr sts, ctullygiven away, a lrge stok of- enitîr-e'New Pattarus -and styles to trade i iTA o FF We carry l argsto& m W. lead the ~oe CANADIANS8 eau seaonislu the !Unitedi s -ti-asaeme-ma itizn. 1Wl Tels U. S. i Seli-f. A Prease mentlou *he.yen mi tisleot. 8ITTINS8, OF cIRE DIVISII COIJNTY OF OYTARI -No.-& I any BRôCE S'r. , . The Whippiùg-post. scotchy English and Canadian -11 Tweeds; AGENTQ'l FEROMSON -PA-ýTEN-T TRADIS