i rth? iut that. os can be, gatker., n exeliange GOODS, loths; -Dres8- s,ý Mens' and ]Boys' .i nufacturers, ~FINEST, durlLe ol soniet bing 'tH-JEWELER,- ,S Aa od vel day, 'htaeyen golng t0d <11hit aul those CLOCKS ? c'lrln f course te buO great dleplAY of gTIITOMAS NICKEL CLOCKS. Ho jpiStha.t hsviflg bought a large qna.ntty st & Iery îow prive, hlitendiselling thsm nigbt say at a lower price than interior wCsare off etOd at. Do YOU WANT Thon YOU CanUot do better thati t,080 reliable alarma. ONE ? get eue of <.Se BARNÂRD, ,WATCIIA.KER, JEWELER & E'NGRBÀV E R. 1 .1 t great worthy of iurn. Burns' Colùmn. eau stop the illows' romr, the winds tiUl they blow no -le love from a inaiden'a door. 1tell wbat the future will brlng, It year corn or jeotton i. king, r his weýltà will quick.Iy take M gave f rgm Poverty's strife, ,s chldren and lone, wdlowed 1e expedieults of inatuxing hia hi oterfroin us." à cashansd Save mniney. iaed .this eaty way, saved for u rââny day.' A FEW POINTERS. pods -are 80oflOw and go styliah it is no t t take our advîce, t you wan± at a very Iow price, ,on think- go yourself ? a lady e carpet lipper for [ortable prunella bouse shoe ýd prunella gaiters in thre. 0Sti dollar _housesulipper M in town -'orth 81.25 At ehave* a lady'@ poleet ýot, worked button-boles, and well made, for 81.75. Wsve niakes, at a reaonable cost. 006 are the aocepted style ii ooming oeason. We are e moit elegant makeu to b. non wsar for mon &na have a botter assortment' than ever before. Womeon'o b1.40, 81.50, '$1.65, #J.760 ilé 81.25, 01.40, 81.66t 81.75. .- Iment of boote for infante. a il -flow complote. By leool boots, warranted bt -h &eige, in-different weighte n band. t -add that we bave firet- men employe*dg nd6U4fl ve on r prompt atten11@m. r is th Mstpainstakag la 3URNS C O., Witby, Cash Store. »0tr you a Pain haero about you? a PÉMRY DAVWS EN ]K:LLIR " GO stant 2.1ieL en fNicw marrlU*..w eCbumlr wiaWU -t Ra YRr o2-,LGUW.> Ajp.umees Mre vry ronxewg YICBTSRDÀY O'Brien took photogià ahbe of auil the oornity. councflors- .1Tii. fatiers are noý a bad.llooding gang. Oua brand new constable Htrick la Charge iwith;standigandi looking on, without protest, Iwhlea boy of Wiit. ney's dug up Borne sodas on tihe roil side; and thon hauing him up- anti havreghlm fineti. On Wedneudy-evening next Mr. W. H. 0. Kerr, M. A., of Toronto, delivers the alumnEe lectaro iniconnection 'ith the. commencemnent exorcises cf the. college. Hie subject is ,Belle"IlThis ie the. second occasion in which Mr-. Kerr has officiatèd in . ti capacity and ho will bo favored with a large audience. THE iGreat Annuel South Ontario Jubilee Farmers' Pic-Nie is to corne off atCorbett'a P-oint on Tueaday next. If the weather should prove to b. gooti pic.nicking weather there will be a great crowd. Prominent among those who have signified their intention of beiug present, is the great agriculturiât who farms public opinion throughi the col- umus of tW&- newspaper. O'BRIEN the photographer bas posters posted up around- town with a good picture of himself upen then, and the words "Canada's O'Brien" on them in largeletters. E'rerybMlhasbeencdefacedl with mud which has been pelted at it. The Lymat nDr,.tomraDher sav it mnst bis SO* Winappeui th. 'utrwberre wit isattendant train, 0f bo-eoedi festivals, vhere, for aquarter admisulOn yoU are regalet on -2J oints- worth of frui à asauoer anud a pewtier spoon. BÂAcGMian uhemp carpts lace curtainé anti ourtain nets, ai W. G. Walten Oddfellows Hall. FORL piy sake ean't someence take the. Gazette a job of printig pud shut itsl mputh, The proprietor employa two prentices lier. at a weekly oul of four or five dollars, and it ie a pity I. have thora go idie. Prom the mannor in whioh the man sayu ho stooti by 1he town counoil to got the town printing It is obvions ho le willhng te do any dirty work that is neceséary to got hlm work. Largest varioty of photograph al- bums and plusb gooda ever opened in Wbitby aI Mrs. Affins, Whitby bock aud mui. store. Tsrx Port Penny band, on its way to the Bowmanvile Jubiles on Wedpes- day morning stepped off at the Midlanti station, anti whilst lie train. was wait- ina, tresteti the by-standers to, a lively air or two. The boys muet have gathor- ed considerable inspiration from thein short stay in Ibis musical town, as it ws but a few houri aftea'wards that tbey were awarded firet prize in the band bompetition at Bowmanvile. becanse hewau mistaiLen for relald' fouAPfrACICIu se haà bereen fin ally BROOK ST., WHITBY. O'Brien that this has been doue. Se, rfeu d o oriv town it re-ngn. t je s-ou see, tuiere is somethmng in a ns-me. pooe ediei al rudtw witb the follewiug notice painted ou it THE commencement exercises of -"G. G. G. Baking Powder-sold by Ontario Ladies' College commence with G. E. Gibbard," contains uothing a sermon by 11ev. E. A. Stafford, M. A. injurions. Purost, cheapoat sud bout. il 1ef Toronto.' It is te be a special ser- TEAuueLcuea i olg mon to women. The baccalaurate TEAuneLcues h olg _______sermon is te be preached by the 11ev. nx Wednesday evoning will rank genlemn i th evilig. Th oteramong the ehief attraction@ cf the JU-_R 10h, 187.exercises commence on Wedue-sday and oong exeoisei and sbonld ho well theprgrmmeis- lee wthener patronized. W. H. C. Kerr Esq. M. -~~ ~~~ th.roMmej elt ihetr A. of Torcnto bas been engagea for the tainient for the remainder ef tie week. ocso n h ulemyepc LOCAL LACONICSI The AMumnno lecture is Wednesday rar trsdt r errublic m a ciert evening and the grand -concert on Fri- rpeeption and w. trust tbe coilego will WHAT IS 0GO3 ON IN AND -AROUNO TOWN-A dlay evening. b. hiberaily patrenized ou the eveuing BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED Tua fiag waoe flyïng st haîf mastovor cf the lecture as well as on other BS HROICL REORTRSthe Otidfellows ball darzing the aarly oveninge. part Of the weeki ot of respect to thTeWeroadCutAtonyn "A 'Juels amang y-a, takisi notes, meoryucfdeineer o aternLoStartf CountyLun ector and <ounty Ccnneid An'fsith he'llprent iL.h o wemeifiber cf at.rn Stamr cf iitic &eîUegiate Institute yester. LsA band fiUled the town withi a resident cf Whitby but at theformerofY day a heetranmn afre muieî ou Wednlesday nîghtt. bis death wus residîng s a miltohent-tneot fere DON fogettUeAIun~lecture st Finding hie bealth f aiiing bim lutI fali tien by the pupils. Tii. boys were tbe College neit Wedncsday night. he went te Fioricla tc spend tbe wÃŽnter: u hog hi ruat h il h HCrtuudtoHealb eot calestbenic exorcise. After witnessing THE several town comnuttees meet Hertre o]sztnSe ttmes the review cf drill anti calestionice thf to-n'glit st the counicil chamber te or- since very snnch worsa for bis vsit i'isitors made a rapid inspection cf tie gan ize for a grand celebratien here on fnti. Mr. Wam.ibtono end.d tic building andinscribed their nainos in ,July ici,. fuerslat i ton onsenearîdy asthe visiters book. WE are sorry teo-have to record tih epreeereport efcfhEsatnrelStar Lodge. des-tU cf brs. Joseph White, atter a Two two-apprentice organ on DUuIds in A prt ofdLa unuaoutan alre long illness. ms-ch spmnpatiey le feit street must b. short of a financial head.in rtsu id Law le oue, anti w. ar for Mr.White. TUe propnietor insisted on baving 8150suc pîa l cat fndiaoegthe nsof iig TUe regiilar meeting cf tUe Band for tUp town printing for the year, anti L.L, B., J. M. Palmuer, silver modal; of Hope wili be heid in the W. C. T. 1U. flatly refused th 15Sfrdb h rd year, F. A. McGlivray. B.A., Reading Room on Mouds-y afternoon Pintiîrn committee. Now;h6 e espiinge Mie Nellie Spence formerly tescbez 3 une l3th at 4 o'ciock. ptin dfrnt iclit Lend assets81tandtetimodel sohool, final claie honorein Mr. EDWIN EATlf in our sancturnpin for w bich h ue o haed $15, sd logic aud civic polily, aud second olasà on uesayciover in full bloom and Worth cnly $68. tWhat a boodle ie wonld inmeta sienceauaia 8nd yea ,i timjothy fuuy two feet long. Ha bave scooped hati the counicil yielded to wt ooii lsiu r er i IbrOught it home with him fromM a vieit hie vain tires of January ilut. Does I. G. Eatwood with honors ilu Englisb, frein Medante. t is a gros-t growth. anycue believe ho ii honesti in biisFrench, German. Italieu, Spauuph aud Do neoforget the Bazar te morrow, charges aganst tUe counicil? rni flistory, Samuel King. with honore à at Jauzeson'sa old stand in the market exponence in dealing with the council Epnisiandeui, Germ2da, J.alR. block. Gentlemen are expected te give in hie efforts te get the $150 demanded Sinclaisud ist oore in ye and their wives a haif holiday Saturday by i for the prîitnmi ueV Egih i er .A aqbn afternoon sud acoompany Ibsin to tes a lvo taugh t- him tUiat there is no danger wîtb honore iu Engliai, Jobhn G, Camp. in the evcuing. Refroshments serveti cf anybody robbing this town witb ils bell aud J. D. Mc8weeuey, (the lattai at aIl icurs. present council. Last yes-r tic bill for atne h nvriydrn h WE have te tUs-sk cur litons-ny extras for town printing surpassed thete rnd erm.) te ivansitringsl friend Mr. F. Hloward Aunes fer a amount of the original oontract. No sipnng lr.)aTo Ihe aboal t w. tM lianging flower vs-se containing a beauti- overcharges tiere yen know, only a thecî.aobiug profession lu lb. count' fui grewing bridai wreath. If we bild littho extr a for siorîs-ge in original con- A. F. DaLury of Manill. Me'. DeLur] the bride now the thing would bo a go tract. ck b. re yar coarhji at once. Will anyone gay yes ? There As a pleaaiug resuit cf the labor of mathb.malice. Hoelbas our wanmes is u dnge c to ninyspe-kig thlb. Be. J. F. Barker of this town, a congratulations. Mn. J. bu. Faimsu once. Bniiac a,4e 'bp s oreaftGfhIieA in the. -h..A addedanmsathâ san ara isaaLt THE Liudsay lnantireturnedt 10towu on Wednssday eveuing froan lh. Bowmanville jubilees ad romainoti ovar until moa'ning. Tboy playeti sevenal lively lunes turing the evening anti won golden opinions from ail who heard them. Tbey do no% figure as prize winnors at Bcwmanvile wii sayî considerable for their succeseful com- petitors. Tue ilively lit11e village of A.sbburn inlands celebnatiug the Jubile. in grand style. Tic farmena are tiing deep down mbibt eir pookete anti bringing ont lie shekels lu a vay that gees. to show tiene lu coin lu Egypt yet. Lt me unfortunate that our friendeinluthb country and lie own fatieru have osestedtheticsanesayon vhiei to, jubilate. Dominion day le being pouno. ed upon by many of lie tovus anti -villages, and t i juat a question vici makes thc blggeet biti for tieécod. Tim Trinlty collage school vilsunti a cricket leam hors lo-morov 10 give our boys lhiu second practioe. W. have a cricket loamà somiowhene scatlen- et &roundi*tbe country, if ve eau rely upon nomaeoft1he olt ilAes of thé OîRONCLE, but how mauy of île uzambens are witbin hailine distance uo« ,one meme t. know. ÂA ccl vave muet iavo slruok lb. sporliug elaemanla of thie towu, anti orested a moot tieidet. chilI. W. trust the boys vil! duet aroundi anti mak o sen sont of show againît lbe visitons on 8.tuntiay. Txut manytnientis ofMr. kW. O#ïp- bell, laIe ceceomaster et env Coleglale Lnstitute, vil! b. plese ,teo éa h. folloving compilm.ntany refereuce le bimu, wbioh we clip troua- lth* Durham. Chroniole, a junul tsl aastnn Iupporter of MnOc9apepla.Uhprincalm oppouent vhen sesklog fthe laspoolen' ship of South Ggey--.ýýMWk OaipbeU the newly .ppoîid b4 ooe iuaptla vniggoldea oponstrMpboth tocen nti pupils nd-la 4o~ing- bi wonk in a hogoue s odal. nd' t dient muner. tl mo aiu une for i ous N lbel-ô, 0 aithougi utn «usé lieLSi I U bon *ylslou" vilage of Piokenlng, on Thareday lait, a: 8 'clook p.m. Lu the *voning of the sinmo day, st 7.30, a ceuncil (cern. posea of delegates from tb. followîng oburches, vîz., Jarvis-street, Toronto, Whitevaie, Ciaremout, Brooklio, Osha- wa anti Whitby), helti a meeting, at wiicb lb. nov cburcb wat, duly anti publioiy nacognizeti; on bebaîf cf tb. Baptiat denomition in OntanieThe opaning exencises e e. onducled by lb. Bey. Mn. Fneed, of Wbitpval (pas- lor-eleot of the new obunob). The Bev. Principal -Oastle, D.D,, of MoMastmr RHl, Toronto, proacetian eloquent sermon. The Mdodorator, th. Bey. T. Bookar, of Oshawa, offereti theo "R.- cognition praymn," andthle Rev. J. F. -Barkor delivered thé. "charge ta 1h. churcb" andi exteudedthe"lbaut of f.llowehip.*' The mugic furniaieti by th. Whiîby Bapiat choir, who vèe present by apecial request, atideti auoi go lie lulereut of the. meeting. WB are often asheiualDteea«y auy.. thing about Ibis or about- liaI mi-1h. paper, for 'tb. neson thal somaoue voul li sia.Uttile hrt. Peap i, OMOu adose ines wakI f we vèe.t0a eetip ta ali 1h . rqusuls hy the. limîe ve voW" oto go'80 Prose there would b. nothiug ta prin.t might berasneUite -romind &Il snob parties ot-ene on two thiffl.'lu Ie h eras place our èabsorib.napayus$1 a year-tegpubMà ifor thuir re &U' tllhe newa.,fl 1h.e aUplace e a "0a auxfotepubliei evethiaugf f e inieeelus ont rea4en m a res ed h, as a nvappergets mighty.dry vian imr@u ig *uoh inu h. In th.- next t laoe, for,, aU $smo . Pe Ma Det tbau2 sa, we kno* botter W l.ýouait ta appear in the paper $ba nvof 111111Pli g A ARE DAILY OPEN"N ITCAE 1' NEW -SP-RING GOQD Si Making Stock very attractive for the ooming season. To-day they'exhibit the Largest Stock of New and desira-- ble Dress Goode in Canada, and are offering many leading Unmes at popular prices. To-day they also 'show a Stock of Prints which for varie- ty, style, value andl excellence is unsurpassed Their Hoisery, Glove, Ribbon, Parasol, Haberdashery and Fancy Goods Departînents are well supplied with ail the Leading No-. velties of the Season, to which they would direct the attention of every buyer, We choice r I I i i I i n B i e y y n 4 r ed ho-novt tO the mauy won lu bis cours. for B. A., silver medailst anti L. L. B. A. TZAN is tciketes ent frorn Wh2itby te Oshawa on Batundaby t oppn tho seasen by a fnlêndly game wzîka the club of.t hiat ova. Our boys titi not gel awoay until coneldorable atter 2 o'olook as il bob lb.e 00M- mailIe about aUiIs limeas oarm up the namber neeeart. tormu a enioket fieldi. A basebail match lu Oshawa drew somewhat on tie Oshawa club- anti matons wpre tins forluuately for visitor. lunet quIt. se b.d a ehape ne hati beu boked for. The team cou- sateti pinipaly of o.lt baseball playen Whoue lrining to6thÃ" em lui gooti steadonthb ff4, but wvsuotçof the kindt"M Um tt elabal. Ton are allovoti te mi the bel fur limes lu base bail but net »se lu cicket., EVeym7Mi l 11b!. t>ov f*'atal Ms vas 1he oà s con Saturlay. The Oth- awa, boys are aot oal gtod iote»,oe have in Stock an exceptionally large assortment -of Worstedl Trowserings, choice Worsted Suitingis, choice Scotch Suitinge and Over- coatings. Cae Ordered Clothing ini the latest styles, a specialty. c DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, No. 1,'DEVERELL'S BLOCK,' CLBARJNG GLASGO W Re &q je BROOK STIREET, WHITBY. SALE WAIIEIIOITS2E CAMPBELL HEave decided to make a Grand Clearance Sale of their Stock of Dry Goods, consisting of Drese Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Prints, Gmnghams, White and Grey Cottons, Cottonades, Rea:dy-made Olothing, in Mens' Youths' and Boys', Tweeds and Coatings, an immense -Stock, and purchased at- very low prices. Ail Wool Carpets, Tapestry, Hall and Floor 011 Oloths,, in ail widths. Boots and Shoes ini Mens', Ladies' and Childrens', in all qualities. GROCERIES- --A fulil stock on hand, also Crockery, China, and Glassware. Ail goods wiil be offered at Special Prices, up to lst of July, so as toeiffeçt a comaplete clearance, when a Igeh i the business- will be made. Dont parch -onee dolar's worth until youisee ouigosand prices. I?~ & ~GAJMF BEMJL. ARE You SICK 9 Aie you sick of payin-gfligli Prices forunsatisfactpry goods'? Do the noi sy arguments of som e merehau'ts, Mii their efforts to sell very. ordl.iuary goc>ds at ýextraordintfry prices, distress you abou tas mucli as,.it, would, to- Law! if sucli be the case, her sa prscriptio-n.wihwl beé a Positive oure'-aUl for your ailments, and& sbalm ta your. woundtd sýpirità .:Teis, but one flrm who ecau supply the requrO]euti',ou',, ll fid, their--ardý tep a ô4p- tion. Try it 1 m s rr -- 'nvr