Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1887, p. 2

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We wonr ¶ouedho .e'Mr. A..-B. Ooline o Tooutë mongst ut -On nday wsok., Arthur s ta an cM e- or of this plan sd has many mode Who are always pVlffld te mes hlm. us. clinus and son, "Basare- apeuu- in" 1ev veàeaBt bar fathoe'a, u. P. R. Hoovf.,'.! Mr. Ssndy Stoeart, cf Hamilton, ispent Sunday sud Monday of lait weok with his brother, Mr. Peter Stewart. Mr. Stewa# la an exteneive stock-valser and, durin9.hi» brief stay, h. spent bis Urne in looking ahsin scf the. bout horde cf Pickering. We aise believe he la contemplating purchauing a f.w thorough.breds e otaeswsst with hlm. The baud bas been engaged for Dominion Day by tii9 Athiotie Olub, cf Âshburn. The. popnlârity cf tii. baud i. boomlng1- greater -every day, and they are getting mare caolse thon thsy eau attend. The. football club play@ with Mark- hotu, on Dominion Day, for a oup. As is usual ou- suob occéasions, Green Biter made a good Surnout te tth. Union B. S. pienio at Brod'gbaà on the. iSt i lut. They presented quit. an imposing alghh sthey lefi the-,village,1 spven. or',eight load htrong, headed by- the baud playing lustily as thep movsd off. They alec enlivened the prneatd. luge thropghont the day withhseveral selectiana. Ail rsturned welli aatisfled with the day'. gathering sud hoping te b. able ta again tako part in a Union 5S. gatbering. The trustees have recently had the. woodshed at tie sebool paiut.d. This certaiuly improves the appearanoe of 1 the. wooehod, but unlesa the sehool1 buiIing as gets a (rosi ceaI, the, glariug contrast viilnet produce a god eifeot. The. oast woold ouly be a trie sut of the average vatepayer; aud w, would have the. satisfaction of knawing the. job was oompltd,-uot dons byN halves.V PIOKRINO. Dr. Eastwood has commenceti prao- tinlg here. Tii. 1ev» ha. boom full ef Quakers ail week. Bey. G. M. Brown the, nov Meth. odist minaiter viii preaci hi. fint ser- mon ou Sanday neit, July Srd. once. . n 4easb about" Ovas soï broken. gal an ad euteve4 the resiadoic cf G. R . Vausant, H l. O. Mare andi John Thomnas, oÎtracting from the. ex. choquer cf th.h'ttsfhe-lum tu ftmIfen cents, and from -the former a ismon pie while at Mm'. tbey- founti a boue. Tbey thelq proe.dod tW the Mothodist arsegebut Wesroutedbdossentear- ng. Thesy tben ion thf vilage ilu disgust sud pmo9eeded ho Unilonvhlle te- appease their craviug appetitea, Mr. Thominsi reperteti havig left by rail, but net by train, teo vertalse th~eo-à«a. On -reaching Upionville, bowver, matters becane -more serions, they having entore t h. houa. cf Dr. WiL' molt, lie Bank &bd cher pism... They securoti frein Dr. Wilmott a-golti watch anti chain va.Tued at 81251,7 ad a g oldi pin worth -#20, as volt aàs the. doctor's boots apd othor articles. They stippoti the clothes lino f'Mr. John Rti.uphanuoon and made -themeelves at home gevLwï.el.No . t4es am usemen the70=8pjzz Mis Cam elmnt rtii youg e o ï Mis mi lmer, daghter100f 1tý ineroforMicin$ot iii. p-lMone - l twii Varh ut proBant. - u.J.- Audeo»,Who Mla stu4plg' aw itir Melntyre Z Stewart, ln7 tluiukk uyh'agrees *wib lm. 1W -lookswel Our boys have organizotià apae b club, with Mr. 'P. Anderson capbhauý They are ratherlate,, but expeot Id gise a geoti account of thenuselses belon the. seasen closes. The. Boy. N. B. Scottprea"chesb fareweli sermon neut Sunday niglit, 27th ilt, l inti.place. W. loarn lihaI 1ev. ià. A. Brown hn the'mniger appohuteti by conference te tus circuit Ou Monday night cf 1 Illl- n tveen the. houri cf tvfe,,ý' e- o'clock, ominsdospicableý U0#r ed the. vesidonos cf Mr. IR. Pýrous b nersli et flue illae -hoa entrauce tbrough li. ellar wmdoWand preceeded. throngi lie kitchen_ ho a bedroonu viiesMnr. Proues andanother young lay ver. lu bed. Mr. Pieusee writing desk belng in tuas rocra, ,ho seau commeucet t rifle thé contents on the fleor, but tailed to finti auy meney. Hle next wentthbrougli Mis. Pronss's pockets, vhich ve.hauging on the Wvansd obtained 88.50. Mr&. Proueheard sud saw thesmn, but Mr. Prouesuad lie hired mnuboti bsing away frn home, watSc fright- endd toeipeak. A£s ocu as h. loft their bedroozu sud began le searol other parts cf tb. hon,.e tioy noiseleissly rais- ed th. vindow andi rau te a noighbor for assistane, but before they gel back Lb. robuer hat i ed. W. hoe.in. the interest cf the. oommnity thbat ho vii be found sud brouglil le justice, as il is theugbt ho vas net a professional.- Standard. Thirty-ens prisoneve vers reperleti in tii. onunty gaol, 26 maies sud 5 females. Il vas a bonanza fer tlie o f env ailixeno emoavating cellars liii.sping, te bave env euterprieing Boardi cf Werks do lihe viole tiing fer thei. Tii. earh was aken out aItlthe lown'a ex- pense, lc be useti a a foundation for tis nov 1er sitiewalke. Mr. Geo. Miller, a carpenler in Mr. W. Hammonti's qmploy, cul hie wras'ît vory badly vile whittliug a stick, lutI evening. "The. accient is net cf a specially serions nature, but Mr. Millsr will b. off duty for s fsv daye in con. 8equono. of il. Tii. votiug on tie 1w, by.Iawe on llenday vas free (rom pelitio, but net from setienal arise, andtihte.remit turneti cul as oexpeoted,-llia by-lain were boti defeateti. Tii. memorial. fz ti On Saturday week a litile soun<f hall by-lav vas dëfeateti by a majority Mv. Iasm Wise fol! off a loaci of grave! of 48, sudthie public library by-lav by anti broke his arnu. 28 majority. Davidi Anus», Artur uJohnsan, Robt. Mv. W. A. Garvin bas been appoinled and Misse?âfiler have'al goes&cross by the Siuncoe Oounty COLUOundlasistani lie Atlantic. inspecter cf soiois fer North Sîmmee. Tiie garde» party aI Mv. Robt. Dev- The~ district under Mr. Movgan's super- eril'a n PrdaywQekdidnotcornetie ias bugrovu 80 vide laho helattai offllaon Frau wu ekoi oti e 5101 gentleman finds it impossible te give offr aseil uava ioe.frls e-thora alIii. attention tiiey seulti lise. lierbsin untvevaie.There vas quite a debate r. Mn. Gar- About thirty cf lie nesidents of the vin'@ qualifications before the. appoint- vilMage and vicnity ojoe.t a social raot uta matie. lime st lie Gordon House on Monday One of tie smuaing incidents cf evening last. Il val intende t t bave Jubiles Day, ant i ta attendant veather Dr. Fielti ou baud anti pussent hi. vswu atiadmixture of the color ef certain wihi au illuminalei atitieàsa e»the oee - " 'dese.-neo h cf hi.stieparturé frein Pickeri.ng, but a arteson qldes ruesin.wuOns ettie message vas receiveti lu tie afterneon pwhielutet i orvae lusoteasTh frein Terante sîsîung liat cving 111 yuldes e ctha l gorg enetinTii. nes. il voulti be impossible for hi dses s gaI vtoet,lanlditéesut u t be present. Tii. Company sat dovu a red anti viittý drosa for number ours; to the. veil-laden tables alrtly afler anti, tinlapveuir-.alîhouLgî env i»- 9 o'clock, ant idt fuil justice te thefermant titi not speily8yg- geodt Iingu provided in »mine hoat Gev. s- . peanfoma ion fyr say e-ao tien'. beat- style. Mr. Gaa. Karr, thi.e rdrtasomtinfrnme w goniel agent cf lthe Ontario Bank, vas Il -i. saidthe l . T. R. Ce. are taiking caliedt te .chair, andi kept tlie.prea. cf fiffiug lu tie bridge at the. Narrove, eut in lia beat humer during thie eve»- tins rnaklug a soliti bank cf 1he viole ing by bis pun-gont vounaika. Very Itlring oxcopt viere lhe dradgeti channel interesting speeches ver. imade by goees ireugii. If this i. doue, liaev"ter Bey. Mv. Weetney, Mr. Banting, sud in Lake Simooe vii prebably be cou- others, andtihle Company dispeve4 iliderably higier tia il nov le, andtihte about mitiniglit, atter iisvlng u-peul a (aros &long lia lake sien. vi sery enjoyable anti sociable lime togeti- suifer lu consequence. Il l 'a sit mie or.-News. cf- lhe municipalitisa luterealti viiil BOBÇÂYGEON. lake alepa te prevent lie eCompany (ramz filling in viaf la kuovu as the. "old The fiuiiermen have been-lasvlug oliantel." gretsport, andi enjOylug liierselvas Il la saidthle Young people ana taking uramenseiy. Mr. Geo. Reati anti *ativantage of Jubila@ year vierolu te trionti landeti au eigiteen pound uaku. consummate tue anvagtie cevenuony. longe, on Tuemday, sud hati ail tbsy Crta*iy thue lime eer to e &oason cuifi manage net oniy te, get il luto the favorable one for cmigte a deciion cance, but te keep it tie wvisuit vaslu. in Ibis imperliuî SmbjcIanti vo b.- Soins geo atcestbshave besu matie lu- lieves. laIma f enbalkzn lis leeku andi canal. dsusviienofhOypry le miuior Mn alpb Murdoek, of Harvey, is a vieil before the suommer lu ovar. Lotg eming for himelfthie' repatatiou cf us hep. e hosent take place te mnoi a being the. great bear uter cf lbe fautive uionwiii le manketi by s 11k. diStrict. Witin tli sev veeku i. ainont cf bappinasu rVhtlolng. has tnappei tirelarge beaus, cf lia Tir..full greva mon, asRmatboy gentlemuan persuasion, sud -ftUlyoxpectu andt Io slylsluy droaseti young ladies, t esoteh another equally slarge. It er.the participantslu àaTvry uclhlng la on lie sylvan banka cf th* Bquav incident *hWh o .ourno& la tie viciaity Rivaith'- liI .mndook resides, andi cf ELr. j. j. Hatioy'é Balurdamorn- witbin tli clm recases Of lie- foveat ing. The he lan smrne vy broi bur glades h.osklfnly, laya hi.s sa.. anchor roeati (e -"dulr#menoti After kilhIg-lbo Isot. -bonrho ,skinuud tt»Woff la .s~i&rtisenlmux.,8h. ît, by lha-'hrap antiIea t lb essaM. On vas tort pansua<e ith bu retuirihenexI day, ie fouati MaI totrvoalngt>ceà tbO tue e>vcsa' hd aui b rni aggot a ~froJt.im «ffl u omie hwuIâre4yards or more. w" chmore cf IMv. Hahl.y's ilsreponti.d muaI bave basa doim.by' another andal à sanaitboy was- avera làa- vat$ powerfiul bér. UnI.léestahî eu.- spèulWl l-hear - b . heosfà# . buas aParticulesa blMW tlo bducO tAUl hait united efforts prov*u- nssfL thé, doon postl-ai som in.o»turirb iu niho abov-eetlcei tafrae whll-rtire o aéra. regio1bycud ltéarrivaion thé Micne g edrtii mr., cf MM d k. uvees sisswom """M wtbtheai ai hu IIA5~N*~Lindignnt bitti vu a tpuveti and fen, OuaBana» ut r.avii Bidanbéck ha ber dumgeo oeil. Ont Kaira,.-aest vr.' Daviua -- j- ý. W dc ot seany grant te theii. ie. ofé .iya'i oveahau er a. eifr. ».î ýd, Ottawa anti Baerofl BeAuy,.On -4 Powlers Wild ta berxry gave inatedi relief.;h, àia living minais, à hearlY- BIna -s bt Urne (7 yeaïp)c bh.uàu as ney 'without that emedi * rom statement of Geat ~Johnsonï,MC:arweod, Ont. Mr. Wataon, M. P. for Marquette, will -houored by the.-Winnipeg citizens for1 action 0on thesDisallowanos question. A EùlaeusLtter. T. 3Wbr. I. TlIsnurgMarcLh15,1 d8irg,-Ploeaaeshtp at onas three do, B. B. Bitters. Best selling mediains th68DP-Soldevebotlosto.day. Tou truly, 3.Thoipson." Thé eabove »ml loun s egarding the popularlîyetûfBf. M. A wateralpout burat Sunday near t qua u Toios» submerging a wash liai lu whneh ther. were elght persons, ail whcm were drowued. "yMY iraculous Curs was that I i mnfered tram kldney disoase for about ti Years, was off work ail that time. A friei told me of B.B. B. I tried it, and am hapl 'te Say that I was aurgd by tWO battis Wm. TVer, St. Mary&, ont. Despatohes- tram WaruaW stato th Rauýutalisdecidsd ta arsate five new col panies Of gendarmes te be stationsd ali the-Austrian frantier. A (Card. Ta ail whoa aBTsulYéri- fromthe err< and mndlscretann af youth, nevous e uss, earl'y deaay, 1ass Of manhood, &a., will send a- recipe that will cure y FREOF CHARGE. The great rem& wae disaavered -by a missionary in -Soui America. Send a oell-addreesed envelo, ta the Rev. Joszpa T. IiçxâAN, Station1 New York Oit-Vi.1 Premier Norquay and Attorney-G-ener, Hamilton, af Manitoba, are aredited wit vigoreus statements rsgarding Manitoba anti-Disallowanc, plana. For ChUdren Starving to Death. On secount of their inability ta digeE Ordinary food, Scott.s EnUlsjon can b. CI gested and give strength and flei wbe ail other food tala. See what Dr. A. E Peok, Penn. Mea. College, Petltcodia( Bsys: "I have used aud prsscribed Scott, Emusgion ai Cod liver On, sud find it ai excellent preparation, agreeing Wall witi the stomnaci, *ud its continea urne addin greaîly ta ths strength and oomfort ai thl Patient" Put up iu 50c and Si size. Chef 3usgtlo. 8ir Mathew Camneron die( On Saturday niglit. On Wedueuday evenlug as ue. John A. McGiili*ray vas oomiug eut cf lhe bouse she aleppeti on a gardon vake, oue cf tte shiof vhieli vent threugh ber foot, .susing a Tory- painul vont. Dr. Bascom wvas alietianti dresetheii inijureti member. Mv. Eiggins. tis former pubiaier cf lie WarTnr CIEONIcLEx, illaminateti our ucetura vilihum proence on Mnnday last. Mv. ifggln us vanlutovu te oblain saine documenta wiheli e e- quiret inluwiling up the "Lita anti Times cf Jos. Gouiti," and v. are glad ta say i. coulti net rouistit isu.te puy us à friondly vieil. Tii. vork on whiah Mr. Hlggiu la egageti viii un doubtedly prove aawmal- Intensh vonk, conlaiuiug as 'tIl iii atb hiatory cf the. County cf Ontar n sd the. leatiing evente un the prov*nc. W. underste.nd lhe manusonipt te nearly completetid d illii hortly be sent te lie prin tors. Tii. meut diabolical outrage tuai lia esoen .»perpotrated inlu tuislocal- ity vas eommltted on Saturday -nagit luet, when soea.fend lu huinan frs ventai bis spleen upea Mv. Thot. Arxn- atrena, env veil-kuovnu mlk-dealôr anti Counolor. On . Saturtiay niglit Mr. Armstrong psooti he ovae as ual in the.fieldi near tie barn sud lu lie nuerning foudntinaeout oet1h. oloven sufferlug (rom poisoning, mone paris green iaviug been spviakled oea lie graua durung lthe inlerim. The animais suiféeai lteuseiy, rBaverailibas- ing been paralyseti vilh lhs offets cf tii. d..d17 dose; hthe ad avalioweti. vaswunet, hover, 'nthl Mondsy mumng tiat Mv. Lavery, Voerinary Surgeon, vas callet anti by -liaI tlme th. poison bati penetratodti Irougicut tlir wble ayutem, sud but Hâl1e chance vas affordedthelb. mugèon for- tié exarcise cf bis enratve akili. Not- vitbimding Ibis 'dravbaok, boy-. oser, h. 1aborei4 wîtb uamnnihig a- tention ant sucedeti la savlnXg he lissa cf moine Of 1h.eanimais. uptho the hourofgeing to $MLouba" anti. Il la tlought l. rmltgf viii rooser. Tii.utWosl tniuh~ bas beau aroumetihvbighoutt.lova, by 1ltée£afou sae- an" Muhsy , hh is faifor Xi. dArmseg, viwono m wMib w $ b uvrd*f120, b«YI<u éi 1225D' fo lb. f*ur alrosdy demi.. Rallway StocK for Sale by T un d ll îe vtenders up siare of the nominai value eof fty dollars) pa-p stock lu ths Wiitby and Part Pevry tllallway (nov the MidiUnd R"iway Ca.) helin tn h.eune et Chester Draper, laIe et the Town ef Whitby, decessed. The biglisi or auy tender not necessarly scoepted Fomr flutier information, apply te D. FISHBR, sola EXeauter. Bowmanviile, . BQWmanvijep-.0., - Ma&y Blst, 1887. 3n-25. 1 A kmr. ite ina rs bas the su bnr ihe ors )et a en ath 2g i Dh A By-Law to cloue up -and dfrpoae 0.f a certain 8treet and part of Ro8a Wherea., by 13y-Law number 250, af the corporation cf F«et-P,rry, the. luda hors- imalter described, were oousttuted a pub- lie * *hway wfthin the, said Village. Mm, here theOntgrio Central Agri- cultural aud Live 8tock Association in the awuer af the lands adjoîiuing aud butting on the said hgway, aud in desrous ol acquiring lbneusecomprised inthessaid ighway, aud aise a i tat part of Rosa StreetI "zgoppositeth.eaut end, cf the- And, whereas, by deed.dalsd the 221h day cf October, 1888, and made by Wdter M1 f thedu$psam& thd le mùicipality 01 uhâvlflgeciPort Perry'et ofthe second par,,th oidAssociation aUidcause 't eh conveysd ta lthe said corporation, sud dedi- cat.d as a jluba jIha tat ertis striet, or h"a 'din., re"n osa Stress te Sce inret>luPzoloa ofe Bay 8ttdia in tazdinonmeat ~of the aid fiI ave utms&iai ansd -th.%sld part off o StzesIm lg-lo nuai owye .head u~lto~ ào ro4 to ilb lae fPr Per hreeeets a foev Vi. Hliasbsul ula, and theinc1 amg"el seffe b a. in uhiecase. 1 tblnli his blaod mutI bave contained the humor for at lestton year; but t dd fot show, except in the form, er a oaraulaus sors on th. wrlsti util about, Ste years ag. Prom a f ew spots wiah ap- peared ait that time, Il gradually spresa so as th caver Ise entire body. 1 assure you ho wus terribly aMicted, and an abject ef pity, when ho began using your medlin. - Now, there are few men of is age whe enjoy as good heath as ha ha. I could eaily name fifty persoa wha would testlfy 10 the facts In bis case. Yourstrnly, W.M. PEILIFS. FROM TH.E1FITHER, le ue n a duty for me ta state ta you the benefit I bave derived trom the use of Âyer S Sarsavparilla. Six months ago 1 wus coxnpletely coveredwlrt1h a terrible humor and scrofuiaus soree. The humor caused an lnoessant aud Intalerable Itcblng, and the skia cracked se as ta cause the blood ta flowin many places whenever 1 maved. My suferings were great, and my lite a burden. 1 comrnenced the use of the SàR8ÂPARTLLA In April lest, and libye used it regularly amase that time. My condition bfgan ta Improve at once. The sores have ail bealed, aud 1 feel Perfectly well ia every respect -betng naw able ta, do a goad day's work, altbough 73 years ef age. Many laquire wbat bas wrought such a cure in iy case, aud 1 tell tbem,4 as I bave bers trled ta, tell yo>t; AVRn's SÂR5ÂPÂEIL.&. Glever, Vt., Oct. 21, 1S82. Yours gratefuily, 1HRÂM PEmLLrPS.29 ÂTEWB SRSRPÂR LLÂ cures Serofula and MUIcgrofulous Complainte, iErysip- elas, Eoeema, Rlugworm, Blotches, Bores, BOUs, Tummes, aud Eruptions of the Sin. It clearathe blood of ail impti. rîie sida digetion, stirubries the action> 0< the bowels, and thus restores vftality and surengliins the whci. system. PUEPAIRDBY Dr;J.. Ayer&OCo., LoweII1, Mats. Sold by a!Pr 8iss 1, six botties for 4& 1£NOEKGLISH 8TÂEL4 18 CONSDE REb COMPLE TE WITHOIUT [om th.rr.svin.t G1LavWr" n ai ufrrOn8M oVéýEY -OF'FTCE--Over Gerriels Bloack, wk'u Suitable for- wrappiug purposes, laylu under airets, oe., 25 cents per huudre4il A#py ta' tf. THIS OFFiOCET -Unapproacheci fer Tene and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE,, BELU &00Co lllpAn ll E'QST, ada Loan sud Savjn~. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, D'UXDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTII & DEVERELL FIRST - OLÂSS -TUTRN-OUTB Furnished an Shortest Notice. Commrcial Tratiellera liberally deau FAIR PRIORS. BON98T DEALING. i3EWÂR]E- .%70RTHLF-SS IMITATIONS As tliere are manyluferiar cods orded witb jute, sr tc.,offered sud sold as ratiue by some u- principled mercasgtra. -ffl ou the reputation af .tr.gendeCeraUlàe, scbchipsto y da*- mng their- attention to the LLIMA Nueceasty ofsseang Ihatthe COROIPTON CORSET CG.' SM slmped an imuer side of &Il Coralne goodae, ihout vhelu nou e egeumno. For Bronahitis sudsathins, try Alleu MU-ROCAIIO -. Lang Balsainthe.beet acugli Prescription "B PUNcuXB., AiN Srraurni WN WIFE iIIrTt fov lo«=.MOTHER - iILY u î ianOvE-REcHI, CAPP» ume vii»SISTER) 04rrs.. Von SORE iMHORa A» S. - -ZA FlaOR " OBRTHQÂT A IUMZA. UITC1>WN(c &igIIM FR BnOE i< RIES, suxOE APED OEuim ~VI FOR BO R 5uolm BSOiRS o&- SpecilStyles for. 1he'Hôliday Besson. For- ANDf LAO RO. AN» BORE MOUTH5 FOR SPRÂINS, 2tTTs, BRIUISE5 IN DouS. FProm His Grace the Duike el REtiand. "Belvoir, Granthazu, Lee. 1,.1879. "Slr-Elliman'guo aI Embrocation la ued inl my stables. I thldit very useful. '"RuTLàê», Master of B::-vcir Hunt." 'Castl. Weir, Kigst " ec. rd, 1878. 1Gentlemený-1 use the Royal Embrocation Iu may stables sud keuusls, sud have faund It Universal Embrocation for 1uxxbago rad rheumatlsm fortfle lait two yezaé sd have, suffered vsry 11h!. sglae usiug it. "IRIH. Pnicuz. ideut,-OoL, Master of Rad- nor ahir e Hnt.» -ý 1 - - l ELLUMÂW 8 ROYAL EMBROCATION, Sold by Cheiiss, an«e sdSkddiens, CR AS CA LOMS, Cerutain remecly, 7f L. FAIBBA.KS5 Sole Agent. Aise Agent for Nye's ceiobraled Anctie gewing machine Cil- Whitby, Dec. 16, 1886. Darir 19i1Rwork CO I14ALIFAX, ý NOVA, SCOTEA. ?! »-resent I 5in - Ie ePurèas;e. *NDOER 1WI A nov er -Acadin, 1HuÉ given"ho Ilis prt try, tglt, oa thë!"Ne* Bout inwiOh, heO lb. violent cou cond"tion f1 Tem esesri tour for liii pu valus, cf hi. teï et by: lie aitiol Frankc L6aUà 3niyl, The Coi mats ia i5 i-is csvtainlya vers he-menq Foimiar Mo>sth talk on IlMusig! 'Anoient, Greel by k,. L.B&wsC Lift"; "Caveý ing aecount ol Aîylu aietBal icw;aold fie Enslgu Wilki ASllgia ud,&,,on '¶,lowers ansd< clever sipries lài Marbie ; "A Yoi Elizabeth -Bige lectian oe t lir b. espe.ially pri liat* are -oun1e; fui, santh le vii Tii. Homirei bogins a nov - article ie fromin Thomae, Brookl ModernShoptioi ierepunationl to Vindiai -Ward. Bi ce thki .N.J. Dl-sud t' RAS P 'F t O: lie 1-1 1 Ii 1 - Flýý GOOD HORSES, 1, NEW RIGS. Tender. BrLaw.No.

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