Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1887, p. 5

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~N J6 i p JE to doday, ~WELEB, "Whal are pou gelug ÇbLOCKS-? -à. n a t hin uRffea ilmai of 0K V o can u LU D--- -,- eogà icxKL OLOOKB. He hnvt ,.ig Zbougkt a&large quntlty veI5T3(),w pricG,, ho lutendiseiling th=m ,lot &,gay at alower prloe Ihain i erlor docks areoffered t WANT ONE? YOU Tbf OU 00iiot do botter than get one o! oý ttose rliable alarme.- e, >e gather. ~hange )ODS, È>, -Dress ;Sý' sud Boys'i Lacturers, NESTU of great ing worthy of 'F Jolumn. 9 tili tbey blow no Mi a Maidetns edoor. the future wil brzug, ýr or cottou je king, -LIa will quickly tako ýa Povertys eotrilo, ' a and loue, wilowed êuts of ineuriug hàe .ar front us.' ie Save money. ;hie easy .w&YO a reiny day.' o ne-W and 60 styligh ýp takeo ur adviae, Jt at a very low price, o0 yourself ? icarpot lipper for runella bousse s la gaitere in tire er bouse eipper je --werth 61.25 ai * ady's polisbed -ked button.boles,' Il made, for 81.75. kes, st a reasenable lhe accepted style ug seaen . , We av@ ieganl unakes te b. ai for men sud ,botter sesortmeut ýr before. Wemen'e 6.0, 0165, 6. d boots fer infaz*j vý comploe. Boys el, arnantol teo tbat we have Orin- npled, su" ail prompt. èttentiom. ààO( podnetakaug in k QO., Whitby, 1cash store. : je sm ]BARNARD,1 BROOK ST., WHITBY. WIjitb~ ~fIjt0nick, JUNE 3rd, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 BOINO ON IN ANO AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 iL.EANED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS 44A chiUps axnang ye, takin niotes, A' f aith be'I1 prent Il. County Counoil Tuesday nelt. "Bl3ack Crook" SBatnrdsy uight. THEs freshest thing We have see n i otr$w hate le 1h. hesd of sanOshavu dude. Two marrii'g65 are on the tapis, and eue in prooesa of Degoti»MloKi w. have etrong hope. of taking ahaond in. Tuzc wepk bua been a very favorable ene for farmers, sud the green crops look as volt as anyone coulé wish. The cold damp weather of th. last few days bas had a depressiu.g effect on afl kinde of ont door amusement anid excuusLintatB vere fortunatoe if they paid ruanng expenses. I I t a I v ANUM BER Of th.e ffiti of 0the PreebyteriaD Saday echool respouded to a very kind invitation from MUs. Abraham, to enjoy some ice-cream on Thureday eveuing lasi. à pleasant evening vasepeot. By some meash the impression bas got &round that the Whitby Cornet bad b94was diEbandêd, snd by tbis mcv- ersi engagements have been mi»ee We are requested W alIste that, the band is complote in mombereip and proposes serenadig oocasloculy "in tatur e t enliven the town. Tan Lsdiem' Âld Soclely etf81 Au- drow'e oburoli bave beau bnsy dnrlng the past season, msnuuaclurlag a great varioty of uasfui sud oruamenîsi articles, whicb liey vil offer foi sais in the IM&rket building on, Saturday, lh. 11th inst., Rfr.sbmeuts vili b. eerved duriug the day sud ev.niuga. Ciii eariy asudoften andd mecul bar- gaine. A BURGLAEY vwu p.rpetrated aI Ibe bay lit Siuiday night. Mfr. sa udr. David G&Lbriýith vent to, ChUrCli MrS. G. leaving ber gold vatch sud chain st home. Whou lhsy relurned they loun4 the houshâd beeun aclSkëd aud that the waých va.. Sono. Thee la omd talk of&a Itrtngé mat haviug euqufred of à neiglibor Ihst evenlng.M Io wbloh was Mr. Gslbreithm reoldeno., sud w. understand there kma beeu an effort le erresi 1h. man, but îil-busreoulted in nolblg se for. The tramp la blamed of course. IT le vonderful whst a large number of -trempe vers arcund - town, lasI Snnd*y night. tuce»ihabemkwne- ed Ibat t he atcli vas stoln tamý ablbraith's that ulght, l theowes plâg show Ihat 1h. 'whole tovu "Muet tmare beau lousy villa trempe It evnt -Ev.ry baiwaaept in by s~ln they bs-hd cravled -under, 9deVotka, smrne ad found ktud pne wI s bellered themi but the mont of Îeui roouled p muceOOWhers. For "i ail directions evenY fec.OOra« wue inhabited by a trampu sud frôç, lth etories »î in# 0120u14 iuge t » Vf ovateuîand arou cft'à"ti~wa MvESSE;a ar t aPO sund Rutld e atteu4d 11 thé~ ~ r meeting î oot itieu of BchoolT '0 tiouiîe temut 1#4t Tueeday L inN eïw TRI Vég" *~MeetIng of theéW T. U. J vi .held Ibis Prlday> xfàru6on,' lu the Pue.e Bading Boom~t sf our mm eadLoge ci teli . 0-.P. melu jeleher onoutle. Pli sud ptla of augu' u d it ist luluded te rua au exeuraon train from Whby a ud intermeial. point t be «city cf the" iu yon ai. luu oeed of auy artimes of v.arlng apparel, oca it aithe Market building ou SaturdaY th& llth-inM-9 and exmine the stock which 'tle Ladies' Aid Botofey tSt. audre,4. ohurcla viii h.pleam.d to show yen.u Eveiyihing new aud of th@b bt *0*- manship. Tas grajbile. celebration te h.' h gd»t"or erryon 1h. jubilee holi- day viii be xnarked by au immens tinent of agrisulturiste Whoewvilsa- siemble ount.e beutiful sud comme- dious grounde of the 0. 0. A.L..A, oveiiocking lake S8«g-g.à&prettier, and handier spot for a -days amusement, il vould be bard tle 4d. 1Numerusu attractions. Tia schooner "abol" t rallier ,xcite a n minag telte Wlatby harbpi duriug the. breeze on "Moaa ater- noon. The anoher vat titrovuoff lai orden le shlow ber sterm teOswing around, but as soon as this ojeet vas akocmpiieliêd, ah. begab tW badk up ke à a mle, and finally buuted lien main boom throngli Watson's grain varebeuse. The damagp vas eliglil, and ther. va. ne leset grain as iliere vas noue lu thal part eftihe building ai lb. turne. Two accidents are repouled frem the townships on Monday lutl. Thomas Scott, seu*th-est of Celumbus, vas bauliug manure on Monday morning vbeu bis team rau away aud ocsizd the wagon. It is net kuovu eactY boy b. got hurt, but vbeu found lie vas insensible, sud bouts attervards- onld oulyr recolleot faintly same par. ticulonftset b.ruavay. ie itond vas badly jammed sud cnt, sud the doctore lied a serions case. The other accident Win. Harbion, norili of Kinsale. Bp some means lac had hie rite broken lu ou Monday moring but v. oouid net get beld of lte particulairs. AcomMERCIAL travéller wvlae topped aI tbe Royal lier.oven Snnday, lied a remarkably puetty li111e Spsuiel dog et wvhhoalias very prend. Ris tond- ucuî for tli 1111.f.ilov cauedhiml&0 take a great deal of trouble about pro- viding food sud be4 for t, sud sny of tb. boys uoiced t1eh.laudsome pup. On Mondap morning at the Grand Truuk station, jusl aseIthe traveller vas Iwaitiug to etp aboard, tlb. utIle Spanici jumped devu, frein the plalform ttei track, sud the. vbelsetarted te ral netsin lime tocut tieUttle fel- îow5ead off.Tht or lieUilVho p.rhaps laad ne other hMd lu the vide venld, fel vety lied indeed. A BREATE ef excitemeut, vas csnsd on Eaiuiday niglil by à arnuavy. A Young mnu amed Ramey, freinlte Base Une vas drlvlug bh iâ adeome driver np Brock et., aud vheu opposite Ros Brou' dry goed emporiumn a frout' vhseil came off. The. hors. semed te fsucy lie wlieel vas lu foi a race sud set off. Ramey hbuug on for der Ilite sud turued upDanda. street vaer e . nlg oapèised Lu front Of Jammee grocery, aud lie herse galioped iota th. eheds ut Ra'. liotel. Ramey - aï l i.e rlg lu the mesin;e ver. peulfrmîug .gymusstw sfoi bbc e7trtalnlneUlt fs laW rgeorod vliib se.med te loin up iusstsueely'freinuovbene. lNe pergn u abrt. The buggytop vas slightllydamare ansd Ihat vasalelte liarm doue. T'mm hustoryof Ibie tovn ,containe a good msny romantie ezpIoi1s. but au évent Whioh occuusd heas1 oun-Tucsday eclisdsyhi h bslin for my a dav.Wlla yo, a -farier on 1h. Bmasel odged cpa nbMet polio. magistrate Urpa' carip Thoms ndersbnà a yiuug mmnof- .IghIèe or twenty. *ho vorks la RiLng'. tsnnrY b.oomtte4 ssauli sMd outrag upon Barbart Taylor, semplainu fdaughpsi d A"doe" vas arreted. Upon bls8 appebasuc the mglae met 1h. matter dôlor: a heriug aM the. oort house.TueM&yT ulght. From umoris umunt duidug that afblrn s t, .pp.srthatt hêsot 1 "TazBluk !oOk" la te b. ber. in. Ilie mugie.nhallBturdsflhlgbl. MX1. the barber; oetinfame cver- hauied, scuapod ai shru Buevue fountaupioùedt he quiu4. euseace Of Bootl Ait. TALK about your fquntaluof healila- B*onvus feuntainoverfiova villithe oPCU ffets la Suaday sehool librarieesud prises at lis. A.iiin' WtpBook sud music store. 0uusrxzm oetIhe Royal hotel barber »hOp s»Y ibevork doue le equai te any- tbiug doue la Toronto. Use Dr. Dorened's Great German HSir Mage fer baldues., gray bair, le for sale by a&l drnggsts. leu% frein 750..Pr Yard up, M51 Rs Brea' Dry G.iod Epru Sammes, gitma sud piule lu eil thie desirable p atteis nsud,1elui prie. Audrev M. Boss. BAzoem a i -hemp carpelatat o owurlainud curtin nels, aMW. (3- Walters Oddfellovs Hall. LâTa8T noveltieis in buttons sud tnlmmings te match a*Ilour dises gooda. W. G. Wallers Oddtcllowa Hall. .LiGa? bIne, plnk, oreain, and~ lemon sitades l uneusveing- 'just ieceived sud placed on sale at W. G. Waiters. Largest variety-1e tgrp i îme~ud plnsb- ôedeoe! cpuedlu- !hilby aI Mue. Allne, Whitby book id music store. LADIES sheUld not fail te se. our ook of dress geode w. have stilla pod assertmou u inl&U te ,ieading bades. Audrew M. Be.. 4M-ake hay wbile the sun shines." 3Uy your shuutingm, snd white sud grey ettons, ahegtinga tiokinge, &o. wh1.e he prices are low ai Rosa Brou' Dry hoode Emporumn Talcus meuh i continues lu Our ailoring departinent. Dont fail Wo aasve your mesure with ns if pou rant a good fitiug pair of pauts -or a hmt classuit. Andrev M. Rosa. TICIETs, Rail, Boat or Oooa.-Bup ill railway or ocesu tickets (local Or joreigu) from E. Stephenson, up.tovn G. T. B. ticket sud telegrapli offi, Whitby. Guaranteed st rock bottoin rate. Ohoice of 7 ocean lin.... Tas great moralitio Phiiosopher of wVhitbp remarked in efferresent vocabu- asry, ibat when a radical ides branches out mb oparallel rmfoUu~ louo in ils nature 0oonsituy b. eafled col. Limerai o ouaieiogreiatai. Juil s0, wecillem parasols &ad v. vent b. un- lerso i n "th owu. RoernBrou.' Whltby Dry Oood Eanpo4um.le TÊuE usual asuai faIrmere' pwic-c te b. held st Oorboets Point aàbout Jane loth. A meeting-of thom nereetied in rtoisceo ber. ou 8aturdal aflernoot4 ie t.The Oplois até b. s $-o- Sus aud lb. gret fui dtr of Ibis paper vil b. Ihere. Amoiiieother &amementsOuOnFrda#y niglt inat th. boy. mauaged tW vork up ivo figis. "Qrandpt " Leslie sePanal eda couplecib.Wefl tàou hxis platý- form,sltcr euee ofilaem hM ad eda'puout set =n for a black ey. ; sud in thecame of' th. other figlit ne" the. curling rlnk, thsre vas nô handrance offered and il vas fouglit aàfinish. Good crgwds vitneesed emol fighl.J Ayjuxz, in attempting tetovm e th. infalibl laveof gravtation on Tuesdop, bot the equilibnlum of Mas ioa o bay md fasied ifgaiuut tb Domjùio bânL l b. vin4 took- te fveIjcking vwillathe bey and danm Ilisi lime lte piniplqure lm b towu looke 11k. au oye»edsud" iimothyieprouts vili b. oomiu p ut tb. spring. A, Ea""metig f 1h. town COUD. cil, 'wa sled atudy to desi villalie- resiguagio. of DepuWy-B.eve R urns, wbhich vould bave le b4 aoepted et once iu eider lt e ..sllwed tiurne t eleot laoeeucceemor Lefom e lb.ýoounty ool i ~s. Onumtion tbareeigns wio mas àcetedand an el.àtion ordened to b6 pocaemd ai once. The uon atin ste take Pp onh. Mondajr, lune 6th, ai10 - ollcek, "d if theZs 4"ullb. e litm - one - andMsl a gi i ehmo ut.~ nù a, Jua18b. as 6t 81 B 09 t' G i N w E o E ~ RE DÀIL~ O~PEMNG Ol W. SPRING - t00.DS making Stoô1k very atlraotive for thêcoming season.. - Todty h-y exhibit the Largest -Stock of New and -desia ble -i)esti Goôdé lu Canada, and areoffering manyleading limes at popularpriceS. J2o d:ay the'y also show a- Stock of. Priuts which for- Varie- by, stylvalue and excellence is unsuxpassed Thtir* Hoisery, Glove, Ribbou, Parasol, Eaàberdasbeiy sud Fanoy Goods Departments aie well supplied with ail the Leadiug No- velties of the Season, to which theywould direct the attention of every buyer,- We choice have in- Stock an exceptionally large assodmfent of Worsted Trowseriugs, choice Worsted Suitings, choice Scotch Suitinge andOver- coatiugs. tee Ordered Clothing lu the latest styles, as'pecialty. c DIRECT iMPORTER AND- MANUFACTURER, NoW. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, CLEARINUG G~ ASG- W' Re je. BIROCK STREET, WIBYO. SALE WAREROIJSE C ÂMPBELL HIave deci ded to make a Grand Clearance Sale ,o*f 'their Stock of Dry Goods, oonsisting of Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silk,, Prints-,, Giughams, White and Grey Cottons, Cottonades,Ready-mad& Clothing, in Mens' Youthi' and-4 Boys', Tweeds and Coatinge, anuimmense Stock, and purchased at very low prces. AU Wo'ol Cà-rpets,Tapestry, Hall and Floor 011 'Cloths7 in aUlwidths. Boots and Shoed ini Mens',- Ladies' and Ohidres',in al "if 4 a -i (~B9ERI.~~Afilstock-p-n hand, also Ci 'Ohms, sandGlasswara. Au- goods wIllbe offered at SpecialI>rioes, up to. isi as to, effeot a comiplete olearance, -when a change in, the busiUes's wiil be ms~ paroisse one doilar's worth until you see our goods and pr-ices. JEL'- ARE Ae you sick ôf'payin g iigh goods? othé noiqy ,argumex. thèir efrstsi -yodn priçes, distr'ss you abûut -as -,mt troua town lwo 1 In lal 7th? 'ate i - 8TEW OYU *J 1 1 . ý 1 1 1 1 i ] 1 - ý 1

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