Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 8

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per Y"&4A LIo. BaowW*s.fo=Muinpredùtace b.qi BA euL 1h. barb r ; cranuu c haulod, seraped and -shorn. L&»Meshsould .e-oui stock cf h sil10ô par pair. Androw M» Rosa. Mu. W. H. Pipeor, near lb. greundo, renoua ladies and gontioma otrav or fur bats. Tinr about your fountain ef hoalti Brown'a fountam ovorfiova with genuino livo-for-ever. Souz cf the barley in this viciniti llght in th. head. Whou it i. "liq dated" il viiimû. Bsorne etthe Ami Oano light in th. iead. The Prosbyt.rianu had a very pc day yeoterday for their pie-nie, Fr( oarly morning il threatened rain, s many limea local shovers came aloi Tut magnet whioh draws so mai people te our store is chargea with combination of iow prioe and go quality. special baug"is for cash tl month. at Ross Bi-Co.' Dry Goc Emporiumn. Tins is a week ef pic-nie. Tuesday lb. Baptiuts vent dovn te, t wat.r's .dge st Corbehi'.; on Wednadi lb. Mothobs followed suit, wie À saints vent 10 Pickering ; y.sterday tM Prembylerians vent te Gorbelh's. Gousiani dropping viii Wear avay atone, and high prices vill Wear oi any ssd pookot bock, but tbis nef net binder yôu dropping in Bt Bo Bics.' Dry Gioa Emporium. The puices are tee low te Wear out an: thing. Ouia resders must hoar in mina thi on Wednesday next Juiy 27113. t] Women's Foreign Mission SocietyC 8t. Andrews cburch hoida a lawn part ai Mis Ktcon'. residonce. The objej in making Ibis announcement is t0 hal a large numbor attend and w. hope May suceoed. fair ID s f- the y~ il qui. .eri- 0or tm md >du he il'. le. fty ýct va il TiCKETs, rail, boat or ocan-Buy ail uaiivay or ocean tickets, local or foueign, from E. Stephenson, up-hovn G. T. B. tioket sud helegraph office, Whltby. Guiuanheed il rock hotom rates. Choice.cf sevon ocean lines. Aime "Se& ' uido," ses batbing, and 'Mus. koka lakes eason roubd trip tickets chemp. Ta Baptiste of WhiWby and Brooklin hoid thoir annuai pic-ni. at Corbett' Point on Tuesday. Everybody cou. nected with iher was thero and many friendu. Boats vore provided on th. lako which vas behaving in an agre.- able manner. Tho@@ who ver. present report one of th. most enjoyable pie- nies ever held there by thoee cngrega. WHEN a man vanta to buy, oeil or ls, a aim h.onight possibiy Save himself 51.000 by letting th. farmors kraow &bout ih through Ta CHONicLE. AUl the boit farmenrs ad Ihi.,paper. Farinra smoti osoe a thousand dlr.by being 1o. mesa te pend fve in advertzszng. No porson nood b. afraid, advertising always pays in a Papor thai bas anything in il Wor-th rending. ON; Tuoslduy Balleged baebail team from Oshawa came Up te play Our Whitby junior.. Il ie not strotohing, a point tosay that th. visitors wve.a tough looking gang and theu pIaying vas about on a par wxhh theïr olse. The. Oshawa folbows steoin 1-have a spite at Our club and sire Maing il ont by letting '1h. boys kil thamelvos running bases. The. gamolon Tuesday wua repotition ef tb. on. at Oshava laut veek-a cricket score of il te 27. Thus i. th. lait score WO 5bBl give until tb. figure ieduoodalittle. It l8usr.. ly vorth buie te Mention Ihatt h. Oshawa fellow. vere not juniors et au but-grown Up -mon. nor duit neceasary toIgmontlon that sevorai cf theàwn voi lTa Piekoring Nez.,,Baya :-Thor@ waf groal exciternent in tovn th oother nlght vhs. il vau roported that O'Brien 13.4 jus it sruk, the vîillaePople vere vcudering- what brought hlm 10 town-ifIl vasu le addreas the asem.. bled multitude On th. burang question Of Hdmo Rule for Iroland ; if tas had cred a riot somovhsro and had esad 0Ib male retroat t'O aàodp rrs: if ho had Dot s@Omo ahome inhand for the destruction of th.e nghh Hpuse of Gommons sMd had cone hua te qmielly vozk il Up, nvoean' ac ohi -queriesmImmu as te>;i#h l"eJ.ao.Bthe. M= , tmebui 6 5riwred to lqm lb. d.0f1 tàt@tWhb moe*ii by u vis rlalg bigiser and hgq.Io beeaâedmon, skéd wvii ibaea -br.tI "Where im hb. r, but ..ho snsvred "whers."009«" abl.« -rput on' his woMid 11"#hie bu Ii naéW, #1.250 01.50 at Rosa Brow DyGoods Gusztoàus cf the ROYal botel barbei* §hop say 13e *crk don.già equi te any. tbiiag doe n. Toronto. WB have soxnelhing new la whit. Muslîna ai'7o per yard. A good article. Se. it. Ândrev M. Bose. Use Dr.. Dorenvond's Great Gorman Hlair Maglc for baldss, gray baur, as for sale by a&l drugglskh. SPECIAL offera int Sundayseby ool liraries and prises ai Mia. Âiii's For fir.t ciao. oods, 1ev in pr: and courleous trestment go le tb. c goode store ef Andrv M. Rosa. Ross Bics.' Shirtings and cotenad ar. tb he et Of tbetovu, vo keep or th. hestqualiti.s ai loves t price. Largosi varioly of pbotographi buins sud plusb goode over opened Wbitby at Mns. Alluns, Wht-yhoý and musie store. Dos'T bosihaho 10 galber An 1th. ba gains whici are nov oflored in sumin goods et aIl hindi at Boss Bics.' Di cioods Emporinmz. GE&Ni7LzEm looking for tweed seno ses our stock and- beau An mind liaI they vint a fluet dais fit they eaum ge aursy by boaving hheir moaure vil ie. Andiew M. Ross. Ma. Gao. MlATKEW8N, vie has hOu, st Ganonoque foi 1the put Ivo 7051 btit vbo is a genuîneolod Whithy bc s acceptad a position in Mr. Sime 'iaser's groceîy store. TRIE Oshawa Vindicazeo, suqgesti anld wo second il vitb aIl oui besu bhat the he club in Oshava chileng Dur basebaluisîs. We vii purchae Donoagnmenh et len cont aigsrs for th 'indicalor if our juniors can'h do u b.air crack club. Letters from the Peop>le. rje iry des ai- in >ok Kr. oer l'y id if au Dy r1, gl le 1 1 '* 1 re Editor CHRoNICLE: Suu,.-There are l'wo or tbree litIle rnatter of r *ecent occurrence which z-equire a passini notice frein me and if you wilI give me thi necessary space in your valuable columns 1iî endeavour to make a f ew comment there'on. In the first place I wrote a lette, refiecting very serioun on Brooklin. Meth odi8ts for not paying their mîiuter. Ai soon as I could, after discovering that I haW been misinforr.di I mnade amnp le, and1 tbought suifficient apology for that letter, That letter it appears gave an individusl writing under lhe non de pleun of "X" ar opportunity te Iaud Baptiste and Presby terianu for their perseverance as "6Sainte,, and at ths saine lime te insinnate Ibal the E was alack of -spiriîusj progress amiongtll, Methodigts. I have the very highest esteem and regard for both Mr. Carinichael anc Mr. Barker. Both are excellent preachere and earreest christian workers. There are, doubtieus, many zealotis christians in bot congregations thougb «"X" cannot be put among thein. No umr who knows the~ Methodit congregation will deny that liere are sincere christians in it and that there ha@ been a steady and, on the whole, salis. factory gr'owth towards christian prfection. 1 w-ingly and gW.y acknowledgtatas betweenîtheethree denomunatious sp.cified, I can ses littis difference, oertaunly no materialdÎferenme.1ibeliev, all th.. eare doing good faithful work:- but au for one doîig more than another, that is a plea&ant fiction~ boou and lodeed An the prurient imagination of -'X" only. Again as "X" is flot a Methodist and iu net asked to con- tribut. te Methodiut funds and enterlain- miente, I hope hie wil pardon me if I respectuîîy sugget that il mu nonse o his businesb if the ?-Ithodists have an enter- tajainent in connection wxlth lbeirf society every w.ek. Themiembers beau the burden of, and are reuponsible for, ail of thein. The other congregations bave the same pui viege. Bach congreuton looks te itaelf for support i ils various depamenents cf chuuch wçrk. Hence outsiders are: net personally conoer.k ed, and any sucb remark8 as hom made byj 41'are grusimpertinence. The outgrowth c( my letter Au th. Ieuter written futi.N hUta-Ko Observer' and copied by ils equal snd analogons sheet, th3e Brooklin Time;., AUl my efforts te soover the cowardy scribbler have been unavail*n* and allthe present momnent Iam comply in th. dauk su te the peusonality of thc auther. That he is nota 41scbool truste.." aud thut he lives in Brookiinare quit. chear tu my mind. Witburegard totenteof the. letter I bave lithtle Bay. That ville applying s generali nsuitto te ecezu vho cnay correspond for a local paper, it is easy tnperceive hbat he loves me vel enougb te s.ek te destroy me, a love sbau.d by the mSet Chri-stian editot -of 1the Brookiu lima.. sI mply wish te tbank themn for hemr very kid uegards- sud tp înhimate clearly sud emphalically, but gently, that I don't cabre f~or theb5d or inIfferent opinion cf eiteroýýt&è, or the e meaison Ibat neitior cf lbem, thouge eetheimilitude cf mran, psess a surgie eianiy quality. I am pretty u'ell known s8ab teMcher An iSouth )ntunlo, sdi do net think r am pneu. Lucus m uaig liaI lie teaceorsin liiucounty vould not rate me au <'Seébool ~rnstè" des. y-pupils' recordsataithe ariensdeparlmonta oaenti on compare. fvorably viti mny coxnfror...LMa1krs- mnaby inter liai I am» onaibpau1i hthre, Mher tesqIers le thé .A1-tink if M3 rMuýAl»voete so npce fi c ti [àPse F ,ici bave thein ben- Mis. J. Shand, cf London, Ouri., i., vAit- iniz relatives in tovu. Mr. RoaOd Gregory pald bis friendia short vistitIbis veok. Mr. A. T. Hsight loft yesta" y for hlm borne An Norwich. Mr. D. (Juter. formenly cifthé OuocLz, wau An tewn Ibis veek. Mis. J; S. Boborion, etf Tor to, ien vWt- Ang An tevu, tie guosi t M.JO aPringle Mr. Pid Lkeau old Wft n~~aOW et Nov Yô,e, la n ltowva illnt« lprn Mns. W. Henderson sud asemiss Liazie Loudon, are vilitins lr&~ A. G.- Hendemsn. Mr. Eddy James, an old Whilhy boy, w*s in towa lut wek.Eddy la doAnS veli n Unobe Sam'a dominions. Mr. J. T. Fothedugham, a. .1. laIe ClassicalMaster of Our Colegisast4tulte, hai beaun sppointed ho a "poitibu» on the staff cf th. Upper Canada COIS>e.W. congralulate. le Offife et Wiitby GuaoeýicLz, Whithy, July 22j, 1087.0 WHITBY MARK.T Pal(ÇRBx. ikaflWh.îî...a oue ...000#07 il $0 80 ~ZgWesî...~.....7~ *080 07,072 Poipere'wt....... o0 050 00 -&» .....qr* 3600 Bàed Olova eus 0* 9etdl0 6ý 00 Applesp p -bbl........-1 2w .~0 -,»01 TOrp% PuIS sud SB CLOCK&-..1 Pul took c b ere11 vofbudthat lthe boichepeet, *Oul Ie l * ed y for c ole i n h rses is Por fa i'pougilleu, adwe honetly a~ ntht we nelveî Uùaeto u». the wot*# Case f ooIÎc we eVer aMW, and v, cheer.. ?rdy mocang lait ~ ~ lotiM o t ,Opus a ar 1qo~pg toi -Lndsay Md infpormd !if et Police bBell Ibat a*remr sInOlen fromhi. promises lb.i tI *J1~ Ghiot Boit at opee got -é o*o C. animal an4 icb e Wore -Zù"ed ê cOu stables sud police office uii radius cf 100 miles. GIIfBal aise t.legraphed, te Petorýbor'o: Porît flope and other points 10, if Pos- ifle t .head ,Off tho Ibief. Acting ObiefofcfP li 4Âdama' cf Peterborough iec.lvWi 4stoegism oarly Frid adud a&ot l -giq pour- ing? bh X. ers aMd If. "Hoff took-says the o Rviunt ; e . ape dolails incidentaec La,' arret-Ib-te telegram, up 10 lie Stov4rt, bouseA.0 onquie of Mi. Gavanagil uhothor 'h. iad iseon snob a hors., andit teb.@sme lime Mr. Oavanagh vished tho me. lie actlng-cbief 1té1.11l hui atî i. hadi bongil a herse but vas susious abont lis ovnership. The ho st aiMr. Gsvyanagh' sultea 1h. desrition, and the man vie had hrought ltir., Who had givon his name as Rearne snd afiervards se Frank OID onel w arrested. iwa XKons me tb lb. st, 9 bouse aI Petorborough on Tuosday1 tgu ad pald a vsek'q bonrd W 4aao.~ 1018 li. Gavaagi liaI qs ca out le Ennismore 10 buysgi bie aMd ouJd bring itin and Jiti o blm-. On Thursday nlghtbl h.1ho4lb.rk. liai hoe would b. oui 1*taud*s Mnormed hou 10 gel An.*Neit moining ho vas on band sud about upon brcughi sol mare totee stWble. Mr. Osvanagb bitcbed Il np vilh a colt ho wus breaklng, sud when be returned Keaz-n talked ade. A 1 argain vas made for 6100. hMu. Os ana i vasw 9oi0g 10 psy him, and had iho money couuled oii but changed ' ismd aind told Keovno i. would pay' tb. Doit fleming. Some mon vWho voie ao- quainted in Ennismore o 108)Ir. Gava. uagh Ihat lie Man from wlom Keains said he bad bougil le ie nilhd ne snob hors., sud lie supiOOsincroas- Ing ho made Up bis m'Md té speak le bhe polio. vitlbtheosuiltsted.. Ciief Bell et Lindsay vent down te Peturborough by th. noon, train on Ionday sud broughi back ZKears-ci 3airns-te Lindsay. On Tuesday ho vas hrougbt before Police MfagIstrâte )'Leary and tie crime be!n« cleariy 'roved vas sontoncod 10 o ae year An the central prison. It turted, eut on investigation that Kearna <ai anted Du anoîber charge ef bouse oleallng in November lait. On Ibieseoond charge ie vas given anotber year #nd a.balf. XTOW BEADY-Our new bock, "E-artb, . Ses snd Sky; or, Marvels of the Univers."; 1_Un a fMI and graphio do- sription f Sail a swonderful in every continent f the Globo ,inü b.the rd et waters sd -he Staruy eavens, ontaining thrling adventures on land- and,, ses, r- nowned discovries of the 'wold'sý greatest explorera in--alges, and emarkable phe. nomena n every realm f nature. Em. bracing the triking physical foutures of the esill, the peeuiar charateristcs of th. human race, f animas, birds, insecte, etc., includng a vivid desripton of the Atlan- tic Paiflo and ndiàn Oceaus, and f the Po'a :ýSeauthe Monters f th. Deep, beautWulsahels and plants, sifglar flishos ad& dwelleraini the worid of waters, romakable Ocean curents, etc., together vlth, th. re 01 Embellishd iti over 300 fine engravings. OXFORD PUBLISHINO e 5JORDÂN ST., .TORONTO, ONT.1 OF UCTIONSALT NTE1 0F W OFA ESTAT I T rJ7HRE trustees cf the undenmentioned pro- Jýperty bereby giev notice tuaI theïe ho be old by public sution t Biy's note], in the tewn cf Whitby, on Mondaît the 25h July, 1887, t tbq-h.ur f 2 'oloc in tbe ftern6on, by Lovi Fairbanks, uc- tioneen, the property knovn au lb. Witby ONGRBàG4TONL CHURCH PRO. PBRTY (includizrg bot 1the Cbunch build- ngs and Parsonage, wilb 1the bell, lampa and chandlier) cnsisting f Town Lots *Non. 51, 52, 85 snd 86 West f Brook Streot us laid dewn on a plan of partet Lot Num. ber 27 in 1the Second Conesson of Wbtbv pesiplan. The prpota ailated na mets db"sibe 1c lly"amat ithina atone'& lbrow oet ho businoss centre f lb. Town. TEBMS Cah. For> paiibulars apl te ROB& JOHNSTON or UENRY IAVBY, tIv- oeth1e Truatees. This Notice is given pusuant la Chaper 216 et bhe Revied Statuhes ot Onlano entitied "An Actrepeo6ting the propoty of Bell- gions Institutions." t U. F.AIRANKS, J. B. DOW, Anelloneen. Solicitor for Trustes. I I I i I fi s I h I il O N~~~ ~~ <)IBl ee gvn, punsuant te, R.S.0ýO., oap= r17,and 46 Victoria, ehbapter 9, Ontsrio, that aIl creditens and oitler pensons hsving dm . et t1he esiatec f Robert Dazontlate o et e ou- *l of Scarborough, An th. Counhy of or, farmen and formerly contracter, de.- Oeeaed, Who <ied on ou about lb. 271h day ef Januauy, AMD. 1887, are horeby nured to delivcor.send by pont prepaid te iJJ Foy 74 Ohuroh street, To0n)o,-1. Souci. 1cr lon John.A.Gcaasuad Davidson Gar- lav, Hzecutors o et liad deoeased, on or belon. h-l t day oet A"e,1887, a ulale. Ul n Anwuting of heur =aies sud: ad. nmomand Ml parlùelaus of their daia, WUt *e 'vouchiers upon vWb" hoyare bgs udasawent: cf ail sourities (if d Lut m-akntee, that himmedistery "Itrsid dat. the e Exeoutons of tbe al deoesodvii pne.e'jodistributo 113e aste es efthle doae mong the parties entwled lrreohaivng eea>" nly l e cdaimsof vhl*4inotice a&U-have beon. given ma beve ioquirod; udl. adÀ~ eeutnm vllut b.hablà.forthe sad aget c vb-ose laluiM relaimnotice -bsi"l net have ires» roeèi'ed-bythâi at the atoo., ssid"a- ' '- Dîled at Toronthe Ififs 151h day ef Juin., 4Ù.- B0l#itoi for te CEIL ING 1887, BIG E'DUCTi ON.'i BIG IREDUICTIoN IN ~2PLE GOODS REDUOC 'learing Sale During Ju1y.O ôf their- Summer Dress Goods at gre, 1-y reduced prices. Nice Goode Redneed to 12e. 150. 200.. Ernbroidej at nearly coat price. Bound to clear thaei before the1 of season. Muslin at 5e. 61e. 8c. 10e. Prmnts reduceî 5e. 7e. 8e. 9. 10e. Shirtings reduced to 8je. 9e. 12.1 TWEEDS-ALL DCD Abig line of Gent's Summer Ties ai bargain. Wfe mean to reduce our stock this moh and offer bar-gains in ail uines., oWELLo &uda an o Corner of Dundas and ]3rock -18~ Large Range1 $ OkR Paftei M - GOO 0DS. New Dedggos, ~L. )itb!1 ~ EstabliBhed ~ading ffeelIj Iii ~uBsÉ~BIPTI0I~ ~..~nnm lie adm an 0ag ialr mi bi b F fi DI JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mecoanfial De, JOHN.BE. FARE1W RB ISTR, ouuty -sud County Solicite JAMES RgUT ouidby Faree oR Roa otel, Brook St A TTÂVJD ORNTIS' AN Ohauy, Oonvey Ouvrez-lietlb. Officu Ofie nme, 111078 G. vOIJNig S1 .aiuser et.,arriage ~Bokst., Wbitby. ~s.22,1876. * Whltby. >ECORA TION 1887, -BORDE/i'8. Stagfirt emacki, Wbitby1 VA4LI/SES , GOOD VALUE. 0EIL/NGý-- 18870 M SOLAR AND STABRlI SYSTEMS 1 ýl a 78 31 h it 0 0 e t t The Ràngllab rifte team won the Kolaporo Oup at Wimobledon Wednesday. A. Neghbouz-. Gavq me a dose of Dr. Smith's Gorman Wom Bmedy and it removed a large r.-n numabîrof wcrms fr9mmy ohildien, ait. a&U so-alid worm medicins aied.-Thos.' s J MOEigott 51 Anderson street, Montreal. 85 cents, ciaadruggists. Au etensive fire ccurred on the promises of th. Standard 011 Company ýt Constable Hlock, N. J., Wednesday morning. .A I Tho verdict f hall th. world.-The entireA L western hemiphere proncnce Murray & . Lanman's Porida Wator lb. Iost dliious pirfum. for the boudoir, the ballroom, and the bath, that obemltry bas yet suoceded in eXtraoting from living flowers. C liein erinder ln - 1ubeqpexLt insertion, 5 c, ,Diupsyed-Âdvertiseme àyasosi of solid Nonpi ,A&vertismefltsfient InstructionsB InsertOd me full ime. r, must be An writing, .- theà A liboral discount forae t meits by-the year. Cci a contrant avrièet In not latorib tan Wednêi of anyintended changes' before. Tuepday noon. mnents reoeived up te Thm Business notices in longé S Fivo cents per lins eeki 1»per lino weekly" (Jorrespondence soicit et ýth>e Conty or neighl ocriosfpondents are reqz e 'l 0 hffl p icial miel co. Str mm JUMOW and Oommeý«e NOTICE TO CREDITORS. (3-0(D:OSýý 8èý POWELL & Co., offér the bal,, MILLINERY AT cos a 4UCTION SALE Low Pricesi

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