Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1887, p. 5

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~1RING mUfl MLY STORE lias been re-fitted and decorated in the moat rment style. While this lia taken a good deal of time ana thouýglt, proper attention has been given to 1h. se. leotion of the latest styles of Jewel- ry, Watches ana locks, ana il can be stated confidontly that you can- not find any better-arrangod shop or more beautiful stock of goode than that of Je S. BÂRNÂRD, WATCHMÂKER, JEWELER & ENOIRAVER. BROOK ST., WHITBY. WhitLi~ ~Etjrouick. MAY '2thp 1887. LOCAL LACONICS. -"-J--' lity4-o give s, Coluimn. top the billowe' roar, winde tiW they blov no -e from a mai4en'a door. -'bat the future wil brnng ir corn or cotton is king, wealth will quiokly tabo froin Poverfy's tsif., 'idren sadd1loue, wioved ~pedients of' insurng- IU ~otwear -from us." snd Bave monoy. in ii his easy way, 1I for a rainy day." IV POINTERS. are so new asud-ise tyish iot to take oui advc want at a Very lov price, ukeaoyouraelf? -dy's carpol lippor for le prunolla bouse sho. follar bouse sippen le vn-wortb #1.25 at a' lady'& polished worked bullen-boies, weil made, for $1.75. mnakee, aI a roasonable' e lbe aco*pted style ming season. We are lit elegunt makes le ho, vorir fbr men sd ea btter assorîment overbefone. Women's- $1.50, *L65, 61.75, 25e 14,8.6,6.5 t cf .-booto for infants nov complote. Boys" Ibooe, varrnned t10 ige, in diffesont velgb*sý Md. d thal vo bave unIr- Semployed, and bail inn prompt -datlonti he meut painsIakiaq la d. '8CO., Wbltby, 0ashl Store. 1 about you? "~Y DAVIS' KILutleE" IF 5M1T1104', WvHAT 18 B01MB ON IN AND AROIJNO TOWN-A BUDGBET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS OILEANEO BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A obel'a amang y., takm notes, An' f aftb belU prent il. Tai& regular meetingof th. W. C. T. U. vill b. held Ibis (Friday) ai ternoon ln tbe Fre. Beading Boom, LM four o'clook. A fuil altendauce in requeeted. IN another columu cf Ibis issue we publish a very important decision by ie Honor Judge Dartnel, in reference le 1h. malter cf building and maiubain- ing Uine-feoes buill cf pin. or ether stumnps extracted from the gnound. AFrtER a succeseful vinter's reading ini their free neading room, the ladies of the W. 0. T. U. have decided le enly keep 1h. room open dunung the sumamer montheoùouWednesdays aud Saturdayu. The succaes of the undenlaking this pasl wunter leade th. ladies le_ hope for a greater suoeese next vinler. TiEE cgreal event cf lhe Quoi'. Jubile. vil be th. Jubile. number cf lh. Monreal Star, a superbiy ilium. trated paper, of twety-eight pages sud tvctarlistic plate supplemenli. Those vho have seen the advance copies say il ie magnificenî. Something that aerybody vil vaut and fev con gel. It le te be ent by mail for 25 cents. Graham & Co., Moutreal,- are the publishons. A GKNTLEMA&N sbppi0g inle a store. said : 11Il thon. anytbing nev and res bebre to-day ?" "'Yes," said tb. merebant, "Ibtat paint yen are leaniug againel is veny fresb. The hiemnIhi g yen eau do nov je le baud your clotbee se are panker and coy., of- leronle, ond gel al lbh paint laken off and have lhem finished like nov; lhey are 1h. beet dyero ond cleaners Lu Canada; their fine order carnage viii bber. eou Friday next, May 201h. Dontl misa them. To lbthevn cf Uxbtidgi w. extend car Most flioiltii egongnatulaîioiis upon the birth lu ils midsl of a brillant younguler - lh. "North Ontario Times." This ewv orner fint peiped oton thesdaylaseoletaoafraher larg oun Tuondabe g.odteople .1 habrg offspring having forby-eigbb colmue IiesI vikthe hb. usofsiesi l.nove and tb. spiaiesb cf 1he Spice. Il is -pnroiy Consorvativ- il is breedLug, but vo trust viii neyer stoop le eorviliby not scurrility vben lhe countny'ê Ltereot demande a fait andI uprighb vlev of Ihinge snobsas Ibis journal gives. lIre. Ehlliott of Napane. e b b lbe enurse ans guardis of the infint, and vo have th. gresteo l piseur. Lu velcoming that joua"ie ith hie modeds idems le the rauks of our o.ntry journalises. Aul haill oe .Tim.ai N ine Taiuis every preeent prospect of a large ehipping rade being oarried on ai Whitby barber Ibis year. At p resent the wharles.auare llèd bigh wibh lumber and cedar poles, and severad carloade bave had le stand this vok until 1h. barges vould corne and Ioad their cargoeo. The barbor people uan not ai prisent form any definibe ouimate of boy muoh stuf viii b. handledboe.. 0f course a good deal of the lumber viii be Ibis seasensontu' and May Dot corne dovu until Seplember. Biî.nîas sbonld boar Lu mimd Ibat every page of the CHEoNICLE oulaius good reading malter. 0f course some weeks there is net as muoh neya as cîhers, but in caïes of emergeney 1k. Ibis ve alvays manufacture a fêw items ont cf vbole cloth, aud lhey do 1h. reader jusi as nucb good as if lhey vere ru.. At any rate vo don't have any'patent readîng mralter. Our lies are lher.fore nol patent like thoee of emoin fother sheets v. oouid mention if vo ver. nol afraid of g.lting devoured. Tas greal mind vhisb moulde public opinion tbrough tb.eolumus of Ibis Iruly influentiai noepaper le some- vhat disordered Ibis veek. 0f the tht.. edilers vbo couducb the visdom pages cf ont patent tvo.'prentioe cotein. not on.eviii peakleo us. Knov. Lug Meurs. Aunes, MeAuliffe and Nevwton le b. finIt-rab ,sensible fellove, vo sorely fi el the vithdrawal of Ibeir pleasant, kindly vends. ItlIooks as if w. bad "been and gone and don." something they caunol co0untenance. "The vay of the traegreosr. " etc. Grip, Cauada's Comie Paper, bas just iesoed a vory fine litbographed group cf Reform Politiciains in Canada. This le a companion gnoup le 1h. cou- servative Leaders isaued frdt» lbe same office last year, and sI l-e aae size, 181"6 inche". Whou fnamed the pair make à haudmeme ornameul for auy librany, dining-ro"'m or readlng-room. The portraita anre el ezect.d, andI tbe plates are a credil *0 Canadian enter- prise. They are solsI s.paraby for 25- oents eaoh, or a oopy of ei1Iber plate le, seul. fre. e sy oeepaylug 42 for eue year in adrance le Grsp, or inbscriber sendiag $1.1viilreive fflp for six metnthe Md thoir ehoice of soither Be- forai or Couservative groupe.: Asdreo, GrlP. Toronto, ont. Tnr«"u oof thb. yom nin L Medicins beoe thb.e auncoâr. pub. ioheI, and vi Sud that wWW stmny Candidates came Io grief net one of the -Whiîby boys falled 10meo t1h. e-m quirements. The eamiuat$on belonI the ounncsime iportant, aau'ltdeides vholber a graduaIsof 1h.leges sa praotlice medicino or aot, udfailur thete lea asa d dhppohtlmen t b ioa vb amqeea coosïd a Colese carier. "Kllsm%$.*Bstwood, 1,Palmé A TAU, lazy.icokîne followvwith a aud, WUWS SUa etrav bat about ae big as an umbRia, dOOO.WMd a dnffed ipto lovan with îMonday'out- * wiad. Wh.only vorkb. sseo te >lûiilied.W. have lu bond vaschewing lobacc, ansIthele rofisio la this lins h.os.em.d t1 bave aàon- 3um.e tract by tlb.ton, for histe faco asmonegnleah or leus sbained vith the juloe, uatit Il about Ibla 1I resembled a pleceof 1rastybte egtaigvM brasa, He saisIhie Dame vas beand- ,ea1lbba hs very mach remiadled one e oSl os. l he lbompi in Dickens' novai, wbo "didù'ftm0W ow had -no doué nothiuk." On» of lb. bois introdui sieltWus the himuelif téJo. as Ur. Spluke and MWited »wI ovki Ibal tobam-osoy-fr ' 10go tb oloao, heo aU Syracuse 10 manufaobte rallway tun- sdl * a lus» neis. As th.y Vara. meet 'at theail èzmztiOos,ý znornlng Wtrain ou Tesdy 'and! 'aki l-ud itsa 0 thelr dipbrttur, be wvntdo" 1 4o the 1pýïÊm a-rn station and olayOsI Iheré oye Sàih4, iof andI by nmoiilubd, p#y, rm* aknouposhe1 tobacc x c mm% #1a, by th. agent vü e u. o: '" l around thre oe"td %$1WV è 5I mei oolddw"b. ca *V oisI loMwr Mý ppùu afiendlyea 4 q 4gup M'.1 blaw w w laftv .lbll Pues!5 otOirPriam, Âlbo» th, -t1w uold by &notion. Se. ad,1 IÙ6 CobaLbU Ita th. OomrnOM' 10 ropeal the s8.0*1"At Sh * It one -pref.ted tib sssl...L erm ii le :-l. "The causa"ian mperauoe Aet la horeby r.peàIled." That'sa&Il thore isn a:1. Tiorn, il, Boasé or Ocean.-BuyI ail ratway Ar oooma tickets local or forelgu from E. Stephenson, up-lova G. T. B. ticket su& t.legraph offie, Whltby. Guarant.ed st rock bottom rtes. Ohoice of 7 ooan linos. Ma. 0'Bmsz, 1h. photographer,hbas provided the gailery wilb a supply of the lattsconory le b. had. VTI le le, b. put in operation on the 241h. Ho doul aut a columu vribton about lb, but would like people to corne iu sud eee it. Gali on him on th. 241h. You May pluok 1he Man from bis place in th. moon, or tear the oloudo from the azure sky, But you oan'1Sud- gooda Ihal are better than ours, or catch useasking a prioo thal's hlgh. Andrew M. Boss. A poor pool but keepe finI ciao. dry gooda. Wm. Houston M. A. Who vas b con- duott1h. bachera Institut, et Oshava on th. 201h and 27th inst. finding be oould not attend on 1h... deys has maad arrangements vith Dr. MeOClellan le SUl hie place ou th. programme. To suit 1h. Dr. 1h. datts haveobeen Chang- ed le, Monday and Th.isday th. 5th and 6tb of October-Tho meeting will b. hsld aI Oshawa. Mr, Jno S. Eastwood, M.B.,ie aibout to open an office for the practioe of med- i"inoet Pickering. The praotiae vil be connected with Ihat of Dr. Eaut. Wood, of Ibis tovu and ocaesionslly as circumetances may requirs, lh. latter will vîitel . Pickering office. W. vieb the young Dr. as much .uoces ai; hie clever parts and emainent qualifications should entitle him to. Sometbing to be road, r.membered and acted upon. Houe. keepers would do woil to find on&thIe advantaýes of Alabâstine for valle before using white- vasb or *aJoomine. Gail aI G. E. Gibbard's drug store see samples and find parlionlaris. A ui.&u belonging to Mr. James Plasketof Ibis lovn foaled lvi Itet a week ago-an enlîre colt and aàflly- botb of whioh are living and doing well. J.ffroy Bros. famons imported Clydeedale, ",Ambition," i. the sire, and the epan of youngste'r sai md tle h vorlhy of snob a horse.. AT th. annual meeting of th. Whilby Meohanios' Insttuts held on Wedn.s- day, May 181h, lh. folloving ver. eleeted as th. Mauaging Committee for the ensung year :-Prsidenl, Jas. Ruldge; vioe-pres.- , WNoble, B, Willie; trea.., D. Ormiebon; librarian, H. 1'Fraser; audiler, W. B. Ho,.; see'y E. Prot; J.E. Fareveil, G. Y. Smitb, C. King, L. E. Embre., W. Adams, L. T. Barclay, J. B. Dov, Jas. Shaw, Jas. Brown, W. H. Warner. IF tb. boys ar-ound levaw only knew what a good lime 1h. ttovu counoil ha. aI ils meetings lhoy vouid ail be tbere, and a good stiff admission fe. could be lakon. Our leva concil don't take a back seat for anyb.>dy- in lbe malter of e«Pressing good beallhy Opinions iu strong robustl aguage. The pro. grame ffoedat eaeb rneeungt-1W~ sooetbngsuprb heoniy asua linw.cu ak o ils fimprove. ment vould b. e tilrodnce a bull. figbî or a a fire-eater bolveen act. A DoG-figbt oecurr.d at the fouadry on Tueedaky afternoon i. vhich sncb a bullaballo vas rieed "bt au .artb- quake weuld have been nowbere. A burly black and: îwbite Ballivei vas lryîng le cbav a hound Lu too, ond the bound vas ta a state cf bues for a fev minute. Il do.. a boand au immense deal of good to lay Lu Ibe mmd aud yel bUse m;àir wvie a spotted dog vith good béeth vorries inb hlm for dear nie. Tvenby-four -heurs cf sSic amusement veuld make a bound mo fat h. 'boulnoeit inLubot voathen. . -A ruu. and Irse.-week's funan md froUe for the boys vas oebributed by a Jewwbo hung out ber. oLuce Thursy lutI. This spoclaen ,'relieo! ofd'. ohosn Peuple b»ad a joes nouai snp. ply of eld truok whioh ho hoped te &&alm off on tbeboys st a great sais- ce-acordiu e tl. And lthe boys' bad a great nimber M of on ak vhich bheyr palmed off on the sheeay. Pull may a shover bath and pnl.mp job vas ho treal.d t10* Lu reluru ý'for Wh"chmad sunry cigare h.tax.d bal vocal povens aunsILuduet loues renderod song., Tim w*f of a frI Slaborr worlagn for Mr John Smith on the base Iio. arnive 'ro tt i 014 Couty -OÙ Tnsday,' d br ylng » ber atus in charge twaother obhlidren .14 vl$h bronoblls. The 'poor vomis itIê lt 014 OonntryA 10W veekaS bâ toio4 ~ AE- AIIY OENI<GOUT CAS NEW S-PRI.-N&G &OýO D s Maki.ng Stock very attractive for. the -ooming season. hlghpricesath&evu aurl jubile.sgoodesit -Dominion Wffl- rýoons. Nov tioi, baltes, , cMOols, L&Mouurtaiuu aI loisthunlnxpor* tation pricos, aI W. G. Walters. ,OUd. fellovi' Rail. IGet apionio batsud droos il Povoil' k o.'s for th. 241h. Americana lavas- ou'ly 8.1.. IT wil coi you nothlng le look aM 1he bargaino offerd by W. G. Wallone, Oddfellows' Hall. LATzIT Arnerican noveillesina' ladies ofllars and cu&f, friUuings, handkerchi.fa k.. aI W. G. Wallon, Oddfeilv Hall. Ws ltake th. bun for ordered clothing ask any body and everybody and they viii »aY 1ba1 our stabement le correct. Ândr.v M. Boss. Bxzeu."&abonanza Lu dri.. goodo, cashmeres, prinle, gng-m,1 ate. and ohambrays, Ibis veek, at W. G. Walteru', 0ddfeliovs H.4ll. "You'viz brokes up my tInde," eobbed a veary tramp s h. sood looking at Bone Brou. cbeap suite tb. other day, you've mado clothing so loy Ihat rags are at, a discount. HONneT money viii alvayg bUy honeet goodeatm Boss Bros. dry goode 'mporium, honesty vith îhem bas alvays been lb. beet polioy, their vord on a qualty or value je a regular uneurance policy sas l ifs utility and price. a - srrE w ~ 7 DIRECT IMPORTER'AND MANUFACTURER, No. 1, 1DEVERELL'S BLOCK, CLEARJNG BROCK STREET, WHITBY. SALE I e WAlREII-OUSE. Rie &q Have decided to make a Grand Clearance Sale1 of their Stock of Dry Goods, consistiug of Drese Goods, Black- and Color ed- Si.ll<, Prints, Ginghams, 'White and Grey Cottons, Cottonades, Roady-made Clothing, in Mens' Youths' and Boys', Tweeds and Coatings, an immense Stock, and purohased at very low prives. Ail Wool (Jarpets, Tapestry, Hall -and Floor,, ,Oit (Jloths, in ail widIths. Boots and Shoes in- Mens', Ladies' and Childrens, I ail qualities. GIROCEIRIES --- A. full stock on* hand, also Crockery China, and Glassware. Ail goodIs will be offered at Special Prices, uxp to lst o.f 3uly, 50O -ýaO io effeots. oomplete olepance, when- Aehe ebusines- wi]ibe >ma..De p rohase- one dollar's worth until you see our god&and 'prives. RJ. &J. QÂ&ME'B:ELL. ARE You SICK Are you- sick of pabying Hligh Prices, for 'Unc goods? Do Ûlé nisy arguments.of some ~e Teilr efforts to séeli .very -ordnay oos 0x prices, distress, you about as mueh as itwol a-o ~EO Lawl if stickho èthe caser I be a .positive .cure-ail for yourahens buteu lim ho eau eupply. the requre tice. T57ry it 1 rois a Today they exhibit the Largest Stock of New and desirei- bie Prees Goode in Canada, and are offering many leading limes at popular prices. - Tomday they also show aStock of Prints which for varie- ty, style, value and excellence is 'unsurpassed Their Hoisery, Glove, REibbon,. Parasol, Haberdashery and Fanoey Goods, Departm'ents are well supplied with ail the Leading Noý- veities of the Season, towhioh they would direct the attention of every buyer, We have ini Stock an exceptionally large assortmenùt of ohoice Worsted Trowserings, ohoioe Worsted Suitings, ohoice Scotchi Suitings and -Over.. coatings. 1:e Ordered Clothing ini the latest styles, a speoialty. DopS,- OBSOe j.eAPBL GýLîSGOW

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