Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1887, p. 2

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And Items Stolon from our 3xchang#. Last wo.k Mr. Leopor, botl keepoi &t Roseniath, was fined 850 for ellinï *firo- water to 20 Indifflus. ,This ie tihé heaviest fine ever impoBed on one a in theso Unitedi Counties for violation of lte liquor la we. On Tbursday afternoon, Thom"i * McGuire, a boy abouM 15 years of age *mployed ini the finiaebing rooo eta the woilen mnille, wttile in the act of throw- off a boit, lipped and--toit againet the machine, striking hii, head with euch violence ase tokno&t hiuan ceriselest. Ho reaiîned uneonsciaus for haif an hour. Dr. Waters at4erided ho bis in- Isaiah MoCordili, whilo walking on the rack of the Mlidlîid Divigic n of the G. T. R., w. ar Frabfirvilh, cn ua day Juiy 12th, was struck by a paffli train and inetantly kill.nd. He vas deaf and duvmb snd did not hear the tre.in cc>ming arouud a sharp curve. As soon as. the driver caugbt sight of hint loermade every endeavor t6 stop the train, but it was too late. Re vas a brother of UtIv.&fred Willis. of titis lown. Re mode bis home near Bewd- loy. Jno. Ingram, an Alnwick former, appeawed ah the Police Court this (Monday) morning ho ansewer a charge of assauit preferred againet hian and hie vife by Taylor MoNnît, their hired man. One day sot week Mre. Iugram quarrsled wiit McNatt about comani late to his breakfast. H. bold ber te mimd ber ewn business and se retalia- ted by throwing a oup of tes at him. Wben ho went out in the yard eb@ fol- lovod him and rolieved her ruffled temper by giving him a few eound siape. Thon- ber hnsband intorfered, sud, on lte prelouce that hoe fesred MoNatuhva going bo oboke his wifi, assaultod and beat-him. The fine snd costul amorcnhed te $10. Lugram sys that MeNutt would net work, abusod lhe herses, sud took tee many holidays. But, of course, &Rl Lit did net jashify the aeasuit in the eyes of the law. On lte nigitI of the l2tit Jcly, a man named John Quincy, a laboror. of Belle. ville, vas bebeadod on tho ralvay traoki on the Grand Junohion railway while roturmng home frein Poterboro'. Under the influence of liquor, ho got. off tbe train st ffayden's Corners te cail ou a relative callod James Beckot who [ives neirthal place. Mrs. Beokot saw a man epter lte gale sud ealu "«Jim" several limes, but did flot rooog. w»elte voioe. The mnuthon vent dcvii le the traok, sund th.e second ex- cursion train, paumen a few minutes aftervards, muet have run over hum. Iun te grole aud saud about the caotle guard wer. the prints of a man's foot. The. marks undioated that ho had been standing on one spot. At th.esut ond the firet blood marks veeofund on the ouluide oet1h. nortit rail. a. crim- a« trait marked lte «round along tité the. rail vas the man's, head cul clas frein the body. Evidentiy lte pilot viteel bad slrnok the. man at teébock of th. head and eut away -part of the. lover jaw. The boad b" drolled &long th, traok unhil its memenhuin vas speut, mutilatod beyond reognition. The. body vas belveen the'rails, a mangled mass cf fiesitasd bones. The legs were broken near te aukies, the f set hanglng by te s5mev. The ami, ver. ont at thte vrîsta in the smre mauner. Tite body vau 40 foot dovu the trsok front vitere lte firesiblond i i Eamly Fridsy mornîug, couductot Cook, cf lte G. T. R., telegmapbed soe Oifîf Cotnstable Rankin instructions le arresl at h ie coarg station two trompe vite vere sîesiing a ride on hie frelghttraingoung veet. On 1h. arriva cf lte train about 9 o'ctoek, Citief Rauunteck mule cuslody eue cf lte felleve, but found tlitIlte chot, sus. peoting probably ltaI hovas beixug cerafflo, bail juntped off the. tain near Gratton sud escapedi lt. lte vends, viierelie hidhein pnraued'snd osugt by te raiiwsy employeos, vie oe itolding u i tGrafton. Hoevswu itb. srequenlly itrougit teo oboimg by Cou. stable. Ulysîl. Hi gave, btsnainas John Patterson, agi 20 years. Ho' stands 5 fiel, 6 i4cites eigitsmota 160W . bas lis]hl0 1cotomel hait su ad bIne eye' Ti:. î PÇPilsof' bis rigil oye lin ie laier OOrxsum of the- oyéeHM Its.; baseýt ell isAnsd bina eyès.'l OPeir possiat he int o ~f ammesc vretomd lte fOIoýWMnqarg"" uppooed $0, baVe i Wi*ýfï4, s igrbc and âàibëd awsy.Iting tah. ,ws imbléte> bol& tbelu tBMinBo turnedthom acres. a telegraph polo b4rinaging tbem to a etandsetîlL. Baverai portion» of the binder voe r ovru" from the wagon and eonsidorable d"M. age done te tl'exn, Borne ef lteý'lGrt3euhauk people have' a great veakuesa for fisit', judging frox» ethe vay they tronled tieitors ac Liat 'village. Tite other 4ay a norted hers man from Ibis ;place, b.Aving occasion le stop there for a vitile, lied hia herse' aud buizgy in the botal shed, snd ou hi. rotare found thet a nie freeh fisit, vhioùhe left uander lthe seat vas gene, muci toehie dioappoiutment. Hoesys ha dosen't se0 where te joka comas in, if intended for suoh, and if b'a knew lte man who took- tho it hoh would take the Worh of it cul of hlm fome vsiy. rOn Satnrdsy at s largo number of aur citizens availied titemselves of an invitation frein Mr. W. J. McMarhry, te attend a privaI. excursion tle si- bure'. Island on lthe Angle Saxon. It vas a datightfal trip, eppeoially seou acconul tit e day boing 80 excessively bot sud- auy Whto oould go vote very desimoua te 'do se. Il vas lte flet trip lthe Angle Saxon made tbis ysar sud thougit a litIle slow the rue le lite islsnd snd bacit vas made in perfect safety, sufd very mucit eujoyed. Au incident viticitocourred bores fev daye ago exampliflas lthe sagacity ,of doge. A voman vas lesving s rosi. donc. in love vitere site had beau doiug wasbiug, witen site vas saized by lte deg of the house'vite refused le mlosse ber. The vasher voman vas titan bld la raturu lta, artieles site vas felouiously lskiug sa wvitt em in order te obtauit em reoase. egoocu as site had doua se lthe dog allowod lier te beave the. promise. 'On Tuesdsy nigit laît, some burglare effecled au outrance le lite bar room of the St. Charles hotel sud stole a watich aud chain itelouging te tho proprietot, Mr. T. H. Danoaster. Tite valcaisd citain veto in his -veut, vitici vas beft by hlm luntte bar room viien ho r. tired for the niglil. Entranevas gained titrough a vindow, vhicit bail beau lefI open, but il vas proteoto by a sareen sud itou, bars, onaetofwitich vas oonsiderably beut by lthe bold burglar. The toss vas disoovqred about 1 seven o'clock lte nail memning. - Weà audertlnd thal lite guilty party (il ýnown, but ne arrest has yet lsken place. W. trust, itovever, chat Swiftl puuishmenl viii ho moted eut te hum. W. regret tb. loss eustained by Mr. Daneaster, the valcit'aud ehain being of cousiderabte vains. The Ilt rgumeeting cf lthe villageé Counoil vas heM iitite Town Hall, ou te 4ht mm. Severa communications vere reail, eue fro thlie couuty oterk S statiug irtaI tbe amont requimed from Mii "aui.ipt4ity for -eoly pumposes i. 1616, and oeefron thlit.ommissiouems' cf Publie Wenks statiug liaI lite dredzg. iug of the lake voulil b. pmoeeeded vit il forthitii. The. taxes cf .Miss Koster vere emdeted te b. memillei, sud lthe R..,. iuslmueled te issue hie erder in b fayot cf Mm Lewis, indigent, for $8, sud $50 ia' faner cf Wm. Jamieson on soot cf stret walering. Titi Riee- t sud Miame. Bruce and Wllcox veto iustrueted le asertain vit a suilabie baud stand eau b. put up for, ou a 'b suitable site, sud report aIttieaDoura_.ci id meeting. On motion of Mr. Wiloor ai lte olerk vas iuntruned te moquireof~ M. G. Robson, J. P., uuntedial. psy- -meut le bVue village treasurer cf att fines paid te bin for convictions of cf. fenbes againsl eut býy.lava and iun defanît. lta t the malter b. brengit t l do lts attention cf lte Attorney Generai. of -Standard. ci tlInDBY. Tha dismauhleil round-ions. cf Port Hope la begiuuing le arrive aI Lindsay' by the. csrload, four cars coming in on Tuosday. Fourz or fi" milefs ailhing amI sldelraokiug vill b. put dowu ah Lind-- gay lu a short lime le aceommeteb incteasuug tiaffie. -Mr. W. W. W"iwrJM iasitn genemal manager oflte Grand Trank, vas fintoleut esv.k loekiug cnet tbe. exkmtenirailvay mprcvehnonte laiml pnt f«.r titistà George Betry if Pîneton FeUs, vito W" çqcu$Ã"b4a cfa bresaoit cf lt.e 80o Àol sud vhe refuse le psy te flue of, #50 sud 00844 S, a setvm'O dpI s ultende oft hirly day. in -the ceunI>'goali in Hen roverea th,1-odY ï nt00t,0 te revive i,.I ittsstonisiiing quioknem ý* il l o About 1.80 o'clock à rumabuiîgnoté wus 'hard fro:m thc e t-éed oftt s!troot. _14 sjrnnded like 'BsU IneIpien oartitqrSke geëtt'ing up *1tai T rmJIii.grew louder and preÉenîljy de veloped int a positive roi ir., 'Tian W-al seen the singular 8peotao]B of a*'eam oa herges racing madtyantesew1 draeging a heavy lumber aeg6o. Tht team beiouged, te Mr. H' ', Wili5 -,,1 Little Britain and- bad bijendivit'O town with a load Of fnsig~ubr sasb, etc.. for Mr. L. Fentou'a 'bouege. Coming down the hili opposàite lte itigit school a board slippedl fot'waadd gave One of the herses aàd, Tbay started le rue, throwig*lthe boy Who was dIriviug.-a son of Lr Wii.là, aged fifteen years-iieto lb. ditoh-. -Âî. tue railway erossing theo teant h ed afine tur of speed 4 vas being unloaded lu a n manuer. Ssrin e p the leant struck lthes11e veil'a corner aud came iog i sidewik msking a tremond#ln -iov. Il vas marvellons boy w *0llthsy hepl in centre of the broad 14'-t idwî sud skmmmed Pasi lthe gooZle4ip ront of stores. At Foley's hardware store soeithing gave the waaon &,srch sud a hait-dozen offootnagivas .fired titrougi t h. plate glas wiýidùow iaving a bote of the diameter of a voodan waler psu sund juil around. Lbox of lamons ah Campbeill'@door wuastsruck su 'd tho yeliow fruit was sent fiying over thte sîreet. Froin Gueeory's cor- ner te York street ne paxicular dam- 'age vas dons, although somo of lt.e awning poste had a narrov escape. Suudry gentlemn W ho vere inutho chaire in front of the. Benson itouse rehimed inside in a iturry slthe caval- cade swepI Pust like a section of a Roman chariot race or a fire engine ten minutes itehind lime. Bomte bundies of bindiug lwine on lthe oulside of tbe sidewalk opposite Thexton's hardware store door gave thte wagon a lift. The crash that foliowed vas eleotriosi. The balance of the Joad of flootgva fired lhmougi the large plate glasvin- dew, smaehing it into fragments; and oeuding bte stock id the. wixtow flying. à plauk caugitt ounte inside euansd ripped eut Saveral, panes .of glass sud buried eight or tan rifles acres. lthe eounter. Tih. interruption vas fot Worth notioing go far as sboppiug lthe seam was eoncern.d.- Ne~Xt a pile of earthenwaresah Hurley & Me2Bradyle aSs mowed down sud after bte concus- @ion was over would net, briug five ~Onts in Open market. A, few yards forthpm on the, roaci broke iu a'doper- tâte attempîte otear up telI udewalk. A. pile of emali wagons . n ! , 'oe.a ýegs voe rund ý. pzno kfiiltn wood and soattered over ti road way. P'inalUy lb.teint maoed m lthe yard behind lb. Poat building snd stoppod in à 'Vain attempt te pull dovu lthe etreel valet tank, agaigsI vhii thlie wagon collided. One cf bte bora.. vas badty ont about te foot. It,, iq a niracle liaIne eue vas hgrt, but Ste "aY people lied mb stores And cut on the sbreet vas surprisiug. Tii. plate 'las broken la covered 4y hnsurane. but in other cases cf damago the les nill probabiy fait ounmmechants vite 3becs. in dehlance of the by-lsv le o.ep stuif on nom culsaide tlbeir stores. -st J' nu 01 pi fiv for vu wa isi Of H. 1Sunnbipn, vhig pas-ng1d- w ialtoln street vilt coaS,nc sd lt.he vo MusBurtuhatrom avy Q eI liteldesjm. onut' anassd WAPIWRL sujet>'. ~~~pG5t5e lite tjueen's i bolet, Ht. Lookitari, posla~,ast. Nevlennille, vif, sud au 1a4 lu J 5 .~hvav.sA luaisu., ~au.a for gnfànts end Children. tgCatOv1a igô owell £dapted to ehfldren Othacastorta ccuqColle, Conmtpationl, 1 reCOmniend it as superlor to e.ny p e~ipuon Sour Stomnac,eDiarrhoea, Eruccation. inown tc ~' H .D. ils Worms, gives sleep, and proimotes di. THE CENTUR COMrPANY, 77 Murray Street,',%. Y. Inu urier And To The Peint. Dyspepsis tg dreadful. Digordered liver lu mibery. Indigestion is s foto good nature. The humeaundigestivo apparatna le anae o the Most cornptioated sud vonderful Ihinge iu existenee. It is easily put out of order. Gros.> food, tongh food, sloppy food, bad cookory, mental warry, iste hours, irreguiar haitean dIniany ofte things which ought net to ho, bave made the American peoplo * nation of dyspeptics. But Green'@ Angusl, Fiower ha.' doue a wonderf ni work iu roforming this ssd business and making the American people s0 itealty that tht'y cae enjoy their meais sud ho happy. t- Reniember :-No itappinasa without hath. But Gree's AugslFiover brings itesith sud happines ao e dyspepîjo. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy.five cents. A l6-year 61d sou of John K. Macdoeald, of Toronto, was faalily woundad Saturday by a buliet frore lte (arrisou Ccugimoue rifle butta. Great Gain. "I used a great deal of doctor's Medicine for kiduey comptaint dnring fiv. years, vas E ttiugvotse.ail lte ti!ne nutil I Iried B. .B BI took tht.. bott les,gainedin weight frore 130 to 159 Iba. 'I can highly reoar- mend Burdoek Blood Biteto beb.a good medici e-', Thus bostifles John Wallon, of Springfeld, N. B. Titere je ta ha a nov Libetat Homeuie e'voenig paper estahlished in Londn nýj vith J. P. O'Connor as edilor. uoEg If the. suifera frore cousumpîiou, scrofule sud general debility,výLî try Scoll's emulsion of Cod Liver Oul, wilh hypophos. phites, thorv iii Sund immediato relief sud s permameul honefit. Dr. H. V. Moît, Brontwood, Cal., wries : '1I have nsed Scott's amulsion witit great advantage in cases of phthises, scrofule, and vastiug disîsses. Il i. vory paistabie. Put up in 500. sud il1 mixa. Floeds in New Beglaed yesterday canued a great amunut of damage. Cousiderabla A Sourcee Of Danger. Tho frequont source of danger atteudin boweil complaints dutiug tl'e sumer aid fill us the liabity haocheck lte diarthoea tee uddenly. Dr. Fovier', Extract of Wild Strswbermy vilInat do Ibis. InUlmmation et the bovolis do.. net follov ils use, as il too ofton lthe o«mo iti ý poverfuophabos' sud astriýge. Il cures ptompbly and lu a aturai manner. The. Jubilee reviaw oethtét British float aI: Potimouth bv lhe Queen vas an unueually grand spectacle. Atter Long Tears. "I vu troubteil viti livar comaplalut for s numbet f et ysr, findiug no cure. I lrlbd B. B. B. I look four bottes, sud amn par- The Toronto Water Works deputation & .AJt V IAiJ' ha rtune fom is ta tUnited Status ~ ~ < - A"-eYen Oolng Te TraveL Dent forget a supply cf liat Dr. Fov- ler'. Extract of Wuld sttavhcrry. It le a superior remedy fer a ses sioknu anaud a c i ure for aIl bovel complainte in- ( =ement by bad watùi, change of diet or Ç MBR CÂI1 climat. Wiolt.er ah home or abrosi, it E <"R. uhoulul be kept at hbi au asfetemergenoy. Sabaeriptions fer lie -mmperiat Instituts voa sPnqe, cuns, AN erancre w'Un far a from reaching lthe nacesar>' aMount. roamm. Fer Deep Seabeul Coldeansd Coughs 10 eiK3.EOERSC , CHAppED HEL5, Waw Allen', Lnng Blusm cures vian ail.ether G iLLe.' remedies tati. rozux.é.RzsTIMni ximse. Ail lme Irish countias exoapt Antrini vii onPola a vxne&.vAýs ÂI WMIMMEZÂ. *epolie undrthe CrimuesÂct.e moVOIR It KiSEEs, Bnse cPEEouxe. 108 5088 SHOULDEE, Boa£ iÂcxs. Eilor sud get reliaf lunlte lwinkl, of au oFO OOT "e9T;ÀIIDsons K9UTnS, N 85KEPý W. J. MaG t 1ié s hia h mffiâ. ]POU SpIÂlisO E5, EEhISIS M niLnos G. T. R. TIME-TABL:.' Due aI Due at Whilby. Toreut( No. 4 Express 6.47 a.m - - 8 a. fi 8 Local - 8.41 Il - - - 10 ~ if6 Express (does flot stop aI Whitby.) - 11 if16 Mixed 4.25 p.m. - 6.20 p-U fi 2 Express 8 4 6 "Il 10.10 8m2 a.m. - (does not stop1 whîtby.) 2.*52 p.m. No. 1 Express s15 Mixod Ci 7 L oca l Whitby Ma650 "18î 7.15 at 8.55 1.00 5.30 8.00 Whi tb Ma y 15ur88 . am cd P-M c c 69 TlMis -powd4er nover varies. 4A marvol of eonomioal han the ordn 7 biakIuds ad caiinot b. sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosat:npgozwer Sold o ii a. Roy Baigoweo., 106ail st.yN.Y. NOENGLISH STABLE 18 CONSIDEBED MONEY'TO LA On ]RealBlate mortgage9aI Lowlm i I tP Sel ,Atpraiser for th6eCanadie Loail a vn , Go., and agent for the Wvestern lsmus Co. OFFICE-Over Gerries BlOC,Wb, SUitable for wrappingproe under oarpet., etc., 25 Centsp. r hnL,d Apply to cf- THIS oFîÇ BELL Unapproached for - Tone and Quaity. CATALOGUES FREL BELL & coujOGuelph,On huas esea ui'ithegrssp cfdi toelaw. MoMureo&, vriing front in gale frzefzonn h1as'veil sa bsrat . qe bolyndiielku aal ad5vàIoifi m ie* h LIVERY and -SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CIA WFORTH& DEVERELL, FIRST - OLAS TURNOUTB Furuished on Shortest Notice. Commercial Traveller8 Ziberait1, dealt with. PAIR PuICES. HONEST D'EÂLING. WORTHLESS IMITATIOZiS As thora are many interlor good, corded wilh jte ~~ i-"l hai, etc., offered sndtsod as G raline by some un- prîncîpled merchauîs trad. ngon u the repnlaîîou of Our genuine coraline, w. warn Ithe ladies agetI snch imposition by -dra*.7 ing Iheir attention ta the necessfty of seeing Oal Oie 'OROMPTON CORSET GO'l 5tapdonimuer sideoai lCoî-sjjne god WItboutewbich nona ara ganuina. For Bronchitis sud aslhma, try Âliene. Jung Baiedr ; lthe best oough proscription IIFE IOTHER}MK IEM AP! ISTER RIT "'SEWING BM 'ocial Styles fer the Holiday Besson. Noe sale chaap by- L FAIRIBANES, solo Agent. Al1so Agent for Nye's celebrated'Arche wing Machine 011- Whithy, Dec. 16, 1886. I14ALIFAX, NOVA-3SOOTIA.. The presnt ib4 i t ti llme opinobse Five"iuudred cf igabout'lte,,foot, lin;There basj pSing nlac reli opdanlu fo ste g showsaviicit .deer isabout to -i ftein~i. mentitan, ~'rtcit.i te ehi a ed lte coudem lte gospeL Behi friendil Who arto 1 been read je ltemi Th. Bible Rays: lwd of ltee ta na higieà l rime oeues clergymàan imh hie It je the basest h>'j meger to hope" -horriblecrime andl 'Mautie cf religion. Up-np-.-upi1 I --mgit sops t to a Tiiere are 800.* loesinuhe croi oh n e asingle *paled aiuoe the man yen h.ar s jet-a on. 1 These men * tou#s. Yeetardsy1 .diap ubte ilover, a ig a -voui have beau ni nx naI eek-for a vi sight of- bie gallovo- trai iai tinurdoron _donuteiladvances te pialforrn le spaak a neoil howhiaper.. nover 95aw 500 peepi CAtIHE WÂTCHES lte grave. J1 ssk y. viticitbroughtt me i &long. Lot cards ale *poople." - tht uI ita paeelb aneer asitl. Listaiit * hty feil froin t tbo'ipi itas les tIan ton-&u -théicm sadiffereut. b urn. The itelkJut. Wi >lleethe. Let no.-man tollt yen litispeech ha.sboon -tlhay vofl'lils cf flue wvien ouAre blooâd* And new ti horbedsord 1 'W] pé i mnnèent echidr a1 and thon -bruta motter canreacit lw ligioxu i.'vroùgng sud can'1. thon 'iWv Ii s a mus PB SPECIMEN TE8TIM0NIILg. PrmRSGras. te Duk.e of utan<x. 1n p sales. 'I.liniritivory Isfl "HTAIM5ter ôtieioiefr mt Covnto GOOD ROBSES. NEW BIG$. it Di ILI

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