Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1887, p. 7

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iidsSa eHtisr aite,! ih ii .perleatced snd kUu-Pb ci .'lad iurgeous for 1t1, al (b-rouie l4j5 )RFIELDO0FSUÇ# hronile Nmi aIçta,nla, 119- Disa01 ie Ui.tt oust Bader Die5, it& Vonie fllulod 1liaease»" ,je, Aftieîiî., ured here or «tbQ or- wîi[our eeoxng the patielt, Cox> ig, or -"-nl irei cents; in staM el~ valida' Guide Dooitst w'I iriulI.Nera-ouDobilitl tetc)-,Nortur.saj LIQATE ar)ixi I0rhid"~11~ - Qttsti t:4 b Oubjqutlýý lien arid Poruiteîiut antipuriain eucreel1À abutg. Book. pîtpî,Ies flxpureorj,.i DIDUcalhi t-ured, tont the TU wrthotit duî>endencoe irriet-S, and i ith very- as pwnL. Ilooli Sent fort.U LE TVMOIS asud çllc IýAwîithe.'gi-t1st EiVt ' sS. -Iln osuts in st.xoîîîjî AtIerefs 1V011 EN'5tUY MFDIC.tAL CÀîm,~ t, BulIîUuo, N. Y. The ti-sameut 01ir £ASES DF -itises phui cas o - YOMEN. nt the uxnid~To, îlýir g'îeuxîl n sitiîe, bas î_ basxgt- s !n xxô. ptinremed icre al.ic eiup n vorrePrescripti 3 PnwImrftll lRegioratîve TT ~es III.,IIiartsi3*gur andSt Ss e an sd ctxxx ss ns If r 4vn 1gc iteat or "Svites,' OxCOs 1la j, patainfl iuseutrUailî,, rafikaui, Iret'siom,, pncla s ;1g of, ie n ter-es, bvenik b verstoii, retro,%ertý4on, beari i setimatitoit, -ch roiî- conj Isalflxaîlitnlotis ats! hlcerai 08 avoct,, Inflammantion') 1 ictîde rt e. in o varie,, lixtel qais! 4"femaleveakne.ss^a relk '-r-s and cur1es Nai N n-lelle or Stomach., Nus!! ý 1t ii ir, Néro ilou, Prostrati 1'leepleiesm@ssliti étheir nez. A1 hy )ritgzglmgm ev-euy i litS 11Ctii)5foi- Dr. Pý sun Disc-asetiof Womeu, rbé onneDO met on Moniday aset, ail oh eve ,m, tumb?1 beP~ of r t meeting tbi chair. oo read and approved. SeveripetîtioDs and aocooufti voie otegd and referred to thoîr reepec. tnmo" o the Counoil adjotlraed titi 2rhq à UUook.ffresrzmed ut one o'clock. .rTh 0titinc as read from W. D. Mat. àhe & <o. and :wentY.Dhiê other, f. forlng fifty daye' work, and asking for gupplimsflîtay grant onl Harbor road. O.-Motion Mr. Thomnas Moody was j1.ardj i reference to the above pétition. On mtotion Mr. D. Brown Was heard in rofsIrenoe to the purohase of a road Mr. i&aokey, seconded by Mr. Parke,, wuoved that the ConiI resolve i$îeof jnlo a Court of Revision, for' the~ pur. poeof rerisiflg the asseesment roll for tbe year 1887j and that the Reeve be ,ohairm5ofif sald Court. Carried. ,&ftr 8ubscrbing to the usaa oath of office, the first appeal taken up vas 1hot of John Hastings, cl&iUning to ho pvrssoeiee on real estate. The Court ~ecalîted ta reduoe te amount by $400, the eurn aqked for. WiLh the exception of the dog cases, ail the other appeals vgeres imly to change aBsessUents from one p arty ta another, owing ta vemovaiSs ad transfers of properity. Tbe followiflg parties claimaed to have kill.d their dogs since the asesment wug made, aud the amsesment wua thoreforo eancelled : John Kirton, Reear! Bayer, S. C. B3rown, H. R. Rue- ~sl, Colin Philip, D. R. Beaton, Wrn. Vsârty, Cal. Dillingbam and- H. Ellioott. This having oeolu]ded the liet Of ap- pelsis on motion the rail as arnended was adopted, and the Court adjourned sine die. Cancil resurnedl. on motion Mr. S. Lankin wassbeard streerence ta condition of sidenoad ion- noar bis place, between lots 24 sud 25, ie the 4th concession. oue on motion Mn. Hab)ts vas board in u(nithl jefereuce to bridge sud candition of r fu osi. bill, on Kingeton noad. bo'V ounuicrion M1r. J. L. Jones was beard Olt" ie reference to grant ou siderosd near «140kg hie place on 849h cou., between lots 2 pu i 140 ere. -"o.* 9-'sOiîsponsary Modical scatu 6IÇ3 Main Street, DIJFFÂLO, à~. flMlous Ifeadatb Dizzixaesm, Conuli tiou nkibdigestilo andt Bilions At1.iac Vxuptiy cues!e Purgative reg tet av-U y Druigi DHNSO]1 rDeverell's 8/oc/i for gou iRITUBE WIlNG,- ROOM SUITS, N't-4c HMs UITS.;, BEDRODOM SUITS, KUICHEN su, îe Onie, Corne ail, anld1 for Yourselves. J.. JOHNSON and 3. On motion Mr. -Buri vas hoard in referen2ce the openiug- ai nev rosd througb let concossion.' M1r. Palmer, seeanded. by Mn. Mac- key, moved for leave ta introduce a by- lsw, je duplieste 10 authorize the Reeve and the Treasuner $o raies. a certain -ure of money by way àf loin to ineet tbe cernent expenses of the. corporation netit the taxes are callectod. By.lav passed. On motion Mn.. Stark vas heard in reference to aid in building a boue, as hors was neeently brnut down. On motion Mr. John Philips ;was heàard in>neference os a id for aa od 1ady rfl5ffed Raebsol tÊaîoreaux. Ou motion 1the Council adjourned for oee boni. Connoul roeuaed. Mr Perey, cbairmaaGs presoaisd the repart aif1the standing committea on Roaidssud Bridges, recomnnending s fallows: Tmarnas White, repsiring colvert be- tween lots 22 sud 28, iu the 4th con., pen onden Wm. Brigusîl, pathrnaster, W. L. Baxnbany, putting in colvert, drawîin aterial, &o., betveen 12 sud S. Lankin, grant on sideline, boiveen lo Its 24 aud 25, in the 4113 con., $10. a T. W. Lamoreaux, grant for guaveil- f ing in the village ai Whîvale, $25. ,4r in. Hoblos, granit ou Kingston Roai, Poot'a Hill, $50. J. L. Joues, grant on sideline, b.. tweee lots 2 aud S, lu lbe 8th con», for gnsveUîung, 825. FIT J.D. Macavoy,grant on sideline, ho- tweee lots 6 sud 7, in the 8113 conoos- II Sion, focelvert, $25. Gravelliug Greenvood Road, south Qf Greenvo.od, R. Anusu, assistant On East town line, oppouiî-e 2nd con., revote, Whitby having spent a like amaount, $30, F, J. Richardson, asuist- 1 W.ADAM8, Ms OVER J-OEN FERGUBON othin- Etbuiment, Dundas.a -fce houri from O &.m. ta 12.u Mn 1.30 ta 8, prnM, Renidence-QC Imn &nd Qlbertstreets &-dvertiu' ig Agena:, 41 Ptu 'rmes Building), New yOrjt# ,zed tu contract fot adver;wé la the CIIRONICLE ai ~ les. SALTO -îty, Sw'eetzmess, and playor laï grosîîy impi'ove you: FUT~ sud CHEESE. 'or Western Canada- and'à Jersey D4'a HAM3,&iLTON, ONT. ' LAWLER, AGEýI W13ITB Y. for I'reê irellar, set eom. On Est tovuline, opposite 9113 cou., Whitby grsnting like amount, *15. Grant on sidegie, between Iota 16 aud 17, 4113 con, grading, romoving atones, sud building oulverl on 4113 con., $125.00. Sideline between lots 4-sud 5s in the 5113 con., for gravelling, W. Badler, as- sistant com., $50. Road Div. 89, con. 4, for gravelling, $25. on uîideline,'between. lots 2 snd et in 3rd con., gravelling 8800. Olaremout village norlh to station $250. Botween lots 10 aud 14, 9tb con., and Vaddefl'sbh"l on sideline belte.u lots 10 sud 11 pli 9th cou., 6200. idelin betileen ,uloto G. suad ,co., for gravelling, sand 'bidgon -4 ~n 875. Western towaiine, between th. th aud 8113 con., Markham pying aàlikê amount, 875. Western townli,#InfM ScarbOropgh tovuline, 1* north, KIt anIhmin granted s like amaon, *100. Northorn tcwnine, opppsîià oW 4 ý8 aud 24, ounontoùn- bat Uzbridge grant a 1ke amonut, $75. Rogb'. sidolino, 4 1 Bf o~.m Hil at Dnnbartoz4 :00. For culveri oon, sidoilue boes. nloIs 20 sud 21, B. F.,9sud ie bridge and reiling 850. Sidehune between lotoS ad 79 in- It4 2nd con., for graveflng, 0. »OlIPe OM$. 8'h3 and 9113 0o0.0 *1*0;- ' For 'aing sud l5 L5 o bridge in o6théèlt-,' t~$~j Seventh con., opp Way cofflngt for 4 Bea D,. 5,for hquîIý4 ~ tveen êe ud t l ho. 1h0rh #40. OL Orswtord!&*ke b u Sth cn,*5. For rauiiug.aud ftiâig on seveuth con., opposite lots 19 and 20, $80. Grading and uiaking road, 2 eon., between loto 24 and 25, $50. Granft opposite lot 23, 6th con., 850. On motion Mr. Perey, the report vas received aud adopted. MF. Msolkoy, cbsirmaea, proented 8he. report cf comrmitt.e Of cutingenoies, recommndii psy!neànt the fOllOw- iug accounts: lMowcombe. & Leyden, assessor's iad olleotor's roll. 185.50 ; C. J. Freel, medical attention to P. Moran, 84.50. Also psymentoffollow. ing indigent accounts: M. Gleeson, for M. Ryau, $22 ; do., for Phebe John- son, 016.50, do., Mns. Graham, $44; John Monkhouse, for A. Miller, $8 M.' R. SumMerfedt, for Geo. Wil- kinson, $22 ; Wm. MeElttriok for Ed. Bowes, $8.26; John Macnab, for Jo. MeGilinn, $46.50; Jno. Mclntywe,keep of found1iW 22 Wm. Hnbbard sup- plies -,tD evitt's child, $11, do for foundfing, $22; J. M Gerow, for Mrs. Tripp, $22, do for Mr@. E. Smith, $22;1 B. Bunting, for Mra Robinson,, $11.25; Jas. Taylor, for Mrs. Fenton, $9 ; P. R. Hoover, speciai grant for Wm. Laur, $60; Fred Wood, for D. Han- son, $9. Ai&recomnmended to following indi- gents from let June to 319t Dec.. M. Ryan, $1 per; week ; Phebe John- son, 75c.; Mrs. Graham, $2 ; A. Miil- er, $1.60; George Wilkinson, $1; E. Bowés, $1 - Jas. MoGilinn, 75c.: No 1 foundling, $1 ; Devitts chIld, 50c. ;Mns. Eliza Smith, 75e., No. 2 foundling, $1 : Mrs. Tnipp, 75c. ; Mrg. Fenton, 75c. ; D. Hlanson, 75e. That a special grant to M. Gleeson for supplies to P. Moran, an invalid, $10. That the following acconuts be paid: L. S. Ackermsn, printing and adver- tising, $24-50 ; Levi Mackey, assessor, attendance at Voter@' Liet Court and Court of Bevision, 35. On motion of Mackey, the report vas reQeivod and adopted. on motion M. Gerow's6 report re grnul on highways, vas adopted. M1r. Peney, seconded by M1r. Madkey, oeoved that petition of. W. D. Matth- ews and others, for supplementry grant on Harbor road, be granter, and Casper Stott@ appointed Commissioner in behalf of municipaIity ;,and that petition cf Thos. Pngh and others for snpplementrv grant on 4th, con. be- tveen lots 26 and 27, b. granted, snd thât T hos. Pugh be appoizited commies- ioner in behaif of manicipality. Carri. ed. Mn. Perey, secouded by Mr. Parker, moved that this connoil, after carefully oonuidering the question cf the parchase of th3e Rouge bridge on the York roada, as requested by a speolal coxnmittee of the County Couneil of York, do not deew il ini the interest of thie munici- pality that any money psy ment or other consideratian sbouid b. made therefon; and that the Clerk b. authorizel to notify the Cienk of the coucty of York cf the deciuion arrived st by the Couneil of Pickering. Carr.d. Mn. Parker, seconded by Mr. Palmer, moved that John M. Gerow, commis- s1on7Pt, b. in.tructed t0 advertise for tenders for opening of lot con. road, acrose lot 35, accooding te plans of Mr. Hanning, C. E., with snoh change@ as thie Counnil may decide upon. Carried. Mr.-Perey, seconded by Mr. Palmer, mnveclthatthà% eReeve bhainstrnc-ted to East Whitby Council- The Municipal Condil met Monday laut. Members aIl -pissent. Reeve in the. chair. A. communication wus remd from Mn. Speno.. clerk cf Beach vi$h réference to repaira on th. Bosch bQnmdaryline.. Mni. M-censie, soonded by Mr. Haneook mov.d that lb. Beeve grant hi. order on the treamurrinu aver of Richard Netherton for fthe sumoe f *50-00 in psymont of f.aso cf gravel, lot 15, con. 1, Ruach, sud for*$2 for i plaing gale ai outraneuos t sad gravel. Oarried. Mr. Power, sesnded b Mr. n. ocokmos4;$b ~ egWo Mbo. tom iso.r to'l .Pend the iu of 86 toouiuetou-'im heýtOvun of lins be- éeen Uansd Jilat Wç@Mitl$ Keuzie, wu*,appoi0ted a a "mi"tIe. examine 1h. payel South -of Taunaton and'to purêbas. aoî f thby hea The ocncli $Jen r.soleed ItsseifiAi1ê g odurt 0fBe-ilon. . Aller 1h. e7 umed,thflu ment roll as cre dby the-court was, of àtotion 4i1M09 ýso ok, r mnu £$; 45.42; -IL 8ceU, '$4.86 ; Geore Tboi:nsi5 -*2.10; do. e29650;' Z Gàlover, #14.28; do. 04.50; W. Feweter, 87-60. ýSalary, R. Hodgaon, $25. The connoul thon adjournod ta meet ou Monday, 4th day of July, 1887, st 1 o'Cock, p.M. Horse Routes. Ambition and LockwihmocL, k roperty of Jeffrey Bros., Whitby. Mon- aay-R. Grills. Front Road, noon; Peter Mcfleruiaid's, 2ud con., Pickering ut uight. Tuesday-Secker's Hotel, Pickering noon; Hotborn's hotel, Rouge Hill, at uight. Wednesday-Moou's hotel, Hyland Creek, for the night. Thursdçýy-Gordou's btl, Pickering, f(,r the uight. Friday-Geo. Hatrick's, Base Line, noon; Jeffrey Bros' ,own stable ut niht. Saturday-Ray's hotel, Whitby, irutil nonn and return home over Sunday. lpa on J IrIlpertv of Caineron & Shand, Ashiburn. I ndy-prceedto Chinn's hotel, Brook- I-Tht s. Wilbur'ýs, Darlington, for the, niisht. Wedxîesday - tu -' noon; IHodgîon's hotel, Railan, at night. Thurs- day-Frank Brown si, yrtIe, noon - his os-n stable, Ashburn, at uight. Fiiay- Wmi. ardner',, xoon , his own stable at night. Satiird,,v-J. A,. Disney's, West WVhitb)y, nu' 'x: hi. uwn stable until Mouday nr trngn. TannahllW pro-perty of Caiuerun & Shand, Asbburn. Monday atternoon-proceed te Daf oe'a hôtel, Ltica and remain &Il nizlit. Tuegday- HuIt's hutel, Manchester, nonn- St. Charles hotel, Pi-rt P.-rrv. at niht. Wednesday attex'u')C tu-i ri eed lto Hdg on s Raglan. and re1 'nu ver nîiht. Tbursda- tý.Iluhui lielphuxu-ns andtinxain ail nigbt. Friav ~Vic x'~hîttel, Columnbus, -,noc Chinn's l!ote]. Brukîjui, at nigit. Satur- day-return t) bis(wn sela.ble, Ashbarn Phenomenon, <CeeadBay) lr;'iertv out'Major H d- -On. MvNrtleOt %na -astbruugh Mivrtle ani î tr i Utica, andi remnain alf nxghit. Tlesay-pass through Ep-uni t, P ,rt Perry, n; andi thruugh 'Man- Chester to hi- uwn stable for the nizht. Wednesdav -îass thr tugh Raglan le Culuru- Iu-, n -n ,an 1 tbiruugb Brookliju lu i-i uwn stabe for the nxglit. Thxrsda-atl day at bis uwýNn stable. Fridav-Pav's hcttel, 0t-zhawa, n, n; andi R.avs Hotel, Whitby At xxgbt. Satxxrday aflernn returu to Lis. own stable ani reniaru tillt Monday. Youing Abby Prince, itr,.perty of Mapr Hodzson, Myrtle, will reinix at bis oix n stable every day ie the week exceptixlg Thirsday, on which day he w-dl bie at Jno. Martin s, Tht con., Reach for a n".11 stand. Runteman, prope-ty of ..1u An-4îmn, Balsam. Muuday -trîtceed t-t listes hotel, I'lica for the nigbt. Tiiesdav-t-îMGrgetr 9tb co.. PLeacli, t 'r due iiht. îVednesday -to k',se's butel, Gesnbank, for the night. Tburezdav-tu Mcquasys botel, Port Perny fiti the niht. Fridax--to Hodgsou's hôtel, Raglan, ifr th e nigzht. Satiiday-to his own stable anti rexnan untit Mond ay. Auchtertool. pri-jerty oft",,bunAnst,)nBAlsarn. Monday -tuedt4) Dat tes buhtei, tica, for the nigbt. Txesdav-tti MiG(' reggufr.sb9th con. Rearh, foi- the night. Weduesdv-to Rose's hotel, Greenbauk, for the night. Thuday-Lo McQuay's hotel, Port Par for the night. 'iidsv-to Hodgson's bote, Raglaxn, tir the night. Saturday-te hie own @table and reinaxu until Monday, Lawerm Baron Gordon, iltrup-ert-y ut Win. Richardison & Sou, Column- bus, Ont. Monday-wiil proceed lu Chinn'8 hotel, Brookluu, foi- the night. Tuesda- to Dieksumn'b,, MNyrtlo, noon ;an-i toHttt bitte], MancheAter, aud romain ever Wed- nesdav ixulil Thxuisday moruiug. Thnrsday -Hutigsoxis buta, Raglan, nnon ;sad to hie iiwn stable foi- the nigbt. Friday-to Thosl. Wsilwi~r's. 7th con. Varlinuglon, aud nextain ail nia-ht. qatui-day-to Jeu. Hepburnra, wn ;nandti luhis own istable untilkMond ay nttrning. Robert Benner, Jr., <HIaibletbiýauý prupeîty of Whitney and IyOnt. Monday-leave bis own s~{eQueens hvtel Whitby sud proceed Chinn's Lotel, Bi-oukil, noon ; sud t. Wil- sons hôtel, Asbburn for tb. night. Tues- day-De-usha's hôtel, <'lanetnont, noon ; Pipber's hôtel, Bruughamn, for the night. Weduesdy-tu WilIessx's hôtel, Box Grove, noon; and tri the Wel1ington hotel, Mark- hrmn, for the nîght. Thursday-to Brown'a butai, Woburu, noon ;asud ta Moon's hôtel, Highland Creek. for th3e uigbt. Friday-te Gordon'q hotel, Pickering, andi ramain al uight. Satu-clay-toDis ôwu stable, Whitby, sud remaiu untilbfouday. BTJLLS. whit Oa8pe pnoperty of Wxu. Hoar, Myrtle, Ont. tialved Oct. 14th, 188, bred by Wm Hron à sou, Ashbtxru. It i. the duty cfever perSn who bas used Boachees Ode-man s Bgpte lot ils wonderful qualîtiobekuowutoitefrfriaud ln ouriug ocumption, esves (ougb Croup, *Asthxna,, Ppsumo»M ansd in fiel -i, tbroat sud Iung 'disesim , NI)persn .AU use fivihut inuned leief Thràe, doses wi alilive sny cs,' dvacuie il 8h. dutý'of aIl 1)zggiisté' te r=enmd ft tothe poo, dlu< os<uptlVI45 et st bc" I M %W >TH-E 1Y .SEOUBE 'A -I-I E GOOD.TWEED* SUIT AT PUICE8 NEVRIR BEPORE RÂOHEU; IN T TRADE. A Good Suit made to Order for $12,00, A large stock of Scotch, English and C(anadian Tweeds, Black"Worsteds, etc., to select from. A Special lime of IIEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suite or Boys' wear. A FUJLL STOCIK 0F GROCERIES ÂLWÂTS ON RAND. llighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. 1:/ Co WIR.0 .11T ýROOKLIN, ONT. FU R N ITURE -FOR- Cottage or Castie,, -AT- PR/CES Wl/CH- WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALL ON WM. HAIJLT, ]BIBOOINM. -000- EET~ Funerals « Fully Supplied." c~J WIiIIiy Woollen MiIbs Midway between Broolin and Columbu8, on the 7th Conce8sion. We are now prepared-to make ail kinds' of Wooilen Goods, ýsuch as Tweeds, Fe.i Cloth, Union Flannels,- Sheeting, Shirtingii, A]l-wool bed 11anket8, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Goods kept- in stock for the accommodation.of patrons. Dyemg in ail colore doue to order. Ilgli8st price paid for aiy quantity of Wool. Ail orders promptly fllled. W. De BO WEIMA N SONI ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Equipped for BusinessTraîning-. BOOK-REEPING, ?rENMA&NSHIP,1 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENce) BUSINESS AB1TU)ÙETtO(, ÇOMMBBO I LÂWe* SHOBTHÂND AND T YPE-WBITING PATOLYTÂUGkHT. FINEST ROOMS MN CANADA.- Send for Circular. Address. C.ODE4IABcr&sy Jamoi B. Day, Esq., Âocountant, 2loroftto. 01 R -Hving mo]PUe VMI eedvea tnmlvpl omlla~ster tfor hua m tatnlglt-worse- y 009crrhLng- very distressig.I ýlawed ta continue tumors form whi( bleed and ulcerate, becomlng very SWAYNE'8 OINTMENT; Stops tlheiltcbln,,g aud bieedin, mnany cases rernoves7 e e,,_ thetumors. Sen" MANHOODI How Lest, How Restored 1 ~ajÎJust pubhshead, a new edition of Dia CULVBwELL'staCELEj BRATED EssÂT on thle rad:ca~ cure SPEIIUÂT0EBE,& or Seininal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IxpoTRMcr, Mental and PhysicaliIncapacity, impedi, mentR to Marriage, etc.*; also, OoiisVmPTioq, EP:LE!Psy and FITS, induced bY self-inidul- gence, or semuai extravagance, &c. T~he celebrated autbor, in thi. admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yesa ssccesifu practice, that the alaxmig conoequences of self-abuse may be rdcaf. cured ; dointing out a mode of cure. ai once simple, certain, rnd effectuai, by mesus. of which every sufferer, no matter what hie condition may be, rnay cure himmeif cheap. Iy, prlvately and radically. Or This lecture should tee iu the banùh of every youth and every man in the laüd. Sent undeif meal, in a' plain ýenvelopé', te any address, post.pvaid, on reeiptol tour cents- or two postage stamps. .Âddres.,- The CUL VER WELL MEDICAL *I-o. 41 Aun St.,NKew-York., Pout Ofâce Box 450,,yl DR. DORENWEND'S. 17-MM- etHeAnt aicopoid O= lueauia Ém516,0è"1 als sudndeazlesil The London Rtand -- - 9

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