Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1887, p. 2

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OORRESPONDENOE. Andi Items Stolenfroin our Exchanges. Tire fire-hq éit continues te mate things hot in Stauffviloe. Titis lime il i8 tire Queon's Holel. Tuesdsy morning &bout haif-past three e'clook Mrs. Rob- inson eav the reflooion ci fire at Ibe back cf lte hotel stables sud aI once gave lb. alarin. The fire had been sitartod aI lite beot of thre stable among s heap cf dry atrsw itud manure sud rau up lte stable and mitir theby vitit llgitluing 1k. raépidity. Thre stable, itel, sud a sinsl hbouse. adjacent tire stablo, ownod by J. Jérmnan, ver. eutirely ooneumed withtie mout cf lte contents. A herse and 00w were burn- ed in lte stable. Tire uuremilîing sud strennous exorlione cf te cilizeus uaved J. U rquhart's frame hanse ouîy olgirbeen foot distant frein lteitotel. Had il gene Ibère is no doubt but, tire ire would have swept evorythiug eet s far as- Bowan's drug store, and il le doubtful if il. côuld have hesu stopped tire. Acroase bueroad. from tire iel lthe windows in Graham 's l in ehop vers onaoked sud tir. paint hlistened sud soored by lireiteat. Mr. Kulll'e lou le fully *6,000; insured for $8,500; $2,00 in-tire Lanartehire sud 811,500 in tireMercantile, $1,000 beiug on tire contente. Mn. Urquitart boecs $200; dam âge ta hie house aud by the removal o f furuiture. J. Jorn s ces about $300. Mr. Knili bas men at wont new erocîing a tempory building for bar sud commercial roome, sud intonde ta re- Place Ire'old itotel aI once w'itir afine brick structure. GOEOU»G. Ilboock 1800 le psy off tire jary aI tee neo.ut court itold hors, A lady hene beanté cf hsving ton houeslitaI iay 14 egge per day. Fifty titouesud tisir fry were deposit- ed iu tire ishe opposite Ibis port Ilut week. Tire numbon of degnees conferned by Cobourg uaiveriy lutI veek exceeded any like occasion in Ils existence. The BaIl elecînlo ligitl oempsny la. tends te enrect polos in tovu sud show tire peopie via lsligitI le Worthr. Au old man aI Duok Pond named Tires. Johrnson, s hactelon cf fifly -five ysars, vasfounufnear hiisbraîhers hanse tire cIrer day etraugled to e dlt vilir a pieoe of nope lied ta sa slexnder bush. HoReirad long snffened from ut-ý ma aud lately hiadbecote insane. àAsmash-up ocnurred ou tirs Grand Junetion Bailway, usar Keens, on Fr1- day atNruoon. A cov oharged between tire mourf a fneight-lrain. Thre coup- ling broke, aud sevoral cars verse tirrovu, offtba track, Ivo cftem gclng ovor tire fanée. aI tire rossing. Tire 'ovWvas chopped late fragments, sud a trala-lengli oftite tractwvas br unp. MbIo«hqthe .oms ers au l aded, 1h. oontent e *rse »t -fujured, - th7,lie -Wednemday Mr. S. Isac, bipped thmrty-fonn thorcngirbred caIlle te iis cousin, Mr. Campbrell, Aberdeen, Sct- land. Elgirteen cftem woare fed by himmeof, snd tire balance ire pnroirssed frein cIrer breedere. W. believe tey aretirhe best.lookiug sud fluesî-brof lot of catlle even seen lunttie country, sud no doubt wi.n te natives cf Seooîand gaze an tireurtitey %wilI Ihnit liaICan- ada eau bout of soin. cattle-raisers, sud ltaI Mr. Isaac@ le eue cftem. We hope lte venture vill prove suc- cese8ful. On Tirureday nigirt last Stepireuson'e gent'. furnieiog sirop vas burgiarizef., Tire parties fiit steed on the miff lé cf lire street sud pluggéded toe.aI lire glass in Ire deer tlii Iiey ereated soyons! dinte sud brote tir, glass. Beaciing tiroir bande in lhey unutsen.- of lte boîte sud onteref. 850 vorlt cf mo-de-up obaîhes and silit handiteroiriefe are gonsr. On Fniday nigiri lut Chrarlos Wimol of lire Neveuole irsîoirry, depoitef la tir, laite off Cobourg, sevonty.five tirousuf salmnon iront fry. Mr. Wil. mot eys ire iras four buadred liroussuf brook Iront fny in stock aI Nevcstle, asdd itie le aloved by lire gevoru- mbnt te StetrIng ponds, aud ebtor waters free cf charge, but application vil bave te ho made Ibrougir Itemr member terirf partineul la Ottawa, vren -an order vifi hogîveu vithent trouble. Next yean Mr. Wîmct intendo rsising about six milin of these young fry. InspAeter MoBrien visltsd onu' sehoof ou Thunsdsy of lau vWeet. On. Arbor Déy tire boys anI girls vorked "Il, s huiytiri<iipn Me!nade ' s - oihaue ll te Sp. etIover 50 mepi insee, zuaf erIoo thriw flover.beA, ud gv iey6rd sud - oirocf-bailding -a gnriygood .feaum*g. White Mreî Win.. ÂrZ»trortg vas vortlng ounire door.seps, vti tr baby i lba m m, sbel er balance sua fei hJAVIfy p an trou 'bcrapet, vide rlor l&ete a dp Md Uglyv onid la tirs Io#er pari, thlie body.Dm Presle, of Bougham' aw u='Moued sud found I Il seoesry so- in isen 'v - titoires ilatle vouait. udér tire Dotor', siilufouars he patient i s do- lug as vaU laso ouIqdJa expooledo' - 8.hoOl rqpp à fofr, a msInn hAll, - I.-Mmm a r troereporteif aI Police head thait oee ight fl.tweek1 _ho: _ ;bbed of $90 ýwhie gamb- ilug in . uneEs wasdrüuk wheu ho wenlte lithepolice sud -was seul say until ho ý.phonld beoome ober. Twico incebeho rscalled on 1h. Po- lice but nover soer onougit t e o f any use tetem. A dospatoit froin Arden slalom tiraI te lwa snppoeed'trempe kiiled by thre 0. P. B. express Wednesday morning, wero two lads, aibout 1-9 *years cf ago, on. the son cf 1he laIe Wesley MoConn- ail, sud the olter thre son cf Elbridge Walkor. Il seeme %bey hntd been to a sugar social, and ilt i thought itad est dcwn aonlte Iraok, sae if ta wait for some eue, snd fallen saeop. Thte nigitt express came along sud stuai the boys cOubting off 1he top of thre ekul cf MoGonnell, w.ho muet bave diod instsntiy. Tire lter, Watt- er, enrvivod some time, one Ieg boing îerribly crusbed aud hie ekuli badly fractured. Wednesdsy s young minrutawn teck tire position cf. collector for- a sewing machine firin snd* while ou mis-firet- trie-' visited a haue.ou Bher- brook strpot, politoly iutimatlng le toireà lady of thte bouse ltaI he waa resdy -le reooive pasymonl cf ber aemant. For anewor ihe reoeived an egg in lire ear, lhrowu dextorouuly aud vigor- ouly by the lady wiio filled hie aurai organ te ovor- flowing wiîh a yellow mixture cf masirheuo-fruit, 1he surplus% triokling dcwn hie neot sud over hie coclar in s moee disbesrtouiug wsy. Nolbing dauubed, and determined on tii hie firel ossay b eBucceod, if possi- bIe, ho again tried hie persuasive pow- ors in tire effort te convince thu, lady that irer account was far over-dne, but lu reluru wss thre rocipiont of anolirer egg, whicb lighted an hie noot witit a dui lhud sud seatlered iteeif lu every direction. Titis comploted hie discomn- fiture, sud ho lurnod awsy discousolste doeply impressed wîh 1he ides tirat hà vas net built ta o be liectior. Hie rom- iguation may ho expected aI an esrly date. - onim.LIA.. Elavon stores are going up on main sîreel Ibis estmer. Oill i lte have street-preseitlng dnnlng tire summen mont"e TIre Newg-Letter vanta s public hsand.ataud erected. The annuel ses-serpenul raDot 701 mode ils appearanco uinlaite CUceii ctiug. One nov building being ersetef la towu vi! requin., 80,000 foot of mstbted lumber. The firet boaliag accident cf tire sesson gave two young dudea a Ihonougir soakm-ug. A petitien for tire repeal cf tirs Seeti Act reeeived about thre. inudref signturesn ru nllis.' O. Relstea of t"i.tovu aud B. Blnicktand, ire champion of Lskefield, ar e, bave aalseir mon. printer, was kWled by a nsiv&y t*rai at 8yrsnsue. N. Y., lut veet. Thoeis s boom In rosi estate la Onlilia. Every vacant lotinl or near tite-tevu lu being evalloeef p, A salvation army distunher in tovu vire vss.eoeully fiued, irasDov boon ccuverted sud joinef tir. amy. Several OrilliAus are a good des!l te botter aorh o reoff o ou cnul cf tira etate cf tire Tory majority initire Bonse cf GOMinOns. Tire licouse inspecte, McKsy irad ii house. bmbarded lut Thursday nigirl. Boots verefilred ilanad lte vindave breton. Heaning tiâ raIOnllia people do net drain off. tiroir stagnant pools a number of medicel men frein otirer tevua are prospectiug lter.. Ou Wedneaday eveniug Mr. Vio'. dehivory wagon ciraef tire birne round tire Woolen mii! blockt four limes lna maI enfeaver *0 finish firet. On tire second lap eue cthe tir amses gelfocs. sand tir, torse totk a meau advaniage cf tris, but secunèd only a vory elig hI lead as tire esult, Tire course sjubis- quently fsy vu Mateoedasir treet sud Whoeu latn by tire reporter tire wagon wvastsil goo se oud vizir tire herse geîling -a litle îowded. Bot eonttataufl inh agood fortu, vitit ne damage *0o itber. About Ivo wviseago, à a nu med Mn. John Lavreo., frein Mars, vaIr ie famify, .layed la levu visir afWn for aday or Ivo, oniris v»y t. tirs Northr ves.. Tirey loft bers ila due bagou atI annivod ai -Maple ik Assinboina, sfly,-bul ihere ia ten- rible aoederloomnresLWble nust ing ifreir effetq aàrevolver wu soo- dently çliohrgod lunlire bauds of one of tire familysud tirsbil slmci Miss Oarah La&Iàwnos, kifimgbr abnont iustsutfy. The grite of ber ib»..t.d and aonro-#Waqmoeuolatilmeseanoi re Baye tire Poet :-"We are sirooked to notice tiraI lie gale.ut edilor cf lire Minden Echo preffors advioe e tirte girls about -nbinag fonces and advises the sou te remember tiraI 6girJs' ankies are net ruade cf malleabbe iron." Tire remant opens up a vide fildi of eciso-c Inn. s teovlirte editor gained ii informationan sdfreinvirlhat ir e fonmed hie conclusions. Itsausuifeel- ly the duty of tire Beho le ries-, on lire hante cf lire Guil river sud explain. Es-ny nazI veek a gang cf-4twenly men cf lire staff cf tire Bell Tetepiron. Company. viiiarrive atI inds&Îan sd heglu lire ereeliou cf a u.v diMeel hue cf vires froin Lindsay to Torionte by vay cf ,Uzbnidge. Ih le expoedlef ta tire vlins vil! afford great ýdvsula- gos over tire lin owovnlaOse, wbich doublue. iedistance. l emeacronnte. As nov sent a m..ssge follove lire- vires te Mount Ploasant, doubles hacit te Pelorboro, tiren to Port Hopeasd afcng lt* lek shore lino le, Toronto, inail travzruing 128 vîMils lplr voeed viiinet b. muet o,.. and viii permit c oi. 0n iug oarried on viit esse sud distinct- ness. Thes nov vire vil! h ocf copper viticir, vo learu, vii redustire resstI suce cf passage cf cunrent &bout tvo- On Thureday afternuoen lire MoIre- diet churoir hold a large audiene- ladislunlte majoîy-vho irad galir- ened te wilness lte marriage csremouy, lire coblraetîug parties being Mn. Alfred Ord Tale of Nov York sud Mise Bessie Dean, eldeet dangirter of,-ies houer Jndge Dean cf Lindsy. Bey. S. S. Notice, D.D., assited by 3ev. M. L. Pearson sud 3ev. James Greeer, bifrmdte itereslistg ceemouy. The rider-ide vêe .MisesFard«s, Banis; Mies Waiou sud Miss Bnoug- hall, cf Tonanto, aud Miss Daiey Dam, ssmen cf tire bride. Bnpporliug tire groom lirnougir lie presunably lrying ordoal vere Mêer. Wm. H. Deén sud Geo. K. Dean, J. L. Sinclair cf' New Yort, sud A. E. Arnold of Toronto. At tire conclusion of tire ceromouy Mir. and Mn.. Tale sud fMoud, ver. drivsn te tire rosdoeno. cf Judge Dea», vhere a collation vas panlaken of snd oun- graînlations neceived. Mr. sud Mu. Tate loft tovu by tirs 6,10 train on lire vodding trip, a largoe tumben of Moenda aecmpanyingtem *0 lire station. Au Mn. Tale 'fersoin. lime neidsd et Lindsay sud tir, bride beinga ou1s favorite tire event vas cf more titan erdiuary intereet. LUno Fonce Act A, case of Thomas V._ Hennie, heard ou appoal by H1sHouot udgs Dartatolf att Cnningi,# e of implortaeo ibat ile, thejust- proporubusl MaOf irinseoulon 8), thé aid of I he ~e viweron b.invcked in.order 'rbitrste Wiithe promises; t t iIle *1. th. just proortion. 1hra is othing in the AAt whieh >ms te point ont tbitilapplies ta any isting liDe fonces. on ltecounlrary, appeirs toe m q only tg apply wheicu toumelances ro quiro the eretion cf a teea where noue previonaly existed. ie forin cf award gven by the &et ifimetitis view, for it speats cf a nos to ha made and minatined. TitE oosuity may arise frein a varieby cf oumstanoos, sBucr as thre clearing cf eh land, or tb. sale cf a portion cf a tg whiicitwauld entai! te ereobicu cf J. W. Britton, a résident of Llzad8&Y' simo. 1886, died lasI week. CoL Deaoon is Seooli-lot Polios Mag. istraite for Victoria oounty.:ý Grocers ini town- are te close a2 p.m., and boot and ehos men at-:>~- Saturdays exoeptod. Mr. Jas. Hamilton, osrriaga.mmkei, le ehipping a large quantityùf oarriagm te the North-west. Licence Inspector Short report. dur- la. g the licence yesr ending la~ May 44- cases, 85 convictions# of which 80 wo*. for firat offeuces and fivo soondî cifonces: Ibe fines imposed waref $2000, the greater Usrt of* whioh goeo-; iutoe h.oouty treo8ary. Mr. Ailf Morry, who proposes boylnii a large number cf horses, should they. b. afforod, wifl-be ut Veitoh'e holel, Lindsay, an Saturday, May 219t; ýe Port Perry, ou Weduesdsy, 18t1h; Stouffrllle, on Thursdsy, l9th.; and at Umbriage, Friday, May 2th. Farmors. and others who have horses teo ei will bear these dates in mmmd. On Saturdsy afternoon Master Sid- ney Johnstone, son cf Mr. J.~ John- stnmsor cf the telephone office, email boy nsrod Fýed WilsoIIp falun ntb the river orf thé broom aloVe th.ý dam. Thre resoued afberwards p ro. eented hie reecuer with.a 107 piaie1, a. a testimonial cf gratitude for help in time cf ueed. Froin aIl parts cf tbe town goes tup te cry for help in the houee. Ber- vante are in demaud. Situations are waiting-aDy number cf thein. Whero are te girls? WilI the girls caille fer. ward asau nc rnu-7eo liepeak-aud answer the calli? Wagee are very good snd exoepticually good for good girle. Wil lte neighborhocd b. reduoed ta thre neoeseity cf importing servante &a fi11 nomberlee vacanaiees? Net if the girls reoognizo thcmneelve-snd the impression je Lhey wül. A Qood Test. Whaý everyone says muet be true, or have sotne foundation et leset; sud everyone who has tested it, Baye that Uagyardu Pec- toral Balsam e aà p rompt and reliable cure for the varoiontroat and lung trou.- bleu caused by colds, which are always prevalent at this seson ol the year. The officiai staff af the 0. P. R. at Win- nipeg je ta be materially reduced. For Delicaoy and richuess of favor, nMe toRoyal Extractî." A bill ha a been lntroduced in* the Hanse cf Larde ta limnit the lcngth of speeches in parliament. Liable to Rappen. Sudden attaoke of colde, sore throat, croup, swolien glands, rhumnatiem, neural- rand smiurar troubls, are very liable uangthe wlnter and early spring. As a iprompt romady there cmn nothing excel Yelow Oil. "I nover f eel afo ta bo with- out it,"' "ye Mru. Henry Dobbs, ai Berri- dais, Ont. Hon. P. Fortin bau been appainted Sena- tar for tbe district cf Kennebec. USE PROF. LOV'S SULPHUR SOAPfor Prwckely Heat, Nottle Raeh, Scalq jEruptwt&, Itchf, anGl d i8eadM01. ed conditions of thea kin. À collectionx of minerali sud produots ai Canada bas arlvod st Liverpool for exhibi- - -ýU Ugo Manif 8."Gondition Powders for Harsea, « U-tlIé Bbeep, Hoge and Poultry. Mr. T. C. Dawson has been appointed sheriff fLincoaln. Soott'a Emulsion of Cod tiver Oil, witb Hypaphosphitos, les ament marvolous food aud medicine. It bo" the irritation of tbe throctatnd lunge, and gives flesh and strengtb uce than an y othor remedy kiown. It in vtr palatable, having noue cf the disagreeabl tasteof the crude ail. Put up k boo. and $1eize. The Bank ai Montrosi Iset yesr cloared O1,520195. FR VER coio, ennatural appeite, frertfêZne, wcakness, and convud.ions are soeaof the effeCts Ldf Worm in Ohildren ; deatroij thé worim with Dr. Low'a Worm Syrup. A FEW HlINxTS fFOR TU MSEOF 2bsE.- wm heeetA low- CL gen4l, 2 ta 4 pilla; thoroeglrl, 4 te 6 Pilla. .Erperewse sildeoide tlu proper do« e u scieSu. 1or Osutipatien, or CO.t.tpnes, no rcme.dy le so effective as 4YEE e FLLe. luuik.Inaurp regular dally action, and ne- ptore thre bovels te a healthy conditon.. For IndigestIon, or Dyspepsla, AYxa'8 !>!LL8s are ialuablre, sud a sure cure. Ueart-burn, L«ofetA.peIiteFoui slomach iralncy, Dismlneffl, Uesd r.ud cured by ,Axnras pure. luLVw oplaint, BlielueDrder%, mffd Jaundios. AVWSu'aPmf.es Mwfld b river and, of ag$e" vas soeea by ain Mdne pussed hetlnaue xéinallou $0 tl Oilfia Ulêbsohooflaiut summor. - X Lawreue bs-h.& tbearlfoit sympati, of iris mfina u intis vity. Mn. Jno. *,rraiy, cf TorQoïo,v vist!lgiisbrother-izt4aw Mr.Kn uoe Kendat',on î4twisi "andBunday Tire taring ssiora bai oueie.We .Cel-fisir, suoters, sare$0 o bad lu far q uantiesinutire Iimtm agaI~ 'Thep rneseut lu tbe. Igbtt 11me ta purêh4'e BINER wINE ,OR TIE BABavEST OPIST EXPERIENCE RAS lPRtOVBD TEBEOST 18TUE 1CtIEAPEST. - AGOOD TýWINE MUST P055585 STRENCTHy and EYENN~ESS wh.haecombined in the bighest dcgree in ilat11 ind ytiÀ campanT. CND TUE FARJERS 01?AED ,hau]d soeurs! this speela, mAjufacture from theil local dealers, wbo ean obtein prices and auy other informnation rý quired by addressing the DARTMOUTHI ROPEWORK 00-, ý2 %VEL]LiNGT01q ST-. WEST, TORONqTO. Q..N uotatiols Olven for Le-s Than 10 Tons. NO E<NGLISH STALLE I8 CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT rw wrw o MIEBROCATIO_ FOU SPRADiS, tRBB, hAND 5PLINTB WHRN FOUkINO. FOR OVER-REÂOCHES, OHÂAPPED HEELS, WIND GÂLLS. FO5a REEUMATIBU Ilç HORSES. FOR BORE THROÂT8 A"D INFLUERNZA. FOR BROKEN INEEB, BRUMIES, (»PPEiD EOOKI. FOR BORE SOULDEORS, BORE BÂCTUS. FOR FOOT ROT, AND BORE MOtJTES IN BUR1P FOR BSPRÂINB, CUTS, BRUISES IN DOGS. SPE CIMEN TE STIMONIÂLS. From His Grace the Duke of Rutland. "Belvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. "Sirs,-ElliInan'a Royal Embrocation ie uzed in my stables. I thin.kit very uBeful. "RUTLAFD, Master of Belvair Hunt." 'ICastie Weir, Kingston, Herefordghi e, '<Dec. Srd, 1878. "Gentlemen,-I use the Royal Embrocation iu my stables and kenuels, aud have found it very serviceabie. I have aisa ueed the Urdversal Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatlsm for the làst two years, a.nd have euffered very Uittie aine uing it. 'IR. H. PrudE, Lieut.-CoL, Master of Rad- norehire Hunt" ELLIMÂN'8 ROYAL EMBROCATION, Sold by Cheiniste, Stores, and Saddlers, Frics 29. T& A aElmivTTrS AND THE PUBLIC. Wc, the undersigned, bave lstoiy inerçae- cd aur facilities for pnblisiring sud menu- faotiuriug Standrd Bok, Family Bibles And Phatagrapit Albums by removmin m larger snd mare commoiue premises. W. desire aI one lbe namea sud sddr.eses cf overy local, travelling and general agont in Canada, ta wbcm vo have an important business o ecommunicate, and vo vill liberally reward Ibase vira favour, ns vitir birese namos. Ou speoilties are:- Citeap Bocks by Popular'Authors, Painily Bibles,- Pulpit Bibles, German Bibles, and a large sud varied fino cf Photograph Albqms. Ou retail pries are tire bovet,, and h"-'. ing alarge staff of agents voe au affrdite employ osuvassers on - le mas l iieral terme. OXFORD PURLIBHING MG, F.C. Box 2467. TOBONTO, ONT NO. 5MORE ipILi-s!tý OOOD RS. NEW R1GS, LIVERY and SALE STABES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. C RA WFORTH& DEVEIELL, PIRÈT - O;LABS TURN-OUTS Furnished on Shorteet Notice. Commercial Travellere liberatly ei with. - 1 TAIE PICICS., dbEWÂRE -7OTHLSSIMITATIONS As thero are many inferior rods, corded wth jute, ~emp, etc,offored and sole as "Coraline by uome un- Lrrcipled merchants trad- rug on the reputation of our igenuine (loralino, we wal-ru the ladies against sueh finposition by draw- lng their attention tei the neceseity of Beeing thal the 'OGPTON CORSET 00. la slsurped on inner elde of ail Caraline goods itrent wvicaitnou e cgenuine. I BY-LÂW No.- A By-law to close uip and diiposecf, thre e8tabli8hod road aceros a portion- of thre oast' hall cf- Lot 38 in thre 4th Concession. of -the Town9hip of Uxbridge.- a* ..4.. poxx and re.estbliah tiba portion of tie reiegi noad ailowace opposite lot number 83 between te fourtir and fiftcncessions, cf the ssid TIownship ciosed up snd vested in itanles Gould. Tire Municipal Cor1poration cf tire Town- aip cf Uxbridge onacte as fellove: lst TiraI lbe rosi established by By-law Na. 623 cf tire Municipaliby cf tire0 Town- ship of tjxbnidge paesed an tire 1,31h day cf December 1880, moroses- portion cf th.e eat' bal of lot npýmber3J-in1he fourtir couces-' uiou cf said Townships hereinafler described. shall be sud tire erne is hcreby cosed np as a -publia raad sud -.the baud Ibereof vested iu William Carr, thes preseul owuez cf said bol number 83 se follow, Gammeucingan lte eseteru hit cf sid lob No. 88, lire.chalins85 linksa frombire Southt east angle of te samo. Theuce Nantit 42 degroo 80 minutes est 8a ohaîie -.Theuce Ncrbb. 3 degrees 8trmuLie os gwcohians;-Tirenco Nortit 88 degroceWest 8 airnainud 82 links-, Thence Naott 8 Nog dseut ' irin 8 lnk!4'Thon.. degrees 15; minutes But4.- ail il lukemor or lês;foh> ieebe"jrj1 im* of' "ai lot Ne. 88, t a point. South, 12 degnee 80. ù"Minri EsAgt 2 OchaîneS82 , 1rom 'tire- Nantit Saut sué!. cf miulot No.. 03; Thé" MO1NEY, TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage ast Loy, Raté - A~ A: OST, A&ppraiser for $he Ca.nada Loan aud savinga. Go., and agent for the Western Âee3uranc5 Co. OFFIOB-OvOr Gerrie sBlock, Whitby. Suitable for wrapping, purpose, 1ayia, under carpeti etc., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to ti. THIS OFFIOn. Unapproached for .Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREL BELL & col , vGteIpb, ont 8, anhd-reiove-corsupatnan iedile lu tire'Spnlng, tires." ed by amiùai-bid-ýo6dition of expel1cd by tie FILLS. ii »Iaeaaes, and, Plles hgêtp~ o-O tjat~are ELLI K$ý'EMeROCATION, Rqit<u#4R o^-rI --'Ci0LUMBAG CiMtEsTCO L03. f The Sa Pest. Quickest.most'11 ['S'LOUCH. EN CLA ND.], tofore. Il may b h tiraIma a modificationu cf srounding aircuinstancos would arise as te cause au agreement for- te proportion cf au eeliug foe.wiih would be just aI eue tikne net ho sa ister on. Iu sucir case, perbape, tire dispute- could be adjusted by lire Feues Viewere ; but net so in Ibis insqtance. Thomas dcc. net complain cf lte proportion, but tiraI Rennaie's fonce le au cyeaore ta unia; tirai hie eiteep migiti b. injured lu sltemptiug te jump aver it; sud ltat Il bended te gatber nouonus weedoi, etc. Tire aumwer te titis is ltaI lte fonce exisied wiië ire bougit, sud it vas purcirased wifli full knowiedge 01 ite nature sud form.- I Om.clearly cf lbe opinion tiraI the fonce Vlaçvers bad no autbority go mate lte awara tihey did: that it ubould be set asiWe; Rmd as Thomase perai8ted in hie prcnyehlinge rtfter notice of Renuie's objection to thirrjurisdiction, ire ebould be ordered tn psy ait caste cf thre appellaul., N.' F. Paît-orson, Q. C., for appellent J. A. McGillivray, for respondent. for Jane coapletes fluet volumeof'th 'is -a faml istr.Thé n. interestiflg coutributi nusi, -beauti1Iauly illuet thre important brtioles-4 "6A vieilta othe A.zares,' -cempanied by ten iIu George. Mivart's- artile Borne Âueîtrian Mona ceedingly -interesting illuebrated. Dr. a ou 4"Tte Flymng Yeare, e ditorial deparbrntnlho vous People" peints cut ing Signe" sud pute in a ,îKioiess.1irTire luven' Fond. Ont," le cane! number. "His Ban rosaires an exoiting Exchange for -a Seul," diaste important proble Tire are, severàl verye oeeof whiah :-"Tire Vi isj a translation frein s nd there ie a pbit sn <Bev. Dr. HoratU ,a kowu Scotch pool sund wirie at tirealter end cf les fcund as-portrait sud Bey., Dr. Ray Palmrer, brated&'as.au Amorican s hymnodist. Msny short articles cf mort help numbar whiah ougirt *0 beartily everywhere4 Washington (From axir reg3lx corre WAsMNGTON, May 1 pastlew daye Washmngl with bote! prapriebore, sud old ecîdiore cf lire Cumberland. Esair cIa bas bèen holding a ce Thc-eurgapns attended e nese, but lb. Bouifaces, od al bte lesding cities hatls in tire tited "1mucit ou pleasure b- *poseeeedof frugal- pro manuer befitling proffes~ snd wero taken ta. Mount ta se tire Presideut, te e_ lte Capital aud le tho I public '&minér bombe" cf 1' required a good 11111e -s psy tire carriage, hire itundred viuitore. Tire chief avent cf tire Armay of' tireOumber uuveiiug cf lte bronze s field, erected by iris old arme. 'tÇÈ& ceremanies Thursday,.Tire day was meet perfect specimene, atteudanco. very large-, bail of ltre programme_ carried out. Thre ihree s five cemmiudere whos another attre bead cf the Cumberlaud were presen ,a EBuell sud.-Roser a cariage bogetirer initr Gen. Shemaan, e--- siociety cf tire Armay Ofthe The pprcrama, wbich, i. the liettrilitions arrangedb lagoCommibbelor Drill erected anthe :Drillgr quires a fronlage cf about foot, snd it wil b. eh. n gbts. It will* repreoe baIlle in Hampton-, wilh. tiro momuoible -co I- lb.Monto su r HONEST DEALING,

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