Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1887, p. 3

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thf Wobiera»s ~ppig purposes ly1i 24 4Oente pet IundzeL- Wpil> te BELL- lJnApproadied. for ,Tone a.nd Quaty.« cURS FREE.a ;o, ilipiOnt SALE STABLES,§ -St, WH By. H- DEV} V RELL., M Shorteat Notice.. vel>art liberally d'fali wiih. LE$s IMITATIONqs As ttbere are many Woirici good, coarde& with Jus. as ar1e by some un. ptrlQpted mcrebu.te trad lb.on hereputation o1 Our~ gensatue VersUs we earn the ladies againsi sucl IWP.OstIon by daw- ing Iboîr attention te bthe necossity of oeing thathib MN lCORSET COUI or siae of ail Corallne goods, . eh iioue anc gniiLO the railfoBie obtain proper r@ttàîéfr- iolfl 0( the jegenlOnl but oostl math. i ,.doptOd lu advegtisin Itbe lies Oise of the. latrtat1:tbiact Oùr allen tien ig &a niotly bound 54-page bock- e "iejWbà%t To Do,'"cOntaînutm a*9criptiOn Sud the correct mies of a *g 0 amber of gaines suitAble for pator Or lawI2, wbloh bai been hgonNi parth P.aenger Departinent of the St. paul, innespoliia & Manitoba Rail". way, and wiil, we underitand, b. for. warded postpaid upon receipt of, 8 cent.l by C. 19. Warren, Qeneral Pauenger Ag &t t St. Paul. Il is a book liaI woul rnamfent aimost any table and intrest botb Old and Young. Diphtheria. Now thât this muoh.dreadcd, fatal iesebas broken eut in our Imidât, ne doubt out readers will b. g)ad of somne usllpreven .-Lîve measurep. Diph. jensi peo"lrY fatal among cîuîdren espeilly those 'inde! twclve ycsrî of &geluditic beduty cf ps-ents e se. tbat everythine in their power ie doue te proteotthbcbcati aud '"ves of bicir ujttle cnes at tbis lime. The disesse, thcugh usually manifcsting itseif by infanxflaticu cf the throat, is by ne McaD5 cornpriued in a local ioflain. n2aion. It is a geucral, constitation- * du@ease sud ounsequently requites con- stituticual as weil s local troalmeni Ond it je of thc greateut importance 1 bat s phy sician be called at tic ealieeit possible moments life eau bu saved cnly by prompt snd energetio treal. ment. Every occupant sioald make it bis business te oarefully examine his * preluises, seeiug thas ne animal 'or veagtable refuse Sq allowed te u'idergo a ecompesition, withent preper meamures * being taken for the destruction of foui odeurs, gases, and germe of disease. Any suspicious odeurs sbeuid be inves- tigated at once and the eau-ce renioved witbout dciay. 'Thase ini actusi contact w ith the diese cannot be too qareful about local dieinfeticu, AUl rage or citbs used about the mouth or tiroat Dethte patient shoatd be bnrncd and el' dis- charges removed and tberongbWy dis- iofected. Thc foiiowiz.g methode cf local disinfecticu will b. fcnnd useful t iuibis aud al cher contagions diseses. i F au4 aethma, try AIisug' o boat caugh prescriptiog i- TM HAI1 si u an mprcved r bc Hlolday Season. ?or e cbeap by J]RBANKSý Sole Agent. r Nye's celebrated Arel OCo ghVSCOlIA. b. jt rbt u urb &,RVXST OF 188'. :D 4BFST IS ME EAPEST. IN1e MUST POBSESS I anmd EVENNLSU nlin lbe highssdegisalU t RU 0F CAJAD)A ie ~ znfacture trorn timo main lilu ices &anay o~ 4 by addreauing tbe 1 OPEWORK Coli IG ON ST..W, T in GI*en for Le"s TUhn 10 TC* 'nue emnd scarcity cf> à chber irregularlîles w julçea et lb.hestomaci 4 hýtwben in thec'c art meal ijesuen "a ly f41lcwed by an attl rrbqta or seme Such un. Tbi caa b. preveuled t, nutittous beverage ichi will 'ke.p the mi a frome flow 0f saliva. conWenient preparatiOiU 1ils oither to put a Je lige Iu tb. meti wieU ling cones on, aud1 ýeor ta take one or 'ls F laid Bec! dulqng ken itier ict or cld 1vdy pulatabloth& ýin lthe Fluld Deef, plles the -placofo o o1 sa5tric ju ces, S0 1hst 1eî4m in suffiolont iges't the., food and [<t the unupoa1 s .one or two day' tues5 cf theueri' lay iSaxpleiMz, nos net under th 11W TEE'U SA» ¶oBUI FOR APÂ&RTMENTS.-Furnigato by the burning cf suiphur frequentiy. The suiphur may be eaeily igxited çýith thc aid cf a littie metiylabed spirit. CELLÂRS AND 8TÂLE.-Wbitcwasb tbe véalls and sprinkle around a solu. tion cf carbolie scid, using about oe otince efthle stronR aaid mized with a quart cf water. Wben chioride cf lime is uued it sbouid be well ipread eut on fat trays e hat tbe carbonie acid gai in the air eau hiborate the available cilorine il centaine. CESSPooLS, PRI-VY.VAULTS, WATER CLOSETS, ETC.-VârlolS Emeans have been recocneded, the first given being YftdedJy the best. f1)- This metbad ie eue whiecisi largely nsed in the United States, sud conest cf lie fiee uosecf a solution made by mixing oue pint cf "Wilson'. Fluid" witb ou. gallon o! water. This solution is very poisoncue bat if usedl witb cure ie perfectly safe and effectnaily kilts ail germe liaI corne in contact witb il. (2) A solutiou made by disseiving s mach copperas (Ferrons Sulpbate) as possible in water. (S) A solution made by dissoiviug two pounda of Zinc Sulpiat'e in a gallon cf water. (4) A. colution made by diesolving or mixing 8 ounces of crude Carbolie Acid witi oue gallon o! wator. Two Pxincely Thieves. A BRACE 0F OFFICIALS TRÂT GOT AWAT YviTE 6650,000. Saturday cvening about 7.80 o'clock Detective Rebnmn and Aoting Deteclive AIL. Cuddy arrested a man aI No*' 880 Sherbourue-stremt, Toronto, vieheal- leged t e b.àaprincipal in oee0: tle Mcst colossal piecess o! hi.ving ever kucwu ou Ibis continent. Ho je James A. L. Wilson, agcd about 50, femmerly secr.lary- treasuror o! lie Chesapeake and Delaware Canai Coin- pany, vies. iead offices ane aI Pila- delpia. Wilson'l eousin, Henry V. Lculey, ield tie office cf secr.Iary- troeurer o! th. cempany for t*culy years prier te bic formor'î appoint- ment, and boîveen tbom tiey gel away wiîi nmarly850,000 sud bienfled frei Philadeiphia. The Ive workod logether in maki.ng au ovor line'cf the compauy'u bondi te tie a&Meunt o! about $615,000, and abstraoted 885,000 iu cash. Tic friud. ulent bonds maturcd on July 1, 1886, and Wilson and Leslie dod a fmw days before liat date. Wilson loft aCon- fession inu vilci ho sai liaItra b ai bocu going on for years, sud liaI il was mu pregraeawien ho teck Lesloy's place. Tic latter vas temovod in 1888 for esbling $15,000 of lie oompu y's money. Wilson'& mobiod cf opera&tmg vas te indu.. a fermer presideut.o! the- ceuzpany, an cld man« and nov ieéad,4 te aigu black cerbifleales. whieh ho found ne trouble inu dieposlng e!.. A thle interost ou lima. bonds be*a'0 du.. fresi frauda vore resorted le, unlil tire defaichtion amounted tle li a. namod. Leslry vas lhe prime mover in tie affair, and i.s uppemai le b"v'e led Wilson îmb it.. Lesley rolurn e rIhllphià laIe.ý ly sud was luiing ferusmue lime. On SBatrday lael h.- gev.eusl P Polic, Head narlers >, Pbialpbi Ho madé. al1 aa.bahl aS th fitormeén àd wbs Wilson voo à*igè; a W1bm station. ing ti. Tc mverdi we an aI tht 'rioa wb'enfÏrJ7 ua her bu fbond t 9kén -awey byl-the officors $ho fUîtd TbêI oise Inhetboraz f or idOier.. wbo, il i. underetoo4, vlaifor..hlhm l ."y preceediagu tébat m y follow. Ã"Meers se dal. Bince his arrivalinluTeronto 'Wilson ha, kept very quiet. Ho je a man apparenbly about 50 years of age. Occs lonaiiy he frequented a Ring street meort, sud always îeemed le b. well supplied with rnoney. Aller his arreal it waî tee late fer his couniel te meve in the mater, and yeuterday h. waî transferred tb thc jail. Thc extensive defaicatiens cf Lesly and Wilson create great exoitement in Philadelphia,, and tbe resuit cf the ex tradition proceedingi will b. watched with great intereet frein thst city. à dispatch from Philadelphia lait P131t-A ELPRI.,June 19.-Tbe _ans- nouncement ef bhe defalcatien in the aceounts eftthbChOesapeake and Dela. ware canal Company wus made on June 80, 1887, and il waa seen made known biat tie cuipritu were J. A. L. Wilson, the treamnrer, and Henky V. Lealey, hie predeceusor in thet office. Tic loes was #650,200' ef which $615,, 200 represented an ever-issue of lie oompany'î bonds and $2000 in Lehigi- Valley Bailroad bonds, and 885,000 in cabh abotracted by manipulation of lie bocks. The Canal Company'e bonds matured on July 1 - 'of that year, and arrangements had been made for a tbirty.year extebisien, and holderevoere aéked te corne ferward and exciange bhem. In thii.manner lb. over-issue wae diecovered, but Wilson, in antioipa. tion, bad taken tic money aud fied. A Large City. If anyoue were te walk n- wlY through aIl the strette ofLondon, ùc wouid bA obliitezl t, to a dials'mce o! 2,»0 miles, oi as far as it je aei ose the Amérioan contizeut frein New York te San Francisco. ThiF will give an ides et wbat woui bave La te dore in order ta mee even the greater p rt of 4 jlE.xprel 8c I. Local pe 116 lmixed *'ixpres No. 1 Expres 15 >llxed "7 Local "4 3 Expres OmNo "%Te Due at Due aM Whllby. Texento. s6.47 à &. .in 8.41 "I10 8e (dlo. notet. t s Whitby.) - Il 4.2 . 6.20 p.m. mu8.46 " -10.10 G0f1l4 RA6T. us8.25 a.mn. 7.185.m (dots not stoput* Whitby.) 8 .88 2.52 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 6.50 "6.80 Il u9.15 . 80()0 Whlbby, May 15tb, 1887. 1! can do no harm to trrj Freema' Worm Powdera when iyoue Iidj a4ling, fei>eriah or tearf id. The Manitoba boan of $1,000,000 in sd to have be4 iaken by Mr. A. T. Druinmond, of MontreJafor a London syndicate. 6For Brià)hiel anid Throat Affeotion,s Allen'., Lung, Balsam la uneqnelledl. Prices for cattle in Englaud are ve.y much 4epressed. Campbell'a Gathario ComRonndlis pieu- sut to tambe, app more satisfactory than Pille. The steamer Abyssinia, Ieft Vauoou'r Tuesday for Yokahama. The "IMaud S." Condition Pow4r in as ta i n advance of ils rivals, us Mr/Vander- bil' celebrated mare le ahead of her rival. in th.etimationiof the public. The Hous. of Gommons Monday threw ont the.bbll for the divorce of Susan Auli. Perry Davis' Pain.LUer.-Its effecle are almost instantaneous, afiording relief from th. Most intense pain. Westminster Abbey wau closel>' searched for explosive.s1>y the police, Monday. Prof. Loto',8 ulphiur 8oap is a deUqghtful toi2et luizurij as a good cuér- ative for 8kin dîaae. A justice o! tb. peaue and hie wife wêre fired at near Killarney, Monday. A botule of the "Lotus of the Nile" ilaa Mqost acceptable prement to a lady. The Pope is sending messengers cn a special mission to, th. Irish bishops. National pilla will not gripe or ticken, Vei are a thorough catharjo. NCE TO TEACHÉORSI LL esniidates who purpose ta attena thiè rt. q4hen in Im>, î1nin .lia5 ~ Lonon.summner iellday,shouid nobify the Depart. Iu our approscbn te tiîtcIL y, as well ment without celay. Tics. who pase th. as in our rsuablei.; hrough ité strÈet?, Officiai Examination uccessfuly will b. wve @bel) not i,@ &truck so mach Liv iii quaied te take charge cf the Drawing îmmt-nt6ty. Go wbere we Mnay, tier. Clasuses in lhe Meciamn' Institutes next set-m,.t(b heo n eu ta0 tewn. Ib is 14 wnter- The holdere of the five certificat., Miles ote way, and 8 lie ocher, and will not be re-quired :to take tbe Drýwing Examinata n for Second or Third-Clasuo centaine & population of nearly 4 000, Certiûoates, but will be granmd a faUi 004 peuple wbucb is greater, iudeed, paper. timer that of Switzeriaud or tic king. S-2n7 JAMES McBRRN, doms of Denmaark sud Grec-ce coi- Wbîtby; Jane 14, '87. I. P. S. Coc. Ont. bined. W. are tcld on good autbcrity _________________ tiat lier. are more Scotcbmeu iu Lon. don Lian in Edinborengi, more Iurih-TE men than in Dublin, and more Jewu -agwzLno srne Co. &ban lu Paicstinie, wfti foreignero frein a&H parts cf lbe world, including a greal Of Gi-eat 3ritaln. number of Americns. Yet tioae are____ go ueany Englisbrncn in London, Ihat CAPITAL, 82,5W,.000. eue le net Iikeiy te notice Ibm presence ANNUAL INCOME, 1,W,00 efthIese people o! other nations. Tbii vast body of cilizens, mcm. se MARE Faim Properly and I>waIilng rici liat îhcy nover c» ceunI îieir Eouges a Speeislby. Very low rates. E asy moeand some se poor tiey nover terme cof paymeul. Simple policies. No bave &y , ut a v e vexations conditions. Prom ptbsebliement bave ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o an eceucl vr ea fbses without discount. ge sure yen do 400,000 oitcu, 1,500,000 sheep, 8,000,000 Inet imaure untit yen know car termue and chiekenu and gar..e birda, net le speak conditions. Enquire o! E. R. B. RAY. ef calves, bogie, and léifforeut kinds o! WARD, oui Gereral Agent for South On- fiti. They consume 500,000,000 oysters lUio. Office in Wbib-Part cf D. Ormie ton's Law-Officé. AUt Jetters addreesed te, wiici, altiongi il aooms like a largo Lock-Box 78. Whîtby P. O., will receve nurubor, would oniy give., if qually prompt attention. Resldene-Ham Ot.. divided among ail lie people, oee lge, yron street, Whitby. 21 eysler overy third day tle oaci porion. Tiers are 8000,000 servants in London, enongi people le make àa'Àatge cily; but as Ii gives oniy oee rvant te oaci dozen cilizonu, Iis i quitce vident AYER'S PILLS. tiaI a groat mauy oethte people muet wail on lie-nuelves. Tiage are very A lar proportion of the diseuses whlch unequally divided in London ; and I cause hum-n suffening result fromu derange. ha"e ne deuil that instead e! lier, ment of lb. stomach. bowels, and liver. being eue servant to tweive porions, AYEia's CÀTJuLTic PiLLe act dîreçtly upon soeo! 'the . c lords ad ladies have these organe, and are especially designed to swemv ene amiean Cure the. diseuses caused by lbefr derrage- Iwele sevant apice.ment, including Cong~tpaion, I[nciges. tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, An Increasing peut. , anýd a host cf other jailients, for ail cf WAiJU fhav*ar ale, & ur, - ro-J+i,&-A A.mo ~ thi. unsigilly objecte whici incol ý l e o. f tb. Iidy orciardise, Cne arem4rodlugusting than lie nese o! tie faîl Wob. Worms, Hyphantria teicor, Hat is, wiic are &l e b.son &0a *arly se the middle eof Juiy and on Ibrongi lb.' remainder o! lie season, upon lb. applo Iroos, sirubbory' sud simd. lices. O! laite y@&" ti. cater- piller hç.s issu-ou thiorossein New England tlti Dow ne insoot vioiufeahts car orchard#se-if w. except lie canker word-playî so destructive a part the lasI hait o! the. season s ie-FaIt Web. Worms.. Iu upesking of lie WWotm, any confoundit l vîh th tout oîtriller,« bal Ibis, altllongh relialed tw the am e famlly, "belongÏs, te a%,diff aiëotéle. BoudesIbisi, .Wéfuafer lu a digèrent sBesson of, the year, a! ber tho leotoutetrpiller bas-,"I t iee! o action.- Uimis: The, moet -feseible plan le doslroy Ibiep s @poil-too le etl watob for . tbe drfei appearauce of the lbaves aiasM oonas lie pre"epee of a, oolony o! - t. oalâerpillers io tlbus lndioaled,- eute'. tiS*braob oontain. lug lt aa ý4 d.alroy Ibém by .burnlug or or 1Èln. Wien ~Wormte e ua!sdil in diffierilî b reph ltem, pleasaut rexn.dy. The extensive use of liese PMLa by eminent physiclans in regular prac- lice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profe.. sion. These PILLB are conipounded cf vegelabi substances only, and are ubsolutely free trot calomel or auy olber injurlous ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache iltes: AYER's PILL8 are mnvaluable to me and are my constant companion. 1 bave 'been a severe aufferer from HBeaduehe, sudd <nrý PILLB are the ouiy thinçi1 couid loo I for relief. One dope vi»l quickly moee ny bowels and fiee my head from. pain. Ilhey are the most etteclive sand the eoust physie 1 bave ever fouad. Il la a preasure tic -me to speak in their p rais., anad1Isivays4dé 50 Iwben. oocaslofers. W.Pao W. 1. Page Br*i' F.,BiehncsdVý,June a, 18M2 us1hAened Arnis'sPru. in' nuinber- ReuInstanc*es s-reiontrceuded bylen,-and have nevér knoiWu-tem té tail $0 aeompllah -Vos deied resait.- -W-eoslazly keep:,hem ,o baud ut car homes"n prise tuçem s a- pjeaoant ,safe and rIa~ àii etfe 5'CRDY)sîi11S14they are iumivaable. J. T. lyLs Mexa, Texa", Jane Il,5im Tue ]AZi. FtxsCIýB-.IlàH»ZL , vrit1ug .fvnM 4Éa"f. Gam.. ai 6 p t =e-P" Anew toeatment hmua een &i. Oovered whereby a permaent otre of this hitixerto incurable, diseue in absolutcly effected la boni mue te in..ap1caio 99 iaJ±erwhether tdicà 10 Pjyiediquee itwelvýe business. Descriptive pamphlet" sent free on reocipt of stamp 1q AL L MIO& S80% 305 K11GfSTM&a? S IiTOONTO, cANA&* SP'RINGS'UITS, J0-H N FERCUSON 18 SHOWING A SUPERIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds,' And other fine fines of Cloths, for Spring suits. AUl garments made up in latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnishings and Underclothi'g of ait KindB. IX'» STRUCTIBLE OVERÂLLS! -iATS 1 HATS 1 Latest styles ini Hard and SofiFe. HATS! DIt Hate VERT CHEÂF. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Whitby Stili Carrying on the War!. Bixiion Fraser offers better inaucements than ever te buy your CHINA, CROCKERY,. GLASS WARE, ETC., E1t'C. We give a special discount from the present low prices of 10 per cent. on Table Lc&mps, Tea Bette, <Jombination and Dinner Beit. Our stock of fancy China Chips ana Saucers, China Fruit Baskets, Fruit Plates, Dessert Plates, etc., must be solat 20 per cent. dfiscount, -te make rToom fer Bpring,,Godsi. A large ana weil assorted. stock cf choice family groceries, special va.lue ini Teas and Coffees,' seasonable fruits at redluced prices, Freeli Oysters iu bulk ana eau. The famoue Louise Baking Powder - takes the lead against al competitors ; put up in pound aesat.. 0 cents per ILbDon't - forget te see orge and pricesbe fore p rhasing elsewhere.i aI al lbh Great Exhibitions. 'Tbosewçio have il reccanmend ilt o heu friendi. Itla istel bMachine for the Public. Doeu alI Kinde cf Sewiug. Always ln Order. SlmPle-and Lashs a Lifetime. The Dominion flîgana and Planes Are 1RelIer than Any Other. The Beut Judges say Ils Tone'is the Boit. p Il ie built with a view to Durabiily anid Bcanty. The Best Instrument b Bay. Cati and Soc Our Goode. H. W. FOX, AGENT. BIOOX ST. - DOMS: WHITBT. London and Lancashire Life Company, This Company issues every desirable fem o! Life policy, and ha. deposited wilb the Receiver General in approved Camadian secnrities over $100.00 for eau& 8100.00 of liabiity, - tme affording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirous cf assuring their li'res wuf find il tb heïradvanlage le consuil thc undersig'nôd before ssuring eluewhere. JOHN' FÂRQUHÂRSON, Whitby,' May 18,1'86. -ly General Aget PA T ENTS GANADIAN8 casecure patents in the United Staltiez.o themarne termaas Otzn.hl att patent fit tlu th. staies, lima soeciuig aX- yea» epatent " oo rla laie vii belmit.d4 t'wo yeau. Total coul o! United -8 1ajeý Patl% $6,oui y $20 on mahig applcti 1h, biàlano ely'wepaett-aoed Total coule!f Canadian5 eauplet,84 for $15 year,,$74. On receipt o! môd.! or draving wlth descrlptilof, Invention, ve Om>osile 1. S. iSeliior cf]Patents,ý 'atent Offe, J .WahnoD.O Please mention where yen saw iisav ér 01TI .SO!THE DVIJO <LO8T VOULNTY 0F qXTARIO, 1887. 1. Whftby.8.*l2 218-242829 2. rubm.. 4 5 8.PotPrr.. 1 21 6-18 6. 4.Uxbridge 9.. i.- 9 20 2 . 7 19 *7 SOanniin- n 0 21' 28 820 8 60.ïeaerlon...«.il 2% 24 8 7, u -2ro...1 9 5 10 '10 ar faet. SIMON FRASER) Deveril's~Iuck, Brook St.,' WhitbY, Ot. z.54 opea o 'bimlad lohe 4bislt indiosute , staims bhie Umiitedta tï applied for1 -000 ýj 1 1

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