aCanada Loïn oandavagt. for tbe Watrn-Âsaubt, or Gerrie' . Block, Whi.b, NU ~~iug parpeses, laythe W,7cents par buadreî. tHis OFFIOB3, BE'LL" gUaapproacbed for .Tone and Quaiity. DOUES FRIEZ. G u Gelph, OnL *NEW 5108, d SALE STABLES, LS-ST., WHITBY. THI & DEVERELL. ,ASS TURN-OUT8 1on ShLorteet Notice. ýravtdlero liberally deaIt HONEST DEALING. lL.ESS IMI[TATIONÉ As teeaemany' luferior r od, okrde w1h jut het l., off ered and sold1 aCrallîxe by soine -un- principied merchanja trad- rný on the reputation or our genuMn 'rlu, WQ war u ladies agatinut sucli "impositin<by d 4w lng their attention te the neessity of seeing thal theb naune ON CORSET .8 a-r aide of &1i Coraine gooda, chuWcue ane genuine. 0and asthma, try Allen'. h. beet oough prescription KE I'HEM HAPPY! aeing an Improved URBBANRýS, -Sole Agent. rNye'a celebrated Aretu 0i1. aGiven for Les. »a 10 TonS. ri weather odIeuiues lois- rego and scarcity cf saliv Iother irregauarile whiok, ,uÃŽoes of tlb. stomach to be ~iothst wheu ln th. cool of meail lasaltn SUu - y llowed by au atadk qil maor some snob aupleéýl bhia can b. prevented ichflikeep the m f ree flow ot saliva. convenleut pîeparatio, la otelbr to put-oi JO ~g-n lb. mouth wbea »9camts ouý Md lot fr re, orIco take euie or w ýs Flùid Betd Z h lsn eiîher bot oroold 1rtl very palatabie), tlis l u lb. Fiuld Bail *nd lula 1h. Place e of ira trio e ces, so Ihatw nire in auficisut acd est the oo m ao# ~ut 1h.e2nple.saut ef one ortwodayg' tsI ~eue of bsas 6s net ndier thre Y: BULL ServisrrBal Wu. ffWPOl t! W 00000 O PLa flNGHI#A. yrom lhe San PraelM ohrmcie. The populationl of China, bu beau fi msiWjêrof mach discussion a*4 doublé among f90=1g'e 18 hm bsq l aim. *d the figurasof the ObI1»@8. con. 000 re ac uh 100 i*Wh. Tuer, ruhow. *i, n known-temsonwby Ibo" officiaiu 01l éhat Ccufltty shonld szsggerat'e *heii Lputalth Thoaei:âo dà aut4g the uvn tan acoarate oenims are mout ,,pis. Every bouse maet have a là %i ci ite iinates bang st its door, aud a ,violation of tbis is viuited atb unish- mient. The imporiai s îo taxues are b&oed- in part upon the. flambera cof the people. The mail difflcui tax imposed upon the -provincial raiers is Iiefurnishing the amaunta ýof Money, domnded by the Imporial Govern. ment, and sny excessive cenua retau woUld.only incrsas. thaitdifilly. ît is only a fair presamnption -Ihat ifi the cenus ~rotures are incorrect they are too email rather tkhan too large. The ceneus of 1875 gave the popala. tion of the empire at 485,000,000. Since that lime Tonquin bas been lost, with several million people, snd Rash. garia bas bien reoonquered. Aoeong no people with sny degre. of civiliza. lion is the birth rate so high as in china, and, alhough the death raie in tb. denoely orowdsd districts is vsry greal, there is everv reagan Io presuma there are uow 450,000,000 people ina China. These figures represant more than one-third of lbe population cf the globe. It is a greater population than that cf ail Europe, and Ibis. limes the nutr.ber of people on th. western continent. Even aI Ihesa enoîmoas figures the average nuober cf peuple ta lbe square mile for th. whole enipie-85-is ual so bigb as in sorne parts cf lbe United St ates. In the gresl mountain ranges, ulbe arid plains cf Raebgarisansd thbesnawy regions cf Mongoila and Manchuria th. population je sparse, but in the sigbb; central provinces cf China proper-in the fertile, alluvial sols-lb. popula- tion ie deuser and. more orowded than in any other ragion of çqual extaut on earth. The villaget thore are aimait beyond enumeratlon, an dî he numbers of walled cilios incredible ta Iboso wbo 'eho have net oee tbsm. In the îwo .Kiang provinces,, at the moutih cf the %hop lorêaes wîlli ob fill.Irolg um et - 50of thb. tenghast .s obaraoter. Ifooa r6v al»maa Lemonade at the Oircus. ,and qnired a% light-h&lrad gentleman blond. ]Y# s hostappîd np An front of a stand ou the airons gronnd tbe other day. Tho p»reîor replied Ibat i as iosOoeld -lomobadd and geueronsly throv An lb. informattion that lhe priai vas only ô centes a lass. "l'il take a glass, if yen plesse,"1 said tb. atrabgar, Sâd lu vas placed belote "If there is anytblug I amn fond of,,, ho eeninnîd vitb mach aftability "At >in gcod erouade ;" sudȈ eo w a ismor Imfm Oue of'Isa pookets, cut; a bol, in t, and with deliboration aqaiez. ed the juios into th. glass. Thon frein another pookit ho took i speon sud ai anali papar ssok filod vibb angar, with whicbhaoprocesed t obton the mixture; à Orowd wuvas glbred about bim by Ibis lime, sud lbe prôpri. .er of lb. refrmenb tstand was ho. coming ted sud v.ry moist. "l'Il giv. yen bal a dollar ta go aà way frem ber.," h le UN ôlb.ebland #*My friond," saAd bumng casue lamer, slpping *tho elslifs lion the boverago hi had à nixed, "Ait affords me pleasure La gay ýathIis A th. boal lemouade I ovor drank ou a show groand. Hure is ycur five oints." And ho finiabid tbe glass, paid bis mcoey sud olbowod bis way ont lhiongh th.e rcwd. Hall su heur laler the lemouade veuder bioke up An business, sud, dis. gaised lu a pair of-greau goggieesud a faise beard, vas lt.etires card montea solinua ssoludod *place among the canvas wagons sud looking about saarehingiy fei a lgLI haired sud mmuil- ing strauger. PictureBque Canada Again. A CASE REARD BIEFORE JUDGE DARTNEL AT CANNINGTON. liks tg ;x oN- ~ i~lp. "Oernly, ceortih1y"§Ra mWat èlrureh Mout'yn b 9101g te?" old ~n ,Dot llong tp ar ay hu*c. ~knew that rbonad- Mtl, w~a z *thiug in the liackwobd cfirol their pligione, bfor tWîoà h whati tuhporreln #a fr t crh là aelu was poe rlly spod.iùt', oqard edy hmeif fOrUheDOWpcMy1fin, 1an tels o: "Il,out t my ,for ieudisvfir baeion -n ailousehat o le. s sOfaye question 0f osr urse A rAs. 4elScot- sec, an myoraudith as -oiin AnScot-, land oveiybody b s a Prashyterfan." Haério a snsd toi note tb. effeit, - but eaw -ne aigu of sympalhy xrith 'bie grandps. "But my grandmotber, came from Eugland', sud over thora evsiybody hob- longs se lb-Pacpl obnrch." H. paased again, sud the oid man marked anothar mark An th. sand sud upit hi. tobacoo way off. .&But eay faîbor -vas bore in Ibis country in s Methodist settiement, aud 50 b. grew up s Matbodist." Stili no sigu of appraval froua tbe aid maon, aud se Vanca took bis last shol sud ssid.: 'IBnb my goed oid mothez vas a Bap- tit, aud it's my, opinion that a mani bas gel 10 go undar valert l go tg beaveu." The old mon waikod, ap sud takiafR bim n l b bte aud sad: "W.l, yen are ail 4igt, M r. Vance," sud tho'n turningt ta tbe ciewd, suid: "Boys, hs'Il do, sud yen may vota for bim. I thongbî b. looked like a Baptist."I And lhe. ad maneslowly dîew a flask froua bis coot- tail sud banded it te Vanai te goal bisl fait.-Bill Arp in Atlanta Con8tUtu. Ni Yaugtz 1River, with au ares of 90,000 Il will be seen by the report of the square miles, tbe population in 1876 Division Court session in axiothor Col- was 72,000,000, and Ibere were 125 umu, the new celebratod Pictareque walledl citieu. Canada Ca"e, in vbieb judgmnnî as The census cf 1875 was taken wben given at lb. April session for the the riohest portions' cf Ibese Ivo difendants, was «aven ap for heariag, provinces bad been devastated and de- the judge baviug ga'anted a re-heaiing popuiated by tb. Taiping rebellion. for lbe purpoaet allowing lbe piaintifaé Since that tAm. Ibere bas been a great (tbo Art Pub. Go.) a chance 10 argus ixnpouring cf people 'tram other repeons their case. et lb. empire, especiali ' frein Ibose Mi. Beldon, the head cof tb. publisb. districts wbeîe 1h. famine cf 1878 iug fim vae plaood in tbe box for lh. prevailed. The natural incresse of purpose of tastifying to the obaracter cf population bas aise been vety great, Mi. Sutherland, tira agent -wha t.ook the aud-it wonld b. sift eay thal these eiders, sud statid that ho bad perfect 90,000 square miles bave now more confidence in bim. thaq 80,000,OQO people. The natît vAueas Sutherland himiaif. n. st.t.da " h.bad An ne A Bad Gang from Buffalo. way 1used tle dfraad lire dafendaribs. m he uad ailovd thein la sead the tariS, FIVF MEN &TTACE AND ROB AN IRISE e., that heovau a George WaahigloM IMMIGRANT IN TORONTO. in Ibat hao oua't 1.11 a lie. -- Albert Francis, ouie of1he dafendants Toronto bas recently been the icone was put Auinteboxbeasd svorn mWi of an alarming nainber of burgiarios, emphatiesll>' Ibat agent Sutherland bad bighway.iobbeiies sud similar crimes, I ld bim th. vork voald only coeït60 aIl more or lise of s dariug chiractar,I cent@, sud that iu aider le gai rid cf bin but the cimaxiAn Ibis respect vuas aigud th. eider, bul that ha bad net ieaobed Saturdsy afterneein, when five read tbe erder on th. forih. signad as ruffians aîlscked and robbad a man on Sutherland bad ooveied t ever vithbs the Credit Valley Ilailwa>' vharf, mear baud viril. ho did se. the foot of Simoce-atreet, within lb. BSeveral wÃŽtnemssea oieballed by thre cau o!i buudueds of people sud An sight detence le show that Sutherland had of mauy. The vichi s John Dubar, adcpled simiiar tactics vith trouansd s middle aged nain oui>' a loyday. oua witnestswsoro Ibal wb.n hLe bld frein Ruckue, near Ballymena, Ireiand Sutherland that ha did Dot siglà "Y and the highwaymen aresa bad gang eider vithout first r.adiug tire con- just airivad frein Buffalo. dition ho had elosed up his aider book Iltwus about à o'alock An the aflaineen and walked off. and Dubar vaseunning himeilIon N. F. Psterson, Q. 0., for defeuce, thre wharf meulaoned, adr-4ut lb.Bay' sud J. A. MoGiilivray, for tb. plaintif. sud tb. craft wbioir dot.d AtL He bad aumamed up ai lauMtirbilais bis juel îeturned bis mous>' le bis pokat Houer, The latter oontanded tiraI ifsa aller couriting t. Hi@ *'pile" cousistad firaud bsd beon committed tha sampan>' et #11.654 sud a draft, for aamsalam ant. onuld ual ha beld respensible ; tira Ho aiseo had a ticket fer Hamiton, defeudant Francia, bad, b>' no$ rsding wbere he vas boun4 lejoin bis bîother lbh. ceudition, alowed lb. agentto ooem- who bau a farin near thera. Wble mil a frauid sud vas thatefaro respon.1 ire vas thas feastiung bis eyes ou the sble. Mr. M %180 >'mAo auttol spatkliug waters ho v ias kriocked clown put An tulinga boaaing upori lb. casl. by a blav ou tha back cf the head. Mr. Pateisn domunrad d hai- Tbe next momenit hrso or four mou longed bis l'esawd fieà d te proanre tushed in and kickod sudbhast tbe pros- rulinga vbicb widould unhbau.abeebA trate immigrant, following up Ibis arguments. brutal tresîmont by rifiing bis poekats. The jadge raserved. bis deiu for0 The>' gotel l. nu>, the diafl sud tourte a sfi n 'eider tg ailethire tha ticket. AIl Ibis vas lb. vorkaf o tfs' avy.r' le baud Au raliga.1 Ivo ar threp minutes. Whou Dubar hre As, lievaer, -ne d6ubtbut ttiaI1 recoverad bimneilf bis asilants bad tbe judgo viildoide asuiré dld beloe- It disappeaar. i fr tire deferdanl-aa'thëire. sno d*uLbt Thre affair roacbod the ears of Pelice- wbalevr lhbi esho ag691n4 'ommil man William Wallace, on daty it Union frad apen bü,io üsêng. - Station, sud An les lime Iban it Isaes_______ te write il, ho. vasasprintirig vealvard along the Esplanade ifler ap*-afr eiZéb VanWas suspicions leeklug charsahors, 'Ho. ocvertook Ibo ýet .aIPoter-treet. . Tbsy prcvad le h.isvto -cf1lb.ebigbvsymar I eaid Zeb Vanée. 1wb.h and lb.e officer arrested train. Tho>' esptar e lb voets a kvood atW. oho$d ijb sd slarok Wslioe, but ment in Xiortb scIa w aga on fiading l"the waq gehting the, botter rsu*or Congres.. *4. sld . b.d-ve la cf Ihein tre>' piayed off dtunk and bom iAn ttira -.llIaiueà t -mi di, net vould'-net bndge. dTho policeraugu bu e - boboye., H. ro»de <v# lbth Clapped * an lb. ban O ,a ud orel m n anud foma -bout - l>' 'u-,.fy throieff leSt. Andraw's Marketttio"04 riigu0st a crosa.road an>ey;sd, bý whmre their nanes vto entem~d ý goï 4ev. adhitobed « tbîu . and Geore BAds sd. ~omas1~eGr5n.begai taêmle buir t4, ~ Inu-le,. mesutime 4phrgg Dol.oiive orak bIs job. roii *d*bs4 Biumia proouzedhotuDunbr'-à deva t i scriptien ef bis otti tht.. astliê sud Ibab oiffloor -l, Anl--th te Polceman aGe orge v hob-d .1id cone 1te .,Union talion 0WAY Ol 'Wallace. Uýp#eI> pi bAs w.a" ,é ë SeO tôO ' oyepen, sua about 5. > poitea tvo A t cf lhe gang close te ibhe see 1o! Wth.u1 tabWelP crime. oan Bd and bro '0fl s.'ùé Withocit'tabUti'4.4 t p AN Woo& d j 8 25 a.m. (dos flot stop at Whitbv.) o.1 Express 15 Mixed 2.52 p.m. 7 Local 6.60 «0 8 Exprime9.15 Whzîby, May' 151h, 1887, p e p j a I t i e a l o a e v r y k x o w n r e r ne d y; but~~~~~~ ketgtin osuni ed B. B. B. I hd nl uedIl shre dyuwhen I feut better, three btties ooznpetely ed me.- 7.16 &.m. 8.5il 1.00 pa. 5..30 fi" 8.00 Ei-Governor Anson P. Morril, of Maine, lied yesterday, aged 84. Gel The. Bet. Dr. Fowlir'i Bîtrucî of Wild Slrawbeiry ihe bbai, mont pro=pt sud auf eu curefo choIera morbua, dyieriîery, uiok ,stetxaaah, erarape, cholic mnd coiera iufiantum tiraI bas yet hein disrovered. Its popularit>' is unkhnme,4 by agi. Ail nredicine dealiri sell it. bi The dronth ini the Wesitern States je roken.%1 son godale9nwascured of an eruplve hue that vared bis bead Iand fac wîh ers, y vobotties cf Bl1dock ,Blood Bitter.and Pila' s,"balis is. Il lu nov dmied that Ja>' Gcnld baseum id controi of the B. &- O. Tolegraph acern-: pAn>'. ano S mg e] Wohv valal>' anglaIremedial "eP froua other soures, have cbtu&ned lhei loue desumre.e ief freinNortbiop k& yman a Vegalabla Discovery and Dyspeptiocurwe, wbiob pals a stop ta lthe tormenta Of DIT,,piare»ws admiitft he ! b boven sd Unr, reloiera maladies Acldgo,euhe ageulle ela, sud builds up failing heaith sud streugli, «ivès puiiy tathe blood, and tans ta thre E&rtr,keshocks vire lin luNev Humpehrayesterduy. Gie. Dodgî, sr., a vell-knowu cîim iee lEMPOrin, writez Ihalana cof hà . men (Sam LOwis> whIst vaking in lia. vood@. se seei' iY Pruued bis ankWe-Ihothaooald s80"17l96tgel eabut aller one or tva applican.of Dr. ThommasZewtrie 011, h. w vable ho go tb vork nuct de. 1 EdAlorOtlfUg, ettakYnrqket'nobozietl' o thei Me2lan border, in t le oure iathre autumi. watr Oum hban-&.- utne a PUD ectri ge e Oùl,sud lb.a* vasw t irnzudlutely "iY>'the pain. Ivaswuod in Ibre a"&ys Babeil Gsrett bsi 0tu ' ids tnpt .j A fl.w treatm ent bamabeen di. - , red whereb1 a pe - an Il .eur-of his ita ncurable. UUmf sabsolutely effected An coe thtrS sPPIctMU4s ýWOiaatWerwhetber standig ir oy-AOnce utey 'busines. Descriptive pamphletf oent free on recept aI atamp by LL IIO& SU, 05l'm i ISPRING SUITS. JO HNI FERCUSON IS 8HOWING A SUPERIOB STOCK 0F Scotch, And ctlaer fine liues cf Clotias, for Spring suite. Men'a and 80y8' 8u1t8, Gents' Furnishing8s and Ready-made -gavye taken Pln i I » lsauad God iedWils friends. It is just the MacÉilue for th. Pu]iO. - Does ail Uadds 01 Sewing. Âlways An Order, SiMPle and Lests a Lifetime.- The Dominion Urgans and Pianos" Ar 'efeter than Any Other. The Best JTldgeS Bay Ils Ton. is tho BesI. Il is buit with a view to Durability and Beauty. The Beut Instrument -ta Buy. CRan sd Sos Our, Goods. H. -W. FOX,- AGENTI. London and Lancashî fre Life Company, ThisOomauyisses very desiable form of Lie policy, n:d s deposited vaihIte Beceiver GenueraliAn approved <Janadian securities over 8100.00 for each $100,00 af liability " thus asfording -ABSOLtTE.,oo- PaillLa desirous cf. asuring their li*eis wiuiia idAt ta thairavatg - eusait th. nndersigned befors asuzing ielsowhere. WhIlby, Maà y 18,1'86. .1y Generai Agent Tw rees, INETRUCTIBLEOVERÂLLS! L s HAtlsi- Laea syls n ar sd OftUHN VEY OHEAP Du.ndas St., Whitby TH4E QUEENj'8 JUBILE,,EU HadandS eI isVR HTS! Will celebrate the event by à complete revâlutïio ith I'1 T~ f% 1.1 T7 ITU i's -~r m a - - FO TE'NEX AY$4. AL 1L.) l, Colored Diirner sets, colored Tease , and oolore Chamber sets, aetually gien waýy, aare. stock of ýentire New Patt'eing- and-'st' select from. 1Remember this - We lead the trade in T&8- and -JOP'FRBS, and Le»'o W"RgI~stpuce paid for', and -fatmées aon leas oal andee fi) n GANADIANS can" Saar aet ul.UIe tates On' thasam -lma s . ...ui. two yeara,, 'J.ôtia Xtiaibalaueî ou> iar -Addrzeso, U Pieuse menticu vhmr SITTING$ -0F-THIE COIUNTY' 07<I .9 di id 1 a 1 - G. T. ]EL TIllE-TABLE. OINXl WEST. Due at Due at Whitby. Toronto. Ne. 4 Express 6,47 a.m - - 8 am 68 Local - 8.41 le' . -.10" 6 Express (does net stop aI Whitby.) - il -16 Mized 4.25 p.m. - 6.20 p.m. 2 Expres8.456"1-4 .10.10 BROCE ST. - WR . ITBT. English and Canadian Tweeds . y The Triumphmt Th»e. made up in latest style on- sho-rtest notice. . 1 HATS 1 HATS-! la Botter Rumor Now. i Ã