Whfie thlïdbesong tôt 5.mro AU the other ohilro earu, Oit Isesa>Iny toddler With a lo6ýk of grave oonoern, On her lap ae. pred a volume, Wjth a lothes ýpin for a peu; By hersel! she soi tly chattere, "Four and six and two and ten.", In lier quiet littie corner, On lier brow a etudjons frown, How se pores above these pages (They are 'lst now upeide down) Till the bee-like droning ceases!_ If I beg my littie wren For a Xise, I got thili answer: "Four and six and two and ten.- At hig very busy pîsyrnate PuBsY looks wîth blinking eyes; Then ehe stands him in the corner, VerY muoli to his surprise, And she holde the book before him 1ýough lie mewe a protest then. She je teaching him a leeson- 'Four and six and two and ten." In thé tranquil hush of bedtime, Wheu the good-night kisses fali, From the lonely little corner MY wee scholar then I cal, And I ask bow muc h e loves me, Press bier rose-lips once &gain, Whule se.bugs me and she whispers "Four and six and two and ten." Mary and lier Dude. Mary had a littie dude, Hie came was "Wobert" Snow, And everywhere that Mary went The dude was sure to go. H. followed lier to church one day. It made the people stare, To eee them standing side by side, Beforo the altar tiiere. The parson put hie surplice on, And tied them fast for iife; The dade je Mary's husband now, A.nd she je the critter's wlfe. Lo, the Poor Shinnecock. BILL NYE'S MISSIONÂnT EFFORTS AMON THE LONG ISLAN<D INDL&NS. There cau be uothing more patheti thon to wstch the doay of a race, ove: tbough it b. a sornb race. To waté the dosy of the Indian race lise beEý witb me for yesrs, a passion. sud th more the Indian bus deoayed the mor reckis I have been in studyizig hi way. The Indiau race for over two hum dreti yesrs bau been a race &gains Time, snd I neeti hardly add that Tiu, à e sway ahead sas I pen these inos. I dielike te speak of myeif se mueb but I have been identified wihth il Indians more or legs for fifteeuyean In 1876 I wam detailed by a San Frac Cigeo paper to attend the Cueter masa cre-asâd write il np, but not knowwn where the massacre waa te b. held, Iisdm a n adrdfrdy in an opposite direction. Whon J afterwards beard how muoceseful tlb mabeu(re wuan sd Iuly realizeti wbi 1 hati miossd, my mortification knue ne bounde, but I might have b.en ovez more se il 1 had beenausceafil Wi nover know what is bot for vs. Bat. the Indisauis .on the vans, whsi -*er "ht is..Ho la dinaspparing froî an golng oe ofmany-yesà ro agé, i #à pure. blooded Indisu, but net a pure blooded Shinneoock. Meut of thesE lidisu e ao ae pvt negro r»e by aira. u r o ous#idorW wale.TuBineok bave net been rtubenough te breal oui *-,c 1h07 hmatein uesi soe y~~obus vwf *mi 1. liit pais T auar aowout 150 ebhlnaocku ow itfrir'alb h. meu Sýt of vhtn ar OgrooO. They iÃŽve together in Poesund homln, ta'yfrg mont of 1h@ tiane to Mucr$" nwhat th. wüivve even upon -My tumullûus uoSd sgo ivo nature, voo n.terpue. nobm. o où i boM &y aee W tlb.' Pavway At. M e - g'-M. nd~ P4r'Oble tat int1iéîýô_1 ,îing"11p 01 ~jyhe-im su C Mut -I ouu.',aud oh- 'of he-lb. Icot ,wbere - hê. oIouim1e1awinter we sa» hlavè eui dà mxp ulè»pyý lawieti a front vie* ofet , seoured a pic- se kinky, ,X=uing ou Its à Otri, hh à te westher, when rheuatism, néuralgla, l~Weet1h iesi8dený oet he St ot~m- With ils 1'te up o'er lIbo gbod, see throat nd'other painfun.complaints miaioeriad henüI talked ith Mr. boigbabies t b. ge oee ~>eai - dMYarille Yeflow 011 ie- the Bun viilethecarieti;ad pop arhoneeholà rencdy for external and vienwie ts face, tgel a marine = hutinjuring the babieis he .internal use.- Its curative power is truly. view f hiefacecyclone snd 1h. whop0r jerniey on iu wonderful. Mr. flunu vas for forty yeau-s a joy togéther-there refinent sud Four children w ere burned in a dwelling wbaler, but had abandoaued the habit frumenti, witb th. new automatje mal. at Bedford, Ont., yesterday morning. now, sa there je 'so litile demand adies and 'choie dis0so that, belong We are constantly receiving teetimony amoug the restaurants for, whales, and te lbe Caucasian, gather in the festive that Dr.- Carson's Catarrh Cure is what the a!s beaus tbte re ewe whles re inu tkebyn10 he esevatenname implies, a "«Catarrli Cure." Youri aseertau e rmhlare ter wale.rob hmwhile hi, litie te lsertob git i.authorized to refund the money I sacrtaind fro him.&bat he whle ro him hi.16 ili lttle tfa llsetob iive fsatisfacte at on.ction W caeaub. at Ibis season of the year doseo'mtln lihe turne hi. tees up, rob bIim more fair, anld need you suifer an.y longer? readily rise te the fly, but bites the liiili e kicks lbe bueket. Fire and palnie in a circus at Nesohin, ini hà rpoon greedily during the middle of An~d the Shiuneeook je fading, lie Germany, on Sunday ey"'ning, causedl the th. day. who greeîed Amerie Vespucci wben loss of many lives. Mr. Buno aise gave us a great deal ho laudeti, tired and sea-sick,' wih a «N MEN su~ffering from n e effects o of other information, among oher breath cf peace and onioe; h. vie y early evil halbits, tho- resuit of ignorance thinge, informiug us of tho tact that welcemed other straugere, viti their orflywho fnd theniseives weak, nervous, the white men had becia np te their old notions of refinemeut aud their. know- MEN,, Who are broken down froxn tbe effects of trioke and were tryiug te steal portions ledge of the Seriplures and Iheir fond- abuse ur over-work, and 'n advanced lif. feel of be esevaton halhadflo beu n.. or ambinu-thy bv cin-the consequences of youtihful excess, send for of te rseratin tht hd nt ben ess or ambinu-the hae cin-andRE.4f M. V. Luboin's Treatise on Disdases nailed dowu. He did not say whetber passod hie damnation snd the Shinne- of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any it wae tbe seule mn who ie tryiug to oock je bueted.. addresg on rsceipt of two .3c stamps. Addrese steal the old Southampton gravoyard BILL NYiE. M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. E., Toronto. or not. bI James ie about 75 years old sud his Lissing a Most Dangerous' _______________ faîher once lived in a wigwam on the Sbinnsoek His. Mr. Buonsys thst Pastime. *DVS , tbe country bas changed very mach in -- - ' AVIBY th at250 years aud that I would » The liev. J. L. Fulton, of Pittsburgh, P I ...L iardly know the place if I onîti have delivereti a lecture ou "kieses" in that - N a IL E seeon il at firel. Duriug Ihat times lie iy, recently. He. bld a large audi- 18 EOMMENDED BT sys liaI two otber bousse have belon ence ef somewhaî startled snd dis&p- Plhisicians, MAinise,-s, .3fissionarieai, builî sud lie bas reshingledthelb L cf pointed young bih.e that premiscons Managers of Factorie, Work-shops, bie baru wit bhay. kissing was jUgt abou2t as Sensible s Plaa~ions, Nurses in Ilospitals, Heotold us the tbrilling etory of the promiscueus eiooling, and tnlI.y as -in short, everybody everywhere Spanieli Sylpb sud bow ehle vas vreck- dangexous. The reverenti leoturer Whto has ever given it a trial. eti many yeare ago on the ceast noir pulsed science around by lh. polonaise TÂKEN; INTERNALLY XIXED WITH à bis bonse, anti bow the Bpaniub dollars sud insigteti thst eoh. bad -brought eut WIXE GLASS 0F HOT MILE, AND bursi eut of ber gaping aide sud fell a fuel 11.1 ougblte affect the babil of SUGAR, IT WILL IRE FOURD;I witb a low, m.llow plunk m tb te kisuing. He eaid the menti je inhabit- A]NEVER FAILENG rsging main. eti by parasites, litile insecte whicb live CURE FOR Nov sud tbeu the ses bas given up aud keop bouese, sud go tbrougi ail the SL-DDEN Û >OLDS, CIIIILS, CON- oe of lieue "Bandi dollars" as tbe funetions et existence bebind the xuby GE-STIO'N OR STOPPAGE 0F r yeas weuî by, sud not over Iwo years lips cf tb. blushing sobool-girI snd be- CRUAIN RMS ag0Oee vs fouud sloug the aboeser nealli bbe devny moustache of the bud- MUAI*,CA'fS by. Wbat I b1qlêe the Cbienecoek ding lover. Tii. pute an entire new PAINS IN TuIE STOM.%ACII, SUM-- Indians for je their fatal yearning te face-in fact, vo e mgbl say, an entire Mý%ER AND BO WEL Cc)MýPLAINTS, subsiel solely on Ibis precarieus in- new Moub-on the malter. The cou- Sf> R E TIIlR OAT , & C.- comae. sideration whîeb sbhould always b. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, But viti tbe decline of tb. vhaling ehovu by the strong for tbe weak, the I&IPERIEN-rE BA9FREOVEN IT THE MOST iudustry, due semewbaîte the great large for tLe sinali, viii pretect the EFFECTIVE ANOD BST LINIMENiT ON -popnlarity of natural andi aoquired gas parasites in tbe monthe cf brave Cana- EÀRTHI IN REMOVINci TUEIN sesà lubricaul, togoîber vith the ciesp diaue frei n ay inteutionai barin, bùtî A IG R3 methode of pieki.ng up oleotrieîty sud fetil, wheu the average citizen i. plaoed SPRAInS, RUISES, IILIEUM preserving il for illumiualing purpcseo, in a position vhere heee owmpelled 10: TIS, NEUALGI, RSWELLED N~O sud aIse te the tact thal vhsles are choose betweeu s parasite sud s kise, TSNNUAGA WLE more skittisi than t1ey used t eb.. lb. the former bad boîter bustl. under FACE, TOOTHACHE, Sbiunoceck W12SIOT i. left higb andi dry, cove-r villi ail possible deià paîcb. Of BI7RXS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. It je, indeoti, a patîbelie picture. courue, if the parasite sbould saunter I25ts. per BoUtle. ýi H ors, on the teru sd rock-bcrnd rund on the o uaide et a pair ot uby e ar fIm t ton . ' e n c o a s t , w be r e I be r a n c e t o r s g r e e te d l ip s l e ge t s b r e a t h cf f r er a i r , o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ au Columbus sud olier excursionius as eheulti bolti s mass meeting ou ihe O'ut- he tbey ladeti on th. nov dock, sudaIe et 6ge -of a downy moustache, snd _________________ r: once lied their ~ictures tabou in à s soulti sudtienly corne in contact villi a grtnp for th ustratione ou lie lover's kise, tbey woniti imagine an greeubaeku, nov lbe surviving relie cf esrthquake or a dynamite bomnabhatiA PB L ' a brave people, vitb boved beade anti ezploded beneaîb -thean, snd soin. of t rou nglook@, are waitin&g s few dsys tie parasites vouiti doubîlees gel Ibeir MA 2e ouiy, for the ion g, dsrk uigbl et merci- bache brokeu lu tiree places, or blevu I. S e h. vikO in lie night lime, aIl et levers giving up tie tieliciousiy blie. v 20 lbrougb tbe long fly tino, ho valks by fui babi t fkisaing, bovever,, il voulti-p ri-w.ae nover, but lie tiere forever iu the insecte leO keep eut cf barmts vay by E L I nh fiarma of lbe shaltering sea, te lie in tb. remsiniug in-doore. or, if tbey den't M E le op ethIe es. like thas. like thein pack np Ibeix Thiîs agreeabie yet potent Frepara. Ai Atoast liai js my ides et the vay bouseholti goode snd move up jute Ihe lion i. especally adapted lor the relief 1 Sthe Sbiuuececk fuels about il. cavity cf the' ar, sud bold open-sir andi cure of that cmasa of clîsorders î-The Indien, raoe, vliorevex vo fint O'Brien indignation moeetngs on the attendant upon a low or reduced stave e it ie us a wonderful illustration ot oyobrov. They vIllibe slwu edo of the systeta, and usually accompanlied ttegi-est, auhereut power oft m se a ani'thing but intertore vilh lb. divin. by Pallor, >akneà ad Paliytatilir Shurnan levaler. The Indian bas, par- rigbî of lver. te îhrill eseb other viîh fio the ueriiiPomptes uIts ii- n uaE grestr pewers et endurance than s kios. W. are net 7.1 preparedti tebo- haustion arisiti fr,,,u Loss of IV0od, e the vwhite man, anti enter@ ie lite lieve, bgwver, that tb.emaons â roue- Acute or Chruî.-c l>îseaes, .iln the d great unequsi figbs villa mm almost buti menti, lb. sot#, oveet, rnby lips weaknesa that iîîvariablyacuîale î.hd&i.ricsy, but li. bses bis presunce et et a lovely msiden Are à deception andtihte recovery from lVastà ing Fevt .%;a o minsuad torgets e in a ab ut6 lie --2--l. . __- .. thâl ho la aM sged hemalock, Ibal hià Il lsa sremrikable, tact that Dr. Themas' Sk b, <alDiOers finFamil, M[ediciw. limbe- are vîthereti sud biseti-=k at- Electxie OU as as geed for, nternal as ex. 1-p« .prBottUe, or tacheti by the enstablo. H bs es.- luse. Fox dà iseseo! hlb ugi sund &i o Hebs08-throat, sud for rheumsîism. neursigia 8az BUW»oe (3f4(r 5. Od té 1.11 thi-ougia- lb. co1Mueof tb. oriok lu the. b*ck, veundesudnasoi-e, it à Di IW-fleCe<lnio Fiffti Beader boy w mlft'aed te b. 1he belkkom ewa edy, sud muai trouble OOLE AÀGZNTS, as a wurrior, sud thât -theWsrpaua la s-on -bnd. omapQ n*Wov ovoy*grwvilh grass. fernyimaffl-e eussJeiadso seldom w'nmanytllg for the papers a lame backthiaîho ceuld dounotiing; but ~ *except over the- eignatur.e 01Venitas, one bottle onl>rely eured him. .- _______________ -s * 0 ablyousg slo ogrp- w ho ~ j r y ~ Twà bundi.d in 'W. Maguiremrcbut, an aklin'#Do q, '03" op hoviite: i 'vaaffitio te bvhpain lumy .gc dbae" '1kWubm .errp Iyo er1 eazu.ahnèsblplsaaLI eams9f"ieitb u intait brief iod tti, aI V ëmd* but itê aif bymai, wo à ýgd esoitureUiet unttai usetiDr.4 a' . . fÃà 1& p hast riauai - ba#IOa ia*e C1 ELO H* I, ir ,- Pl- U a- - 'thé wfhot lo v h e h i s p i6lim in i, - ~ a g - - o s e s , d e ~ o i stop W oéusidr hasy latte t0 is Aunnmense amount of $esu Ietmlalt w]-Utmte j~ riii worki a. done by th.evonien sud Ihat hvo Y Rï_4t5Uý~~oeo qMcegsfitm 1S the mon have o te slteudtle .olesnlng ;'~5~~iOfte ýýtéNalq à *&,sý1 9aimicfor cola jth L ifeý ATnCSuran Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assur- Canad-san Gevemument deposit Acounaulated resçrve fund (ever) fleathliams paid during 1884 Twenty-five per cent. of ail assessznents axe deposited with the Central-Trust Com- pany of New York, as trustees of the Re- serve Fund. Life Insurance at lese than one-haîf the ordinary rates, and security perfect. Only 17 assessments made in 1881, 1882, 1888, and 18, and in no case an they be more fre- qixent than every alternate month. 1Annual expenses of management, &o., limited to $2 per $1,000. An activo agent wanted in every unrepre- sented locality, to whom a liberal commis- sion xwill be allowed. Applications solicited and full particulars furnished by the under- signed. H. GORDON, Agent for the County of Onta-ro. May 8,1885.Port Perry, Ont. H lE W EST E RN BANK 0F T1 CANADA, 8 0" 315,000 479,900 WHI2'BY, VIONEY TO LOAN! $100-000 FOR INVESTMENT. MN REAL ESTATE SECUBITY. At loweeî living rates ef interest. fioney secnred within 10 day. ef Sp. - ONTABIR1. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Phitby, February151h, 1880. pliosuion. $5004100 TO LOAN. t 6 per c et. yearly. Terrs o! repay sent f principal matie ta suit borrowers. Fret anti second mortgagee beugit. Ad. rances macle on second mortgagees ad to )urchas, farros. Ncoa incux-red in aking applications to me fox money ; no Llëjlcr r663mMaonnmStreeei, BUI'PALOIY1t ae at once for lower rates ad ae SIK*HEDA Vrite or cali immediately for particuIarsi.'Bilions Headaé E. . REYNOLDS, DIzzines, Cenut y 2 20 Adelaide Street Ba", Toronto.- tien, Ildigenti and ilions Antal W ALO'TRUE ] Purgative Pllm& BLUEL.O.L. No. 168 ents a vial, by Dugà .meets in Unitedi Workmen Lotige reoo, Smith'e Block, firet Wetinesday in eaci O.ALL o 1* - ot.SAMUEL HÂNNÂR, 35 ~Sec'y, Whitby. 1 I H ~ 1 Organ zed w ith a f ull ti r o Experiened and ltht14 P su urgeons for the treatimeuî , al Cbronie »isueaa. OUR FIELDO0F SUCCESS0-, Chroute NaslCatarrh, ?hroa Lung Diseaes andr5u Diuee, Dada.or fiseanes, IDhe 0 f o e n o B -b c d D» e a' s a d x ,, OUa Affection acurecj herean or i w1lh or without seeing the patient.r alOt hou se s rsend ten Cents in sta « for~ "IdvalJ.0ideu' Guide Dook," ' ail particulars. t gle lqervou@nebjs114.v- ln staým-ppin. iooJs sent -for tC' Rb PILIE flYSORS and SIt treated wîth the greatesisuesse Bok for ten cents lu stamps. Addres8 WORLT DispENSÂRny MEDI[CÂL AS8OCIÂTIoN, Os M, Sr-eet, Buffalo, N. Y. a Thé treatment o! Mni tousands of cafes of ts0i DISEÀSS OF diseases pecuhiar to SurgëiCal Institute- bas 91 forded large experience-in adapting'remedi for then- cure, and Favorite Prescripiioi fa the resuit Of this vsst experience. It le a powerful Restorative rs'ouj toteSSen%'ue 8Iand Nervin, mparîs vi gor anfd Et"'n aoarhea, Or 6"Whites,'5 excessi, floiving, painful menstruation4 uz Raturai aup piesslons, pue Iapsus a falling 0f the uterus, sveakbaci anteversion, retroversi on, beariul down sensations, Chroul e eKe tion, Inflamm ationa and ulceravio: of the wounb, inflammation, ýpa1: and tendernesa iu ovaries, interni heat,.and "feniale weaknesa." tien, Rioating, Nervous Prostrattoi and Sloepieasn.ms, lu sither sex. PRICE $1-00f FOR 1.0 Sold by DruggiutmeverYwhere. Su ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce'e ]ami Treatise on Diseaseà of Women, Miustrated World's Dispsnsary Modical Associatil SEED GRAIN. few hundred Btihes ocf dean Seed Oats -of a superior kind. ood loil Flour at $2.00. est brawîds cf FLOUR BOLLED OATS, and CORN MEAL.- Thorley Food. Manitoba 011 Cake., Rock Sait, Ground Fiax, 4c., &c. P-W. B. PRINGLE, Whitby. ominion Wood Works, - WHITBY. Geo. q ni Ck UMBB1I% MBBECHAKT k BUILDBB. s i sud aIl buts cf.T'w i sid M o du zge ., >re;, ash and Blinda, AJ .' 1 inDeverell's Blc/i fo'r gour FUR#I Ti TUBE DRAWING ROOM StJITS, DNNG ROOM S UITS, BEIDROOM -SUJITS, KI'1CHEN SUIT, Corenen, Corne ail, ýaxd se for--Yourselves. UNID3RPTÀÂING< ALBO -A PMES -.ADAMS, im'utsi- gi-sut in ref8ieaOI ai 11Y~-887, ant iIl le ohaimmaon et5f11 ao Ob hfler bsibugI m, eie, lthe firet spp ua Ihaet.John Hauline veasfOion ruai ý d.chin..to redue th' the ul, sti kedifr >t d -osBses, ai weru simpiy te eh i,,moiiOe pai-ly te'. * *re0~'~antitrans , oudolei-g parties t kinid Ibir idoge s Eq1 waias made, -andti t îiaofere csucehied ' lin", BoyerS. 0., E s elliolia 'Phulipi .l .Varby, Cal. Diiighs Tis aving conclu et peals, on motion the % -vas sdepled, sud the Bine de Cenueil aesumed. on nmotion Mr. S.:1 R lu fre-sce te con. neair hie place, belvel iu the- 4tb coucession l n Onmotion Mr. IL th efemence te bridge un Pest's bll, ou Kinget Fe On motion Mr. J.]1 un or lu refereuce le graul 14 bis, place on SUa cou and st3. n Ou motion Mr-B m~refeirenoe.the' openi - hboughlot1.1coucessic k * M . Pa m er, sece n ' n, key, moveti for leave- -lav, inu-duplicate te as g sud the Treasurer t, Oum et money hy wu t h.eouxreut oxpenses auntil lb. haxes-jare ci passeti. --On motion Mrs. Si referenece te aid lu hi hers-we reeently bnu Ou Motion Mr. h.eurd .lu retoeérnce, to, am smed Bachaei Lami am On Imotion lbe Cou one eue her.- Sreport et ti.etai Bo'&do and Bridges, Thomas White, rei tIveen lots 22 snd 23î per order Wm. Bri W. L-. Bambary,- 1 - dawing material, &c. 18, #4.- S., Laukiu, grant,0 iota 24 sud 25, lu lb> T. W. Larnoreaux, JL. Joues, gui] ýtven ota 2,sn8, i grsvllig- 25. * 3.-. Macv-lm et G cern., On revol arnea -1-11 Whitby, Nov. 7th, 18892. ly-47 Apply to 9- .