Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1887, p. 1

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HiTBY iParts With calm Printed words, great thoughta, and untirmng induetry, wd VOL. XXXI. WHEITBY, ONTAIRIO. F, Established 18M6. heLWdIR9g ffl lnOntlo Ca'unty, sUBSCRIPTION RATES. *pr annnm in advance-1.50 other- \,ie.Suberiptiôfli are slways payable at the office 0f publication. SLoazn e uipmont and bout furnished Bock and M obprlnting plant in ]E&&ter= Unu.rtie, capable of ezecuting aIl clauses et vork froni the large poster ho the smallet wadbill. Special mention is made 01 the acoiiped press feOlities of Tan Oxaoiz. ~,with its celebrated N. Y. Cottrol yIn der p rosa and other -modern conveni. *fleoBÈvery order roceives prompt, care- fui attention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISING. First insertion, per line, 10 cents ; eaoh subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisement* are meauzred by a <cale of solid Nonpareil, and charged Sccordinq1y. Advertiseenfts sent without written instruotions inserted until torbidden, and chared for full time. O&rder for discontinuing advortisornents muet be in wrting, otherwiso the publish. ers will not be responsible. A liberal discount for contract advertise- ,Monte by the year. Copy for changes cf contract advertisements sheuld be handed in net later than Wednesday ; snd notice of anyimtended changes sheuld ho given before Tuesday noon. Other advertisê. mente receaved up te Thursd.ay noen. Business notices in local or news columne Five cents per lino woekly. Locals, 10 ets. par iîne weekly. Correspondence osôhcited tram ail arts cf the Ceunty or neighboring townshipe. Correspondants ame requestod teo send in their communications as promptly as possible,1 IIENDERSON& JOHN STANTON, Sup't MechanicalI Dept. LEN.-«TrISTI;L , RIGGS & IVORY, S. E. cor. Kîng and Yonge Ste., Toronto. ~ B EST TEETH, $8 on rubber. BCelUloid 810. Geld, $80. Hlave eztraotoà tho teeth trom Thousasd oronabelutely painleas by the lueo of Vitaizod Air. 46 A. A--POST. mte with Lan&)ey, Langley & Buxke, ARCHI TE CT. Desigus for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawlngs preparod for rernedeling existing structures. Oriricu-Firet flat over Howee'. Drug Store. P. O. Box 2W2, WITE?. SEBERT f"LBROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Good Riga and Good Horses . Terme rea- sonab le. 19 SEBERT BROS. GRAHAM,. Proprietors~ JOHN B. FAREWELL9 LL.B., B.ARRSTRCounty Crown Attorney, wn court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGB, AitRISER,&c. Offlce formerly-oc- rtRiSTER, Farewell & Rutledge, neit o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., j TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ft.Cbancory, Conveya.ncer, &oe. h M OFFIC-In tho Oflice South et the Peut PO R Tiff G Office, in MoMilani's Block, Brock Street, G00D S. TAFFORO & I DL* à3O 0 A TIOôNSv 1887i r(I<rm (4 the ND BOWELS. tut>n e au L uv,,bluakble in a ichildrn aid the iaged FOI-lt, TREJET). LONDOIN, and soL lie Wovlli. i~~.5reLuxndçn, they arc 'purtows lOOOOlbEë DE WOOL. 'Fresh Eggs, le at-~ W. J. GIBSOI found in ti A STORE. :-S -o be ~easonf. t'ions forn L, and ending lf'ï attractions for tew goode. TikiE G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B ARRISTER, &o., &o.-Money te.La Orc-Smith's Block, sonth et Market, 7rock St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (tes 1 JOHN BALL DOW9 B ARISTE-AT-AWSOL ICITOR Offic-Deveri'. Block, Brock Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Fund,- in smno up to $8000, at a low rate ot in- terout. (ly-59 LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B,, B ARRISTER AT LAW, SLCTRI oeo Street, Oshawa. DB. MELDRUM, M.B. (TOBON--O D Univeruity,) L.R.O.P. and L.M. (Edin- burgh>, &c. Office houri, 8 te 10 &.m., 2 te 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Ne. 3, THE IlTEBRACE,"' BYRON-ST., WHITBY. Dra. WÂ.13BEN & OU'TMRBBTBoN P. WARUEN, M.D., C.M., (McGilL) W. CXYTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto, M.D., C.M., (Victoria.) OFFICE : BROOKLM1. M. C. CRAWFORtTH, VRTERINARY i SRGBN Graduate ct the Ontario VoterlnMryCol- loge, Toronto. Ordors by mail or te1egraphimtl attondod te. hPo tl Office at residence of G. AI!O, OPPoste Dr. Bogart'., Dundas street, WWitby. H. VA N ZANT, V.Se, Grasduat&- Oitario 1 Offig,Reiecs preimfr55 of the lats wilf l ays ho found aldiseases ta whlci a animaisem» 0ONSULTÂAI y C4ooge mv ethle JE IM N' WORM POWDERS. Arepleuw.nt to t kc,.. oti hi Purgative. 18 a erfc. s'ire, and eùfÀeeaa tieatro7er lut wormu in Children or Adu1t. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COOK'S BESI FRIENO 1887» 8PRING 8 TOCK -OF- !ALL p IAPIIIZ, NOW OPENED. The 'Larigesit "ad' Best Assortmen t ever shown. NEW DESIGNS) New-Colorl *g, LOWPRC e~s. wi old are good 'whloh I ini ear am b. aun8.,q aie pros tbsy ar'- smail fî fui barve On Suý east-bouî in the neI on the. à rail or si treck sh refrigorsi loin up ?- Boad biou -in shart-Ï icap and good rt rsuckoi's, &c., w ilats, tfor 'Boys or-men. M - t/h is îeek. e, ,Y,. leading styles s ai1t-WorstedSý suitings and- &,iin the latest red( stoc k of new: ire pI'epared to lbest vý-alue for 1. i peecsp rogîssor )AY, JUNE Knowledg., Broînerhooc~. ~w ET R .and roll11qp-thenie . yes, but I say lw:-2:40 trot - let Sohela, 2ncl stig t th getleen ithMan 8,3rdFanny B. Open trot-lut boîns and a snlphtrous bresth. Every Deadwood, 2nd Noule Woods 8rd Black Ooreuonene. mem ber of the cbû reh and congregation Diamondi Little Ned diatanced. 220 -- hould be oanvassed at the beginning of ymd foot raôe--lst Jno. Thompeon, ~I G.a y7arsad the amount h. la willing to Whitby,. 2nd T. Nolant Balsam. 440 na thâ th litl 8ha. giVe Put down, then if the aMount yards-lot W. J. Nonoarron, Toronto, Denag to the . este of pledged be inufficient, the officiais 2nd T. Nolan. Hlal-mile-lot Nanear.1.4. t w.nvod e.~ would have a. wbole year to devise ways ion, 2nd Jno. Johnston, Myitle. se GUAWod perAn issat ad mes luteraie he deflcieney. Tbe gle'e n la t e t gospel -lu fee, but the. presoher îun'î EELN amt mad.ee bt t baio 4! eole iutpay.b1. -The ohurch The '<Jubile." aw.lu1I..a th be exception -ef hep, tu short lunmoine places, re»cent rKins have helped I. The fait viest ln out Smosl Places Promises te Ut erOP. Tii.fruit trees te ylaid ebundantlyo as ressus loeded devu wlth Altaget-bsr a good bounti. tay b. iooked for. v aiiarhly sItar Doon, aM siigh mot vithiau socideut Orhood of tb. Splnk awitch fine. Il- appeau a boose 4hior obstruction on the. ou. of the aeles cf a ar, bending il ho cichan Irihe tiietist e, iciere a oocoîsdorablo distance. çhoson vas promptly ou Wd everytbing sbip.sbape SOAP- I YT. R. ii:i, CHEMi5T and DRUGOI5T ilas just received a large as- sortment of A maskinonge velghing 26 poundà vas ceught vithàa C # Hnglnuesàe. day. 1h wasiold ho M r. Jue' Lavder for #2. Ou Tuesday nigbl sornefst"ie opera. lions ver. lnulged lu ho wiud np the, jubilee. The mont vaîlike poirtion of saci sufflevas he mothing part. On. pugliut preclaimot ieisability ho lick a barbed vire fonce. Quita a shudy ho lover. of'herse. rac ngluthis ommunlty is thi.change vebbas corne ever-he minas of some people in regard ho raciug. Iu bygone days Ibis, amusement vas very strongly pratested agaiuet by eburch rnemhoei sud ather extreime moraliste, Tbey faiîly ield np tliu bauds lu ber. ror at the veiy ides et a respectable citizen ioaking onwvile abeors. trotted. People Who adrniltedl a liking for suci sport -vere regarded es moniteo of de. piavity sud eshiacisanwvastheir por- tion bohti bers sud heresltei. 7Sncb a&, tbing as ho beau ef a mseibere lis churci ahtouding a race meeting vould make peope hurm paie výiti astonlsii. ment end-reporte would go round &ai- once thiat the cinrebeï-we all-.go*n ho lie lêvil. But tie, vioked -days e- t- raling sare nurnbered nov, and lhie- , Ëy ob thule name - a ' 0 aling it Y 0 Wdnfflut.znu"Àdliati wiii get more than the fruit of the, groumid and-vine. A Young Mr. Wickett from CJolumbus occupied the. pulpit lu the. Methodist cburch SundaY evening. -Re wa4ed into the churcb members furiouely snd froqueuhly for smoking, drinkiug eider and snob 11k. cernai th-ine Bot. Mr. Phelpi preached hie final sermon, to Bîooklin Methodiste on Sunday morning. I jueau &ttho Bay thiu much cf Mr. Phelpa as ho passesý off your boards, he le an earuest.practi. cal, presober aud greva more deeply into the affections cf hig peopie ah ovory meeting. The. Proobytorians had thoir meeting lu the. moruiug lest Suuday iustead cf the. sual hune lu the aîthorno. Mr. A, PLanning was home over Sunday. Ho ha. resigued bisuition as asiutanî postmauter lu Deserouto aud bas accepted a moire licr'ative one in Napsuee.., Bort will- be s--avoriÎ_te wiierever h. go.. J. Franklin Dais is so afer recoveîed -as ho b. able ta perambulahe the streets. Ro vent dowu phyoically tory notice. About hall a -eeulury of our Cita vont ho Port Perry to celebîsho the Jubiléelu the. rein, but if wet outeide, tiiey need net be dry inside s;Pi P. tbough lu the. Scet Act -0o. oi Ontauio, dees flot fail. ho provide àbuùdane,-of-- potheen ho ail levers of 1h. Mr. R. Moore'à lawu viiibe 1h. acene et a fareveil hp aur blgiily eteem-' ed preaciier Bey. J.- J. lUdditt 'vboô oEs 0Ith -o nbrol, ailare iuvtted and O d f e lo s az d , o rt- e r iii i ) b ê_ý The Mýlhodist ba 00 i lanni. veruar y vi be hold née tweek.- On Suuday Mr. PLanning ;of *OsawullWi take mornlug sud afternoaue. Mî., Bedditt vili preeh bis f-aievoil usîmon on Bunday ev.ning. Thé.tes 'sud- entertalument viii corn ebnFf'xPidsy' July lst. Tae notice liaIt ti. lether is devotod; almoit exoluuively to the Méthoedists.* Tii. reason i. bocause oÊ0 ana a making astir. Tisse vis bavt been asvsièy ho ebool are Conborne10 feiodah The Uzbiidge repres 'eaiatives ai lie University bave doiens noaure Ibis pear. The-jubiloe day, vas duillu Uxbridge, beigrauy ud ark enaugb, heop a i p l o .r aic e g a e s, st e. 'b"J.: PXJRE Geîft -e.-- PIJRR If EL S TEER DRIl GOo: rci'oo On ynigbt smme part,,or parties-ai unnown vitcd tii issdeue - .G.o. Mater, in tuis village. succeded iu geiniug an entnce cellar, and'sndsavored te gel theîefrom, but ver. unsuco Being tins foilod lu their 68î ns they- turned round sud bel semltes- te cake, milk aud 0leî "lgo k.pt lu the coller, sud thon 'off, tuis beiug the exthut aI their *Mr. Mavei vwil b. fully prepared .etsieuldl tbey dpsire On. lut vekMis. John Coulioe ted tho drive -the.cattie eut of the st thei faim, veut of Danb Ito expedite their exit piokad u n . ia o o »Itihecv serions I t..-mis. COUanitesWas knoekod devnansd ber clothing almost totally toms Off ho; by the. brodions brute. A Uttle umo cme o bei asist- suce, but fling io wauunable tho drive avay thie ow, b. ran for hlm fatbei, Who upon arrivai amited bis vit, te the bous., wbsee his lanov suffering frein ber injuries, vhiqh are considered ratier serions., 7 On Saturday lait a novel parade vas made thiough the. stretefth et. village by Mus. Ley à Beymer, being tiie delivery of XMssy seli-binders solti by tbem during thiepuot feu' veeks. Filteen fearmer. wagons came down fram the station lu a lins, reeimg from Pire's hall ho Bemmeo corner. Hersas vert, put np sud the. muer man abundantly satisfied at 1he (ordon Hous, after whicb tiie ovuers of lis nov maeiln.ry proceded ta Ibeir bomeoi'*aving an ilgi opinion i the enterprise sud liberality o e, iran. The follovlng vers puroars ofthle binder lu thie pipeesion -O. Stork, 0i. Pavais, B. Wright, J. A.QOribb, H.L Spencer, W. Galloway, W.HJEeîon, JAS. Andre,Jo b oellCaph. P. J. Bave, Jas R-oba-dsono# J.iLavOn9, é. Man suda John Saderu.Besides the bwn. ersa ther. vasabrnowerfor Asa Hubbard anid i*.oo . ra. foi Jerry Gounor. They have ton nier. to e lmvw, ne#. weh Ti xteot et the salai inade iyl Ibis ýf mroetauy redound ti eheur credi t a uslsglesmau for: a gooti arilis,. Nu &Co* Br'ock Streets. 9DOS# 18870"" Large Ranige, Chai1ce Patterns. wake up, Xetlodissoî, sud fba'te yonr. selves. Mr. and Mrs. Peiry, Derby of Toronto have been visiting 'friends' bore for a fev day. Mr. Wilson of Aubburn the. Public Sohool Teacher in thal place bas taken charge eoftth. aduit Bible cdams i th Suuday-1Sohool bore. Tii. Rev. Mr. MaLolland -ef Âshburu eccupied the pulpit bore lest Sunday evening week. sud hock for hie mub.* jeet the words fonnd in Jeremiah Oth and lGth ho discussed the mubjeet undor tbre. beadu lot The excellent- adico given -"itand y. lu the vayesand seo sud ask for tii. old pathel"; 2nd, tiie spocial direction, "-Walk tiierein ; sud SMd, Tii. glorieus promise "Yo saaind reet for the seul." Tii. sermon vas an excellent eue. In Mr. B. Wagnr's blaoksmlhthiug sud machine sbop Kinusie ho bas quite an indus$ry. He 'bu.î steam pav- er lu oonnection, with bisblaoksmithing sud vood-woiking sud eu do suy ro. peiing that la neodod--altbor in Wood or iron. Mowerst beapeo,. binders, thrasbing machines are put lu thor- augh running eider withifscilihy. Ro bas iiad the good iuck 6o far -te give perfect satisfaction and bopee ho do me throngbhie mowing, îeaping sud thhiehing season. Ih se be hoped that ail macbiuery for ropairng viiib. brougbt lu sariy in lié season, lu order 'that b. May bave a chance te do th.rn. TOILE T SOAP. Which he-is selling a very LOW PRICES. S-AVONA, STHÈ GRE.AT Mlso for sale by W. R. HOWSE, CEMIST A.ND DBUGGI8T, NEW GOOD8! W. ]R.eIIOWSE, CHEMIBT AND DRU GGIST, Eu on hand a tory larg and select stock of Christmas gooda, eomprlslng Ladio&' Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/dors, Odor Cases,, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/et Cases, Largo Vases, And an asuortmaent of other articles suitable for prosents. Cail and Exramine Our Stock Baere Purchaaing Elsewhero. Xnc;wledge, Brotherbooc . NO. d 18870

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