Buns ad ouuoioit obl.)â .is Burns, Halleti, Wieks, SSlthp Fox.ts Aposition was rond from Jus. Rut- letige anti .theru, praylflg that a by-Iaw May be passeti, prahibi"inR ny rite- payer from aJlowing more than one cow to run'at large in the streetp dur- ing hours not prohibited, from Ross Brou. andi ethel', praying for the nouai. street-watering by-law, and subscribing $42 tOc sae the burden of the ta% upon Shoue Who may nos receive as much benefit nas the petitioners. From Win. (Jalveriey; asking te b. appointeti eonatable eith.r for the whole town or for the centre ward. From S. -M. Newten, offering to do the. whoie cf the. ordiary printing from now until Feb. lot, 1888 for 828. Froan th. city clerk of Ottawa, en- olosing a resolution condemning the. aotion of- the Dominion Parliament in pasn ls Home Rule motion, snob actin b.ng~ onsidereti as prmotinge mnt.rtereuoe betweenleglelative bodies tbroughout thi e oIn eaoh othèe's affaira. Ooun. Foi brougbt iu a report fromn- the. Town Proponty oemmitte roooan. rmndlng payxneut of the. following aecunt:-B. Blgw, *16; 'ad W. Tii1, 02. Mr. Edwards, on behaif of a com- pany of woollen facters in Toronto, vas, on motion, hoard regarding the bonuaing of huaeCompmny te cornetoc Whîtby.ý He suid tust bis compîny hati somu lime ago deoidedti cenlarge its business, andi vas iooking about for a larger Place wben mn ativertisement vws notioed in uthe.Toronto Papen ak. ing manufacturera te corne to Wbitby. Heno. hus letton te the Mayor. The. stockbolderu of bis oompmny were ail men of good standing, financimily and otherwise. -The.capital stock as #25,_ 000, $8500 of whioh is paid up asud enongi more to make up $10,000 virtuaiiy subscribsd. Tiiey poiwse sa number of gooti patenteanmd trade secrets whicb wouid enable tiem toc hoid a gooti safestrade. The sto- holders being men of means_, hhere is .very likelihooti of the.businses ln. ereasing rapidly in aise. Thero vouiti b. ome040feu inconvenieuces suffereti by the. COMPany in moving ber. anti if Ibis lown vil make lies. uop te the COMPanY lth. thing Would b. a go.' But it wculti b. neceasary tOcdo something St Ouet au the Comepany vanta lthe smmorrUlnth te ereet a building, if il is going tonermain in the City. li. repeitedti tt the. Company bas lots of moneY, and ill be prepared to inveat largeiy if a profitable trade eau b. establisbed. Tbey propoe te prepare wools for siioddy goodo, etc. jae vanta aProposai from lb.tocwn .11ev- ing tà em *5000On some terme, anti wbulti .mpiey frean26 tOc40 hande p.rmauntiy as à return. Oflis.o bande supoy@d à u~ot onie.ýtird voniti b. mmn, oue-hhird girlîs'at the. remimuder boys. Tii. pay aheet for bboe.bands vould rmn someubere betwsen 88,000 anti 010,000pen annnu. No seonrlty eoulti b. offereti beudes the macbinery of the. faetory s i would'net pay lieO ompany tw offer seountyin mei asIate. As Mn. Edwartiaba toc t&k. the WmBpp1eU b. roquisteito takeoharge et thbéemîmlnpendiag the appointrà ent ci&, perment, esi¶nmerWho ual have absolute oea l o tengin. andi Ils manaemen, adtOc vhose erlerathe. shoken hs be sabjeet at fires sud st praclice. Thé. enghier la addition te bis cther duties beil daily, examine 1h. engin. an4ti renýtbmnh tii thoe hAi=a et hie Pireand iWatsr committuâjuy'defwcts b. may dio.over. ,Ho shalia"ses he eni.reo i .kçpt looketi and aeored sanl sUi' viiteora, 1 0 Il I ue*"ba ces itiient perMisiuon frenthe CJocu. PO: au ho had oua bien, on Det vaunt aoy mors of Il. Hcwvesr, -if sny of tui committse titi notattend lie meeting of lbe .peolaloommllte il vus thein ovuneg1eRIqt, au inexcusable negleot authe"i).,Bepoc.ded te Bay tuat on PÉ itiy nl h lii.temea bai spolten ot Cam J>b as boiag inooan. petent ho tileebargethie dullea ef engluer anti se iti Major Harper. (Jonn. Burns aid b.oii net bear any snob langoaeued eltien by lie fine- men or C. Hamrem. He Luia (Joua. Fox andtihei Mayor ver. boundti t bave Smith Campbell tiuumisseti. The. Miyor-Excoue me, Mn. chair- ma, but Mn. Burns la telling wiat lu, flot tnn., i neyer suid i vantedtoc bave Smith Campbel dismisseti. (Joua. Banne-yen titi. Yen saitise to, me on tie atreet. The. Muyo-I did net. (Joun. Buns-Yon titi. Tii. Mayor-I uay I dit net. (Joan. Banne-Yen did tee-anti if il vas net il Ibis boârd 1 sieulti cal yen viii yen are. (Joon. Barnspreceededti teamythât CJou». ]Foi ut uiti O0 teeandti lai noble alderman tieciedthle charge: but (Joan. Burnss tock teil liii ou n itay nigit (Joan. Fox bat sait! h. vii bosuti fer a change. Tie i."orsaid Il vas igi lime ti maltervas tikea ap antiiadieti. Tioe. vre Parties mn Ibis town tnylug te cieulute reportes t thler. was neih- ing vrong vxth ibis flre.engine busi. ness$ but hbewuvasstisfled hem. vas sometblug vrong about il. Several infiuential citizen» bati apoken te bin about it, andti ler. vas a «nemideai et halk aroundti lev. Il vas bigh lime uomething vws doue. The tevn us in adierma. He didanot e aetrav vie vas .pleaset or vie visa'.-b, vas going la for iaviag t ling ever- hauleti anti eomelilng tie,&bout il. (Joua. Smith, iooking eaim anti grave, now mtempltd te gel tie floon a whule, but budti t subside util (Joua. Fox de- livereti motion rnant>lecture to, lie Pare ati Watem Commnîte.. (Joua. Smith tieu made a very calm anti moderato stulemeal et bis vuova as supponling thé. report in ordon te gel thie diaglesable malter settieti. H. believes îbene is a change aecessury. (Joan. Wioks theu proceetiedtiletel yul vWas mid at Fniduy'a meeting. The firemen 'bad sali nolbing Ibat be boardti againai Smith Campbell, anti Mr. Harper saithle engin. vanteti an evenbauling, but liai Smith Campbell vas s competent te mon it as anybody, ia the condition il vus. Tie Mayor-Didn't Mr. EHarper say more ibm liaI ? Cocua. Wicks-Not liat I reanember Tke ILayor-Yoa tioa't vaut te r.. member vial be esud. Coun. Wices sd Mn. Harper dit ueO suy snythlag else, anti b. andtihe Mayor iad an argument as Otolez ho was ielling lie trti or net. Rer. Depoty Boras Iook a baud lu. Be sai.liaI Oocf «»vn membensof lie -speelal committea appolctat o, namne au engineer, only liree had a baud in makiug ont Ibis report.- COUD. Ballets lien attemaple t e dia. casa matera-la moderate language, but sassoom as hoe sut iowa, the sce continue tvh ineareaslng vagor. (Joua. Bana util mainhalueti liai lioe. as a niggem lai the feno. CGun. Foz-By lie Great Holy Deputy Barns oulti like te respect. tnlly kiok againal profanity. Andthoin everybotiy's bain slood up ou end. The. Mayor looketisas if ho aoulti dlean eut lb. viole Fine akd Water Committe.,; -(Joan. Bana look- et! as if bis flgbtiug velght vas upvarti eftwo teu;(Joua. Fox Blouriubetihie bande in a mannen suggestive et is pbysiealability ho vief. hirougi a ton- acre fieldi et gilvaniset vilteI; Dep. uly Banna pallet tievais voiand feut I bis b.lt vus igbt enougi ; (oua. cicr. Smih andi Noble looket! on quiet. ly » antimleti- poon Coda. Hiaf lookd aif hoevcui&OnP in aveon if lier. vwas a blov strok ; ithe cille eft lie patent hvo,-'prontice engan ap Dunnas-.atre.ilooketi irouat eageriy fer& a ol. te crawl lute. But ealmly anti serenely ,maitlb.e«nemIt a=rmlg flgbling e4ilor efthIis piper, bis finger. auleitcbiug, expetiug toc aeethi. aider. :Maulo gemati frlIy ia 11 directions, ~ad aise uuaticipating viti plesure. the pcsolu.eof umpire in a fow est.tea. :FlaaUY, .fiqr a eouteas te vwiob aide -vasait hleliatvert lie Vote vu as takn an ameurdmeul by Dep, uty'Bamna in <aven et n etaining Smih (Jampbel asengineerf1wer iepreaeat, 'Yemsý-Demit ,. Bnna. - Gouneienu 'G01N0 WECSTe DUOeta Whilby. No. 4 Expres 6.47 a.m - 8 SLocal - 'S.41 " - - 6 Express (tees ntt top ai .Whltby.) «16 inet 4.25 p.M. - 2 2Expreu -&45" - GOING NAST. No. 1i]Expre9s 8.25 san.- 5 sa (do.. aalustop et WhlIby.) I 15 Mitid 2.62 p.m. a'7 Local 6.50"11 Whitby, 'May 15h, 1887. 6.20 p. 10.10 ' M.5 am 8.45 s 5.80 < 8.00 . EailWuy oe6 Work on lie'union bridge aI lie Sanit ls propressing vigorously. The. Canada Southern main lin. la te b.e double-tracketi. Thc C. P. R. willi use il frein 8t. Thomas ho.Detrolt inateati et build- ing a nev lin. There' la a genuine <'boom" et large dimensions eaI nt Ste. Marie,> ou beti aides oethle river. Tic newbngevi make îtu important point. P rn fur ta Six leMlingr1avays vi» b. remdy te c'ross. The. surey efthle Onlakie, andi $te. Mar" nsllvuy has been ompleted ti rm 'l humaIto thlb aIL Iltake t hieatsd Oftthe Xuake kee.bu Englneer Wsllae 612) ef Belle. ville, anti Condacter 0et Peterboro, boti o e Ii.idandt dii oa areunder ordena le mev. e, cLindaay, and viiarrive shortly. -e Tii. engineer o4the Miduanti division lus expectpil ah Lindsay Ibis week vien a comprebencive systéln of drainage wiilb. laid out le serve 1h. oompany's extension ef vonka et Ibis point.- In viev et ani eanly commencement of work on the extension of premis«et a Lindsay, th, G. T. R. authorilies have tvo derricks wlh a gang of mon at work near Hastings taking ont atone for foundation of buildings. ce* One great cause of the ulokasa af obidren is the preaeceof worms ite aystezn, which irritaI. the digestive organs, oauaing fever, sleeplesness, pain. anai sometimes fi ts. Tte most effective vorin destroyer in the worldtinl Dr. Sanith'a German Worm ReMedy, a confection pleasant te lthe taule, sud ai e. Sold by aJI druggists. Price 25 cents per box. Tie Quebeo Legisiature vas proregueti Wednesdayî 'Perry Dagis' Pain Killer laken internoily trelier.. instantly the mantlsante paiM. Useti exlernally, it in the hast linimentin lie venld. Its effeet la aimait inatantaneous mffordlng relief from. lb, meut intense pain. Il solihes lie irritateti an infiameti part, nd«veu q met aund resIte tie suferer. It la emnentlyy lie people'. tn nsd every Oe sheulti bave it with liem. or viere they cm putltheir bandenit in lie dark if neeti b. Dr. J. F. Ferbes, lote, M. P. for Queen's, N. S. dieti Wednesduy. Murry & Laninu'e Florida Walen laeoue of the surest aud upeedicut et cures fom every torm et nervouansu. Il neieve headacie visa chien appl"oena c"Mph- ly fail. Il reinvlgonates lie tatîguedmanti avertuxeti body, sud il impatb for* asnd boyancy te lie mental powers. Tb* DucbeusoftO=umutilasalty l wporle!tte, b. bopelus. For Ceagis sund Jolda, use Allen. L»#g Balasi. Re iai i aranteti or m«n. y nefundeti. Tic Perluques. Gevernient has ordereti 40AW0 repeating rifles. IsaacR. DoranM.D.of LoganCo., Ohio aays-*'Alen's Là ng jaisam net oaly sell8 rapidly, but gives perfect sutaoticn lu svery ease within my knowledge. Having confience ia il, sud knowing lbatit1hpos. esses mvable medical propertis. 1fr.eiy use it in my daily practice sud viti un- boundoti uneceas. Ausau expectorant il la moat certaialy tan aheutioe any prepanaion I bave ever yet knovn." The, imif changes are valiously -coin- menteti on by Moatreal merehantu. Robert Lubbuck, Cedar Rapides, vriteu.' I have uset Dr. Thoma' Bolectzio 011 both for myseIt andi fsmllor dipthil, vili the very best r«e. I regard ilM-the bout remedy for Ibis diseuse, sund wouid use ne otier. Sir Alexanden Campbell lut Livompeol on lie Dominio steamer Vancouver for Can- ada ou Thun.day. NATIONAL PILLA twe 0oate4, miZl but EIo7ougs, and «MW Dus beat Stemh and Liver pis ir tuge. 'ail' -JUST TO PIIND- JEWELLERY. igeveutteaeMgas luLadies' BROOChBS, IPfl ansuSORT CHiNà S. CLOCK8-1ý and 8 Day. SIL VER WARE. Fel Stock of New Goodu, aise KN1vBs, FORS, and SPOONS. Tes Spoons from $1.50 per doz. Extraordinary Value. Wai n Sec Thefi Jewellery made to order. 1Wahcheis, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired and Warranhed. JAMES JOHNSTON, Pruetic aWtchmaker, BROCK-STREET - - - WHITBY FI RST-CLASS HOTEL l AND A SMA.LL STORE TO B% SOLD BY 0A1JC 10TIO N. T E underuigned lias received instruc- tion froin MR. W. H. PARK, to sell b y Public Anction, on SATUBDAY, MAX 28, 1887, that valuabie property knowr ais the Anglo-American Hotel, in the Village- of Ptince Albert, with Store and Orange Lodge Boom connected; larje Drlving Barn and good Sheda and j acre of choie G3arden. The Hotel hae % stone Icundation ant is' in firet-elas.; repair. Thiis hntel bas always doné a good butaineFs, teing adv>nn- tageously located, about 1* miles frein Port Perry - mere are good sidewalks oonnecting the viaa. Suie to take piace on the premises at 2 o'clock p.m. The, proprietor wiUl cccpt a amail house andi lot as part paymeut. Ten per cent. on the day of sale and sufficient to, mak. one- thbin luhbrty days. Balance o sunit pur- chaser. Shouldtihe properly net ho seld it will ho The. purchaser or leasse. can buy lb. pumnilure m a valuation. Rassonfor selling-iiln.aaof XMrs.Park H. M. WILOOX, Auctioneer. prince AiberI May 1$>, 1887. THE G1aLgow & Londaon Insmanco C. Of Great_ imta5n. CAPITAL, 02.50000 ANNUÂI< INCOME, #1,500,000. MARE Fam Propenty, andi Dvellng Houssa a Speelalty. .Very low rates. Easy temet payment. Simple polioles. No vexatious conditions. Prompt 'setiement et Iosaeswithhont discoûl. Be sure yendo net inaure unhil yen knov our terme and conditio». Enquire et B. R. B. RAY- WARD, e-ar General Agent for Southi On- tarie. OMe inl Whitby-Part ef:D. Orris.a hon'. Lav-Ofle. AUl letters atidresse t o Lock-Box' 78. Wbulby P. 0., will receive prompt attention. ltesîdence-Hum Cot. tae yron streetWhitby. 21 i Sprlng Wieat......... 0,-78, i Goa.Weat....... 070 SPE-CIAL SUIIER D RIlV-ES GOODSJ B)oiion Warcro'oinS. W e show something cheap and. good in Muslins, Lawns, Seersuekors, &C., for Summer Wear. A Big ]Range of Straw Rats, for La- dies', Girls", Chidren, Boys or men. #ý New lot of Parasols this week. Co~ New Millinery weekly, leading styles and lowest prices. A nice line of Tweeds and Worsteds, for spring and summer suitings and over coats, made to order, in the latest, styles.- We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, and are prepared to give our customers the best value for their money. POWEL &Co. Corner of Dundas and Brook Streets. 18874 BURDERSi Stafford & Cormack, 1Wbitbys W lL Low- PuIces1 New Oesignsi 1887. IDA DOS# 18870 Large Range, Choice Pafteîns1 VOL -the office o - Bheam eq Dokanti. remsfei una rpa fiattena bymaeoalë of ueoiordingly. Âtventiser instructions echarget ton must b. in a enavillu otI A libenal d mente by Un co oatruet adv ia not inter t - betre Tnh Business '- Pive cents P per neno Corresponde thein commu possible,- "lui STA Sap't KM -JORN- vang, Ceuni DAB' ,> cupiéa «oRoyal R Wiitby. - Gé Yé ~TFFORD t& CORMAOKI- - Witby DECORA ýTIONS# 1887.o et.. . . . . . . . . i. -.-.-.-.-.-....... J.~A.1~T41 PQR .À~LL! t_ H 0 L L 0 WAYS PILLS- - -:000: