Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1887, p. 3

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r the Wel&teiin rappiug purposes, la] ,2 cents per hun, ÀApplyhtg TRIS OFPIOR, BE LU' SUnapproached foi QoeadÇuafity. DOüUES FREL NEW Rios. 1SALE ¶ABIES, S-ST., WHIITBY. rH' & DfVERELL. ISS TtTRN-OUT5 on SblrtatiNotice, with. RONNIT DcÂL!NG. L.ESS IMITA7YIOWrs Ap Lbre are Mazr urf eror ~ds, corded wthiJt as rtin. by sme un- prncpled merdiants trad- irnon the roputattin et our Venulue Ce&Uml, we warxa be ladies aa%2C sULtI imlposition by rW- Ing their attention to the e ceèssty of beeing thatheb 0N CORSET 0GO.e iir eocf ail Coralinogoode, ich noue are geuine arâd asthma, try Allen's te boat-oough prescription fiEfT-mM HAPPY! râsing an Iinproved WINGMACHINE1 ýr the Holiday Sesaon. For 4l. cbeap-by Sole Agent. ýr ",ye's cel4rated Artier OiF - 16P 1886. SRnp-lwork (ou- NOVAi800TIA. the rîght timie purchase ITWINE >ERIENtCE LD TIM BEST 18 THE 1APEST. VINE MUST P08&E88 I .and EVENNESS I, fn b. lùghaat d&'groitu that )TICE a5 ô thse poace and lhe out. ln sud for the« 0F --ONTARLO, nthe. COURT HOUSE#, lu th. Or WHITBY, nethe l4th, 1887e' ro10 Qoulok, &.M., c it ti.poae, con>" , sud othons onernMo eo and goveru th.m.slveo raos-PAXTON, .Y-BVLL The AoeriOB groIIau** u.I»4Iy."ýD'riflR the ObfluutHl of pjgest DairY sud QattieShw hl SwYork Cty in the send iieeI of goy, tbe 4rerican Agi.rtia Ifo»tgly, issued &daily paper. onthe- grond' every moraing aIt te o'olook, of eigbteefl pages, desoribing the scene. and incidents fromn day te, day, eud' ,,,Oentingflptititofl cf -the varions ,attle and farm i[npleOInet8 8M pro. mim were awarded them. .Every nuzubor Contaîned from thirty te forty o0gravizgs of cattie, etc., etc. It Wl. rather of a nvelty for the Veteran A,,,icafl AgrictZurflat, now not far froin its fiftietb birthday. The Honiletia Revieu, for June 01l80es another volume cf Ibie valuablo and growiflg monthly. The leadiug article, by Dr. Gordon, cf Boston (the. fourth ini the symposium), on "HRow the puipit Can Bout Couateract the îvflUOeo of Modern 'Sceptioiom," i. niaSterly in iLs wa y, and merite pro. found consîderation. Dr. Wm. Ormis. to discusses "The Charactor of Sam- son " in a vory original -aud eloquent' 15aDner. Dr. Laweon's Raper on "H1ow go Devolop Benovolence in s Congrega. tien, estory cf speojalintoest to'. pastors, sud will reward caroful road. ing. Dr. Marvin B. Viqeent preseute a strong and sensible argumentin favor of Ministers' Vacations ; hs closing tbougbt bas tremeidous application. Dr. MabÎe, cf St. Paul, Minn., hua fresh oasay on "4The Application iu Sacred Oratcry." Dr. 0. B. Robinson on, "Creation Loarued by Faitb," Dr. pierson 's &Gems" and 'Miusiouary Field," and aB "Laymau on Dr. Tai. mage' are worthy of attention. Car.- fui resdere will not skip "alomiletioe," ~Pastoral Theology "_ and "Study Table," by Profs. Hoppin and 'Wilkin- Bon and Dr. Ludlow, those weillknown writers. Pastors wiUl find belp in Pray- el r Meeting Taike, the eight sermons by D'is. Dix, Gorok, Alactp, Armitage. Wayland Hoyt snd Tenbune, and others; and &Il classes cf readers vil find abundant food for tbought sud inspiration in the -varions editorial sleetoin, wbicb, s nual; show care- fui edfitorial work. A full Index closes the nombor, mskiug XIII. volumes in &Ul. Publisbed by Funk & Wagnalle, 18 and 20 Astor Place, New York. $8.00 per year; ,80 cents per ingle number. Mn. Meneure D. Coumay opens lie haudsome Jue Magazine of America.n Hi8tory mi a billiant leading papen on IlFredeticksburg Finst sud Last," in continuationl cfi bs grapie histonical sketches oethliaI ld Virginia tomn, bogunuin lie Mamch numbon cf Ibis excellent publication. Âmeng the. il- lustratione te Mn. Couway's vigoncus taxt, are peInait. cf John M. Daniel, editor te ii.Rchrnond BEaminer', wbc iu bis daily wieldad sn influence uuexaznplqd iu Sotiernujoumnalismr, sud cf Judge Sîsugilor, thre notable mayor cf Fredonickeburg l iniheime of lb. laie. van, mith views cf historie houesa..sd places. Mm@. Lamub, lie Editer, coutibutes a bref, well.writteu sketcb eof thoeAruerician career of Major- General Robent Mouekton, colonial goveruor cf New 'York sabout 1762, of whmio ittis has beeniuhqrto publishod or kumo, sud vione elegaut sililary portrait groces the front -page cf the numban. Bou. lbasa T. Bruti, His Siamese Majesly'm consul genenal, writes 'au iuteraslinga&mount et su old Boston','"Hisloniosi Meeting Hons," accompauied mi ha tquain9 picture made by hlm in 1828. Fnank G. Car. ponter fumishes a deliittufly neadable paper onurnt Peaidetsas Herse- men." A notable feature cf thé Magazine Ibis nionth luin thesecond valuablo contribution by 3. G. Bond- nct, LL. D., t fthe Roues otOommous, ah Ottawa, on "Canada During lie Viotoian Era." Anolier Juns, attrac- tion ailen tenlaiuîing *description ct the. great a"eit, Jesu-Fraeis Millet, sudma o u- et bis rushrpieces, nom in Amerlo, by Albert Walff; lier. le aisO su intensutlag paper' pgot"Bir ThomusDalasIndiaus in Loudon," by Bey. Edmard,». Neil; sud a chile bih t f"Bsvyoouloudry i@tory-" by 1Hon. J. O). Dykuna. Ti. he veruiner do- partmrunts are admirably filed-liey are unusus.Ily eleven sud bÉigit. This great Iietoiasl mnhly l is itenut a rivalinluils speilal dem'ain, sud boldo the Jrlgheshnaukù lu hie ourraut litera- tureOf te f tii -ie. l nrîéîtws * vanied sud choies -ruaaig. PT1SO, $5.00 a y.ar in advauoe. PLbiisd ah 748 Broadway, Neir'Yonk City, of readylt the. orn tho-breeze. tutof th.e, iv uipt*buarnd Chatmplain- lyel eu aâ-eared. Tebpai tepped hnte. the o.Pï paes.sud offéreil an a ppi4- priaI. prayar, etaitheicoonclusion' of wiiicii the. lag vas hanltod jute "position vile the baud played IlThe. Star Spangled Banner " sund tho troops saluted their colora., The Commandant- thon issued orders governiug ithe cap and anovemeuts cf, the troops dnriug the Drl.0 Thora i. a differont progr&ame fer esohi day of the Drill, though oaci day thon. are competitive dille by lthe in- fanhny, artillery and zouaves, aud each day thora le a dress parade atIlfve c'clock inuthe aftemnoon. On Wednee.. day ail Washington, apphrently, wus out of doors, te oo a briiaut stroot parade by the. soldions in full uniferm, whieh made a tour cf a small portion of th. oity afteorlit has been rovie-wed by, the. Prosidont. ýThe.mscne asaa vovy billiant eue.i The Prosident, surrundsd by the. Govennors of dif. feoent Stalom aud thei staffs, mihmauy ohiior preruirent mon, oocupiod a gratid stand olrected for the.pup in l front of the. White House. u engylvani avenus. Tii. day was perfeet for Pageantny, the discipline aud marci- iug cf msny cf the organizationt, very fine, sud lthe uniforme bbowy sud atriking.1 Thora is à largo croird cf'visitons in the. oity sud the. camp affonde se in- tereting a sigbt tc them sas iell as te the oîtlzeno4 liaitihe policeman have quit. as -mnch s they can do ho coutrol tue curions. snnging mass cf people which litÎnally ovenran the. grouud. Military discipline, is lu force iowèver, sud as far as soldiers are oouoonned, everything moves in ordor. Stili some of tbe lads Ibeugbt it was more praoti- cal thau funny, wben, on Tuesd!%y cigbt tb.y more nequired te do guftfd duty in the pourinR nain. Thi. reminde me tiaI the principal eveut st the Drill ron nd- on Tuec-day vas a terriblfe torm, wbich uuroofed Lb. grand tqtand. and' filled the crowd with c'onstern s don, beaidee drenching il t le bkin, sud os.aug sorue serions accidents in th- way cf broken limbe. It ap in the afteruonu wbie thoeecru- petitive drill@ more lu porcress. Sud. denly the sky urew dark sud iu a moment a cyclone developed binci biow s clond cf duet sud ssud in tb. direction of the arand shaud until tise Washing.ton Monument iae If vas iardly visible. Iu a moment more thora ir a çownpoun oftr"nain ml vWs oqualiy blni. lI'or a lUtIle ihe »«0enoth"t tcllow.d mas indiscnlbable. The. grand stand smaysd like a r..d lu the. terrible gala, audthiecrash sud the noise, tftth. flying rootfruade the. alneady panDie. stnioken oroird teelsure "iaithe. stand wus giving avay undor. Seransofethle csmie mstUng au lthe drive outside viien lie roouf asoarrnd off wer. smaed by gying.planku sud imbers, sud cthesmn saved by the. hersestaklg tigit «a ununin'g amay. Telegnapi vires more tenu hem thein boaninge, umbreiWas rehoisted enly to e wrimeoked, people seizad ehains sud held tiem over themeelves -in lhii efforts le yad off s 11111e cf tii. peting tain. WoSn a sd-ociildOn esiaiked aud fsluted su'aen~d tll*t gt trarpled. upon, sudthi.parapbinahra'o et pyroteoineioe stre on the. Dm11 <roud vs oninjred 4tatbthon.oould neti b attis non firemonke liat oven- Divorce of a Great Mctreess. JASE RADMG sMMKTO EU> EEESE F O TUB ESAiID SmE WEElOVE0Dy. Prom tire onden World. Ail Paris îs talklug ahout ltre forth. oomiug EHadlug.KeuUIg vreae Tirs beautifie cte &c ae Hadlng, Iesthe lie ojual rt .ired le hie bise idet ho maienand demand.d a divomrc n ber huabaul, M. Vilon onu, tuh. flana¶er uo -th~e ,ymnase, opb ~ h rund ol- ino.r»patibility M epe.Thou esmie )ok friard te' acnaosr "Où -on otire oecfl1on ut' liai trial i mii hodisppuinto&. ,Mme. JaneE Uadiu< ba eve di. 'piayed -MY tlaie on api9ude tor, galànte aede sdwilth .a àhnsbaud wihcae vas- s5ioflmhebve nover blinde'd huath is m&ierIal interosîs, the niarriage hou net liroved .-happy. The. lmsband finall'y became -jealous cf hie wife's love for ber ruchor, find on ber sida the wite grew t ite ha honiugbaud se violently liai-tii. catastrophe hiscomae at laît. W. are nov a .s"istiug ai thê unedifiug spectacle of ht c ulmination cf the wife in nesvqpapîe articles .in. spred by the. bnsband, wbo, being ed ao school cf Balzac's Meroa<let, 4oubtiese elu e ovmanagerial- I~e, iu'band %whieb wyul be- facilitated bjÏL onhoorne cf Ibis divorce suis. Ten Things a Baby ean do. It cauboaet any alarm-,olook ever iuvouled viking a 1.amily up mw tRIh xnomnlng. #9ive it a fair show &uail e 0au xas4 servant girl iu the oountry. It eau LaU dowu oftnuan d with ilsu provootiu ..tisau the 2,mouto expert tunablerinuthie cirons ring. It eau make more genuine fuse' over a simple bras pin hban ils motUr would over a broken lrack. 1h eau cb6ke itsalf black lu the. face miih presteresse thau the. moat aoi, complishsed wretoh that mas ever abocut. ed. It eau kbep a family lu continuai turmoil tram meming titi uight, sud uight iii morning, without once varylng its tune.1 It eau b. relied upon ho sleop peaco. tnlly ail day wben iLste ion eri dowu towm sud cny persistontly ai ulght wben ho is particnlarly eleapy. lu May b. the naughtiest. dindieet, ugliest, moit trelful baby in aJilthe. venld, but ynen aunenver mako ils motben believe it, sud you had'btter Dot hry. 1h eau ha a chanming sud model, infant vian ne one le around, but mien visitons are present il eau exhibit mre bad tampon Ibam botb cf its parents, hogether. It eau brighheunop s bons. botter &han ail lha furnitnre over ruade ; rake miroiter mugie thhan th ii. flut orchestra organizod : 011 à langer place in its parenta' brenat tan tii.y knew thay had, sud vie» iL goes awa, il eau cause a greater . vacancy sud lbave a greaton blank than ail-Aho eut cf the world put together. - Philaep hia Newi'. G. T. IL w1XE-AB. OffleWEST. No. 4 Expres fi BLocl- 6 Express "16 hixed aa 2 Express 6.47a.km . . S 8.41 « .- - 0 (doe« not.sta 1Wltby.) 11i 4.25 p.m. - 6.20 pm &46 44 1.io0" cme e EÂT. - No. 1 Express1 7 Léocal 448 xpe Whitby, May1 &.25 a=. - 715am (dees netstop at Whtby.> 88&5 2.52 pru. 1.00 pj. 10th, 18m.. The mest .lmiie haudkaohiefpertme -«'Lous of Mile,"- six people wmre& ied -.0L Carde. ý To m&l Who -are uufonag rom ie esuon sud indiarehieus cf y umo vus m.- ueseamljdcy, lois f ranhocd,&.,, I Wn s da neolpe tiaI wM cue"0 735E 0F CHARE. Tb»i. nst oe mas dlseo'vsd by a nilsiu s 8out~ Amerlms mwa self enve i te lhe RBe. JosusuT.Ixuésu, Btaim Do New YM* cuv. Mexio irad its "auul atQguake Sun.' w~it,rInm veak-.-oues, veut cf thinr themti ays, ana ctoonotr.nte business. Descriptive Sent free on receipt et LLIIIOJ&ION~505IIII TORONTO. CANA JOH N 18 8HOWING A SUPEBIIOIR 8TOO] 0P Scotch, E nglisk- Tweeds,.' And other fine linos of (Clotho,, for Spning suite. AUl garmonte made up in lateet stylo on shorteet notice. Ready-made -Mde f8 and Boys' Suit8, tGeflt8' Furni8hIng8 and Underclothing of ait Kind8. iNDSTRCTILE VERLLLS! HATS HATS 1 HATS! je fs uit 1h. Machine, for the Public. ~Àwy ~Order. The Ooniioion Oîgans nd Pia'no: Arc Botter thian Auý Other. The. Boit Judges say Its Toue is the Bout. 1h is built with-a viée te Du Mabiit sund' The Bout Instrument te Buy. Oallsand SeOurG-oodo.1 H9 WB" FOX, tiNT BROOK ST. - - - WHITBYI. L-ondon and Lanoca& hiro Life Comapany. This Company issues overy desirabl eform cf Life policy, sud haî deposite&- with the Blecoivor Goueral iu approved 1Cauadian. seburitlos over $100.00 foroaôh. *100.00O eo liability,, thus- aff ording ABSOLtJTB - Partie desiocf assuriug their lives wiU find it :to their avnaet osi the. undersigned beforeasuugoew re eneéral Agent 'Whtby,' May 18e '86. -ly PATE Lateet styles in Harà andt Sait Feit lista vEBY (]HEP. JOAN, FERGU SN Dundas St, iffthb fori StliCarrying. n heWa! Simon Frater offeres better inducements than ever to buj, o1r i a'. CHINkA, .CROCKERY, L4WR ETCY W. e a op"ciaisconnt fromûthe pzeent Io* pries Table L amp,- .Ta BeSoi, Combin<atiàn and ou so* of - uoyChin , Cp'hrinas Fn -màkerSinlor Sîg Goodof_ iaà*-e Èaw3l Wauhiigtol1 Ltt~or. (Prom oun megula? sotràspesdenh.) WASUWèTô*NMay Notbiorg 'ould hoi of the.tacétblai the. i Domeoft hie aigits tRial bvea lhe b No been .0.11 * ocun reste Pr.. veto FERCUSONi and Canadian S.PRING SUITS. 000 - 1 p 1 ý 1

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