Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1887, p. 1

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I ~. - I VVJZLIIJYi Wlîh calui Pulnted vords grcat thoughts, and untirlng industry, wB el Poace, Proposa, KXnowledge, Broflcerhooa., LS JwI.~ the balani )ds'at ge ,e beforeth Frits reduoed DUCEDO cos1 eJTies iat" th/is inon >k Streeti et Hanget 9-R T/A 0,0D S, VOL. xxIe Established1856. SUBSSCRIPTION RATES. ,,,,Ormenum injfldvanee-$1.60 ether- yiae SbSortiofle are alwaye payable et the offCe 0f pu blieatien. 8 qeuipment and beat furnlshcd I eudJob pring plant in Eastern ottiyio, capable cf exreeutlng saclasses cf ,U i r= 1the large pester -t h.e melleest be8dbUl. Spocial menticn je made of the ,,pauoed. prosu f acilitie. cf TEE Ouos.- vltb ita celebrated N. Y. Cettrel linlderrg and ether modern conveni- :neu. very order receivea prompt, came- fa] .ttemtiOfl. TERMS 0F AUVERTISINO. Fîrat insertion, pcr line, 10 conta ; saab aubequeflt insert:Ion, 8 cents. DisplaYed Ad vertisemen Is are measumed by & scale of sohid Nonpareil, and charged accordingly. A&dvertiseflleftl sent without written inuîructiones inserted until forbidden, and cherged for full time. Orders for discontinuing advcrtieements muet be in writirrg, otherwime the publisb- e will not be responsible. À liberal discount for contract advertise- meÏt, by the year. Copy for changea cf contraot advertueernentas sould be handed in not later than- Wednesday ; and notice of suy intended changea should be given before Tueeday noon. Other savertiae- mente roceived up to Thure4ay noon. Business notices in local or raewa columna Five cents per line weekly. Localei, 10 et.. per line weekly. Correspondecce solicited f rom ail parts cf the Coucty or neigbhoijnRtnspa Correspondects are requeseto eend in their commxunications as premptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHÂ&M, Proprietors. JOHN STANTON, Sxfp't Mochaniral Dep't. JOIIN E. FAREWELLi LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, and County solicitor. Office,- South wing, CIeuri lonne, Whitby-4 JAMES RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTER, &o. Office !orxnerly oc- cupied by Farewell & utledge, next o Rgyal Hotel, Brook St., Wbitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNEY-AT-LÂW, SOLICITOR IN AChancery, Conveyancer, &o. OFFICE-In the OfIce06 outh cf the Peut Office, i MoMillaxi'e Block, Brook Street, Whitny. ly-l0 G. YOUNG SMtITH, L L. B., BARRISTER, &o., &c.-money to Loan -B Isaner of arriage Licenses. Oirvczs-SIL2itb5 Block, aouth cf Market, Brock St., Whitby. Jen. 22, 1878. Whit~y. - )JA TIONS. ~188' tSores sud iM întmte4 s"d BrET) LONDON, esh. El JO GIB8( (1-intù be (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR îUn Chanoery, Cenveyancer, &o. Offne-Deverill'o Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEX TO LEND-Prlvate IPçmn,- lu anme Up te $800, et a lew rat.e cf in- teret. (ly-69 LYMAN ENGLIBII, L Le Bt, BARRMSTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN~ BOhancery, Convoyancee, &0;, &0. Bzm- eoe Street, Oshawa. luebicate D iT MELEUl M.B. (TORON TO gunivoraity,) L.R.0.P.- and L.M. (3dmn. buîgh), &0. Office heur", 8 10 10 &.M.$ 2 Sto4and 7 to9 p.m. Se. Se THE "«TERRÂCEB," BYRON-ST., WRITB!. Dra. WAMEN & OV'TKBZNT»ON P F. WARREN, M#D., C.M., (MeGiLl W. CUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) MD., O.M., (Victoria.) OYFWcE; *BROORLIX. M. C. V1UAW FORTH,9 VETERINAXIT BTGO Graduste of 'the iieroVàieid"Scol- Orders bW m&il « taegreh pli pkly- attended te, OfIRce ati aleeetfG. ATMs, opposite Dr. Bogart's, Daidas strel, WbtitbY B-rookliluV ulyIsMha KH. VAI4 AT, v s; a ïï WHIITBY, ONTARIO, RIGGS & IVORY, S. E. cor. Kinig and Yonge Ste., Toronto. B B) ST TEETH, 18 on rubber. LOeluloid, $10. Gold, $80. Have eztraotcd the teeth from lhnni cf persons, aboolutely painlees by the urne cf Vitalized Air. 46 e with Langrley, LangIey & Burke, Torento,) qARCHITBCT. Designa for Churches, 'Villas and Cot- tages a .pecialty. Drevwinge prepar.d for remodelinu ext stinR struc~turwes. SOAP CHEMIST and DRUGGIST Qrc-irt ft ver ww c'g Dmu1 Has just received a large as- Store. P.O0. Box 202, Wamn. SEBERT BROS*., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCE STREET, WHITBY. Good R~igsa ad Gcod Herses. Terms rea- sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. IRIEZ AÂYS w R 1- J'OWDERS.e Are pleae amt tot- tke. Contaim tbefr co" Pugtivi. le a Rafe, sure, and eàtai deauuwer of w.ra i Cildruor ÂOU DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER% THE COOK'8 BEST FRIENO, 1887M SP BING STOCK NOW OPENED. The -Latég"st Sma NEW DREGN sortment of TOIL E T S0OAPu Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GRE4$3 Also for sale by W. IR. HOWSE, AiKII H BGIT NEW V00008! W. Pt. HOWSIE, CHEMIST A.ND DRUGGISTI W IT Ras on hand a very lg and seectstock ot Chriatxnasgouda, omprming Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Holders,- Odor -Cases, Mirrors jin Plus/z, Tollet'Cases, Large Vasqs, >4yl, J1ILY- LOÇi lire. Uzbrid~ Mis. mtaying 1.51 W54 Mi. fi I.EWS LETTERS, in ICA, V"r bas returned from r 3 uIe a been 'vieiting. W&a~ à f Port Periky vas ci*rElaivee for a wbile siÇud, . Wýn. Blaveon nof To- Who - b viailing ai Mr. o.Clhui fr ame imè bave taksn, their dep for ornt«. Mr. Davd, arden bas retumned from tbe West ;Obsen a hori lime ai home and 1ta ar$ ed off &ai"te jojo hie father 'Ïho isý eug&ged falfiUing Borne countoliýte building lin. Prior ta o ek oý s ago Mr. Benj. Med andU1r.Jo. Stnbbs, ver. very actively enp.ged in tting in a largo number of ltey-for s, fai and near. Bàsb the tean the implements eem nto lu lor if h te people 10 judge by the cun!tey have s»Id. The porful sermion delivered on. Sunday by ËBev. M r. Manning vas tem the tot Et '<or as lb. ligblning- thet lightenth out of th. on. part under heavep,."shin into th. db.: Pa#t nnder h.aven ; oo shail alo th. Son of Me*uh. in hie day' St. Luke 7;24. Tbumsdy àfternce»i vas the appoint- cd lime for Mr. Edwlu Chriaties rais- ing. Albhotgb il w9ls rather dark and cloudv, sva e~na tstatd from UJtic&atogo toiàt;buZ, bdloretumn and tae shelter Iu Mr. Pafo.'s on accunt of the nain. ,It camne down heavily,but quitl whiuuddendy there came a.. dazzinggla& of tnging amcmpaz4x. .8 by e treebndous roar of Ibuuider juil cver-had. hI'he roam eveey Saing immodibt*ly gler vas lu total oonfusiun. IMn.,Geo4 Ward vas scenj to stand sud thon tel ovingonuv ni- oively wi&h he lhoet t Obock. When ~icked up ho p lteriy lifelesi of Mmu iI4 w1 epi em mpte j vas aloi i, Wtg on hg~eb. Uider lb. . ,.e r vd aterril shak., b"w lb. lie sad he fel.& bumingfeelingO0ii'ued fer e long time but ograda off. Mr. Geo., Htornovhovau-tlp »Mur the stoyo »Mi asà,rd* lieu ho e$airl ght Pmi dovu uelbelowbis Iface iL thon 5he feit a térrible Îstt»gu~gad buwnmng lu hi f. The âneseems Io bate struekils foot îai lors bis boot -10- ribbomu .dthon odtbuougb thb. fooL They are &Ul inroveng slowly. but tabi*g every: g mù9 considera- tion it vas mISIus deivorenoe frorn »Mdon deali. MUn. Jo.. Werd'is comnplet>lIy prostraeé abs baving bea tb. Èret accuaI t o aL&ir. - "àlà siowly impicviug x80w 1 he doota'$u The rasi*doeof:cirf. .W. lon wvas ding~aumlfnelm.1r. * purc-hesolr.- T d n 1!hrdyvnigleteo ~oùu~ed e. b eti héla aroar 29, '1887. of a littie obild belon'gig tleà a auy living in th. neigbborhood wue wheel- ing it nest the edge cf Lb. oUf when by sorneinsane the carrnage tipped over sud baby carrage and aIl fell over the edge mint $ýe vat.: below. The aIarrn vas quickIyý given and a panie almost ocoumred among th. children. The father 'of the child in a "few moments ,Lest Snnday the Free Methodiete held a camp meeting ini Hutchioon'. [Woods. 1Mie Jones cf Miseftsippi and Mise Hall ot Brantford are visiting ai 1Mr. I. J. Goulde. Mies Marie Widdifield il apending a fow weskeata Penetanguiehene afler oee w..k witb Miss Neleon et Midland. The rnajority of the towns.poople Wbo have holiday. are away camping, rnany at Beaverton and some ait(ocbo.4 cock. The town wus visitedl lasi night by the Wizard OÙ Company whicb gave a publie concert, gac.bering a goodly crowd. WhiIe standing in the crowd Mrs. Bowers faited away, on aceount of tbe beal, NO 33.- A Boy's Death Wolin&. JOHN P. MACDONALD KILLEBD NY- i BULLECT PRONM EE XPLEBUTT& ~ AT TORONTO. One of the mit painful acctinti: that ha. happened in Toronto for a', lonlg lime vas Ibat whioh .resulted fii th. death ot John Porley Mcdx ad vas- berd aiàd ,a--,ry rlst)a soineone vas drowàni. (Japt.G Macdonald, cf the Q. O. B., aid oher vent docvi tew.ater's edge 4te ua' what tb. trouble vwu, and -thé.cptain vas horuified tb find. tha thb.- cou- pansteofthIe boat 'wero, Iebrother Jarnes, bis cousin -mis" Perley, aid anoîher cousin named John Perley Me- Donald, th. lattee ofwbom, h boohei ebot Ibrougli the body by a vild builet- fror Lb.therange@. Everything -that tender bande and eyrnpathetic bearea eoUld do vas dune.1 The wotinded- boy waa carried in lb. boat Op teb. E- hibition grounds. Capt Mcflenld ia off te telephome' lu lb.th Confedeioný Lif. Assurance office foi lb.e father,. whulo othere ecuud lb. peighborbood for'doo:.. The freit to arrivèe ve- Dr. Lyud of ýParkdale, whe id al4het wu 0mii miieOui the arrivai l b.:té anibul*lqe. He founâd litai abullet, bcd pmO"d troýugh- thé side cf lbc al ' frw. bave a letten Ibhis week fror. alik thê boy inti Brookli again stining up the feelings 4d tbrounb h.h bodj of the peuple- theme ini regard te oburob course, 6jdicg an, a matlers. Tl 1nic ! b etrleft.uide. The-sife makes il quite persunai, but tae..good bbsbii I20 cars lu roerve hi. own pemonajiîy teh * irnueif. Il is uuly wben pei.enalitiga LINGEERD TExOi are i9troduced that we are bound tu surrouuded k àybie 1 knbovwbo 1h. writer le. in . other. oe"tDr i ordinerydiscussions ve don't cane wlo bl ousieusîesas the :919r', 6t a eommunication is. At remaitslê those '-aâ any rate ve ceneider il le lime tiitdis- doubla waIs viiidngýl oufuion vas elosed. I.We fancy theb. ug and kukcmediaI-e noisy portion of lb. Brooklil people wbjeàn the. tidingeý are tocthin-skinned aid toc aubiun artlMed tee laie luo to -lad faut, and bittemnees i. added 10andvasoprplotely their stnife by the 6obus c f a tev peo- The-'boy ah i pie vbose privai. batrede have led Au:boni fué,ie d theen ta b. be' te oîpio>nS cf scolty aU l 4èbip o Wlahm t the. ,Ilv00. TIM4. rnwa Who - PI b'es' #v. " o ' ho thât if they viii ighl -oït ai~ bo cun kick up they vi» haîve ieawa~e. hait). full mol <of th. lime', sud i» reaandbhad juà;tro neyer be any belle: off for thoir bicher,. The do<bor eletes il Ing.-E.J . astiot hiurdy 7eY bave e Siek Notes.savvi lUtlb.course t apotbe week Mr. John Re vas m#ending t Dye4M. P Pbols fcorwýrd wothe, * ý mav fa nuube, cf uhep ure.bame t"om un e ine" ie lchl Rglnd-pop= arWith Thé bréeder et tb.:sheeP would unssi Jamnes Ma&en. hum untù lhebad mfoh aV -40,v bahtt liy ve. ravi shows; .lsa Mr. y' en 'oihaer egtnver tbiflng of!Il Qolumbue4n ro m lb.old o=utry ~ed*h wil * to-7a-l& iaporledClydeedale r<iwigo Aý4bl *hala eb l&ia-bèd q»one he iibost ever vilic boi7u4 -e riglt i, pi. ~in advvr out1et- tiongh -thb. kr vas ooîveyed, riiudsand *waiob- iaoin.Hàneer mld, mae.feun erou nd. lir.hhio. a sats at Tîlson- aîly satdfoi hoes roach.d ber,-8h aoc b'ýer :son maiv rprostraled by gif d- lait et 8 o,01o0k. And an saborimerit Ofet terticles suitale for preSOlt& CaU and Eza'mtu. Our Btgek B861M Purclaano ekmwhor. x) . -O:E,

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