Pit UA RA NTED Hellebore, Paris Green, Insect Powder, Slug- Shots -00- AL à A8A STINE Owing to great demand we have been compelled to order a freeli stock which lias jtist arrived. G. E. GIBBA4 RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oo PER ANXUM., Whitby, Friday, Joue 24, 1887. Tuaaa is a lond lamor as present for maahood suffrage, and eoming as it do.. from the poorer classes, it look s if the universal suffrage or a ner ap- proum o eitvws ouly a prnfilege the poor should enjoy.' Whatever benefits May have coome out of extending the franchise in the put, w. fanoy the con- sideration cf the subjeot wil show that these franchise reformer. have gene far *nough., The prssent franchies 1ev gives votes te ail Who eau show that in mny vay, they earn $250 per year, and urely a man wbo don't saru- that emonuntin thé whole year is nos Worth oaUling. -There in jusi on. littie diffi - culty in ýglvîg tao much power to classes whose minis May estily b. influencedl by agitators, and thst is in having ne intereet cf eny kiud in the country they cannot have anything te guide Ihem in voting excepi their own prejudices. W. are for eztending the franchise te the luit notait, but cannot imagine the country would b., grestly benefited by the votes cf a horde cf vorthlmsem who dc nothing, but yet vWhe enjoy mil the Advantages cf a free coonty.. 0f course, on sacit occasion in thte put, vhere an exteasion cfte franchise hm. been deoeanded, thi mre argument bas beom offered in op- postion but we now thiuk the thing has gene quite far enougli. Wic fail te se tal Mearthly auea railway betveeu Oshawa and Raglan yl . eteanybody, alihoughit itould anuwer the latter towua well te hbave a roed fions te Oshawa station np tewxi. Be this s il me>, hovever, the Domin-' ion Govermoeni heusoi &parte ubsidy cf #3,200 pOr mile, $22,400 la aIl te bufid tise seven mlle liuk cf ioad.. W. dcx't believa eny suait road vil be built, su-no man in bis sensos would wish io nvest is Mntey ina linor for whist thora vas ne chance of touching ,titor4coansl or herber tlie. Nor can vré se@ visomgement could have bosu usd wiusGovsrem»ute show tisimh a toed vwu uts.ded by thse pubUI obr sy'purpose niorel 'tie 0. to, uuwzroadto.i noms Of us. Soya. Théerodm a e t. b. frSoax tva uasIt ge fourmiles- sw.y frouz and paralbel ith tise Witby Mdi-Llndsey rosas, viisiwualmnoit lte minoet tiistovu. Wlsts z tion cf b. Swith te tis etauism thse- whol thltsgla a mâd' wlldotat, slouue, anbil.public ad îprIvisnay unveal- .d,.if iboré aie lg 1enouge oso lavest, wyul bé lest.'W. isaU -ciDotb surpiimcd to hear coflis. Oeawa People, quattlng vinasvitchilurun p tovu- end 1thesubddi>'for e mile lend saital 11ôbimo DunteinsutheO ocf thle 4th and Mthcenturies heatheas owded jute tise churoi, ad the knowledge cf -the New Teetamet was aiut o dtheold pagedootrine ,wrà " ve"a d at leugth, wu I ors in the cee f io2zne t t The believers in suais doctrine cuote passages1 et oriptire îu defenSo f it. I(att. ,Xâ32__- tromn whichtisey argue thatdmce ai ns cani bo forgiven, and ince there is a in that can1 net b. forgiven in ttis World or thse wved te cerne tlie must be some otiserworld ini ,which sncb sin en be fergiven. Eut our Lord neither myes nor decm thse pansge imply, that sin eau bc forgiven in the next wUrid. He that ahanl bispheme walnst t th Holy Ghoet hmasne *rgvoness. fey ise quete lst Peter iii 19-20 and dlaim ýhat Christ preacbed in prion unto the spirits that lied disbelieved No"i, se ho now pieacbhes te the spirits in the souli. prison- bouse, er Purgategy. Christ preached te the spirite of tbe menon upnien as ho presohes in spirit te us te-day. Another Passage in eupplied lot Car. iii 14-45. HRm is a cleair and distinct doctrine, thcy say, et what tliey bold. The soul in Purgtory shall be puri- fied by fire. The . B rehos poken of isufer reward, whist the firesoe Purgatory are for punxslirent. The fire hoem spoken et, try ail works, good or bad whilst the fires of Purgatery are kiudled for the bad only. The Apestle liera retors te the iudgment,. when every thing guod snd bad eihb examined. This doctrine et an intermediater state where seuls ars- punified in opposed te scripture aud the fundamneutal principbset chrxsianity. Can r n have any ide& in his mind of asoi tng purified by ie an numaterial seul punafied by material lire.. Purgaterys a aPurifyng gency 5f seuls h physicallî imosile ittbory as stated issubversiveet theatonementot Christ. Christ- ianity teaches us,, that as man,. ceuld net atone for bies gis, God sent bis ton te ho an atonement for him, O)ut this doctrine ef a Purgatory teachos there are sote nds the bleod of* Christ cannot reach. A lesser power canet accomplish what a mrater power faits te, accomplish under simdlar circumestance. If the infinite value of the deatli et Christ fails te remneve ain, mucli less cari the saints reoeo it. This dcctrine is contrary to our idesas et orgiveness. Christianity teaches that fergiveness is fini and free te a&H believers, througb the menite et Christ . Wliat a menstrons beliet, that Vfter f orgi veness we are te, be punislied by PU rgaeial firos. The plain teacbing et the word etfGM le there are but twe conditions as there e but two classes et maxi. 0f the eign there were but twe clames and two nous. Of the servante înstructed with talents, there were only two classes and two issues. Of the nations brought befere theo udgrrent, thera were but two classes, the =ilass d dthe cursed ; twe gates, the wide snd the straiglit, twe ways tbe brosd and tlie narrow. There are b ut twe sentences, corne or dopart. and se tliroughout the wbele Bible vo read et lits sud desth, salisaven à nd a bell, but this doctrine iritroduces a third. state unkniwa te the ecouomry ot Ged. T'le plain teaching et the Bible is, that atter deatli the seul et the believer passs straiglit te gîery. The tlief on the cross vas told 6'T>.-day shait thoin ho witln me i Paradise" or Lb. ,abode etftthe blessed. Paradise, in Persiau. mearis bower or gardon. Laz.arus- was carried direct home oteA.braliamsa besoin. Christ speaking te the Jews could give ne btter conception te theof etHaveri tbsu et the home et Abrahamn. Paul spoke ot départiug aud bingwth G-id. As the troe talla s e tLiL lie.The BibIs, the word et God, assures us thora in ne roperitgce atter deatli. The. icli man saw tnit lite up- ou earth was thse only ime te, prepare tor glory. 'Now is the accepted titue. A meeting et the inembers sud adiierents et tie %Whitby Corigregatienal chunrol is requested st the residence tof ose Jolirson, on Tuesday afterxion rext, June 28tb, at 3 o'cleck. On Suuday nnorinx Mrs. Barksr will condinet tins ravte w trom 10 e'clock te 1L30. Thon 1Mr. Rose Johinson vil address the audience. Iu tine evening Rev J. F. Barker vil preach on Col. i--27. Ou Sunday atterneon next, thme second Quarterly Review sud opening Session ofttbe Metbodist Sunday Scoeol fer tb. year vil ho ineld et 2.30 oclock. IL is expected this session will heoenset mucb intereat, sud ail _hoL eoi à -tho %£-;t Il ha omade En.. CERONICLE:- 5m,-A.s sonne people lu tevu eppear te b. under the impression litai Il vould bc dangerous te enter tise shop or restaurant of Mr. Jno. Robià oon, on eceonut et tsecasee ofdiphthoria in bis bousa some âtinsgo, I May'Say tit Drs. Gunn and OCnon, vite lid charge cf thme patient, state that evor>' vestige of danger-ha. long sinos disappeaes. Yoitrs truly, JAP. RUTLBDGEC, Ch. Board cf IHealti un.Is, ohkeocf Ronfr.w is ,isitng Mrends here'. Miss Tilhe Tait bas ieiured frons Uxbridge. Mr. D. Donovan heu obtained a' situation la the west. Tlbe Bel. W.Hl;l is Our Ilnvx~i iter. §Er. Keensgëes te Prince hbou mat. Kfu eedjni i moor.of 0r«a-' wcod have been vislingfriondp in- Toronto. Thse sohool 0c'oert vm l ebo sl4on, Mslolerdangter cfMr. ; -,Bokle, Toronto, là , vliting at Mrs, Matakui- ooughi are 80 prevalent,o tu eotéc -reey "oe aiy obtahtM, la ar ik.w nctu veiided b ûonguo but asuodthe tti f TU~trnyyai and thosewihô nu eth artUCMeIntral or xtrnallys Vil couneot with igra Ëtetul reololoumtof bis worthy intr EmpaerrWUiiam vil go te Une Qu Oapt. Poster, f Pot Bur*elI, Oknt*,#mm -I have be6n troubled with -a c0 ha times Tr severe, for ~past. I hv tonundan.Long B » relieve m = bmore readly than an eher cogh, mne I havýe ever tried. y'ilwtt. aso used Il with the mosit sfactory resulte. The Wimbledon teamx sail by the pariuian to-day. There are many oough mixtures, but only one Allen'. Lung BaIsam; try it. Caehier Parent, of the Hoohelaga Bank, wue arreeted in Buffalo yesterday. O-qutonL The wcuderfal sucose 'of Di. Smaith's, Germsaworm Bemedy hb. iaued the introduction of several vile imtlos-e word "Wcrmerine," a regsre tradi, mark in tampeA on each cae, ithout whieh none are genuine. Usen other. A box in the houes WiniBave many a docors vwst. Mr. Chapleau has deflnitely refused the Li4ut ýGovernorshlp of Quebec. The great pemnenoy of Murray & Lan- Matta Floria ster gives , t -a wonderful advantagle over nearly all other perfumes; dlay. eandweekestatiieappication the handkerchlef or gement sybeles a sof t rlch fragrance, agreeable, zefFeshing, eau A GENT WNTED AT WITBY for the LONDON & LANCASHIRE FLUE INS. CO. Liberal terme te the riglit man. Address, with references as te chareoter, etc y 4n-28 Toronto. OonIlnlon Une of Royal Mail STEAMIPS. - SAILING DATES. Prom Quebso. 'Vancouver.....Thrday, JuIy lth. *garni&,.......Fiday July lôth. $Oregon ........Thnr.Aay, Jalyi, tt. Prom montreal. >Ionrsal.....TuedayJuly Lth. *Vancouver- . Wedms&y, Jury th. .Sri .....Thur"do Jaly l4th. *Oregon .......Wedii y, JuilILh Torontoe...... ..Tue.day, July Sth. Passengers en embark at MpqszmA if they 00 desir. Iý RATaS OF PASSAGE BT MAIL STBAXEES, Quanx C V LvnPoL.--Cabln, $M0,#70 and Offl, accordliin<to aceonnodtion. Servants iu Cabin, #; ntermeaiat, $O0. Steerame, $20.Return tickets--Cabin, $110, $180 and 0150. Interipediate, 60 Steerage, $40. Dy Bà awu.. Cabiu, $5,W60asd 870t se- cording te accommodation. Int«ermdîate, $30. Steerae, $W. otu Cabin, $90, $110 and $130 By MrUjL 'OrToeo.Cb,$0 ,u $6, eeording te aceeïmmedb n e. turu. M90and $110. TheeSteamers have Baloons, State- rossgas, ueo-room, Smoklng-room, and ]Bk"' roocuamdhie where but luthl motion h felt, rehandsomely turniahed and oMIfrabyhested, sud oar"ynpithez Cattie rnor Bheep. *DA VID TORBANCE & C0., Gexieral Agents,#Ifontireal.j Or to B.STE PEBN8ON, Telograph fOloes Local Agent, WbiIy. Royal Miail Steamners. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. Summer Ar. DA4TEYs 0i?5aLU Do We Want thé Earth . DOt Oh, no: Its the Toronto merchants wâ'nt that. %ROS s BROS Thon p thcse-W 0.) Je Want a littie ready. money j ust as soon as it can be gather. ed in from willing -bnyers, and will give in exehange for a limited arnount of the same, STAPLE& Dress Goods, Trim*mmings, Plushes, Clothing, and Gents' DRY GOODSy Black Cashmeres, Jersey -C1oths Silks, Frints, Sateens, - Ginghamas, Cottons, Mens' ~,Dress and Boys' We are offering the produet of the best manufacturers, and in quality and excellence you will admit. THEY When ARE INDEED WHAT 18 THE FINEST, we add to this attraction, that feature ot great, the attention of every shrewd buyer. #:7 Whitby Dry Far mers, Threshers, and Mill-Men. Find it to their advantage and profit to use MACHINE OILSO Guaranteed not' to gum,- and- wilI outwear Machine Oils. OU-" Try our Cylinder 011. Whitby,-by ýw~.BY~ peint 0o A -SPi U. Winl hord sa -on Dorsj ,country sport. Burna' Oolu.mn. TEM IMPOSSIBLE. "Maunonver cau stop the billows' roar, Nez change the~ widstill they blewno Non drive true love fom a maidens a=,n Mau osunot teU what the future vIl bring, Whether net yoax coin or cotton ie kirig Nor whether hie wealth wil quiokly taks wing; But man eau save frem Povertys stife, His tatherlesa children sud loue, wiowed Tise far ao boi ing h~ It h&5 1no eqtal. For sale j i vue, IBy the siple expedients etflusuring liU & BONS., THE Q U En 8 JUBUILEERS TH BIRAZLLLAN WAREIO USE Wil celebrate the event by a coýmplote revolution iii the- OROOKERY FOR THE N EXT, 30 PA~YS Colored D iimer sets, colored -Tea, sets, and colored Chamber sôts, aotu.aly gvnaaalarg stock of outire Ne-w Patterneand stylesto'i select from, Bmemiber tbis nohmbg Y7 We Iea&the trade in TEÂS id -OOFFEE8, a >'al GrocerieS. We oarr a lage stockand sel at Ana buyiug bis feotwear' frem us." Bn>' with cash snd save moue>'. #A penny sav#edin titis easy way, is a penny saved for a nmiuy day."l A EW POINTERS. Wheu eur goods are se. nov sud 8styl7 and niée, Wo géthve ly's cwm ,ar o p Tow RAU EUh*goyprs a5, oo"feiable pruapU& an ?Ojs d prunelle gâ4tom .joys Tb~ ie OUFi Olauroh Notas. bel e le FANO Y /~IRJ Goods os Emporium, Furnisbing Goods. We feel that we have offéred something worthy of all other Dundas Street. WX BRYAN op a qwF